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African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

by Abiola Abrams

A sacred feminine initiation of self-love and soul care rituals, tools, and exercises.Spiritual teacher, intuitive coach, and award-winning author, Abiola Abrams invites you to activate African goddess magic to transmute your fears and limiting beliefs, so that you can create more happiness, abundance, and self-acceptance.Africa is a continent of 54+ countries, and her children are global. There is no one African spiritual tradition. Our ancestors who were trafficked in "The New World" hid the secrets of our orishas, abosom, lwas, álúsí, and god/desses behind saints, angels, and legendary characters. From South Africa to Egypt, Brazil to Haiti, Guyana to Louisiana, goddess wisdom still empowers us.Writes Abiola, "Spirit told me, "We choose who shows up." And if you are holding this book, then this sacred medicine is meant for you. In this book, you will meet ancient goddesses and divine feminine energy ancestors, legendary queens, and mystical spirits. As you complete their powerful rituals, and ascend through their temples, you will:. Awaken generational healing in the Temple of Ancestors;. Manifest your miracles in the Temple of Conjurers;. Release the struggle in the Temple of Warriors;. Embrace your dark goddess self in the Temple of Shadows;. Heal your primal wounds in the Temple of Lovers;. Liberate your voice in the Temple of Griots;. Open your third eye intuition in the Temple of Queens; and. Surrender, meditate, and rise in the Temple of High Priestesses.Welcome to your goddess circle!

The African American Writer's Handbook: How to Get in Print and Stay in Print

by Robert Fleming

With African Americans writing and buying books in record numbers, the time is ripe for a comprehensive publishing guide tailored expressly to the needs of this vibrant, creative community. The African American Writers Handbook meets this challenge perfectly. Written by veteran journalist and published author Robert Fleming, this book gives writers the heart, the determination, and above all the crucial information to publish successfully in this highly competitive field. Knowing the inner workings of the publishing industry provides any writer, novice or veteran, with a much needed advantage in the quest to get into print. Inside you'll find - A complete, step-by-step guide to every aspect of the publishing process, from the germination of a winning idea to the nuts and bolts of book production - Tips on submitting proposals, query letters, and preparing manuscripts for submission - Advice on negotiating contracts that extend careers - How to use on-line resources for research and profit - Interviews with top editors, agents, publishing executives, and bookstore owners - Updated information on copyrights, subsidiary rights, sales and marketing - The trials and triumphs of self-publishing - The art of promoting your work and yourself to a wider audience - An insider's look at the economic realities of the book business - And much more! Here, too, are scores of inspiring interviews and capsule biographies of leading African American writers both past and present. How did Richard Wright become America's first bestselling black writer? How did Zora Neale Hurston break through the artistic boundaries of the Harlem Renaissance long after her death? What was Toni Cade Bambara doing before she sold her first book? Why should Ann Petry, William Gardner Smith, Nella Larson, and William Melvin Kelley be revered wherever African American literature is read? Blending practical information and fascinating anecdotes with a mini literary history of African American writing, this upbeat, savvy, essential guide is a publishing primer with soul. From the Trade Paperback edition.

The African American Woman's Guide To Successful Makeup and Skincare (Revised Edition)

by Alfred Fornay

The Ultimate Guide to Successful Makeup and Skincare for Every Woman of Color Who Wants to Look and Feel Her Best. A complete listing of cosmetic products, tools to use, and professional techniques to design your best look. The best products for your skin type and the best colors for your complexion. What corrective beauty products to buy and what regular skincare regimen to follow. Solutions to your beauty problems, including nutrition, nail care, and hair care. Great advice from the women whose looks you love.

The African American Guide to Writing and Publishing Nonfiction

by Jewell Parker Rhodes

Guide to Writing and Publishing Nonfiction.

Afraid: Understanding the Purpose of Fear and Harnessing the Power of Anxiety

by Arash Javanbakht

SELF-HELP/ANXIETY. A psychiatrist and neuroscientist describes fear and anxiety in our brain and body and how they color many aspects of a modern human's life. In a way that is accessible to the public, he explains why we love to be scared; the link between bravery, meaning, aggression, creativity, and fear; and the diseases of fear and anxiety and how we manage them. ARASH JAVANBAKHT, MD, is director of the Stress, Trauma, and Anxiety Research Clinic STARC) at Wayne State University, School of Medicine. He is renowned for his research of biology and innovative technologies for treatments of anxiety and PTSD. Dr. Javanbakht's public scholarly work has been read by millions and featured on CNN, NPR, BBC, PBS, Scientific American, and many others.

Afirmações para Tempos Difíceis

by Sarah Peyton

Mais de 100 afirmações alicerçadas na neurociência para navegar com sucesso pelas dificuldades do dia a dia. Vivemos tempos conturbados e instáveis. Os problemas que enfrentamos são difíceis, dos pessoais aos mundiais. Este livro levá-lo-á numa viagem de autocompaixão, lembrando-o de que, apesar do mundo turbulento, conseguirá encontrar dentro de si espaços cheios de amor que lhe proporcionarão dias plenos de alegria e de satisfação. Baseada nos estudos da neurociência sobre as afirmações positivas e os seus impactos no crescimento de novas conexões neuronais, esta obra está dividida em diversos temas, desde a saúde, ao trabalho e à família. As reflexões e afirmações sobre cada tema encorajam carinhosamente a aceitação da vida tal como ela é, valorizando as suas próprias forças e ajudando-o a reconhecer os seus dons e recursos inatos através do poder da resiliência e da gratidão.

Afirmaciones que programarán su mente a pensar de forma positiva

by Vicente Villares

Repitiendo diariamente estas afirmaciones, su mente será condicionada a pensar de forma positiva, en vez de hacerlo de manera negativa. Usted aumentará su autoestima y su autoconfianza Su mente hará que usted se sienta merecedor de vencer en la vida; y, principalmente, hará que se sienta capaz de vencer en la vida y ser una mejor persona. Intente repetir estar afirmaciones por lo menos 20 días. Sólo 20 días.

Afirmaciones atrevidas: el ingenio y la sabiduría de las mujeres indetenibles

by Becca Anderson

Afirmaciones positivas y frases motivadoras para mujeres poderosas“No matter how you use it, there can be benefits for you and your daily life.”―Nerdy Girl Express#1 Bestseller in Popular Culture, Quotations, Women’s Studies, Love & Marriage Humor, Self-Esteem, LGBT, and TriviaAfirmaciones atrevidas está repleto de afirmaciones positivas y de semblanzas de heroínas poderosas de la vida real. Este libro es el regalo perfecto de empoderamiento femenino, tanto para ti como para tus mejores amigas.Las mujeres poderosas necesitan afirmaciones positivas. Ninguna mujer se levanta de la cama sabiéndose increíble y lista de tener un día estupendo. Muchas veces nos encontramos apresurándonos, trabajando arduamente para complacer y hacer felices a los demás en vez de pensar en nosotras mismas. Afirmaciones atrevidas detiene la negatividad con hechos y pasajes sobre mujeres empoderadas.Descubre citas y afirmaciones motivadoras de mujeres poderosas. En Afirmaciones atrevidas, la reina de las afirmaciones y de la vida positiva Becca Anderson te recuerda que eres bastante increíble. Con este libro de afirmaciones motivadoras, te llenarás de entusiasmo con frases inspiradoras hechas por y para mujeres. Junto a estas frases de empoderamiento femenino obtendrás un nuevo conocimiento, a través de una mezcla de biografías breves y perfiles extensos, de las mujeres increíbles que han dejado huella en este mundo. Y cuando termines de aprender sobre estas mujeres temerarias, te reafirmarás con ejercicios de escritura en tu diario.Lee Afirmaciones atrevidas y:Aprende el hábito de afirmarte cada díaEmpodérate y refuerza tu autoestimaSerás motivada por anécdotas divertidas, palabras sabias y dichos atrevidosA los lectores de libros de afirmaciones y frases positivas para mujeres como Let That Sh*t Go, A Year of Positive Thinking, o Beautifully Said les encantarán las frases inspiradoras que encontrarán en Afirmaciones atrevidas.

Affrontare i momenti difficili con la resilienza: meno stress, più serenità

by Gary Randolph

Serenità e resilienza sono i segreti di una vita di successo: la serenità ci rende più forti, la resilienza ci aiuta ad affrontare il caos della vita. Quando ci ritroviamo in situazioni difficili e spiacevoli, le zone cerebrali deputate alla creazione delle emozioni vanno in codice rosso, ostacolando le abilità cognitive e le capacità decisionali. Questo libro è per te se vuoi gestire le tue emozioni e riprendere il controllo del tuo io razionale. Questa guida in formato e-book ti aiuterà a: - essere più resiliente nei momenti difficili - usare il 5G per mantenere competitiva la tua azienda - capire come combattere lo stress - identificare le principali fonti di disturbo - cercare e ottenere aiuto online - conoscere metodi produttivi per gestire lo stress - trovare soluzioni per ricaricarti e rilassarti - e molto altro!

Affirmations of the Light in Times of Darkness: Healing Messages from a Spiritwalker

by Laura Aversano

• Offers transformational writings that actively transmit the author&’s healing wisdom and spiritual support, guiding the reader through the abyss and into the light hidden within • Includes affirmations that address trauma, depression, grief, anger, and revelation; awaken individual spiritual paths; provide solace and protection; and contribute to the collective evolution of humanity and the earth An ancestral empath, medical intuitive, spiritwalker, psychic channel, and modern-day mystic, Laura Aversano comes from an ancient lineage of Sicilian adepts, and seers. Displaying the strongest characteristics of her lineage in centuries, she has been communicating with the spirit world since childhood and is also trained in the divine mysteries of esoteric Christianity, in plant medicine and shamanism by indigenous elders, and in many modes of hands-on therapy. As a daily healer with limitless compassion, Laura works with a long waiting list of the physically, mentally, and spiritually wounded. Even at a distance and in absentia with clients and in words to readers, she miraculously lets each person&’s destiny work for itself. Contact with her sometimes seems as if nothing happened; then the astonishing takes place. In this collection of inspired prayers and powerful affirmations, the author actively transmits her healing wisdom and spiritual support, guiding the reader through thoughts and emotions into the uncharted territory of the unknown, through the abyss and into the light hidden within. Addressing trauma, depression, grief, anger, and revelation, her words awaken individual spiritual paths, provide solace and protection, and contribute to the collective evolution of humanity and the earth. Sending healing vibrationally as well as through the written word, her activated prayers and affirmations affect change invisibly but profoundly. Reading her words will leave you forever transformed, initiated into the spiritual path of light, even in times of darkness.

Affirmations for Turbulent Times: Resonant Words to Soothe Body and Mind

by Sarah Peyton

More than 100 themes of affirmations grounded in neuroscience. We live in complex and unsettled times. The issues before us are unimaginably difficult, and range from the personal to the global. This beautiful little book accompanies readers toward a greater sense of peace and self-compassion, reminding us that even though our world is so turbulent, we can still have quiet places within, filled with love, that make it easier to live and to breathe with ourselves. Rooted in the neuroscience of affirmations, and covering more than 100 themes (including health, self-care, issues at work, and connection with loved ones and with the planet), this book is a companion for daily life. With the help of questions and wonderings about what may be important for readers, the book gently encourages acceptance of what is. The affirmation for each theme reminds readers of their own strengths and reservoirs of calm, and helps them to remember and reclaim their innate gifts and resources.

Affirmations for the Inner Child

by Rokelle Lerner

All of us need positive affirmation throughout our lives. As children, these powerful messages helped us to know that we were worthwhile, that it was all right to want food and to be touched, and that our very existence was a precious gift. The messages that we received from our parents helped us to form decisions that determined the course of our lives. If we were raised with consistent, nurturing parents, we conclude that life is meaningful and that people are to be trusted. If we were raised with parents who were addictively or compulsively ill, we determine that life is threatening and chaotic--that we are not deserving of joy. These are the crucial decisions that impact our lives long after we have forgotten them. Unfortunately, childhood judgments don't disappear. They remain as dynamic forces that contaminate our adulthood. When childhood needs are not taken care of because of abuse or abandonment, we spend our lives viewing the world through the distorted perception of a needy infant or an angry adolescent. The more we push these child parts away, the more control they have over us. This collection of daily meditations is dedicated to those adults who are ready to heal their childhood wounds. It is through this courageous effort that we will move from a life of pain into recovery.

Affirmations for Self-Love: A Motivational Journal with Prompts for Self-Worth, Self-Acceptance, & Positive Self-Talk

by Eric Maisel Lynda Monk

A Guided Journal for Self-Worth and Self-AcceptanceA motivational journal with prompts, positive affirmations, inspirational quotes, and age-old wisdom, Affirmations for Self-Love is an invitation to listen to your inner self and be inspired. An oasis of peace, serenity, and love. The world is a noisy, distracting place. Affirmations for Self-Love is full of uplifting words and energy from the world’s wisdom traditions that support you as you find moments of calm and respond to heart-opening journal prompts.A space for self-expression and deep thinking. Let the uplifting, positive affirmations in this guided journal lead you on an inspirational journey towards self-acceptance and self-worth. Express yourself deeply and think and feel in ways that increase your confidence as you interact with this motivational journal.Discover words of encouragement and strength from two prominent experts in the self-love journal writing field, nationally-renowned psychologist Eric Maisel and preeminent journaling expert Lynda Monk. Inside this self-love affirmations journal with prompts, you’ll find:Built-in space for self-reflection to reduce stress, increase self-esteem, and maintain positive mental healthAffirming, inspirational quotes from the world’s wisdom traditions that guide your journaling with gentleness and encouragementA unique combination of expertise in self-development that offers a journaling tool and process that guides readers to deeper self-understanding and empowermentIf you liked motivational journals with prompts and positive affirmations such as Badass Affirmations; Seen, Loved and Heard; A Year of Self-Love Journal; or Soul Therapy, you’ll love Affirmations for Self-Love.

Affirmations for Self-Healing

by J. Donald Walters

Contains 52 affirmations and prayers devoted to strengthening qualities such as will power, patience, good health, forgiveness, security, and happiness.

Affirmations for Queer People: 100+ Positive Messages to Affirm, Empower, and Inspire

by Jess Vosseteig

Celebrate your resilience and bravery in the face of discrimination and empower yourself and your community with these 100+ affirmations for queer people that celebrate being LGBTQIA+.Queer people are essential members of society—trailblazing for positive change and building up a stronger and more vibrant community every day. It&’s time to affirm these truths and so many more with Affirmations for Queer People. In this book, discover more than 100 affirmations to empower yourself, emphasize your self-worth, care for your mental health and emotional well-being, and so much more. You can use these affirmations and the accompanying texts to reflect on your own life and your future. You&’ll find amazing, inclusive artwork throughout that speaks to the beauty, bravery, and diversity of this incredible community. With Affirmations for Queer People, celebrate being a queer person, affirm your talent and worth, and bring your dreams to fruition.

Affirmations for Manifestation: 365 Daily Affirmations to Attract the Life You Want

by Candice Nikeia

Focus on positivity, build self-love, and change your life with this daily devotional-style book featuring 365 affirmations from popular influencer and daily motivational speaker Candice Nikeia. Harness the power of daily affirmations to manifest the life you&’ve always dreamed of! Affirmations for Manifestation is an inspiring collection of daily affirmations that helps you shift your mindset, focus on positivity, and channel your inner power to create the changes you wish to see in the world around you. Touching on common goals for everyday life—from improving your career, to strengthening your relationships, to building your self-esteem—this book is a daily guide to manifesting change. With guidance from popular manifestation influencer Candice Nikeia, this book gives you the tools to heal, grow, and love yourself more than ever. By approaching these affirmations with an open mind, you&’ll soon see the benefits of positive thinking. Whether you&’re in need of a quick boost on a tough day or looking for a way to share more joy with the world, this book has the affirmations you need. Get started on your affirmation journey today!

Affirmations for Happiness: 200 Positive Affirmations for a Joyful Mindset Every Day

by Kelsey Aida Roualdes

Bring happiness into your life with these 200 inspiring, smile-inducing, positive affirmations that will brighten your day and help you embrace joy from within.Affirmations are a powerful tool to bring joy into your life. Both inspiring and mood-boosting, these positive phrases are the perfect way to cheer you up and help you live a more positive lifestyle.Infuse your day with happiness by using these encouraging affirmations to help you find something to smile about anytime of the day. You can find the message that&’s perfectly suited for you from this appealing collection of 200 short, simple, and easy-to-remember phrases. From acknowledging the good around you to cherishing simple pleasures, these quick affirmations will lift your spirits and put a smile on your phase regardless of what you might be going through.

Affirmations for Family Caregivers: Words Of Comfort, Energy, And Hope (Family Caregivers Series #2)

by Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson has cared for three generations of family members--her mother, husband, and twin grandchildren. The affirmations in this book come from Harriet's eighteen years of caregiving experience, with more years to come. In 2013 her husband's aorta dissected and he had three emergency operations. Surgeons managed to save her husband's life, but he suffered a spinal stroke during the last operation, and his legs are paralyzed. Hodgson is his caregiver and, when she needed a boost, she started writing affirmations. Once she started, Hodgson couldn't stop writing them, and a few dozen grew into the hundreds in this collection. "Affirmations are a form of self-care," Hodgson explains. "Reading an affirmation in the morning can set the tone for your caregiving day."

Affirmations for Every Day: Mantras for Calm, Inspiration and Empowerment

by Gilly Pickup Summersdale Publishers

Calm. Centred. Inspired. Just a few words said with purpose can give you inner strength that will last all day. Let these calming mantras, simple tips and beautiful images empower you, and help to anchor you to the here and now.

Affirmations for Every Day: Simple Tips and Empowering Mantras to Help You Set Your Intentions

by Summersdale Publishers

This beautiful book is filled with simple tips and affirmations to help you feel calm and confident every dayAn affirmation or mantra is a short phrase that focuses your attention. Whether you want to inspire confidence, a sense of calm or a positive mindset within yourself, they are a powerful way to declare your intentions and set yourself on track.As well as a beautiful selection of words from writers and thinkers, and 40 inspiring mantras, within these pages you will find a raft of simple but effective tips to help you master the art of affirmations, including:How to write an effective affirmationUsing affirmations to achieve your goalsWays to cultivate an open and positive mindsetJust a few words said with purpose can give you inner strength that will last all day. Tap into this power with the guidance in this book, and allow these words to inspire you on your life’s journey.

Affirmations for Every Day: Simple Tips and Empowering Mantras to Help You Set Your Intentions

by Summersdale Publishers

This beautiful book is filled with simple tips and affirmations to help you feel calm and confident every dayAn affirmation or mantra is a short phrase that focuses your attention. Whether you want to inspire confidence, a sense of calm or a positive mindset within yourself, they are a powerful way to declare your intentions and set yourself on track.As well as a beautiful selection of words from writers and thinkers, and 40 inspiring mantras, within these pages you will find a raft of simple but effective tips to help you master the art of affirmations, including:How to write an effective affirmationUsing affirmations to achieve your goalsWays to cultivate an open and positive mindsetJust a few words said with purpose can give you inner strength that will last all day. Tap into this power with the guidance in this book, and allow these words to inspire you on your life’s journey.

Affirmations: How To Expand Your Personal Power And Take Back Control Of Your Life

by Stuart Wilde

This inspirational book serves as a magnificent battle plan, where you learn to expand the power you already have in order to win back absolute control of your life.

The Affirmation Crisis: Healing the Wounds of a Fatherless Generation

by Randy Hix

There is an Affirmation Crisis. It is the result of fatherlessness. Generations have grown up without a father. Whether physically or emotionally absent, it leaves in the child a wound of absence. Fatherlessness has become a major social problem in America, even an epidemic, with approximately 50% of children under the age of 18 not living in the same home as their biological father. It has been documented in many ways and, yet it is a secret hidden in plain view. Over the last fifty years the family has been under attack. Concepts and opinions concerning the family have changed and a new perception of family has emerged. Much of the destruction of the family has been popularized and normalized through the media and arts and entertainment. The large percentage of marriages that end in divorce and the increasing trend of out of wedlock births, seems to have contributed to a widespread belief that being a single parent is somehow a noble venture, and that the father is unimportant to raising children. There are indeed many exceptional single parents. But these are the exceptions to the rule as statistics prove.It is as if there were a systematic scheme in the works to destroy our society by using progressive cultural engineering. The influence of popular approaches to the family in the media, that rejects traditional and biblical norms of family construction, is creating a confused, depressed, and fractured population. Men and women with a confused self-identity and self-confidence are the product of this fatherlessness epidemic and this affirmation crisis.Today, after over a hundred years of cultural fatherlessness, we have seen multiple generations who have grown up without the father’s emotional and often physical influence and support. Combine that with two world wars, economic challenges, media influence, rising divorce rates, sexual identity conflict, and you are left with a generation of wandering fatherless children. Many of these fatherless children are wounded adults who continue to live their lives not knowing that they are suffering from the wound of absence referred to as the “father wound.”The “father wound” in short is the absence of the emotional blessing that only the father can provide to the child. One of the major responsibilities of the father is the modeling and impartation of true fatherhood. A father is the God given instrument that identifies the child as well as gives the child a sense of self and self-confidence. This is true for both men and women. Every young man is waiting for his father to tell him he has what it takes. Every young woman is waiting for a father to show her that she is beautiful and worthy to be pursued and protected. Every young man looks to his father for affirmation and identity. Every young girl is looking to the father for her identity and affirmation as a woman.The father identifies the child. The father calls forth the masculine in the son and the femininity of the daughter. Without this essential input from Dad, the boy struggles to see himself as a man and the girl struggles to identify as a woman. Their spirit cries out for a father to save them.Our fathers have a special role to play in our discovery of who we are in life. This is why a father telling his child a statement like "You'll never amount to anything" has such a devastating effect. On the other hand, a father who lovingly affirms his child is giving him a solid foundation towards developing into a healthy, well-adjusted adult.In ‘The Affirmation Crisis’ Pastor, Teacher and Missionary, Randy Hix details the serious impact this fatherlessness epidemic is having on our society and individuals. Randy explains our Heavenly Father’s original plan for the family and how to receive the needed affirmation and healing needed to mend the wounded heart

Affirmation Cards: How We Heal through Self-Love, Joy, and Manifestation

by Alexandra Elle

From bestselling self-care author Alexandra Elle, this empowering deck makes it easy to cultivate confidence, joy, and mindfulness in everyday life.Affirmation Cards is a deck of 55 cards, each featuring an uplifting affirmation on the front and a meditation practice on the back. Organized into six categories—Self-Love, Personal Power, Self-Trust, Letting Go, Boundaries, and Healing—these cards are designed to help you tap into moments of peace, clarity, and connection in your day-to-day life. Delivered in a luxe, take-anywhere package, this deck is a gorgeous accessory for wellness enthusiasts, meditators, and fans of Alexandra Elle.EXPERT WISDOM: Alexandra Elle is a leading voice in wellness and a New York Times bestselling author. Her work has been featured by a wide range of media outlets, including the New York Times, NPR, Good Morning America, Essence, MindBodyGreen, Forbes, among many others. This deck is inspired by the popular affirmations Alex shares with her fans online, offering readers bite-size practices that make it simple to incorporate positivity into daily life.EASY SELF-CARE: Brimming with 55 affirming practices, this deck makes it easy to incorporate profound self-care practices into busy days. The portable, on-the-go format makes it the ideal accessory to keep in your bag so that you can pull a card whenever you need a mindful moment.BEAUTIFUL TO GIFT AND DISPLAY: Delivered in a stylish, eye-catching package filled with 55 shimmering cards, Affirmation Cards is a beautiful gift for anyone interested in self-discovery, meditation, and mindfulness and a stylish companion for the spiritually curious.ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES: This interactive and uplifting deck can be used in a variety of ways: pull one card a day to start your morning with positivity, pull several cards at once to set an intention for the week, or keep a favorite card on the bedside table for everyday encouragement.Perfect for:• Fans of Alexandra Elle and her popular self-care publishing including How We Heal, After the Rain, and In Courage Journal• Meditators, yoga enthusiasts, and anyone interested in self-healing and personal development• Birthday, graduation, or wellness gift givers looking for gifts for for poets, writers, healers, caretakers, and all who can benefit from the power of positive thinking• Fans of Yung Pueblo, Rupi Kaur, Nedra Tawwab, and the Nap Ministry

The Affirmation Book: Affirm the Good You Want and You'll get It!

by Mafalda Lempicka Angela M Ward

To affirm is to create our own life. It is to tell the universe loud and clear what we want. The universe is looking forward to knowing what you will be able to contribute to it. Learn to communicate with it. In this book you will find affirmations that apply to very different areas, but most importantly, YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN AFFIRMATIONS. You will learn how to form a phrase that clearly and forcefully expresses your heart's needs and desires. You will also learn how to work with affirmations to attract the changes and improvements that you want to introduce into your life. With affirmations we can reprogram our beliefs, heal injuries, re-direct our life path, and fill ourselves with the strength necessary to face any task.

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