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Showing 28,701 through 28,725 of 62,360 results

The Liberalisation of the Telecommunications Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa and Fostering Competition in Telecommunications Services Markets

by Rachel Alemu

This study investigates whether the existing regulatory framework governing the telecommunications sector in countries in Sub-Saharan Africa effectively deals with emerging competition-related concerns in the liberalised sector. Using Uganda as a case study, it analyses the relevant provisions of the law governing competition in the telecommunications sector, and presents three key findings: Firstly, while there is comprehensive legislation on interconnection and spectrum management, inefficient enforcement of the legislation has perpetuated concerns surrounding spectrum scarcity and interconnection. Secondly, the legislative framework governing anti-competitive behaviour, though in line with the established principles of competition law, is not sufficient. Specifically, the framework is not equipped to govern the conduct of multinational telecommunications groups that have a strong presence in the telecommunications sector. Major factors hampering efficient competition regulation include Uganda's sole reliance on sector-specific competition rules, restricted available remedies, and a regulator with limited experience of enforcing competition legislation. The weaknesses in the framework strongly suggest the need to adopt an economy-wide competition law. Lastly, wireless technology is the main means through which the population in Uganda accesses telecommunications services. Greater emphasis should be placed on regulating conduct in the wireless communications markets.

Libby Loves Science: States of Matter (I Can Read Level 3)

by Kimberly Derting Shelli R. Johannes

Libby loves science! In this STEM-themed Level 3 I Can Read! title, Libby and her friends learn about solids, liquids, and gases. A great choice for aspiring scientists, new readers, and fans of Andrea Beaty’s Ada Twist, Scientist. Includes activities, a glossary, and a fun science experiment to do at home.Libby loves science—and experimenting! In this Level 3 I Can Read! title, Libby and her classmates are excited to welcome a new student into their classroom. When the ice cream for the welcome party melts, Libby is curious to see how the three states of matter can save the celebration. Experiment with Libby and find out!The Loves Science books introduce readers to girls who love science, as well as basic concepts of science, technology, engineering, and math. This Level 3 I Can Read! explores how solids, liquids, and gases are all around us, and includes two experiments to try at home or school, as well as a glossary. A great pick for newly independent readers and an ideal companion to Cece Loves Science: Push and Pull, Libby Loves Science: Mix and Measure, Vivi Loves Science: Sink or Float, and Vivi Loves Science: Wind and Water.

Libby Loves Science: Mix and Measure (I Can Read Level 3)

by Kimberly Derting Shelli R. Johannes

Libby loves science! In this STEM-themed Level 3 I Can Read! title, Libby and her friend Rosa learn about mixing and measuring to bake a delicious treat for a puppy party. A great choice for aspiring scientists, emerging readers, and fans of Andrea Beaty’s Ada Twist, Scientist. Includes activities, a glossary, and a cupcake recipe. Libby loves science—and experimenting! In this Level 3 I Can Read! title, Libby hosts a puppy party for her friends and their dogs. With the help of her friend Rosa and little brother, Libby decorates, stuffs goody bags and bakes delicious cupcakes. But when they realize they’ve forgotten an important ingredient, they use science to solve the problem—just in the nick of time. The Loves Science books introduce readers to girls who love science, as well as basic concepts of science, technology, engineering, and math. This Level 3 I Can Read! focuses on basic chemistry and friendship. A great pick for newly independent readers and an ideal companion to Cece Loves Science: Push and Pull.

Li-S and Li-O2 Batteries with High Specific Energy

by Huamin Zhang Xianfeng Li Hongzhang Zhang

This brief reviews the functions, recent developments, challenges and prospects of the Li/S and Li/O2 batteries, including the fundamental knowledge, research status, potential applications etc. It starts with a brief overview and encompasses the current state of Li/S and Li/O2 battery technology. Then it provides the basic knowledge about Li/S and Li/O2 batteries, including the electrochemical processes and the battery components. The following chapters focus on the historical and recent development of the Li/S and Li/O2 batteries respectively, giving detailed information about the key materials development, cell assembly, testing diagnosis and degradation mechanism. Finally, the main potential applications of Li/S and Li/O2 batteries together with their challenge and perspectives are discussed.

The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization

by Thomas L. Friedman

From one of our most perceptive commentators and winner of the National Book Award, a comprehensive look at the new world of globalization, the international system that, more than anything else, is shaping world affairs today. As the Foreign Affairs columnist for The New York Times, Thomas L. Friedman has traveled the globe, interviewing people from all walks of contemporary life: Brazilian peasants in the Amazon rain forest, new entrepreneurs in Indonesia, Islamic students in Teheran, and the financial wizards on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. Now Friedman has drawn on his years on the road to produce an engrossing and original look at globalization. Globalization, he argues, is not just a phenomenon and not just a passing trend. It is the international system that replaced the Cold War system; the new, well-greased, interconnected system: Globalization is the integration of capital, technology, and information across national borders, in a way that is creating a single global market and, to some degree, a global village. Simply put, one can't possibly understand the morning news or one's own investments without some grasp of the system. Just one example: During the Cold War, we reached for the hot line between the White House and the Kremlin--a symbol that we were all divided but at least the two superpowers were in charge. In the era of globalization, we reach for the Internet--a symbol that we are all connected but nobody is totally in charge. With vivid stories and a set of original terms and concepts, Friedman offers readers remarkable access to his unique understanding of this new world order, and shows us how to see this new system. He dramatizes the conflict of "the Lexus and the olive tree"--the tension between the globalization system and ancient forces of culture, geography, tradition, and community. He also details the powerful backlash that globalization produces among those who feel brutalized by it, and he spells out what we all need to do to keep the system in balance. Finding the proper balance between the Lexus and the olive tree is the great drama of he globalization era, and the ultimate theme of Friedman's challenging, provocative book--essential reading for all who care about how the world really works.

Lexikon der pflanzlichen Fette und Öle

by Sabine Krist

Aus naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht stellen die Autoren 135 bekannte und exotische Pflanzenöle, Wachse und pflanzliche Fette systematisch dar - darunter Kiwisamen-, Tomatenkern- und Ootangaöl. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt den Stammpflanzen, der Gewinnung, den Inhaltsstoffen sowie der ernährungsphysiologischen Zusammensetzung. Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in Medizin, Pharmazie, Kosmetik und Technik sowie mögliche Nebenwirkungen werden diskutiert. In die Neuauflage des Lexikons wurden 40 weitere Fette und Öle aufgenommen.

Lexikon der Luftfahrt

by Niels Klußmann Arnim Malik

Das Lexikon bietet als zuverlässiges Kompendium zur Luftfahrt sorgfältig ausgearbeitete Einträge zu Themenfeldern wie Flugzeugbau, Flugwetter, Luftrecht, Flugsicherheit sowie Fluglinien- und Flughafenbetrieb. Die Stichwörter geben Auskunft über Zusammenhänge innerhalb der Aviatik aus technischer, organisatorischer, kommerzieller und historischer Sicht. Mit Angaben zu zahlreichen Internet-Adressen wird auf weitere Recherchemöglichkeiten hingewiesen. Für die 3. Auflage des Buchs wurden 2.500 Einträge aktualisiert und neu hinzugefügt.

Lexikon der Luftfahrt

by Niels Klußmann Arnim Malik

Das faktenreiche Lexikon ist ein zuverlässiges Kompendium für alle, die sich mit der Fliegerei und den angrenzenden Bereichen der Luftfahrt beschäftigen. Für Ingenieure, Piloten und Mitarbeiter von Fluggesellschaften ist dieses Werk ebenso informativ wie für ambitionierte Luftfahrtinteressierte. Die vierte Auflage des Buches enthält aktuelle Lexikoneinträge, deren Umfang wieder deutlich erweitert wurde. Zu vielen Bereichen der Luftfahrt, wie Flugzeugbau, Flugwetter, Luftrecht, Flugsicherheit sowie Fluglinien- und Flughafenbetrieb, kann der Leser sorgfältig ausgearbeitete Artikel finden. Sie geben Auskunft über Zusammenhänge innerhalb der Aviatik aus technischer, organisatorischer, kommerzieller und historischer Sicht. Zahlreiche Internet-Adressen eröffnen die Möglichkeit zur weiteren Recherche.

Lexicon of Pulse Crops

by Aleksandar Mikić

Lexicon of Pulse Crops integrates botanical and linguistic data to analyze and interpret the grain legume significance from the earliest archaeological and written records until the present day. Aimed at both agronomic and linguistic research communities, this book presents a database containing 9,500 common names in more than 900 languages and dialects of all ethnolinguistic families, denoting more than 1,100 botanical taxa of 14 selected pulse crop genera and species. The book begins with overviews of the world’s economically most important grain legume crops and their uncultivated relatives, as well as the world’s language families with their inner structure, including both extinct and living members. The main section of the text presents 14 specialized book chapters covering Arachis, Cajanus, Cicer, Ervum, Faba, Glycine, Lablab, Lathyrus, Lens, Lupinus, Phaseolus, Pisum, Vicia, and Vigna. They provide the reader with extensive lists of the botanically accepted species and subtaxa and surveys lexicological abundance in all world’s ethnolinguistic families, comprising extinct and living as well as natural and constructed languages, while the vernacular names for the most significant taxa are presented in comprehensive tables. Each of these chapters also presents the existing etymologies and novel approaches to deciphering the origins of common names, accompanied by one original color plate depicting possible root evolutions in the form of corresponding pulse crop plants.

Lexicon of Geological Terms for the Sudan

by J.R. Vail

A listing of lithostratigraphic terms used by geologists in the Sudan. Including 315 rock unit names with location, age, and description. Useful for correlation with adjacent areas of North Africa.

Lexi Magill and the Teleportation Tournament

by Kim Long

For fans of The Amazing Race, Lexi Magill and the Teleportation Tournament is the perfect adventure for middle grade readers who like scavenger hunts and puzzle-solving.Twelve-year-old physics whiz Lexi Magill won't let anything stop her from winning Wisconsin's Teleportation Tournament--the annual competition where teams teleport around the world to solve science-based puzzles. She needs the prize money if she wants to re-enroll in the science academy her parents can no longer afford. Added bonus: she'll be able to reconnect with her best friend Haley.But Lexi's two teammates put a wrench in her plans. When one misreads a clue that lands the team in a castle in Germany, and the other loses her teleportation medallion in Poland, Lexi wonders what she's gotten herself into. Struggling to keep her team under control as the race rages on, Lexi not only has to figure out how to get back on course (literally), but she must decide how far she's willing to go to win, and who her real friends are. With riddles to solve and messages to decode, this interactive read won't disappoint!

Lewis Latimer: The Man Behind a Better Light Bulb (Little Inventor)

by Nancy Dickmann

Why is Lewis Latimer important? His invention of the carbon filament made light bulbs more afforable and longer lasting. Readers follow his journey from working with Alexander Graham Bell to improving Thomas Edison's light bulb. It's an enlightening story filled with engaging text and colorful images, all reviewed by Smithsonian experts.

Lewis Latimer: A Brilliant Inventor (Bright Minds)

by Janel Rodriguez

Meet the inventors and scientists of color who changed the world!Born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, in 1848, Lewis Latimer was an inventor, a leader, a teacher, and a creator. He knew how to draw, knew the law, wrote books and poetry, and spoke several languages. Among his many accomplishments, he contributed to the design of the light bulb, and brought the electric light to cities around the world. It is time to remember how Lewis Latimer's inventions and his contributions changed our society… and our world!ABOUT THIS SERIES:Many inventors and scientists of color have made incredible contributions to our modern life. Each volume in this much-needed new series will be devoted to the life and work of one of these inventors and scientists. With a vivid writing style that will use humor as one of its primary ingredients, and illustrated with a combination of real photos and pictures featuring graphic art, each title in this series will describe how these heroes of diverse backgrounds faced the challenges of their times, and how their inventions and contributions changed our society.

Lewis' Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health

by Jeffrey Wayne Vincoli

With definitions from areas such as toxicology, industrial hygiene, environmental compliance, environmental engineering, and occupational medicine the Lewis Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health contains THE MOST definitions for the words, related phrases, and terms encountered in these fields. It also includes a comprehens

Lévy Processes and Their Applications in Reliability and Storage

by Mohamed Abdel-Hameed

This book covers Lévy processes and their applications in the contexts of reliability and storage. Special attention is paid to life distributions and the maintenance of devices subject to degradation; estimating the parameters of the degradation process is also discussed, as is the maintenance of dams subject to Lévy input.

Levitation Micro-Systems: Applications to Sensors and Actuators (Microsystems and Nanosystems)

by Kirill Poletkin

This book presents inductive and hybrid levitation micro-systems and their applications in micro-sensors and –actuators. It proposes and discusses analytical and quasi-finite element techniques for modeling levitation micro-systems based on the Lagrangian formalism. In particular, micro-bearings, -actuators, -accelerators and –accelerometers based on inductive levitation are comprehensively described with accompanying experimental measurements.

The Leviathan Effect: A Thriller (A\mallory Brothers Thriller Ser.)

by James Lilliefors

Homeland Security Secretary Catherine Blaine receives a frightening communication from a hacker identified only by the pseudonym "Janus": three recent natural disasters around the world were correctly predicted--in fact, they were manufactured, not natural at all. And, says the email, unless she does exactly as Janus instructs, more disasters are coming--and they will destroy the United States. Unaware of the crisis in Washington, investigative journalist Jon Mallory stumbles on a list of seven prominent scientists who have been murdered in recent months. When the person who had given him the list goes missing herself, Jon realizes he has unwittingly become part of a deadly chain of events. He contacts his brother, ex-CIA agent Charles, looking for help. Meanwhile, Catherine Blaine has also come to Charles for help to track down the hacker Janus and learn what frightening science is threatening the world.


by James Byron Huggins

With the creation of an unholy beast comes the end of the world in this diabolical thriller from the international bestselling author of Crux and Hunter. On an Icelandic Island, an illegal experiment intended to create the perfect biological weapon has transformed a once-innocent creature into the biblical Leviathan that once terrorized the world. Able to shatter steel and granite as easily as it can melt the strongest containment shields, Leviathan escapes from its pen and is loose in a vast underground chamber harboring soldiers and scientists. The installation cannot allow Leviathan to reach the surface. For if Leviathan reaches the world, it could well be the end of the Earth. They must hold the line, here, and destroy it . . . even if they must detonate a last-chance nuclear failsafe built into the chamber itself. But, first, they must fight with every weapon at their disposal to discover if the beast can be killed at all. It is a battle many will not survive. As soldiers and scientists are vaporized by Leviathan&’s hellish flame, or ripped apart by the dragon&’s claws and fangs, a lone electrical engineer is forced to join the fight. And in the midst of what might well be the last battle for Mankind, Connor must find a way—any way—to save his family and kill this powerful, bloodthirsty Beast of Legend that has never been killed before. Before it feasts upon the world.Praise for James Byron Huggins &“Huggins writes like a man possessed.&”—Steve Jackson, New York Times bestselling author &“May be the thriller of the year.&”—BookPage on Cain &“Pure entertainment.&”—Publishers Weekly on Hunter

Leveraging the Private Sector: Management-Based Strategies for Improving Environmental Performance

by Cary Coglianese Jennifer Nash

Leveraging the Private Sector offers the first sustained analysis of public and private sector initiatives designed to encourage firms and industries to use their own management expertise to improve their environmental performance. Cary Coglianese and Jennifer Nash bring together original empirical studies by the nation?s leading experts on recent public and private sector experiments. Do management-based strategies lead to improved environmental outcomes? What kinds of strategies hold the most promise? Leveraging the Private Sector addresses these questions through studies of state pollution prevention planning laws, private sector purchasing requirements, and federal risk management regulations, among others. The contributors show that efforts to leverage private sector experience and knowledge can have a distinctive contribution in the future of environmental protection. Ultimately, a firm's broader management practices shape its environmental performance. Public and private sector strategies that seek to influence these practices directly can help bring about further environmental improvements. This book breaks new ground by investigating a new and promising approach for advancing the economy and the environment.

Leveraging Synergies Between Refining and Petrochemical Processes

by Eberhard Lucke Edgar Amaro Ronces

Leveraging Synergies Between Refining and Petrochemical Processes provides a detailed description of the interfaces and connections between crude oil refining and petrochemicals. It offers a view of global and regional markets and economic opportunities for synergies between these sectors. Features: Shows a global and regional market outlook for crude oil refining and petrochemical sectors Explores economic and market opportunities for taking advantage of the synergies between both sectors Analyzes the technical challenges and opportunities that come with these synergies Gives an outlook and prediction of what companies will be able to achieve in the mid-term future Provides introductory and explanatory material as well as in-depth insight into future technology and market developments This book serves as a reference for professionals in chemical engineering, oil and gas engineering, and industrial chemistry. It aims to help engineers and industry professionals understand the challenges and the potential benefits of developing expansion or optimization projects that may bridge the gap between refining and petrochemicals.

Leveraging Distortions: Explanation, Idealization, and Universality in Science

by Collin Rice

An examination of how scientists deliberately and justifiably use pervasive distortions of relevant features to explain and understand natural phenomena.A fundamental rule of logic is that in order for an argument to provide good reasons for its conclusion, the premises of the argument must be true. In this book, Collin Rice shows how the practice of science repeatedly, pervasively, and deliberately violates this principle. Rice argues that scientists strategically use distortions that misrepresent relevant features of natural phenomena in order to explain and understand--and that they use these distortions deliberately and justifiably in order to discover truths that would be otherwise inaccessible. Countering the standard emphasis on causation, accurate representation, and decomposition of science into its accurate and inaccurate parts, Rice shows that science's epistemic achievements can still be factive despite their being produced through the use of holistically distorted scientific representations. Indeed, he argues, this distortion is one of the most widely employed and fruitful tools used in scientific theorizing. Marshalling a range of case studies, Rice contends that many explanations in science are noncausal, and he presents an alternate view of explanation that captures the variety of noncausal explanations found across the sciences. He proposes an alternative holistic distortion view of idealized models, connecting it to physicists' concept of a universality class; shows how universality classes can overcome some of the challenges of multiscale modeling; and offers accounts of explanation, idealization, modeling, and understanding.

Leveraging Digital Tools to Assess Student Learning (Student Assessment for Educators)

by Stephanie Smith Budhai

Leveraging Digital Tools to Assess Student Learning provides a practical approach to using technology to collect, interpret, and curate assessment data in K-12 in-person, online, hybrid, and dual learning environments. Digital media, emerging learning technologies, and handheld devices play larger roles than ever in students’ 21st-century educational experiences. Digital tools, meanwhile, can also transform assessment practices for teachers, allowing more efficient means of identifying gaps and modifying instruction to maximize student learning. Situating assessment practices in today’s networked, flexible, and virtual classrooms, this book reframes polling and quizzing, social media and memes, and multimedia platforms as digital learning tools for engaging, interactive, and meaningful formative, summative, open-ended, peer and self-paced assessments. The final chapter discusses technology’s role in organizing, evaluating, and disseminating assessment data to students, their families, and administrators.

A Lever Long Enough: A History of Columbia's School of Engineering and Applied Science Since 1864 (Columbiana)

by Robert McCaughey

In this comprehensive social history of Columbia University's School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS), Robert McCaughey combines archival research with oral testimony and contemporary interviews to build a critical and celebratory portrait of one of the oldest engineering schools in the United States. McCaughey follows the evolving, occasionally rocky, and now integrated relationship between SEAS's engineers and the rest of the Columbia University student body, faculty, and administration. He also revisits the interaction between the SEAS staff and the inhabitants and institutions of the City of New York, where the school has resided since its founding in 1864. McCaughey compares the historical struggles and achievements of the school's engineers with their present-day battles and accomplishments, and he contrasts their teaching and research approaches with those of their peers at other free-standing and Ivy League engineering schools. What begins as a localized history of a school striving to define itself within a university known for its strengths in the humanities and the social sciences becomes a wider story of the transformation of the applied sciences into a critical component of American technology and education.

Levels of Organization in the Biological Sciences (Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology)

by Daniel S. Brooks, James DiFrisco, and William C. Wimsatt

Scientific philosophers examine the nature and significance of levels of organization, a core structural principle in the biological sciences.This volume examines the idea of levels of organization as a distinct object of investigation, considering its merits as a core organizational principle for the scientific image of the natural world. It approaches levels of organization--roughly, the idea that the natural world is segregated into part-whole relationships of increasing spatiotemporal scale and complexity--in terms of its roles in scientific reasoning as a dynamic, open-ended idea capable of performing multiple overlapping functions in distinct empirical settings.The contributors--scientific philosophers with longstanding ties to the biological sciences--discuss topics including the philosophical and scientific contexts for an inquiry into levels; whether the concept can actually deliver on its organizational promises; the role of levels in the development and evolution of complex systems; conditional independence and downward causation; and the extension of the concept into the sociocultural realm. Taken together, the contributions embrace the diverse usages of the term as aspects of the big picture of levels of organization.ContributorsJan Baedke, Robert W. Batterman, Daniel S. Brooks, James DiFrisco, Markus I. Eronen, Carl Gillett, Sara Green, James Griesemer, Alan C. Love, Angela Potochnik, Thomas Reydon, Ilya Tëmkin, Jon Umerez, William C. Wimsatt, James Woodward

Levelized Cost of Energy in Sustainable Energy Communities: A Systematic Approach for Multi-Vector Energy Systems (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Miguel de Simón-Martín Stefano Bracco Giorgio Piazza Luisa Carlotta Pagnini Alberto González-Martínez Federico Delfino

The main aim of this book is to provide a state of the art of the Levelized Cost of Energy calculation for energy communities from both a theoretical, defining a systematic analysis approach, and a practical point of view, providing results for three representative real case studies.The book is structured in four clear chapters which cover everything from the fundamentals of power system configuration and the LCOE concept, to the definition of the aggregated system LCOE and its impact on electricity markets and energy policies. It presents case studies, within multiple examples for energy generation and storage, making it a brief but well-rounded review. The book will be useful for researchers and academics in energy economics, power systems and energy policies, for energy policy makers and students.

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