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Showing 36,576 through 36,600 of 36,693 results

Created for Wholeness

by Andrew Benedict Acheampong

This book shows you how to know and validate yourself, your purpose in life, body type, psychological personality, astrological soul personality, religious faith, spiritual path for personal transformation. It examines various approaches to self-knowledge, wholeness, elimination of bad habits, addictions and wrong beliefs, your compatibility with other souls in relationships, and practical ways for aligning body-mind-soul to awakened spirit for wholeness. The book connects knowledge of oneself to a life of wholeness and harmony with others. The author shares his personal story about how he came to understand his divided self, personality, purpose and the struggles he has encountered on the path of wholeness of self.

Mind Your Mind: Three Principles for Happy Living

by Venugopal Acharya

How do I stop myself from worrying all the time? Why do I overthink? Whom do I blame for my problems? Is my mind a friend or an enemy? My life seems so useless –what is the point of living? Is happiness achievable despite all my troubles?If any of these questions resonate with you, corporate practitioner turned monk and teacher Venugopal Acharya has the answers you’re looking for. Beginning with the premise that the solution to an anxious or restless mind lies not in controlling the mind – an impossible task at the best of times – but in learning how to manage it, he recommends three powerful yet simple principles for mind management and happy living: Awareness, Acceptance and Aspiration. Moving a step ahead of merely outlining these ‘self-help methods’, the Acharya explains – through anecdotes from history and contemporary events as well as nuggets from ancient Indian scriptures – how to integrate these distinct concepts into a three-step practice for daily living and achieve benefits that are simultaneously immediate and long-lasting. An invaluable guide to self-transformation that is tailor-made for modern living, Mind Your Mind gently but powerfully reveals that you are much more than your mind – and you can, therefore, live a fulfilling, uncomplicated and contented life beyond it.

1000 Ideas to Survive in the 21st Century

by David Izquierdo Achalandabaso

This book intends on inspiring a global movement focused on both the individual and collective wellbeing of all human beings. It looks to help you develop your full potential so that you can then have a positive impact on your environment and the lives of others. From a singular perspective, it will allow you to have a new take on the current problems of humanity. Thinking about them in a way you'd never thought about them before. After reading this book you will see the world through a different lens. We all know everything but we never put it into practice, does this sound like a familiar experience? I offer you some original and easy tools to understand and resolve your daily problems. Starting with basic concepts such as perspective, hyperreality and self-responsibility. We'll analyze the current problems with a complete perspective, observing the past, present and future of topics such as: work, mental health, social networks, environmentalism, feminism, sex, family, money, governments, as well as the ideas and values ​​of this globalized world. A humanistic vision of reality, helping you to value yourself, value others and value how much or how little you have. 1000 reflections to combat the current global pessimism that is unfairly making humans the most undervalued brand in history. Let's make a brand! Shall we do it together?

1000 Idées Pour Vivre Au Xxième Siècle: 1000 idées pratiques pour un monde meilleur

by David Izquierdo Achalandabaso

Le présent livre vise à inspirer un mouvement mondial axé sur le bien-être individuel et collectif de tous les êtres humains. Il vous aidera à développer tout votre potentiel afin que vous puissiez avoir un impact positif sur votre environnement et la vie des autres. D'un point de vue unique, il vous permettra de jeter un regard neuf sur les problèmes actuels de l'humanité, comme vous ne l'avez jamais fait auparavant. Après avoir lu ce livre, vous verrez le monde avec des yeux différents. Nous savons tout mais nous ne le mettons pas en pratique, cela vous semble-t-il familier ? Je vous propose des outils originaux et simples pour affronter et résoudre vos problèmes quotidiens. A partir de concepts de base tels que la perspective, l'hyper-réalité et l'auto-responsabilité. Nous analyserons les problèmes actuels dans une perspective globale, en examinant le passé, le présent et l'avenir de questions telles que : le travail, la santé mentale, les réseaux sociaux, l'environnement, le féminisme, le sexe, la famille, l'argent, les gouvernements, ainsi que les idées et les valeurs dans ce monde globalisé. Une vision humaniste de la réalité, qui vous amènera à vous valoriser, à valoriser les autres et à valoriser ce que vous avez ou non. 1000 réflexions pour combattre le pessimisme mondial actuel qui fait injustement de nous, humains, la marque la plus sous-évaluée de l'histoire. Faisons une marque ! Faisons quelque chose ensemble ?

Smetti di essere un perdente. 11 cambiamenti in 21 giorni per vivere nell'eccellenza,

by Gabriella Acciani H. G. Cibele

Bastano 21 giorni per una vita di successo? In questo libro scoprirai 11 Cambiamenti necessari per smettere di essere un perdente: in 3 settimane convertirai i cambiamenti in nuove abitudini e potrai finalmente raggiungere la vita che desideri.

Conscious Money: Living, Creating, and Investing with Your Values for a Sustainable New Prosperity

by Patricia Aburdene

Why not make money and make a difference, too? A revolutionary blueprint for growing wealth, finding fulfillment, and changing the world by living your values. In the emerging era of Conscious Money, we achieve prosperity by tapping into the power of values, consciousness, and sound economic principles. By applying the wisdom of Conscious Money to your personal finances, you can build a foundation for sustainable wealth and true fulfillment. No longer will you need to choose between your core values and your paycheck. Instead you'll expand on-the-job creativity, grow income through conscious practices, and change the world as you: * identify your unique personal values; * break down barriers to financial success; * partner with companies that reflect your values; * express your values through conscious shopping; * tap into higher consciousness at the office; * harness your intuition to clarify financial choices; and * invest in enterprises that honor the planet.

Stripped: When God's Call Turns From "Yes!" to "Why Me?"

by Lina AbuJamra

Do you want to live a life that is greatly used by God? Do you long to make a difference in the world? In Stripped, Lina explains the process that God uses to transform you into a person who is ready to receive all that God has planned. You will learn:1. Pain is not the enemy—it&’s the very road God uses to make you stronger. 2. The Christian life isn&’t easy, but God&’s presence is your guarantee for joy no matter what you&’re going through.Lina helps you to think biblically about your calling and dreams and uncovers the truth about the transformational power of the gospel. Stripped is a book for every person who longs for more but is often surprised that the road usually begins with pain—the pain of being stripped. Stripped is about the broken and surrendered life, about understanding the stripping process that must take place for sold out Christians to be used by God to build His kingdom. In it you will:Be equipped to endure the stripping processLearn what must be stripped from the Christian's lifeBe inspiried by Biblical and real life examples who were victoriously stripped

Stripped: When God's Call Turns From "Yes!" to "Why Me?"

by Lina AbuJamra

Do you want to live a life that is greatly used by God? Do you long to make a difference in the world? In Stripped, Lina explains the process that God uses to transform you into a person who is ready to receive all that God has planned. You will learn:1. Pain is not the enemy—it&’s the very road God uses to make you stronger. 2. The Christian life isn&’t easy, but God&’s presence is your guarantee for joy no matter what you&’re going through.Lina helps you to think biblically about your calling and dreams and uncovers the truth about the transformational power of the gospel. Stripped is a book for every person who longs for more but is often surprised that the road usually begins with pain—the pain of being stripped. Stripped is about the broken and surrendered life, about understanding the stripping process that must take place for sold out Christians to be used by God to build His kingdom. In it you will:Be equipped to endure the stripping processLearn what must be stripped from the Christian's lifeBe inspiried by Biblical and real life examples who were victoriously stripped

Los doce códigos del amor: Sana tus heridas y encuentra pareja con la ayuda de la astrología

by Elva Abril

La astrología es tu mejor aliada para descubrir los miedos inconscientes que bloquean tus relaciones y conseguir el amor que mereces. Identifica tus patrones lunares, sánalos y abre las puertas al buen amor. ¿Te has preguntado por qué algunas personas encuentran pareja enseguida y otras no lo consiguen ni a tiros? Hay quien lo achaca a la mala suerte, pero la realidad es que muchos de nosotros vamos cargados de miedos inconscientes que nos bloquean y hacen que repitamos patrones hasta la saciedad y topemos siempre con el mismo tipo de personas. En astrología, la posición de la luna en nuestra carta natal, nos ayuda a entender cómo nos relacionamos, desvela las heridas infantiles que arrastramos y cómo vivimos el primer amor: el de la madre (o persona equivalente), modelo que repetiremos en todos nuestros vínculos. Existen doce posibles patrones lunares, doce miedos inconscientes que definen como nos relacionamos. Tomar consciencia de ellos, y también de los planetas con los que interactúan, es imprescindible para, si nos conviene, cambiarlos y acceder a buenas relaciones, en las que nadie sane a nadie, sino que ambos miembros de la pareja formen un equipo.

Mayo Clinic Guide to Fibromyalgia: Strategies to Take Back Your Life

by Andy Abril Barbara K. Bruce

Fibromyalgia is a condition that&’s often misunderstood by the general public and doctors alike. This book aims to dispel myths about fibromyalgia and offers practical strategies that can help anyone living with this condition manage it successfully and return to a fulfilling and enjoyable life. Drawing on decades of experience in treating fibromyalgia, Mayo Clinic Guide to Fibromyalgia offers research-supported, practical strategies that can help anyone with fibromyalgia live their best life now. From personal stories of people living with fibromyalgia to the compassionate expertise of its medical editors, this book seeks to first connect with people who have fibromyalgia in a way that they may not have experienced from loved ones and even doctors. From there, readers will learn about what fibromyalgia is—and isn&’t—and find solace in knowing that they&’re not alone in the challenges that they face. The half of the book sets the foundation for the second half, which outlines practical strategies shown to be effective in managing fibromyalgia. Along the way, worksheets will help guide readers toward finding the best mix of strategies for managing their symptoms. The entire book comes together in the last part, where readers will put everything they&’ve learned into an actionable daily plan that they can start using right away. This book is divided into 4 parts: · Part 1 defines fibromyalgia, describes what causes it, and lists the challenges it can pose · Part 2 outlines treatment options · Part 3 describes strategies for managing fibromyalgia · Part 4 outlines steps toward working with your health care team and family and creating a daily action plan for managing symptoms

Liderazgo: Poderosas Habilidades De Liderazgo Para Influir Y Mejorar La Comunicación

by Kvalnes Abrashoff

¿Qué pasaría si un gran experto con más de treinta años de experiencia en liderazgo estuviera dispuesto a destilar solo para ti todo lo que ha aprendido acerca de liderazgo en un compendio de principios que pueden cambiar tu vida? Cambiaría tu vida. Como líder, necesitas equilibrio para que nunca más tengas que estar ente la esperanza y el miedo, la expansión y la contracción, el dolor y el placer, el éxito y el fracaso. Cuando estás en equilibrio funcionas al máximo de tu potencial. Tus habilidades naturales salen a flote. Tienes más energía y experimentas mayor felicidad y satisfacción. Cuando tu cuerpo, mente, emociones y energía están alineadas podrás hacer mejor el trabajo y dar lo mejor de ti como líder. Cuando no estás en equilibrio eres un gran desastre. Si estás listo para tomar acción y cambiar tu vida para mejor ¡Este libro definitivamente te guiará en la dirección correcta!

It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy

by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff

The legendary New York Times bestselling tale of top-down change for anyone trying to navigate today's uncertain business seas. When Captain Abrashoff took over as commander of USS Benfold, it was like a business that had all the latest technology but only some of the productivity. Knowing that responsibility for improving performance rested with him, he realized he had to improve his own leadership skills before he could improve his ship. Within months, he created a crew of confident and inspired problem-solvers eager to take the initiative and responsibility for their actions. The slogan on board became "It's your ship," and Benfold was soon recognized far and wide as a model of naval efficiency. How did Abrashoff do it? Against the backdrop of today's United States Navy, Abrashoff shares his secrets of successful management including: See the ship through the eyes of the crew: By soliciting a sailor's suggestions, Abrashoff drastically reduced tedious chores that provided little additional value. Communicate, communicate, communicate: The more Abrashoff communicated the plan, the better the crew's performance. His crew eventually started calling him "Megaphone Mike," since they heard from him so often. Create discipline by focusing on purpose: Discipline skyrocketed when Abrashoff's crew believed that what they were doing was important. Listen aggressively: After learning that many sailors wanted to use the GI Bill, Abrashoff brought a test official aboard the ship-and held the SATs forty miles off the Iraqi coast. From achieving amazing cost savings to winning the highest gunnery score in the Pacific Fleet, Captain Abrashoff's extraordinary campaign sent shock waves through the U.S. Navy. It can help you change the course of your ship, no matter where your business battles are fought.

It's Our Ship: The No-Nonsense Guide to Leadership

by Captain D. Abrashoff

Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, legendary commander of the USS Benfold, continues in the same vein of his bestselling book IT'S YOUR SHIP with the knowledge he's gained from his speaking to and advising some of the top business minds in the world. The story of Captain Abrashoff and his command of USS Benfold has become legendary inside and outside the Navy. By governing his ship with his unique management techniques, Abrashoff turned the Benfold into a model of naval efficiency, with amazing cost savings, the highest gunnery score in the Pacific Fleet, and a highly motivated and top performing crew. In IT'S YOUR SHIP, he first demonstrated how to bring his successful management techniques from the ship to the boardroom. Now, in his newest book IT'S OUR SHIP, in the same rugged, can-do voice, Abrashoff will focus on the leadership, motivational, and management insights and tips that he has learned from his last six years of addressing business and corporate audiences. Abrashoff's timely advice will be eminently prescriptive, and will feature anecdotes and insights from leaders of businesses large and small and from public and non-profit sectors.

The Caregiver's Survival Handbook

by Alexis Abramson

Being a caregiver can be rewarding but demanding work-and more than 40 million adult children find themselves experiencing the double duty of caring for their elders as they try to carry on a life of their own. The mission of this book is to help caregivers figure out how to look after aging loved ones, provide for other family members, and attend to their own career-without losing themselves in the process. In this supportive, reassuring, and practical guide, Doctor Alexis addresses the most pressing concerns, including such issues as how to: * Get all family members to pitch in * Let go of feelings of guilt * Avoid conflict with an aging loved one * Foster independence in the elderly * Balance the demands on one's own time and resources "I have encountered few people who have the knowledge, experience, and passion that Alexis possesses for serving older persons. Alexis has accomplished a lot and has gained a well-deserved national reputation as an authority on issues affecting older persons." -Horace B. Deets, former executive director of AARP

Minority Leader: How to Lead from the Outside and Make Real Change

by Stacey Abrams

A personal and empowering blueprint―from one of America’s rising Democratic stars―for outsiders who seek to become the ones in charge <p><p> Leadership is hard. Convincing others―and often yourself―that you possess the answers and are capable of world-affecting change requires confidence, insight, and sheer bravado. Minority Leader is the handbook for outsiders, written with the awareness of the experiences and challenges that hinder anyone who exists beyond the structure of traditional white male power―women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ community, and millennials ready to make a difference. <p> In Minority Leader, Stacey Abrams argues that knowing your own passion is the key to success, regardless of the scale or target. From launching a company, to starting a day care center for homeless teen moms, to running a successful political campaign, finding what you want to fight for is as critical as knowing how to turn thought into action. Stacey uses her experience and hard-won insights to break down how ambition, fear, money, and failure function in leadership, while offering personal stories that illuminate practical strategies. <p> Stacey includes exercises to help you hone your skills and realize your aspirations. She discusses candidly what she has learned over the course of her impressive career: that differences in race, gender, and class are surmountable. With direction and dedication, being in the minority actually provides unique and vital strength, which we can employ to rise to the top and make real change. <p> <b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Breathe to Succeed: Increase Workplace Productivity, Creativity, and Clarity through the Power of Mindfulness

by Sandy Abrams

"Science has validated the power of breathing and mindfulness to enhance our well-being. Sandy Abrams' advice is a simple but incredibly effective way to make mindfulness a part of your life and help you thrive in our always-on world." --Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global Technology has revolutionized the business sector. Whether you're an entrepreneur, employee, CEO, or executive, you're likely feeling the effects of less humanity and more technology. Our minds are distracted, our attention spans are shortened, we want everything on demand, in boxes are never empty, our energy is frequently negative, we're addicted to social media, and we're sleep deprived. This cannot be the new normal. Breath is the antidote!Breathe to Succeed shares the transformative power of breath in business. Even just three deep breaths at key moments can be nothing short of miraculous. With Abrams's fast, simple, and effective breathing techniques, you'll become more mindful and engaged and experience better moods, a calmer perspective, and positive energy that will translate to next-level productivity, creativity, and clarity. Breathe to Succeed will teach you how to:•Utilize a variety of simple breath techniques to access your optimal energy and manage your emotions in the moment.•Become self-aware of your negative thought patterns/behavior and rewire your brain with positive new habits.•Activate the power of your mind to breathe through challenges, make better decisions, and reach goals effortlessly.

Successful Business Plan (Fifth Edition): Secrets and Strategies

by Rhonda Abrams

A complete, step-by-step guide to researching and writing a business plan. Includes expert help, worksheets to jumpstart the process, a sample business plan, tips on impressing funders, winning tips for competitions, and more.

When Parents Die: Learning to Live with the Loss of a Parent

by Rebecca Abrams

The death of a parent marks an emotional and psychological watershed in a person's life. For children and teenagers, the loss of a parent if not handled sensitively can be a lasting trauma, and for adults too, a parent's death can be a tremendous blow. When Parents Die speaks to bereaved children of all ages. Rebecca Abrams draws on her personal and professional understandings of parental loss, as well as the experiences of many other adults, teenagers and children, to provide the reader with an honest, compassionate and insightful exploration of the experience of losing a parent. The book covers the entire course of grieving, from the immediate aftermath of a parent's death through to the point of recovery, paying particular attention to the many circumstances that can prolong and complicate mourning, including sudden death. An indispensible aid to the bereaved and the many professionals who work with them, this book is written in a clear and sympathetic style. It has been fully revised for this third edition to take recent research into account.

The Man's Guide to Women: Scientifically Proven Secrets from the Love Lab About What Women Really Want

by Rachel Carlton Abrams Doug Abrams Julie Schwartz Gottman John Gottman

Results from world-renowned relationship expert John Gottman’s famous Love Lab have proven an incredible truth: Men make or break relationships. Based on 40 years of research, The Man’s Guide to Women unlocks the mystery of how to attract, satisfy, and succeed with a woman for a lifetime. For the first time ever, there is a science-based answer to the age-old question: What do women really want in a man?Dr. Gottman, author of the New York Times bestseller The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, and his wife and collaborator, clinical psychologist Julie Schwartz Gottman, PhD, have pored over the research along with bestselling coauthors Douglas Abrams and Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD. Together, they have written this definitive guide for men, providing answers on everything from how to approach a woman and build a connection with her to how to truly satisfy her in bed and know when the relationship is on the right track. The Man’s Guide to Women is a must-have playbook for how to play—and win—the game of love.

The Joy of Cannabis: 75 Ways to Amplify Your Life Through the Science and Magic of Cannabis

by Melanie Abrams Larry Smith

A sophisticated and humorous cannabis book to enhance your life and promote self-care through the science and magic of weed.With a toolkit of the basics to get you started and a curated set of 75 activities, The Joy of Cannabis is a road map to a higher and happier you. In each of the six sections, you'll find science-based research as well as charts, essays, and fun facts from bold thinkers. The activities—tested and approved by authors Melanie Abrams and Larry Smith—teach you how to amplify pleasure through bonding and intimacy, deepen meditation to help with social anxiety and sleep, and elevate your cooking with innovative cannabis-infused recipes. You'll even learn why the word "marijuana" rarely appears in the book.Through the power of cannabis, discover fun new ways to:Expand the mindMove the bodyUnlock creativityBoost productivityFortify meaningful connectionsSpark wonderActivities include:GREEN CLEANING: Take advantage of weed's ability to make you hyper-focused by cleaning your house while high and learn why cleaning is one of the most productive and satisfying stoner tasks.HOT HIGH HYGGE: Whip up a mug of cannabis-infused hot cocoa or a hot toddy, hunker down under a pile of cozy blankets, and get the full hygge experience.MEMORY STRAIN: Scientists are looking into how cannabis helps make autobiographical memory more sensorial. Dig out those old baby albums or dusty yearbooks, add your favorite strain, and create your own personal time machine.The Joy of Cannabis is a comprehensive guide for the cannabis curious to the cannabis connoisseur. For some, this book will further awaken their love for an elixir that's changing our culture and bringing pleasure to millions around the world. For others, this guide will inspire discovery of an ancient plant that's been used for both healing and happiness for thousands of years.From improving sleep and decreasing anxiety to promoting focus and making the ordinary extraordinary, recreational cannabis' time is now. Whether you purchase it as a self-care book for yourself or the men and women in your life or give it as a gift for a friend, get ready to experience the Golden Age of Cannabis. You're going to love it here.Praise for The Joy of Cannabis:"Approachable, readable, beautifully designed, The Joy of Cannabis is a perfect marriage of form and content. I couldn't love this book more." —Mollie Katzen, bestselling cookbook writer and inductee into the James Beard Cookbook Hall of Fame"A book to enrich and maximize cannabis experiences." —The Broccoli Report

African Goddess Initiation: Sacred Rituals for Self-Love, Prosperity, and Joy

by Abiola Abrams

A sacred feminine initiation of self-love and soul care rituals, tools, and exercises.Spiritual teacher, intuitive coach, and award-winning author, Abiola Abrams invites you to activate African goddess magic to transmute your fears and limiting beliefs, so that you can create more happiness, abundance, and self-acceptance.Africa is a continent of 54+ countries, and her children are global. There is no one African spiritual tradition. Our ancestors who were trafficked in "The New World" hid the secrets of our orishas, abosom, lwas, álúsí, and god/desses behind saints, angels, and legendary characters. From South Africa to Egypt, Brazil to Haiti, Guyana to Louisiana, goddess wisdom still empowers us.Writes Abiola, "Spirit told me, "We choose who shows up." And if you are holding this book, then this sacred medicine is meant for you. In this book, you will meet ancient goddesses and divine feminine energy ancestors, legendary queens, and mystical spirits. As you complete their powerful rituals, and ascend through their temples, you will:. Awaken generational healing in the Temple of Ancestors;. Manifest your miracles in the Temple of Conjurers;. Release the struggle in the Temple of Warriors;. Embrace your dark goddess self in the Temple of Shadows;. Heal your primal wounds in the Temple of Lovers;. Liberate your voice in the Temple of Griots;. Open your third eye intuition in the Temple of Queens; and. Surrender, meditate, and rise in the Temple of High Priestesses.Welcome to your goddess circle!

From Imagination to Reality: Secret Manifestation Lessons and the Law of Assumption from Abdullah, Master Alchemist

by Abiola Abrams

Powerful transformational practices, including the Law of Assumption, from Abdullah, the mysterious Black Ethiopian rabbi who was the mentor to New Thought icon Neville Goddard.&“In this captivating book, Abiola enlightens readers, revealing that it is their birthright to transform their wildest dreams from imagination to reality.&”#1 New York Times best-selling author Gabrielle BernsteinIn From Imagination to Reality, Abiola Abrams reveals the hidden teachings of Abdullah, a mystic and sage from the 1930s whose influence on spiritual teachers such as Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy underscores the profound impact of his insight. Abdullah&’s teachings have long been linked to Neville Goddard&’s creation of the Law of Assumption.Abdullah&’s spiritual laws provide the foundation of conscious creation; and the manifesting processes, revelations, and exercises provided in these pages will become your tools for harnessing the energy of your intentions while guiding you toward deeper self-awareness and alignment with your desires.Get ready to step into your fullest potential and manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams as you learn to purposefully shape your reality.

The Family Guide to Getting Over OCD: Reclaim Your Life and Help Your Loved One

by Jonathan S. Abramowitz

When a loved one has OCD, it's a constant struggle. It hurts to see your spouse so anxious or your teen spending so much time alone. You've tried logic, reassurance, even accommodating endless rituals--but, too often, these well-meaning attempts actually make OCD worse. Psychologist Jonathan Abramowitz has worked with countless families affected by OCD, and he understands the strain. He also knows you can turn things around. Grounded in state-of-the-art treatment research, this compassionate guide helps you change your own behavior to support your loved one's recovery. By gently but firmly encouraging the person you care about to face their fears, you can stop being controlled by the disorder, disentangle yourself from unhealthy patterns, and see your whole family grow more confident and hopeful. Vivid stories, dos and don'ts, and practical tools (which you can download and print for repeated use) help you follow the step-by-step strategies in this life-changing book.

The List: Shout Your Dreams Out Loud to Make Them Come True

by Yuval Abramovitz

Refreshingly honest, fast-paced, and full of humor, The List is full of practical advice and inspiration that will help you achieve your goals. Already an international bestseller, the book began as a list of 10 things the author wanted to accomplish in 400 days. He posted the list on his blog and asked for help—and within 24 hours was overwhelmed by responses. The key idea is as simple as it is powerful—let others know about your dreams and they will help you achieve them. Why do some people succeed where others fail? What makes some push past their financial hardships while others lag behind? What is holding you back? Yuval Abramovitz provides thought-provoking true stories, tips, insights, and techniques to show readers how to move past roadblocks, ask and receive help, and reach even the loftiest of goals. The List is filled with exercises and prompts for lists that help you make your dreams a reality. The author’s journey—from writing his first list in a wheelchair to becoming a well-known author, cultural reporter, actor, and media personality—and the stories of people around the world using his method to achieve success prove that this is a motivational book that truly works.

The List: Shout Your Dreams Out Loud to Make Them Come True

by Yuval Abramovitz

Refreshingly honest, fast-paced, and full of humor, The List is full of practical advice and inspiration that will help you achieve your goals. Already an international bestseller, the book began as a list of 10 things the author wanted to accomplish in 400 days. He posted the list on his blog and asked for help-and within 24 hours was overwhelmed by responses. The key idea is as simple as it is powerful-let others know about your dreams and they will help you achieve them.Why do some people succeed where others fail? What makes some push past their financial hardships while others lag behind? What is holding you back? Yuval Abramovitz provides thought-provoking true stories, tips, insights, and techniques to show readers how to move past roadblocks, ask and receive help, and reach even the loftiest of goals.The List is filled with exercises and prompts for lists that help you make your dreams a reality. The author’s journey-from writing his first list in a wheelchair to becoming a well-known author, cultural reporter, actor, and media personality-and the stories of people around the world using his method to achieve success prove that this is a motivational book that truly works.

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