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Showing 48,051 through 48,075 of 48,165 results

Experiments With People: Revelations From Social Psychology

by Robert P. Abelson Aiden P. Gregg Kurt P. Frey

Experiments With People showcases 28 intriguing studies that have significantly advanced our understanding of human thought and social behavior. These studies, mostly laboratory experiments, shed light on the irrationality of everyday thinking, the cruelty and indifference of 'ordinary' people, the operation of the unconscious mind, and the intimate bond between the self and others. This book tells the inside story of how social psychological research gets done and why it matters. Each chapter focuses on the details and implications of a single study, but cites related research and real-life examples. All chapters are self-contained, allowing them to be read in any order. Each chapter is divided into: *Background--provides the rationale for the study;*What They Did--outlines the design and procedure used; *What They Found--summarizes the results obtained;*So What?--articulates the significance of those results; *Afterthoughts--explores the broader issues raised by the study; and*Revelation--encapsulates the 'take-home message' of each chapter.This paperback is ideal as a main or supplementary text for courses in social psychology, introductory psychology, or research design.

Biotechnology And Biological Frontiers

by Philip H Abelson

Split into two sections, Part I of this volume from Science is devoted to a broad sampling of the status of a revolution in applied biology. The emphasis of Part II in this volume is fundamental research rather than techniques or practical applications.

Soziale Interaktion

by Heinz Abels

Die Einführung macht in verständlicher Sprache mit interpretativen Theorien vertraut. Es werden die wichtigsten Annahmen von George Herbert Mead zum Thema Identität und von Herbert Blumer zur symbolischen Interaktion dargestellt. Anschließend wird die phänomenologische Grundlegung der Soziologie durch Alfred Schütz nachgezeichnet und vor diesem Hintergrund die Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit von Peter L. Berger und Thomas Luckmann skizziert. Im letzten Teil werden die Ethnomethodologie nach Harold Garfinkel als eine Theorie des Handelns im Alltag vorgestellt und aus den Arbeiten von Erving Goffman Techniken der Präsentation behandelt.

Gendering the European Union

by Gabriele Abels Joyce Marie Mushaben

An exploration of European integration as seen through a gender lens. This book looks at integration theories, institutional relationships, enlargement, the development of gender law and the role of formal actors, scholars and expert networks in the EU policy-making process. With a focus on gender mainstreaming as a new approach to gender policy.

The Politics of Survival

by Marc Abélés

In this provocative analysis of global politics, the anthropologist Marc Abls argues that the meaning and aims of political action have radically changed in the era of globalization. As dangers such as terrorism and global warming have moved to the fore of global consciousness, foreboding has replaced the belief that tomorrow will be better than today. Survival, outlasting the uncertainties and threats of a precarious future, has supplanted harmonious coexistence as the primary goal of politics. Abls contends that this political reorientation has changed our priorities and modes of political action, and generated new debates and initiatives. The proliferation of supranational and transnational organizations--from the European Union to the World Trade Organization (WTO) to Oxfam--is the visible effect of this radical transformation in our relationship to the political realm. Areas of governance as diverse as the economy, the environment, and human rights have been partially taken over by such agencies. Non-governmental organizations in particular have become linked with the mindset of risk and uncertainty; they both reflect and help produce the politics of survival. Abls examines the new global politics, which assumes many forms and is enacted by diverse figures with varied sympathies: the officials at meetings of the WTO and the demonstrators outside them, celebrity activists, and online contributors to international charities. He makes an impassioned case that our accounts of globalization need to reckon with the preoccupations and affiliations now driving global politics. The Politics of Survival was first published in France in 2006. This English-language edition has been revised and includes a new preface.

Agency and Communion in Social Psychology (Current Issues In Social Psychology Ser.)

by Andrea E. Abele Bogdan Wojciszke

What are the ultimate motives that instigate individuals’ behaviours? What are the aims of social perception? How can an individuals’ behaviour be described both from the perspective of the actor and from the perspective of an observer? These are the basic questions that this book addresses using its proposed agency-communion framework. Agency (competence, assertiveness) refers to existence of an organism as an individual, to "getting ahead" and to individual goal-pursuit; communion (warmth, morality) refers to participation of an individual in a larger organism, to "getting along" and to forming bonds. Each chapter is written by experts in the field and use the agency-communion framework to explore a wide variety of topics, such as stereotypes, self-esteem, personality, power, and politics. The reader will profit from the deep insights given by leading researchers. The variety of theoretical approaches and empirical contributions shows that the parsimonious and simple structure of two types of content in behavior, motives, personality, self-concept, stereotypes, and more to build an overarching frame to different phenomena studied in psychology.

Couple Relationships in a Global Context: Understanding Love and Intimacy Across Cultures (European Family Therapy Association Series)

by Angela Abela Sue Vella Suzanne Piscopo

This book examines the significance of the couple relationship in the 21st century, exploring in depth how couple relationships are changing in different parts of the world. It highlights global trends and cultural variations that are shaping couple relationships. The book discusses diverse relationships, such as intercultural couples, same sex couples, long distance couples, polygynous marriages, and later life couples. In addition, chapters offer suggestions for ways to best support couples through policy, clinical practices, and community support. The book also investigates aspects of a relationship that help predict fidelity and stability. Topics featured in this book include:Couple relationships when one partner has an acquired physical disability.Impact of smartphones on relationships.Online dating and its implications for couple relationships.Assessment and intervention in situations of infidelity and non-monogamy.Parenting interventions for the transition from partnership to parenthood.Online couple psychotherapy to support emotional links between long distance partners. Couple Relationships in a Global Context is an essential resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians and practitioners in family therapy, clinical psychology, general practice/family medicine, social work, and related psychology and medical disciplines.

Opera In The Flesh: Sexuality In Operatic Performance

by Sam Abel

Verdi, Wagner, polymorphous perversion, Puccini, Brunnhilde, Pinkerton, and Parsifal all rub shoulders in this delightful, poetic, insightful, sexual book sprung by one man's physical response to the power and exaggeration we call opera. Sam Abel applies a light touch as he considers the topic of opera and the eroticized body: Why do audiences respond to opera in a visceral way? How does opera, like no other art form, physically move watchers? How and why does opera arouse feelings akin to sexual desire? Abel seeks the answers to these questions by examining homoerotic desire, the phenomenon of the castrati, operatic cross-dressing, and opera as presented through the media. In this deeply personal book, Abel writes, ‘These pages map my current struggles to pin down my passion for opera, my intense admiration for its aesthetic forms and beauties, but much more they express my astonishment at how opera makes me lose myself, how it consumes me.’ In so doing, Abel uncovers what until now, through dry musicology and gossipy history, has been left behind a wall of silence: the physical and erotic nature of opera. Although Abel can speak with certainty only about his own response to opera, he provides readers with a language and a resonance with which to understand their own experiences. Ultimately, Opera in the Flesh celebrates the power of opera to move audiences as no other book has done. It is indeed a treasure of scholarship, passion, and poetry for everyone with even a passing interest in this fascinating art form.

The Gutenberg Revolution: A History of Print Culture

by Richard Abel

One of the most puzzling lapses in accounts of the rise of the West following the decline of the Roman Empire is the casual way historians have dealt with Gutenberg's invention of printing. The cultural achievements that followed the fifteenth century, when the West moved from relative backwardness to remarkable, robust cultural achievement, would have been impossible without Gutenberg's gift and its subsequent widespread adoption across most of the world.Richard Abel follows the radical cultural impact of the printing revolution from the eighth century to the Renaissance, addressing the viability of the new Christian/Classical culture. Although this culture proved too fragile to endure, those who salvaged it managed to preserve elements of the Classical substance together with the Bible and all the writings of the Church Fathers. The cultural upsurge of the Renaissance (fourteenth to seventeenth centuries), which resulted in part from Gutenberg's invention, is a major focus of this book.Abel aims to delineate how the cultural revolution was shaped by the invention of printing. He evaluates its impact on the rapid reorientation and acceleration of the cultural evolution in the West. This book provides insight into the history of the printed word, the roots of modern-day mass book production, and the promise of the electronic revolution. It is an essential work in the history of ideas.

After the Cure: The Untold Stories of Breast Cancer Survivors

by Emily K. Abel Saskia K. Subramanian

2009 Choice Outstanding Academic Title2009 Association of American University Presses Award for Jacket DesignChemo brain. Fatigue. Chronic pain. Insomnia. Depression. These are just a few of the ongoing, debilitating symptoms that plague some breast-cancer survivors long after their treatments have officially ended. While there are hundreds of books about breast cancer, ranging from practical medical advice to inspirational stories of survivors, what has been missing until now is testimony from the thousands of women who continue to struggle with persistent health problems.After the Cure is a compelling read filled with fascinating portraits of more than seventy women who are living with the aftermath of breast cancer. Emily K. Abel is one of these women. She and her colleague, Saskia K. Subramanian, whose mother died of cancer, interviewed more than seventy breast cancer survivors who have suffered from post-treatment symptoms. Having heard repeatedly that "the problems are all in your head," many don't know where to turn for help. The doctors who now refuse to validate their symptoms are often the very ones they depended on to provide life-saving treatments. Sometimes family members who provided essential support through months of chemotherapy and radiation don't believe them. Their work lives, already disrupted by both cancer and its treatment, are further undermined by the lingering symptoms. And every symptom serves as a constant reminder of the trauma of diagnosis, the ordeal of treatment, and the specter of recurrence.Most narratives about surviving breast cancer end with the conclusion of chemotherapy and radiation, painting stereotypical portraits of triumphantly healthy survivors, women who not only survive but emerge better and stronger than before. Here, at last, survivors step out of the shadows and speak compellingly about their "real" stories, giving voice to the complicated, often painful realities of life after the cure.This book received funding from the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Elder Care in Crisis: How the Social Safety Net Fails Families (Health, Society, and Inequality #2)

by Emily K. Abel

Explains why there is a crisis in caring for elderly people and how the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated itBecause government policies are based on an ethic of family responsibility, repeated calls to support family members caring for the burgeoning elderly population have gone unanswered. Without publicly funded long-term care services, many family caregivers cannot find relief from obligations that threaten to overwhelm them. The crisis also stems from the plight of direct care workers (nursing home assistants and home health aides), most of whom are women from racially marginalized groups who receive little respect, remuneration, or job security. Drawing on an online support group for people caring for spouses and partners with dementia, Elder Care in Crisis examines the availability and quality of respite care (which provides temporary relief from the burdens of care), the long, tortuous process through which family members decide whether to move spouses and partners to institutions, and the likelihood that caregivers will engage in political action to demand greater public support. When the pandemic began, caregivers watched in horror as nursing homes turned into deathtraps and then locked their doors to visitors. Terrified by the possibility of loved ones in nursing homes contracting the disease or suffering from loneliness, some caregivers brought them home. Others endured the pain of leaving relatives with severe cognitive impairments at the hospital door and the difficulties of sheltering in place with people with dementia who could not understand safety regulations or describe their symptoms. Direct care workers were compelled to accept unsafe conditions or leave the labor force. At the same time, however, the disaster provided an impetus for change and helped activists and scholars develop a vision of a future in which care is central to social life.Elder Care in Crisis exposes the harrowing state of growing old in America, offering concrete solutions and illustrating why they are necessary.

Laboring and Learning

by Tatek Abebe Johanna Waters

This volume incorporates ground-breaking new academic perspectives on the contributions that children and young people make to societies around the world, with a particular focus on learning and work. The chapters in the volume offer conceptual and empirical insights into how young people learn to labour, and the complex social, spatial, temporal, institutional and relational processes that informs their engagements in daily, generational and social reproduction. The editors have intentionally avoided using the terms 'education' and 'employment' in the title, as this volume is an attempt to capture the multitude of ways, spaces and contexts (not just 'formal') in which learning takes place and work is carried out. Here, learning indicates education in the broadest possible sense, to incorporate not just formal schooling and the acquisition of institutionally recognised academic knowledge and credentials, but also informal learning (including socialization and the on-the-job acquisition of skills that takes place almost imperceptibly, over time). In addition to the theoretical perspectives this volume brings on young people's education and work, other prominent conceptual themes present throughout the work are mobilities, transitions and gender. Following four initial chapters that engage with conceptual issues, the remainder of the volume is divided into two sections, entitled 'spaces of labouring and learning' and 'livelihoods, transitions and social reproduction'. Within these sections, a broad spectrum of empirical chapters demonstrates how young people live, learn and labour in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. These include, among others, geographies of education; interface between migration, learning and livelihoods; cultural politics of human capital formation; schooling and work; citizenship education; families and parenting; socialization and informal education; education-induced migration; processes and practices of inclusion and exclusion in educational institutions; part-time work; domestic work; care work; informal livelihoods; entrepreneurship; social transitions; and a wide range of social, economic, cultural, political (structural) forces that intersect and dissect these topics. As the reader will become aware, there is no such thing as a standard educational or work trajectory, a 'normal' transition or a straight forward relationship between work, education and social reproduction. Indeed, one of the aims of the volume is deliberately to showcase the diversity that young people's lives hold in this regard.

Creating a World That Works for All

by Sharif M. Abdullah

The world is a mess. The privileged few prosper. The masses suffer. And everyone feels spiritually empty. Most people would blame capitalism, racism, or some other "ism". But according to Sharif M. Abdullah, the problem is not ideology. It's exclusivity -- our desire to stay separate from other people. In Creating a World That Works for All, Abdullah takes a look at the mess we live in -- and presents a way out. To restore balance to the earth and build community, he says, people must stop blaming others, embrace inclusivity, and become "menders". He outlines three simple tests -- for "enoughness", exchangeability, and common benefit -- to guide people as they transform themselves and the world.

Managing the Psychological Contract

by Abm Abdullah

This book explores the differences between Western and non-Western cultures to provide a more comprehensive understanding of psychological contract and its consequences on employees’ behavioral, attitudinal, and cognitive outcomes. Further, it discusses the culturally-relevant elements of HR practices that affect employee expectations, job satisfaction, commitment, and motivation based on their perceptions of the level of fulfilment of their psychological contract. Integrating both qualitative and quantitative methods, it is the first book to examine the current state of the South Asian workforce and will advance research on industrial relations, employee relationship management, and corporate management of South Asian employees around the world.

Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging: 5th International Workshop, MLCN 2022, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Singapore, September 18, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13596)

by Ahmed Abdulkadir Deepti R. Bathula Nicha C. Dvornek Mohamad Habes Seyed Mostafa Kia Vinod Kumar Thomas Wolfers

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging, MLCN 2022, held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Singapore in September 2022. The book includes 17 papers which were carefully reviewed and selected from 23 full-length submissions.The 5th international workshop on Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging (MLCN2022) aims to bring together the top researchers in both machine learning and clinical neuroscience as well as tech-savvy clinicians to address two main challenges: 1) development of methodological approaches for analyzing complex and heterogeneous neuroimaging data (machine learning track); and 2) filling the translational gap in applying existing machine learning methods in clinical practices (clinical neuroimaging track).The papers are categorzied into topical sub-headings: Morphometry; Diagnostics, and Aging, and Neurodegeneration.

Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging: 6th International Workshop, MLCN 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 8, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14312)

by Ahmed Abdulkadir Deepti R. Bathula Nicha C. Dvornek Sindhuja T. Govindarajan Mohamad Habes Vinod Kumar Esten Leonardsen Thomas Wolfers Yiming Xiao

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging, MLCN 2023, held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023 in Vancouver, Canada, in October 2023. The book includes 16 papers which were carefully reviewed and selected from 28 full-length submissions.The 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging (MLCN 2023) aims to bring together the top researchers in both machine learning and clinical neuroscience as well as tech-savvy clinicians to address two main challenges: 1) development of methodological approaches for analyzing complex and heterogeneous neuroimaging data (machine learning track); and 2) filling the translational gap in applying existing machine learning methods in clinical practices (clinical neuroimaging track).The papers are categorzied into topical sub-headings on Machine Learning and Clinical Applications.

Medieval Muslim Philosophers and Intercultural Communication: Towards a Dialogical Paradigm in Education (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education)

by Wisam Kh. Abdul-Jabbar

This book examines the works of Medieval Muslim philosophers interested in intercultural encounters and how receptive Islam is to foreign thought, to serve as a dialogical model, grounded in intercultural communications, for Islamic and Arabic education. The philosophers studied in this project were instructors, tutors, or teachers, such as Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Al-Ghazali, and Averroes, whose philosophical contributions directly or indirectly advanced intercultural learning. The book describes and provides examples of how each of these philosophers engaged with intercultural encounters, and asks how their philosophies can contribute to infusing intercultural ethics and practices into curriculum theorizing. First, it explores selected works of medieval Muslim philosophers from an intercultural perspective to formulate a dialogical paradigm that informs and enriches Muslim education. Second, it frames intercultural education as a catalyst to guide Muslim communities’ interactions and identity construction, encouraging flexibility, tolerance, deliberation, and plurality. Third, it bridges the gap between medieval tradition and modern thought by promoting interdisciplinary connections and redrawing intercultural boundaries outside disciplinary limits. This study demonstrates that the dialogical domain that guides intercultural contact becomes a curriculum-oriented structure with Al-Kindi, a tripartite pedagogical model with Al-Fārābī, a sojourner experience with Al-Ghazali, and a deliberative pedagogy of alternatives with Averroes. Therefore, the book speaks to readers interested in the potential of dialogue in education, intercultural communication, and Islamic thought research. Crucially bridging the gap between medieval tradition and modern thought by promoting interdisciplinary connections and redrawing intercultural boundaries outside disciplinary limits, it will speak to readers interested in the dialogue between education, intercultural communication, and Islamic thought. .

Negotiating Diasporic Identity in Arab-Canadian Students: Double Consciousness, Belonging, and Radicalization (Palgrave Studies in Educational Futures)

by Wisam Kh. Abdul-Jabbar

This book, framed through the notion of double consciousness, brings postcolonial constructs to sociopolitical and pedagogical studies of youth that have yet to find serious traction in education. Significantly, this book contributes to a growing interest among educational and curriculum scholars in engaging the pedagogical role of literature in the theorization of an inclusive curriculum. Therefore, this study not only recognizes the potential of immigrant literature in provoking critical conversation on changes young people undergo in diaspora, but also explores how the curriculum is informed by the diasporic condition itself as demonstrated by this negotiation of foreignness between the student and selected texts.

Principles and Practice of Islamic Leadership

by Mahazan Abdul Mutalib Ahmad Rafiki Wan Mohd Wan Razali

This book elaborates the fundamental principles and practices of Islamic leadership and management by highlighting its underlying philosophies, key concepts, and sources. The book closely examines the relationship of Islamic leadership with spiritual leadership and how it shapes the concept of leadership. The book also compares Islamic Leadership with other related spiritual leadership concepts such as the Servant Leadership, religiosity, and other conventional leadership perspectives based on Islamic framework. The chapters within the book delve into Islamic teachings and values from Al-Qur’an and Hadith that can be applied when governing an organization using several case studies. This insightful and thorough discussion on Islamic leadership will be useful as a reference for academic courses on leadership, and current and aspiring business leaders.

Nudge Theory in Action

by Sherzod Abdukadirov

This collection challenges the popular but abstract concept of nudging, demonstrating the real-world application of behavioral economics in policy-making and technology. Groundbreaking and practical, it considers the existing political incentives and regulatory institutions that shape the environment in which behavioral policy-making occurs, as well as alternatives to government nudges already provided by the market. The contributions discuss the use of regulations and technology to help consumers overcome their behavioral biases and make better choices, considering the ethical questions of government and market nudges and the uncertainty inherent in designing effective nudges. Four case studies - on weight loss, energy efficiency, consumer finance, and health care - put the discussion of the efficiency of nudges into concrete, recognizable terms. A must-read for researchers studying the public policy applications of behavioral economics, this book will also appeal to practicing lawmakers and regulators.

Fathering from the Margins: An Intimate Examination of Black Fatherhood

by Aasha M. Abdill

Despite a decade of sociological research documenting black fathers’ significant level of engagement with their children, stereotypes of black men as “deadbeat dads” still shape popular perceptions and scholarly discourse. In Fathering from the Margins, sociologist Aasha M. Abdill draws on four years of fieldwork in low-income, predominantly black Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, to dispel these destructive assumptions. She considers the obstacles faced—and the strategies used—by black men with children.Abdill presents qualitative and quantitative evidence that confirms the increasing presence of black fathers in their communities, arguing that changing social norms about gender roles in black families have shifted fathering behaviors. Black men in communities such as Bed-Stuy still face social and structural disadvantages, including disproportionate unemployment and incarceration, with significant implications for family life. Against this backdrop, black fathers attempt to reconcile contradictory beliefs about what makes one a good father and what makes one a respected man by developing different strategies for expressing affection and providing parental support. Black men’s involvement with their children is affected by the attitudes of their peers, the media, and especially the women of their families and communities: from the grandmothers who often become gatekeepers to involvement in a child’s life to the female-dominated sectors of childcare, primary school, and family-service provision. Abdill shows how supporting black men in their quest to be—and be seen as—family men is the key to securing not only their children's well-being but also their own.

Somali Students' School Experiences: Masculinity, Race and Identity

by Muna Abdi

This book explores the educational experiences of young male Somali students in British schools. Through narrative research, Abdi offers critical insights into the ways in which identities are constructed, challenged and negotiated in the classroom by sharing stories and artefacts from the students themselves. These stories are shared in a context where a rise in school exclusions, Islamophobia and narratives of youth violence push discussions around identity and belonging to the forefront of political and public debates—making clear the need for this work.

People, Care and Work in the Home (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem Antonio Argandoña

Introducing novel theoretical, empirical and practical investigations with case studies from UK, Europe, South America and South East Asia, the book offers a novel global outlook on how contemporary homes are facing genuine challenges from operational, economic, spatial, social and wellbeing perspectives. The changing demographics of our modern society have inevitably impacted the dynamics and relationships within the home from being personal and private to that of multiple work relationships; domestic work, care for older people, or supporting people with special needs. Whilst the home is a concept universally experienced, permeating every aspect of our lives, it remains an entity whose influence on health and wellbeing is poorly understood. This book brings together 17 different contributions from scholars, researchers and practitioners from different disciplinary and professional backgrounds including three feature articles by leading figures, such as Lord Best and Baroness Hollins. The chapters are organised within three parts that look at the triangle of people + work + care in the home. At a time when homes are increasingly becoming local hubs for care and wellbeing, this volume is a critical and useful addition to current literature in the social sciences, humanities, economics, culture, care and wellbeing in the domestic sphere.

The Lebanese Diaspora: The Arab Immigrant Experience in Montreal, New York, and Paris

by Dalia Abdelhady

The Lebanese are the largest group of Middle Eastern immigrants in the United States, and Lebanese immigrants are also prominent across Europe and the Americas. Based on over eighty interviews with first-generation Lebanese immigrants in the global cities of New York, Montreal and Paris, this book shows that the Lebanese diaspora - like all diasporas - constructs global relations connecting and transforming their new societies, previous homeland and world-wide communities. Taking Lebanese immigrants' forms of identification, community attachments and cultural expression as manifestations of diaspora experiences, Dalia Abdelhady delves into the ways members of Lebanese diasporic communities move beyond nationality, ethnicity and religion, giving rise to global solidarities and negotiating their social and cultural spaces.The Lebanese Diaspora explores new forms of identities, alliances and cultural expressions, elucidating the daily experiences of Lebanese immigrants and exploring new ways of thinking about immigration, ethnic identity, community, and culture in a global world. By criticizing and challenging our understandings of nationality, ethnicity and assimilation, Abdelhady shows that global immigrants are giving rise to new forms of cosmopolitan citizenship.

Islamophobia and Everyday Multiculturalism in Australia (Studies in Migration and Diaspora)

by Randa Abdel-Fattah

This book explores Islamophobia in Australia, shifting attention from its victims to its perpetrators by examining the visceral, atavistic nature of people’s feelings and responses to the Muslim ‘other’ in everyday life. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, Islamophobia and Everyday Multiculturalism sheds light on the problematisations of Muslims amongst Anglo and non-Anglo Australians, investigating the impact of whiteness on minorities’ various reactions to Muslims. Advancing a micro-interactional, ethnographically oriented perspective, the author demonstrates the ways in which Australia’s histories and logics of racial exclusion, thinking and expression produce processes in which whiteness socializes, habituates and ‘teaches’ ‘racialising’ behaviour, and shows how national and global events, moral panics, and political discourse infiltrate everyday encounters between Muslims and non-Muslims, producing distinct structures of feeling and discursive, affective and social practices of Islamophobia. As such, it will be of interest to social scientists with interests in race and ethnicity, migration and diaspora and Islamophobia.

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