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Understanding Russianness (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Risto Alapuro Arto Mustajoki Pekka Pesonen

In today’s world where other cultures are being tapped to a greater extent than ever before, the processes of mixing and matching are especially relevant in making sense of Russia. Not only do borrowing and assimilation, interaction between the familiar and the alien, constitute a venerable tradition in Russian culture, but during the two last post-Soviet decades a notable Western influence has become apparent. This book provides means for understanding Russianness in this new situation. By bringing together Russian and Western, eminent and younger scholars it provides insights both from inside and outside. By extending its perspectives to three fields – linguistics, cultural studies, and social sciences – it covers different dimensions of creative misunderstandings , hybrids, tensions and other modes of adaptation in the Russian culture. By offering concrete case studies it avoids easy stereotypes, deconstructs clichés, problematizes accepted truths, and identifies points of interaction between Russia and the West.

Emotion-Driven Innovation: A Methodology to Envision Emotion-Focused New Product Ideas (Future of Business and Finance)

by Teresa Alaniz Stefano Biazzo

It is now widely recognized that the emotional dimension of products and services is a critical success factor in many sectors. Generating products with significant emotional features is a complex challenge, as professionals responsible for designing and developing new products should be able to focus the design effort on eliciting specific emotions. But how do designers prepare themselves to convey emotions through the products they design? How do they know how to provoke certain emotions? To obtain the benefits that the knowledge of emotions can bring when it is integrated into the design process, professionals need to be assisted with approaches to apply the knowledge of emotions systematically and strategically. This book presents the development of a process to support product design teams to envision emotion-focused new product ideas - Emotion-Driven Innovation (E-DI). The E-DI process supports designers in identifying the occurrence of emotions in a certain category of products present in the market and applying this information to make strategic decisions when defining the emotional intentions for the new product. It also helps to focus their creative thinking to develop strong and meaningful emotion-centric new product ideas. This book targets a professional audience wanting to learn more about this process and provides useful tools and frameworks that can be applied in real-life cases.

Widerstand in Organisationen • Organisationen im Widerstand - Revisited: Plattformen, Edupunks und die Free Crowd (Organisation und Gesellschaft)

by Ayad Al-Ani

Die hier vorgestellten Alternativen zur traditionellen Hierarchie, die Anfang des Jahrtausends zum ersten Mal die Bühne betraten und zunächst in der Open-Source-Bewegung und dann auf kommerziellen Crowdplattformen ihren Siegeszug antraten, haben sich im Laufe kurzer Zeit verändert. Konnte man Anfang des Jahrtausends noch hoffen, dass ein Wirtschaftssektor entsteht, der hierarchieärmer, ethischer und partizipativer ist, so musste man nach der Finanzkrise feststellen, dass derartige Organisationsformen oft Teil eines pulsierenden Kapitalismus waren, welcher auch fremdartige Konzepte sporadisch nutzt, um auf Krisen zu reagieren. Auch von der Idee, dass die Digitalisierung die Demokratie beflügeln könnte, ist wenig übriggeblieben. Allerdings haben die nun entstandenen technologischen Plattformen einen massiven Nebeneffekt. Die hier gesammelten Daten gaben der Automatisierung einen neuen Schub. Die Flucht aus der Hierarchie, die in den ersten beiden Ausgaben skizziert wurde, wird also weiter gehen. Es sind nun die Konturen technologiebasierter Communities erkennbar, welche Heimat einer „Freien Crowd“ sind und ergänzend zu den bestehenden Nationen mehr Gewicht erlangen können.

Decollectivisation, Destruction and Disillusionment: A Community Study in Southern Estonia (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Ilkka Alanen Jouko Nikula Rein Ruutsoo

This title was first published in 2001. A depiction of the decollectivization process of agriculture and the rebirth of capitalistic relations in Southern Estonia - with all their consequences at various levels of social structure and social relations.

Georg Simmel: An Essay in the Philosophy of Art

by Alan Scott and Helmut Staubmann

First published in 1916 in German, this important work has never been translated into English--until now. Simmel attacks such questions as "What do we see in a work of Art?" and "What do Rembrandt's portraits tell us about human nature?" This is a major work by a major thinker concerning one of the world's most important painters.

Critical Rationalism and the Theory of Society: Critical Rationalism and the Open Society Volume 1 (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Masoud Mohammadi Alamuti

Investigating Karl Popper’s philosophy of critical rationalism, Critical Rationalism and the Theory of Society, Volume 1, explores a non-justificationist conception of critical reason and its fundamental outcomes for the theory of society. Through a set of fundamental contributions to epistemology, the theory of rationality and sociology, this volume (a) situates the idea of critical rationalism in its true epistemological context, (b) uses non-justificationist epistemology to reinvent critical rationalism and (c) applies its revised concept of rationality to show how people’s access to critical reason enables them to agree on the common values and social institutions necessary for a peaceful and just social order. These contributions lead the reader to a new epistemological understanding of the idea of critical rationalism and recognition of how a non-justificational concept of reason changes the content of the theory of society. The reader also learns how thinkers, movements and masses apply their critical reason to replace an established social order with an ideal one through activating five types of driving forces of social change: metaphysical, moral, legal, political and economic. Written for philosophers and sociologists, this book will appeal to social scientists such as moral philosophers, legal scholars, political scientists and economists.

Towards a Sociology of the Open Society: Critical Rationalism and the Open Society Volume 2 (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)

by Masoud Mohammadi Alamuti

This book applies the general theory of critical rationalism in order to develop a new sociology of the open society, in general, and a new analysis of the transition from a closed society to an open society in particular. It presents a criticism of Karl Popper’s analysis of human action for opening up a closed society, followed by a critical study of the mainstream sociology to show how justificational models of knowledge and rational action have prevented sociology from addressing the contribution of human action to social change. This book provides new sociologies of closed and open societies. It argues that in the closed society "a low level" of critical rationality is activated by people to define the meaning of the good life and social institutions of law, polity and economy. Masoud Mohammadi Alamuti proposes five mechanisms of opening up closed society through the model of social change, inspired by the philosophy of critical rationalism. This volume is "the first systematic attempt" to apply the philosophy of critical rationalism in order to present a "normative sociology of the open society". It will be of interest to postgraduate researchers and professional readers in philosophy, sociology, moral science, law, politics and economics. In addition, this book would benefit research centres, policymakers and civil society activists interested in the ideas of critical rationalism and the open society.

Realist Responses to Post-Human Society: Ex Machina (The Future of the Human)

by Ismael Al-Amoudi Jamie Morgan

This volume is the first of a trilogy which investigates, from a broadly realist perspective, the place, and challenges, of the human in contemporary social orders. The authors, all members of the Centre for Social Ontology, ask what is specific about humanity’s nature and worth, and what are their main challenges in contemporary societies? Examining the ways in which recent advances in technology threaten to blur and displace the boundaries constitutive of our shared humanity, Realist Responses to Post-Human Society: Ex Machina explores the philosophical and ethical questions raised by these developments, and discusses the dangers posed by the combination of transhumanism with post-humanist social theories and antihumanist practices, institutions and ideologies.

Deportes: The Making of a Sporting Mexican Diaspora (Latinidad: Transnational Cultures in the United States)

by José M Alamillo

Spanning the first half of the twentieth century, Deportes uncovers the hidden experiences of Mexican male and female athletes, teams and leagues and their supporters who fought for a more level playing field on both sides of the border. Despite a widespread belief that Mexicans shunned physical exercise, teamwork or “good sportsmanship,” they proved that they could compete in a wide variety of sports at amateur, semiprofessional, Olympic and professional levels. Some even made their mark in the sports world by becoming the “first” Mexican athlete to reach the big leagues and win Olympic medals or world boxing and tennis titles. These sporting achievements were not theirs alone, an entire cadre of supporters—families, friends, coaches, managers, promoters, sportswriters, and fans—rallied around them and celebrated their athletic success. The Mexican nation and community, at home or abroad, elevated Mexican athletes to sports hero status with a deep sense of cultural and national pride. Alamillo argues that Mexican-origin males and females in the United States used sports to empower themselves and their community by developing and sustaining transnational networks with Mexico. Ultimately, these athletes and their supporters created a “sporting Mexican diaspora” that overcame economic barriers, challenged racial and gender assumptions, forged sporting networks across borders, developed new hybrid identities and raised awareness about civil rights within and beyond the sporting world.

Demokratie und Soziale Arbeit: Sensibilisierung für die Wahrnehmung und Veränderung von Ungleichheiten in unserer Gesellschaft

by Monika Alamdar-Niemann Bärbel Schomers Marion Tacke

Der Tagungsband „Demokratie und Soziale Arbeit“ befasst sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit zentralen aktuellen Fragen der Sozialen Arbeit. Wie kann Teilhabe und Partizipation in der Gesellschaft ungeachtet der sozialen Lage der Adressat*innen, ihres Geschlechts, ihrer sexuellen Orientierung, ihrer ethnischen Herkunft und Hautfarbe, ihrer Religion und Sprache, ihres Alters und rechtlichen Status ermöglicht werden? Soziale Arbeit mit Blick auf die zugrundeliegenden strukturellen Mechanismen von Ausgrenzung und Abwertung zielt auf eine Humanisierung der deutschen Gesellschaft. Es geht um nicht weniger als die Professionalisierung einer Arbeit gegen Diskriminierung zur Wahrung demokratischer Prinzipien, denen sich die hier versammelten Autor*innen widmen.

Race, Taste, Class and Cars: Culture, Meaning and Identity (21st Century Standpoints)

by Yunis Alam

Love them or hate them, most of us have an opinion about cars. If not the cars themselves, then it’s driver competence and behaviour that can offend us. And then there’s modification: alloy wheels, custom audio systems and bespoke paint jobs. For some, changing the look, feel and sound of a car says something about themselves, but for others, such enhancements signify a lack of taste, or even criminality. In subtle and complex ways, cars transmit and modify our identities behind the wheel. As a symbol of independence and freedom, the car projects status, class, taste and, significantly, embeds racialisation. Using fascinating research from drivers, including first-person accounts as well as exploring hip-hop music and car-related TV shows, Alam unpicks the ways in which identity is rehearsed, enhanced, interpreted.

Cultural Fusion of Sufi Islam: Alternative Paths to Mystical Faith (Routledge Studies in Religion)

by Sarwar Alam

It has been argued that the mystical Sufi form of Islam is the most sensitive to other cultures, being accommodative to other traditions and generally tolerant to peoples of other faiths. It readily becomes integrated into local cultures and they are similarly often infused into Sufism. Examples of this reciprocity are commonly reflected in Sufi poetry, music, hagiographic genres, memoires, and in the ritualistic practices of Sufi traditions. This volume shows how this often-side-lined tradition functions in the societies in which it is found, and demonstrates how it relates to mainstream Islam. The focus of this book ranges from reflecting Sufi themes in the Qur’anic calligraphy to movies, from ideals to everyday practices, from legends to actual history, from gender segregation to gender transgression, and from legalism to spiritualism. Consequently, the international panel of contributors to this volume are trained in a range of disciplines that include religious studies, history, comparative literature, anthropology, and ethnography. Covering Southeast Asia to West Africa as well as South Asia and the West, they address both historical and contemporary issues, shedding light on Sufism’s adaptability. This book sets aside conventional methods of understanding Islam, such as theological, juridical, and philosophical, in favour of analysing its cultural impact. As such, it will be of great interest to all scholars of Islamic Studies, the Sociology of Religion, Religion and Media, as well as Religious Studies and Area Studies more generally.

Perceptions of Self, Power, & Gender Among Muslim Women: Narratives from a Rural Community in Bangladesh

by Sarwar Alam

This book analyzes perceptions of self, power, agency, and gender of Muslim women in a rural community of Bangladesh. Rural women’s limited power and agency has been subsumed within the male dominated Islamic discourses on gender. However, many Muslim women have their own alternative discourses surrounding power and agency. Sarwar Alam intertwines an exploration of these power dynamics with reading of the Qur’an and Hadith, and analyzes how Muslim women’s perception of power and gender are linked to their relationship with religion.

Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking: The Structured Approach from Silicon Valley for Entrepreneurs and Leaders

by Muhammad Alam

We are living in fascinating times, when the power of technology is not just reshaping, but is transforming the globe in unprecedented ways. These include the ability to connect with anyone across the globe in an instant using a tiny device in the palm of our hands to the availability of self-learning systems to take over, not only the most mundane of tasks, but the most sophisticated tasks previously thought to be performable only by superior human faculties. Regardless of whether you consider this progress to be beneficial to society or harmful, these technological advancements are here to stay. On one hand, these current transformational technological advancements threaten this stability of society. On the other hand, they present an opportunity for all of us to awaken our inner entrepreneurs. This book makes the transition from an employee to an entrepreneur smooth for the masses. Many of us have ideas to improve this world in some way and even feel strongly about some of those ideas at a deeper level. However, we find ourselves perplexed on two levels: 1. Where to start when building an idea into a business? 2. What are the various dimensions and activities needed to launch an idea into a business? This book will introduce you to a structured framework, called Transform3+1, to transform your idea into a business by following simple and specific steps spread across four stages. The framework is grounded in the belief that all solutions solve human problems using technology or otherwise. The first stage will help you understand the problem facing your target user by building empathy. Once you understand the problem, comes the stage of devising a solution in an iterative manner through prototyping the new concept and validating with the user. Most start-ups fail not because they didn’t find the right problem to solve for the target user or that their solution lacked technological prowess but because they could not figure out a sustainable business model. Third stage will focus on crafting a business model. And the final stage introduces you to a unique approach of managing risk associated with your venture. This unique framework leverages the principles of Design Thinking, agile development, and lean start-up combined in an easy to follow manner by anyone and helps transform ideas into business in a short timeframe with little or no investment.

Paying Out-of-Pocket for Drugs, Diagnostics and Medical Services: A Study of Households in Three Indian States

by Moneer Alam

In India there is a high incidence of morbidity and malnutrition coupled with low standards of public health and expensive medical care. Despite several policy initiatives and many attempts to promote a healthy society, health remains an issue of concern. Policy-makers recognise that the country suffers unacceptably high levels of disease and premature death. A 2005 report from the National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (NCMH) claims that private out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditure often has a catastrophic effect on the consumption of basic goods and services for low-income households, forcing many below the poverty line and often blocking private intergenerational flows, severely affecting family members including the co-residing elderly, especially women. As poverty, malnutrition and enormous disparities are widespread, particularly in rural areas and urban slums, reliance on private health providers is fraught with serious economic consequences. Disease prevalence among these groups is particularly high. The market plays an increasingly important role in delivering health and diagnostic services. Infrastructural bottlenecks faced by central, state and local government health services force public health service users to access private medical care and incur very high out-of-pocket (OOP) expenses. All these issues are in direct contradiction to India's National Population Policy (2000) and National Health Policy (2002). This book highlights some of these neglected issues, and focuses largely on private expenditure on drugs and medicines for the treatment of ailments both with and without hospitalisation. It examines private OOP health expenditures in rural and urban households after breaking them down into the various healthcare service components including drugs and medicines (which constitute about 75 to 80 percent of OOP health expenditure), and assesses the extent of capital sample households borrow to finance medical expenditure and the effect on their basic food and non-food consumption requirements.

Violence, Imagination, and Resistance: Socio-legal Interrogations of Power

by Mariful Alam Patrick Dwyer Katrin Roots

Much of the discussion of social transformation and resistance in socio-legal studies centres around the question of whether and how the law can be used to achieve practical change. However, the editors of this volume argue that it will never be possible to enact change through the law because it is inseparable from violence, be it metaphysical, social, or political. They posit that a “just world,” free from oppressive power relations, requires us to imagine communities where the state and its law cease to exist. Contributors address the underexplored questions of what alternatives to law could look like: how communities could organize their everyday lives, and how they could address social and interpersonal conflicts outside of an apparatus of violence. These essays contribute to the ongoing interrogation of settler colonialism, racism, and structural violence in Canada by demonstrating how to expose the violence the law produces, how to deconstruct law’s power, and, finally, how to identify modes of resistance that have transformative potential.

Inside a Madrasa: Knowledge, Power and Islamic Identity in India

by Arshad Alam

While there exists scholarly works on madrasas in India during medieval times and the colonial period, there is hardly anything on the conditions of madrasas today, and those are by and large based on secondary literature and not grounded in detailed empirical investigation. This work, through ethnographic study undertaken at two madrasas in Mubarakpur in Uttar Pradesh, shows how Indian madrasas represent a diverse array of ideological orientations which is mostly opposed to each other’s interpretation of Islam. If madrasas are about the dissemination of Islamic knowledge, then they also problematize and compete over how best to approach that knowledge; in the process they create and sustain a wide variety of possible interpretations of Islam. This volume will be of interest to scholars and researchers interested in the study of Islam and Indian Muslims. Since it is multidisciplinary in approach, it will find space within the disciplines of sociology, social anthropolgy, history and contemporary studies.

Religion and Education in India

by Arshad Alam

This book studies the relationship between religion and education in the Indian context. It analyses the creative interface between religion and education as empirical categories and overlapping modes of pedagogical transmission. The volume investigates the ways in which religious identities are shaped through education both at home and at school. It brings together academics and researchers working in different faith traditions like Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism to understand the significance of transmitting religious education and the need to pay closer attention to sites through which religious instruction is being disseminated. Topical and lucid, this book will be an important reading for scholars and researchers of sociology, religious studies, secularism, sociology of education, political sociology, South Asia studies, and education in general.

The Criminalisation of Fantasy Material: Law and Sexually Explicit Representations of Fictional Children

by Hadeel Al-Alosi

This book addresses the criminalisation of sexually explicit material depicting or describing fictitious characters who appear to be children. It is the first book of its kind to specifically examine the expansion of the law to include fictional representations of children, focusing on the law in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The author explores the potential criminalisation of comics and subgenres of manga that frequently depict childlike characters in a sexual context. Of course, the need to protect children from harm outweighs freedom of expression and the right to privacy; however, this argument is complicated by the material being purely fictional. Does prohibiting the fictional representation of minors interfere with individual freedoms? Based on a detailed socio-legal study, this book extensively analyses literature and pertinent theories of criminalisation, such as the Harm Principle, Offense Principle, and Legal Moralism. The book will be an invaluable resource for academics and students in various disciplines, including law, criminology, sociology, and psychology. It will also be of interest to fans of fantasy fiction.

Implementing and Working with the Youth Criminal Justice Act across Canada

by Marc Alain Susan Reid Raymond R. Corrado

Since its implementation in 2003, the Youth Criminal Justice Act has been the subject of intense political and scholarly debate. A complicated mixture of provisions intended to provide harsher punishments for serious violent crimes while encouraging positive, non-punitive interventions in less serious cases, its impact on the youth justice system remains controversial.Implementing and Working with the Youth Criminal Justice Act across Canada provides the first comprehensive, province-by-province analysis of how each Canadian jurisdiction has implemented the Act in accordance with its own history, traditions, and institutional arrangements. Drawing on in-depth interviews with probation officers, counselors, educators, and social workers, the contributors use the experiences of practitioners to offer a new analytical perspective on a complicated and contentious aspect of the Canadian justice system. Their conclusions provide vital policy and program information for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers concerned with Canada's youth justice systems.

For a New Classic Sociology: A Proposition, followed by a Debate

by Alain Caillé and Frédéric Vandenberghe

This book examines the future of the social sciences and the reconstruction of society in contemporary times. Drawing on the lead piece For a New Classic Sociology, it calls for a new theoretical synthesis that overcomes the fragmentation, specialization and professionalization within the social sciences. The position paper and the responses by a team of world-class social theorists provide an alternative to utilitarianism and the colonization of the social sciences by rational choice models, propose a new articulation of social theory, and moral, social and political philosophy. It recommends a return to classical social theory and explores articulations between theories of reciprocity, care and recognition. A radical intervention in the study of the social sciences, the volume will be indispensable to scholars and researchers across the social sciences, especially social theory and sociology and social anthropology. Contributions by Frank Adloff, Jeffrey C. Alexander, Francis Chateauraynaud, Raewyn Connell, François Dubet, Philip Gorski, Nathalie Heinich, Qu Jingdong, Mike Savage, Michael Singleton and Philippe Steiner.

The Accidental Ecosystem: People and Wildlife in American Cities

by Peter S. Alagona

With wildlife thriving in cities, we have the opportunity to create vibrant urban ecosystems that serve both people and animals.The Accidental Ecosystem tells the story of how cities across the United States went from having little wildlife to filling, dramatically and unexpectedly, with wild creatures. Today, many of these cities have more large and charismatic wild animals living in them than at any time in at least the past 150 years. Why have so many cities—the most artificial and human-dominated of all Earth’s ecosystems—grown rich with wildlife, even as wildlife has declined in most of the rest of the world? And what does this paradox mean for people, wildlife, and nature on our increasingly urban planet? The Accidental Ecosystem is the first book to explain this phenomenon from a deep historical perspective, and its focus includes a broad range of species and cities. Cities covered include New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Austin, Miami, Chicago, Seattle, San Diego, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. Digging into the natural history of cities and unpacking our conception of what it means to be wild, this book provides fascinating context for why animals are thriving more in cities than outside of them. Author Peter S. Alagona argues that the proliferation of animals in cities is largely the unintended result of human decisions that were made for reasons having little to do with the wild creatures themselves. Considering what it means to live in diverse, multispecies communities and exploring how human and non-human members of communities might thrive together, Alagona goes beyond the tension between those who embrace the surge in urban wildlife and those who think of animals as invasive or as public safety hazards. The Accidental Ecosystem calls on readers to reimagine interspecies coexistence in shared habitats, as well as policies that are based on just, humane, and sustainable approaches.

Albert O. Hirschman: An Intellectual Biography

by Michele Alacevich

One of the most original social scientists of the twentieth century, Albert O. Hirschman led an uncommonly dramatic life. After fleeing Nazi Germany as a youth, he fought in the Spanish Civil War, took part in antifascist activities in Italy, and organized an underground rescue operation in Marseille through which more than 2,000 people, including Marc Chagall, Arthur Koestler, and Hannah Arendt, escaped Europe. Hirschman moved across topics, methodologies, and disciplinary boundaries as fluidly as he did among countries and languages. His work is marked by a deep suspicion of all-encompassing theories, valuing instead doubt and a sensitivity to contingencies and unexpected consequences.In this intellectual biography, the economic historian Michele Alacevich explores the development and trajectory of Hirschman’s characteristic approach to social-scientific questions. He traces the many strands of Hirschman’s thought and their place in his multifaceted body of work, considering their limitations as well as their strengths. Alacevich puts Hirschman’s ideas into context, following his participation in the major intellectual and political debates of his times. He examines Hirschman’s pioneering work in development studies and his analyses of social change, the history of capitalism, and the workings of democracy alongside his activities in the postwar reconstruction of Europe and economic development in Latin America. A compelling intellectual portrait of a profoundly distinctive thinker, this book also reflects on Hirschman’s legacy and lasting influence.

Disability, Discourse and Technology: Agency and Inclusion in (Inter)action (Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse)

by Najma Al Zidjaly

Exclusion is the main predicament faced by people with disabilities across contexts and cultures, yet it is one of the least academically studied concepts. This book offers an applied linguistics perspective on critical and timely issues in disability research, filling in a number of gaps in discourse analysis and disability studies.

The Social Lives of Land (Cornell Series on Land: New Perspectives on Territory, Development, and Environment)

by Goldman Et Al.

From the shaping of new homelands in the Cherokee Nation to the export of sand from Cambodia to shore up urban expansion in Singapore, The Social Lives of Land reveals the dynamics of contemporary social and political change. The editors of this volume bring together contributions from across multiple disciplines and geographic locations. The contributions showcase novel theoretical and empirical insights, analyzing how people are living on, with, and from their land. From Mozambique to India, Indonesia, Ecuador, and the colonial United States, the scholars in this collection uncover histories and retell stories with a focus on the lived experiences of rural and urban land dispossession and repossession.Contributors: Kati Álvarez, Clint Carroll, Flora Lu, Richard Mbunda, Gregg Mitman, Paul Nadasdy, Robert Nichols, Andrew Ofstehage, Laura Schoenberger, Kirsteen Shields, Emmanuel Sulle, Erik Swyngedouw, Gabriela Valdivia, Katherine Verdery, Callum Ward, Ciara Wirth, Emmanuel King Urey Yarkpawolo

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