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Mapping International Student Mobility Between Africa and China

by Benjamin Mulvey

This book examines an emergent pattern of international student mobility: that of international students from across the African continent who are enrolled on degree programmes at Chinese universities. China is among the most popular destination countries for African students, yet there has been little research to-date into this emergent mobility pattern. Drawing on data from a series of interviews, the book focuses on the specific modalities of integration into the global economy of both the sending region and the host country, and examines how these shape the decision-making, experiences, and future aspirations of mobile students. It also highlights how incipient flows of international student migrants, such as those between various African countries and China, are calling into question a number of the axioms around the study of international study mobility that were developed with reference to more established migration patterns, which tend to flow from other regions to the West. These include, for example, the idea that international students are generally privileged members of the global middle class who seek an education abroad as part of a strategy to accumulate cultural capital and reproduce social privilege. This novel work is of interest to researchers in human geography, sociology, development studies, migration studies, and particularly those studying China-Africa relations.

Legalising Prostitution in Thailand: A Policy-Oriented Examination of the (De-)Construction of Commercial Sex (SpringerBriefs in Sociology)

by Jason Hung

This book problematises the socioeconomic and institutional construction of prostitution in Thai contexts, identifying the root causes that propel underprivileged, discriminated and deprived women and girls to enter the sex industry. The author considers Thailand’s tolerance of prostitution and sex trafficking, despite criminalising prostitution since 1960. In doing so, they explain how criminalising prostitution does not lower the odds of women and girls engaging in commercial sex, but rather, legally marginalises them from receiving the necessary social and healthcare support. The book highlights that neither can Thailand pragmatically practice a zero-tolerance stance against prostitution - primarily due to severe police corruption and its heavy reliance on the sex tourism economy to support the national economic growth - nor is Thailand willing to fully crack down on the domestic sex industry. Engaging in an evaluation of how legalising and decriminalising prostitution, along with continuing to implement policies and interventions that alleviate the root causes of prostitution, can help Thailand build a more inclusive society and less-prostitution-reliant economy in the long term, the book provides a nuanced understanding of the relationships between society, inequality, governance, criminality, and policy in Southeast Asian contexts. It is relevant to students and researchers in sociology, socio-criminology, public policy, government and Southeast Asian studies.

Women Scholars in Hong Kong: In Pursuit of Intellectual Leadership

by Nian Ruan

This book depicts the diverse approaches of established women professors in perceiving and developing intellectual leadership in Hong Kong. It analyzes the combined influences of various disciplines, different higher education institutions, and gender on the careers of female scholars in the East Asian region. The complexity and interaction of academic careers for women, disciplinary contexts, higher education systems, and socio-cultural environments may present a relatively holistic landscape for readers interested in academic life and leadership. Scholars, administrators, managers, and policymakers in higher education-related fields may gain comprehensive ideas to facilitate faculty and institutional development through a cultural and sociological lens. This may empower female academics and students, while also providing benefits for doctoral students and early-career researchers seeking insights into the evolving advantages and disadvantages in women's academic careers. Audiences interested in gender issues may find it intriguing to compare women scholars with women in other professions and in different cultural contexts.

Conservation of Built Heritage in India: Heritage Mapping and Spatializing Values (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)

by Vijayalaxmi J.

This book focuses on the Heritage Conservation of Architecture, Historic Districts of a City and Conservation strategies with specific case studies from India, in order to highlight the need for conserving the rich piece of history through research, education, advocacy, and practice. The historic significance and the condition mapping of the subjects are carried out through primary field studies by the authors at School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, India. The cases are analysed, and appropriate solutions and sustainable strategies are evolved for the conservation of the buildings facing contemporary challenges. The contents align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 11), Target 11.4 which aims to “strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage'. This would ensure that a rich piece of history is documented and analysed to ensure that it is not erased and forgotten. This book serves as a bountiful data base of literature as well as conservation strategies for heritage conservationists, students of architectural conservation and researchers.

China’s e-Science Blue Book 2023

by Chinese Academy of Sciences Ministry of Education of the PRC Ministry of Science and Technology of the PRC China Association for Science and Technology Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Chinese Academy of Engineering National Natural Science Foundation of China Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

This series of books is a result of collaboration between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and relevant national departments. This book provides a comprehensive summary and analysis of the current state and future trends of e-Science in China, with a focus on strategic developments, application practices, and infrastructure construction. This book showcases the recent progress, achievements, and new situations in China's e-Science in the past two years, and offer detailed cases for reference. The content is rich and offers valuable insights for the future development of research informatization.

Engagement of Africa in Conflict Dynamics and Peace Architectures (Africa's Global Engagement: Perspectives from Emerging Countries)

by Stanley Osezua Ehiane Lukong Stella Shulika Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu

This book examines the nature of conflict in Africa vis-à-vis the African Union (AU) peace and security architecture in Africa. It focuses on the intense campaign ‘Silencing the Guns by 2020’ since 2013, one of the flagship projects of Agenda 2063 to achieve a conflict-free continent by AU. It analyses various causes of conflict in Africa using case studies to pursue the causality and dynamics of these conflicts, which often point to the intersectionality of historical legacies of colonialism and neo-colonialism. It further examines the interplay of factors such as resource curse, resource exploitation, election-induced violence, political violence, incessant and interminable challenges of social justice, oppression, contemporary governance, and leadership dynamics. It also focuses on the application and integration of conflict and gender for analytical reflection. In the quest for a “Peaceful and secure Africa”, this book examines the different mechanisms to prevent, manage, and resolve conflicts on the continent, and the challenges thereof. It probes and investigates by asking critical questions about continental conflict dynamics and peace architectures which warrants in-depth inquiry and interrogation.

Navigating Complexity: Understanding Human Responses to Multifaceted Disasters

by Yibin Ao Homa Bahmani

This thought-provoking book unravels the intricate interplay between human behavior and disasters, weaving a rich narrative that transcends traditional boundaries. Embark on a captivating exploration of human responses to multifaceted disasters with this book. Unveiling the human psyche and the intricate web of emotions that intertwine with disaster events, this book offers a profound understanding of human responses to multifaceted disasters.Written with precision and meticulous research, this book captivates scholars, practitioners, and policymakers alike. Its multidimensional perspectives offer valuable insights for disaster management, urban planning, sociology, and public health, transcending disciplinary boundaries.

Beyond the 2026 Winter Olympic Games: Sustainable Scenarios for the Valtellina Mountain Region (Mega Event Planning)

by Andrea Arcidiacono Stefano Di Vita

This volume offers a novel study of the Milan-Cortina's Winter Olympics 2026, with a focus on the mountainous region of Valtellina. It brings an up-to-date analysis of the complex interactions between mega-events and remote areas, both in terms of potentials for regeneration and risks for further segregation. Remote areas are traditionally characterized by socio-economic and spatial disparities. On the one hand, they benefit from attractive features, such as environmental and landscape resources, food and wine production, and energy production. On the other, they are by definition fragile environments, disrupted by the contradictions of international tourism, climate change, limited infrastructures and services, rural abandonment, and demographic decline.This book offers credible solutions for the sustainable development of mountainous regions as a legacy of Winter Olympics. It is an essential resource for scholars, professionals, and policy-makers in the fieldsof urban planning and design, architecture design, geography, sociology, and economics.

Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Loss & Damage

by Linda Anne Stevenson Amit Ranjan Dennis Mombauer Vositha Wijenayake Akio Takemoto Nafesa Ismail

This book advances knowledge on loss & damage (L&D) and its interlinkages with climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction. The book includes twelve case studies conducted across South and Southeast Asia, covering sectors including agriculture, rural livelihoods, energy, infrastructure and natural resources. These studies provide insights into complex climate-induced L&D, enhancing local, national and regional knowledge and contributing to global agendas.

Resilience vs Pandemics: Innovations in Cities and Neighbourhoods (Urban Sustainability)

by Ali Cheshmehzangi Maycon Sedrez Hang Zhao Tian Li Tim Heath Ayotunde Dawodu

The COVID-19 pandemic and other highly transmissible diseases outbreaks have given a new significance to the concept of “resilience”, placing it in the spotlight of built environment-related studies. New directions have emerged from expanding on adaptive planning, urban layouts, urban morphologies, spatial planning, healthy cities, etc. To enhance resilience in the post-pandemic era, various theories, practices, and hypotheses are being formulated by scholars around the world.For this book project, we invite chapter proposals that provide forefront discoveries about the built environment resilience during and after the ongoing pandemic. Historical perspectives of resilience and other highly transmissible diseases are also relevant to understanding the COVID-19 issues. The authors are encouraged to elaborate on critical exploratory, innovative, and cutting-edge research approaches, highlighting the effects of COVID-19 and other highly transmissible diseases in the design, planning, and perception of the built environment. We aim to gather scientific experiences, reviews, analyses, discussions, recommendations, and solutions in the fields of urban planning, urban design, urban management, environmental science, architecture, etc.The book aims to document resilience-related innovations and new perspectives for the built environment, how people’s interactions adapt to new realities, and which mechanisms, tools, and strategies are required for such transformations in the following two scales of the built environments:(1) City/district; research on planning, commuting and mobility, politics, urban configurations, regulations, transmission and prevention, models, top-down processes, innovation processes, etc.(2) Community/neighborhood; research on collaboration, transmission and prevention, isolation and quarantine, social aspects, accessibility to services, technologies, education, policies, and innovative solutions.The book covers a wide range of studies, including physical and non-physical studies, which may refer to the city infrastructure, green/blue spaces, housing, policy-making, health services, social and economic issues, etc. The findings and results contribute to the decision-making of governments, organizations, and institutions, as well as inspire scholars and future research for developing resilience in the post-pandemic era.

Community, Culture, Commerce: The Intermediary in Design and Creative Industries

by Jock McQueenie Marcus Foth Greg Hearn

As digital environments become increasingly individualised, instant, ubiquitous, and disintermediated, this book demonstrates the continuing relevance of intermediaries at the intersection of design, creativity, community engagement, and corporate social responsibility. The authors examine intermediaries as enablers of mutual benefit and offer a proactive, interventionist, and holistic approach to intermediation practice that steps beyond design thinking. By means of case studies that employ the 3C project design methodology—Community, Culture, Commerce—the authors provide an accessible introduction to intermediation at the nexus of theory and practice and signpost new opportunities for researchers and practitioners in the post-COVID environment.

Crossing the Border: On the Quadruple-Evidence Method

by Li Yang Shuxian Ye

This book is the first monograph of its kind in the academic world which comprehensively expounds the new methodology of humanities. The quadruple-evidence method is one which integrates quadruple-evidences to open up new horizon for interpretation of ancient culture in the three-dimensional manner. The first layer of evidence refers to documents passed down from the past; the second layer of evidence refers to local written materials; the third layer of evidence includes oral legends of anthropology and folklore and etiquette in the living folk customs; the fourth layer of evidence refers to those ancient objects and images either unearthed in archaeological excavations or handed down from the past. The book consists of theoretical explorations and their applications in individual cases. While the first part studies the academic evolution, theory and methodological value of the quadruple-evidence method, the second part, in using the method in different cases, explores different historical and cultural phenomena in the history of China, attempting to extend the frontier of the origin of civilization from the approach of mythological study

Regional Development and Its Spatial Structure

by Dadao Lu

This book describes the progress and prominent theories of regional development research in the past decades, especially in the past decade, discusses the industrial structure, spatial structure, resources, and environment, as well as a series of practical issues, and reveals the general characteristics of spatial structure evolution in the process of regional development. The research on the issues of regional development has become the frontier of relevant disciplines since the 1950s, and much progress has been made in the process of solving practical problems in social and economic development. This book provides an in-depth and systematic demonstration of the "point-axis system" theory of regional exploitation and development as well as the T-shaped structure of China's regional economic action in theory and practice and discusses the impact of location differential rent, restricted accessibility, technological innovation, etc., on regional development theoretically. This book is used as a reference for planning, scientific research, and teaching personnel in territorial expansion, regional economy, human geography, etc.

The Games of Land Dispossession: Urban Governance and Sports Mega-Events (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)

by Erick Omena

This book offers a comparative study of state strategies in relation to urban redevelopment projects associated with sports mega-events in Brazil, South Africa and the United Kingdom. It examines urban governance strategies employed to dispossess working-class communities of their land and counteract the subsequent emergence of discontent in various national contexts, offering an intricate analysis of the mechanisms of class dominance operating across diverse regions of the globe. This is based on the application of Gramscian theory concerning the capitalist state and its fluid interplay between coercion and consent. Juxtaposing historical trajectories in the execution of redevelopment initiatives linked to large-scale sporting events, the book offers an in-depth examination of the state-civil society relations shaping the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympic Parks, alongside the regeneration initiatives concerning the Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro and the Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg – respectively earmarked for the 2014 and 2010 FIFA World Cups. Drawing on insights from a range of disciplines and an explicitly Gramscian analytical framework, this book will appeal to students and scholars in urban planning, sport sociology, development studies, and human geography.

Studies in Silk Road Archaeology

by Nai Xia

This book is a collection of Nai Xia’s quintessential works on Silk Road studies. A key resource in the field of Silk Road Archaeology, it features in-depth content, a broad range of material, careful textual research, and meticulous analysis. With thorough investigations of foreign coinage, silk textiles, and artifacts with foreign styles excavated in different parts of China, it explores the exchange between ancient China and Central Asia, Western Asia, and Europe. In particular, this book provides detailed descriptions of the economic and cultural ties between ancient China, Pre-Islamic Arabia, the Sasanian Empire, and the Byzantine Empire. The research propounds innovative theories on the history and evolution of East-West transportation routes, i.e., the overland Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road. Based on the study of ancient relics and excavated artifacts, it points out that cultural exchange along the Silk Road was never unilateral, but instead, mutual influence and cooperation were obvious. Since ancient times, countries along the Silk Road have had a tradition of amicable foreign relations and the promotion of common interests. The book is intended for academics, scholars and researchers.

(Un)Following in Winnetou’s Footsteps: Representations of North American Indigeneity in Central Europe

by Sanja Runtić Jana Marešová Klára Kolinská

This book examines the ways in which North American Indigenous identity has been (re)imagined, represented, and negotiated in German, Croatian, Italian, Polish, and Czech culture. Employing a cross-disciplinary and comparative approach and drawing on a range of media—from literature, comics, and film to photography, painting, and the performative arts—across different historical and cultural backgrounds, it aims to both contribute innovative scholarship on Indigenous studies in Europe and open a new avenue in the field by focusing on Central European settings that have received little or no critical attention to date. The book’s novelty also comes from its focus on the latest developments in the field, including the “Ravensburger/Winnetou controversy,” which swept across Europe in 2022, echoing the 2017 Canadian debate over Indigenous appropriation and free speech. It seeks to provide a sound reference and lay the groundwork for future scholarship by opening up a conversation on how Indigenous identities have been portrayed in Central European literature and media texts. To this end, it not only addresses generalized expectations about North American Indigenous people underlying (Central) European public discourse and imagination but also questions whether and to what extent some of the ingrained stereotypical views and practices, such as hobbyism, have been challenged in the face of Indigenous resurgence, rapidly changing media and information-sharing realities, and global cultural shifts. The closing interview with Métis playwright, actor, and director Bruce Sinclair underscores one of the book’s key goals—to spark an informed cross-cultural dialogue that will reveal the mechanisms of, as well as the contradictions and tensions inherent in, the politics of Indigenous representation in (Central) European cultural industries and encourage (Central) Europeans to confront their own cultural assumptions and attitudes.

Arab Americans in the United States: Immigration, Culture and Health (International Perspectives on Migration)

by Shaikha H. Al-Kuwari

This open access book provides a unique perspective on the relationship between immigration, culture, and health. It presents a cross-cultural perspective between culture and illness. It touches upon identity struggles, the notion of not feeling “safe, understood, accepted,” and its relation to Arab American health. The book provides a comprehensive review of the history of Muslims in America and discusses better healthcare services for chronic illness—diabetes. It provides an ethnographic framework for building cultural belief models of illness, which helps study any illness among any population. It is a must-read for everyone interested in understanding the relationship among culture, health, and immigration, as well as the importance of building cultural belief models of illness and their possible impact on providing better healthcare services. The book is of interest to scholars, caregivers, and those living with diabetes.

Mapping Critical Dance Studies in India (Performance Studies & Cultural Discourse in South Asia #2)

by Urmimala Sarkar Munsi

This book provides a critical understanding of dance studies in India, bringing together various embodied practices identified loosely as dance. It suggests an alternative reading of the history of patronage, policies, and institutionalized understanding of categories such as classical, folk, modern, popular, and Bollywood that hierarchizes some dances as 'more' dance than others. It is of great interest to scholars looking at performing arts such as dance as a tool for identity assertions. It offers diverse possibilities of understanding dance through its inherent sociopolitical possibilities as a participatory or presentational tool for communication. The multidisciplinary approach brings together perspectives from critical dance studies, anthropology, history, and gender studies to connect embodied archives of different communities to create an intersectional methodology of studying dance in India as a powerful but marginal expressive art practice. Accessible at multiple levels, thecontent is relevant for undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as researchers across dance, dance education, theatre, and performance studies.

Planning for Urban Country: Taking First Nations Values into Future Urban Designs

by David S. Jones

Planning for Urban Country addresses a major gap in knowledge about the translation of Aboriginal values and Country Plans into Australia’s built environment contexts. How do you ‘heal’ Country if it has been devastated by concrete and bitumen, excavations and bulldozing, weeds and introduced plants and animals, and surface, aerial and underground contaminants? How then do Aboriginal values and Country Plan aspirations address urban environments? In this book, David Jones explores the major First Nations-informed design and planning transformations in Djilang / Greater Geelong since 2020. Included are short-interlinked essays about the political and cultural context, profiles of key exemplar architectural, landscape and corridor projects, a deep explanation of the legislative, policy and statutory precedents, opportunities and environment that has enabled these opportunities, and the how Wadawurrung past-present-future values have been scaffolded into these changes.

Manufacturing Refused Knowledge in the Age of Epistemic Pluralism: Discourses, Imaginaries, and Practices on the Border of Science

by Federico Neresini Maria Carmela Agodi Stefano Crabu Simone Tosoni

This open access book explores contemporary practices that challenge science, arguing that this matter cannot be simply disregarded as a new manifestation of “anti-scientism”. It scrutinizes the processes through which knowledge claims, refused by established institutions and the scientific community, seek legitimacy. Assuming an agnostic analytical stance, it explores the actors involved in such processes and their social worlds, their interactions with epistemic institutions, and the ways in which they enact such refused knowledge in their daily lives. Drawing on a three-year mixed-method research project, this collection demonstrates how refused knowledge can be seen as a distinct mode of knowing, employed in response to the uncertainties of everyday life. Thus, it offers a deeper understanding not only of how refused knowledge garners credibility, but also of how knowledge at large – including scientific knowledge – emerges from specific sociotechnical assemblages.

The History of Chinese Civilization (China Insights)

by Xianqun Bu

This book tracks the entire history of Chinese civilization from a broad historical view. Its narrative spans a long period between primitive society and contemporary civilization, which makes it a unique academic works.From an academic point of view, this book is accurate in history and combines historical theories. Although brief, it captures the main thrust of the development of Chinese civilization and achieves a broad outline. Important figures, historical events, and achievements of civilization in all times are involved and discussed.From a theoretical point of view, based on the characteristics of early Chinese civilization, the book discusses the connotation of key concepts such as "civilization" and "Chinese civilization", which have certain theoretical value.From a contemporary and practical perspective, the book helps readers understand the history of Chinese civilization and promotes cultural exchanges between China and the world and leads to a better understanding of today’s China.

Indigenous Peoples and Constitutional Reform in Australia: Beyond Mere Recognition

by Bede Harris

​This book examines whether Australia’s constitution should be reformed so as to enable the country to fulfil its obligations under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which it ratified in 2009. The book surveys the history of the constitutional status of Australia’s Indigenous peoples from the time of colonisation through to the current debate on ‘Indigenous constitutional recognition’. However, it argues that the term ‘Indigenous constitutional recognition', implying that mere acknowledgement of the existence of Indigenous peoples is sufficient to meet their legitimate expectations, misrepresents the nature of the project the country needs to engage in. The book argues that Australia should instead embark upon a reform programme directed towards substantive, and not merely symbolic, constitutional change. It argues that only by the inclusion in the constitution of enforceable constitutional rights can the power imbalance between Indigenous Australians and the rest of society be addressed. Taking a comparative approach and drawing upon the experience of other jurisdictions, the book proposes a comprehensive constitutional reform programme, and includes the text of constitutional amendments designed to achieve the realisation of the rights of Australia’s Indigenous peoples. It ends with a call to improve the standard of civics education so as to overcome voter apprehension towards constitutional change.

Chester I. Barnard: Innovator of Organization Theory

by Kazuhito Isomura

This book looks at Chester I. Barnard’s theoretical and practical contributions to organization theory by examining his life, career, experience, intellectual relationships, philosophy, method, and theory.Barnard (1886–1961) is considered an innovator in the field with the publication of his seminal work, The Functions of the Executive, in 1938. But why was Barnard able to publish such a groundbreaking book despite the fact that he was a practitioner, not an academic researcher? In pursuit of that question, this book carefully investigates the background of his ideas about management, such as his experience, philosophy, and method. It then traces the process of how Barnard built his concepts of organization as it examines his books, published papers, unpublished manuscripts, and correspondence and systematically summarizes how he built his theory of organization and management. Finally, the author explores how Barnard’s theory has the potential to be developed and put into practice by examining his important works after his publication of The Functions of the Executive, which is well known as abstract and difficult. Readers of this present book will come away with a clearer and more systematic understanding of Barnard’s theoretical and practical contributions to the field.

The Rise of Trans-Eurasian Exchange: Re-visiting the Correlation Between Movement of Chinese Millet and Painted Pottery Before the 2nd Millennium B.C.

by Ting An

This book has re-visited two distinctive patterns, namely pottery and millet, the movement of both of which conflict with conventional narratives concerning prehistoric trans-Eurasian exchange. The significance of this lies beyond the simple matter of chronology, but rests on the relationship between the movement of agricultural resources and of other items of material culture. Studies on early west–east interaction have attracted researchers from various disciplines, such as archaeology, history, Asian studies, art history, etc. Pursuing an archaeological approach, the book re-examines two of the earliest evidences of trans-Eurasian cultural exchange. The book is intended for researchers who are interested in prehistory, archaeobotany, pottery studies and comparative studies of early civilizations.

Urban Sustainable Development in East Asia: Understanding and Evaluating Urban Sustainable Trends in China and Japan (Urban Sustainability)

by Xiaolong Zou

This book offers careful glimpse from the lenses of selected case studies of major counties in East Asia, namely China and Japan to obtain insights as well as lessons regarding their perspective sustainable cities development. Urban sustainability is the pillar domain for achieving overall sustainability. East Asia has the world most populous countries and cities; therefore, it is of great importance to understand, analyze, and assess the sustainable urban development trends and paradigms in an East Asia setting so as to better guide the future development of sustainable cities in the region. The outcomes of this book are policy-relevant consultations to key stakeholders from various walks of sustainability studies.

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