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Class Lives: Stories from across Our Economic Divide

by Chuck Collins Felice Yeskel Jennifer Ladd Maynard Seider

Class Lives is an anthology of narratives dramatizing the lived experience of class in America. It includes forty original essays from authors who represent a range of classes, genders, races, ethnicities, ages, and occupations across the United States. Born into poverty, working class, the middle class, and the owning class--and every place in between--the contributors describe their class journeys in narrative form, recounting one or two key stories that illustrate their growing awareness of class and their place, changing or stable, within the class system. The stories in Class Lives are both gripping and moving. One contributor grows up in hunger and as an adult becomes an advocate for the poor and homeless. Another acknowledges the truth that her working-class father's achievements afforded her and the rest of the family access to people with power. A gifted child from a working-class home soon understands that intelligence is a commodity but finds his background incompatible with his aspirations and so attempts to divide his life into separate worlds. Together, these essays form a powerful narrative about the experience of class and the importance of learning about classism, class cultures, and the intersections of class, race, and gender. Class Lives will be a helpful resource for students, teachers, sociologists, diversity trainers, activists, and a general audience. It will leave readers with an appreciation of the poignancy and power of class and the journeys that Americans grapple with on a daily basis.

The Community Builders (California Studies in Urbanization and Environmental Design #1)

by Edward P. Eichler Marshall Kaplan

Examines methods of new town developers in land acquisition, financing, taxation, relationships with governmental authorities, etc. with extensive reference to planned communities in California.

Family Social Welfare: Helping Troubled Families

by Frances Scherz

Our changing cultural environment and societal attitudes are subtly but unmistakably altering the personality development of the individual and the functioning of the family. The increasing complexity of the emotional and social problems of their clients is requiring social workers to understand and meet the needs of the entire family group as well as of its individual members. Two nationally known experts in the field have collaborated in writing the first comprehensive work to deal with this new trend in social work.The authors' many years of experience in practice, teaching, and observation throughout the field are reflected in this lucid and systematic book, which introduces the reader to what is known about normal and deviant behavior in the context of family life, how families can be helped to lead normal lives, and how disrupted family structures can be rebuilt. In addition, the practitioner will find in this pioneering volume important new diagnostic insights and valuable guidelines for his work.The case material used throughout the book, in brief form, for illustrative purposes, is drawn from various social welfare agencies. In general, the cases were chosen because each has applicability to the work of different kinds of social agencies. Selected reading suggestions have been compiled with respect to each section for the reader interested in enlarging his knowledge about human behavior, our society, and the giving of help to troubled families and individuals. These reading suggestions include not only relevant nonfiction, but also fiction-old and new-that offers valuable insights into certain behaviors and circumstances of troubled individuals and families.Of immediate usefulness as a text in all courses in social work and sociology dealing with the family, this book will prove equally valuable to social workers in voluntary agencies as well as to those in public social agencies at local, state, and national levels, to teachers, and

A Fortunate Man

by John Berger

In this quietly revolutionary work of social observation and medical philosophy, Booker Prize-winning writer John Berger and the photographer Jean Mohr train their gaze on an English country doctor and find a universal man--one who has taken it upon himself to recognize his patient's humanity when illness and the fear of death have made them unrecognizable to themselves. In the impoverished rural community in which he works, John Sassall tend the maimed, the dying, and the lonely. He is not only the dispenser of cures but the repository of memories. And as Berger and Mohr follow Sassall about his rounds, they produce a book whose careful detail broadens into a meditation on the value we assign a human life. First published thirty years ago, A Fortunate Man remains moving and deeply relevant--no other book has offered such a close and passionate investigation of the roles doctors play in their society."In contemporary letters John Berger seems to me peerless; not since Lawrence has there been a writer who offers such attentiveness to the sensual world with responsiveness to the imperatives of conscience."--Susan SontagFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom

by Gabriele Kuby Robert Spaemann James Patrick Kirchner

The core of the global cultural revolution is the deliberate confusion of sexual norms. It is the culmination of a metaphysical revolution as well--a shifting of the fundamental ground upon which we stand and build a culture. Instead of desire being subjected to natural, social, moral, and transcendent orders, the identity of man and woman is dissolved, and free rein given to the maximum fulfillment of polymorphous urges, with no ultimate purpose or meaning. Gabriele Kuby surveys gender ideology and LGBT demands, the devastating effects of pornography and sex-education, attacks on freedom of speech and religion, the corruption of language, and much more. From the movement's trailblazers to the post-Obergefell landscape, she documents in meticulous detail how the tentacles of a budding totalitarian regime are slowly gripping the world in an insidious stranglehold. Here on full display are the re-education techniques of the new permanent revolution, which has migrated from politics and economics to sex. Kuby's courageous work is a call to action for all well-meaning people to redouble their efforts to preserve freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the freedom of parents to educate their children according to their own beliefs. "Mrs. Kuby is a brave warrior against ideologies that ultimately result in the destruction of man."--POPE BENEDICT XVI "As the carnage of untrammeled sexual license piles up in cultures that have embraced sexual revolutionary ideology, we need the kind of sober and thoughtful analysis Gabriele Kuby provides. Her work will help readers understand that false visions of freedom are highways to slavery, and that true freedom is to be found in self-mastery and virtue."--ROBERT P. GEORGE "Gabriele Kuby maps the topography of horror that sex unleashed from the moral order visits upon any society that allows it. She also offers a strong, much-needed dose of moral realism that offers a way out of an otherwise totalitarian result."--ROBERT R. REILLY

The Hawkspur Experiment: An Informal Account of the Training of Wayward Adolescents (Routledge Library Editions: The Adolescent)

by W. David Wills

Originally published in 1941 and written in an attempt to dispute the popular assumption at the time that a ‘bit of discipline’ is what is needed for the correction of young men who show delinquent tendencies, this book is much more than that. Basically an account of a kind of voluntary Borstal Institution of which the author was head from 1936 to 1940, its interest on reissue in 1967 lay in the fact that it contained the germinal ideas of most of the day’s newest methods in penal treatment, not just as ideas, but in practice. Here is the therapeutic community in embryo, here are the beginnings of group therapy, of inmate participation in treatment, of therapy through relationships. None of them are mentioned by name – the names had not been invented; but anyone who wanted to understand the trends in the treatment of delinquent and maladjusted people at the time would find it all here in simple untechnical English. The book is also an account of an enthralling experience, exciting and interesting in itself, apart from any social significance. Just before the camp started, Alec Paterson said to David Wills, ‘Do you really think you can run a place of this kind without the use of punishment?’ Wills said he didn’t know, but looked forward to trying. Readers of this book may judge for themselves how far he succeeded. A particularly interesting feature of this edition is the account of the subsequent lives of the many boys who were at Hawkspur.

Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face-to-Face Behavior

by Erving Goffman

"Not then, men and their moments. Rather, moment and their men," writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking 1967 Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural settings, that class of events which occurs during co-presence and by virtue of co-presence. The ultimate behavioral materials are the glances, gestures, positionings, and verbal statements that people continuously feed into situations, whether intended or not.A sociology of occasions is here advocated. Social organization is the central theme, but what is organized is the co-mingling of persons and the temporary interactional enterprises that can arise therefrom. A normatively stabilized structure is at issue, a "social gathering," but this is a shifting entity, necessarily evanescent, created by arrivals and killed by departures. The major section of the book is the essay "Where the Action Is," drawing on Goffman's last major ethnographic project observation of Nevada casinos.Tom Burns says of Goffman's work "The eleven books form a singularly compact body of writing. All his published work was devoted to topics and themes which were closely connected, and the methodology, angles of approach and of course style of writing remained characteristically his own throughout. Interaction Ritual in particular is an interesting account of daily social interaction viewed with a new perspective for the logic of our behavior in such ordinary circumstances as entering a crowded elevator or bus." In his new introduction, Joel Best considers Goffman's work in toto and places Interaction Ritual in that total context as one of Goffman's pivotal works: "His subject matter was unique. In sharp contrast to the natural tendency of many scholars to tackle big, important topics, Goffman was a minimalist, working on a small scale, and concentrating on the most mundane, ordinary social contacts, on everyday life.'"

Kinship and Economic Organisation in Rural Japan (LSE Monographs on Social Anthropology #Vol. 32)

by Chie Nakane

In this essay the author presents the principles of one important sector of social organization in Japan, and establish its framework. Japanese kinship structure, with its multiple historical and local factors, and unlike that of the Chinese or of the Hindus, does not belong to the category of unilineal systems, nor to any kind of descent pattern found in the published literature of social anthropology. Social anthropology, developed by micro-synchronic studies of simpler societies, and with its major analysis devoted to descent systems, has to face in Japan a critical methodological test. In this essay, the author, as a social anthropologist, want to overcome these drawbacks of anthropological method, and to demonstrate one of the new approaches by which an anthropologist can cope with the data from a sophisticated society

On Aggression (Classics Ser.)

by Konrad Lorenz

First published in the 1960s, On Aggression has been the target of criticism and controversy ever since. It is not Lorenz's careful descriptions of animal behaviour that are contentious, but his extrapolations to the human world that have caused reverberations resulting in a statement adopted by UNESCO in 1989 and subsequently endorsed by the American Psychological Association that appears to condemn his work. But does On Aggression actually make the claims implicit in the Seville statement?In a new introduction by Professor Eric Salzen, the debate about Lorenz's work is set in its social and political context and his claims and those of his critics reassessed. Human aggression has not lessened since this seminal work first appeared and there are no convincing new solutions. On Aggression should be read by all new students and re-read by more experienced scholars so that the important evidence he presents from ethnology may be reappraised in the light of the most recent research.

Patterns of Social Functioning in Families with Marital and Parent-Child Problems

by Gerson David

The work reported in this book represents the first attempt to study a sample of client families with marital and parent-child problems using a systematic framework based on role-theory. The findings of the study are important and made more so by the consistency of the framework: the dimensions of family behaviour can be accurately studied because the techniques of observation used are constant. This work, conducted under the auspices of the Toronto Family Diagnosis Project, School of Social Work at the University of Toronto, is an impressive contribution to two areas of social work: it offers new observations regarding family life that will be of particular interest to professionals and researchers in the field of family and child welfare, and its technical framework will be of interest to all social workers.

People versus Politics: A study of opinions, attitudes, and perceptions in Vancouver-Burrard (The Royal Society of Canada Special Publications)

by J. A. Laponce

This lively and sophisticated study describes the opinions and attitudes of the electors in one electoral district (Vancouver-Burrard) during the federal and provincial elections held from 1963 to 1965. Based on interviews with a random sample of 800 people in the riding, it examines voting patterns in relation to age, sex, religion, ethnicity, social class, party preference, knowledge of politics, and level of education. Using these data Professor Laponce measures and identifies the distinguishing characteristics of voters and non-votes; of Liberals, Conservatives, New Democrats, and Social Creditors; of party "faithfuls" and party "migrants" (in particular those who support different parties in provincial and federal elections); and it describes the electors' attitudes to the parties competing for their support. The results of the study are compared to the results of surveys carried out in other parts of Canada, Britain, and the United States. Important sociologically for its contribution to research in the establishment of universal political patterns, this study also has immediate application to present political events in Canada and the United States.

The Poor Pay More: Consumer Practices of Low-Income Families

by David Caplovitz

Has delineated with uncompromising, scientific evidence the brutal economic facts of existence for a group of low-income families in four New York City housing projects.

Raining Cats and Donkeys

by Doreen Tovey

Life is never a bed of roses for the Toveys and their beloved Siamese cats Solomon and Sheba. For one thing they've got Annabel the donkey to contend with! Filled with amusing anecdotes, 'Raining Cats and Donkeys' recalls the adventures and misadventures of the family and their adorable animals.

Reality Mining

by Kate Greene Nathan Eagle

Big Data is made up of lots of little data: numbers entered into cell phones, addresses entered into GPS devices, visits to websites, online purchases, ATM transactions, and any other activity that leaves a digital trail. Although the abuse of Big Data -- surveillance, spying, hacking -- has made headlines, it shouldn't overshadow the abundant positive applications of Big Data. In Reality Mining, Nathan Eagle and Kate Greene cut through the hype and the headlines to explore the positive potential of Big Data, showing the ways in which the analysis of Big Data ("Reality Mining") can be used to improve human systems as varied as political polling and disease tracking, while considering user privacy.Eagle, a recognized expert in the field, and Greene, an experienced technology journalist, describe Reality Mining at five different levels: the individual, the neighborhood and organization, the city, the nation, and the world. For each level, they first offer a nontechnical explanation of data collection methods and then describe applications and systems that have been or could be built. These include a mobile app that helps smokers quit smoking; a workplace "knowledge system"; the use of GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile phone data to manage and predict traffic flows; and the analysis of social media to track the spread of disease. Eagle and Greene argue that Big Data, used respectfully and responsibly, can help people live better, healthier, and happier lives.

Rehabilitation for the Unwanted: Patients and Their Caretakers

by Elizabeth Eddy Julius Roth

This book is a study detailing what happens to people and what life is like in a rehabilitation program. The program discussed is embedded in an institution, called ""Farewell Hospital"" by the authors, that was designed to fill a demand for facilities for those judged unable to live on their own. Due to physical or mental handicaps and no family, friends, or other social agents who are willing to make a home for them outside of a public institution, these patients were placed in a rehabilitation unit.Most patients were placed with the rehabilitation unit as a brief interlude before their permanent placement in the custodial unit of the vast institution where they would live out their lives. This work deals with the question of what happens to patients once they are rehabilitated and the non-therapeutic rules and practices of the health and welfare structure of which they are a part. In this case, the rehabilitation specialists and ward workers set themselves the task of improving the life chances of their clients by treating their ailments when possible and by improving their physical functioning so that they were better able to care for their own needs.The authors examine the effects of the organizational relationships on rehabilitation outcomes and on the lives of the people who make hospitals their home. The text attempts to sustain feeling for the historical context of their study the ""problem"" of larger numbers of disabled, poverty-stricken persons, who are no longer wanted by anyone and asserts that a ""solution"" must be found.

Roads to Maturity/Vers La Maturité: Proceedings of the Second Canadian Conference on Children/Déliberations de la second Conférence Canadienne de l'Enfance Montréal, October 31-November 4, 1965

by Margery King

This volume contains the proceedings of the second Canadian Conference on Children which was held in Montreal in the autumn of 1965. It includes four papers given by Dr. Alva Myrdal, Dr. Alan Ross, Dr. M.S. Rabinovitch and Dr. C.E. Hendry, all well known for their attention to the problems of children growing up in the present world and concerned here to draw attention to those they see in Canada and elsewhere. A running commentary is supplied by Dr. Alan Thomas on the less formal side of the conference—the discussions that took place in groups after the speeches. The four papers and the commentary are printed in both English and French. Reverend Roger Guindon O.M.I. of the University of Ottawa provides the closing address, presented in a style which can be seen as an interesting new approach to the Canadian problem of bilingualism.

The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion

by Peter L. Berger

This important contribution to the sociology of religion provides an analysis that clarifies the often ironic interaction between religion and society.

The Sacred Canopy: Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion

by Peter L. Berger

&“The most important contribution to the sociology of religion since Max Weber&’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism&” (Commonweal). Acclaimed scholar and sociologist Peter L. Berger carefully lays out an understanding of religion as a historical, societal mechanism in this classic work of social theory. Berger examines the roots of religious belief and its gradual dissolution in modern times, applying a general theoretical perspective to specific examples from religions throughout the ages. Building upon the author&’s previous work, The Social Construction of Reality, with Thomas Luckmann, this book makes Berger&’s case that human societies build a &“sacred canopy&” to protect, stabilize, and give meaning to their worldview.

Social Theory and Economic Change

by Tom Burns S B Saul

Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print, or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge, 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1967 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.

The Sociology of Industry (Studies In Sociology Ser. #Vol. 1)

by Richard Brown John Child Dr S Parker

This book provides an excellent introduction to the sociology of industry. It comprises of three sections, which in turn address: the relation between industry and other sub-systems or institutions in society; the internal structure of industry and the roles people play within that structure; the social actions of individuals and groups within an organisational structure. It is an excellent resource for students of sociology who have an interest in its application to the ‘world of work’.

Strategy for Labor: A Radical Proposal

by André Gorz

The wave of labor struggles that ensued was (and still is) an unprecedented experiment in collective self-education. It may be worth noting that some of the leading theoreticians in this ex­periment drew some inspiration from the struggles waged by the American working class in the last thirty-five years. What is at work in experiments like these is more than just labor tactics or the instant improvement of the worker's lot. What is at work is the establishment of an industrial democracy adapted to conditions in which representative democracy reveals more clearly than ever its inherent limitations. Labor unions and labor action are seen as one of the main instruments (democratic political par­ties with an overall vision being another prerequisite) for the con­quest of popular centers of power and the democratic self-rule from below, on which democracy will have to rest if it is to survive or to be reborn. It will be able to do neither if basic issues remain beyond the reach of those who are most directly con­cerned by them.

Systems of Organization: The control of task and sentient boundaries

by E J Miller A K Rice

Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print, or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge, 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1967 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.

Time of One's Own: Leisure and Young People (Selected Works of Pearl Jephcott: Social Issues and Social Research)

by Pearl Jephcott

Originally published in 1967, Time of One’s Own asks the question: How do young Scots spend their free time nowadays? The Kilbrandon Council asked the University of Glasgow to undertake a study on this subject and their conclusions form the subject of this book. ‘Young Scots’ were confined to those aged fifteen to nineteen, and in the main to those living in three localities which it was hoped were reasonably typical – a mining town in West Lothian and, in Glasgow, an old inner area and a new outlying housing estate. Some three thousand boys and girls provided facts and views. In addition to statistical material the study constantly refers to the ‘how and why’ of the way in which the individual youngster spent their free time. The adults who collected the information agreed that what they saw of the leisure of these adolescents lacked variety and sparkle. On the other hand, a considerable proportion of the boys and girls appeared to be on the brink of using it in less stereotyped ways. Just a little push might have done the trick. In general, the provision for recreation was inadequate. This was especially so in the case of indoor facilities. The Youth Service, which should play so important a role, required far more support. This is a valuable record from the time of what it was like to have ‘Time of One’s Own’, and this reissue is a fascinating addition to all those interested in the history of Education and Sociology.

Up Against It

by Mike Royko

Mike Royko is a talented, witty young columnist with a big heart, a skeptical outlook, and a sure-footed way among the back alleys of Chicago, where he finds real-life characters.

The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers

by Robert Heilbroner

Adam Smith, Malthus, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, Thorstein Veblen, John Maynard Keynes, and more...

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