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Showing 28,651 through 28,675 of 62,257 results

Life After Television

by George Gilder

Predicts that personal computers linked into a global network will soon replace television, and thereby overthrow the tyranny of mass media, renew individual power, and promote democracy worldwide. Urges American business to get on the ball with fiber optics. Reprinted from the 1990 edition published by Whittle Books. No index or bibliography.

Life after Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy (Lecture Notes in Energy #81)

by Alice J. Friedemann

This book is a reality check of where energy will come from in the future. Today, our economy is utterly dependent on fossil fuels. They are essential to transportation, manufacturing, farming, electricity, and to make fertilizers, cement, steel, roads, cars, and half a million other products. One day, sooner or later, fossil fuels will no longer be abundant and affordable. Inevitably, one day, global oil production will decline. That time may be nearer than we realize. Some experts predict oil shortages as soon as 2022 to 2030. What then are our options for replacing the fossil fuels that turn the great wheel of civilization?Surveying the arsenal of alternatives – wind, solar, hydrogen, geothermal, nuclear, batteries, catenary systems, fusion, methane hydrates, power2gas, wave, tidal power and biomass – this book examines whether they can replace or supplement fossil fuels. The book also looks at substitute energy sources from the standpoint of the energy users. Manufacturing, which uses half of fossil fuels, often requires very high heat, which in many cases electricity can't provide. Industry uses fossil fuels as a feedstock for countless products, and must find substitutes. And, as detailed in the author's previous book, "When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation," ships, locomotives, and heavy-duty trucks are fueled by diesel. What can replace diesel?Taking off the rose-colored glasses, author Alice Friedemann analyzes our options. What alternatives should we deploy right now? Which technologies merit further research and development? Which are mere wishful thinking that, upon careful scrutiny, dematerialize before our eyes? Fossil fuels have allowed billions of us to live like kings. Fueled by oil, coal, and natural gas, we changed the equation constraining the carrying capacity of our planet. As fossil fuels peak and then decline, will we fall back to Earth? Are there viable alternatives?

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

by Max Tegmark

New York Times Best SellerHow will Artificial Intelligence affect crime, war, justice, jobs, society and our very sense of being human? The rise of AI has the potential to transform our future more than any other technology—and there&’s nobody better qualified or situated to explore that future than Max Tegmark, an MIT professor who&’s helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial. How can we grow our prosperity through automation without leaving people lacking income or purpose? What career advice should we give today&’s kids? How can we make future AI systems more robust, so that they do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, replacing humans on the job market and perhaps altogether? Will AI help life flourish like never before or give us more power than we can handle? What sort of future do you want? This book empowers you to join what may be the most important conversation of our time. It doesn&’t shy away from the full range of viewpoints or from the most controversial issues—from superintelligence to meaning, consciousness and the ultimate physical limits on life in the cosmos.

The Lieutenant Don't Know: One Marine's Story of Warfare and Combat Logistics in Afghanistan

by Jeffrey Clement

“A unique insight into the war experience . . . a realistic picture of what it is like to serve in Afghanistan as a Marine combat logistician” (Small Wars Journal).When he joined the Marines, Jeff Clement was not a high-speed, top-secret recon guy. A logistician instead, he led combat convoys across treacherous terrain in southern Afghanistan through frequent enemy attacks in order to resupply US and British positions. As such, he and his vehicles were a constant target for the resistance, and each movement was a travail, often accompanied by thundering blasts as the insurgents paved their way with IEDs. Every step forward was fraught with danger, even as each objective had to be met. As a Marine Corps lieutenant, he deployed to Afghanistan twice and always found a learning curve, as men previously on the ground were more savvy, and the insurgents, there for the duration, were savvier still.The Lieutenant Don’t Know provides a refreshing look at the nitty-gritty of what our troops have been dealing with in Afghanistan—from the perspective of a young officer who was perfectly willing to learn and take responsibility for his units in a confusing war where combat was not merely on the “front,” but all around and looking over all their roads.“Finally, a readable, honest and gritty account of the dangerous, exhausting labor that keeps ‘The Green Machine’ going.” —Bing West, New York Times–bestselling author of One Million Steps“One of the best war memoirs I’ve ever read . . . a moving, inspiring work, that’s enjoyable as hell, as well.” —Stan R. Mitchell, author of Gravel Road

The Lieography of Thomas Edison: The Absolutely Untrue, Totally Made Up, 100% Fake Life Story of the World's Greatest Inventor (Lieographies Ser. #1)

by Alan Katz

Thomas Edison, world-class inventor. You might know that he devised the electric light bulb and the phonograph. But what about his development of train-controlling sticks? Or his airborne way to send pancakes to his Cousin Fran in Texas? You&’re about to be treated to the Lieographical aspects of Thomas Edison&’s life, in this funny, lighthearted, &“all that didn&’t happen&” take on the man whose inventions transformed our daily existence. The book ends with a short—but true—account of Edison&’s life—just enough to encourage kids to find out more on this important historical figure. But even if readers have already learned about Edison, the wacky stories in this tall-tales book will be even more enjoyable.

Liebe gegen den Strich

by Charlie Cochet A. D. Ferencz

Kelly Sutton ist ein ehrgeiziger junger Amerikaner, der als Praktikant bei der Photonic Royal Society in New London arbeitet. Seit über einem Jahr ist er dem Projekt Mars zugeteilt, das so geheim ist, dass selbst Kelly nicht weiß, worum es sich dabei genau handelt. Er weiß nur, dass seine Mitarbeit an dem Projekt zum Wohl der Menschheit ist. Und mehr interessiert ihn auch nicht. Kellys Welt wird auf den Kopf gestellt, als ihn die Sorge um das merkwürdige Verhalten seines Mentors zufällig über ein streng gehütetes, fürchterliches Geheimnis stolpern lässt. Hinter dem Projekt, das offiziell der Verbesserung des menschlichen Lebens dienen soll, verbirgt sich das Potential zu Gewalt und Vernichtung. Diese schreckliche Erkenntnis zwingt Kelly zu einer Entscheidung. Soll er die Augen vor der Wahrheit verschließen und seinen Job behalten, wie er es immer getan hat, oder soll er seine Karriere riskieren und den Mann retten, der ihm das Herz geraubt hat?

LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications (Remote Sensing Applications Series)

by Pinliang Dong Qi Chen

Ideal for both undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of geography, forestry, ecology, geographic information science, remote sensing, and photogrammetric engineering, LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications expertly joins LiDAR principles, data processing basics, applications, and hands-on practices in one comprehensive source. <P><P>The LiDAR data within this book is collected from 27 areas in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Ghana, and Haiti and includes 183 figures created to introduce the concepts, methods, and applications in a clear context. It provides 11 step-by-step projects predominately based on Esri’s ArcGIS software to support seamless integration of LiDAR products and other GIS data. The first six projects are for basic LiDAR data visualization and processing and the other five cover more advanced topics: from mapping gaps in mangrove forests in Everglades National Park, Florida to generating trend surfaces for rock layers in Raplee Ridge, Utah. <P><P>Features <li>Offers a comprehensive overview of LiDAR technology with numerous applications in geography, forestry and earth science <li>Gives necessary theoretical foundations from all pertinent subject matter areas <li>Uses case studies and best practices to point readers to tools and resources <li>Provides a synthesis of ongoing research in the area of LiDAR remote sensing technology <li>Includes carefully selected illustrations and data from the authors' research projects <li>Before every project in the book, a link is provided for users to download data

Lichtquanten- und Lichtwellenleiter (essentials)

by Reiner Thiele

Reiner Thiele entwickelt neue Modelle für sogenannte Lichtquantenleiter. Dazu beweist er Erhaltungssätze für optische Spannungen und Ströme. Er kreiert Ohm’sche Quantengesetze für die Systemelemente einer Punkt-Punkt-Verbindung beim Wechsel ihrer Ansteuerart und schlägt Dreieck- oder Sägezahn-Impulse als Modulationssignale vor. Dadurch entstehen inverse Gabor-Wavelets im Lichtquantenleiter, mit denen eine schnelle Datenübertragung erfolgen kann und die zu effizienten schaltungstechnischen Lösungen an den Endstellen der Übertragungsstrecke führt.

Lichtquanten: Die Geschichte des komplexen Konzepts und mentalen Modells von Photonen

by Klaus Hentschel

Dieses Buch besch#65533;ftigt sich mit der Entstehungsgeschichte des komplexen Konzeptes des Photons aus wissenschaftshistorischer, kognitionspsychologischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht. Dabei werden unter anderem sechs verschiedene mentale Modelle des Lichtquantums bzw. Photons diskutiert und der Bogen vom Teilchenmodell Newtons, dem Singularit#65533;tsmodell Einstein und Bohrs bis zum modernen Konzept der Quantisierung des elektromagnetischen Feldes in der Quantenelektrodynamik gespannt. Der Autor besch#65533;ftigt sich zuerst mit der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Photons innerhalb der modernen Physik ab 1900, bevor er die zw#65533;lf semantischen Bedeutungsschichten des Photons ausgehend vom Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts pr#65533;sentiert. Anschlie#65533;end werden die mentalen Modelle im Laufe der Geschichte bis zur Moderne beschrieben und diskutiert und das heutige Modell des Photons besprochen. Das Buch richtet sich sowohl an Naturwissenschaftler mit physikalischem Hintergrund als auch an Wissenscha ftshistoriker und Andere, die sich mit der Begriffs- und Ideengeschichte von Konzepten auseinandersetzen.

Licht in der Welt der Nanotechnologie: Ein verständlicher Einstieg in die Grundlagen und Anwendungen (essentials)

by Christian Schneider

Dieses essential gibt einen #65533;berblick #65533;ber die der Nanotechnologie zugrunde liegenden physikalischen Prinzipien, die es heute erm#65533;glichen, mikroskopische Effekte technologisch zu nutzen. Es werden Methoden vorgestellt, welche die Herstellung von Nanostrukturen mit h#65533;chster Pr#65533;zision erlauben. Im letzten Kapitel gibt der Autor einen #65533;berblick #65533;ber spannende technologische Anwendungen, angefangen vom Einsatz von auf Nanotechnologie basierenden Effekten bei Kirchenglasfenstern bis hin zu Solarzellen und CCD-Chips.

Libya After Qaddafi: Lessons and Implications for the Future

by Christopher S. Chivvis Jeffrey Martini

The 2011 overthrow of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi by internationally backed rebel groups has left Libya's new leaders with a number of post-conflict challenges, including establishing security, building political and administrative institutions, and restarting the economy. This report assesses these challenges, the impact of the limited international role in efforts to overcome them, and possible future roles for the international community.

Libya: Selected Issues (Imf Staff Country Reports #No. 13/151)

by International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

El libro rojo de las marcas: Cómo construir marcas de éxito

by Luis Bassat

Una guía de Luis Bassat, autor de El libro rojo de la publicidad, para comprender cómo un producto -también un nombre- puede convertirse en marca reconocible y resonante. Famoso y exitoso publicista, en esta obra el autor ofrece una completa guía para diseñadores, empresarios y políticos. Y para todos aquellos interesados en comprender cómo un producto -también un nombre- puede convertirse en marca reconocible y resonante. * Si realmente queremos entender qué es una marca, debemos empezar por preguntarnos qué significado tiene el producto en la vida del consumidor. * Los productos se hacen en las fábricas pero las marcas se crean y viven en la mente. * Las marcas son como catedrales, se construyen a lo largo de los años, por personas distintas, de diferentes generaciones, pero con un objetivo común. * Las marcas viven en tres lugares muy distintos: en el mercado, en el cerebro y en el corazón humano. * La estrategia es como el juego del golf, desde un punto de partida hemos de llegar a un objetivo. * Vender es humano, fidelizar es divino. * Dime qué marca eliges y te diré quién eres. * Tratamos a las marcas como si fueran personas. * Las marcas acaban pareciéndose a los directores que toman las decisiones que acaban afectando a esas marcas. * Si le digo «almohada», «silla» o «tenedor», por citar productos que utilizamos a diario, ¿cuántas marcas de cada categoría de producto le vienen a la cabeza? * Si a los fundadores de Harley Davidson les hubieran dicho que, algún día, los consumidores de su marca la llevarían tatuada y realizarían reuniones masivas para venerarla, no sé qué cara habrían puesto. * El envase es nuestra última oportunidad para que el consumidor elija nuestro producto y no otro. * La promoción de ciudades y países sigue los mismos principios y reglas que las marcas, con una pequeña salvedad, que las decisiones que tomemos y acciones que llevemos a cabo, si consiguen el éxito, no harán felices a un grupo de accionistas, sino a millones de ciudadanos.

Liberty Bell 7

by Colin Burgess

NASA's Mercury astronauts were seven highly skilled professional test pilots. Each of them seemed to possess the strength of character and commitment necessary to overcome apparently insurmountable obstacles as the United States entered into a Cold War space race with the Soviet Union. This was never more evident than on the epic suborbital MR-4 flight of Liberty Bell 7 with astronaut Virgil ('Gus') Grissom piloting the spacecraft to a successful splashdown, followed by the premature blowing of the craft's explosive hatch. After a hurried exit and struggling to stay afloat, he could only watch helplessly as the recovery helicopter pilot valiantly fought a losing battle to save the sinking capsule. That day NASA not only lost a spacecraft but came perilously close to losing one of its Mercury astronauts, a decorated Korean fighter pilot from Indiana who might one day have soared to the highest goal of them all, as the first person to set foot on the Moon. For the first time, many of those closest to the flight of Liberty Bell 7 and astronaut Gus Grissom offer their stories and opinions on the dramatic events of July 21, 1961, and his later pioneering Gemini mission. They also tell of an often controversial life cut tragically and horrifically short in a launch pad fire that shocked the nation.

Liberation Technology: Social Media and the Struggle for Democracy (A Journal of Democracy Book)

by Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner

The revolutions sweeping the Middle East provide dramatic evidence of the role that technology plays in mobilizing citizen protest and upending seemingly invulnerable authoritarian regimes. A grainy cell phone video of a Tunisian street vendor’s self-immolation helped spark the massive protests that toppled longtime ruler Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and Egypt’s "Facebook revolution" forced the ruling regime out of power and into exile. While such "liberation technology" has been instrumental in freeing Egypt and Tunisia, other cases—such as China and Iran—demonstrate that it can be deployed just as effectively by authoritarian regimes seeking to control the Internet, stifle protest, and target dissenters. This two-sided dynamic has set off an intense technological race between "netizens" demanding freedom and authoritarians determined to retain their grip on power.Liberation Technology brings together cutting-edge scholarship from scholars and practitioners at the forefront of this burgeoning field of study. An introductory section defines the debate with a foundational piece on liberation technology and is then followed by essays discussing the popular dichotomy of "liberation" versus "control" with regard to the Internet and the sociopolitical dimensions of such controls. Additional chapters delve into the cases of individual countries: China, Egypt, Iran, and Tunisia.This book also includes in-depth analysis of specific technologies such as Ushahidi—a platform developed to document human-rights abuses in the wake of Kenya’s 2007 elections—and alkasir—a tool that has been used widely throughout the Middle East to circumvent cyber-censorship.Liberation Technology will prove an essential resource for all students seeking to understand the intersection of information and communications technology and the global struggle for democracy.Contributors: Walid Al-Saqaf, Daniel Calingaert, Ronald Deibert, Larry Diamond, Elham Gheytanchi, Philip N. Howard, Muzammil M. Hussain, Rebecca MacKinnon, Patrick Meier, Evgeny Morozov, Xiao Qiang, Rafal Rohozinski, Mehdi Yahyanejad

Liberating Energy from Carbon: Introduction to Decarbonization

by Nazim Muradov

Liberating Energy from Carbon analyzes energy options in a carbon-constrained world. Major strategies and pathways to decarbonizing the carbon-intensive economy are laid out with a special emphasis on the prospects of achieving low-risk atmospheric CO2 levels. The opportunities and challenges in developing and bringing to market novel low and zero-carbon technologies are highlighted from technical, economic and environmental viewpoints. This book takes a unique approach by treating carbon in a holistic manner--tracking its complete transformation chain from fossil fuel sources to the unique properties of the CO2 molecule, to carbon capture and storage and finally, to CO2 industrial utilization and its conversion to value-added products and fuels. This concise but comprehensive sourcebook guides readers through recent scientific and technological developments as well as commercial projects that aim for the decarbonization of the fossil fuel-based economy and CO2 utilization that will play an increasingly important role in the near- and mid-term future. This book is intended for researchers, engineers, and students working and studying in practically all areas of energy technology and alternative energy sources and fuels.

The Liberalisation of the Telecommunications Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa and Fostering Competition in Telecommunications Services Markets

by Rachel Alemu

This study investigates whether the existing regulatory framework governing the telecommunications sector in countries in Sub-Saharan Africa effectively deals with emerging competition-related concerns in the liberalised sector. Using Uganda as a case study, it analyses the relevant provisions of the law governing competition in the telecommunications sector, and presents three key findings: Firstly, while there is comprehensive legislation on interconnection and spectrum management, inefficient enforcement of the legislation has perpetuated concerns surrounding spectrum scarcity and interconnection. Secondly, the legislative framework governing anti-competitive behaviour, though in line with the established principles of competition law, is not sufficient. Specifically, the framework is not equipped to govern the conduct of multinational telecommunications groups that have a strong presence in the telecommunications sector. Major factors hampering efficient competition regulation include Uganda's sole reliance on sector-specific competition rules, restricted available remedies, and a regulator with limited experience of enforcing competition legislation. The weaknesses in the framework strongly suggest the need to adopt an economy-wide competition law. Lastly, wireless technology is the main means through which the population in Uganda accesses telecommunications services. Greater emphasis should be placed on regulating conduct in the wireless communications markets.

Libby Loves Science: States of Matter (I Can Read Level 3)

by Kimberly Derting Shelli R. Johannes

Libby loves science! In this STEM-themed Level 3 I Can Read! title, Libby and her friends learn about solids, liquids, and gases. A great choice for aspiring scientists, new readers, and fans of Andrea Beaty’s Ada Twist, Scientist. Includes activities, a glossary, and a fun science experiment to do at home.Libby loves science—and experimenting! In this Level 3 I Can Read! title, Libby and her classmates are excited to welcome a new student into their classroom. When the ice cream for the welcome party melts, Libby is curious to see how the three states of matter can save the celebration. Experiment with Libby and find out!The Loves Science books introduce readers to girls who love science, as well as basic concepts of science, technology, engineering, and math. This Level 3 I Can Read! explores how solids, liquids, and gases are all around us, and includes two experiments to try at home or school, as well as a glossary. A great pick for newly independent readers and an ideal companion to Cece Loves Science: Push and Pull, Libby Loves Science: Mix and Measure, Vivi Loves Science: Sink or Float, and Vivi Loves Science: Wind and Water.

Libby Loves Science: Mix and Measure (I Can Read Level 3)

by Kimberly Derting Shelli R. Johannes

Libby loves science! In this STEM-themed Level 3 I Can Read! title, Libby and her friend Rosa learn about mixing and measuring to bake a delicious treat for a puppy party. A great choice for aspiring scientists, emerging readers, and fans of Andrea Beaty’s Ada Twist, Scientist. Includes activities, a glossary, and a cupcake recipe. Libby loves science—and experimenting! In this Level 3 I Can Read! title, Libby hosts a puppy party for her friends and their dogs. With the help of her friend Rosa and little brother, Libby decorates, stuffs goody bags and bakes delicious cupcakes. But when they realize they’ve forgotten an important ingredient, they use science to solve the problem—just in the nick of time. The Loves Science books introduce readers to girls who love science, as well as basic concepts of science, technology, engineering, and math. This Level 3 I Can Read! focuses on basic chemistry and friendship. A great pick for newly independent readers and an ideal companion to Cece Loves Science: Push and Pull.

Li-S and Li-O2 Batteries with High Specific Energy

by Huamin Zhang Xianfeng Li Hongzhang Zhang

This brief reviews the functions, recent developments, challenges and prospects of the Li/S and Li/O2 batteries, including the fundamental knowledge, research status, potential applications etc. It starts with a brief overview and encompasses the current state of Li/S and Li/O2 battery technology. Then it provides the basic knowledge about Li/S and Li/O2 batteries, including the electrochemical processes and the battery components. The following chapters focus on the historical and recent development of the Li/S and Li/O2 batteries respectively, giving detailed information about the key materials development, cell assembly, testing diagnosis and degradation mechanism. Finally, the main potential applications of Li/S and Li/O2 batteries together with their challenge and perspectives are discussed.

The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization

by Thomas L. Friedman

From one of our most perceptive commentators and winner of the National Book Award, a comprehensive look at the new world of globalization, the international system that, more than anything else, is shaping world affairs today. As the Foreign Affairs columnist for The New York Times, Thomas L. Friedman has traveled the globe, interviewing people from all walks of contemporary life: Brazilian peasants in the Amazon rain forest, new entrepreneurs in Indonesia, Islamic students in Teheran, and the financial wizards on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. Now Friedman has drawn on his years on the road to produce an engrossing and original look at globalization. Globalization, he argues, is not just a phenomenon and not just a passing trend. It is the international system that replaced the Cold War system; the new, well-greased, interconnected system: Globalization is the integration of capital, technology, and information across national borders, in a way that is creating a single global market and, to some degree, a global village. Simply put, one can't possibly understand the morning news or one's own investments without some grasp of the system. Just one example: During the Cold War, we reached for the hot line between the White House and the Kremlin--a symbol that we were all divided but at least the two superpowers were in charge. In the era of globalization, we reach for the Internet--a symbol that we are all connected but nobody is totally in charge. With vivid stories and a set of original terms and concepts, Friedman offers readers remarkable access to his unique understanding of this new world order, and shows us how to see this new system. He dramatizes the conflict of "the Lexus and the olive tree"--the tension between the globalization system and ancient forces of culture, geography, tradition, and community. He also details the powerful backlash that globalization produces among those who feel brutalized by it, and he spells out what we all need to do to keep the system in balance. Finding the proper balance between the Lexus and the olive tree is the great drama of he globalization era, and the ultimate theme of Friedman's challenging, provocative book--essential reading for all who care about how the world really works.

Lexikon der pflanzlichen Fette und Öle

by Sabine Krist

Aus naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht stellen die Autoren 135 bekannte und exotische Pflanzenöle, Wachse und pflanzliche Fette systematisch dar - darunter Kiwisamen-, Tomatenkern- und Ootangaöl. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt den Stammpflanzen, der Gewinnung, den Inhaltsstoffen sowie der ernährungsphysiologischen Zusammensetzung. Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in Medizin, Pharmazie, Kosmetik und Technik sowie mögliche Nebenwirkungen werden diskutiert. In die Neuauflage des Lexikons wurden 40 weitere Fette und Öle aufgenommen.

Lexikon der Luftfahrt

by Niels Klußmann Arnim Malik

Das Lexikon bietet als zuverlässiges Kompendium zur Luftfahrt sorgfältig ausgearbeitete Einträge zu Themenfeldern wie Flugzeugbau, Flugwetter, Luftrecht, Flugsicherheit sowie Fluglinien- und Flughafenbetrieb. Die Stichwörter geben Auskunft über Zusammenhänge innerhalb der Aviatik aus technischer, organisatorischer, kommerzieller und historischer Sicht. Mit Angaben zu zahlreichen Internet-Adressen wird auf weitere Recherchemöglichkeiten hingewiesen. Für die 3. Auflage des Buchs wurden 2.500 Einträge aktualisiert und neu hinzugefügt.

Lexikon der Luftfahrt

by Niels Klußmann Arnim Malik

Das faktenreiche Lexikon ist ein zuverlässiges Kompendium für alle, die sich mit der Fliegerei und den angrenzenden Bereichen der Luftfahrt beschäftigen. Für Ingenieure, Piloten und Mitarbeiter von Fluggesellschaften ist dieses Werk ebenso informativ wie für ambitionierte Luftfahrtinteressierte. Die vierte Auflage des Buches enthält aktuelle Lexikoneinträge, deren Umfang wieder deutlich erweitert wurde. Zu vielen Bereichen der Luftfahrt, wie Flugzeugbau, Flugwetter, Luftrecht, Flugsicherheit sowie Fluglinien- und Flughafenbetrieb, kann der Leser sorgfältig ausgearbeitete Artikel finden. Sie geben Auskunft über Zusammenhänge innerhalb der Aviatik aus technischer, organisatorischer, kommerzieller und historischer Sicht. Zahlreiche Internet-Adressen eröffnen die Möglichkeit zur weiteren Recherche.

Lexicon of Pulse Crops

by Aleksandar Mikić

Lexicon of Pulse Crops integrates botanical and linguistic data to analyze and interpret the grain legume significance from the earliest archaeological and written records until the present day. Aimed at both agronomic and linguistic research communities, this book presents a database containing 9,500 common names in more than 900 languages and dialects of all ethnolinguistic families, denoting more than 1,100 botanical taxa of 14 selected pulse crop genera and species. The book begins with overviews of the world’s economically most important grain legume crops and their uncultivated relatives, as well as the world’s language families with their inner structure, including both extinct and living members. The main section of the text presents 14 specialized book chapters covering Arachis, Cajanus, Cicer, Ervum, Faba, Glycine, Lablab, Lathyrus, Lens, Lupinus, Phaseolus, Pisum, Vicia, and Vigna. They provide the reader with extensive lists of the botanically accepted species and subtaxa and surveys lexicological abundance in all world’s ethnolinguistic families, comprising extinct and living as well as natural and constructed languages, while the vernacular names for the most significant taxa are presented in comprehensive tables. Each of these chapters also presents the existing etymologies and novel approaches to deciphering the origins of common names, accompanied by one original color plate depicting possible root evolutions in the form of corresponding pulse crop plants.

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