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Showing 36,676 through 36,700 of 36,712 results

Nutrition and Mental Illness: An Orthomollecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry

by Carl C. Pfeiffer

Nutritional therapy for mental illness. Explains the role played by vitamins and trace elements in mental health.

Oral Caress: A Loving Guide to Exciting a Woman

by Robert W. Birch

A guide to performing cunnilingus.

Secret Loves: Women with Two Lives

by Sonya Friedman Sondra Forsyth

Over a two-year period the authors interviewed 113 married women who are or have been involved in long-term, committed extramarital relationships. The authors present this "two-track lifestyle" with compassion, as a means women have found to survive in flawed marriages while still getting the love, intimacy, and sexual gratification they need to be whole. Because these women are determined to preserve their marriages, they guard their secret lives fiercely. The authors conclude that this phenomenon is probably much more widespread than most people imagine.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex But Were Afraid to Ask

by David R. Reuben

A book of questions and answers about sex and all its myriad facets.

The Batterer: A Psychological Profile

by Susan K. Golant Donald G. Dutton

A book for mental health professionals for working with men who physically abuse women.

Oh, The Things I Know!: A Guide To Success, Or, Failing That, Happiness

by Al Franken

More advanced than Robert Fulghum, more fit than Maria Shriver's husband, Oh, the Things I Know! is Franken's commencement address for the 21st century. A cradle-to-grave guide for living, it takes young grads from their first job ("Oh, Are You Going to Hate Your First Job!") through their twenties and thirties ("Oh, the person of Your Dreams vs. the Person You Can Actually Attract!"), into marriage and parenthood ("Oh, Just Looking at Your Spouse Will Make Your Skin Crawl!"), and all the way up to senior citizenship ("Oh, the Nursing Home You'll Wind Up In!"). What does a mega success like Al Franken have to say to ordinary people? "There's no point in getting advice from hopeless failures." Filled with wit, wisdom, observations, and practical tips, this is an easy-to-follow user's manual for human existence. Why travel life's highway all by your lonesome when you can bring Al Franken along?

Angels Whisper

by Lou J. Free

Lou J Free wrote this how-to book for you to honor your angels and put the 'natural' into the supernatural. Lou J interweaves fascinating real life stories and examples with clear explanations of the rules of the road. You are not alone. A vast and glorious world of departed loved ones and guiding spirits are eager to take you by the hand. Shelley Stockwell, Ph.D. The publisher of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking Spirit Press for providing this accessible digital book to this community.

Don't Let the Song Go Out of Your Life

by Mary-Ellen Allen

The author relates her experiences, personal struggles and triumphs as she became aware of God's role for her in life. The publisher of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking Spirit Press for providing this accessible digital book to this community.

Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days (2nd edition)

by Tim Parker Dean Miller

The transmission control protocol/internet protocol is the backbone of the internet. The protocol is explained in detail in these 14 lessons.

As a Matter of Course

by Annie Payson Call

Annie Call wrote for The Ladies Home Journal. Her main interest was mental health. Call states that when we no longer put up resistance to the things in life that seem to be painful and evil we can then reach interior freedom. We free our natural love of self. The preface begins, "The aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life." Topics covered include physical care, amusements, brain impressions, the triviality of trivialities, moods, tolerance, sympathy, others, one's self, children, illness, sentiment versus sentimentality, and problems.

The Intimacy Dance: A Guide to Long-Term Success in Gay and Lesbian Relationships

by Betty Berzon

Guide to same-sex relationships.

How Good Do We Have to Be? A New Understanding of Guilt and Forgiveness

by Harold S. Kushner

Here is the introduction to the book: INTRODUCTION I HAVE BEEN THINKING about the ideas expressed in this book for a long time. Even as a child, I was bothered by the biblical story of the Garden of Eden. A God who punished people so severely for breaking one arbitrary rule was not a God I wanted to believe in, especially since the story seemed to suggest that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of what good and bad meant before they broke the rule. As I grew older, I encountered so many instances of people doing what they thought God had done in the Bible, rejecting someone for making one mistake, for not being perfect. When I was rabbi of a congregation in suburban Boston and members of my synagogue would share their problems with me, I would repeatedly hear of children angry at their parents, parents disappointed in their children, husbands and wives upset with each other, brothers not inviting brothers to a wedding because of an argument that had taken place years earlier. The pattern tended to be the same: somebody did something wrong and someone else responded by withdrawing love, sometimes by withdrawing all contact. And the retaliator felt justified in doing that because, after all, hadn't God done the same thing in the Garden of Eden? I often felt frustrated at the inability of my religious perspective to heal that breach. Fifteen years ago, responding to a personal tragedy, I wrote a book called When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Its message was simple but radical: when something bad happens to you, it is not a case of God punishing you because you deserve it. God is on your side, not on the side of the illness or the injury. This book can be seen as an extension of that earlier one. Its message is equally simple and equally radical: God does not stop loving us every time we do something wrong, and neither should we stop loving ourselves and each other for being less than perfect. If religious teachers tell us otherwise, that is bad religion. If our parents responded to our misbehavior by withdrawing their love, that was a bad response by people who may otherwise have been good parents. I hope that our sense of self-worth, our relationships to our parents, our children, our mates, our siblings, and friends will improve once we learn the lesson that one mistake need not lead to rejection and banishment. And I hope that this book will guide you to gaining that blessing.

Living a Life that Matters: Resolving the Conflict Between Conscience and Success

by Harold S. Kushner

Here is an exerpt from Chapter One: "The Two Voices of God Like many people, I live in two worlds. Much of the time, I live in the world of work and commerce, eating, working, and paying my bills. It is a world that honors people for being attractive and productive. It reveres winners and scorns losers, as reflected in its treatment of devoted public servants who lose an election or in the billboard displayed at the Atlanta Olympic Games a few years ago: "You don't win the silver medal, you lose the gold." As in most contests, there are many more losers than winners, so most of the citizens of that world spend a lot of time worrying that they don't measure up. But, fortunately, there is another world where, even before I entered it professionally, I have spent some of my time. As a religiously committed person, I live in the world of faith, the world of the spirit. Its heroes are models of compassion rather than competition. In that world, you win through sacrifice and self-restraint. You win by helping your neighbor and sharing with him rather than by finding his weakness and defeating him. And in the world of the spirit, there are many more winners than losers."

This is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal

by Jim Donovan

This book contains simple, practical ideas and techniques that anyone can use. By following this step by step success system, you can go from wherever you are in your life at this moment, to creating a life that is truly the life of your dreams. It does not matter where you are right now. You may be doing okay but know you can be more. Or perhaps you're struggling just to keep your head above water or, like most people, you're somewhere in between. Wherever you are right now, this book will help you devise a plan for lifelong success. You can turn your life around beginning today. I know how you feel. I have seen hardship. I also know that you can change your circumstances. I have done it and I have watched as thousands of others have done it too. The author of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking Jim Donovan for providing his accessible digital book to this community.

Reclaim Your Life

by Jim Donovan

This is a specially produced book to help you get through the challenging times we're all facing. Reclaiming Your Life contains 38 mini chapters with easy to use ideas and techniques to help you regain your happiness. The author of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking Jim Donovan for providing his accessible digital book to this community.

Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters

by Phillip C. Mcgraw

Whether its a bad relationship, a dead-end career, or a harmful habit, Dr. McGraw's 10 Life Laws will empower you to take responsibility for your own actions and break free from self-destructive patterns.<P> Drawing upon more than fifteen years of experience, Dr. McGraw explores each of the 10 Life Laws necessary to succeed, including:<P> * People do what works<P> * Life rewards action<P> * Life is managed, not cured<P> * There is freedom in forgiveness<P> Filled with case studies, checklists, and strategies that will work for you, Life Strategies will provide you with the skills you need.

Manstopper: Training a Canine Guardian

by Joel Mcmains

In this, the second in the Dog Logic series, the author provides a book which is both educational and entertaining. "Manstopper" covers agitation techniques, agitator selection and training, requirements of the prospective personal protection dog as well as training methodology and technique. Training events are first presented then analyzed and examined from the perspective of the dog, the trainer as well as the agitator. Though the topic at hand is treated in a deservedly serious manner, the book

Handbook to A Happier Life

by Jim Donovan

The author of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking Jim Donovan for providing his accessible digital book to this community.

The Other Side and Back

by Sylvia Browne

the Other Side and Back is both an eye-opening journey into other worlds, and an invaluable handbook for spiritual survival in the new millennium.

Retiring Wealthy

by Gordon Pape

"If you make a commitment and put together a carefully structured plan, you can indeed be among the few Canadians who will retire genuinely wealthy.<P> Make no mistake. It will require time, effort and, maybe, some sacrifice.<P> But then, what in life that's worthwhile does not?<P> Any time you feel your resolve weakening, think about the ultimate reward. Twenty, thirty, maybe even more years of living the way you want, free and independent. A home by the sea, a trip around the world, time with your family, a second career - all are possible and achievable.<P> It's in your hands now!"

The Wealthy Barber: The Common Sense Guide to Successful Financial Planning

by David Chilton

Finally, for the folks on Main Street (not Wall Street)--a simple, sensible, and enjoyable guide to financial planning that shows people how to improve their fortunes by taking a few simple and painless steps. Chilton simplifies the complex puzzles of personal finance and helps you achieve financial independence. With the help of his fictional barber, Roy, and a large dose of humor, Chilton shows you how you can take control of your financial future slowly, steadily, and with sure success.

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Showing 36,676 through 36,700 of 36,712 results