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Showing 36,726 through 36,750 of 36,762 results

7 Rules of Achievement: From Vision to Action . . . The Complete Guide To Programming Your Internal Success Mechanism

by Raymond Aaron Tom Terwilliger

“Tell me your goal and I will tell you WHY you are likely NOT to achieve it! The way in which you have pursued goals in the past has very likely created the exact opposite blueprint of the one needed to achieve what you want. Those negative blueprints may be exactly what are keeping you from living your dreams.” --Tom Terwilliger, 7 RULES of Achievement. This life changing book will help you finally create the new and empowering architecture needed to achieve whatever you want in your life… including abundant wealth, a joyful and fulfilling relationship, a sexy, strong and healthy body and your ability to lead and inspire. Even before completing the 7 RULES of Achievement you will immediately begin to feel unstuck and compelled to start moving towards even your most ambitious dreams.

Sopa de Pollo para el Alma de los Padres

by Raymond Aaron Kimberly Kirberger Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield

With contributions from celebrity and 'ordinary' parents alike, each story speaks to the range of emotions and experiences of all types of parents. By sharing the personal experiences of others, this book will offer inspiration and advice to parents going through a difficult time; provide reassurance to those who worry that they're not living up to the Supermom or Superdad ideal; and share a wealth of experiences that show why being a parent is such a worthwhile and rewarding vocation. This book is a must-read for any parent or parent-to-be

Real Life Erotic Encounters: Sexy Stories told by Lovers

by Adele Aaron

The purchase of this eBook includes an offer for a FREE INTIMACY GUIDE DVD from our series. Romantic, addictive, and freeing, these tales of sexual encounters will add sparks to your love life that will last forever. The sexually adventurous couples in these erotic stories are open-minded and non-judgmental about trying new things and finding new ways to please each other. Told by both men and women, these lovers discover what they want and how to get it. They will stimulate your imagination and create new dimensions in your relationship.

Welcome to Your Child's Brain: How the Mind Grows from Birth to University

by Sandra Aamodt Sam Wang

Neuroscientists Aamodt and Wang illuminate how children's brains grow - and how they can be nurtured, scientifically, to reach their full potential. The authors investigate common child-rearing wisdom, exposing bad brain trainingA" products and the ways parents most influence a child's personality. They explain why playing outside improves vision, why teenagers stay up late, and why learning a second language increases empathy. And they share amusing experiments that will let every parent watch a child's grey matter at work. Filled with myth-busting facts and clever advice, this is an indispensable, entertaining guide to your child's brain.

You Say More Than You Think: Use the New Body Language to Get What You Want!, The 7-Day Plan

by Mariska Van Aalst Janine Driver

Now You're Talking!Do you want to be bulletproof at work, secure in your relationship, and content in your own skin? If so, it's more important than ever to be aware of what your body is saying to the outside world. Unfortunately, most of what you've heard from other body language experts is wrong, and, as a result, your actions may be hurting, not helping, you. With sass and a keen eye, media favorite Janine Driver teaches you the skills she used every day to stay alive during her fifteen years as a body-language expert at the ATF. Janine's 7-day plan and her 7-second solutions teach you dozens of body language fixes to turn any interpersonal situation to your advantage. She reveals methods here that other experts refuse to share with the public, and she debunks major myths other experts swear are fact: Giving more eye contact is key when you're trying to impress someone. Not necessarily true. It's actually more important where you point your belly button. This small body shift communicates true interest more powerfully than constant eye contact.The "steeple" hand gesture will give you the upper hand during negotiations and business meetings. Wrong. Driver has seen this overbearing gesture backfire more often than not. Instead, she suggests two new steeples that give you power without making you seem overly aggressive: the Basketball Steeple and the A-OK Two-Fingered Steeple. Happy people command power and attention by smiling just before they meet new people. Studies have shown that people who do this are viewed as Beta Leaders. Alpha leaders smile once they shake your hand and hear your name. At a time when every advantage counts--and first impressions matter more than ever--this is the book to help you really get your message across.From the Hardcover edition.

Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life (And how anyone can harness it. Even you.)

by Jennifer Aaker Naomi Bagdonas

Anyone—even you!—can learn how to harness the power of humor in business (and life), based on the popular class at Stanford's Graduate School of Business. &“The ultimate guide to using the magical power of funny as a tool for leadership and a force for good.&”—Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of When and DriveThere exists a mistaken belief in today&’s corporate world: that we have to be serious all the time in order to be taken seriously. But the research tells a different story: that humor can be one of the most powerful tools we have for accomplishing serious things. Studies show that humor makes us appear more competent and confident, strengthens relationships, unlocks creativity, and boosts our resilience during difficult times. Plus, it fends off a permanent and unsightly frown known as &“resting boss face.&”Top executives are in on the secret: 98 percent prefer employees with a sense of humor, and 84 percent believe that these employees do better work. But even for those who intuitively understand humor&’s power, few know how to wield it with intention. As a result, humor is vastly underleveraged in most workplaces today, impacting our performance, relationships, and health.That&’s why Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas teach the popular course Humor: Serious Business at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where they help some of the world&’s most hard-driving, blazer-wearing business minds build levity into their organizations and lives. In Humor, Seriously, they draw on findings by behavioral scientists, world-class comedians, and inspiring business leaders to reveal how humor works and—more important—how you can use more of it, better.Aaker and Bagdonas unpack the theory and application of humor: what makes something funny and how to mine your life for material. They show how to use humor to make a strong first impression, deliver difficult feedback, persuade and motivate others, and foster cultures where levity and creativity can thrive—not to mention, how to keep it appropriate and recover if you cross a line.President Dwight David Eisenhower once said, &“A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.&” If Dwight David Eisenhower, the second least naturally funny president ever (after Franklin Pierce), thought humor was necessary to win wars, build highways, and warn against the military-industrial complex, then you might consider learning it too.Seriously.

Brand Portfolio Strategy: Creating Relevance, Differentiation, Energy, Leverage, and Clarity

by David A. Aaker

In this long-awaited book from the world's premier brand expert and author of the seminal work Building Strong Brands, David Aaker shows managers how to construct a brand portfolio strategy that will support a company's business strategy and create relevance, differentiation, energy, leverage, and clarity. Building on case studies of world-class brands such as Dell, Disney, Microsoft, Sony, Dove, Intel, CitiGroup, and PowerBar, Aaker demonstrates how powerful, cohesive brand strategies have enabled managers to revitalize brands, support business growth, and create discipline in confused, bloated portfolios of master brands, subbrands, endorser brands, co-brands, and brand extensions. Aaker offers readers step-by-step advice on what to do when confronting scenarios such as the following: Brands are underleveraged The business strategy is at risk because of inadequate brand platforms The business faces a relevance threat caused by emerging subcategories The firm's brands are tired and bland Strategy is paralyzed by a lack of priority among the brands Brands are cluttered and confusing to both customers and employees The firm needs to move into the super-premium or value arenas to create margin or sales volume Margin pressures require points of differentiation Renowned brand guru Aaker demonstrates that assuring that each brand in the portfolio has a clear role and actively reinforces and supports the other portfolio brands will profoundly affect the firm's profitability. Brand Portfolio Strategy is required reading not only for brand managers but for all managers with bottom-line responsibility to their shareholders.

When a Child Dies: A Hopeful Healing Guide for Surviving the Loss of a Child

by Claire Aagaard

A caring and compassionate grief book for bereaved parents who have lost a child."This book is a lovely blend of the author's personal journey with the death of her son and supportive information that can help parents see light amidst the dark."—Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D, CT, author, educator, and grief counselorBeing suddenly thrust into the world of parental grief is like being transported to a foreign land where you don't speak the language. With that in mind, Claire Aagaard has written When a Child Dies in a simple, straightforward manner, offering information, comfort and hope for those who believe that none is possible.Questions addressed include:Can we survive this?Is it possible to be happy again?Is forgiveness attainable?Can we survive this as a couple?How will this affect our loved ones?Is it okay to be angry with God?How do we cope with birthdays or holidays?Will my grief ever change?What can we do to help? (A chapter for supportive loved ones)Claire has written this book from a unique perspective—that of a professional grief counselor after working with dozens of bereaved parents, and as a parent with her own history of child loss. It is an honest yet gentle guide for grieving parents as well as their family, friends, and loved ones, offering the wisdom from her own personal journey as well as that of countless others."It will not always hurt as much as it does right now. Go slowly, be gentle and forgiving, and choose your path forward with loving intention."—Claire Aagaard

Comunicación femenina inteligente: Los 10 lenguajes de la mujer

by Sonia González A.

Un libro que te permitirá entender por fin, la forma en que se comunican las mujeres. A través de una exhaustiva investigación sobre el poder de la Comunicación Femenina Inteligente (CFI), la autora Sonia Gonzalez-Boysen, analiza los diez lenguajes en que se comunican las mujeres, cinco lenguajes brillantes: empatía - intuición - inspiración - multitareas - conexión emocional, y cinco lenguajes opacos: falta de concreción - complicada y compleja - tendencia a controlar - dependencia emocional - actitudes cambiantes y cíclicas.Este no es un libro escrito sólo para mujeres, sino acerca de ellas. A través de estas páginas cambiarás el paradigma sobre la comunicación femenina. Además, podrás disfrutar la amena narración de casos de éxito de mujeres que han marcado la historia con su comunicación, incluyendo el vibrante e impactante testimonio de la autora. Como valor agregado, encontrarás también las claves para el empoderamiento de la Comunicación Femenina Inteligente.Un libro necesario para: analizar la comunicación de las mujeres desde su propia perspectiva. Ser empáticos y ponerse en sus zapatos. Descubrir las fortalezas, impulsarlas y promoverlas de manera más intencional. Comprender las debilidades, y verlas como oportunidades para mejorar. Descifrar el código de la comunicación femenina. Empoderar la comunicación femenina para llevarla a un nuevo nivel de impacto. Tratar de entenderlas, sin fracasar en el intento.

Aapka Bhavishya Aapke Haath Mein: आपका भविष्य आपके हाथ में

by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

"अगर सारी कठिनाइयों से हार न मान कर मै इतना कुछ हासिल कर सका हूँ तो कोई और भी ऐसा कर सकता है - यही संदेश है इस पुस्तक के ज़रिये अपने देश के युवाओं को देना चाहता हूँ। इस पुस्तक से प्रेरित होकर यदि एक भी युवा अपना सपना हासिल कर लेता है तो मैं मानूंगा कि इसे लिखने का मेरा प्रयास सफल हुआ। यह पुस्तक देश-भर से प्राप्त युवाओं के ई-मेल और उनके प्रश्नो पर आधारित है और मेरे जवाब अपने अनुभव और जो कुछ मैंने सीखा है - उसी का सार है। ये इस तरह पेश किये गए है कि मिलती-जुलती समस्याओं का सामना कर रहे किसी भी पाठक के लिए जवाबों में छुपे संदेष कारगर हो सकें।

The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today

by M. A. Julia Ross

We're in a bad mood epidemic, but Julia Ross shows you how to rediscover your emotional well-being naturally.

Siempre joven: Guía práctica para un envejecimiento saludable

by Dra. N. A. Fuertes

Sigue el libro y ¡rejuvenecerás!. ¿Te has propuesto llegar a los cien? Llega con buena salud al centenario. No hay nadie a quien le guste envejecer, pero es un hecho inevitable. Así pues, nuestro objetivo debe ser envejecer con la máxima calidad de vida. ¿Cómo conseguirlo? Hay elementos que no dependen de nosotros, pero la mayoría sí podemos controlarlos y vivir felices durante muchos años. La Dra. Nuria Aubach, médica de familia y con formación en medicina antienvejecimiento, detalla algunos de los pasos a seguir en su libro Guía práctica para un envejecimiento saludable. Siempre joven. Consta de diez puntos. La dieta es, pues, la clave para envejecer con salud, tener estabilidad social o económica, hacer ejercicio físico regularmente, tener un carácter optimista y alegre, con ganas de emprender nuevos proyectos, los apropiados para cada edad, etcétera. El libro está orientado hacia todas aquellas personas que entran en los cuarenta años con buena salud física sin enfermedades diagnosticadas, sabiendo que muchos de los consejos pueden ser válidos para mucha población. ¡Espero que te guste y te sea de utilidad!

The Little Book of Gratitude (The Little Books)

by Dr Robert A Emmons

Gratitude is the simple, scientifically proven way to increase happiness and encourage greater joy, love, peace, and optimism into our lives.Through easy practices, such as keeping a daily gratitude journal, writing letters of thanks, and meditating on the good we have received, we can improve our health and wellbeing, enhance our relationships, encourage healthy sleep, and heighten feelings of connectedness.Easily accessible and available to everyone, the practice of gratitude will benefit every area of your life and generate a positive ripple effect.This beautiful book, written by Dr Robert A Emmons, Professor of Psychology at UC Davis, California, discusses the benefits of gratitude and teaches easy techniques to foster gratitude every day.

The Little Book of Gratitude (The Little Books)

by Dr Robert A Emmons

Gratitude is the simple, scientifically proven way to increase happiness and encourage greater joy, love, peace, and optimism into our lives. Through easy practices, such as meditating daily and reflecting on the good we have received, we can improve our health and wellbeing, enhance our relationships, encourage healthy sleep, feel calm and more fulfilled, and heighten feelings of connectedness.Easily accessible and available to everyone, the practice of gratitude will benefit every area of your life and generate a positive ripple effect.This beautiful book, read by the narrator of the bestselling The Little Book of Mindfulness, discusses the benefits of gratitude and teaches easy techniques to foster gratitude every day.Through step by step activities which you can practise as you listen, this audiobook will help you to become more mindful of gratitude in your everyday life, and to reap its wonderful benefits.©2018 Dr Robert A Emmons (p) 2018 Octopus Publishing Group

Lo Stoicismo Oggi: Pratiche filosofiche per la vita quotidiana

by A cura di Patrick Ussher

Lo Stoicismo Oggi. Pratiche filosofiche per la vita quotidiana raccoglie saggi, testimonianze e riflessioni sulla filosofia praticata da Epitteto e Marco Aurelio. Una saggezza antica che ancora oggi può insegnarci a vivere con maggiore serenità d’animo le sfide e le avversità quotidiane. A parlarci dell’attualità delle pratiche filosofiche e di vita dello stoicismo sono autori con diverse esperienze e background culturali. Meditazione buddista, ricerca della mindfulness, terapia cognitivo comportamentale, pratiche oggi molto seguite, mostrano molti punti in comune con l’approccio stoico alla ricerca della felicità. Uno stile di pensiero improntato all’auto consapevolezza, all’autocontrollo, al distacco dagli interessi materiali, ma anche alla compassione verso gli altri.

The Journey of Self Discovery

by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada

Amid the parched desert of materialism, "The Journey of Self-Discovery" offers a sure pathway to the oasis of higher, spiritual awareness.

God's Minute A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship: A Collection of Biblical Wisdom and Spiritual Guidance for Christians

by 365 Eminent Clergymen and Laymen

This book of daily devotionals - one for every day of the year - contains contributions from hundreds of Christians, all distinguished in their belief and service to God and Christ's Gospel.The superb and wide-ranging selection of topics receives the name 'God's Minute', as each is designed to be read in around sixty seconds. Though characterized by brevity, the spiritual lessons and counsel provided in this book are valuable and thought-provoking. Many of the contributors were known by their congregation to use such lessons at the beginning or conclusion of a church worship; readers may opt to receive such wisdom at the beginning or end of each day.Subjects covered in this book range from the sermons of Christ, the qualities of an upstanding believer, and the overcoming of adversity. The practices of Christianity, such as the confession of sins and the use of prayer to communicate to God, or request His assistance, serve as recurring themes. How frequent trials and adversities affect us and those around us, and how we may draw upon our spiritual strength to surmount such challenges.After the conclusion of the year's devotions we also find a series of prayers for occasions of the year, such as Easter and Christmas Day.-Print ed.

Йога Для Всех

by Вероника Иванова Cristiano Pugno

Иллюстрированное руководство. Десять основных поз йоги для начинающих.

Συναισθηματική Νοημοσύνη: Μάθετε να Αξιοποιείτε στο Έπακρο τα Συναισθήματα σας (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie Ser. #115)


Τα θέματα που απασχολούν και επικρατούν στις συζητήσεις στον τομέα της Ψυχολογίας τα τελευταία χρόνια αφορούν τη Συναισθηματική Nοημοσύνη, ως μια περαιτέρω εξέλιξη του πεδίου μελέτης των ανθρώπινων συναισθημάτων και των επιπτώσεών τους στη ζωή, γιατί τότε αποκτούν πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο σε τομείς τόσο σημαντικούς όσο η εκπαίδευση ή η επιχειρηματικότητα, χάρη στα οφέλη που έχει παρατηρηθεί ότι αποφέρει τόσο η αξιοποίηση όσο και η ικανοποίηση με τη ζωή εκείνων που καλλιεργούν τη Σ.Ν.. Αυτό το ebook προσφέρει μια προσέγγιση στις πιο πρόσφατες έρευνες που πραγματοποιούνται στο πεδίο της Σ.Ν., και πώς αυτή μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί στην καθημερινή ζωή για να αποκτηθούν τα μεγαλύτερα πιθανά οφέλη. Αναγκαίο μονοπάτι, αυτό δηλαδή της ανάπτυξης της Σ.Ν., μόλις τελειώσετε την ανάγνωση αυτού το&


by أوشو د. علي الحداد

متى أدركنا معنى الشغف فلن يكون صعبا إدراك العطاء أو التسامح. فالشغف حالة جسدية مادية إنها خضوعك لسيطرة الجسد دون وعي للنتائج... تعني أنك لست سيد نفسك بل عبدا لانفعالك. التسامح يعني أنك تجاوزت حاجات الجسد وتخطيت كل الحواجز النفسية يعني إنك تحررت من عبودية الجسد وأصبحت سيد نفس. وهكذا صرت تتصرف بوعي غير خاضع لقوى خارجية هي تحدد قرارك. أنت الآن حر التصرف بكامل طاقتك وهكذا صار بمقدورك تحويل الشغف إلى عطاء. الشغف شهوة العطاء حب. الشغف رغبة العطاء انفتاح. الشغف طمع العطاء مشاركة. الشغف يدعوك لاستغلال الآخرين فيما العطاء يجبرك على احترامهم. الشغف يبقيك ملتصقا بالأرض يبقي قدميك غارقتين في الوحل وهكذا لن تصبح زهرة لوتس لا اليوم ولا غدا فيما العطاء يجعلك هذه الزهرة فيمنحك قوة النمو وتخطي طبقات التراب وتجاوز عالم الرغبات والطمع عالم الأنانية والغضب. العطاء تحول في مسار طاقتك. في الواقع أنت إنسان مقدس ينبعث مثل العطر غير أن الغضب يستهلك بعضا من طاقتك كذلك يفعل الطمع والشهوة أيضا ... هكذا تستهلك طاقتك سدى . الرغبات والشهوات تسيطر عليك تدمر قدراتك وطاقاتك وتبقيك إنسانا فارغا تافها . تذكر ما قال وليم بليك: «الطاقة هي البهجة» غير أنك استهلكت كل طاقاتك فكيف ستشعر بالبهجة والفرح أما حين تحسن استغلال طاقاتك فهذا يعني أن حياتك ستمتلىء بالفرح يعني أن فيضا من البهجة سينطلق منك. يعني أنك ستصبح بوذا آخر. إنما لن تصبح بوذا آخر إلا بعد اختبار معنى العطاء... إنه الحب الدافىء إنه مشاركة الآخرين الفرح والسرور. إنه إشراك الآخرين في وجودك أنت الآن مبارك ويمكنك منح الآخرين. هذا هو العطاء. الشغف لعنة والعطاء نعمة.

Η Σοφία Της καρδιάς

by Κατρίνα Μπόουλιν Μακ Κένζι

αποσπάσματα και επιβεβαιώσεις για να βελτιώσετε την καθημερινή σας ζωή. Μπορείτε επίσης να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτό το βιβλίο ως καθημερινές επιβεβαιώσεις. Ανοίξτε σε μια τυχαία σελίδα και διαβάστε την πρώτη γραμμή κ.λπ.    

المفتاح الكوني

by تشارلز ف هانل

يعالج الكتاب بشكل رئيسي مواضيع متعلقة باسلوب التفكير والتعامل مع العقل والذات "والمحيط" حيث يؤشر الكتاب الى ان واقع حياة الانسان ما هو الا ترجمة لنفسيته وشخصيته التي بنيت عبر انماط تفكيره السابقة وأن السبيل الى تحسين واقع الشخص لا يتأتى الا عبر تحسين انماط تفكيره. يرشد الكتاب القاريء الى كيفية تغيير انماط تفكيره عبر توضيح حقائق حول ما هو مفيد وما هو ضار من أشكال التفكير بالاضافة الى تمارين وتدريبات عقلية وذهنية.

فن الانتقاء

by شيينا أنغار مايا أرسلان

كل شيء يبدأ بقصة - جوزيف كامبل قبل شهر من أوان الولادة أبصرت النور في مدينة تورنتو في أثناء عاصفة ثلجية غطت المدينة بوشاح أبيض ولفتها بالسكون. فمفاجأة قدومي إلى العالم وصعوبة الرؤية التي واكبته كانتا بمثابة إنذارات لم يتم الاكتراث لها حينئذ .

365 प्रेरणादायक विचार: अधिक खुशी, सफलता और संतुष्टि के लिए दैनिक प्रेरक वचन। (Dinner For Two 365 Ser. #Vol. 1)

by ज़ेबियर के. फर्नाओ

क्या यह सच नहीं है कि हमें पूरी तरह से प्रेरित होने और कुछ सार्थक करने के लिए पूरी किताब की आवश्यकता नहीं होती, आवश्यकता होती है शायद सिर्फ कुछ विचारों की, जो हमें कुछ बड़े कार्यों को करने के लिए प्रतिबद्धता देते हैं। यह वास्तव में आश्चर्यजनक है कि जब हमारे बुरे दिन चल रहे होते हैं, तो विचार हमें सकारात्मकता पर पुन: केंद्रित करने में मददगार हो सकते हैं। एक अच्छा विचार जो हम अपनी कॉफी के लिए लाइन में खड़े-खड़े देखते हैं या जिसे हम शॉपिंग मॉल के आसपास घूमते हुए पढ़ते हैं वो हमारी भावना को आंदोलित कर सकता है और हमारे अंदर सकारात्मक विचारों और भावनाओं को ट्रिगर कर सकता है। प्रेरणादायक विचार इतने गहन और अर्थपूर्ण होते हैं क्योंकि उनके न केवल गहरे अर्थ हैं, उनके पास हर अलग-अलग व्यक्ति के लिए अलग-अलग अर्थ हैं। इन विचारों का कोई संदर्भ नहीं है, सिवाय आपके अपने जीवन के

Μινιμαλιστής: Σχεδίασε & Έλεγξε το Μινιμαλιστικό Προϋπολογισμό & Ζήσε με Μεγαλύτερη Αθφονία

by Ελένη Πέπονα

Σε αυτό το εγχειρίδιο ο συγγραφέας εισάγει τον αναγνώστη στην ιστορία και τις αρχές του μινιμαλισμού ως τρόπου ζωής. Συζητά τις βασικές αρχές του μινιμαλισμού και δίνει πρακτικές συμβουλές και παραδείγματα για την εφαρμογή του. Παράλληλα, διαπραγματεύεται την ανάγκη που διακατέχει τις μοντέρνες κοινωνίες για την απόκτηση πολλαπλών υλικών αγαθών, πώς ο μινιμαλισμός μπορεί να προσφέρει μια έξοδο από τον εγκλωβισμό στην υπερκατανάλωση, και τέλος παρουσιάζει μία μέθοδο σχεδίασης μηνιαίου προϋπολογισμού που μπορεί να βοηθήσει τον αναγνώστη να επιτύχει τους μακροπρόθεσμους και βραχυπρόθεσμους στόχους του με τη βοήθεια του μινιμαλισμού.

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