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The EU Race Directive: Developing the Protection against Racial Discrimination within the EU

by Erica Howard

In 2000, the European Union adopted a Directive against discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin. This book provides an in-depth evaluation of the Race Directive and its effects, questioning how successful the Race directive has been. The EU Race Directive discusses the history of the fight against racial discrimination in the EU and the equality clauses in international Human Rights instruments. It then examines the terms race, racism and racial discrimination and equality in the Directive. The book also looks at the concepts of equality which can be distinguished in the Race Directive and in the subsequent developments at EU level. Examining whether the Directive has improved the protection against racial or ethnic origin discrimination for people within the EU, the book concludes with an assessment of how far the EU has come on the road to racial equality with the adoption of the Race Directive and the subsequent developments. It also contains proposals for possible improvements. The comprehensive and up-to-date analysis in this book goes beyond most other books written on the subject and the specific focus on racism and racial discrimination means a more thorough examination than most texts focusing on discrimination on a larger number of grounds. This book will be of great value to students and academics in (European) law, social sciences and human rights, researching racism, racial discrimination, ethnicity and race relations. It will also be useful for policy makers.

Eu Prometi Não Contar: Criando uma Criança Transgênero

by Cheryl B. Evans

​Livro vencedor da medalha de bronze em 2017 do site Readers' Favorite. Quando você tem uma filha menina, você planeja muitas coisas para o seu future, exceto que ela se torne um menino. Este livro auxiliará qualquer um que queira aprender mais sobre disforia de gênero e é leitura obrigatória para pais, familiares ou amigos de uma pessoa que esteja questionando seu gênero ou que seja transgênero. Escrito por uma Mãe, este relato profundamente pessoal trata da descoberta do filho que ela nunca soube que havia tido. Sincero, comovente e bem escrito, você não ficará desapontado! “Eu prometi não contar é muito possivelmente um dos livros mais importantes da atualidade sobre uma questão social muito controversa e pouco compreendida: pessoas transgêneros. Tenho certeza de que você ficará impressionado não só com a coragem de Jordan ao longo do livro, mas também com o amor que Cheryl e seu esposo têm pelos seus filhos e sua compaixão para com todas as pessoas. Eu amei ‘Eu Prometi Não Contar’. Eu não conseguia largar o livro. É uma leitura altamente recomendável.” ~ Viga Boland, Readers Favorite com 5 Estrelas! O que faz deste relato único é que ele conta a história de uma criança transgênero desde o seu nascimento até os seus dezoito anos. Você terá uma boa ideia pelo que esta família passou. O esforço desesperado do filho tentando seguir as normas sociais de gênero, a tentativa de suicídio, as dificuldades de um membro da família conciliando Deus e uma pessoa transgênero, uma morte de partir o coração e muito mais. Cada passo da transição de seu filho de menina a menino (FTM) é discutido em detalhe, incluindo a terapia de reposição hormonal e as cirurgias de redesignação de sexo. Este livro compartilha todas essas informações na esperança de fazer a diferença no que parece ser um mundo duro e cruel para pessoas transgêneros. A jornada dessa família foi contada nas muitas

EU Peacebuilding Missions: Developing Security in Post-conflict Nations (Palgrave Studies in Compromise after Conflict)

by Kieran Doyle

This book explores the EU's approach to peacebuilding and questions the EU global role as crisis manager and capacity builder. It highlights the significant contributions of the EU to civilian peacebuilding and also critically evaluates the activities of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) within their rule of law and human rights peacebuilding missions. It draws on the author's twenty years of experience working on CSDP and EU defence matters including his research on EU police missions in Africa and Middle East. It exposes emergent tension between peacebuilding in its neighbourhood and security issues. It examines the practice of EU peacebuilding including performance of its missions and how deployed personnel can professionalise their diplomatic (mediation, negotiation and dialogue facilitation) capacity to fully realise the potential of missions and exploit opportunities for expanding the vision of peace. It formulates convincing policy recommendations for the future planning of EU external relations in post conflict environments and offers valuable insights into how to connect with people and communities in the aftermath of conflict.

EU Neighbourhood Policy in the Maghreb: Implementing the ENP in Tunisia and Morocco Before and After the Arab Uprisings (Routledge Studies in Mediterranean Politics)

by Iole Fontana

In light of their geographical proximity and crucial strategic importance, the European Union (EU) has long identified cooperation with the countries of the Mediterranean region a central priority of its external relations and has developed a complex set of policies and instruments. Yet, there is a certain academic consensus that EU external policies in the area did not live up to their original expectations, insofar as little progress was made to accomplish the proclaimed goals while the implementation of structural reforms proved to be extremely problematic. These deficiencies in EU Mediterranean policies are symptomatic of what is a greater challenge in EU external policy-making: the struggle for implementation. This book analyses the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in the Mediterranean, focusing on specific programs financed under the European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument in the years before and after the Arab uprisings. Building on a comparative analysis of two Maghreb countries, Tunisia and Morocco, it provides an in-depth investigation on the role of domestic actors in constraining or providing points of opportunity for the implementation of the ENP. The book presents new empirical data and, by focusing on the role of local actors in the neighbouring countries, it offers interesting insights not only into the ENPI complex processes of implementation, but also on the challenges of the E U in the region and the state of relations with the Southern neighbourhood. Through the prism of the European Neighbourhood Policy, the book provides a window into the internal politics and relevant issues of Maghreb countries. It will therefore be a valuable resource for students and scholars of European and Mediterranean Studies, as well as those interested in EU international relations.

The EU Migration System of Governance: Justice on the Move (The European Union in International Affairs)

by Michela Ceccorulli Enrico Fassi Sonia Lucarelli

This book explores the norms, practices, and main actors in the EU Migration System of Governance (EUMSG). Bringing a fresh perspective to the analysis of asylum and migration in Europe, the volume unpacks the European Union’s approach to migration and points to the principles and actions of EU member states. Moreover, it explores the EUMSG’s performance through the lenses of three alternative yet coexistent understandings of justice (non-domination, impartiality, and mutual recognition), thereby overcoming a unilateral ethical viewpoint and moving away from the ‘open-closed borders’ debate.

EU Migration Management and the Social Purpose of European Integration: The Spillover of Misery (IMISCOE Research Series)

by Harald Köpping Athanasopoulos

This book provides a critical analysis of irregular migration to Europe from a neo-Gramscian perspective. It demonstrates how the contemporary EU migration management regime came about within the context of a neoliberal hegemonic project, which in turn was advanced using neofunctionalist methods of integration. Relying on field research that was carried out in Bulgaria, Italy, Germany and Greece, the book also describes how European migration management is experienced by irregular migrants themselves. It suggests that the social purpose of migration management cannot be understood without assessing the experiences of the objects of migration regimes. The 2015 migration crisis revealed that large-scale migration has the potential to undermine some of the greatest achievements of the European integration project such as the Schengen system and open internal borders. This book shows that this fragility is the result of inherent contradictions within the neoliberal hegemonic project for the European Union. As such this book is an interesting read for academics, students, policy makers and all those working in international migration and European integration.

EU Migrant Workers, Brexit and Precarity: Polish Women's Perspectives from Inside the UK

by Duda-Mikulin, Eva A.

How has the Brexit vote affected EU migrants to the UK? This book presents a female Polish perspective, using findings from research carried out with migrants interviewed before and after the Brexit vote – voices of real people who made their home in the UK. It looks at how migrants view Brexit and what it means for them, how their experiences compare pre and post the Brexit vote, their future plans, as well as considering the wider implications of the migrant experience in relation to precarity and the British paid labour market.

The EU Migrant Generation in Asia: Middle-Class Aspirations in Asian Global Cities (Global Migration and Social Change)

by Helena Hof

Drawing on an extensive study with young individuals who migrated to Singapore and Tokyo in the 2010s, this book sheds light on the friendships, emotions, hopes and fears involved in establishing life as Europeans in Asia. It demonstrates how migration to Asian business centres has become a way of distinction and an alternative route of middle-class reproduction for young Europeans during that period. The perceived insecurities of life in the crisis-ridden EU result in these migrants’ onward migration or prolonged stays in Asia. Capturing the changing roles of Singapore and Japan as migration destinations, this pioneering work makes the case for EU citizens’ aspired lifestyles and professional employment that is no longer only attainable in Europe or the West.

EU Law Enforcement: The Evolution of Sanctioning Powers (Routledge Research in EU Law)

by Stefano Montaldo

The existence of a structured enforcement system is an inherent feature of national legal orders and one of the core elements of State sovereignty. The very limited power to issue sanctions has often been deemed a gap in the EC legal order. Over the years, the situation has progressively changed. The Union’s institutional setting is growing in complexity and a variety of agencies has been or is expected to be endowed with law enforcement responsibilities. In addition, the so-called competence creep has led the EU to play an increasingly prominent role in several areas of EU law enforcement, including the issuing of sanctions. This book examines these developments, focusing on both the general features of the EU legal order and the analysis of key-substantive areas, such as banking and monetary union, environmental law, and data protection. The work thus presents a general framework for understanding EU sanctioning based on structural features and general legal principles. Part I develops an analytical framework, tracking the most significant evolutive patterns of EU sanctioning powers. Part II adopts a more practical approach focusing on specific issues and policy areas. The book bridges a gap in existing literature and sheds new light on the relationship between the exercise of jus puniendi and the evolution of EU integration.

EU-Japan Relations, 1970-2012: From Confrontation to Global Partnership (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)

by Jörn Keck Dimitri Vanoverbeke Franz Waldenberger

This book presents a comprehensive overview of EU-Japan relations from 1970 to the present. It charts developments over the period, analyses key specific areas of importance to the relationship, and concludes by assessing how the relationship is likely to develop going forward. Throughout, the book discusses the factors on both sides which motivate the relationship, including Japan’s concern to secure markets for its advanced industrial products, and the factors motivating current negotiations for a deeper and more comprehensive economic and cooperative partnership.

EU-Interessenvertretung und Informalität: Eine qualitativ-empirische Analyse anhand der Nachhaltigkeitsgesetzgebung der EU-Biokraftstoffpolitik

by Julia Levasier

Das vorliegende Buch über politische Interessenvertretung behandelt anhand einer Fallstudie an der Schnittstelle zwischen EU-Verkehrs-, Klima- und Energiepolitik eine Forschungslücke der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Es wird untersucht, welche Bedeutung Informalität in der fachpolitischen EU-Interessenvertretung zukommt. Informalität wird sowohl in der öffentlichen Debatte als auch in der einschlägigen akademischen Diskussion als konstitutive Bedingung von Interessenvertretung angenommen und als funktionsspezifische Handlungs- bzw. kommunikative Sphäre vorausgesetzt. Als kommunikativer Wirkmechanismus im Lobbying-Kontext wurde Informalität bislang nicht untersucht. Die Innovation der Arbeit besteht zudem darin, dass nicht nur die Akteure der Interessenvertretung und deren Strategien zur Einflussnahme auf politische Akteure, sondern auch die sog. Outside-Dimension der Interessenvertretung betrachtet wird. Diese bezieht journalistische Akteure und die speziell auf sie abzielenden Steuerungsversuche von Interessenvertreter*innen mit in die Analyse ein.

EU Integrated Urban Initiatives: Policy Learning and Quality of Life Impacts in Spain

by Clemente J. Navarro Yáñez María Jesús Rodríguez-García María José Guerrero-Mayo

This open access book presents a unique interdiscplinary analysis of urban projects promoted by the EU from a comparative perspective This book presents cross-sectional and cross-time analyses at the territorial level targeted by these initiatives focusing on the design, theory and impacts of urban projects developed under the framework of initiatives promoted by the European Union. The book includes a new methodology to analyse the design and theory of urban plans (the comparative urban portfolio analysis) and quasi-experimental strategies to perform impact assessment at the neighbourhood level (the territorial target of those initiatives). Although empirical analyses focus on examples in Spain, the resulting analytical and methodological outcomes of these studies can be applied in a broader context to analyse integral urban policies in other countries.

The EU in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Integration Process

by Tanel Kerikmäe David Ramiro Troitiño Ricardo Martín de la Guardia Guillermo Á. Pérez Sánchez

In the light of Brexit, the migration crisis, and growing scepticism regarding the European integration process, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the most pressing problems facing the European Union in the 21st century. Written by experts from various disciplines, the contributions cover a wide range of economic, legal, social and political challenges, including populism, migration, Brexit, and EU defence, foreign policy and enlargements. Each paper includes a historical account, insights into the problems and challenges confronting the EU, and an assessment of the institutions and policy instruments applied by the EU in response. Discussing each of the problems as part of a process – including the historical roots, current situation and potential solutions – the book allows readers to gain an understanding of the European Union as a living project.

EU Foreign Policy and Hamas: Inconsistencies and Paradoxes (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Democratization and Government)

by Adeeb Ziadeh

Shortly after the overwhelming victory of Hamas in the 2006 parliamentary and municipal elections, civil war broke out in the Gaza Strip between members of the two factions, Hamas and Fatah. The EU, along with the US, UN and Russia, not only gave its support to Fatah against Hamas, but also imposed a tough siege on the Hamas government in an attempt to force it to accept the Quartet’s political conditions, described by Hamas leaders as unfair and impossible. Many observers are convinced that the EU’s behaviour in this matter has been unreasonable and has conflicted with the EU’s own democratic beliefs and values. This book sheds light on the EU’s policies in Palestine mainly from 2003- 2013, and provides a thorough examination of the inconsistencies and paradoxes in the EU discourse towards Hamas, and the determinants underlying such contradictions. It explores the reasons behind the EU labelling the Hamas a terrorist organization and discusses why the EU has boycotted its democratically elected body since 2006. Significantly, the book looks at whether the EU jeopardized its reputation and contravened its core normative values and objectives (democracy promotion, human rights, the rule of law and fundamental freedoms) by such a categorisation of Hamas. Exploring the EU’s policy towards Hamas is vital for understanding how the relationship between the EU and the rest of the Islamists in the Middle East is perceived, as it enables both sides to have a cognitive basis upon which to construct better relations. This book, based upon a vast spread of primary EU documents and interviews, will therefore be a valuable resource for those studying the Arab Israeli conflict, Political Islamic movements, the Middle East Peace Process, and anyone with an interest in European Union Foreign Policy.

EU Foreign and Interior Policies: Cross-Pillar Politics and the Social Construction of Sovereignty (Routledge Advances in European Politics)

by Stephen Stetter

This book offers an innovative theoretical and empirical analysis of integration in EU foreign and interior policies across the three pillars, from the Maastricht Treaty to the Treaty of Nice. The establishment of the three pillar structure with the Maastricht Treaty has been one of the key transformations of European governance. This divided EU policies into three main areas: European Community, Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) and for the first time the two sovereignty related areas of foreign and interior policies became part of the formal governance structure of the EU. This is the first volume to present a comparative perspective on how integration in both areas across the three pillars has contributed to the construction of a distinct sovereignty dimension of the EU. Drawing from sociological institutionalism and on the basis of the two case studies of EU Middle East and migration policies, it offers a comprehensive empirical analysis of cross-pillar policy-making dynamics in foreign and interior policies in the EU. EU Foreign and Interior Policies will appeal to scholars and researchers interested in international relations, European Union politics and Middle East studies.

EU Enlargement, Region Building and Shifting Borders of Inclusion and Exclusion (Border Regions Series)

by James Wesley Scott

The 2004 entry of 10 Central and Eastern European countries, along with Malta and Cyprus, into the EU has caused a huge shift in the EU's external boundaries. The socio-economic and political transformations that this shift has caused not only suggest new regional development opportunities, but also many potential problems and tensions. While the EU insists that enlargement will not signify 'new divisions', processes of inclusion and exclusion and the imposition of visa restrictions on non-EU citizens could pose obstacles to co-operation, conjuring fears of an emerging 'fortress Europe' that effectively divides the continent. Illustrated with case studies from Central and Eastern European border areas, this book examines capacities for region building across national borders in within the context of EU enlargement, synthesizing the various insights provided by local information and suggesting ways forward for the future development of the EU's 'Wider Europe' strategy.

The EU Enlargement and Gay Politics

by Koen Slootmaeckers Heleen Touquet Peter Vermeersch

This book offers a well-investigated and accessible picture of the current situation around the politics of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) rights and activism in Central Europe and the Western Balkans in the context of the enlargement of the European Union (EU). It provides not only thoughtful reflections on the topic but also a wealth of new empirical findings -- arising from legal and policy analysis, large-scale sociological investigations and country case studies. Theoretical concepts come from institutional analysis, the study of social movements, law, and Europeanization literature. The authors discuss emerging Europe-wide activism for LGBT rights and analyze issues such as the tendency of nationalist movements to turn 'sexual others' into 'national others,' the actions and rhetoric of church actors as powerful counter-mobilizers against LGBT rights, and the role of the domestic state on the receiving end of EU pressure in the field of fundamental rights.

EU Eastern Neighborhood: Economic Potential and Future Development

by Maryla Maliszewska Marek Dabrowski

The selected papers in this volume were prepared under the research project on "EU Eastern Neighborhood: Economic Potential and Future Development (ENEPO)" funded by the EU Sixth Framework Program. They discuss the broad spectrum of development issues in the EU Eastern Neighborhood and economic relations between the enlarged EU and its Eastern neighbors in the former USSR. Individual chapters address areas of economic and social development, trade, energy, investment, migration, costs and benefits of economic reforms, development assistance and political economy of policy reforms. In particular, they examine interrelations and mutual synergies between trade liberalization, inflow of foreign investment, economic and institutional reforms and a reduction of income and development disparities. The publication thus closes an important knowledge gap in respect to the economic, social and institutional development of the CIS region and its economic relations with the EU.

EU Bilateral Trade Agreements and Intellectual Property: For Better or Worse?

by Josef Drexl Henning Grosse Ruse - Khan Souheir Nadde-Phlix

​​​​ ​This book focuses on a new generation of bilateral and regional agreements negotiated by the EU with developing countries and which include intellectual property (IP) provisions setting standards exceeding those of the TRIPS Agreement. The contributions critically analyse the IP standards found in these agreements; their potential for reforming the international IP system; the implications for the multilateral IP system and other areas of international law such as human rights; and the often neglected topic of implementing the IP obligations in these agreements. ​

The EU Anti-Corruption Report: A Reflexive Governance Approach (Law, Crime and Culture)

by Andi Hoxhaj

This book analyses the development of anti-corruption as a policy field in the European Union with a particular focus on the EU Anti-Corruption Report. It reconstructs the origins of anti-corruption policy in the 1990s when the EU started to recognise corruption as a serious crime with a cross-border dimension. It also analyses the processes surrounding the downfall of the Santer Commission on charges of corruption in 1999 and the enlargement of the EU. This incorporation of transitional new Member States was accompanied by a number of specific measures, instruments and monitoring mechanisms to combat corruption at the supranational level, finally leading to the introduction of the EU-wide Anti-Corruption Report in 2014. The book presents an in-depth analysis of its implementation, abandonment and the way forward under the European Semester as the new instrument for achieving EU anti-corruption reforms. It offers a new interpretation of the Report as a form of reflexive governance that operates at multiple levels and involves not only the European institutions and national governments, but also the role of civil society actors in the process of developing anti-corruption policy. It applies the theory of reflexive governance in analysing the impact of the Report in the UK, Romania and Albania, including the involvement of non-state actors in anti-corruption policy making in these countries. The book concludes with a discussion on how future EU Anti-Corruption policy can make use of reflexive governance and offers recommendations to enhance anti-corruption policies of the EU, the Member States and Candidate States.

The EU and Immigration Policies: Cracks in the Walls of Fortress Europe?

by Christof Roos

This book explores how and why the EU and its member states define immigration policies. A comparison of EU negotiations on five EU immigration directives reveals interests of actors in EU integration and whether common policies aim at a restriction or expansion of immigration to the EU.

Etruria and Anatolia: Material Connections and Artistic Exchange

by Elizabeth P. Baughan Lisa C. Pieraccini

Striking similarities in Etruscan and Anatolian material culture reveal various forms of contact and exchange between these regions on opposite sides of the Mediterranean. This is the first comprehensive investigation of these connections, approaching both cultures as agents of artistic exchange rather than as side characters in a Greek-focused narrative. It synthesizes a wide range of material evidence from c. 800 – 300 BCE, from tomb architecture and furniture to painted vases, terracotta reliefs, and magic amulets. By identifying shared practices, common visual language, and movements of objects and artisans (from both east to west and west to east), it illuminates many varied threads of the interconnected ancient Mediterranean fabric. Rather than trying to account for the similarities with any one, overarching theory, this volume presents multiple, simultaneous modes and implications of connectivity while also recognizing the distinct local identities expressed through shared artistic and cultural traditions.

Etiquette for Outlaws

by Rob Cohen David Wollock

Curious to find out:what to wear to a Fetish Ball?the difference between "sticky green" and "backyard boogie?" which piercing has the worst pain factor? how to find the best bookie?Find out the answers to these questions and many more as Etiquette for Outlaws teaches you how to live it up in style with tips on:Tattoos Graffiti Motorcycles Suicide Gambling Strip Clubs Alternative Sex Drinking Swinging Jailhouse Fighting Gangs Piercing

The Etiology and Prevention of Drug Abuse Among Minority Youth

by Steven Schinke Gilbert J Botvin

Since 1992, marijuana use among 8th graders has tripled, among 10th graders it has nearly doubled, and its use among high school seniors has increased by 50 percent. The use of other illicit drugs is also heavily on the rise. Yet, there exists very little research and literature on the etiology and prevention of drug abuse among those most at risk--disadvantaged, inner-city, minority youth. The Etiology and Prevention of Drug Abuse Among Minority Youth is an important first step in remedying this gap in the literature and for getting at the heart of the psychosocial factors that promote and sustain drug use among minority youth.The book’s chapters evolved from a program of research funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and Cornell University Medical College’s Institute for Prevention Research concerning drug abuse prevention with multi-ethnic youth. So that you might learn effective strategies for intervening with at-risk adolescents and teenagers, The Etiology and Prevention of Drug Abuse Among Minority Youth discusses: correlates and predictors of alcohol and drug use community-based skills interventions how youths offset feelings of distress or self-derogation by bonding with deviant peers the advantages of community-oriented outreach programs the role of cultural factors as they shape vulnerability to adolescent alcohol and drug use the role of ethnic identity as a moderator of psychosocial risk for alcohol and marijuana use the needs of youth at high risk for future use preventing gateway drug use drug use among youth living in homeless shelters the conditions of public housing and how they affect the etiology of drug abuseAn essential tool for policymakers, social workers, clinicians, researchers, psychiatrists, and other professionals in chemical dependency and narcotics rehabilitation, The Etiology and Prevention of Drug Abuse Among Minority Youth provides you with vital insight on the causes of drug use among minority adolescents, the strengths and limitations of different intervention approaches, and incentive to find appropriate ways for working with at-risk, minority teenagers.

Ética para Celia

by Ana De Miguel

Este libro no es solo una ética para chicas, es también una llamada a los chicos para que se atrevan a transgredir de verdad: para que dejen de ponerse en el lugar de sus deseos y se pongan en el lugar de las demás. La filosofía nos enseña que lo importante son las preguntas que nos hacemos, siempre que formulemos bien nuestros interrogantes y nos preguntemos por el fundamento de nuestros proyectos. La ética, por su parte es una invitación a ponerse en el lugar de los demás, y sucede que hasta ahora los hombres no se han puesto en el lugar de las mujeres. Con ellas ha valido casi todo: desde borrar su nombre y su historia hasta la violencia sexual. La filosofía y, con ella, la ética puede ayudarnos a comprender las enormes contradicciones a las que tienen que enfrentarse las mujeres en un mundo patriarcal al que los filósofos, aun sin haber estado a la altura, sí aportaron una manera de pensar crítica que nos ha llevado a ser conscientes de las desigualdades y a cuestionar el sistema. Ética para Celia nos invita a mirar de frente la realidad, el hecho de que nuestra vida se ha levantado sobre una doble verdad, con normas morales y fines vitales distintos para mujeres y hombres. Esta doble verdad se ha ido transformando, pero no ha desaparecido. A las jóvenes ya no se las socializa con idea de que sean para los demás, pero sí para ser deseables, que no deja de ser otra forma de ser para los otros.

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