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The Miracle Of Forgiveness

by Spencer W. Kimball

Since it was first published in 1969, The Miracle of Forgiveness has changed countless lives for good. Deseret Book is proud to release the 35th Anniversary edition of this classic doctrinal work. During his earthly ministry, Jesus performed many miracles, including healing numerous diseased and disabled bodies. But perhaps his greatest miracle was the healing of people's souls-the forgiveness of sin. Jesus offers us that same miracle on the same terms-sincere repentance. In The Miracle of Forgiveness, President Spencer W. Kimball gives a penetrating explanation of repentance and forgiveness and clarifies their implications for Church members. His in-depth approach shows that the need for forgiveness is universal; portrays the various facets of repentance; and emphasizes some of the more serious errors, particularly sexual ones, which afflict both modern society and Church members. Most important, he illuminates his message with the brightness of hope that even those who have gone grievously astray may find the way back to peace and security.+ Never before has any book brought this vital and moving subject into so sharp a focus. This classic book is a major work of substance and power. After all, who does not need the miracle of forgiveness?

The Sensuous Woman

by J

[From the back cover] THE BOOK THAT FIRED THE FIRST SHOT IN THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION Not too long ago only "bad" girls had a good time in bed. "Good" girls endured-and wondered what they were missing. Then along came "J" and suddenly everything was different. She opened the eyes-and minds-of millions of American women with her explicit step-by-step account of her pursuit of the ultimate in sexual pleasure. Now here's the book that has set off fireworks in bedrooms across America, the book that will teach every woman how to free her body, train her senses, and tap her own hidden erotic resources. The book designed to make you the woman every man yearns to make love to-the woman you yearn to be. "'J' IS UNMISTAKABLY FEMALE: NO MAN COULD POSSIBLY BE SO EXQUISITELY KNOWING ABOUT HOW A WOMAN CAN MAKE THE MOST OF WHAT SHE'S GOT." Playboy

Testimony of Light: An Extraordinary Message of Life After Death

by Helen Greaves

For the millions who have enjoyed Proof of Heaven, Heaven is Real, To Heaven and Back, and Getting to Heaven, Testimony of Light is about life after death-and the amazing story of a friendship that endured beyond the veil-published for the first time in the United States. Frances Banks died, as she had lived, fully aware of what she was experiencing and where she hoped to go. Her friend Helen Greaves was by her side as she finally lapsed into unconsciousness. Then, one evening some three weeks after Frances's death, Helen sensed her presence. This extraordinary encounter marked the beginning of contact between them from both sides of the veil-between life as we know it and life on "the other side. " Testimony of Light is based on these communications that Helen received telepathically from Frances. The writings have been authenticated by those who knew them both and who were familiar with their individual writing styles. Moving and inspiring, this classic book is a testament to the enduring power of their friendship, and offers an important message to us all-that the death of the body is but a gentle passing to a much freer and fuller life. .

Victory in Christ: Messages on the Victorious Life

by Charles G. Trumbull

"In this down-to-earth, practical essay, Mr. Trumbull reveals tremendous insight into the full reality of the victory we have in Christ. He uplifts the Lord Jesus Christ, pointing to Him as the Victor who has achieved by the power of His divine life and His finished work of the Cross a wonderful place of liberty and power for the believer." An inspiring devotional.

Brilliant Brain Training: Flash

by Simon Wootton Terry Horne

The books in this bite-sized new series contain no complicated techniques or tricky materials, making them ideal for the busy, the time-pressured or the merely curious. Brilliant Brain Training is a quick, no-effort solution for those who want to buff up their brain power. In just 96 pages,readers will discover fun and challenging exercises that will give them mental agility in every area.

Does God Still Guide? (J. Sidlow Baxter Library)

by J. Sidlow Baxter

Does God Still Guide? Or, more fully, what are the Essentials of Guidance and Growth in the Christian Life?

Dreams: Your Magic Mirror with Interpretations by Edgar Cayce

by Elsie Sechrist

How an understanding of your psychic self can lead to both spiritual growth and success in everyday life and how dreams can serve this end. The author uses Cayce's notes for readings on dreams.

Longpath: Becoming the Great Ancestors Our Future Needs – An Antidote for Short-Termism

by Ari Wallach

"An antidote to nearsightedness. Ari Wallach won’t just leave you planning months or years ahead—he challenges you to look generations ahead. Get ready to think and think again." — Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLifeA paradigm-shifting manifesto for transforming our thinking from reactionary short-termism to the long-term, widening our scope beyond today, tomorrow, and to even five hundred years from now to reclaim meaning in our lives.Many of the problems we face today, from climate change to work anxiety, are the result of short-term thinking. We are constantly bombarded by notifications and “Breaking News” that are overwhelming our central nervous systems, forcing us to react in the moment and ultimately disconnecting us from what truly matters. But there is a solution.Futurist Ari Wallach offers a radical new way forward called “longpath,” a mantra and mindset to help us focus on the long view. Drawing on history, theology, neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, and social technologies, Longpath teaches readers to strengthen their ability to look ahead, relieve reactions to stressful events, increase capacity for cooperation, and even boost creativity. Wallach challenges readers to ask themselves, “to what end?”—what is my ultimate goal and how does my choice align with my values? And even more provocatively, Wallach challenges readers to ask “to what end?” for civilization at large.Whether it’s work, marriage, parenting, or simply trying to be a good human on the planet, framing decisions from a much larger scale creates a more fulfilling and sustainable life now and for future generations.

Measuring Happiness

by Joachim Weimann Ronnie Schöb Andreas Knabe

Can money buy happiness? Is income a reliable measure for life satisfaction? In the West after World War II, happiness seemed inextricably connected to prosperity. Beginning in the 1960s, however, other values began to gain ground: peace, political participation, civil rights, environmentalism. "Happiness economics" -- a somewhat incongruous-sounding branch of what has been called "the dismal science" -- has taken up the puzzle of what makes people happy, conducting elaborate surveys in which people are asked to quantify their satisfaction with "life in general." In this book, three economists explore the happiness-prosperity connection, investigating how economists measure life satisfaction and well-being.The authors examine the evolution of happiness research, considering the famous "Easterlin Paradox," which found that people's average life satisfaction didn't seem to depend on their income. But they question whether happiness research can measure what needs to be measured. They argue that we should not assess people's well-being on a "happiness scale," because that necessarily obscures true social progress. Instead, rising income should be understood as increasing opportunities and alleviating scarcity. Economic growth helps societies to sustain freedom and to finance social welfare programs. In this respect, high income may not buy happiness with life in general, but it gives individuals the opportunity to be healthier, better educated, better clothed, and better fed, to live longer, and to live well.

The Mirages of Marriage

by William J. Lederer Don D. Jackson

This helpful, incisive analysis of marriage in America discusses the false assumptions of modern marriage and how to make a marriage work. It is imperative to realize, the authors argue, that the marital relationship is an interlocked system in itself, not a function of individual partners. They offer techniques for appraising one's own marriage, discuss the use of counselors and the dangers of unilateral therapy, and outline the major elements of a satisfactory marriage.

Say Yes to No: Using the Power of No to Create the Best in Life, Work, and Love

by Greg Cootsona

Greg Cootsona puts a spiritual spin on the classic business strategy for setting priorities in this valuable guide to finding personal fulfillment in an increasingly frantic world. At age thirty-eight, Cootsona, a physically fit minister busy with his growing congregation and his young family, had a scare with heart trouble. The unexpected and frightening news proved providential. Cootsona realized that he was juggling too many roles, saying yes to too many commitments. In SAY YES TO NO, Cootsona blends personal experiences and deep reflection to show why learning to say no can transform our lives. He describes the choices he made as he set the priorities in his own life, and encourages readers to look within their hearts and focus on the values and the goals that promise them their greatest rewards. Filled with sound advice and profound insights, SAY YES TO NO provides a path to achieving physical, professional, emotional, and spiritual well-being that will appeal to Christian and mainstream audiences alike.

Springs in the Valley

by Mrs Charles E. Cowman

Mrs. Charles Cowman knew well about life's dark valleys. She knew, too, about God's living waters that bubble up in their midst, bringing refreshment and joy to the thirsty traveler. In Springs in the Valley, she shares cool draughts of wisdom and insight into God's character, drawn from the Scriptures and purified through a lifetime of experience. In print for more than sixty years, this classic daily devotional offers a years' worth of daily meditations, now in a new, definitive edition. Take a moment, tune out the clamor and concerns of today, and let Springs in the Valley wash the busy-ness from your soul in its limpid flow of wise, faith-filled words.

Victory Over Trials: Encouragement From the Life of Job

by Lottie B. Hobbs

[from the back page] If you have ever experienced discouragement, disappointment, pain, grief, doubt, or any other heartache, this book is for you. The author gleans enlightenment, strength, and direction from the most magnificent and soul-stirring drama of all time: the Book of Job. Job - an emotionally torn, suffering, grieving man - grappled with life's heaviest burdens and most perplexing questions. He triumphed! So can we! Victory Over Trials is not a tedious analysis. It is easily understood, up-to-date, and practical. Ideal for individual and class use. One reader concludes: "Each chapter is worth the price of the book." LOTTIE BETH HOBBS is acclaimed in international journals in the U.S. and Europe as a writer, speaker, and editor. Some of her books have had more than twenty printings in English and are still in demand. Some have been published in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and several languages of India. Many of her popular pamphlets, on a wide variety of topics, are distributed internationally.

We are the People Our Parents Warned Us Against

by Nicholas Von Hoffman

This book tries to describe what happened in the Haight-Ashbury section of San Francisco. It happened most vividly that it drew international attention to itself.

Winners & Losers

by Sydney J. Harris

Keeping score is a basic necessity in a competitive society - whether it be at sports, cards or analyzing financial reports. Well-known columnist and humanist Sydney J. Harris proposes five scoreboards for winners in the "game" of life and demonstrates his uncanny ability to hit the mark of insight and wit. Succinct comments on success and failure touch on a wide variety of topics: personal self-image, values, motivation and human relationships. Even though the "game" of life is serious business, Winners and Losers demonstrates that humor and the ability to laugh at oneself are vital. The author's statements are cleverly interpreted in the handsome illustrations of Nicole Hollander.

Wisdom of the Mystic Masters

by Joseph J. Weed

This book contains the most awesome secrets ever known to man—ready to be used by you to attain the riches, influence and joy you've always wanted! By using the staggering power of these age-old secrets—jealously guarded by the wealthiest and most influential people in history—you'll quickly discover how to release a flood of riches into your life... how to gain influence and control over others... bring new romance into your marriage or social life... gain the instant respect of everyone you meet... overcome any threat that face you now! Here is the ancient might of the Mystic Masters immediately ready to help you to the pinnacle of money, fame, and power!

Being and Caring: A Psychology For Living (2nd edition)

by Victor Daniels Laurence J. Horowitz

Practical information and skills for better living! This highly regarded edition synthesizes the psychological wisdom of such notable writers as Freud, Rogers, Perls, Jung, Skinner, and Reich as it offers students an approach that involves the systematic development of each part of the personality. Readers of Being and Caring will find ways to move beyond limiting attitudes and assumptions, use inner resources more effectively, make outer relationships more rewarding, and live their lives more consciously than before. Being and Caring speaks directly to the reader's past, present, and future life. Instead of talking about issues, it penetrates to the heart of readers' concerns about them. Rather than presenting knowledge that is here today but gone after the exam, it provides practical information and skills that can be put to immediate use. Through its exercises, it provides an ongoing workshop in learning to confront dilemmas of existence that every person faces. Being and Caring both informs and demystifies. What others have stated in complicated ways, Daniels and Horowitz say simply and directly. Students will appreciate the authors' warm, personal tone, the clear and sharp writing, and the coherent organization.

Enthusiasm Makes the Difference

by Norman Peale

"I am convinced that the fortunate individuals who achieve the most in life are invariably activated by enthusiasm." -- Norman Vincent Peale If you have a tough time coping with life's disturbances, disappointments, and challenges, this book is for you. Dr. Peale offers a simple, sure-fire solution for stress: a healthy dose of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the magic ingredient that can make the difference between success and failure, and it can help you to: improve your problem-solving abilities overcome your fears sharpen your mind make your job more rewarding calm your tensions build self-confidence kindle the powerful motivation that makes things happen

The Eye Opener

by Anonymous

A recovery basic for over 30 years, this popular meditation book includes daily affirmations on AA philosophy.Popular meditations on A.A. philosophy, written for every day of the year. This effective tool has been a recovery-basic for over 30 years.

God Makes the Rivers To Flow

by Eknath Easwaran

An anthology of world mysticism with a special focus, this guidebook presents inspired passages from the world's greatest saints and scriptures which proclaim the truths central to all religions in a poetically distilled and positive form.They have been chosen for purity of expression, clarity, positive vision, universality, and for a practical immediacy which makes them translatable into daily life.When we read the words of the inspired passages collected in this book, reflect on them, write them out, memorize them, and meditate on them with profound concentration, they have the capacity to sink deep into our consciousness, alive with the original charge of mystical awareness which first drew them forth.This book is organized to support various levels of engagement with the carefully chosen selections of transforming pieces.New in this edition: Nearly twice the number of passages. Brief instructions in how to use these powerful selections for daily meditation. Tips for memorization. A guide to choosing passages to shed unwanted habits or face life challenges. Instructions in "Lectio Divina" - a style of study found in all major traditions. Background notes about individual scriptures and mystics. New cover

His Deeper Work In Us: An Inquiry into New Testament Teaching on the Subject of Christian Holiness (J. Sidlow Baxter Library)

by J. Sidlow Baxter

In His Deeper Work in Us, the importance of seeking the control and the infilling of the Holy Spirit is viewed as the key to living the victorious Christian life. Accordingly, Dr. Baxter states that “the New Testament emphasis is not so much on our being ridded of something (though that is necessarily included), but rather on being filled with a spiritual vitality and health that leaves the sin-disease no environment in which to thrive.” Drawing upon the writings of such stalwarts of the faith as D. L. Moody, Hannah Whitall Smith, Frances Ridley Havergal, A. T. Pierson, Samuel Chadwick, and others, Dr. Baxter discusses this all-important step in the Christian walk through both experience and Scripture.

Lateral Thinking: An Introduction

by Edward de Bono

Why do some people always seem to have new ideas while others of equal intelligence never do? Lateral Thinking is Edward de Bono’s original portrayal of what lateral thinking is, how it works and how to use it to develop your own potential for thinking and problem solving.First published in 1967 as The Use of Lateral Thinking, this classic international bestseller remains as relevant to learning, problem solving and creative thinking today as when it was first published. De Bono argues that conventional vertical thinking often inhibits our ability to solve problems and come up with new ideas. He then shows that lateral thinking is a far easier and more natural way to generate simple, sound and effective ideas and offers guidance on how to develop your own ability to think laterally. Lateral thinking is a technique that anyone can learn and benefit from.

The Little Red Book

by Anonymous

Designed as an aid for the study of the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, The Little Red Book contains many helpful topics for discussion meetings.This is the original study guide to the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. Filled with practical information for those first days of sober living, this little book: offers newcomers advice about the program, how long it takes, and what to look for in a sponsorprovides in-depth discussions of each of the Twelve Steps and related character defectsposes common questions about AA and helping others, identifying where to find answers in the Big Bookfeatures non-sexist language

Moments of Mindfulness

by Thich Nhat Hanh

This beautifully designed gift book contains many of the best-loved inspirational quotations and passages from Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Basic meditation instructions and messages of peace, love, insight, understanding, and compassion accompany two-color illustrations throughout, with blank pages for personal reflections and inspiration. Moments of Mindfulness is a perfect journal for spiritual exploration.Moments of Mindfulness is intended to be used as a personal notebook or to simply read for everyday inspiration, and to help bring mindful practices and reflection to daily life. With illustrations by Jenifer Kent, beautiful details and design, it makes a wonderful gift.

Piense y hágase rico: La riqueza y la realización personal al alcance de todos

by Napoleon Hill

Piense y hágase rico es un clásico para alcanzar la riqueza. Es así de sencillo: la riqueza y la realización personal están al alcance de todas aquellas personas que lo desean; basta simplemente con desvelar un secreto, el secreto del éxito. Napoleon Hill aprendió este secreto del famoso industrial, filántropo y escritor Andreus Carnegie, y lo sistematizó para hacerlo accesible en Piense y hágase rico. Piense y hágase rico es una obra diseñada para arrastrar al triunfo, entendido no solo como triunfo económico, sino, sobre todo, como logro de íntima satisfacción que permite el equilibrio personal. Reseña:«Un libro excelente. Si aprendes a hacer que el dinero trabaje para ti, tu vida será más sencilla y feliz.»Robert Kiyosaki

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