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Der Klimaschutzdiskurs der „Neuen Rechten“: Eine ideengeschichtliche Analyse des Periodikums Die Kehre – Zeitschrift für Naturschutz (BestMasters)

by Wiebke Zimmermann

Umwelt- wie auch konkret der Klimaschutz als dessen jüngerer Teilbereich sind weder neutrale Sachthemen noch notwendigerweise politisch links zu verorten. Im historischen Rückblick lassen sich Momente der geglückten wie gescheiterten Verquickung nationalistischer und antidemokratischer Positionen mit „grünen“ Forderungen im gesellschaftspolitischen Diskurs ausmachen. Auch im Lichte des gegenwärtigen Relevanzgewinns der Causa Klimawandel regen sich im neurechten Lager erneut die Versuche einer (Rück-)Eroberung der Diskurshoheit. Paradigmatisch hierfür steht das neurechte Periodikum Die Kehre – Zeitschrift für Naturschutz, das sich als Debattenort zur Etablierung einer „konservativen Ökologie“, der Verbindung von Ökologie mit rechtsideologischen Elementen, ins Werk setzt. Welche Positionen beziehen, welche Begründungzusammenhänge formulieren Akteur*innen der „Neuen Rechten“ zum Klimaschutz? Die vorliegende Arbeit rekonstruiert Amalgamierungsmomente neurechter (Vorläufer-)Gruppierungen mit Themen des Umweltschutzes und systematisiert so die Chronologie der Genese der „Neuen Rechten“ in einem umweltethischen Zusammenhang. Auf diesem Fundament wird eine Tiefenanalyse der klimaschutzpolitischen Argumentationen innerhalb des neurechten Periodikums Die Kehre geleistet, die identifizierten Positionen werden hinsichtlich ihrer inhaltlichen und strukturellen Brücken in neurechte Traditions- und Ideologiebestände kontextualisiert und interpretiert.

Bewegter Unterricht – reloaded!: Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Effekten lernzeitwahrender und lernzeitschonender Maßnahmen zur Sitzzeitreduzierung in der Grundschule

by Robert Zimmermann

Übermäßiges, ununterbrochenes Sitzen und wenig körperliche Aktivität sind Risikofaktoren für zahlreiche Zivilisationskrankheiten. Bereits im Kindesalter wirkt sich das sedentäre Verhalten negativ auf die Gesundheit aus und bedingt nachweislich Adipositas. Den Großteil der täglichen hohen Sitzzeiten verbringen Kinder in der Schule. Nationale Interventionsstrategien versuchen derweil den Schulalltag bewegungsfreundlicher zu gestalten, stoßen jedoch in der Praxis häufig an ihre Grenzen. Grund hierfür ist häufig die fehlende Zeit, um Bewegung in Lernphasen des Unterrichts zu integrieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert den Blick zur Gestaltung des bewegungsfreundlichen Unterrichts um zentrale Ergebnisse internationaler Forschung. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden für die Entwicklung praxisnaher, lernzeitwahrenden (Nutzung aktivierender Sitzgelegenheiten) und lernzeitschonenden (bewegungsförderliche Methoden) Interventionen zur Sitzzeitenreduzierung im Unterricht herangezogen. Neben der ausführlichen Evaluation der beiden Interventionsstrategien mittels moderater Technik (u.a. activPAL® Sensoren) werden ausblickend wertvolle Tipps für den praktischen Einsatz formuliert.

Vereinbarkeit und Schwangerschaft: Psychische Belastung durch Antizipation? (essentials)

by Okka Zimmermann Lina Kolonko

Schwangerschaft sowie Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie werden in der Soziologie in den letzten Dekaden verstärkt sozialwissenschaftlich erforscht, bisher jedoch nicht zusammengebracht. Die Studie arbeitet daher heraus, dass bereits in und vor der Schwangerschaft die grundlegenden Weichenstellungen für Vereinbarkeit gestellt und verhandelt werden; dabei kann die Antizipation von Problemen und Konflikten eine große psychische Belastung darstellen.

Metropolitan Regions, Planning and Governance

by Karsten Zimmermann Daniel Galland John Harrison

The aim of this book is to investigate contemporary processes of metropolitan change and approaches to planning and governing metropolitan regions. To do so, it focuses on four central tenets of metropolitan change in terms of planning and governance: institutional approaches, policy mobilities, spatial imaginaries, and planning styles. The book’s main contribution lies in providing readers with a new conceptual and analytical framework for researching contemporary dynamics in metropolitan regions. It will chiefly benefit researchers and students in planning, urban studies, policy and governance studies, especially those interested in metropolitan regions.The relentless pace of urban change in globalization poses fundamental questions about how to best plan and govern 21st-century metropolitan regions. The problem for metropolitan regions—especially for those with policy and decision-making responsibilities—is a growing recognition that these spaces are typically reliant on inadequate urban-economic infrastructure and fragmented planning and governance arrangements. Moreover, as the demand for more ‘appropriate’—i.e., more flexible, networked and smart—forms of planning and governance increases, new expressions of territorial cooperation and conflict are emerging around issues and agendas of (de-)growth, infrastructure expansion, and the collective provision of services.

A History Lover's Guide to Albuquerque

by Roger M. Zimmerman

A landmark-by-landmark tour of New Mexico&’s largest city, with photos and facts on its fascinating past. This tour of Albuquerque, New Mexico, goes beyond the traditional guidebook to offer a historical journal detailing an area rich with diverse cultures and dramatic events. The journey through time starts with the settlement of Native Americans in pueblos along the Rio Grande and then initiatives by Spain to settle and convert the region. Visit Old Town Plaza, where trade from the El Camino Real and Santa Fe Trails flourished. Look around lesser-known sites, including railroad depot facilities, major military landmarks and nostalgic Route 66. Join local history expert Roger Zimmerman as he carefully curates an expedition through each era of Albuquerque&’s history and its most beloved sites

Digital Infrastructures: Enabling Civil and Environmental Systems through Information Technology (Networked Cities Series)

by Rae Zimmerman Thomas Horan

An invisible network of digital technology systems underlies the highly visible networks of roads, waterways, satellites, and power-lines. Increasingly, these systems are becoming the "infrastructure's infrastructure," providing a crucial array of data on network demand, performance, reliability, and security. Digital Infrastructures presents an interdisciplinary analysis of the technological systems that envelop these networks. The book balances analyses of specific civil and environmental infrastructures with broader policy and management issues, including the challenges of using IT to manage these critical systems under crises conditions.

Think Tanks and Non-Traditional Security: Governance Entrepreneurs in Asia (Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific)

by Erin Zimmerman

Asian security institutions have struggled to adapt to the so-called 'non-traditional' security issues that characterise the strategic landscape of the 21st century. The resulting gaps in governance have increasingly been filled by think tanks, which have arguably begun to change the way that Asian security is governed.

Encyclopedia of Lesbian Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia (Encyclopedias of Contemporary Culture)

by Bonnie Zimmerman

A rich heritage that needs to be documented Beginning in 1869, when the study of homosexuality can be said to have begun with the establishment of sexology, this encyclopedia offers accounts of the most important international developments in an area that now occupies a critical place in many fields of academic endeavours. It covers a long history and a dynamic and ever changing present, while opening up the academic profession to new scholarship and new ways of thinking. A groundbreaking new approach While gays and lesbians have shared many aspects of life, their histories and cultures developed in profoundly different ways. To reflect this crucial fact, the encyclopedia has been prepared in two separate volumes assuring that both histories receive full, unbiased attention and that a broad range of human experience is covered. Written for and by a wide range of people Intended as a reference for students and scholars in all fields, as well as for the general public, the encyclopedia is written in user-friendly language. At the same time it maintains a high level of scholarship that incorporates both passion and objectivity. It is written by some of the most famous names in the field, as well as new scholars, whose research continues to advance gender studies into the future.

Political Ecology

by Karl Zimmerer Thomas J. Bassett

This volume offers a unique, integrative perspective on the political and ecological processes shaping landscapes and resource use across the global North and South. Twelve carefully selected case studies demonstrate how contemporary geographical theories and methods can contribute to understanding key environment-and-development issues and working toward effective policies. Topics addressed include water and biodiversity resources, urban and national resource planning, scientific concepts of resource management, and ideas of nature and conservation in the context of globalization. Giving particular attention to evolving conceptions of nature-society interaction and geographical scale, an introduction and conclusion by the editors provide a clear analytical focus for the volume and summarize important developments and debates in the field.

Ansturm der Algorithmen: Die Verwechslung von Urteilskraft mit Berechenbarkeit (Die blaue Stunde der Informatik)

by Wolf Zimmer

Der durch die „Blumenkinder“ des Silicon Valley entfesselte digitale Rausch droht, die Vernunft durch den Aberglauben zu ersetzen, man könne die Welt rechnend vervollkommnen. Wer aber glaubt, die Probleme einer ungewissen Welt mit technologischen Gewissheiten lösen zu können, hat weder etwas von der Welt noch etwas von der Technologie verstanden. Im digitalen Sittenbild aus Silizium und Statistik ersetzt Rechnen das Denken, Wahrscheinlichkeit wird für Wahrheit ausgegeben und Korrelation verdrängt Kausalität. Die Hohepriester der Digitalisierung fragen nicht, ob wir das, was sie verkünden, für gut und richtig halten. Gut und richtig sind keine Kategorien des Digitalen.

Leading Rogue State: The U.S. and Human Rights

by Catherine Zimmer Judith R. Blau David L. Brunsma Alberto Moncada

Most Americans would be surprised to learn that their government has declined to join most other nations in UN treaties addressing inadequate housing, poverty, children's rights, health care, racial discrimination, and migrant workers. Yet this book documents how the U.S. has, for decades, declined to ratify widely accepted treaties on these and many other basic human rights. Providing the first comprehensive topical survey, the contributors build a case and specific agendas for the nation to change course and join the world community as a protector of human rights.

Intelligent Disobedience

by Philip Zimbardo Ira Chaleff

When It's Smart to Say NoNearly every week we read about a tragedy or scandal that could have been prevented if individuals had said no to ill-advised or illegitimate orders. In this timely book, Ira Chaleff explores when and how to disobey inappropriate orders, reduce unacceptable risk, and find better ways to achieve legitimate goals.The inspiration for the book, and its title, comes from the concept of intelligent disobedience used in guide dog training. Guide dogs must recognize and resist a command that would put their human and themselves at risk and identify safer options for achieving the goal. This is precisely what Chaleff helps humans do. Using both deeply disturbing and uplifting examples, as well as critical but largely forgotten research, he shows how to create a culture where, rather than "just following orders," people hold themselves accountable to do the right thing, always.

Textsoziologie: Eine kritische Einführung in die Diskurssemiotik

by Peter V. Zima

Im Anschluss an Adorno, Bachtin und Greimas’ Strukturale Semiotik analysiert Zima die Einwirkung sozialer Entwicklungen und Konfliktlinien auf literarische (und theoretische) Diskurse. Dabei geht es ebenso um Gattungsentwicklungen wie um semantische und syntaktische Strukturen einzelner Texte. Stets wird versucht, Gesellschaft und Literatur über die Sprache miteinander zu vermitteln. Der Band bietet vertiefte Analysen zu Proust, Musil und Kafka. Die Neuauflage enthält neue Kapitel zu den Begriffen der soziolinguistischen Situation, des Soziolekts sowie der Intertextualität und dehnt die Textsoziologie auf die Institutionalisierung literarischer Sprachen aus.​

Connections Between Sexuality and Aggression

by Dolf Zillmann

This is the only available comprehensive monograph on interrelations and interdependencies between agonistic and sexual behaviors. Integrating theory and research from biology, anthropology, neurophysiology, endocrinology, psychophysiology, and psychology, this book focuses on the mechanisms that govern the mutual influences between sexuality and aggression in behavior sequences and especially in admixtures of aggressive-sexual behaviors. This book places human agonistic and sexual behaviors into an evolutionary context. It offers a Weltbild of human aggressive-sexual behaviors by tracing their biological and developmental origins and examines the plasticity and manipulability of connections between agonistic and sexual behaviors. Strategies for the maximization of sexual pleasures are elaborated , and intervention treatments--aiming at the control of violent behaviors--are considered. Coercive sexuality is given special attention. Prevalent motive ascriptions to rape are called into question and the motivation that dominates rape is reinterpreted in the context of pleasure maximization. This second edition brings the coverage of pertinent research up to date. It advances the exploration of aggressive-sexual behaviors by further integrating the research contributions from various disciplines, and by refining and unifying theory capable of explaining the behavioral phenomena under consideration. COPY FOR ZILLMANN MAILER Zillmann examines issues such as sexual access through aggression, the involvement of agonistic behavior within sexuality, sex-aggression fusion, the consequences of anticipatory imagination concerning sexuality, and aspects of libido loss due to excitatory habituation. This book also: * traces connection between sexuality and aggression in nonhuman species, especially in nonhuman primates, * subjects human behavior to comparative and evolutionary analysis, * examines connectedness in neurological and endocrinological terms, * details both central and autonomic commonalities between sexual and aggressive behaviors, * outlines sexual dimorphism and chromosomal-endocrine aberrations, * pays special attention to adrenal commonalities in sexual and aggressive behaviors and the fusion of these behaviors, and * examines aggressive-sexual connectedness in the analysis of motivation and emotion. Zillmann finally proposes new explanations for the numerous documented associations between sexuality and aggression. These proposals combine biological, neuroendocrine, autonomic, and cognitive aspects of aggressive and sexual behaviors. A trichotomy of excitatory interdependencies is developed for fight, flight, and coition. In the nomenclature of emotion, this trichotomy concerns the interdependencies between aggressiveness, fear, and sexual impulsion. A considerable amount of research evidence is aggregated in support of these interdependencies. The author ultimately examines the exploitation of the existing connections between sexual and aggressive behaviors, especially the exploitation that serves the enhancement of sexual pleasure. In this context he arrives at novel, and perhaps distressing, characterizations of sexual coercion. However, he also explores sexual boredom and discusses remedies in the framework of his theorizing. Last but not least, sexual aggression, and sexual and aggressive behaviors independently, are placed into an evolutionary context. Recognition and acknowledgment of the archaic nature of many aspects of sexual and aggressive behaviors, in contrast to the comparatively vernal development of behavior-guiding contemplation, leads him to a unique and provocative proposal of the function of aggression in the realm of sexuality.

Trance Mediums and New Media: Spirit Possession in the Age of Technical Reproduction

by Martin Zillinger Heike Behrend Anja Dreschke

Ongoing debates about the “return of religion” have paid little attention to the orgiastic and enthusiastic qualities of religiosity, despite a significant increase in the use of techniques of trance and possession around the globe. Likewise, research on religion and media has neglected the fact that historically the rise of mediumship and spirit possession was closely linked to the development of new media of communication. This innovative volume brings together a wide range of ethnographic studies on local spiritual and media practices. Recognizing that processes of globalization are shaped by mass mediation, the volume raises questions such as: How are media like photography, cinema, video, the telephone, or television integrated in seances and healing rituals? How do spirit mediums connect with these media? Why are certain technical media shunned in these contexts?

Loyalty Management: From Loyalty Programs to Omnichannel Customer Experiences

by Cristina Ziliani Marco Ieva

In this insightful new text, Cristina Ziliani and Marco Ieva trace the evolution of thinking and practice in loyalty management. From trading stamps to Amazon Prime and Alibaba 88 Membership, they present a fresh take on the tools, strategies and skills that underpin its key significance in marketing today. Loyalty management is increasingly identified with the design and management of a quality customer experience on the journey across the many touchpoints that connect the customer with the brand. Evaluating the research on best practice and offering concrete examples from industry, the authors argue that existing schemes and systems are not just things of the past but should be the optimal starting point for companies needing to foster customer loyalty in an omnichannel world. Drawing on 20 years of experience in research, consulting and teaching, the authors have compiled a unique research-based practice-oriented text. It will guide marketers, business leaders and students through the changes in marketing thought and practice on loyalty management as well as offering practical guidance on the skills and capabilities that companies need if they want to be successful at delivering essential loyalty-driving customer experiences.

Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2020: 23rd IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, Edinburgh, UK, May 4–7, 2020, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12111)

by Vassilis Zikas Aggelos Kiayias Markulf Kohlweiss Petros Wallden

The two-volume set LNCS 12110 and 12111 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd IACR International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, PKC 2020, held in Edinburgh, UK, in May 2020. The 44 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 180 submissions. They are organized in topical sections such as: functional encryption; identity-based encryption; obfuscation and applications; encryption schemes; secure channels; basic primitives with special properties; proofs and arguments; lattice-based cryptography; isogeny-based cryptography; multiparty protocols; secure computation and related primitives; post-quantum primitives; and privacy-preserving schemes.

A Theory of Urbanity: The Economic and Civic Culture of Cities

by Anton Zijderveld

Cities provide for people, not just functionally in terms of jobs, obligations and practical pursuits, but also, and above all, emotionally. We like some cities and detest others. Despite shared rationalizations and common modes of administration and design, each city has its own culture. A culture is typically human in that it contains all dimensions of the human, personal condition--from the lowest to the most sublime. Urban culture comprises both economic and civic culture, and is the source of a city's vitality. For today's urban sprawls, which have a weak and failing economic and civic culture, the task of the urban administration and various economic and civic organizations is to strengthen conditions that can prevent the emergence of urban anomie. With suburbanization, the edge city, and the emergence of cyberspace, some argue that cities, as integrated places of working and living, are things of the past. Zijderveld argues that people are and remain social animals, who like and need one another's company, particularly in their economic, socio-cultural, and political activities. Throughout the ages, cities have provided the environment in which people fulfill these needs. Anton Zijderveld discusses urban preferences, the organizations and ramifications of urbanity, the modernization of urban culture, the uneasy alliance between urbanity and the interventionist state, and the cultural dimensions of urban renewal. Zijderveld sees the economic and civic culture of the city as the centerpiece of contemporary urban management and contemporary urban democracy. In this sense, the new technology is an ally of the new urban renewal. Most postmodern treatises on the end of the city are impressionistic and unsystematic. In contrast, Zijderveld puts the qualitative dimensions of city life into focus, catching its pulse and cultural rhythms in a systematic context that prior studies have lacked. As such, it will be of great interest to urban administrators, p

The Waning of the Welfare State

by Anton Zijderveld

The welfare state in postwar Western Europe has been extended and intensified in a spectacular manner. Today, "welfare" represents a complex mix of services covering health, education, welfare, the arts, leisure, and social security. Anton C. Zijderveld is of the opinion that Europe's vast, comprehensive welfare state is becoming leaner and meaner, heading down a more sober path toward decentralization and deregulation, which only, but not merely, secures order for its citizens and shields society's vulnerable. As the millennium approaches, Zijderveld believes Europe is experiencing a cultural renaissance and a socioeconomic and political reformation in which the market will flourish and civil society will prosper.The Waning of the Welfare State focuses on the transformation of the welfare state in Europe over a four-decade period. Zijderveld employs the democratic triangle theoretical model, in which democracy is viewed as a system in which state, market, and civil society are held in precious balance. If one component supersedes the other two, democracy is endangered. In its 1960s and 1970s heyday, the state took center stage at the expense of the market and civil society; social democracy was the prevailing ideology. In the 1980s the market triumphed, often at the expense of both the state and civil society; this was the decade of liberalism. Today, civil society prevails, albeit at risk of being injurious to state and market. Ideologically, this is the decade of conservatism.Zijderveld sees a future "Americanization" of European social policy producing a fortuitously balanced coalition of social democracy, liberalism, and conservatism; a place where safety and order, prosperity and economic participation, and social participation and meaningful interactions flourish equally. This transformation carries many risks. But it will, in the end, strengthen Europe's political, economic, and sociocultural stamina. If it also draws the Atlantic partners closer together, as Zijderveld believes it does, the chances of another European communist, libertarian, or fascist Gtterdommerung will remain remote. Zijderveld presents useful concepts in a highly organized fashion. He has produced a very important book for American readers who will, hopefully, discover, beyond the often vast differences, some basic similarities of structures and developments within the European welfare state.

Self-care: Embodiment, Personal Autonomy and the Shaping of Health Consciousness (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Christopher Ziguras

This book examines the widespread cultural and political consequences of the proliferation of popular health advice. It provides a key theoretical contribution to the sociological study of health and embodiment by illuminating the processes of social change that have transformed how individuals care for themselves and the ways in which power and desire now shape health behaviour. Self-Care will be of essential interest to students and academics working within the fields of sociology, health and social welfare.

Multiple Moralities And Religions In Post-soviet Russia

by Jarrett Zigon

In the post-Soviet period morality became a debatable concept, open to a multitude of expressions and performances. From Russian Orthodoxy to Islam, from shamanism to Protestantism, religions of various kinds provided some of the first possible alternative moral discourses and practices after the end of the Soviet system. This influence remains strong today. Within the Russian context, religion and morality intersect in such social domains as the relief of social suffering, the interpretation of history, the construction and reconstruction of traditions, individual and social health, and business practices. The influence of religion is also apparent in the way in which the Russian Orthodox Church increasingly acts as the moral voice of the government. The wide-ranging topics in this ethnographically based volume show the broad religious influence on both discursive and everyday moralities. The contributors reveal that although religion is a significant aspect of the various assemblages of morality, much like in other parts of the world, religion in postsocialist Russia cannot be separated from the political or economic or transnational institutional aspects of morality.

The Educational Prophecies of Aldous Huxley: The Visionary Legacy of Brave New World, Ape and Essence and Island (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education)

by Ronald Zigler

The visionary legacy of Aldous Huxley is as relevant today as ever. Huxley possessed a sober understanding of the human condition as well as an inspired vision of the human potential. This volume presents an interdisciplinary examination and appreciation of Aldous Huxley’s three visionary novels – Brave New World (1932), Ape and Essence (1948), and Island (1962) – to reveal the extent to which Huxley’s prognoses into our possible futures was prophetic. The author assesses each novel to reveal the foresights that define our current educational, social, religious, political, and economic institutions, while also exposing our conflicts within those institutions. This volume examines the educational, cultural and technological changes that have shaped our society since Huxley’s work, with special reference to the enduring legacy of educational philosopher John Dewey. It offers profound insights into the educational forces and moral foundations of our society that shape us, both inside and outside of our schools. It is the first of its kind to focus exclusively on all three of Huxley’s visionary novels and detail their relevance to our world today.

The First Three Years and Beyond: Brain Development and Social Policy

by Edward F. Zigler Matia Finn-Stevenson Nancy W. Hall

Drawing on the latest research from the social sciences and studies on the brain to answer questions and exploring what they mean for social policy and child and family development, this book offers recommendations for child care and development based on current brain research and its implications. A must-read for parents and policy makers alike.

Emotions in Organization Theory (Elements in Organization Theory)

by Charlene Zietsma Madeline Toubiana Maxim Voronov Anna Roberts

Emotions are central to social life and thus they should be central to organization theory. However, emotions have been treated implicitly rather than theorized directly in much of organization theory, and in some literatures, have been ignored altogether. This Element focuses on emotions as intersubjective, collective and relational, and reviews structuralist, people-centered and strategic approaches to emotions in different research streams to provide one of the first broad examinations of emotions in organization theory. Charlene Zietsma, Maxim Voronov, Madeline Toubiana and Anna Roberts provide suggestions for future research within each literature and look across the literatures to identify theoretical and methodological considerations.

Lower League Football in Crisis: Issues of Organisation and Legitimacy in England and Germany (Football Research in an Enlarged Europe)

by Daniel Ziesche

While the field of football studies has produced an abundance of literature on professional, top-league football, there is little research output to do with the non-top level football. This book explores the relationship between the top and lower leagues, laying open the drastic schisms that exist between the different levels. The study links the developments at the top level of English and German football in the past 30 years to transformational processes in lower league football. Illustrating how the hegemonic status of top football weighs hard on the spheres below, it depicts how it also serves as a blueprint for lower league football clubs’ strategies in coping with a threefold dilemma of institutional legitimacy that shows itself in economic, cultural and social dimensions. Taking the different club structures in both national contexts as a starting point, it portrays both the efficacy of institutional frameworks and how these can be challenged from below. This research will be of interest to students and scholars across football studies, sports studies, the sociology of sport, and organisation studies.

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