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Cinnamon Moon

by Tess Hilmo

On the same day as the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, 250 miles away in Peshtigo, Wisconsin, there was an even more devastating fire. Twelve-year-old Ailis and her younger brother, Quinn, survive, but their family does not. Ailis and Quinn are taken by a family acquaintance to live in a boarding house in Chicago, where they meet six-year-old Nettie, an orphan displaced by Chicago's fire. But the woman who runs the boarding house makes their lives miserable, and Ailis vows to find a way for the three of them to leave. Ailis finds a job at a millinery shop and Quinn plays his fiddle on the streets so they can save money. Then Nettie disappears, and Ailis and Quinn discover she's been kidnapped by a group that forces children to work in the sewers killing rats. Can they find a way to rescue her? CINNAMON MOON is Tess Hilmo's riveting story of friendship and finding home. <P><P>Lexile Measure: 740L

Cinders (Lorimer Real Love)

by Mette Bach

After seventeen-year-old Ash's mother dies, Ash is left with her mother's boyfriend and his children. They bully her by posting embarrassing pictures and making her do their homework. Ash's only solace is the app she developed to help people being cyber-bullied. Calling herself @Cinders, Ash chats online with a girl named @Charming. Discovering @Charming is Char, a singer who goes to Ash's school, Ash comes to admire Char's courage in self-identifying as a lesbian. Char helps Ash help others, instead of being bitter. Ash finally feels like someone sees that she is special and supports her. A modern Cinderella, Cinders tells the story of overcoming adversity and bullying with kindness and compassion. Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

Cinderella is Dead

by Kalynn Bayron

Sophia knows the story though, off by heart. Because every girl has to recite it daily, from when she's tiny until the night she's sent to the royal ball for choosing. And every girl knows that she has only one chance. For the lives of those not chosen by a man at the ball ... are forfeit. <P><P> But Sophia doesn't want to be chosen – she's in love with her best friend, Erin, and hates the idea of being traded like cattle. And when Sophia's night at the ball goes horribly wrong, she must run for her life. Alone and terrified, she finds herself hiding in Cinderella's tomb. And there she meets someone who will show her that she has the power to remake her world ... <P><P> An electrifying twist on the classic fairytale that will inspire girls to break out of limiting stereotypes and follow their dreams!


by BPI India Pvt Ltd

A Classic Fairy tale for Children

Cinder & Glass

by Melissa de la Cruz

New York Times bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz pens a lush, swoon-worthy retelling of "Cinderella" set in lavish Versailles. Perfect for fans of Bridgerton and The Selection!1682. The king sends out an invitation to all the maidens in France: their presence is requested at a number of balls and events that will be held in honor of the dashing Prince Louis, who must choose a bride. - - -Cendrillon de Louvois has more grace, beauty, and charm than anyone else in France. While she was once the darling child of the king's favorite adviser, her father's death has turned her into the servant of her stepmother and cruel stepsisters--and at her own chateau, too! Cendrillon--now called Cinder--manages to evade her stepmother and attend the ball, where she catches the eye of the handsome Prince Louis and his younger brother Auguste. Even though Cendrillon has an immediate aversion to Louis, and a connection with Auguste, the only way to escape her stepmother is to compete with the other women at court for the Prince's hand. Soon, as Cendrillon glows closer to Auguste and dislikes the prince more and more, she will have to decide if she can bear losing the boy she loves in order to leave a life she hates.

Cinder (Las crónicas lunares #Volumen 1)

by Marissa Meyer

Érase una vez, en el futuro... El destino de la Tierra depende de una sola chica.Pero nadie, ni siquiera ella, lo sabe. Cinder es el primer volumen de la saga «Las crónicas lunares». Cuando Cinder conoce a Kai, el príncipe de Nueva Pekín, el mundo está patas arriba: una plaga mortal está causando estragos entre la población del reino, y los científicos trabajan contra reloj para encontrar una posible vacuna. Tras el contagio de Peony, hermanastra y única amiga de Cinder, esta se presenta voluntaria a las pruebas médicas del misterioso doctor Erland, unas pruebas a las que ningún otro participante ha sobrevivido. Pero, para sorpresa de todos, Cinder sale con vida. Y no solo eso: en el hospital se descubre un secreto de su pasado que podría cambiar el futuro del mundo... y unir a Cinder y Kai de forma inesperada. Reseñas:«Me enamoró... Consigue sorprenderte constantemente.»Ana Alonso, autora de Tatuaje «Espectacular.»Los Angeles Times Los lectores dicen...«Me encantó porque tiene romance, tiene acción, tiene distopía, tiene chanchullos políticos y además es un retelling de un cuento clásico, como la Cenicienta, así que me dejó bastante satisfecha en todo.»

Cinder: Book One of the Lunar Chronicles (The Lunar Chronicles #1)

by Marissa Meyer

The #1 New York Times Bestselling Series!Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth's fate hinges on one girl. . . . Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She's a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister's illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai's, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world's future. Marissa Meyer on Cinder, writing, and leading menWhich of your characters is most like you?I wish I could say that I'm clever and mechanically-minded like Cinder, but no—I can't fix anything. I'm much more like Cress, who makes a brief cameo in Cinder and then takes a more starring role in the third book. She's a romantic and a daydreamer and maybe a little on the naïve side—things that could be said about me too—although she does find courage when it's needed most. I think we'd all like to believe we'd have that same inner strength if we ever needed it. Where do you write?I have a home office that I've decorated with vintage fairy tale treasures that I've collected (my favorite is a Cinderella cookie jar from the forties) and NaNoWriMo posters, but sometimes writing there starts to feel too much like work. On those days I'll write in bed or take my laptop out for coffee or lunch.If you were stranded on a desert island, which character from Cinder would you want with you?Cinder, definitely! She has an internet connection in her brain, complete with the ability to send and receive comms (which are similar to e-mails). We'd just have enough time to enjoy some fresh coconut before we were rescued. The next book in the Lunar Chronicles is called Scarlet, and is about Little Red Riding Hood. What is appealing to you most about this character as you work on the book?Scarlet is awesome—she's very independent, a bit temperamental, and has an outspokenness that tends to get her in trouble sometimes. She was raised by her grandmother, an ex-military pilot who now owns a small farm in southern France, who not only taught Scarlet how to fly a spaceship and shoot a gun, but also to have a healthy respect and appreciation for nature. I guess that's a lot of things that appeal to me about her, but she's been a really fun character to write! (The two leading men in Scarlet, Wolf and Captain Thorne, aren't half bad either.)

Los cinco continentes del amor

by Javier Ruescas Francesc Miralles

Una enternecedora y profunda novela escrita en colaboración por Javier Ruescas y Francesc Miralles. El Amante Europeo conoce los secretos de la seducción y el romanticismo, pero a menudo construye la relación desde la fantasía. El Amante Americano vive el amor como un éxito vital, pero es más efectivo en sociedad que en las distancias cortas. El Amante Africano se guía por la cercanía y la pasión, pero adolece de impaciencia e inseguridad. El Amante Asiático quiere y cuida desde el respeto absoluto, pero le cuesta dar voz a lo que siente su corazón. El Amante Oceánico se guía por la inspiración del momento y es impredecible; hoy te lo da todo y mañana desaparece en cualquier aventura. ¿A qué continente pertenece tu corazón?

Un cielo lleno de nubes (Las hermanas Luna #Volumen 1)

by Susana Rubio

Susana Rubio vuelve con una nueva bilogía.Amor, hermandad y superación. Bienvenido al mundo de las hermanas Luna. Un accidente, una familia rota y la necesidad de reconstruirse. ¿Cómo podrán ayudarse mutuamente? No será fácil, pero entre todos conseguirán que su casita de madera resurja de las cenizas.Esta es una historia de sueños, superación y amor de cuatro hermanas que no dejan de luchar día tras día. Sus vivencias te harán reír y llorar, te llevarán a reflexionar sobre la vida y te sacarán una bonita sonrisa. Nueva bilogía de Susana Rubio después de dar el salto a las librerías con la saga Alexia; Tengo un whatsapp; la bilogía Todasmis amigas y Todos mis amigos; y las saga En Roma (Arrivederci, amor, Ciao, bonita y Buonasera, princesa). Recientemente ha publicado la bilogía LoveInApp, compuesta por Vera y su mundo y Nuestro pequeño universo.

Un cielo lleno de estrellas (Las hermanas Luna #Volumen 2)

by Susana Rubio

La bilogía de Las hermanas Luna llega a su fin: Un cielo lleno de estrellas, el nuevo libro de Susana Rubio. Un reencuentro, una ruptura, una nueva aventura, una ilusión. Pase lo que pase, siempre van a estar unidos, porque la familia es lo más importante en sus vidas. Esta es la continuación de la historia de las hermanas Luna, llena de sentimientos, risas y lágrimas.Una novela que te enternecerá el corazón, que te hará valorar la vida y que te hará sonreír. Susana Rubio (Cambrils, 1975) es licenciada en Pedagogía por la Universidad Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona. A pesar de tener su propia consulta, nunca deja de escribir en sus ratos libres: no le importa dónde ni cuándo, solo necesita sus auriculares con música a todo volumen para teclear en el ordenador sin parar. Lo que desde siempre le había apasionado se convirtió en algo más cuando decidió autopublicarse y sus libros se posicionaron rápidamente entre los más vendidos. Con miles de lectores enganchados a sus historias, Susana Rubio dio el salto a las librerías con la saga Alexia; Tengo un whatsapp; la bilogía Todas misamigas y Todos mis amigos; la saga En Roma (Arrivederci, amor; Ciao, bonita; y Buonasera, princesa); y la bilogía LoveInApp, compuesta por Vera y su mundo y Nuestro pequeño universo. Recientemente ha publicado la primera parte de las hermanas Luna, Un cielo lleno de nubes. Todos estos títulos han sido publicados en Montena.

Cielo infinito (El piso mil #Volumen 3)

by Katharine McGee

Cuando lo tienes todo, puedes perderlo todo. Bienvenidos de nuevo a la ciudad de Nueva York, en el año 2119. En la glamurosa supertorre de mil plantas que se alza en el corazón de Manhattan, millones de personas llevan una vida protagonizada por los escándalos: amores prohibidos, antiguas venganzas, sueños imposibles... Leda, Watt, Rylin, Avery y Calliope pugnan por evitar que salgan a la luz sus mayores secretos. Unos secretos que amenazan con destruirlo todo y empujar sus idílicas existencias al vacío.

El ciclo del eterno emperador

by Laura Gallego

Vida y muerte. Oro y sangre. Tal es el poder del eterno emperador de Akidavia. El Eterno Emperador gobierna Akidavia durante mil años antes de morir para renacer de nuevo. Tras la muerte de su última encarnación, varios miembros del Consejo Imperial se presentan en una pequeña aldea en busca del recién nacido que alberga el alma de Su Divinidad y que, por tanto, debe ocupar el trono. Esta es la historia de Vintanelalandali, decimoséptima encarnación del Eterno Emperador, educada desde niña para tomar las riendas del imperio en cuanto sus poderes despierten. Pero también es la historia de Kelan, un muchacho criado en un remoto rincón de Akidavia, cuya vida cambia de golpe el día en que decide desafiar a la autoridad local. Cuando los destinos de ambos se crucen, el futuro del imperio tomará un giro inesperado.

Ciarrah's Light (The Sun Child Chronicles #3)

by Lou Hoffmann

Sequel to Wraith Queen's VeilThe Sun Child Chronicles: Book ThreeLuccan, future Suth Chiell of the Ethran Sunlands, also known as Lucky, has reached the end of a months-long adventure and gained much. Now he wants nothing more than to relax and recover at home. His mother’s apparition has other ideas, and dark dreams drag Lucky further and further into unconsciousness until he’s nearly dead. With help from Lucky’s sentient obsidian blade, Ciarrah, he makes it back to the light, only to find his country is in deep distress, and it’s getting deeper. The wizard Thurlock, Lucky’s dragon-kin uncle Han, and other friends help him muddle through as he becomes the channel for prophecy. War erupts in the Sunlands, and in a battle against wraiths created by the advanced science of a dying world, Lucky plays a key role. Physical weapons can’t stop the enemy, but Ciarrah’s light can, and only Lucky can wield it. With the help of his winged horse, his boyfriend, and Thurlock, Lucky sets out to prevent his mother’s shade from wreaking any more havoc. But will stopping her end the horrors facing his world?

Ciao, bonita (En Roma #Volumen 2)

by Susana Rubio

Tres amigas. Un Erasmus. Y la ciudad eterna, Roma. Llega la segunda parte de la nueva serie de Susana Rubio. Resérvate las próximas 24h Marina y Lucca no logran olvidar aquella noche en Roma. Compartieron risas, sueños, confidencias y algún que otro secreto. Lo que no saben es que siguen unidos por un hilo invisible a sus ojos. Marina es muy independiente y tiene claro que no quiere pareja. Lucca es un alma libre y la música es su prioridad. Los dos decidieron no seguir juntos… pero uno no elige de quién se enamora. ¿Conseguirá la magia del AMOR escribir otra historia en ROMA?

Church History: A Course on the People of God (Sadlier Faith and Witness)

by Thomas J. Shelley

Church History: A Course on the People of God by Thomas J. Shelley.

Chrysalis (Project Nemesis #3)

by Brendan Reichs

The stunning finale of the Project Nemesis trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Brendan Reichs.The 64 members of Fire Lake's sophomore class have managed to survive the first two phases of the Program--and each other. Now, they alone have emerged into the dawn of a new era on Earth, into a Fire Lake valley that's full of otherworldly dangers and challenges. Although staying alive in this broken world should force Min, Noah, Tack, and the others to form new alliances, old feuds die hard, and the brutality of the earlier Program phases cannot be forgotten. But being a team isn't easy for the sophomores, and when they discover that they may not be alone on the planet after all, they'll have to decide if they're going to work together . . . or die together.

Chronology of Weather (Dangerous Weather)

by Michael Allaby

From the Book Jacket: A Chronology of Weather presents an overview of the dangerous weather described in preceding volumes in the series. It includes a time line of catastrophic weather events from c. 3,200 B.C. to 1997, as well as a chronology of meteorological discovery-comprising the lives and inventions of great weather scientists-from c. 340 B.c. to 1995. A Chronology of Weather also contains weather experiments that students can perform at home using ordinary household supplies, a glossary of meteorological terms, charts for wind measurement and cloud classification, and further readings suggested by the author. The Dangerous Weather series imparts fundamental weather science to readers through author Michael Allaby's vivid descriptions of extreme weather systems. The series focuses on the five most dangerous kinds of weather activity; diagrams related meteorological, climatological, and environmental basics in clear, compelling language; chronicles the history of each form of dangerous weather; and offers safety precautions for extreme weather conditions. Fully illustrated and indexed, the Dangerous Weather series is an invaluable tool for student research. Other volumes include: hurricanes tornadoes droughts blizzards floods Other books in this series are also available from Bookshare.

Chronically Dolores

by Maya Van Wagenen

Maya Van Wagenen, bestselling author of Popular, tells Dolores&’s story with humor, heartache, and an occasional bit of telenovela flair.&“A striking fiction debut.&” —Publishers Weekly, starred review&“An insightful, funny, and realistic coming-of-age story.&” —KirkusDolores Mendoza is not thriving. She was recently diagnosed with a chronic bladder condition called interstitial cystitis. The painful disease isn&’t life threatening, but it is threatening to ruin her life.Just when things seem hopeless, Dolores meets someone poised to change her fate. Terpsichore Berkenbosch-Jones is glamorous, autistic, and homeschooled against her will by her overprotective mother. After a rocky start, the girls form a tentative partnership. Beautiful, talented Terpsichore will help Dolores win back her ex-best friend, Shae. And Dolores will convince Terpsichore&’s mom that her daughter has the social skills to survive public school. It seems like a foolproof plan, but Dolores isn&’t always a reliable narrator, and her choices may put her in danger of committing an unforgivable betrayal.

Christopher Robin: The Novelization

by Disney Book Group

Capturing the heartwarming magic of Walt Disney Studios' upcoming Christopher Robin film, this novelization pulls fans back into the world of Pooh through a book that enables them to relive the story and revisit their old pals whenever they please. <P><P>Focusing on the power of love, friendship, and family, the novelization invites readers to join Christopher Robin, Pooh, and their friends from the Hundred Acre Wood on an all-new adventure that adds new depth to timeless and beloved characters old and new.

Christmas Waffle Caper (A Wicked Waffle Paranormal Cozy #4)

by Carolyn Q. Hunter

It's nearly Christmas in Haunted Falls, and Sonja Reed and her fiance Frank Thompson have been invited to a festive white elephant party. However, before the party begins, Sonja has just one Christmas delivery to make to a cabin across the lake. Unfortunately, when car trouble prevents the duo from getting back to town, Sonja knows it's just the beginning of what could become one crazy night. Some strange family drama, a body, a ghost, and an escaped mental patient make for one spooky winter night. Will Sonja and Frank be able to solve this latest case before it's too late?

A Christmas Memory: One Christmas, and The Thanksgiving Visitor

by Truman Capote

Available for the first time in a single volume are the three holiday stories that Truman Capote regarded as among his greatest works of short fiction. Two of these childhood memoirs--"A Christmas Memory" and "The Thanksgiving Visitor"--center on the author's early years with a family of distant relatives in rural Alabama. Both pay loving tribute to an eccentric old-maid cousin, Miss Sook Faulk, who became his best friend. In "A Christmas Memory," Miss Sook, Buddy (the narrator), and their dog, Queenie, celebrate the yuletide in a hilariously tipsy state. In the poignant reminiscence "One Christmas," six-year-old Buddy journeys to New Orleans for a reunion with his estranged father that shatters many illusions. And in "The Thanksgiving Visitor," Miss Sook invites the school bully, Odd Henderson--called by Buddy "the meanest human creature in my experience"--to Thanksgiving dinner. These three heartwarming classics are all distinguished by Capote's delicate interplay of childhood sensibility and recollective vision. For all ages.

The Christmas Horse (Tack Ranch #2)

by Glenn Balch

"He's no good. Not with a wild horse like King for a sire!" That's what Ben Darby's father thinks. But Ben believes in the little black colt. And he takes on the job of breaking and training the son of the wild stallion. It isn't easy. When Ben leaves the ranch to go to school in the city, the colt, Inky, goes too. Ben has to earn the money for Inky's keep. He has to get up winter mornings at 4:30 to ride him. Does Inky really have the stuff? Is he all that Ben believes him to be? The test comes the day Johnny Horn rides for the calf- roping championship - on Ben Darby's Christmas Horse.

The Christmas Countdown (The Fabulous Five #13)

by Betsy Haynes

Can A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE HAPPEN? Jana Morgan, Melanie Edwards, Beth Barry, Christie Winchell, Katie Shannon... they're The Fabulous Five. They started out as a club whose secret purpose was to keep up with snobby Taffy Sinclair. Now these five best friends are in the seventh grade--are they ready for the ups and downs of junior high? THE CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN When Melanie Edwards's parents won't buy her a puppy for Christmas, she hopes she can find one for free at the local animal shelter. There among all the cats and dogs, she discovers the perfect pet. She also uncovers some horrifying news: If no one adopts the older animals at the shelter soon, they'll be put to sleep...on Christmas Eve! Now it's up to The Fabulous Five and their friends to save the animals. But with Christmas Eve only nine days away, can their pet project possibly succeed?

The Christmas Clash

by Suzanne Park

Who's naughty and nice at Riverwood Mall? In this hilarious YA holiday rom-com, two rivals get together to save their families' livelihoods, and Christmas, too!Chloe Kwon can't stand Peter Li. It's always been that way. Their families don't get along either: their parents operate rival restaurants in the Riverwood Mall food court—Korean food for the Kwons and Chinese food for the Lis. Now it's the holiday season and Chloe's the photographer at the mall's Santa's Village, and Peter works at the virtual reality North Pole experience right across the atrium. It's all Chloe can do to avoid Peter's smug, incredibly photogenic face.But it turns out the mall is about to be sold to a developer and demolished for condos. Eviction notices are being handed out right before Christmas. Their parents don't know what to do, and soon Chloe and Peter realize that the two of them need to join efforts to try to save the mall. Just when it seems like they can put aside their differences and work closely (very closely) together, they discover that the Kwon and Li feud goes far deeper than either of them realize...Perfect for readers who...Love holiday rom-comsEnjoy rivals-to-lovers storiesFans of Kasie West, Rachel Lynn Solomon, and Sandhya MenonPraise for The Christmas Clash:"Think of the perfect, coziest Hallmark movie but with way more edge, wit, and authentic representation. The ideal stocking-stuffer for anyone who loves the holidays, ridiculously adorable romance, delicious Asian food, and malls!" —Stephan Lee, author of K-Pop Confidential"A delicious romp of a rom-com. It left me craving spicy pork and sesame balls and nostalgic for the feeling of the mall at Christmastime." —Tiffany Schmidt, author of I'm Dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas"It's the perfect book to read for the holidays, chock full of humor, banter, food, mall shenanigans, and a side mission that brings these two opposites together." —Tif Marcelo, USA Today bestselling author of The Holiday Switch"Keep the holiday spirit alive in this Romeo and Juliet flavored rom-com" —Publishers Weekly"A fun rivalry-to-romance romp" —Kirkus Reviews

A Christmas Carol with Related Readings

by McGraw-Hill-Glencoe Staff

Contains: A Christmas Carol My Father as I Recall Him memoir A Ghostly Game of Puckeen folk tale Dolores Huerta--American Farm Labor Leader biography If There Be Sorrow poem The Stone short story

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