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Showing 36,576 through 36,600 of 36,712 results

No Visible Wounds: Identifying Non-Physical Abuse of Women by Their Men

by Mary Susan Miller

DOES YOUR PARTNER . . . * have sudden outbursts of anger or rage? * become jealous without reason? * prevent you from seeing friends and family? * deny you access to family assets such as bank accounts, credit cards, or the car? * control all finances and force you to account for what you spend? * insult you or call you derogatory names? * humiliate you in front of your children? * turn minor incidents into major arguments? If you or someone you know can answer "yes" to the questions above, chances are you are suffering from nonphysical battering--controlling, tyrannical behavior that is just as damaging to a woman's self-esteem as a broken bone or a black eye. An experienced counselor who works with abused women, Mary Susan Miller breaks the silence that surrounds this devastating form of domestic violence. She identifies the many types of nonphysical abuse verbal, emotional, psychological, social, and economic--and explores why this outrageous treatment of women continues unabated in our society. Dr. Miller also shares the stories of many survivors who have escaped their abusive relationships. Their experiences--with law enforcement, the legal system, and the community itself--can help prepare any woman for the decision of whether to stay or leave the relationship. And if she decides to go, Dr. Miller offers sound guidelines on how to protect herself and her children, since a woman's decision to leave is usually the time she is in the most danger from her abuser. Finally, Dr. Miller inspires hope: You can break free of the nightmare of nonphysical battering and heal, once again engaging in a life of integrity, dignity, and peace.

Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet (2nd Edition)

by Moira Anderson

Here's the best book we've ever seen on dealing with grief due to pet loss, plus a chapter on how to find a lost pet.

Self-Hypnosis: Easy Ways to Hypnotize Your Problems Away

by Bruce Goldberg

Here is a revolutionary approach to coping with habits| Phobias' chronic pain, and other issues using easy-to-use techniques of self-hypnosis. The effect of techniques presented within, like making self-hypnosis tapes to reprogram the subconscious, is to put the "self" back in self-help and eliminate the many dependencies and co-dependencies that complicate and take the joy out of life. Both theory and scripts are presented in this book to help you reach your goals and give you viable solutions for: Increasing self-confidence. Weight reduction. Quitting smoking. Relieving chronic pain. Dealing with phobias and fears. Improving concentration and memory. Slowing down and even reversing the aging process. Enhancing creativity. Sexual dysfunction. By devoting a mere 20 minutes each day to this approach, you can literally take charge of your life. Hypnotic suggestions are effective because they bypass the conscious mind's natural resistance to change and to reprogram the "computer" we call the subconscious to permanently effect these changes. Self-Hypnosis is a compelling book that will change the way you view your life. This is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring self-awareness and taking control of his or her destiny.

Fitness Over Fifty

by National Institute on Aging

Studies show that people who stay active-no matter what their age-benefit from exercise. Not only can it help you feel better, but it makes doing all those day to day tasks easier and more enjoyable. So start exercising today, with Fitness Over Fifty, the National Institute on Aging's guide to exercise for men and women over fifty. You don't need to join a gym or buy expensive equipment. Everything you need to begin your own exercise program is right inside this book. Energy, strength, balance, and flexibility are the ingredients that add up to long' lasting vitality and health. And Fitness Over Fifty features practical advice about how you can reach those goals. With nutrition tips, easy-to follow exercises, and expert advice, Fitness Over Fifty is the last exercise guide you'll need! Fitness Over Fifty includes: Exercise safety tips Ways to get-and stay- motivated Endurance, flexibility, strength & balance exercises Tips on nutrition and healthy eating Daily, weekly, and monthly exercise and nutrition records, and more! The National Institute On Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health, conducts research aimed at improving the health of older people. For this book, the NIA brought together nine of the nation's best' informed experts on the topic of exercise for older adults and consulted many more in different specialties. Together they lead a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life.

My Heart--Christ's Home

by Robert Boyd Munger

This booklet is a recently expanded edition of a classic work on the Christian life. Based on Christ's promise that His Spirit would come and live in the hearts of believers, this analogy shows what it means to welcome Jesus into every area of one's life.

Coach Yourself: Make Real Change In Your Life

by Anthony Grant Jane Greene

Coaching is a powerful and effective way to make real change happen for you. Lasting, positive change both in and out of work. It's for anyone who wants to lead a more purposeful, more successful life. So, imagine the convenience of having your very own life coach, whenever you need one You can-it's you. Coach Yourself is a highly practical guide to becoming your own solution-focused life coach. It contains a variety of scientifically tested tools and techniques that have helped all kinds of people make big changes for themselves. Learn how to develop clear goals and find out how to keep what's working and change what's not. Packed with proven methods from a premier coaching psychologist, this is the book that can help you make real and lasting change in your work and life. It's your life--what are you going to do with it?

Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest

by Denise Linn Meadow Linn

For centuries, ancient cultures embarked on rites of passage to gain entrance to the spiritual realms and to reach self-knowledge. These extraordinary mystical odysseys into nature provided insight, healing, and life direction. They were powerful acts that could change a person forever. With the passing of time, this ancient rite has almost been lost. Therefore, very few people truly understand what forces motivate their life and shape their destiny. International lecturer and healer Denise Linn draws on her Native American roots, as well as the teachings of other cultures, to create an , eclectic but carefully crafted spiritual program for anyone wishing to venture on their own retreat. After helping you choose the Quest that is right for you-from a group Quest in the wilderness to a day of silence at home, from a personal Guided Quest to a solitary Garden Quest-this practical, engaging book will show you how to Discover your life's purpose

The Book Of Me: Life coach yourself to success

by Barrie Pearson Neil Thomas

Me-commerce is the mechanism by which you can develop and exploit your assets, skills and character to achieve personal and financial success and balance in your life. We make plans for other people. We make profits for them. We think strategically at work but not at home. This book will put a stop to all this. Imagine you were a business - Me plc - you would be constantly assessing your skills, assets and objectives as well as the way you were managed. The chances are that you are not doing this sufficiently for yourself. If you are not wholly satisfied about where your life is going, financially or personally, and the balance and fulfilment in your life, this book will help you considerably. It has been written by two entrepreneurs, each of whom started his own business, built it and subsequently sold it very successfully to a major company. It is a manual to help you realize your full potential, by putting yourself first for a change. You are the business you have inherited. You can be the best business you will ever get to manage.

The Portable Coach: A Do-It-Yourself Approach To Personal Coaching

by Lorraine C. Enos

Each year thousands of Americans pay personal coaches up to $200.00 an hour for advice on how to make career and personal changes in their lives. Coaches guided their clients through transformation steps including individual assessment and goal setting. Millions more could benefit from the services of a personal coach but cannot afford their hefty fees. The Portable Coach: A Do-It-Yourself Approach to Personal Coaching fills this void and contains realistic advice on how readers can bring lasting changes to their lives. Instead of providing easy answers, The Portable Coach encourages readers to ask tough questions and look within themselves for answers. This book is a must read for anyone who desires to transform their life.

The Promotable Woman: 10 Essential Skills For The New Millennium, Third Edition

by Norma Carr-Ruffino

The Promotable Woman: 10 Essential Skills For The New Millennium, by Norma Carr-Ruffino, presents to you, the businesswoman, a detailed plan for developing solid leadership skills in order to overcome career obstacles and stereotypes and get ahead in business. By concentrating on your own image and your perceived role in business, The Promotable Woman guides you to find the appropriate level of firmness, friendliness, and assertiveness in order to maintain a successful and fulfilling business and personal life. Through case studies and simulation exercises, The Promotable woman teaches you to work effectively within the business environment, conquer age-old barriers, and most important, prevail as a business leader. Specific areas of development The Promotable Woman explores include: Improving your leadership ability by altering your self concept. Mastering technology and the changing business world to gain a competitive advantage. Making constructive behavioral changes that help you function more effectively as a person. Enhancing specific skills that establish your competence. Learning to manage stress to avoid burnout and to channel emotions into creativity. Communicating assertively and managing difficult people. Confronting stereotypes. Norma Carr-Ruffino, Ph.D., Professor of Management at San I Francisco State University, is a well-known lecturer and author who has conducted seminars and made presentations throughout the United States. Active in the business world for more than 15 years, she worked her way up from secretary to manager to corporate officer.

Living Water

by Chuck Smith

Jesus cried, saying, "If any man thirst, let him come to Me and drink, and as the scripture saith, out of his innermost being there shall gush torrents of living water." Jesus promised His bewildered disciples that He would not leave them as orphans, but that He would pray to the Father who would send them another Comforter who would come alongside to help them and would abide with them forever. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would teach them all things and bring to their remembrance all the things that He had commanded them. In his warm personal style, Pastor Chuck Smith, a bible teacher for over fifty years, paints an intimate picture of the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. ' He is to conform you into the image of Jesus Christ. He is to come alongside of you to help you in your walk, ' He is to teach you all things He is to give you an understanding of spiritual things ' He is to give you the power to be a witness of Jesus Christ There is a vast difference between being filled with the Holy Spirit and having the Holy Spirit flow forth out of your life like a torrent of living water. Pastor Smith will lead you step by step into this rich and intimate relationship with God which is made possible by the work of the Holy Spirit. You will experience the refreshing streams of living water filling your life then flowing forth from your life unto a thirsty world. CHUCK SMITH is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa one of the largest and most dynamic churches in the United States. His Bible studies are heard on the Word for Today ram which is broadcast daily on hundreds of stations throughout the U.S., and by internet around the world. He is the author of many books on the deeper walk, and is known for his simple teaching style whereby he makes the word of God understandable to all.

Getting Interviews for Job Hunters, Career Changers, Consultants and Freelancers

by Kate Wendleton

Getting Interviews explains to the reader how to find out whom they should be talking to, and how to get those people to agree to meet with them. They will learn about informational meetings and networking interviews. This book also explains to the reader how to market themself- to plan a whole campaign that runs the gamut from personal contacts to phone, e-mail, and targeted direct mail efforts.

101 Ways to Save Your Life

by Chris Harris

Straightforward, easy-to-learn precautions, to help protect oneself from crime.

Building a Great Resume: For Job Hunters, Career Changers, Consultants, and Freelancers (2nd edition)

by Kate Wendleton

The average resume is only looked at for ten seconds. Would you like yours to stand out? Would you like to learn how to highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses? Would you like a marketing piece that dynamically presents you just the way you want prospective employers to see you? BUILDING A GREAT RESUME starts with an overview of The Five O'clock approach to job search. You'll learn to develop the accomplishment statements that form the backbone of your resume. You'll learn the most effective ways to present your experience. You'll learn how to write a summary that increases your chances of getting just the job you want. Your resume will be more exciting to the reader. BUILDING A GREAT RESUME helps you see the theory in practice by showing you scores of sample resumes. And this is the only resume book on the market to bring you case studies that teach you the nuances of how to think about resume preparation. The book is fully indexed by industry and profession so you can easily find the resumes that pertain to you. BUILDING A GREAT RESUME is based on the highly successful methods used at The Five O'clock Club, America's Premier Career Counseling Network, where the average participant finds a new job in less than 10 weeks. Kate Wendleton, a nationally syndicated careers columnist, is an authority on job search and career development. Kate has been a career coach since 1978 when she rounded The Five O'clock Club to help job hunters, career changers, and consultants at all levels. She is also the founder of-Workforce America, a not-for-profit organization serving adult job hunters in Harlem who are not yet in the professional or managerial ranks. A former CEO of two small companies. Kate has twenty years of business experience as well as an MBA.

Bus 9 to Paradise

by Leo Buscaglia

Explores the ups and downs of life and love by the late best-selling author

The Five Patterns of Extraordinary Careers: The Guide for Achieving Success and Satisfaction (Crown Business Briefings)

by James M. Citrin Richard A. Smith

<p>What is different about the careers of people like Lou Gerstner, the acclaimed, recently retired chairman and CEO of IBM? Or Senator Elizabeth Dole, Yahoo! COO Dan Rosensweig, and Tom Freston, chairman and CEO of MTV Networks? <p>Why did they ascend to the top and prosper—why did they have extraordinary careers—while others equally talented never reached their potential or aspirations? <p>Jim Citrin and Rick Smith of Spencer Stuart, the world’s most influential executive search firm, set out to explore this question. The result—based on in-depth, original research—is sure to be the most important and useful book for anyone seeking to crack the code of how to build a rewarding, personally satisfying career. <p>Like weather systems and financial markets, careers contain patterns. What Citrin and Smith found from their research and extensive experience is that people with extraordinary careers are guided by five straightforward patterns that can be harnessed and used by everyone. These individuals: <p> <li>Understand the value of you by translating their knowledge and experience into action, building their personal value over each phase of their career <li>Practice benevolent leadership by not clawing their way to the top but by being carried there <li>Solve the permission paradox, the dilemma of not being able to get a job without experience and not getting the experience without the job <li>Differentiate using the 20/80 principle of performance by storming past their defined jobs to create breakthrough ideas and deliver unexpected impact <li>Do not micromanage their careers, but macromanage them by gravitating toward the things they are best at and have a passion for, and working with people they like and respect</li> <p> <p>No one manages your career for you. But with Citrin and Smith as your guide, you’ll be able to understand—and act on—the root causes of success. And what better source for strategic career advice than Spencer Stuart, the firm that over the past ten years has conducted more than 60 percent of the searches for <i>Fortune 1000</i> CEOs?</p>

Snap, Crackle, or Stop: Change Your Career and Create Your Own Destiny

by Barbara Quinn

Whether you've snapped or are crackling with discontent, this book will help you evaluate your current career state and guide you to make the necessary career change. Filled with examples of real people who have transformed their lives, <i>Snap, Crackle, or Stop</i> will inspire you to do the same. Momentum books are for people who want to make things happen in their career and their life, who want to work at something they enjoy and that's worthy of their talent and their time. Momentum people have values and principles. They question who they are and what they do. Wherever they work, they want to feel that what they do has meaning.

Who Are You Really And What Do You Want

by Shad Helmstetter

For the first time in any book, Shad Helmstetter discloses three underlying breakthrough concepts that are foundational to successful personal and professional growth in each of us. He discovered that when the three concepts are combined, they virtually guarantee success.In an easy-to-follow program that takes the self out of self-help, Dr. Helmstetter shows the reader how to use these breakthough concepts to lose weight and improve physical fitness, increase income, build self-esteem and self-confidence, improve family and relationships, reduce stress, and become more organized and in control.Presenting the most important and up-to-date findings from the field of motivational research, Dr. Helmstetter immediately helps the reader get rid of old mental programs,find focus, set and track goals, stay motivated, and have help along the way.

Love To Eat, Hate To Eat

by Elyse Fitzpatrick

Not just another diet book, Elyse Fitzpatrick helps women make realistic, practical steps toward proper eating, health, and emotional balance. With biblical guidelines for victory, this book is ideal for Christian women who want to fully yield this area of their lives to the Lord.

Innervation: Redesign Yourself For A Smarter Future

by Guy Browning

In the new economy you are in charge of your own career. You have more opportunities than ever before, but in order to take full advantage of them you mustlearn a vital new skill--personal innovation. Innervation shows you how to master this essential skill and thrive in a world of continuous change.

The King's Daughter Becoming The Woman God Created You To Be

by Diana Hagee

Mordecai's challenge to Esther, "Were you not born for such a time as this?" is repeated for all women throughout the ages, says Diana Hagee. Every woman has a divine destiny. But women cannot fulfill that goal unless they understand His biblical guidelines. In this interactive workbook, Diana leads women through a self-examination of their lives and their goals from God's perspective, not the secular society's. They look at Scripture that shows how valuable they are to God and how they can have an intimate relationship with Him. And then they evaluate the standards that make them a daughter of the King: God's blueprint for their unique personality, for their sexuality, and for their relationships in the home and in the workplace. Ideal for individual use as well as for a woman's Bible study or for a larger discipleship/mentoring group, the book includes instructor's notes and an appendix of suggestions on how to conduct this twelve-week course.

Improve Your Writing: Fourth Edition

by Ron Fry

Improve Your Writing, now in an updated and expanded edition that covers online research, walks students step by step through the process of creating effective research papers and oral reports Ron Fry covers every element of the process selecting a topic, library and online research, developing an outline, writing from the first draft to the final draft, proofreading, and much more.

Just How Good Could You Be?: Grow Your Personal Capital

by Hilarie Owen

Momentum is a completely new publishing philosophy that revolves around one thing: you.In print and online, it's the force behind your personal development, your talent, your skills, your career, your effectiveness, your work and your life.

101 Great Answers To The Toughest Interview Questions

by Ron Fry

No matter how good you look, how effective your resume, how perfectly you fit the job description, if you're not prepared with great answers to the tough interview questions, you won't get the job. For years, interviewees have relied on Ron Fry's 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions. In fact, more than 500,000 people have used the prior editions to help them develop their interview help them understand exactly what the interviewer is getting at with each and every question he or she asks. This brand-new Fourth Edition of 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions is thoroughly updated to reflect the realities of today's job market. You can still expect to be asked to tell a little bit about yourself, but you should also be able to talk coherently about your experience with the Internet and with the latest software. Ron Fry gives you a preview of the questions you're most likely to face during an interview and helps you prepare winning answers for each of them. The book begins with an overview of the interviewing process. Then, questions are grouped by chapter to cover the full range of possible interview topics- everything from "Why are you thinking of leaving your current job?" to "When can you start?"

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