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Poems for a world gone to sh*t: the amazing power of poetry to make even the most f**ked up times feel better

by Quercus Poetry

DISCOVER THE AMAZING POWER OF POETRY TO MAKE EVEN THE MOST F**KED UP TIMES FEEL BETTERA beautiful little book of short, simple, classic and contemporary poems to dip into, to make life feel better.From Shakespeare and Shelley to Lemn Sissay and Kate Tempest, poets have always been the best at showing us we're not alone, however sh*t things might seem.Funny, reflective, romantic and life-affirming - here is an anthology of poems to remind you to keep on looking at the stars: from that first 'what the f*ck' moment to empowering you to do something about this sh*t and ultimately realising that life is still beautiful after all.Rediscover old favourites and find some new treasures - you might be surprised just how much poetry can help. For fans of The Poetry Pharmacy, The Reading Cure and The Emergency Poet.

Pulling Your Own Strings: Dynamic Techniques for Dealing with Other People and Living Your Life As You Choose

by Wayne W. Dyer

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer reveals how we all can prevent ourselves from being victimised by others and begin to operate from a position of power at the centre of our own lives. Asserting that we alone are responsible for how much we will be controlled by others, Dyer offers his practical plan for developing new attitudes toward the most common sources of victimisation and manipulation, such as family members and authority figures in the workplace. For example, families can be tremendously coercive and demanding, but they can also be an immensely rewarding part of your life. Dyer shows how to cope with the negative side and contribute to the positive. Also, in their working life many people stay in unfulfilling jobs because they feel constrained by their present experience or because they fear change. Dyer shows that by being enthusiastic and flexible, you can find the work that makes you happy. In this modern-day classic, Dyer shows you how to stop being the victim in all aspects of everyday life and to take charge of your destiny.

Reliving Past Lives: The Evidence Under Hypnosis

by Helen Wambach

Tells of how to recall and learn from your past lives using techniques such as hypnosis.

Responding to Drinking Problems (Routledge Library Editions: Alcohol and Alcoholism)

by Stan Shaw Alan Cartwright Terry Spratley Judith Harwin

In the 1970s family doctors, social workers, researchers and administrators had been aware of the inadequacy of the response to drinking problems for some time. However, there had been no systematic examination of why such agents felt negatively about drinkers and disinclined to respond to them. Originally published in 1978, this book develops a radical new perspective on the prevalence and causes of drinking problems, combining reviews of historical and contemporary literature with the authors’ own research studies. This perspective is then linked to the need for an integrated response from both medical and social services, with a particular accent on the need for a community response. By focusing on the relationship between helper and helped a solution is sought to the question which has troubled the field for many years: why are agents like family doctors and social workers so inadequate in recognising and responding to people with drinking problems? The crucial aspects within the therapeutic relationship are pinpointed and experimental studies are described which show how training, casework, supervision and the redeployment of expertise can help improve recognition rates and responses to individual drinkers. This book thus expresses the need for major changes both in our attitudes and understanding of people with drinking problems and the difficulties of agents who try to help them. It should still be of historical interest to social scientists and those involved in helping people with drinking problems.

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth

by M. Scott Peck

Perhaps no book in this generation has had a more profound impact on our intellectual and spiritual lives than The Road Less Traveled. With sales of more than seven million copies in the United States and Canada, and translations into more than twenty-three languages, it has made publishing history, with more than ten years on the New York Times bestseller list. Now, with a new Introduction by the author, written especially for this twenty-fifth anniversary deluxe trade paperback edition of the all-time national bestseller in its field, M. Scott Peck explains the ideas that shaped this book and that continue to influence an ever-growing audience of readers. Written in a voice that is timeless in its message of understanding, The Road Less Traveled continues to help us explore the very nature of loving relationships and leads us toward a new serenity and fullness of life. It helps us learn how to distinguish dependency from love; how to become a more sensitive parent; and ultimately how to become one's own true self. Recognizing that, as in the famous opening line of his book, "Life is difficult" and that the journey to spiritual growth is a long one, Dr. Peck never bullies his readers, but rather guides them gently through the hard and often painful process of change toward a higher level of self-understanding.

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth

by M. Scott Peck

Ways in which confronting and resolving our problems, and suffering through the changes, can enable us to reach a higher level of self-understanding.

Sencillamente mindfulness: Aquí y ahora. Es tu momento

by Irene Visedo

«Sentir es presente, es ahora, es aquí. Y si quieres ser feliz, no queda otra que estar presente con todos nuestros sentidos despiertos». El Mindfulness o Atención Plena es una técnica muy sencilla y eficaz que se está incluyendo en diferentes campos de la ciencia y la psicología, como la psicoterapia, el psicoanálisis, la neurociencia, la ética y la espiritualidad. Te enseña a ver las cosas como realmente son aquí y ahora para lograr ser consciente de lo que te ocurre en cada momento, no reaccionar de forma automática y así llevar mejor la convivencia con las emociones negativas, el dolor físico y el estrés. Irene Visedo, tras años de estudio, investigación y experiencia en el despertar de la conciencia, te muestra un camino directo para vivir tu propia práctica sanadora de autocuidado e higiene mental formidable que te aportará mucho poder personal y tranquilidad. Aquí y ahora. Es tu momento «¿Por qué ese empeño tan grande por encajar en una sociedad que no encaja en sí misma? ¿No sería más rentable tratar de encajar en uno mismo y sentirse bien ahí? ¿De verdad piensas que si todo el mundo estuviese a gusto y en equilibrio en su propia piel sería posible el conflicto? Si existe conflicto fuera es porque hay algo dentro que no..., que no marcha bien». «Todo cambia. Nada permanece. Y esto es lo que nos duele; sin embargo, aceptarlo es lo que nos libera y permite entregarnos a la vida como seres humanos conscientes y atentos con nosotros mismos y con los demás, eligiendo crear paz dentro de nosotros para reflejarla fuera».

Word Power Made Easy: The Complete Handbook for Building a Superior Vocabulary

by Norman Lewis

The most effective vocabulary builder in the English language provides a simple, step-by-step method that will increase your knowledge and mastery of written and spoken English. Word Power Made Easy does more than just add words to your vocabulary. It teaches ideas and a method of broadening your knowledge as an integral part of the vocabulary building process. Do you always use the right word? Can you pronounce it—and spell it—correctly? Do you know how to avoid illiterate expressions? Do you speak grammatically, without embarrassing mistakes? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you need Word Power Made Easy. Written in a lively, accessible, and timeless style, and loaded with helpful reviews, progress checks, and quizzes to reinforce the material, this classic resource has helped millions learn to speak and write with confidence.

Alcoholism: New Knowledge and New Responses (Routledge Library Editions: Alcohol and Alcoholism)

by Griffith Edwards Marcus Grant

Originally published in 1977, alcoholism was acknowledged to be a seriously growing problem in many parts of the world. It is a complex disorder with psychiatric, physical, psychological and social aspects, having far reaching harmful effects on the family and society, as well as on physical and mental health of the alcoholic themself. At the time of original publication it had been estimated that in England and Wales 11 out of every 1,000 in the adult population had a serious drink problem, and alcoholism was a major cause of admission to psychiatric and general hospitals. Alcoholism was a medico-social problem of such magnitude that this comprehensive volume, embodying advances in knowledge of causation, treatment and prevention filled an urgent need at the time. Still a major concern today this reissue can be read in its historical context.

The Bereaved Parent (Human Horizons Ser.)

by Harriet Sarnoff Schiff

A book for parents at any stage of grief; whether they are facing an imminent death, recovering from the shock of an accidental death or caught in the long turmoil of the aftermath of a child's death. Harriet Sarnoff Schiff lost her 10 year old son offers genuine understanding to other parents based on her own experience. Though, after the death of a child it can feel as though nothing good can happen again the parent must go on living and look to the future, no matter how impossible that may feel. Schiff explains the process of grief, the isolation and despair that can affect parents. She offers not only the benefit of her own experience but that of other parents, and psychiatric and religious counsellors.

But It’s Your Family . . .: Cutting Ties with Toxic Family Members and Loving Yourself in the Aftermath

by Dr. Sherrie Campbell

A psychologist offers a roadmap for those looking to break free of toxic family relationships and thrive in the aftermath.Toxic family abuse is always two-fold. The first layer of abuse is the original poor treatment by toxic family members, and the second is someone&’s denial of the ways in which abusers treat and harm them. Loving someone doesn&’t always mean having a relationship with them, just like forgiveness doesn&’t always mean reconciliation. A significant part of healing comes with accepting that there are some relationships that are so poisonous that they destroy one&’s ability to be healthy and function best. But It&’s Your Family is a remarkable account of what it means to cut ties to toxic family abuse and thrive in the aftermath.Inside, Dr. Sherrie Campbell clarifies:· How parents, adult children, siblings, grandparents, and in-laws can be toxic· The difference between flawed and toxic family members· Explaining the cutting of ties to children and others who may not understand· Spiritual and religious views on forgiveness· The definition of cutting ties and what No Contact actually means When readers are able to bring closure to those toxic relationships, they give themselves the space to love those family members from a distance, as fellow human beings, with the knowledge that it is unwise to remain connected. Readers learn how to love themselves in the process and fundamentally change their lives for the better!

Cuando todo se derrumba: Palabras sabias para momentos dificiles

by Pema Chodron

Tenemos a nuestro alcance una oportunidad fundamental de felicidad que por lo general desperdiciamos, irónicamente, por estar atrapados en nuestros intentos por escapar del dolor y el sufrimiento. Pema Chödrön da un consejo compasivo y radical extraído de la sabiduría budista para cuando todo se derrumba en nuestras vidas, consejo que va a contrapelo de nuestras costumbres y expectativas habituales. Sólo hay una manera de encarar el sufrimiento que proporcione beneficio duradero, nos enseña Pema: ir hacia las situaciones dolorosas con cordialidad y curiosidad, relajándonos en la insubstancialidad fundamental de toda nuestra situación. Es ahí, en medio del caos, que podemos descubrir la verdad y el amor que son indestructibles.El libro incluye: * Modos de usar las emociones dolorosas para cultivar la sabiduría, la compasión y la valentía * Métodos de comunicación que llevan a una verdadera apertura hacia los demás y a una verdadera cercanía * Prácticas para revertir patrones negativos habituales * Técnicas para trabajar con situaciones caóticas * Herramientas para cultivar una acción social enérgica y compasivaThere is a fundamental opportunity for happiness right within our reach, yet we usually miss it--ironically while we are caught up in attempts to escape pain and suffering. Drawn from traditional Buddhist wisdom, Pema Chödrön's radical and compassionate advice for what to do when things fall apart in our lives goes against the grain of our usual habits and expectations. There is only one approach to suffering that is of lasting benefit, Pema teaches, and that approach involves moving toward painful situations with friendliness and curiosity, relaxing into the essential groundlessness of our entire situation. It is there, in the midst of chaos, that we can discover the truth and love that are indestructible.Included in the book are: * Ways to use painful emotions to cultivate wisdom, compassion, and courage * Methods of communicating that lead to openness and true intimacy with others * Practices for reversing negative habitual patterns * Techniques for working with chaotic situations * Tools for cultivating compassionate, energetic social action

Divine Discipline: How to Develop and Maintain Self-Control

by Rhonda Harrington Kelley PhD

Self-discipline is essential to success in all areas of life. Making the conscious choice to do what is morally right takes a great deal of strength. The source of this strength comes from God. Having learned the hard way that discipline requires training, Dr. Rhonda Harrington Kelley suggests a system of checks and balances for self-control. Noting her personal journey toward spiritual discipline, Kelley offers this thought-provoking, inspirational guide. Through self-motivation and control, the author encourages you to reap the rewards of leading a disciplined life. After years of struggling with her weight and other negative aspects of her life, Kelley concluded that she had the motivation for change but not a sincere desire to gain self-control. Her belief in God&’s power to bring calm and purpose to some of life&’s most uncontrollable situations helped change her life. More than just a self-help book, Divine Discipline: How to Develop and Maintain Self-Control offers specific guidelines for making positive lifestyle changes toward personal growth. Kelley provides valuable guidelines for nutrition, fitness, time management, and goal planning that highlight the importance of one&’s internal resources by employing inner strengths. This second edition provides new information and encouragement for those seeking divine self-control. The biblical quotes come from the New American Standard Bible published by Lockman. Through discipline, introspection, and spiritual belief, Dr. Kelley leads the wayward soul to the bounty of the Holy Spirit. Esther Burroughs provides the foreword. A well-known Christian speaker and author, she is on the staff of the Southern Baptist Convention Home Mission Board in the evangelism division.

Drugs and Politics

by Paul E. Rock

This collection examines the ambiguous relationship be-tween the politically mute, average drug user and the small number, socially distant from the common user, who started the work of undermining official definitions of drug use. The drug users' identification with the issues of power, freedom, oppression, and libertarianism, triggered by the experience of police and penal regulations, is discussed, as is the influence of the growth in the collective competence of users and the changes in the using population on the shifting image of drugs.

Fourth Step Guide Journey Into Growth: Hazelden Classics for Clients

by Daryl Kosloskie

In this helpful guide, the authors lead us through exercises that enable us to examine our behaviors, thoughts, feelings and actions in preparation for the Fifth Step.In this helpful guide, the authors lead us through exercises that enable us to examine our behaviors, thoughts, feelings and actions in preparation for the Fifth Step.

Guide For The Perplexed (Harper Perennial Modern Thought Ser.)

by E. F. Schumacher

E F Schumacher asserts that it is the task of philosophy to provide a map of life and knowledge which exhibits the most important features of life in their proper prominence. <P><P>The questions- How am I to conduct my life? What is the nature of art and nature? What is the meaning of religion? are restored are restored to daylight on Schumacher's map of life by his maxim 'if in doubt show it prominently. ' Science is therefore restored to its home territory and its growing imperialism over the fields is reserved.

The House by the Sea: A Journal

by May Sarton

The author and poet&’s graceful elegy about life, love, work, and growing older: &“The most moving and the most thoughtful [of her] journal-memoirs&” (The Plain Dealer, Cleveland). When May Sarton uprooted her life after fifteen years in the refurbished New Hampshire house with the garden she tended so lovingly, she relied solely on instinct. And something told her it was time to move on. Accompanied by her wild cat, Bramble, and Tamas, a Shetland shepherd puppy—the first dog she ever owned—Sarton embarked on the next chapter of her life. The house she chose by the sea in the Maine village of York is completely isolated except during the summer months. Surrounded by nothing but endless ocean, woods, and vast skies, Sarton experiences a rare sense of peace. She creates a new garden and fears that in this tranquil state, she may never write again. But in her solitude—with its occasional interruptions for trips away and visits from friends—she realizes that creativity is constantly renewing itself. This journal offers fascinating insight into a remarkable woman and the work and friendships that form the twin pillars of her life. This ebook features an extended biography of May Sarton.

How To Clean Everything: The Authoritative Guide to Cleaning, Conditioning and Stain Removal for Every Type of Material and Surface (3rd Edition)

by Alma Chesnut Moore

From the book: HOW TO CLEAN EVERYTHING is a comprehensive guide to cleaning any material, removing any stain and caring for any object. This manual, now available from JOB SQUAD, will become so indispensable, you will wonder how you ever managed to clean a home without it! Among the hundreds of tips offered are: Remove chewing gum (if water does not spot the material) by rubbing the gummy portion with a piece of ice. Then you can scrape or rub the gum out of the fabric. Clean a diamond ring by boiling mild soapsuds with a few drips of ammonia added, immersing the ring, dipping it into a small bowl of alcohol, and letting it dry on tissue paper. Remove fresh coffee and tea stains (if it's safe for the fabric) by stretching the stained portion of cloth over an open bowl and securing it with a rubber band. From a height of 1 to 3 feet, pour boiling water over the cloth. From awnings to Venetian blinds, cashmere to silk, coral to vinyl, HOW TO CLEAN EVERYTHING provides the best methods for ensuring a long and beautiful life for your belongings.

How to Sell Anything to Anybody

by Joe Girard Stanley H. Brown

"Salesmen are made, not born. If I did it, you can do it." -- Joe Girard In his fifteen-year selling career, author Joe Girard sold 13,001 cars, a Guinness World Record. He didn't have a degree from an Ivy League school -- instead, he learned by being in the trenches every day that nothing replaces old-fashioned salesmanship. He insists that by building on basic principles of trust and hard work, anyone can do what he did. This bestselling classic has helped millions of readers meet their goals -- and you will too. Joe will show you how to make the final sale every time, using the techniques he has perfected in his record career. You too can: TURN ONE SALE INTO 250 MORE CREATE A WINNING GAME PLAN FROM LOSING SALES KNOW THE FIVE WAYS TO TURN A PROSPECT INTO A BUYER MOVE PAST THE CUSTOMER'S LAST HURDLE TO CLOSE THE SALE SELL AT A LOSS AND MAKE A FURTUNE

Ilusiones (Centro Literario)

by Richard Bach

Por el autor de Juan Salvador Gaviota. Historia para descubrir lo más hondo de nosotros mismos. En el espacio aéreo sin nubes que se extiende entre los campos de maíz de Illinois y el azul infinito, un hombre deposita su fe en la hélice de su biplano. Para ese piloto, la fe es tan real como un depósito lleno de gasolina# hasta que se encuentra con Donal Shimoda, un antiguo mecánico que se define como un mesías y es capaz de lograr que las penas desaparezcan y que la imaginación remonte el vuelo. En Ilusiones descubrimos las verdades atemporales que dan alas a nuestras almas: que la gente no necesita máquinas voladoras para levantar el vuelo, que incluso las nubes más oscuras tienen un sentido cuando nos situamos por encima de ellas y que los mesías pueden encontrarse en lugares tan insospechados como un campo de heno, un pueblo perdido en medio de la llanura o, sobre todo, en lo más hondo de nosotros mismos.

The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance

by W. Timothy Gallwey

The timeless guide to achieving the state of &“relaxed concentration&” that&’s not only the key to peak performance in tennis but the secret to success in life itself—part of the bestselling Inner Game series, with more than one million copies sold!&“Groundbreaking . . . the best guide to getting out of your own way . . . Its profound advice applies to many other parts of life.&”—Bill Gates, GatesNotes (&“Five of My All-Time Favorite Books&”) This phenomenally successful guide to mastering the game from the inside out has become a touchstone for hundreds of thousands of people. Billie Jean King has called the book her tennis bible; Al Gore has used it to focus his campaign staff; and Itzhak Perlman has recommended it to young violinists. Based on W. Timothy Gallwey&’s profound realization that the key to success doesn&’t lie in holding the racket just right, or positioning the feet perfectly, but rather in keeping the mind uncluttered, this transformative book gives you the tools to unlock the potential that you&’ve possessed all along. &“The Inner Game&” is the one played within the mind of the player, against the hurdles of self-doubt, nervousness, and lapses in concentration. Gallwey shows us how to overcome these obstacles by trusting the intuitive wisdom of our bodies and achieving a state of &“relaxed concentration.&” With chapters devoted to trusting the self and changing habits, it is no surprise then, that Gallwey&’s method has had an impact far beyond the confines of the tennis court. Whether you want to play music, write a novel, get ahead at work, or simply unwind after a stressful day, Gallwey shows you how to tap into your utmost potential. No matter your goals, The Inner Game of Tennis gives you the definitive framework for long-term success.

Inner Skiing: Revised Edition

by W. Timothy Gallwey

A New, Completely Revised Edition of the Classic Guide to Better Skiing Have you been searching for a way to overcome your fear, trust your instincts, and ski to your greatest potential? Inner Skiing will help you do all this and more. In this newly updated edition of the skiing classic, W. Timothy Gallwey and Robert Kriegel offer advice on and examples of how to gain the "inner" self-confidence needed to ski well and have fun on the slopes.Inner Skiing will help you:Focus on each step of a particular technique (like the parallel turn), then put it all together so that the motion seems effortlessAnalyze your fears to distinguish between healthy fear and unnecessary fear that you can overcomeAchieve "breakthrough" runs in which you experience natural and coordinated movementsMove to the next level in your skiing ability and feel in controlGallwey and Kriegel are two of the leading innovators in sports, and this new edition refines the techniques they have perfected over their long careers. Their easy-to-follow examples and anecdotes will help skiers of all abilities--from beginner to expert. Inner Skiing will change the way you ski.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Living When a Loved One Has Died

by Earl A. Grollman

When someone you love dies, Earl Grollman writes, "there is no way to predict how you will feel. The reactions of grief are not like recipes, with given ingredients, and certain results. . . . Grief is universal. At the same time it is extremely personal. Heal in your own way."If someone you know is grieving, Living When a Loved One Has Died can help. Earl Grollman explains what emotions to expect when mourning, what pitfalls to avoid, and how to work through feelings of loss. Suitable for pocket or bedside, this gentle book guides the lonely and suffering as they move through the many facets of grief, begin to heal, and slowly build new lives.

Looking Out For #1

by Robert Ringer

The foundational premise of this book is that all individuals have a right to seek happiness in any way they so choose, so long as they do not commit aggression against others. In his uniquely entertaining style, the author shows you how to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

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