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The Workplace Community

by Ian Gee

The Workplace Community offers a structured, practical guide to developing collaborative knowledge-based communities in the workplace, from introducing employees and managers to new ways of working, to measuring effectiveness and providing corrective interventions for those who haven't achieved the desired results.

The Hacker Mindset: A 5-Step Methodology for Cracking the System and Achieving Your Dreams

by Garrett Gee

For the countless people feeling trapped in their jobs and whose talents aren&’t being fully utilized, this book offers a wake-up call to break free from the constraints of ordinary employment and achieve true financial freedom.When boy genius Garrett Gee started working for the federal government at age 15, he figured fame and fortune were only a stone&’s throw away. Despite impressive credentials and enormous potential in the world of computer hacking, Gee found himself years later as just another salaried employee. He soon realized that though he was a hacker at work, he was a slacker when it came to leading his own life. But as soon as he applied his meticulous hacker mindset to his personal life, everything changed—and success rolled in quickly.Those who feel unfulfilled and stuck in the system, unable to realize their dreams as their careers merely bump along, can use this same hacker mindset in any situation or industry to overcome obstacles and identify the quickest path to true success—a success they can define for themselves. Drawing on decades of experience in cybersecurity, Gee outlines our innate hacker abilities in the face of society&’s best efforts to brainwash us to be slackers, and he offers readers practical advice alongside the six principles of the hacker mindset:Be on OffenseReverse EngineeringLiving Off the LandRiskSocial EngineeringPivot For anyone seeking to ascend the corporate ladder, leave their job to start their own business, or obtain greater freedom in their life, The Hacker Mindset is an essential guide to hacking established systems in any sphere and unlocking one&’s fullest potential.

Unhooked: The Rehab of a London Call Girl

by Clare Gee

Addicted to coke and booze and reliant on selling her body for cash, Katie, the heroine of Clare Gee's bestselling Hooked, can no longer cope with the life she's created for herself. She has messed up badly and thrown everything away.Mentally, she is an anxious wreck and physically she is in pieces. Yet she is terrified of who she will become without her vices. She has to do something, though, and her choices are get help or die. She leaves London and admits herself to a residential rehab centre for three months.In Unhooked, reformed addict Clare Gee draws on her own experiences of cocaine addiction, alcoholism and prostitution in telling a moving story of a young woman battling through hell to create a sober life for herself. There are threats of expulsion from rehab and relapses, but through dedication and honesty, Katie begins the long journey to becoming clean and finding peace of mind.

Single, Just Because: A Pilgrimage into Holy Aloneness

by Bridget Gee

"Why are you single?""Just because."whyhowPilgrim and podcaster Bridget Gee shares her singular journey of vibrant life in the kingdom of God. Her travels have become a personal pilgrimage of walking with God and others, experiencing spiritual formation in the ups and downs of literal mountains and valleys. She explores her longings and hopes in vulnerable narratives, navigating issues of identity, community, mental health, dating, sexuality, and more.Gee invites us into a purposeful story of following Jesus in life not as we think it might be, but as it really is. The pilgrim journey takes us places we did not expect to become people we did not know we could be.

Brainfit: 10 Minutes a Day for a Sharper Mind and Memory

by Corinne Gediman

Brainfit is a training program designed to reclaim your brain. In 10 to 15 minutes a day individuals who are beginning to feel the effects of memory loss will see immediate reversal of the mental aging process. The 9 distinct, fast and fun weekly workouts focus on a different aspect of brain fitness. This approach fits the lifestyle of the target market - age and intellect appropriate, fast, entertaining, and results oriented. Features include:Weekly Exercise Planners for your daily routineExercises more like games or brain teasers to achieve maximum resultsTips, suggestions, and creative alternatives to your daily routine

The Professional Worrier: Become the Boss of Your Anxiety

by Stewart Geddes

'Geddes gets it: anxiety, how it works and, more importantly, how to show it who's boss' Caroline Foran, author of Owning ItWorry and anxiety can damage our careers and relationships, can hold us back from exploring new opportunities, and is detrimental to our concentration, mood and self-esteem. And during times when we feel overwhelmed, we doubt ourselves and our ability to cope.In The Professional Worrier, counsellor, psychotherapist and self-confessed worrier Stewart Geddes examines how creating greater awareness around anxiety can change the way you deal with everyday stresses at work and at home.From anxiety about relationships to panic about an ever-growing to-do list, fear of making the wrong decision, or the pressure of producing perfect work, The Professional Worrier offers practical guidance to help you take control of your worry every day - so it doesn't control you - and build the trust in yourself to tackle anything that comes your way.

The Professional Worrier: Become the Boss of Your Anxiety

by Stewart Geddes

'Geddes gets it: anxiety, how it works and, more importantly, how to show it who's boss' Caroline Foran, author of Owning ItWorry and anxiety can damage our careers and relationships, can hold us back from exploring new opportunities, and is detrimental to our concentration, mood and self-esteem. And during times when we feel overwhelmed, we doubt ourselves and our ability to cope.In The Professional Worrier, counsellor, psychotherapist and self-confessed worrier Stewart Geddes examines how creating greater awareness around anxiety can change the way you deal with everyday stresses at work and at home.From anxiety about relationships to panic about an ever-growing to-do list, fear of making the wrong decision, or the pressure of producing perfect work, The Professional Worrier offers practical guidance to help you take control of your worry every day - so it doesn't control you - and build the trust in yourself to tackle anything that comes your way.

Managing Depression with Mindfulness For Dummies

by Robert Gebka

Rise above depression and build a positive future using mindfulnessIf you suffer from depression, you know that it′s not something you can simply snap yourself out of. Depression is a potentially debilitating condition that must be treated and managed with care, but not knowing where to turn for help can make an already difficult time feel even more harrowing. Thankfully, Managing Depression with Mindfulness For Dummies offers authoritative and sensitive guidance on using evidence based and NHS approved Mindfulness Based Interventions similar to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help empower you to rise above depression and discover a renewed sense of emotional wellbeing and happiness. The book offers cutting edge self-management mindfulness techniques which will help you make sense of your condition and teach you how to relate differently to negative thought patterns which so often contribute to low mood and depression. The World Health Organization predicts that more people will be affected by depression than any other health problem by the year 2030. While the statistics are staggering, they offer a small glimmer of hope: you aren′t alone. As we continue to learn more about how depression works and how it can be treated, the practice of mindfulness proves to be an effective tool for alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, low self–esteem, and insomnia. With the tips and guidance offered inside, you′ll learn how to apply the practice of mindfulnessto ease your symptoms of depression and get your life back. Heal and recover from depression mindfully Understand the relationship between thinking, feeling, mood, and depression Reduce your depression with effective mindfulness practices Implement positive changes and prevent relapse Whether you are struggling with low mood or simply wish to learn mindfulness as a way of enriching your life, Managing Depression with Mindfulness For Dummies serves as a beacon of light and hope on your journey to rediscovering your sense of wellbeing, joy and happiness.

The Enlightened Smoker's Guide to Quitting

by Bear Jack Gebhardt

This revolutionary approach to smoking cessation is based on the premise that a smoker is more likely to kick the habit if he feels good about himself. When a smoker understands why he commenced smoking, and why smoking no longer delivers the same sense of pleasure and satisfaction it used to, the process of quitting begins. A state of mind called "pleasurable forgetfulness" makes the smoker less interested in smoking while absorbed in other activities. This proven but unorthodox method does not foster the shame and guilt so prevalent in other programs and succeeds where more traditional approaches have failed, producing smoke-free success for thousands of former smokers.

Busca tu propio ángel: Los cuatro principios para honrar a Dios y revolucionar tu vida

by Liliana Gebel

¿Por qué hay tantos cristianos deprimidos, enfermos y obesos si la Biblia contiene todas las claves para evitarlo? Este busca ayudar al lector con los fundamentos y sugerencias para equilibrar el cuerpo, el corazón, la mente y el alma, logrando amar a Dios de manera integral y coherente. Tras casi tres décadas dedicadas a trabajar en el ministerio cristiano, junto a su esposo, el evangelista Dante Gebel, Liliana Gebel se percató de que lamentablemente muchas personas dedicadas a desarrollar arduamente su parte espiritual, viven sumidos en la depresión, mostrando actitudes negativas, relaciones familiares deterioradas y con graves problemas de salud. Y es que muchos cristianos han olvidado hacerse cargo de trabajar en ellos mismos de manera integral, tal como la propia Biblia nos insta. #Señor, ¿cuál es el mandamiento mas importante de todos? Jesús respondió: El más importante es amarás al Señor con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente, y con toda tu fuerza. Este es el principal mandamiento.# (Marcos 12:28) Él nos manda a amarlo de cuatro maneras; digamos que es el amor elevado a la cuarta potencia. Y este libro tratará de ayudar al lector con los fundamentos y sugerencias para equilibrar el cuerpo, el corazón, la mente y el alma, logrando amar a Dios de manera integral y coherente. · Considera las enfermedades emocionales que intoxican nuestro corazón y las sugerencias para erradicarlas para siempre, a fin de #honrar# a nuestro donante espiritual: Jesús. · Los males del alma, desde el #raquitismo# espiritual al consumo de alimentos espirituales #chatarra#, así como las maneras de sanarla. · Trastornos, distorsiones y falencias de nuestra mente que no nos dejan expresar el plan divino en nuestras vidas. · Información concreta a partir de la Biblia que aborda la importancia de la salud integral, incluye el cuidado en la alimentación y el cambio de hábitos nocivos en nuestra vida. Un plan completo para honrar a Dios desde la punta del cabello hasta los pies. · Expertas y líderes de opinión aportan su experiencia en sus respectivas áreas para apoyar la transformación del lector. Influencers que colaboran en #Busca tu propio ángel# Ingrid Macher: #Tips de salud# Coach en nutrición, empresaria, dueña de la empresa IM, de productos de salud y belleza. Conferencista internacional y autora de los bestsellers #De gordita a mamacita# (Grijalbo) y #Irresistible y sana# (Grijalbo). Cecilia Alegría: #Los mitos que perjudican la salud emocional# Autora, periodista, consejera de parejas, amor y life coach. Conferencista internacional. Donna West: #Consejos prácticos de cómo cuidar la piel# Dermatóloga. Mirka Dellanos: #Cómo superar un diagnóstico aterrador# Periodista, ganadora de un Premio Emmy, productora, autora y conferencista internacional.

El amor en los tiempos del Facebook: El mensaje de los viernes

by Dante Gebel

Lo que comenzó con algunas publicaciones en el perfil público del Facebook, inmediatamente se transformó en un fenómeno que atrajo a millones de seguidores en todo el mundo que solicitaban a Dante que cada viernes escribiera algo referente al amor. Y así se creó una serie de textos que hoy están recopilados en este libro plagado de romanticismo. El amor en los tiempos del Facebook es una crónica desprolija acerca del amor, una compilación de apuntes que surgen del alma, pero que en definitiva provienen del mayor sentimiento que nos regaló nuestro Dios. «Un libro que deberían leer por lo menos una vez mis amigos solteros, los novios, aquellos que solo quieren vivir un buen momento sin comprometerse demasiado, los que tienen el corazón destrozado, los posesivos, los que tienen miedo a confesar sus sentimientos, los casados que sienten que se les enfrió la llama, los que toleran un noviazgo disfuncional, los enamorados no correspondidos, y fundamentalmente, los enamorados del amor». —Recomendación del autor.

Las Arenas del Alma

by Dante Gebel

SPANISH EDITION. This work takes the hollow places of the soul and, surprisingly, leads the reader toward a celestial ovation.

Cadigo del campean nueva edician

by Dante Gebel

SPANISH EDITION. This new revised edition includes the essence of popular evangelist Dante Gebel's messages, as well as more great stories that will radically challenge you. "The Champion Code" is for people who are not satisfied with their spiritual lives. It is for people who are unique, dedicated and radical.

Destinado al éxito: Cómo alcanzar tus mejores sueños

by Dante Gebel

Se han escrito cientos de libros que tratan acerca de cómo alcanzar el éxito en los negocios, la vida diaria y las relaciones familiares. Pero en esta obra, el reconocido autor sorprende con su estilo único y nos lleva a un viaje sin escalas a su corazón. En un recorrido singular y ameno, nos brinda las herramientas fundamentales para comprar nuestra propia libertad, lograr tener un toque distintivo en el ministerio, comprender la verdadera esencia del perdón divino, arriesgar más allá de nuestras posibilidades, cortar con las ataduras del pasado y lograr tener una estima sana y una vida digna. Gebel relata detalles íntimos que no son otra cosa que un compilado exquisito de los mejores mensajes del que muchos consideran el orador más extraordinario de los últimos tiempos. >. En resumen, tienes en tus manos uno de los libros más esperados del autor, y al igual que >, seguramente te desafiará a tener una vida en plenitud y lograr esos sueños tan postergados.

Marea baja

by Dante Gebel

Dante Gebel, el aclamado autor de El amor en los tiempos del Facebook vuelve con una antología acerca de la vida, la muerte, la niñez y los años perdidos.«Finalmente estoy en mi cabaña, frente al faro, en algún lugar del mundo», afirma el autor. «Es mi claro en la jungla, y ahora no hablo del follaje».En esta obra, como si fuera la continuación del exitoso libro El amor en los tiempos del Facebook, se despliega una recopilación de anécdotas —historias pequeñas del barrio, la familia, los amigos— que evocan aquellos valores que hoy damos por perdidos. Se trata de un libro repleto de nostalgia e historias de vida maravillosas que lograrán la empatía con el lector ávido de recordar, o que en el afán de vivir dio por sentado las huellas del pasado.«Ahora la marea está baja y se parece mucho a este momento único en que veo pasar mis días. Sentado en mi silla, a metros de la cabaña que no se cansa de oír los quejidos de las olas del mar, voy destejiendo la maraña de recuerdos que hoy necesitan aflorar», declara Dante. En resumen, tienes en tus manos una pequeña joya literaria repleta de crónicas sencillas, nuestras, pero que te llegarán al alma.Un libro que ofrece una nueva perspectiva de esas experiencias trascendentales de la vida que se graban en el alma.

Pasian de Multitudes: La Pasian Genuina de Miles de Javenes por la Integridad

by Dante Gebel

SPANISH EDITION: Enjoy the updated version of the book that is already a part of those that can identify with the unimaginable potential that one has when one lives in God.

Personal Entrepreneurship: Empower Your Endless Leadership Potential

by Charlene Geary

&“Personal Entrepreneurship™ is the realization of your endless potential.&” In this insightful guide, Dr. Geary exposes the simple truths that lead to successful outcomes in all of life&’s pursuits. &“When your personal and professional growth are developed and engaged, you are on your way to achieving the P.E. Factor.&” In Personal Entrepreneurship™, Dr. Geary teaches that it is possible to have your personal and professional life in balance, without sacrificing either. The difference between sensing the potential for greatness and realizing it is usually a matter of awareness meeting engagement. Regardless of where you are in life, you can begin empowering your potential and remain engaged &“until you take your last breath.&”

Anna’s Game Plan: Conquer your hang ups, unlock your confidence and find your purpose

by Anna Geary

'An incredible life-changing guide to achieving true happiness and success' Kathryn ThomasAs an All-Ireland winning camogie player, Anna Geary learned that the right mindset unlocks everything. It builds confidence, brings success and provides perspective when things don’t go to plan.Sharing the power of mindset has been at the heart of her post-playing career as a speaker, trainer, health and well-being coach and even as a broadcaster.Because daily life is so full-on our mindsets can get disrupted and make us stress about the wrong things. In Anna’s Game Plan, Anna shares the powerful ways that managing your mindset can be life-changing.Based on her extensive experience in nurturing healthy attitudes to mind and body, Anna lays out five practical tactics – Acceptance, Purpose, Consistency, Challenge, Kindness – that can equip you with a practical toolkit to banish overwhelm and focus on what’s really important.Packed with honest relatable stories from Anna’s own life, as well as fascinating insights from the behavioural sciences, Anna’s Game Plan is an essential one-stop guide to building confidence and creating the life you deserve. Change your mindset. Change your life!'Anna's Game Plan will help you to be the best version of you' Karl Henry

Everyone Can Be a Ninja: Find Your Inner Warrior and Achieve Your Dreams

by Akbar Gbajabiamila

The beloved host of the NBC hit show American Ninja Warrior draws inspiration from both the fierce competitors on his show and his own unlikely path to success to outline the essential steps to achieving your goals and becoming a modern-day ninja.Akbar Gbajabiamila, the host of NBC’s hit Emmy-nominated show, American Ninja Warrior, did not have an easy path to success. One of seven children by Nigerian immigrant parents, he grew up in the Crenshaw district of South Central Los Angeles during the 1980s and ’90s, a time when the neighborhood was fraught with riots and gang violence. With dreams of playing professional basketball, Gbajabiamila found success not in the sport he loved, but in football. Late in his high school career, Gbajabiamila suited up with pads for the first time and was thrown into the complex sport of football. He climbed major hurdles to play college football and then professional football. After playing in the NFL, it was only after years of hard work behind-the-scenes in radio and television that he was offered the job to be the host of American Ninja Warrior. Through his own inspirational underdog stories and interviews with modern-day ninjas who have accomplished extraordinary things in their own lives against the odds, Akbar proves in Everyone Can Be a Ninja that it doesn’t matter if you make it through every step of the obstacle course on the first try. Ninjas keep pushing themselves until they reach their goals, and they don’t let anyone or anything stand in their way. It is easy to see greatness in others; it’s hard to see it in ourselves. Everyone Can Be a Ninja shows you that we can fulfill our potential and achieve our dreams by finding our inner warriors.

The Sounds of Healing: A Physician Reveals the Therapeutic Power of Sound, Voice and Music

by Mitchell L. Gaynor

My belief is that we can all find the rhythms and harmonics of our celestial music, and that our efforts will enable us to live extraordinary lives filled with peace, passion, health, and a sense of unity with the universe. We are all familiar with the tremendous power of sound to energize our bodies and soothe our spirits, whether we experience it in the form of rousing music or in the hushed noise of waves on a beach at night. A pioneer in the revolutionary new field of sound medicine, Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, a leading oncologist and director of integrative medicine at the Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center, has been using sound as complementary therapy in the form of chanting, music, and quartz crystal bowls to treat patients since 1991 with remarkable results. In Sounds of Healing, he shares his philosophy and sound-based techniques for self-healing, which can be used by anyone, whether faced with a life-threatening disease or simply seeking relief from the stresses of daily life. Sound, voice, and music are potent tools for restoring the inner balance of the body and awakening the spirit. Dr. Gaynor explores the science behind how and why sound and vibration affect us on a physiological level and outlines the sound traditions and practices that promote relaxation and body-mind healing. Rooted in the musical principles of entrainment, resonance, toning, and harmonics, his methods help us achieve overall wellness, greater energy, and the realization of our highest spiritual potential. His easy-to-follow exercises include: Life Songs--Discover your personal, mantra-like song that resonates with your own particular essence and use it as a means to healing and self-discovery; Essence Sound Meditation--Use your voice or another instrument to help you rise above everyday worries, relieve stress, and begin the healing process; Energetic Re-creation--Give voice to your emotional conflicts and create new blends of sound to help you resolve them. Dr. Gaynor also describes his unique vision for a holistic approach to medicine that treats the whole person and creates the conditions for a higher quality of life. An extraordinary blend of science, music, and spirituality, Sounds of Healing is an enlightening, inspiring guide to fostering inner harmony and tuning in to the music of our own souls.

El Camino Amarillo

by Víctor Gay

¿Necesitas vender un proyecto o una idea? ¿Estás en una etapa de transición profesional y quieres encontrar un trabajo acorde con tu experiencia y conocimientos? ¿Te gustaría conectar emocionalmente con tus clientes? ¿Eres directivo y quieres inspirar y motivar? El Camino Amarillo es una metodología en siete pasos que te permitirá construir historias para: - contar tu experiencia profesional para conseguir un nuevo trabajo; - vender tus proyectos mediante relatos emocionales (o pitch selling); - crear la historia transmedia de tu marca, de tu equipo o de tu empresa; - diseñar presentaciones comerciales que conecten con tus clientes; - preparar discursos y conferencias de impacto; - crear contenidos transmedia de calidad para social selling. Gracias a El Camino Amarillo podrás crear una historia tuya, auténtica y verdadera que inspire a los demás. Víctor Gay Zaragoza ya ha ayudado a más de mil quinientas personas, incluidos líderes de importantes empresas y organizaciones. Ahora te toca a ti.

Little Victories

by Jason Gay

The Wall Street Journal's popular columnist Jason Gay delivers a hilarious and heartfelt guide to modern living. "The book you hold in your hand is a rule book. There have been rule books before--stacks upon stacks of them--but this book is unlike any other rule book you have ever read. It will not make you rich in twenty-four hours, or even seventy-two hours. It will not cause you to lose eighty pounds in a week. This book has no abdominal exercises. I have been doing abdominal exercises for most of my adult life, and my abdomen looks like it's always looked. It looks like flan. Syrupy flan. So we can just limit those expectations. This book does not offer a crash diet or a plan for maximizing your best self. I don't know a thing about your best self. It may be embarrassing. Your best self might be sprinkling peanut M&M's onto rest-stop pizza as we speak. I cannot promise that this book is a road map to success. And we should probably set aside the goal of total happiness. There's no such thing. I would, however, like for it to make you laugh. Maybe think. I believe it is possible to find, at any age, a new appreciation for what you have--and what you don't have--as well as for the people closest to you. There's a way to experience life that does not involve a phone, a tablet, a television screen. There's also a way to experience life that does not involve eating seafood at the airport, because you should really never eat seafood at the airport. Like the title says, I want us all to achieve little victories. I believe that happiness is derived less from a significant single accomplishment than it is from a series of successful daily maneuvers. Maybe it's the way you feel when you walk out the door after drinking six cups of coffee, or surviving a family vacation, or playing the rowdy family Thanksgiving touch football game, or just learning to embrace that music at the gym. Accomplishments do not have to be large to be meaningful. I think little victories are the most important ones in life." -- From the Introduction From the Hardcover edition.

Bad Mormon: A Memoir

by Heather Gay

Drinking and Tweeting meets Unorthodox in this vulnerable memoir about The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star’s departure from the Mormon Church, and her unforeseen success in business, television, and single motherhood. <p><p>Straight off the slopes and into the spotlight, Heather Gay is famous for speaking the gospel truth. Whether as a businesswoman, mother, or television personality, she is unafraid to blaze a new trail, even if it means losing family, friends, and her community. Born and bred to be devout, Heather based her life around her faith. She attended Brigham Young University, served a mission in France, and married into Mormon royalty in the temple. But her life as a good Mormon abruptly ended when she lost the marriage and faith that she had once believed would last forever. <p><p>With writing that is beautiful, sad, funny, and true, Heather recounts the difficult discovery of the darkness and damage that often exists behind a picture-perfect life, while examining the nuanced relationship between duty to self and duty to God. Exposing secrets she once held sacred, Bad Mormon is an unfiltered look at the religion that broke her heart. A revealing and ultimately hopeful memoir, Bad Mormon is a captivating read in the vein of Untamed, Educated, and Me Talk Pretty One Day. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>


by Ian Gawler Paul Bedson

Powerful medical research tells us that meditation reliably prevents illness, maximises performance, is a profound healing technique and leads to peace of mind. It restores our natural state of balance and once this is achieved there is a flow-on effect. Soon we experience physical balance and good health, emotional balance and poise, mental clarity and confidence and spiritual harmony. Easy to learn, reliable in their benefits, the techniques presented here will help you to relax effortlessly and meditate profoundly.

Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living

by Mo Gawdat Alice Law

Mo Gawdat is an engineer. What most of us see as insurmountable problems he sees as systems overloads to tackle and solve. Unstressable breaks stress into inputs and effects, classifying human stressors as: stress to the mind, stress to emotions, stress to the body, and stress to the soul. Once classified, Gawdat and co-author Alice Law show readers how stress can be predicted—and once predicted, prevented.Unstressable illuminates for readers how most of us deal with the unpleasant, anxiety-producing and even miserable or tragic events in our lives: stress is always a by-product, leading directly to inability to cope, health problems and cratered confidence. Gawdat and Law guide readers to both heart centred and science-based solutions. They’ll train readers to:—Develop habits and attitudes of listening and learning that limit stress—Learn the language of de-stressing mind, emotions, body and soul—Respond, not react—Release self-criticism, insomnia, and lethargy—Increase energy, focus and confidenceUnstressable is a handbook for those who understand that stress isn’t what happens to you; it’s how you handle what happens to you. It’s a practical and rounded approach to an ever increasing modern day problem.

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