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Positive Thinking Workbook for Women: Invite More Self-Love, Self-Care, and Self-Confidence into Your Life

by Aubree Henderson

Cultivate positivity and embrace possibilityKeeping a positive outlook on life is a form of self-care that can boost your self-esteem and overall well-being—it just takes practice! Learn how to shift your perspective with this positive thinking workbook written especially for women. It's filled with thoughtful prompts and affirmations designed to help you build confidence and bounce back from challenges so you can feel better every day.Empowering exercises — Put positivity into action with activities like writing a love letter to your body, taking a personality quiz to discover your strengths, finding something to celebrate every day for a week, and more.Reclaim your power — Discover how these workbook activities open you up to the skills and self-awareness you need to achieve your goals and build healthy, productive relationships.You're not alone — Get inspired by stories about other women who struggled with self-doubt and learned how to adopt a more positive outlook.Discover your road map to becoming more resilient with this uplifting self-help book for women.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook for Self-Esteem: Identify, Challenge, and Change Your Thoughts and Actions

by Christine Yarosh

Become a happier, more confident person with CBTCognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a proven method of identifying, challenging, and changing the thoughts and actions that hold you back. It teaches you to break bad habits and shake up your outlook on life—which makes it an ideal way to boost your self-esteem! This CBT workbook uses straightforward language and practical advice to help you believe in your own abilities and create the best version of yourself.Start where you are — Begin with questions and writing prompts that show you the current state of your self-esteem and encourage you to set your own goals for building it up.Clear the path ahead — Examine the beliefs and behaviors that get in the way of your confidence and discover simple strategies to let them go so you can move forward.Treat yourself well — Learn how to embrace mindfulness, self-care, and resilience to keep you feeling good and on track for long-term success.Create a healthy sense of self with this supportive CBT skills workbook.

Anxiety Workbook for Women: Relieve Anxious Thoughts and Find Calm

by Bianca L. Rodriguez

Manage your anxiety and take control of your lifeLearn how to quiet your mind and ease fearful feelings with this simple, practical anxiety workbook for women. Each page offers insight into the underlying causes of anxiety and teaches you how to identify your triggers and develop effective coping methods so you can live with greater confidence and contentment.The truth about anxiety — Explore what anxiety really is, how it manifests in different ways, and the reasons it is especially common among women.Proven tools and techniques — Discover exercises from a licensed therapist for soothing anxiety with mindfulness, meditation, acceptance and commitment therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.You're not alone — Find hope and support in stories of other women using the strategies in this workbook to overcome their anxiety.Build the skills to reduce stress and cultivate calm with this supportive anxiety book for women.

Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook: DBT Strategies and Exercises to Manage Symptoms and Improve Well-Being

by Suzette Bray

Learn how to manage BPD with dialectical behavior therapy exercisesBorderline personality disorder (BPD) can make it difficult to cope with your emotions and maintain healthy relationships—and it affects everyone differently. But with the right tools, you can learn to manage your symptoms and feel more resilient, balanced, and in control. This workbook offers simple exercises based in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a proven method for BPD treatment. With the expert guidance inside, you'll find practical ways to regulate your body and mind, improve your sense of self, and create positive change in your life.Understand DBT—Learn why DBT is the leading treatment for borderline personality disorder, helping you to stay present, manage intense emotions, and interact with others more effectively.Find what works for you—Discover evidence-based exercises and calming practices that show you how to use DBT in your daily life, along with compassionate advice that helps you feel supported and understood as you learn about BPD.Get additional guidance Complete this BPD workbook on its own or with the reflective writing prompts in the Borderline Personality Disorder Journal.Pick up this borderline personality disorder workbook and start building the skills you need to overcome your symptoms and thrive.

Self-Care Activities for Women: 101 Practical Ways to Slow Down and Reconnect With Yourself

by Cicely Horsham-Brathwaite

A daily dose of self-care anytime you need itDoing small things to prioritize your own well-being is essential, especially for women, who are often the caretakers of everyone else in their lives. Self-Care Activities for Women encourages you to spend time on you, with a wide variety of ways you can relax, reset, and find a little joy.Self-care inside and out—Take care of yourself in every way, with specific chapters for emotional, mental, physical, social, and professional self-care.Make time for you— Learn 101 ways to practice self-care, from making a joy playlist to taking a mindful walk or cooking a healthy meal to share with friends.Short and simple activities—These exercises are easy to do and require minimal materials—so you can always find one to dive into, no matter where you are or how much time you have.Pick up this self-care book for women today and create a healthy habit of checking in with yourself.

The Mindfulness Workbook for ADHD: Effective Strategies to Increase Focus, Build Patience, and Find Balance

by Beata Lewis Nicole Foubister

Manage ADHD with mindfulness Living with ADHD can present challenges with focus and organization—but mindfulness is a proven way to stay centered. This workbook's practices, prompts, and tips will help you train your mind to cultivate greater focus and awareness. Understand ADHD—Explore the science and symptoms behind ADHD to better understand how it affects your behavior, and discover ways to remain grounded during those times. The power of mindfulness—Strengthen your ability to stay present with proven practices like breathing techniques, body scans, and mindful movement to exercise your sense of mindfulness every day. Equip your tool kit for adult ADHD—Get helpful strategies you can use daily or whenever you need some extra grounding, from mindful walking to breath exercises. Discover meaningful practices to create a sense of focus and mindfulness with this ADHD workbook for adults.

A Year of Taoism: Daily Wisdom and Meditations for a Life of Balance (A Year of Daily Reflections)

by Elizabeth Reninger

Infuse the Tao 's teachings into your life through 365 days of reflection Taoism is an ancient spiritual tradition that celebrates the natural world and invites you to live in greater harmony with the flow of the universe. Tap into the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching with this book of daily meditation s and practices that cultivate peace, joy, and freedom. 12 months of Taoism —Sharpen your understanding of the Tao's teachings with focused guidance for every month of the year, each highlighting different elements of Taoism like humility and compassion. Brief and meaningful exercises —These inspiring affirmations, insights, and activities only take 10 to 15 minutes, making it easy to incorporate the Tao into your everyday life. An approachable entry point —Even if this is your first foray into Taoism, you'll find practical explanations and simple reflections that encourage you to keep learning. Unlock greater well-being as you embrace the essence of the Tao with A Year of Taoism.

Indie Author Confidential 13: Secrets No One Will Tell You About Being a Writer (Indie Author Confidential #13)

by M.L. Ronn

The ground-breaking, behind-the-scenes look at a working writer continues with Vol. 13!Prolific writer M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn) shares his lessons learned on his journey to become a successful writer. You’ll discover writing, marketing, business, and other miscellaneous tips that you don’t hear every day.Covered in this volume: How Michael bounced back from a debilitating illness this quarter. Deep craft lessons from mega bestsellers. Notes from an intense people-watching session. Michael's thoughts on GPT-4 and the future of large language models. and more! The information in this book is what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. You may find it useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer. It just might make you more money and help you satisfy your readers, too.Are you ready to dive into the world of Indie Author Confidential? V1.0

Attachment Theory and Setting Boundaries: Understanding your own Attachment Style and How to Set Clear, Firm, and Healthy Boundaries with Yourself and Others to Move Toward a Secure Attachment

by Alejandra Nogales

Unlock Your Freedom: Understand Attachment Theory & Master Boundary Setting! Imagine this: You're standing at a crossroads, yearning for deeper connections and a sense of inner peace, yet feeling trapped by the tangled web of attachment struggles and boundary battles. It's a journey many can relate to, but few dare to take the leap to freedom. Are you ready to break free? As someone who's traversed the treacherous terrain of attachment theory and boundary setting, I've felt the suffocating weight of insecurity and the fierce desire for autonomy. But through my own journey of suffering and growth, I've unearthed invaluable insights that have reshaped my relationships and my life.

Extreme Privacy: What It Takes to Disappear

by Michael Bazzell

Michael Bazzell has helped hundreds of celebrities, billionaires, and everyday citizens completely disappear from public view. He is now known in Hollywood as the guy that “fixes” things. His previous books about privacy were mostly REACTIVE and he focused on ways to hide information, clean up an online presence, and sanitize public records to avoid unwanted exposure. <p><p>This textbook is PROACTIVE. It is about starting over. It is the complete guide that he would give to any new client in an extreme situation. It leaves nothing out, and provides explicit details of every step he takes to make someone completely disappear, including document templates and a chronological order of events. The information shared in this volume is based on real experiences with his actual clients, and is unlike any content ever released in his other books.

Motivational Motives

by LaQuon S. Johnson

This book is a composite of parables put forth and prepared to help the reader confront childhood trauma and manage the inevitable circumstances of life. Many of the characters of Motivational Motives were placed or conveniently placed themselves in a proverbial bubble that can be popped by anyone labeled as an authority figure, powerful, or better than the masses based on race, creed, economic status, or permissible accolade. The context of the manuscript encourages the reader to examine and place themselves in the position of the characters and truly identify the Motivational Reasoning for their Initiative (MRI).

The Magic Diamond: Jung's 8 Paths For Self-Coaching

by Dario Nardi

Who are you really? That is, how do you operate? And what is your best route to up your level in life? A century ago, the famous Swiss psychiatrist Dr. C.G. Jung described eight ways people function. Like right versus left handedness, we develop preferences—our gifts. But what’s next? First, we can nurture our gifts. We can also deal with our shadowy blind-spots and chart a path that continually completes the pattern of who we are. Jung predicted how the brain works: We start largely undifferentiated and grow with biases, then conflicts and crises arise inevitably, and we can retreat from those opportunities or we can choose to reinvent ourselves. What is your choice? Based on the work of C.G. Jung’s 8 Psychological Types, with over thirty pages of quotations and analysis. Starts with a brain-based introduction to 8 cognitive processes. Takes you to the next level, focusing on development. Explores the problem of one-sidedness, “tension of opposites”, and the Transcendent function. For each process, features a 30-page coaching packet based on 14 years of hands-on neuroscience of 350+ people from all walks of life. Presents over 40 case studies and over 200 personalized tips for you to develop keener perception and wiser judgment. Puts personality within a social context. Includes two chapters of activities for teams and coaches. Introduces The Magic Diamond, a powerful new metaphor to chart your path to personal and professional growth. Award-winning instructor and world-renowned personality and neuroscience researcher, Dario Nardi, brings Jung’s incredible work into the 21st century. His other books include Neuroscience of Personality, 8 Keys to Self-Leadership, Jung on Yoga, and 16 Personality Types.

How Highly Effective People Speak: How High Performers Use Psychology To Influence With Ease (Speak For Success Ser.)

by Peter Andrei

In How Highly Effective People Speak, you'll discover 194 communication habits of highly effective people (proven by 57 scientific studies) including: How to get more done with less effort by influencing others to support you How to attract others (instead of turning them away and seeming unfriendly) with the correct type of body language How to make people systematically, predictably, and reliably overweigh your opinion by activating the availability bias How to charge more or pay less (for the same product) and win every negotiation with the anchoring effect How to effortlessly make others want something by activating one little-known cognitive bias (called "essential" by billionaire investor Charlie Munger, partner to Warren Buffet) How to lead with ease and reliably influence teams by using the contrast effect How to effortlessly speak with memorable eloquence by applying 2,000-year-old secrets of powerful language How to ace every interview, meeting, and presentation with ease by activating agent detection bias How to quickly diffuse all objections by activating the little-known (but extremely powerful) zero-risk bias How to make people believe something even if they think the exact opposite with the illusory truth effect How to appear authoritative, trustworthy, and capable in 10 seconds by activating the halo effect How to combine the science of psychology with the art of communication and create a critical competitive advantage in life

Disorganized Attachment No More!: The Complete Blueprint to Achieving a Secure Attachment Style in Relationships

by Taha Zaid

It's time to control those overflowing emotions, understand your patterns, and identify the way forward toward a healthier, happier relationship. Have you been dealing with a rollercoaster of emotions that seem to create roadblocks to your happiness? Do you sometimes feel it would be easier if you stayed single because you didn't want to put someone through your spinning thoughts? Do you self-sabotage when it comes to deciding what you need to do and your happiness? Listen, the most common culprit for blocking our own happiness is us. The negativity that you have accumulated over your life, from childhood till now, has been clouding your decision-making and causing you to see life in gray. You see, past experiences have a way of seeping into our present and future. They have the power to create an environment where you overthink and overanalyze every little detail–what a person said, how you responded, their body language, your own body language…the list goes on and on! That is what stops you from having your happily ever after. You are probably dealing with disorganized attachment, but you aren’t really sure what that means. Science has categorized it as a disorder, and luckily, it's a condition that is treatable. This is your chance to go from disorganized attachment to healthy relationships and from chaotic emotions to a more focused outlook on life. It's time to truly tap into the details of your past to create a happier future. In this practical guide, you will discover: - The nooks and crannies of insecure attachments that can help you understand disorganized attachment even more - The image of a healthy relationship – uncover exactly what it takes to build that secure connection with that special someone - Techniques to pinpoint the signs of disorganized attachment in yourself and others that will open your eyes to a new world of emotions - Methods of emotional control to truly face your fears, understand your past childhood trauma, and pinpoint your triggers - How to save your relationship by focusing on yourself and using the power of communication - The art of improvement, from how to improve your self-worth to your confidence so you can go through your adult life more organized - How to move forward in life with various techniques like self-healing and building yourself up And much more. When it comes to keeping your relationships safe, taking the step to improving your own skills and confidence might be the key you have been looking for. With this guide, you can understand where your feelings are from and how to deal with them.

Independence Over Codependency: A Survival Guide to End Toxic Relationships, Develop Radical Self-Love, Stop People Pleasing, and Learn How to Set Healthy Boundaries

by Robert J. Charles

In this book, you'll learn the rudiments of codependency and how it operates. Have you ever looked at your current or past relationships and wondered why you behaved the way you did? No one sets out to become obsessive when they start to care for someone, but for some of us, it seems like we often find ourselves there, in a state of obsession. So, how did you get there? This book will provide you with that answer.

The Addiction Recovery Workbook: Essential Skills to Overcome Any Addiction and Prevent Relapse

by Linda Hill

Addiction recovery requires a rewiring of your mind and a strong commitment to change. This can be a challenging process, but with the right guidance, a life free from the suffocating grip of addiction is within reach. <P><p> The Addiction Recovery Workbook provides the structured and proven frameworks that you need to follow to achieve lasting results. This guide: <p>• Explains the science behind addiction, how it affects the brain, and how to overcome it. <p>• Outlines common symptoms of addiction so you can become aware of them before they worsen. <p>• Identifies risk factors for addiction so you don’t self-sabotage your recovery. <p>• Provides in-depth information on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and its various techniques that have helped countless people end their addictions. <p>• Guides readers through the principles of <p>• Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and how to use mindfulness, cognitive diffusion, and value clarification. <p>• Explains Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP) that will help you manage even the most powerful cravings. <p>• Covers the causes of relapse and how to prevent it, including tips for avoiding triggers and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. <p>• Explains how to build your support networks during recovery, including practical advice for building and maintaining positive relationships. <p>• Offers case studies and real-world examples to illustrate the concepts and techniques covered in the book. <P><p> This comprehensive guide offers practical, evidence-based techniques and exercises that will help you gain insight into your addiction and develop the skills you need to overcome it. <P><p> Explore all aspects of addiction recovery, including self-awareness, stress management, mindfulness, communication skills, and more. With interactive activities and journal prompts, readers will deepen their understanding of addiction and develop the skills needed for recovery. <P><p> Whether you're seeking to overcome addiction yourself or seeking to help a loved one, The Addiction Recovery Workbook is an essential tool for anyone looking to take back control of their life.

Talking to Myself

by Marshall Saper

"Let us get one thing straight. Nothing that I have written in these pages is designed to turn your life around. Nor do these articles contain exotic psychological information that will lead you to the promised land of happiness and fulfillment. If there is anything that the reading public does not need, it is additional expert advice on weight reduction or emotional self-help. Why, then, am I taking to the typewriter? Because I am talking to myself, and it would look odd if I did so verbally. By pounding out my ideas on a typewriter, I can pretend to be an author and at the same time clarify my own thoughts on the increasing public impact of my profession, psychology."

Speak Like A Pro: 10 Commandments of Public Speaking

by Comfort Ocran Albert Ocran

Learn more about good habits of public speaking that will inspire, entertain and educate your listeners

Sheba: Ancient Customer Service Secrets Repackaged in a Social-Media Driven Era (Biblical Economics Series 5)

by Comfort Ocran Albert Ocran

Treating people well, delighting your customers and giving them moments to treasure should be the preoccupation of every service organisation be it a business, not-for-profit, church or sporting club. The Queen of Sheba travelled across the world to visit King Solomon and had an incredible experience that made her declare that “What I have seen far exceeds what I was told. Indeed, half of your greatness was not told to me.” What does it take to get your customer experience to exceed all expectations? What do customers look at beyond the main product or service? This book will inspire and equip you to build wonderful relationships with all who meet you, visit you online or patronise your services. Applying the principles in this book could lead to longevity, thriving customer relationships and prosperity for your business, church, NGO or service organisation.

La previa

by Miguel Carbajal

En esta publicación, padres y educadores encontrarán elementos paraestar en mejores condiciones de entender y de operar sobre elconsumo de la droga que prevalece entre los adolescentes. La idea de un mundo sin drogas es una utopía. Los adolescentes siemprese han topado y se toparán con este tipo de sustancias.Hoy, el consumo de grandes cantidades de alcohol caracteriza sus salidasde fines de semana. La motivación más concreta que manifiesta uno de cada tres adolescentes está relacionada con la búsquedaconcreta del efecto.La creencia es que sin alcohol la diversión no es posible y quevincularse con otros es más difícil. El alcohol funciona, entonces, comouna especie de lubricante social que se va instalando en sus vidas. En esta publicación, padres y educadores encontrarán elementos paraestar en mejores condiciones de entender y de operar sobre elconsumo de la droga que prevalece entre los adolescentes. La idea de un mundo sin drogas es una utopía. Los adolescentes siemprese han topado y se toparán con este tipo de sustancias.Hoy, el consumo de grandes cantidades de alcohol caracteriza sus salidasde fines de semana. La motivación más concreta que manifiesta uno de cada tres adolescentes está relacionada con la búsquedaconcreta del efecto.La creencia es que sin alcohol la diversión no es posible y quevincularse con otros es más difícil. El alcohol funciona, entonces, comouna especie de lubricante social que se va instalando en sus vidas.

El impacto del estrés: Estrategias para detener al enemigo moderno

by Walter Dresel

Este nuevo libro explica de forma práctica cómo evitar que el estrés #ya sea laboral o vinculado a las relaciones personales# continúe dañándonos. Seguramente el estrés te afecta, como a la casi totalidad de los seres humanos, perturbando tu existencia. Nadie está a salvo. Este enemigo moderno ocupa el primer lugar en las causas de un sinnúmero de dolencias tanto físicas como emocionales, y no nos deja vivir en paz. La buena noticia es que se puede atajar a tiempo, o contrarrestar, si modificamos nuestra actitud frente a los factores que desencadenan una serie de reacciones negativas en nuestro organismo. En este nuevo libro, el doctor Walter Dresel explica de forma práctica cómo evitar que el estrés #ya sea laboral o vinculado a las relaciones personales# continúe dañándonos. Verás que es posible y que depende de ti lograrlo. Podrás analizar las respuestas que utilizamos frente al estrés y cómo hacer para modificarlas en tu beneficio. Recuerda que el estrés que se sale de nuestro control produce emociones negativas que, de no procesarlas adecuadamente, van a proyectarse sobre nuestro cuerpo físico, generando al principio alteraciones funcionales, para finalmente constituirse en enfermedades, algunas de difícil curación. Deja a un lado la pasividad, no esperes a que deteriore tu organismo. No se trata de sobrevivir, sino de recuperar el capital más importante que poseemos, la calidad de vida.

Mi segunda vida: Medicina funcional y otras herramientas para recobar salud y envejecer sanos

by Martín Guerra

- #Especialmente en países como Uruguay, donde la información llega mucho más tarde, este libro es de un valor incalculable, y para muchos puede ser la diferencia entre seguir paralizados en su camino al bienestar o catapultados a vivir mejor y por más tiempo#. Alejandro Junger #Al leer esta historia de vida me encontré con un espejo de mi camino hacia la salud espiritual, integrando la nutrición#. Alejandro De Barbieri #Sueño con una vejez sana, sin grandes deterioros, viendo crecer a mis hijos y disfrutando cada paso, para apagarme cuando me toque. ¿Es mucho pedir?#. Nos enseñaron a decir que sí, pero a Martín Guerra no le conformó la respuesta. Emprendedor hiperexitoso y referente en el mundo de los negocios, dirigió esta vez su fuerza y curiosidad a descubrir qué tanto podemos estirar los límites autoimpuestos en salud y calidad de vida. Comprobó que ciertas prácticas convencionales de medicina están perimidas y que existe conocimiento científico sólido y herramientas probadas para crear salud y alcanzar la longevidad, mitigando las enfermedades. Medicina funcional, geroprotección, ayuno, entrenamiento, junto a otras herramientas cuidadosamente seleccionadas, delinearon su camino de transformación hacia la autogestión de la salud. Aquí y ahora, sin magia ni marketing, nos muestra cuánto se puede.

Todo lo que sabíamos sobre psicología y resultó equivocado: 20 mitos sobre la conducta y la psicoterapia

by Alberto Chertok

En forma clara y sintética, el Dr. Alberto Chertok analiza 20 mitos sobre la conducta humana. ¿Cree usted que los pensamientos están en la mente? ¿Piensa que las fobias y obsesiones expresan traumas inconscientes que es necesario descubrir? ¿Le han dicho que las enfermedades psicosomáticasse deben a que la ansiedad «se pone en el cuerpo»? ¿O que la forma de mantener alta la autoestima es valorar sus propios logros? Estasy otras ideas se abordan en forma incisiva, cuestionando conceptos tradicionales que con frecuencia se aceptan como verdades reveladas. En forma clara y sintética, el Dr. Alberto Chertok analiza 20 mitos sobre la conducta humana, incluyendo creencias erróneas sobre la relación de pareja –«los opuestos se complementan», «el amor asegura una buena relación»– y sobre el papel de los psicólogos y psiquiatras, como la idea de que el terapeuta debe ser misterioso y no compartir ningún dato personal. En su lugar, el autor propone ideas más realistas, y explica por qué el tratamiento debe encararse de aquí en adelante, en lugar de bucear en las supuestas causas del pasado.

Toma un segundo café contigo mismo: El valor de la autoestima

by Walter Dresel

Hace casi dos décadas Walter Dresel invitaba a sus lectores a hacer una pausa y mirar en su interior, con el libro Toma un café contigo mismo, que se convirtió en un éxito singular no solo en ventas, sino también en repercusión por la manera en que logró conectarse con su público. Hoy, este Toma un segundo café contigo mismo es una invitación a retomar el trascendente rol de la autoestima en el desempeño y gratificación que podamos recoger en nuestra vida, pero con la perspectiva de los años transcurridos. El mundo cambia y nosotros también lo hacemos. ¿Cómo nos ha ido en los últimos años? ¿Cuánto confiamos en nosotros mismos? ¿Qué ángulos debemos tener en cuenta en estos días para abordar con eficacia el auto-respeto? El autor nos ofrece bucear en lo más profundo de la autoestima mediante recursos prácticos para avanzar con pasos concretos en ser exitosos en aquello que de verdad nos proponemos.

La vida en tus manos: Superando el síndrome del adulto frágil

by Alejandro De Barbieri

Un libro que nos enseña a asumir responsabilidades para poder vivir con libertad y amor. Después de la formidable repercusión de Economía y felicidad y de Educar sin culpa, Alejandro De Barbieri presenta un libro a la vez práctico y profundo, que nos propone salir de la actitud del adulto frágil y tomar la vida en nuestras manos, para convertirnos en los protagonistas de nuestra propia historia. Si Educar sin culpa se centraba en los desafíos que implica la paternidad en la actualidad, en este trabajo el énfasis está puesto en la libertad que debemos asumir como adultos para tomar una actitud activa ante la vida. La invitación es a ser responsables y felices en nuestra pareja, con nuestros hijos, en el trabajo y con el resto de la sociedad. El desafío es vincularnos de una forma saludable y afectiva, que incida positivamente en el mundo que nos rodea. En estas páginas, que fluyen a modo de diálogo directo con el lector, el autor nos plantea un recorrido por la fragilidad de los vínculos hoy: desde la dificultad para convivir en pareja o la debilidad de las relaciones laborales, hasta la necesidad de vivir con inteligencia espiritual, con sentido del humor, aprendiendo a perdonar y agradecer para darle sentido a nuestra existencia y proyectar un recorrido vital del cual somos los únicos responsables. La vida en tus manos es una invitación a decidir sin excusas, a salir de la "queja nuestra de cada día" y hacernos cargo de nuestras acciones para ser adultos sólidos y vencer la fragilidad.

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