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Guardians of Liberty: Freedom of the Press and the Nature of News

by Linda Barrett Osborne

This illustrated introduction to the crucial role of First Amendment rights and press freedom “enlightens and entertains readers of any age” (Michael Dirda, Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post critic). Guardians of Liberty explores the essential and basic American ideal of freedom of the press. Allowing the American press to publish—even if what they’re reporting is contentious— without previous censure or interference by the federal government was so important to the Founding Fathers that they placed a guarantee in the First Amendment to the Constitution. Citing numerous examples from America’s past, from the American Revolution to the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement to Obama’s and Trump’s presidencies, Linda Barrett Osborne shows how freedom of the press has played an essential role in the growth of this nation, allowing democracy to flourish. She further discusses how the freedoms of press and speech often work side by side, reveals the diversity of American news, and explores why freedom of the press is still imperative to uphold today. “Nine chapters cover everything from the partisan press in Colonial and Revolutionary America to the incendiary rise of ‘fake news.’ . . . solid research and an engaging structure.” —School Library Journal“An excellent foray into the hows and whys of U.S. press freedom, beginning just prior to nationhood . . . Timely, essential reading.”?Kirkus Reviews (starred review)Includes endnotes, bibliography, and index

Guardians of Dawn: Zhara (Guardians of Dawn #1)

by S. Jae-Jones

Sailor Moon meets Cinder in Guardians of Dawn: Zhara, the start of a new, richly imagined fantasy series from S. Jae-Jones, the New York Times bestselling author of Wintersong.Magic flickers.Love flames.Chaos reigns.Magic is forbidden throughout the Morning Realms. Magicians are called an abomination, and blamed for the plague of monsters that razed the land twenty years before.Jin Zhara already had enough to worry about—appeasing her stepmother’s cruel whims, looking after her blind younger sister, and keeping her own magical gifts under control—without having to deal with rumors of monsters re-emerging in the marsh. But when a chance encounter with an easily flustered young man named Han brings her into contact with a secret magical liberation organization called the Guardians of Dawn, Zhara realizes there may be more to these rumors than she thought. A mysterious plague is corrupting the magicians of Zanhei and transforming them into monsters, and the Guardians of Dawn believe a demon is responsible.In order to restore harmony and bring peace to the world, Zhara must discover the elemental warrior within, lest the balance between order and chaos is lost forever.

Guardianes de medianoche (Ciudad de pesadillas #Volumen 2)

by Holly Race

HAY SUEÑOS QUE SE HACEN REALIDAD.ALGUNAS PESADILLAS TAMBIÉN... En una ciudad sumida en los sueños, acecha la oscuridad. Annwn es el segundo hogar de Fern. Un mundo asombroso donde los Soñadores caminan sonámbulos mientras los sueños se despliegan a su alrededor. Junto con su hermano Ollie, Fern es ahora una guardiana de los Soñadores y pasa todas las noches cumpliendo su destino. Annwn es un lugar frágil. Hay quienes quieren controlarlo y destruirlo, y abundan en él la desconfianza y los secretos. A medida que el delicado equilibrio entre Annwn y nuestro propio mundo empieza a desmoronarse, comienzan a aparecer desgarres entre el tejido de ambos. Fern y Ollie tendrán que hacer todo lo que esté en sus manos para proteger este lugar que se ha vuelto tan valioso para ellos. El peligro acecha por todas partes y si no llegan a tiempo... La humanidad podría adentrarse en un sueño del que nunca despertará. RESEÑAS«De una imaginación salvaje y con una combinación espectacular de fantasía urbana y leyenda artúrica, Ciudad de pesadillas atraerá a los fans de Neverwhere, de Gaiman, o de Una magia más oscura, de Schwab».Katharine Corr, autora de A Throne of Swans «Una fantasía de imaginación desbordante que plantea un nuevo giro a las leyendas artúricas y que nos traslada a un mundo de maravillas, misterio y peligros de pesadilla».Bex Hogan, autora de la serie Isles of Storm and Sorrow «¡Me ha encantado! Lo leí prácticamente de una sentada y, teniendo en cuenta que tengo dos niños pequeños, esto no es nada fácil. Sin embargo, no podía dejarlo. Me tuvo enganchada desde la primera hasta la última página y me chifla que sea una trilogía. ¡Qué ganas de leer los próximos dos libros! No tardéis, por favor».Menna Van Praag, autora de The Sisters Grimm «Con una prosa lírica, unas potentes pinceladas políticas y una creación épica de su mundo imaginario, Ciudad de pesadillas, de Holly Race, es una historia única y muy gráfica de esperanza y sentimiento de pertenencia».Michelle Kenney, autora de Book of Fire

La guardiana de las ciudades perdidas

by Shannon Messenger

La saga fantástica de Sophie Foster llega a la gran pantalla de la mano de Disney. ¡Más de 3,7 millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo! Sophie Foster es una chica de 12 años. Siempre ha sido distinta al resto, ya que es capaz de oír los pensamientos de sus compañeros del colegio y leer sus mentes. Siempre ha asumido que este terrible «don» tiene una explicación lógica, y que se debe al accidente en el que se golpeó fuertemente la cabeza a los 5 años... Pero cuando se cruza en su camino un misterioso y atractivo chico, se enfrenta a la más sorprendente de las realidades. Ella nunca ha sentido que encajara con su familia, de la misma forma que jamás se ha sentido parte de este mundo... y es que en realidad: ¡jamás ha pertenecido a él!

Guardian of the Hills

by Victoria Strauss

A young girl in Depression-era Arkansas discovers her Native American heritage when a series of strange and troubling spiritual events plague an archaeological excavation on sacred lands The mounds have stood for centuries, holy ground for the Quapaw Indians of rural Arkansas. Pamela and her mother, left destitute by the Great Depression and forced to move in with Pamela&’s well-to-do grandfather, are newcomers to the small town of Flat Hills. Ostracized by her high school classmates because of her Quapaw heritage—a culture she knows nothing about—the quiet, sad teenager silently wishes they had never come to this place. But while wandering alone through the countryside, she stumbles across the sacred hills and discovers an ancient artifact that fires up her grandfather&’s archaeological fervor. Soon a crew moves in to excavate, ignoring the objections of the local Native population, and Pamela begins to experience nightmares and terrible visions as an ancient evil reaches out from beneath the disturbed hallowed ground. When a string of inexplicable accidents befall the workers at the digging site, and thousands of crows gather ominously at its edges, a young girl who has always been kept sheltered from her family&’s past will have to make the most difficult decision of her life and embrace the strange and powerful destiny that she never dreamed could be hers. A tale of suspense, the supernatural, and coming-of-age, Victoria Strauss&’s Guardian of the Hills was selected by the New York Public Library as a Book for the Teen Age and was a South Carolina Association of School Librarians Junior Book Award nominee. An ingenious blend of historical fiction and dark fantasy, this is a page-turning tale that thrills and chills in equal measure.

El guardián del fuego (El hijo del trueno #Volumen 2)

by J. C. Cervantes

RICK RIORDAN PRESENTA: EL GUARDIÁN DE FUEGO Zane no podía imaginar que su vida tenía secretos tan siniestros.Secretos que transformarán su vida para siempre. La nueva vida de Zane debería ser perfecta, pero sus problemas se multiplican: no controla sus habilidades con el fuego, se ha distanciado de su perra Rosie y no sabe cómo expresar lo que siente por su amiga Brooks. Sin embargo, debe dejar todo a un lado para tomar la difícil decisión de rescatar a su padre o salvara otros dioses nacidos a los que ha puesto en peligro. ¿Conseguirá cumplir con las dos tareas sin que los dioses descubran que está vivo? ¿O terminará atrapado para siempre en el inframundo?

Guardian: A Novel (Guardian)

by Natasha Deen

Selected for the Best Books for Kids & Teens 2015Selected for The Sunburst Award For seventeen-year-old Maggie Johnson, transitioning the dead isn't hard. What's tough is surviving the insults and pranks of Serge Popov, high school thug and the dumbest jock to ever set foot in Dead Falls, Alberta. When she finds him dead and later discovers his spirit trapped in her room, she figures it's a case of divine justice. Let the jerk rot for eternity, bound to an earthly prison. But someone—or something—has a different agenda. If Maggie doesn't help Serge cross over, she'll die at the hands of the otherworldly entity that's taken an interest in the dead bully. As she digs into the circumstances of Serge's murder, she'll uncover the secrets hidden by the world of the living and the wonders revealed by cities of the dead—if her investigation doesn't kill her first.

Guardian: Book 3 in the Steeplejack series (Steeplejack #3)

by A. J. Hartley

In A. J. Hartley’s thrilling and intriguing 19th-century South African-inspired fantasy world, which started with the Thriller Award-winning Steeplejack and continues with Guardian, Anglet Sutonga is a teenage detective fighting in a race against time as her beloved city is pushed to the brink.This is what Ang knows: A dear friend is accused of murdering the Prime Minister of Bar-Selehm.A mysterious but fatal illness is infecting the poor. A fanatical politician seizes power, unleashing a wave of violent repression over the city. This is what Ang must do: Protect her family.Solve a murder.RESIST, no matter what, before it’s too late.“Richly-drawn and diverse cast of characters, with an unstoppable plot!” —Carrie Ryan, New York Times bestselling author“Smart political intrigue wrapped in all the twists and turns of a good detective story.” — Kirkus Reviews,starred review“A political, multilayered mystery-thriller with a strong, impressively fierce heroine.” —Shelf Awareness, starred reviewAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Guardian (Touchstone #2)

by MC Lee

Sequel to The TouchstoneSuperpowered teen Sam, and his boyfriend, Harry, are already struggling to navigate being gifted in a normal world, and their problems are about to get deadlier. Their oldest enemy, Caleb Reed, will stop at nothing to capture Sam and force him to use his abilities for Reed’s benefit. Though their team of friends and allies steps up to watch their backs, Reed sneaks past their defenses time and time again, leading Sam to wonder if one of their own has betrayed them. When Reed threatens the life of a friend, Sam is forced to make the most difficult decision of his life—one with consequences he can’t even imagine.


by Julius Lester

There are times when a tree can no longer withstand the pain inflicted on it, and the wind will take pity on that tree and topple it over in a mighty storm. All the other trees who witnessed the evil look down upon the fallen tree with envy. They pray for the day when a wind will end their suffering. I pray for the day when God will end mine. In a time and place without moral conscience, fourteen-year-old Ansel knows what is right and what is true. But it is dangerous to choose honesty, and so he chooses silence. Now an innocent man is dead, and Ansel feels the burden of his decision. He must also bear the pain of losing a friend, his family, and the love of a lifetime. Coretta Scott King Award winner and Newbery Honoree Julius Lester delivers a haunting and poignant novel about what happens when one group of people takes away the humanity of another.

The Guardian

by Nancy Rue

This story teaches readers that God creates everyone with something special to offer.

Guardiã da Noite

by Addie Thorley

Baseada em O Corcunda de Notre Dame, esta é uma história fantástica que relata a transformação de Enebish, uma jovem marginalizada e dona de um grande poder capaz de controlar a noite e a escuridão. Autora nomeada para o prémio YALSA para Melhor Romance Young Adult. Chamam-me Enebish, a Destruidora, e já fui uma das maiores guerreiras do Exército Imperial do Rei Celeste. A única com o poder de manipular a noite e as sombras. Fui uma arma valiosa para o reino, até perder o controlo e me ter tornado uma assassina. Como castigo, o rei marcou-me a traição no rosto e condenou-me ao exílio num mosteiro. Depois de dois anos de cativeiro, Ghoa, a minha irmã adotiva e comandante do exército, propôs-me um plano irrecusável: capturar o rebelde que anda a roubar os mantimentos das tropas do rei. Se for bem sucedida, recupero o meu título de guerreira e deixarei de ser um monstro… ou quase. Aceitei fazê-lo, mas o mundo mudou. E agora, dividida entre a lealdade ao rei e a minha consciência, não sei em quem confiar: na minha irmã, que sempre me protegeu, ou no rebelde, que é inimigo de tudo aquilo em que acredito? «Uma história de manipulação, falsidade, honra e lealdade, que nos oferece uma visão astuciosa deste mundo fantástico e que deixará os leitores rendidos à sua heroína.» Booklist

Grrrls on the Side

by Carrie Pack

The year is 1994, and alternative is in. But not for alternative girl Tabitha Denton; she hates her life. She is uninterested in boys, lonely, and sidelined by former friends at her suburban high school. When she picks up a zine at a punk concert, she finds an escape--an advertisement for a Riot Grrrl meetup.At the meeting, Tabitha finds girls who are more like her and a place to belong. But just as Tabitha is settling in with her new friends and beginning to think she understands herself, eighteen-year-old Jackie Hardwick walks into a meeting and changes her world forever. The out-and-proud Jackie is unlike anyone Tabitha has ever known. As her feelings for Jackie grow, Tabitha begins to learn more about herself and the racial injustices of the punk scene, but to be with Jackie, she must also come to grips with her own privilege and stand up for whats right.

The Grown-Up's Guide to Teenage Humans: How to Decode Their Behavior, Develop Unshakable Trust, and Raise a Respectable Adult

by Josh Shipp

A practical guide to understanding teens from bestselling author and global youth advocate Josh Shipp.In 2015, Harvard researchers found that every child who does well in the face of adversity has had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult. But Josh Shipp didn’t need Harvard to know that. Once an at-risk foster kid, he was headed straight for trouble until he met the man who changed his life: Rodney, the foster parent who refused to quit on Shipp and got him to believe in himself. Now, in The Grown-Up’s Guide to Teenage Humans, Shipp shows all of us how to be that caring adult in a teenager’s life. Stressing the need for compassion, trust, and encouragement, he breaks down the phases of a teenage human from sixth to twelfth grade, examining the changes, goals, and mentality of teenagers at each stage. Shipp offers revelatory stories that take us inside the teen brain, and shares wisdom from top professionals and the most expert grown-ups. He also includes practice scripts that address tough issues, including: FORGIVENESS: What do I do when a teen has been really hurt by someone and it’s not their fault?COMMUNICATION: How do I get a teen to talk to me? They just grunt.TRUST: My teen blew it. My trust is gone. Where do we go from here?BULLYING: Help! A teen (or their friend) is being harassed.DIFFICULT AND AWKWARD CONVERSATIONS: Drugs. Death. Sex. Oh my.Written in Shipp’s playfully authoritative, no-nonsense voice, The Grown-Up’s Guide to Teenage Humans tells his story and unpacks practical strategies that can make a difference. Ultimately, it's not about shortcuts or magic words—as Shipp reminds us, it’s about investing in kids and giving them the love, time, and support they need to thrive. And that means every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.


by Tiffany D Jackson

Award-winning author Tiffany D. Jackson delivers another riveting, ripped-from-the-headlines mystery that exposes horrific secrets hiding behind the limelight and embraces the power of a young woman’s voice. <p><p> When legendary R&B artist Korey Fields spots Enchanted Jones at an audition, her dreams of being a famous singer take flight. Until Enchanted wakes up with blood on her hands and zero memory of the previous night. Who killed Korey Fields? <p> Before there was a dead body, Enchanted’s dreams had turned into a nightmare. Because behind Korey’s charm and star power was a controlling dark side. Now he’s dead, the police are at the door, and all signs point to Enchanted. <P><P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Growing Up Weightless

by John M. Ford

Mathais Ronay has grown up in the low gravity and great glass citadels of Independent Luna--and in the considerable shadow of his father, a member of the council that governs Luna's increasingly complex society. But Matt feels weighted down on the world where he was born, where there is no more need for exploration, for innovation, for radical ideas--and where his every movement can be tracked by his father on the Infonets. Matt and five of his friends, equally brilliant and restless, have planned a secret adventure. They will trick the electronic sentinels, slip out of the city for a journey to Farside. Their passage into the expanse of perpetual night will change them in ways they never could have predicted... and bring Matt to the destiny he has yearned for.

Growing Up Pedro: How the Martinez Brothers Made It from the Dominican Republic All the Way to the Major Leagues

by Matt Tavares

<p>The love between brothers is key to Matt Tavares's tale of Dominican pitcher Pedro Martinez, from his days of throwing rocks at mangoes to his years as a major-league star. <p>Before Pedro MartInez pitched the Red Sox to a World Series championship, before he was named to the All-Star team eight times, before he won the Cy Young three times, he was a kid from a place called Manoguayabo in the Dominican Republic. Pedro loved baseball more than anything, and his older brother Ramon was the best pitcher he'd ever seen. He'd dream of the day he and his brother could play together in the major leagues--and here, Matt Tavares tells the story of how that dream came true. In a fitting homage to a modern day baseball star, the acclaimed author-illustrator examines both Pedro Martinez's improbable rise to the top of his game and the power that comes from the deep bond between brothers.</p>

Growing Up Ivy

by Peggy Dymond Leavey

Commended for the 2011 Best Books for Kids and Teens Living in grim Depression-era Toronto with her actress mother, Frannie, Ivy Chalmers has never met her father. In 1931, Frannie sends twelve-year-old Ivy to stay with her paternal grandmother in Larkin, Ontario, while she seeks stardom in New York City. When Ivy’s father, Alva, arrives unexpectedly in Larkin, he turns out not to be the Prince Charming she imagined, but an illiterate peddler. Rescuing Ivy from her uncompromising grandmother, Alva takes her with him for the summer, wandering the countryside by horse-drawn caravan, selling shoes. Back in Larkin at summer’s end, Ivy meets teenager Charlie Bayliss, orphaned as an infant and raised by his aunt on a farm outside town. Ivy has a flair for writing and boundless imagination, while Charlie loves baseball and loathes farming. Unknown to both of them, though, is a secret connection they share. When the final pieces of the puzzle of their lives fall into place, nothing will ever be the same.

Growing Up in Public: Coming of Age in a Digital World

by Devorah Heitner

The definitive book on helping kids navigate growing up in a world where nearly every moment of their lives can be shared and comparedNATIONAL BESTSELLER With social media and constant connection, the boundaries of privacy are stretched thin. Growing Up in Public shows parents how to help tweens and teens navigate boundaries, identity, privacy, and reputation in their digital world. We can track our kids&’ every move with apps, see their grades within minutes of being posted, and fixate on their digital footprint, anxious that a misstep could cause them to be &“canceled&” or even jeopardize their admission to college. And all of this adds pressure on kids who are coming of age immersed in social media platforms that emphasize &“personal brand,&” &“likes,&” and &“gotcha&” moments. How can they figure out who they really are with zero privacy and constant judgment? Devorah Heitner shows us that by focusing on character, not the threat of getting caught or exposed, we can support our kids to be authentically themselves. Drawing on her extensive work with parents and schools as well as hundreds of interviews with kids, parents, educators, clinicians, and scholars, Heitner offers strategies for parenting our kids in an always-connected world. With relatable stories and research-backed advice, Growing Up in Public empowers parents to cut through the overwhelm to connect with their kids, recognize how to support them, and help them figure out who they are when everyone is watching.

Growing Up Asian American in Young Adult Fiction (Children's Literature Association Series)

by Ymitri Mathison

Winner of the Children’s Literature Association’s 2020 Edited Book AwardContributions by Hena Ahmad, Linda Pierce Allen, Mary J. Henderson Couzelis, Sarah Park Dahlen, Lan Dong, Tomo Hattori, Jennifer Ho, Ymitri Mathison, Leah Milne, Joy Takako Taylor, and Traise Yamamoto Often referred to as the model minority, Asian American children and adolescents feel pressured to perform academically and be disinterested in sports, with the exception of martial arts. Boys are often stereotyped as physically unattractive nerds and girls as petite and beautiful. Many Americans remain unaware of the diversity of ethnicities and races the term Asian American comprises, with Asian American adolescents proving to be more invisible than adults. As a result, Asian American adolescents are continually searching for their identity and own place in American society. For these kids, being or considered to be American becomes a challenge in itself as they assert their Asian and American identities; claim their own ethnic identity, be they immigrant or American-born; and negotiate their ethnic communities. The contributors to Growing Up Asian American in Young Adult Fiction focus on moving beyond stereotypes to examine how Asian American children and adolescents define their unique identities. Chapters focus on primary texts from many ethnicities, such as Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Japanese, Vietnamese, South Asian, and Hawaiian. Individual chapters, crossing cultural, linguistic, and racial boundaries, negotiate the complex terrain of Asian American children’s and teenagers’ identities. Chapters cover such topics as internalized racism and self-loathing; hypersexualization of Asian American females in graphic novels; interracial friendships; transnational adoptions and birth searches; food as a means of assimilation and resistance; commodity racism and the tourist gaze; the hostile and alienating environment generated by the War on Terror; and many other topics.

Growing an Inch

by Stanley Gordon West

A story of an 18 year old boy struggling against all odds to keep his family together. After his mother dies, his alcoholic father can't care for his family properly and the boy fights against the welfare system that wants to separate him and his two brothers and sister. Set in St Paul in 1949-50, Donny Cunningham makes a vow to keep his family together and leads the reader on an adventure bright with humor, suspense and a boy's undaunted courage.

Growing a Reader from Birth: Your Child's Path from Language to Literacy

by Diane Mcguinness

From cooing in the crib to first words and sentences, to stories and the final big leap into reading and writing, "Growing a Reader from Birth" reviews the latest research revealing just how much infants, toddlers, and preschoolers know and can express from the early months on. In chapters that cover each year of a child's language growth, seasoned researcher Diane McGuinness links this new knowledge of how babies first perceive and produce language to her own innovative program for children's later mastery of reading. McGuinness charts how a child initially makes sense of the world of sounds and symbols and then progresses from recognizing and decoding words to developing a vocabulary and using it to become a good listener, an expert reader, and an eloquent speaker. McGuinness also underscores the important role of a child's parents in healthy language development, giving tips and pointers on how parents can best facilitate a child's learning. The past decade has been prolific in the knowledge gained about language development and the parents' pivotal role. Full of fascinating insights into infant behavior, "Growing a Reader from Birth" not only illuminates the stages of language learning in children but also wisely counsels parents on how to maximize interactions with their children and be a positive force in nurturing their child's language from day one.

Grover Cleveland (The American Presidents Series)

by Henry F. Graff Arthur M. Schlesinger

The presidential historian Henry F. Graff revives Cleveland's fame, explaining how he fought to restore stature to the office in the wake of several weak administrations.

Groupwork With Children and Adolescents

by Ralph L Kolodny James A Garland

This state-of-the-art information on social groupwork with children and youth provides theoretical guidelines and suggestions for practice. Each authoritative chapter represents a blending of old and new practice models and syntheses of various knowledge perspectives and emphasizes the subtlety and unpredictability of groupwork. Experts addresses the issues of getting groups started, adapting group programs to the needs of younger school-age children, and using group therapy with young abused and neglected girls. They also include specific observations about the psychic and social developmental characteristics of the age groupings as a guiding factor in choosing group models and intervention techniques. Topics discussed include aspects of group dynamics, group techniques, resistance, stages in group development, and developmental issues of group members.

Ground Training (Pine Hollow #10)

by Bonnie Bryant

Every action has its consequences—and it&’s time for Carole to face hers Carole Hanson knew cheating on that test was wrong, but she didn&’t predict how extreme her punishment would be. Being grounded has been harsh—no phone, no TV, no hanging out with friends, no job, and absolutely no Pine Hollow. It&’s a huge price for one stupid, thoughtless act that she wishes she could take back. On the other hand, Stevie Lake is an expert at being grounded—freedom seems like a distant memory. Then something wonderful happens—her parents give her a day off. Nothing could be better than spending it with her boyfriend, Phil, and their buddy A.J.—until A.J.&’s reckless behavior puts them all at risk. Being grounded might soon be the least of their problems.

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