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Apostles of Modernity: Saint-Simonians and the Civilizing Mission in Algeria

by Osama Abi-Mershed

Influenced by the teachings of philosopher Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825), says Ali-Mershed (history, Georgetown U.), France's military Arabists making colonial policy for Algeria from 1830 to 1870 opposed native assimilation, and promoted what they called controlled association with the Muslims. Following him, they contested the existence of primordial human racial and cultural racial and cultural characteristics, he explains, and insisted that societies at different stages of historical development should evolve within their particular institutional structures and cultural traditions. He describes how their discretionary control over the Arab territories provided them a human laboratory for their experiments with Saint-Simonian reforms, and the geographic space to erect a semi-autonomous and protected Arab Kingdom. Annotation ©2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Aviation Security: Legal and Regulatory Aspects (Routledge Revivals)

by Ruwantissa I.R. Abeyratne

Published in 1998. The various conventions which apply to the subject of unlawful interface with civil aviation have proved effective only to the extent of nurturing existing values of international law as they are restrictively perceived through the parameters of air law. This book examines the offence of unlawful interference with international civil aviation and analyses critically the legal and regulatory regime that applies thereto, with a view to recommending measures that are calculated to infuse a new approach to the problem. Emphasis is laid throughout the work on action which may be taken to alleviate the problem of unlawful interference. Its conclusion incorporates various steps that can be taken towards achieving this objective. The author focuses on the core of the problem which has effectively precluded significant progress into inroads that would curb the threat terrorism in aviation: the attitude of the international community. The book therefore examines in limine the fundamental role of international law in the light of the United Nationals Congress of International Public Law of March 1995, and its effect on international criminal law. It then determines the applicable principles of State sovereignty and examines the principles of State responsibility. Its main purpose is to recommend the establishment of a new philosophy of international criminal law which transcends municipal boundaries. Academic, scholarly and judicial precedent for this book is the adduced in support of this argument. The book also examines the role of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as the regulatory body responsible for civil aviation, in the context of new approaches made by the international community towards the status of ICAO in aviation security. The practical value of this work essentially lies in the legal recommendations it makes at its conclusion, which are based on existing principles of international law. It will thus be invaluable not only to international and aviation lawyers, criminal lawyers (both international and national), security professionals and teachers and students of international law, but also to aviation industry executives and regulatory agency specialists whose responsibilities impinge on or are determined by existing and evolving legal and security measures.

Emergent Commercial Trends and Aviation Safety (Routledge Revivals)

by Ruwantissa I.R. Abeyratne

Published in 1999, the pre-eminent concern of the air transport industry and aircraft manufacturers at the present time is safety in the air. It is also the foremost priority of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The basic strategic objective of the ICAO Strategic Action Plan, which was adopted by the ICAO Council in 1997, is to further safety, security and efficiency of international civil aviation. This book discusses the causative factors which may adversely affect the safety of civil aviation and analyzes the regulatory process which has been set in motion by the ICAO and the regional civil aviation bodies – AFCAC, ECAC and LACAC – in order to ensure the safety of international civil aviation and effectively manage the factors which may threaten the safety of air transport. It also offers self-contained conclusions after the examination of each instance, calculated to ensure the safety of aviation. The book will prove useful to lawyers, government agencies, airlines, economists, social scientists, politicians and journalists.

Aviation in Crisis

by Ruwantissa Abeyratne

This title was first published in 2003. The events of 11 September 2001 defy modern economic theory when addressed in aviation terms. Economic theory would suggest that, once the impact of such events are a thing of the past, and economies are restored to their status quo ante, a rise in the gross domestic product of States to earlier levels would almost inevitably result in increased consumption. This in turn would mean that the demand for air travel would rise to earlier proportions and consumption in terms of air transport services would be restored to normalcy. However, the September attacks on United States' property introduced a unique characteristic through the fear factor that directly impacts the future development of air transport. As a result, the grim task of restoration of passenger confidence stands in the way of economic revival of the air transport industry. Aviation was always in crisis. The air transport industry, even prior to 11 September 2001, although seemingly a glamorous, exciting and prosperous business, never enjoyed sustained periods of profitability. Even among the large carriers, a short bout of profitability would inevitably be followed by a period of downturn in real income. It is simply that this fluctuation in fortune is an ineluctable characteristic of air transport, whose fortunes are dictated by rigid regulation, competition and technological change. If a sustained analysis were to be made of air transport, plain economic theory would no longer be the exclusive discipline for consideration. Rather, all relevant factors have to be taken in context and emerging issues should be analyzed as possible threats to the economic well being of the air transport industry. This book addresses issues in a post-September 2001 context but also analyses issues past and present, with the intent of looking at the future. Four major areas are taken into consideration which were in crisis but are truly impacted by the events of September 2001. These areas relate to crises in the commercial, security, insurance and environmental protection fields. Of these the first and fourth areas are inextricably intertwined, as aircraft noise regulations in various States have a direct impact on aircraft financing, which in turn is linked to demand for air services. A drop in demand for air services would essentially mean that the demand for lease or purchase of new aircraft would drop. When this occurs, air transport enterprises would be more inclined to cut costs and therefore concentrate on using the aircraft already at hand, upgrading them to conform to the The purpose of this book is to view the overall picture of an aviation industry - comprising air transport and other aviation related industries - in crisis, through issues that continue to impact the economic viability of air transport, particularly as a result of the events of 11 September 2001.

Making the Right Choice: Narratives of Marriage in Sri Lanka (Politics of Marriage and Gender: Global Issues in Local Contexts)

by Asha L. Abeyasekera

Making the Right Choice unravels the entangled relationship between marriage, morality, and the desire for modernity as it plays out in the context of middle-class status concerns and aspirations for upward social mobility within the Sinhala-Buddhist community in urban Sri Lanka. By focusing on individual life-histories spanning three generations, the book illuminates how narratives about a gendered self and narratives about modernity are mutually constituted and intrinsically tied to notions of agency. The book uncovers how "becoming modern" in urban Sri Lanka, rather than causing inter-generational conflict, is a collective aspiration realized through the efforts of bringing up educated and independent women capable of making "right" choices. The consequence of this collective investment is a feminist conundrum: agency does not denote the right to choose, but the duty to make the "right" choice; hence agency is experienced not as a sense of "freedom," but rather as a burden of responsibility.

Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences: 2nd Edition

by Christopher L. Aberson

Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences is a practical "how-to" guide to conducting statistical power analyses for psychology and related fields. The book provides a guide to conducting analyses that is appropriate for researchers and students, including those with limited quantitative backgrounds. With practical use in mind, the text provides detailed coverage of topics such as how to estimate expected effect sizes and power analyses for complex designs. The topical coverage of the text, an applied approach, in-depth coverage of popular statistical procedures, and a focus on conducting analyses using R make the text a unique contribution to the power literature. To facilitate application and usability, the text includes ready-to-use R code developed for the text. An accompanying R package called pwr2ppl (available at provides tools for conducting power analyses across each topic covered in the text.

Population Politics: The Choices That Shape Our Future

by Virginia Abernethy Garrett Hardin

International efforts to regulate fertility rates so that populations do not grow beyond the earth's capacity have included technical assistance and capital; improved health care conditions to lower the risk of infant mortality; increased opportunities to develop literacy; the democratization of governments; and several decades of liberal immigration and refugee policies favoring third world nations. The persistence of high fertility despite international efforts confounds demographers. 'Population Politics' brilliantly dissects the paradigm responsible for the counterproductive efforts of nations and international agencies. Abernethy, a renowned anthropologist, shows why policies hamper the shift to lower fertility. Ireland, Indonesia, Cuba, China, Turkey and Egypt are but a few of the countries Abernethy examines, showing how economic, sociocultural, and agricultural factors that have caused population growth can be harnessed to stabilize population size. 'Population Politics' is a provocative examination of the influence of aid and liberal immigration policies on world population growth, and often counterproductive to the role of the United States as an industrial power. This volume's uniquely interdisciplinary perspective will enlighten the lay reader, as well as demographers and epidemiologists, conservationists, reproduction and family specialists, agricultural economists, and public health personnel. Virginia D. Abernethy is professor emeritus of psychiatry (anthropology) at Vanderbilt Medical School and was for 11 years the editor of the scholarly journal 'Population and Environment. Garrett Hardin is emeritus professor of human ecology in the Department of Biological Sciences and the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Population Pressure and Cultural Adjustment

by Virginia Deane Abernethy

Integrating research from anthropology, biology, and history, this provocative, brilliant book proposes a theory of demographic equilibrium. The author's hypothesis is that human beings, like many other species, are able to adjust their population numbers to the carrying capacity of the environment. Abernethy points out that in response to perception of scarcity or abundance of resources, culturally mediated values, beliefs and behavioral patterns are modified in ways that can either raise or lower rates of population growth. Abernethy in this way moves beyond the ideological debates that have sundered the field of policy and population. In real world time and space, cultural adjustments that balance population and resources are made over a long stretch in relatively stable or known environments. These adjustments also operate in processes that involve technological advances that appear to increase carrying capacity, and these usually act to support and underwrite population growth in any given area. In her new introduction to this first paperback edition, Abernethy shows how many of the cultural changes the book predicted in 1979 have come to pass. She details a complex of behaviors that favor single life-styles or small family size that have contributed to low fertility rates among native-born Americans while fertility rates among immigrants continue to climb. Population Pressure and Cultural Adjustment is not simply a theoretical slogan, but discusses a rich set of different cultural situations where this homeostatic process has been disrupted or aborted. Often, disruption occurs after the infusion of foreign value systems as well as new forms of technological innovation, or when highly permeable social boundaries result in the importation of resources for which the limits and consequences are not fully appreciated by the host population. This work will inevitably be controversial because of its implications for the limits as well as the potential of public policy in both advanced and underdeveloped societies.

The Vanishing American Dream: Immigration, Population, Debt, Scarcity

by Virginia Deane Abernethy

The United States has gone off track, allowing domestic and foreign aid policies to be co-opted by a government—abetted by mass media—that serves special interests rather than the greater national good. Americans' tendencies to trust, play fair, and help have been abused and require replacement by a realistic outlook.The Vanishing American Dream posits solutions to get America back on the right track. Abernethy sees population growth driven by mass immigration as a major cause of economic and cultural changes that have been detrimental to most Americans. The environment has been degraded by over-crowding and increasing demands on natural resources. Work is cheapened by explosive growth in the labour force creating a buyer's market. One salary or wage no longer supports a family and educates children. Women working outside the home is a necessity, not a choice, for most American families. Furthermore, feminism, aimed originally at balanced gender roles, has been turned viciously against males of all ages and ultimately against females through degrading their traditional and valuable contributions.Abernethy proposes that Americans need time to regroup, untroubled by a continuing influx of foreign peoples. The family, small business, and responsive local government are centres around which a solvent and confident citizenry can prosper again.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Social Media Marketing, 2nd Edition

by Jennifer Abernethy

The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Social Media Marketing, Second Edition, covers cutting-edge techniques for small and large businesses alike. Ask the AuthorQ: How has social media marketing changed business and personal lives?A: The playing field has been leveled for business. No longer do you need a 6 or 7 figure budget to reach people around the country or globe for that matter. Personally, many lives have been affected. Many people more connected, businesses have grown because of the connections, TV and singing careers have been launched, money has been raised for charity, books have been marketed and purchased, and so on.Q: What has been the most challenging part of utilizing social media?A: I think the learning curve. With all of these sites . . . they come with no directions and no LIVE phone number.Q: What has worked the best and worst thus far?A: Facebook because of it&’s broad reach really has worked for me, but many would argue that YouTube works the best; particularly since it is the search engine of choice with the 11–34 age group.Q: How can a person searching for a job use social media marketing?A: So many ways. . . . They need to be on LinkedIn with a professional looking profile, photo, and contact information. They could also utilize video to begin sharing their expertise. Candidates need to stand out in a crowd of millions so if they say . . . sent in a video introducing themselves and a video follow up email . . . that would wow them!Q: What is the newest thing since Twitter?A: I believe companies and individuals are starting to utilize audio for creating their own iTunes channel, and also location-based social media like FourSquare. I personally, am not sold on location based services as of yet from a safety point of view, but for retailers it can be a good thing. I believe video is going to explode in popularity in 2011 for the 35+ market as well. They just need to get comfortable being on camera!

Deine, meine, unsere Toten: Über die Aushandlung der Deutungshoheit am Lebensende

by Viola Abermet

In der modernen Dienstleistungsgesellschaft werden spezielle wie alltägliche Aufgaben in die Hände von Dienstleistenden übergeben. Gerade im Bereich des Sterbens entsteht die Herausforderung, eine besonders emotionale und sensible Arbeit verrichten zu müssen, in einem der letzten Bereiche, die noch stark mit Familie assoziiert werden. So schließt sich die Frage an, wie dem Übel der Kommodifizierung des Sterbens in der Praxis begegnet wird: Wer darf wie über Tod und Sterben entscheiden? In teilnehmender Beobachtung im Pflegeheim, Hospiz, Bestattungswesen, Friedhof, Krematorium und Palliative Care Team wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie am Lebensende im Beziehungskomplex von Dienstleistenden, Sterbenden und Angehörigen die Deutungshoheit des angemessenen Sterbens ausgehandelt wird. Zu sehen ist ein pragmatisches Spiel mit Elementen der Fürsorge- und Dienstleistungswelten, das ein komplexes und dynamisches Beziehungsgefüge wechselseitiger Dependenzen entstehen lässt.

Capital, Labour and the Middle Classes (Routledge Library Editions: Social Theory)

by Nicholas Abercrombie John Urry

Most recent sociological work on the theory of class is based on a distinction between Weberian and Marxist approaches. For the first part of this volume, the authors use this distinction to review the literature on the middle class, concentrating particularly on the traditions of Marxist theory and of the more empirical work inspired by Max Weber. They show, however, that this distinction is of limited utility in reconstructing a theory of the middle class.

The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology

by Nicholas Abercrombie Stephen Hill Bryan S. Turner

It is essential reading for all students and teachers of sociology and other related courses - and also the general reader.

Commodification and Its Discontents

by Nicholas Abercrombie

Should human organs be bought and sold? Is it right that richer people should be able to pay poorer people to wait in a queue for them? Should objects in museums ever be sold? The assumption underlying such questions is that there are things that should not be bought and sold because it would give them a financial value that would replace some other, and dearly held, human value. Those who ask questions of this kind often fear that the replacement of human by money values – a process of commodification – is sweeping all before it. However, as Nicholas Abercrombie argues, commodification can be, and has been, resisted by the development of a moral climate that defines certain things as outside a market. That resistance, however, is never complete because the two regimes of value – human and money – are both necessary for the sustainability of society. His analysis of these processes offers a thought-provoking read that will appeal to students and scholars interested in market capitalism and culture.

A Dictionary of Biology

by M. Abercrombie C.J. Hickman M.L Johnson

"A Dictionary of Biology" is an up-to-date reference work explains several thousand specialized words that allow for empirical approaches to the biological sciences. It includes more than bare definitions, including information about most of the things named so as to convey their significance in biological discussion. M. Abercrombie, C. J. Hickman, and M. L. Johnson in effect interpret this language as it is actually used, emphasizing customary usage rather than etymology.This comprehensive lexicon includes two thousand entries. Many unfamiliar terms, especially the rarer ones, are defined with the help of other technical terms, perhaps equally unfamiliar. This trick of dictionary-makers could only be avoided by giving a complete account of a large part of biology under each heading. Every biological technical term used in a definition is itself defined elsewhere in the dictionary; though some semi-technical terms, words that can be found in any English dictionary are omitted.The authors use codes throughout the dictionary to help the reader to interpret the use of a word such as whether it is used in relation to plants and animals only, whether the word is an adjective, and when a term is defined elsewhere and adds information to the current definition. The result is an invaluable guide for the layman, the student, and the scholar alike. It presents clear and authoritative explanations of the terms and will remain useful as a quick and concise source of reference.

Mixing and Unmixing Languages: Romani Multilingualism in Kosovo (Routledge Studies in Language and Identity)

by Amelia Abercrombie

Mixing and Unmixing Languages uses the politics and practices of language to understand social hierarchies and social change in a post-conflict and post-socialist context. The book focuses on Roma in Prizren, Kosovo, where the author conducted long-term ethnographic fieldwork, using language learning as a central method. Shifts in language practices among this highly multilingual group have reflected the demise of Yugoslav socialism, the rise of ethno-nationalist politics and conflict, and the post-war reversal of power relations in Kosovo. Roma in Prizren nostalgically narrate a past of cosmopolitanism and employment in contrast to the present. Their position today is complex: while they stress their relative integration, this position is fragile in the face of nationalist politics and imported neoliberal economic policies. Within this context, Roma NGO workers have found an economic niche working on projects to protect multiculturalism and minorities, funded by international aid agencies, centred on Romani language. This book discusses the historical trajectory and current configurations of a Romani organisation in the town, the standardisation of Romani and the hierarchical organisation of linguistic forms and language learning, the self-representation of Roma and the ‘gypsy’ image through Romani-language drama, and attitudes to purism, mixing and cosmopolitanism. Mixing and Unmixing Languages is suitable for academics and students in the areas of linguistic anthropology and linguistic ethnography, Romani studies, South-East European studies and sociolinguistics.

Socratic Dialogue: Voicing Values (Giving Voice to Values)

by Sira Abenoza Josep M. Lozano

Giving Voice to Values is a very important tool that has helped many professionals better align what they do with what they value and believe. This book introduces the methodology of Socratic Dialogue as a complementary set of tools for creating spaces of joint reflection in which one can gain clarity about one’s values and gain the confidence to voice them effectively. Socrates’ main concern was to progressively reach a higher alignment between ideas and actions: that is, to achieve a harmony between what we think, what we say and what we do. The first step to giving voice to our values involves introspection and dialogue with others – which is how we can become aware of what we really think and value. An examined life, Socrates reminds us, is a fulfilled one. Based on the authors' more than ten years’ experience teaching Socratic Dialogue to business and law students, executives and professionals, faculty, incarcerated people and other vulnerable groups, the book provides teachers and practitioners with a roadmap to conceive, design and conduct Socratic Dialogue courses and sessions. It provides context for the method and its adaptation to the challenges of the 21st century. The book also offers guidance on how to structure a Socratic Dialogue classroom, as well as a series of tried-and-true activities and exercises, practical recommendations and testimonies of the transformative impact that dialogue courses have had on participants. The book is of prime interest to professors and educators of business ethics, as well as professional consultants working to help organizations become more responsible and introduce ethical reasoning in their decisions. It also serves as a valuable resource for social educators and practitioners in prisons and rehabilitation units, as well as teachers in primary and secondary education.

The Moral Background: An Inquiry into the History of Business Ethics (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology #60)

by Gabriel Abend

In recent years, many disciplines have become interested in the scientific study of morality. However, a conceptual framework for this work is still lacking. In The Moral Background, Gabriel Abend develops just such a framework and uses it to investigate the history of business ethics in the United States from the 1850s to the 1930s.According to Abend, morality consists of three levels: moral and immoral behavior, or the behavioral level; moral understandings and norms, or the normative level; and the moral background, which includes what moral concepts exist in a society, what moral methods can be used, what reasons can be given, and what objects can be morally evaluated at all. This background underlies the behavioral and normative levels; it supports, facilitates, and enables them.Through this perspective, Abend historically examines the work of numerous business ethicists and organizations—such as Protestant ministers, business associations, and business schools—and identifies two types of moral background. "Standards of Practice" is characterized by its scientific worldview, moral relativism, and emphasis on individuals' actions and decisions. The "Christian Merchant" type is characterized by its Christian worldview, moral objectivism, and conception of a person's life as a unity.The Moral Background offers both an original account of the history of business ethics and a novel framework for understanding and investigating morality in general.

Experiments With People: Revelations From Social Psychology

by Robert P. Abelson Aiden P. Gregg Kurt P. Frey

Experiments With People showcases 28 intriguing studies that have significantly advanced our understanding of human thought and social behavior. These studies, mostly laboratory experiments, shed light on the irrationality of everyday thinking, the cruelty and indifference of 'ordinary' people, the operation of the unconscious mind, and the intimate bond between the self and others. This book tells the inside story of how social psychological research gets done and why it matters. Each chapter focuses on the details and implications of a single study, but cites related research and real-life examples. All chapters are self-contained, allowing them to be read in any order. Each chapter is divided into: *Background--provides the rationale for the study;*What They Did--outlines the design and procedure used; *What They Found--summarizes the results obtained;*So What?--articulates the significance of those results; *Afterthoughts--explores the broader issues raised by the study; and*Revelation--encapsulates the 'take-home message' of each chapter.This paperback is ideal as a main or supplementary text for courses in social psychology, introductory psychology, or research design.

Biotechnology And Biological Frontiers

by Philip H Abelson

Split into two sections, Part I of this volume from Science is devoted to a broad sampling of the status of a revolution in applied biology. The emphasis of Part II in this volume is fundamental research rather than techniques or practical applications.

Soziale Interaktion

by Heinz Abels

Die Einführung macht in verständlicher Sprache mit interpretativen Theorien vertraut. Es werden die wichtigsten Annahmen von George Herbert Mead zum Thema Identität und von Herbert Blumer zur symbolischen Interaktion dargestellt. Anschließend wird die phänomenologische Grundlegung der Soziologie durch Alfred Schütz nachgezeichnet und vor diesem Hintergrund die Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit von Peter L. Berger und Thomas Luckmann skizziert. Im letzten Teil werden die Ethnomethodologie nach Harold Garfinkel als eine Theorie des Handelns im Alltag vorgestellt und aus den Arbeiten von Erving Goffman Techniken der Präsentation behandelt.

Gendering the European Union

by Gabriele Abels Joyce Marie Mushaben

An exploration of European integration as seen through a gender lens. This book looks at integration theories, institutional relationships, enlargement, the development of gender law and the role of formal actors, scholars and expert networks in the EU policy-making process. With a focus on gender mainstreaming as a new approach to gender policy.

The Politics of Survival

by Marc Abélés

In this provocative analysis of global politics, the anthropologist Marc Abls argues that the meaning and aims of political action have radically changed in the era of globalization. As dangers such as terrorism and global warming have moved to the fore of global consciousness, foreboding has replaced the belief that tomorrow will be better than today. Survival, outlasting the uncertainties and threats of a precarious future, has supplanted harmonious coexistence as the primary goal of politics. Abls contends that this political reorientation has changed our priorities and modes of political action, and generated new debates and initiatives. The proliferation of supranational and transnational organizations--from the European Union to the World Trade Organization (WTO) to Oxfam--is the visible effect of this radical transformation in our relationship to the political realm. Areas of governance as diverse as the economy, the environment, and human rights have been partially taken over by such agencies. Non-governmental organizations in particular have become linked with the mindset of risk and uncertainty; they both reflect and help produce the politics of survival. Abls examines the new global politics, which assumes many forms and is enacted by diverse figures with varied sympathies: the officials at meetings of the WTO and the demonstrators outside them, celebrity activists, and online contributors to international charities. He makes an impassioned case that our accounts of globalization need to reckon with the preoccupations and affiliations now driving global politics. The Politics of Survival was first published in France in 2006. This English-language edition has been revised and includes a new preface.

Agency and Communion in Social Psychology (Current Issues In Social Psychology Ser.)

by Andrea E. Abele Bogdan Wojciszke

What are the ultimate motives that instigate individuals’ behaviours? What are the aims of social perception? How can an individuals’ behaviour be described both from the perspective of the actor and from the perspective of an observer? These are the basic questions that this book addresses using its proposed agency-communion framework. Agency (competence, assertiveness) refers to existence of an organism as an individual, to "getting ahead" and to individual goal-pursuit; communion (warmth, morality) refers to participation of an individual in a larger organism, to "getting along" and to forming bonds. Each chapter is written by experts in the field and use the agency-communion framework to explore a wide variety of topics, such as stereotypes, self-esteem, personality, power, and politics. The reader will profit from the deep insights given by leading researchers. The variety of theoretical approaches and empirical contributions shows that the parsimonious and simple structure of two types of content in behavior, motives, personality, self-concept, stereotypes, and more to build an overarching frame to different phenomena studied in psychology.

Couple Relationships in a Global Context: Understanding Love and Intimacy Across Cultures (European Family Therapy Association Series)

by Angela Abela Sue Vella Suzanne Piscopo

This book examines the significance of the couple relationship in the 21st century, exploring in depth how couple relationships are changing in different parts of the world. It highlights global trends and cultural variations that are shaping couple relationships. The book discusses diverse relationships, such as intercultural couples, same sex couples, long distance couples, polygynous marriages, and later life couples. In addition, chapters offer suggestions for ways to best support couples through policy, clinical practices, and community support. The book also investigates aspects of a relationship that help predict fidelity and stability. Topics featured in this book include:Couple relationships when one partner has an acquired physical disability.Impact of smartphones on relationships.Online dating and its implications for couple relationships.Assessment and intervention in situations of infidelity and non-monogamy.Parenting interventions for the transition from partnership to parenthood.Online couple psychotherapy to support emotional links between long distance partners. Couple Relationships in a Global Context is an essential resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians and practitioners in family therapy, clinical psychology, general practice/family medicine, social work, and related psychology and medical disciplines.

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