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Cherry Ames, Student Nurse (Cherry Ames #1)

by Helen Wells

Meet the nurse who inspired a generation of young people to go into nursing. Smart, courageous, mischievous, quick-witted, and above all, devoted to the profession of nursing, Cherry meets adventure wherever she goes... <P><P> In Student Nurse, Cherry starts nursing school at Spencer with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation - would she have what it takes to be a nurse? She leaves her quiet town of Hilton, Illinois for the bustle of hospital life, to meet challenges she wouldn't have imagined. The U.S. is at war. Many nurses have gone to the front, and there is a shortage of RNs at Spencer--which Cherry and her classmates help to fill, as they learn the skills they need to graduate. And who is the mysterious patient in the secret room that no one seems to know anything about? Should Cherry risk expulsion to save his life?

Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack!

by M. E. Kerr

M. E. Kerr&’s first novel—hailed by the New York Times as a &“timely, compelling,&” and &“brilliantly funny&” look at adolescence and friendship It was bad enough that they had to move to Brooklyn—Brooklyn Heights, as Tucker Woolf&’s dad instructs him to tell everyone after he loses his job. Now his father has suddenly developed an allergy to Tucker&’s cat, Nader, a nine-month-old calico Tucker found underneath a Chevrolet. Tucker&’s beloved pet finds a new home with overweight, outrageous Susan &“Dinky&” Hocker, the only person to answer Tucker&’s ad.As Tucker starts paying regular visits to Dinky&’s house to check up on Nader, his life begins to change. Dinky introduces Tucker to her strange cousin, Natalia Line, a compulsive rhymer whom Tucker finds fascinating. And enter P. John Knight, who&’s fat like Dinky . . . and now, like Nader. With this odd cast of characters, a little world is created for big kids who need to go on diets. And who also, all of them, need to find out who they are.A story of friendship, self-image, and surviving adolescence, Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack! is also about the terror—and exhilaration—of daring to be yourself. This ebook features an illustrated personal history of M. E. Kerr including rare images from the author&’s collection.

The Innocent Wayfaring

by Marchette Chute

Something quite different in the way of an historical story, for this novel of two young people and their mid-summer travels in fourteenth century England, seems not to be set in the past at all. There is laughter and romance and adventure, and Anne's ways of getting around the unsuspecting Nick seem as modern as today. The author says that stories of this period are almost always too heavy and solemn —for it was the period of England's great comic poet, Chaucer. That is why Anne and Nick take their way through pages that are filled with amusing situations and lively conversations. The author has added as decoration, entertaining chapter heads and tail pieces in the style of the period. For older girls.

The Portrait in the Sand (Dana Girls Mystery #12)

by Carolyn Keene

The Danas' pottery teacher, Miss Warren, asks Jean and Louise to help her find her missing fiancé, F.B.I agent Richard Henley. The girls and Miss Warren stay with her aunt and uncle, the Pattons, while they work on the mystery. The Pattons fear that Henley has drowned, since his boat has washed up on shore. The Danas find few clues but wonder if the strange hermit, Ham Gert knows anything about Henley. Gert refuses to talk except to warn the girls away from the cliff and the beach. The girls become suspicious of Gert and wonder about the strange cries they hear coming from the top of the cliff. When the girls investigate, the cliff is deserted. The mystery proves difficult to solve, especially when Lettie Briggs appears on the scene and thwarts the Danas' investigation. How the Danas discover what happened to Richard Henley and help the government will thrill the reader from start to finish.

The Secret of the Barred Window (Judy Bolton Mysteries #16)

by Margaret Sutton

Judy is about to be married, or is she? With less than 2 weeks until her wedding, she just can't manage to stay out of trouble! Her double wedding with Lorraine is on the rocks when Lorraine discovers an untimely secret, Judy loses her wedding dress and finds herself tangled up in an amnesic author's woeful tale. With Peter working toward becoming a G-Man, life is upside down.


by Mary O'Hara

Ken McLaughlin's mare, Flicka, gives birth to an angry white colt that's so odd looking Ken's mother names him Goblin. But the colt has more to him that anyone knows. Is he a throwback to the Albino, or can he be the racehorse that the McLaughlins need to save their ranch from bankruptcy? Sequel to My Friend Flicka.

Adventure For Alison

by Elizabeth Howard

After running away from their guardians to search for their older brother, Hugh, Alison and her twin, Gavin, find themselves aboard the Caroline, heading toward the colonies. They have heard that Hugh, because of his loyalty to the Stuart cause, has had to take refuge somewhere in the new world and they are determined to find him. It is not until they reach Boston that they realize they are to be sold as bond servants. Gavin is apprenticed to a bookseller and Alison is obliged to fit herself into the role of lady's maid to the spoiled Henrietta. Her life is no longer as carefree and easy as it was in Scotland, but her duties are not too difficult. After escorting Henrietta to Mrs. Bassett's school for young ladies she frequently has time to stop at the bookseller's shop to discuss plans with Gavin for finding their brother. On one occasion, while on an errand that leads her through Old Boston's narrow, winding streets, to her great dismay, Alison suddenly recognizes a familiar profile and she and Gavin are once more faced with the possibility of having to run away. Elizabeth Howard has chosen Old Boston with its busy streets and ship filled harbor for the background for this pre-revolutionary story and again she has created some convincing characters and an excellent plot. Ages 12-16

City of the Beasts (Eagle and Jaguar #1)

by Isabel Allende

When Alexander Cold's mother falls ill, the fifteen-year-old is sent to stay with his eccentric grandmother in New York. A tough and prickly magazine reporter, Kate Cold takes Alex along with her on an expedition to the Amazon to verify the existence of the fierce, gigantic, legendary creature known as the Beast. Joining them on their adventure are a celebrated anthropologist; a local guide and his daughter, Nadia; a doctor; and a local entrepreneur. But not everyone's intentions are pure—and dangerous discoveries await Alex and Nadia as they embark, with the aid of a jungle shaman, on an epic journey into the realm of the mythical Beasts of the Amazon.<P> City of the Beasts is the first book in an extraordinary trilogy by Isabel Allende, one of the world's most acclaimed authors.

The Clue of the Rusty Key (Dana Girls Mystery #11)

by Carolyn Keene

The Danas are thrust into the middle of a dispute between Oliver Pritz Gormly and Jasper Conway. The girls rescue Conway and his important papers when Gormly sets fire to Conway's store. Later, when Pritz confronts the girls and orders them to turn over the papers, the girls refuse, earning themselves a new enemy. Jean and Louise learn that Gormly is a swindler, cheating many people, including their classmate Lettie Briggs, who refuses to believe that Gormly is dishonest. Jean and Louise can do little to help Lettie since she refuses to talk to the Danas, but the girls befriend several other victims as they search for clues. The girls face many difficulties before they finally bring Dr. Gormly to justice.

Husky: Co-Pilot of the Pilgrim

by Rutherford Montgomery

Kent McIntosh has saved enough money to buy a small plane, the Pilgrim. Along with his wolf-dog and co-pilot, Husky, he becomes a brush-hopper, delivering supplies to mining camps. All goes well until the plane goes down in the wilderness and Husky must save both Kent's life and the rest of the dog team.

Juneau: The Sleigh Dog (Famous Dog Stories)

by West Lathrop

Pierre Barnard never dreamed when he left New York City on a northern vacation that he would be separated from his father, deserted by Ka-uk, their Indian guide, and left alone, snowbound in a cabin in the Alaskan wilderness. Alone--except for a huge gray sleigh dog, Juneau--and with a small box to be protected. The mysterious contents of that box proved to be more than a responsibility. Because of them Pierre found that he had to deal with a crafty enemy who forced the boy to use all his resources to outwit him. Starvation threatened, strange footprints encircled the cabin, a cry sounded from the depths of a crevasse--and through these and other experiences Pierre's sole friend and companion was Juneau, an outcast and veteran of the trail, whose unerring wisdom and devotion constantly guided and guarded him. This story of an average American boy, unused to real hardship but possessed of determination and fortitude, and of his struggle to exist in the frozen wastes of Alaska, is a vivid narrative of character put to the test--of the maturity that resulted from Pierre's having met difficult situations with decision and courage. Written with singular beauty and force, each chapter holds the reader in stirring suspense.

The Mark on the Mirror (Judy Bolton Mysteries #15)

by Margaret Sutton

Ghosts, bad luck from broken mirrors, and a mystery around an unloved girl set the scene for Judy's latest adventure. It is only weeks until Lorraine and Judy's double wedding, but mysteries know no social schedule. From a masked man delivering a shower gift to being run off the road, Judy's head is spinning trying to put the pieces together in another mystery adventure.

Steppin and Family

by Hope Newell

To Steppin, brown, eager and limber, tap-dancing was the only art in the world, but Harlem boys don't have much money for dancing lessons; and fame seemed very far away as he sat forlornly under the Wishing Tree. Little could Steppin Stebbins imagine the twists and turns in his home life and budding career in the year to follow. From his little corner of Harlem, to the wide open country of upstate New York, and even eventually to the lights of Broadway, Steppin Stebbin knows only one thing; his dream is to dance with the world's most famous tap dancer, Bob Williams. This is a prequel to the Mary Ellis nursing series.

By Way of the Silverthorns

by Grace Livingston Hill

Among the young men and women gathered for Sydney Hollis' wedding, McRae Silverthorn and her brother Lincoln were quietly outstanding. Even so, none of the guests could have imagined the part they were to play in the events that stemmed from the wedding celebration.It was Lincoln's grave words that first stirred in Minnie Lazarelle a longing for a better life. It was McRae whose sweetness and grace touched the hearts of her worldly weekend guests and who changed the course of several lives. In the climax of the story, when Minnie Lazarelle comes to grips with life and finds a solution for herself and her younger brothers and sisters, it is again the far-reaching influence of the Silverthorns that brings her her reward and happiness. This heart-stirring novel draws inspiring pictures of men and women facing life's problems with faith and courage.

The Clue In The Patchwork Quilt (Judy Bolton Mysteries #14)

by Margaret Sutton Pelagie Doane

Judy Bolton is thrust into an intriguing mystery when a stranger rushes up to her and gives her a purse that is not hers. Unable to catch up with the stranger to return it, Judy searches the purse and finds a note written by someone named Blackie. The note has a picture of a gun and requests that the bearer meet Blackie after a certain lecture. After Peter contacts the FBI, an agent meets with Judy and Peter and confirms that Blackie is a wanted criminal. Judy and Peter feel that the criminal has mistaken Judy for someone else, but the agent contends that with Judy's red hair it isn't likely that someone else looks just like her. But amazingly, Judy does have a double. Judy faces danger and intrigue as she helps the FBI capture Blackie and receives a pleasant surprise when she comes face to face with a cousin she never knew she had, a young woman by the name of Roxy.

Midnight Moon (Connie McGuire #2)

by Dorothy Lyons

Connie McGuire, born and brought up on a farm, had a wonderful way with horses. She had her proved her ability with Silver Birch, an ownerless white mare who had run free for a year. Now she had a different problem with Midnight Moon whose so-called meanness had been caused by cruel treatment. If Connie can school her in the paces and behavior of a good riding horse, and prove her success by showing her before judges in an accredited horse show, she'll win her bet and keep her own mare, Silver Birch, safe. This is a story complete in itself, but readers of Silver Birch will be glad to meet the beautiful white mare again.

The Mysterious Fireplace (Dana Girls Mystery #10)

by Carolyn Keene

Jean and Louise are excited to be spending Christmas vacation at Highfort, a property that Captain Dana's friend Tom Fairweather is in the processing of purchasing. The Danas' trip turns out much more exciting than anticipated, because several other people show up at Highfort claiming ownership to the property including arrogant Mrs. Plimpton and the Danas' school friend Sonya Olavu and her brother Tranley. Mr. Fairweather disappears before his arrival at Highfort, further complicating the situation. The Danas feel loyal to Mr. Fairweather, but he cannot defend his claim to the property. The situation becomes more grim with the disappearance of Sonya's jeweled star and a mysterious nighttime visitor who wrecks the Christmas tree. The Danas must solve the mystery but are at a loss to know how to begin.

Star-Spangled Summer

by Janet Lambert

Poor little rich teen Carrol hasn't been having a nickel's worth of fun. But then she's invited to spend a summer with Penny Parrish on an Army post--and things really start to happen! Her first horse show. Her first formal dance. A moonlight picnic. And there is also David who avoids girls. "I'm just another scalp," says David. But David changes his mind when he gets to know Carrol, and summer suddenly becomes a joy-filled season, bringing friendship--and love.

The Fair Adventure

by Elizabeth Gray

It was Page's graduation day. Everything seemed to be disappointing on this most important day of her life. Her mother had to go off to meet her married sister. Her other sister was graduating from Nurses training in the afternoon, and to top it all, father missed his bus and she thought he wasn't going to be there either. Page was not only reading an essay but she had to give the Valedictorian's speech. And none of the family seemed to think it was important. Page even left her essay at home in the excitement. After graduation came College Board exams. If she passed she could go away to college on a scholarship. Otherwise she must go to college at home where her father was a professor. She worked hard but didn't quite make it. Her family was so absorbed in their own affairs she could scarcely get them to listen to her troubles. She accepted bravely the prospects of staying at home but at the last minute nice things happened to change plans. It is a nice story of a real girl.

The Forbidden Tower (Kay Tracey Mystery #13)

by Frances K. Judd

Kay's club, the Pathfinders, travels to Florida for a vacation, and Ethel Eaton's rival club, the Bittersweet Society, follows the Pathfinders, causing trouble along the way. Once in Florida, Kay searches for Emily Dodd, who is missing, and investigates strange events at a nearby estate. The owner, Jasper Jackson, is unfriendly and hateful towards Mrs. Dodd, and Kay wonders if he might have something to do with Emily's disappearance. After the girls see a ghostly figure on Jackson's property, they know something sinister is behind it. Kay divides her time between her investigation, spending time with her friends, and warding off Ethel Eaton's attacks.

Gustav, a Son of Franz

by S. P. Meek

When the big Doberman pinscher Gustav was brought to the Panama Canal Zone, the reputation of his great father, Franz, had already preceded him. No dog could entirely live up to that, but under the careful guidance of Lieutenant Fielding, Gustav began to show his brilliant qualities. The general was doubtful, but when the dog tracked and captured a native in the jungle, the commanding officer was won over. The war in Europe brings the canal into imminent danger of sabotage, and it is there that the young dog must really prove himself.

Hill Doctor

by Hubert Skidmore

This is the second book in a trilogy by Hubert Skidmore about a young mountain man named York Allen. In the first book, "River Risin'", York loses his parents to pneumonia when he's young--the helplessness he feels makes him determined to become a doctor when he grows up. In this book, York has finished his medical education and returned home to the hills of West Virginia to face the suspicion and mistrust of folks poorly educated and deeply rooted in the old ways of "doctoring." As a backstory, the timber companies are coming in to clearcut the forests, creating even more strife among the mountain people.

Midnight (Famous Horse Stories)

by Rutherford Montgomery

Lady Ebony is a beautiful mare owned by a rancher, with hopes of a racing career. Sam, a mountain man, has become fond of her and wants to buy her. But while Sam seeks funds from his secret stash, a vein of gold, Lady Ebony meets a band of wild horses and goes with them. Soon she has a colt with the band's leader, a wild chestnut stallion. The colt is Midnight. Lady Ebony teaches Midnight the ways of the wild, until one night she is killed. Without her, can Midnight grow to be a strong, confident stallion, or will he succumb to one of the many perils of the wild? This book is filled with beautiful descriptions of nature by noted wildlife author Rutherford Montgomery

The Name on the Bracelet (Judy Bolton Mysteries #13)

by Margaret Sutton

Irene Lang, now Mrs. Dale Meredith, has given birth to Judy Irene Meredith in New York City. At Dale's request, Judy Bolton travels to the city to act as a nursemaid and to help the Merediths find a good nursemaid. Irene shares a room at the hospital with Jane Merrit, who also has a new baby girl. In the confusion of checking out of the hospital, the babies somehow become switched without anybody noticing. It is when Judy feeds little Judy that she notices the wrong name on the baby's armband. Horrified, Judy tells Dale who insists that Irene not be told. Judy and Dale begin a frantic search for Jane Merrit and her baby with no success. Dale plans to never tell Irene the truth, even if they cannot find the real baby Judy. Judy knows that living a lie will tear the Merediths apart, and knows that they must somehow find Jane Merrit and her baby regardless of the difficulty involved.

The Sacred Feather (Kay Tracey Mystery #14)

by Frances K. Judd

Meet clever Kay Tracey, who, though only sixteen, solves mysteries in a surprising manner. In this episode, Sparks shower down upon Kay Tracey as she watches firemen battle a blaze in Brantwood's library. This distraction, however, does not prevent the teen-age detective from spotting two sinister-looking figures intent on stealing valuable art objects from the burning building. Kay hops into their truck as they drive off. From that moment on she becomes entangled in the weird mystery of the Sacred Feather. Unlike many others in Brantwood, Kay cannot believe the signs which point to elusive Abou Menzel as the firebug menacing her home town. Together with the Worth twins, peppy Betty and dreamy Wilma, Kay sets about using her skills as a detective in an effort to solve this baffling case.

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