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Showing 36,726 through 36,750 of 36,775 results

A Lesbian Love Advisor

by Celeste West

Witty, yet also serious content, for lesbians and relationships. Some wonderful ideas and examples for various types of rituals.

Codependent No More

by Melody Beattie

How to stop controlling others and start caring for yourself

Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul

by John Eldredge

Explores how a man can enter more deeply into the reality of his masculinity


by Maxwell Maltz

This book provides step by step exercises on how to change our lives for the better and how to reprogram ourselves for success.

How Are We to Live?: Ethics in an Age of Self-Interest

by Peter Singer

refutes the idea that humans are by nature selfish; powerful call to live an ethical life.

A Woman's Journey to God: Finding the Feminine Path

by Joan Borysenko

"Anger is the first step to healing," Borysenko writes. Then, she proves her point and shows the reader how to make the healing happen. The author is not only a healer; she knows what it is to be a woman and in need of healing. Her sensitivity to women's wounds, and her practicality in knowing what can be done to cure them, makes this an indispensable book for every spiritual woman's library. Women's unique spiritual needs are beautifully addressed. A woman who is searching for spirituality or a woman who desires to revive her own spirituality will find comfort and guidance in this book.

The Day the Voices Stopped: A Schizophrenic's Journey from Madness to Hope

by Ken Steele Claire Berman

At fourteen Ken Steele suddenly began to hear voices which berated him and urged him to kill himself. For the next 34 years the voices were his constant companion as he drifted through the mental-health system and the homeless shelters of America's cities. Finally, with the help of a therapist who found the right combination of medications and helped him stay with his treatment regimen, Steele regained his mental health. The voices stopped. Steele spent the last years of his life as a mental patients' activist, working for the rights of the mentally ill.

Self-Help Manual for Your Back

by H. Duane Saunders

This manual is written for patients with back disorders, for participants in a back injury prevention program or for anyone who wants to have a healthy back.

Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out

by Phillip C. Mcgraw

A guide to self exploration and greater personal growth


by Ken Kurson Rudolph W. Giuliani

Having inherited a city ravaged by crime and crippled in its ability to serve its citizens, Giuliani shows how he found that every aspect of his career up to that point-from clerking for the formidable judge who demanded excellence (and rewarded it with a lifetime of loyalty) to busting organized crime during his years as a federal attorney -shaped his thinking about leadership and prepared him for the daunting challenges ahead. Giuliani's successes in turn strengthened his conviction about the core qualities required to be an effective leader, no matter what the size of the organization, be it an international corporation or a baseball team. In detailing his principles of leadership, Giuliani tells captivating stories that are personal as well as prescriptive.

At Home With Gladys Knight: Her Personal Recipe for Living Well, Eating Right, and Loving Life

by Gladys Knight Abe Ogden

Gladys Knight shares her life and gives practical advice for coping with diabetes. Recipes are included. There is a bit of text missing or garbled, but it should not take away from the enjoyment or usefulness of this book. Written with warmth. Scan-quality embossed braille copy should be quite readable.

Extreme Spirituality: Radical Journeys for the Inward Bound

by Tolly Burkan

Burkan doesn't just present an explanation of spiritual practices such as fasting, walking on hot coals, sweating, (sweat lodge) and others. He shares the principles which are used to accomplish these extreme spiritual practices and provides exercises to guide the reader into putting the principles to work to improve every aspect of daily life. Burkan is not dogmatic. He has experienced all of the spiritual practices which he writes about. He finds them useful and hopes that the reader will gain more control over and positivity in everyday encounters. Informative, easy to read, respectful of other peoples' beliefs and fascinating. A scan-quality braille copy should be quite readable.

Girlfriends for Life

by Carmen Renee Berry Tamara Traeder

A woman's guide to keeping your girlfriends, based on fan mail and interviews with true blue friends.

Nutrition and Mental Illness: An Orthomollecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry

by Carl C. Pfeiffer

Nutritional therapy for mental illness. Explains the role played by vitamins and trace elements in mental health.

Oral Caress: A Loving Guide to Exciting a Woman

by Robert W. Birch

A guide to performing cunnilingus.

Secret Loves: Women with Two Lives

by Sonya Friedman Sondra Forsyth

Over a two-year period the authors interviewed 113 married women who are or have been involved in long-term, committed extramarital relationships. The authors present this "two-track lifestyle" with compassion, as a means women have found to survive in flawed marriages while still getting the love, intimacy, and sexual gratification they need to be whole. Because these women are determined to preserve their marriages, they guard their secret lives fiercely. The authors conclude that this phenomenon is probably much more widespread than most people imagine.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex But Were Afraid to Ask

by David R. Reuben

A book of questions and answers about sex and all its myriad facets.

The Batterer: A Psychological Profile

by Susan K. Golant Donald G. Dutton

A book for mental health professionals for working with men who physically abuse women.

Oh, The Things I Know!: A Guide To Success, Or, Failing That, Happiness

by Al Franken

More advanced than Robert Fulghum, more fit than Maria Shriver's husband, Oh, the Things I Know! is Franken's commencement address for the 21st century. A cradle-to-grave guide for living, it takes young grads from their first job ("Oh, Are You Going to Hate Your First Job!") through their twenties and thirties ("Oh, the person of Your Dreams vs. the Person You Can Actually Attract!"), into marriage and parenthood ("Oh, Just Looking at Your Spouse Will Make Your Skin Crawl!"), and all the way up to senior citizenship ("Oh, the Nursing Home You'll Wind Up In!"). What does a mega success like Al Franken have to say to ordinary people? "There's no point in getting advice from hopeless failures." Filled with wit, wisdom, observations, and practical tips, this is an easy-to-follow user's manual for human existence. Why travel life's highway all by your lonesome when you can bring Al Franken along?

Angels Whisper

by Lou J. Free

Lou J Free wrote this how-to book for you to honor your angels and put the 'natural' into the supernatural. Lou J interweaves fascinating real life stories and examples with clear explanations of the rules of the road. You are not alone. A vast and glorious world of departed loved ones and guiding spirits are eager to take you by the hand. Shelley Stockwell, Ph.D. The publisher of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking Spirit Press for providing this accessible digital book to this community.

Don't Let the Song Go Out of Your Life

by Mary-Ellen Allen

The author relates her experiences, personal struggles and triumphs as she became aware of God's role for her in life. The publisher of this book donated a digital copy to Join us in thanking Spirit Press for providing this accessible digital book to this community.

Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days (2nd edition)

by Tim Parker Dean Miller

The transmission control protocol/internet protocol is the backbone of the internet. The protocol is explained in detail in these 14 lessons.

As a Matter of Course

by Annie Payson Call

Annie Call wrote for The Ladies Home Journal. Her main interest was mental health. Call states that when we no longer put up resistance to the things in life that seem to be painful and evil we can then reach interior freedom. We free our natural love of self. The preface begins, "The aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life." Topics covered include physical care, amusements, brain impressions, the triviality of trivialities, moods, tolerance, sympathy, others, one's self, children, illness, sentiment versus sentimentality, and problems.

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Showing 36,726 through 36,750 of 36,775 results