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Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori #1)

by Lian Hearn

This is the story of a young man whose family is massacred and who is rescued by a noble. It is also the story of a young girl who has been imprisoned in a castle simply to be held hostage for the good behavior of her family. It is a story of magic and loyalty and love. It won a number of awards for young adult fiction.

The Tournament

by Anna Ciddor

This story is set in a castle and is about a knight's first tournament.

Beyond the Cross and the Switchblade

by David Wilkerson

From the Book Jacket: uthor, David Wilkerson, what has happened since its publication in the early 1960s. Their gratifying interest in his story and his ministry has prompted him to bring his many readers up-to-date with a fitting sequel-and BEYOND THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE is just the book we've all been waiting for. Here is a nostalgic look back at memorable characters from the original book and a brief review of what they're doing today. We are treated to a behind-the- scenes look at the making of the movie version of THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE, starring Pat Boone, and find that, surprisingly, the venture brought fame but not fortune. The publicity accompanying the book and the movie turned the skinny preacher from Pennsylvania into a reluctant celebrity, and eventually forced him to withdraw from the rat race for a while. Only then was he able to place things in their proper perspective-waiting upon "Holy Ghost timing," as he puts it-thus renewing his person-to-person ministry that had been temporarily sidetracked by other commitments. The past decade was filled with many ups and downs for the entire Wilkerson family, and David frankly recounts it all: his wife Gwen's gallant bout with cancer, his brother Jerry's now- conquered battle with alcoholism. Yet BEYOND THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE is far more than reminiscences of THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE; it is a very now book in which David Wilkerson speaks directly to the most pressing needs of today. A large portion of the book is concerned with the phenomenon of drugs in the suburbs. Unfortunately, in the years since David Wilkerson labored for the Lord in the back alleys of the ghettos, drug use has spread to the backyards of suburbia. A chapter is devoted to the related subject of the forgotten teen-agers, those good, clean-cut kids of relative affluence who nevertheless have many serious problems and who need to come to Jesus just as desperately as their more publicized contemporaries, the juvenile delinquents. All in all, David Wilkerson's Teen Challenge is constantly redirecting itself to meet these new challenges. Throughout, spiritual lessons intermingle with heartwarming human interest episodes to imbue BEYOND THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE with that singular, "can't put it down" quality that marks a sure-fire best seller. The Trusting Place Two Odd "Success" Stories The Day I Quit the Rat Race Drugs in the Suburbs The Forgotten Teen-Ager The Fear I Couldn't Conquer

Dear Kilroy: A Dog to Guide Us

by Nora Vitz Harrison

From the Book Jacket: Dear Kilroy reminds us that some of the best teachers in this world have four legs and bark. Nora Vitz Harrison weaves the tender and wise humor of Kilroy and Riley, two canine correspondents, among heart-tugging essays on the magical relationship between people and dogs. The true-life stories follow a few special dogs and the human lives they change. The loss of a loved one or a relentless disease are made more bearable with a tail-wagging companion. Even if you have never been owned by a dog, you will be moved by this joyful yet bittersweet guide to life. NORA VITZ Harrison is a long time volunteer for Guide Dogs for the Blind and active in animal-welfare organizations. She has been a writer for corporate America since 1979. Her human-interest essays have appeared in The Oregonian newspaper and other publications. She lives in Oregon with her husband, Jon, and her dog, Riley. When she is not writing, she loves to hike, which is Riley's favorite hobby, too. Find out more about Nora and her canine friends at "The author of this lovely book is well aware of that spot deep within us that sometimes only dogs can find. The dogs in these stories touch that spot and make it glow." - Betty White actress/author 'As the dogs in Dear Kilroy strive to fulfill their potential, whether to become a guide for the blind or to become the best, most-trusted pet of someone in need, they inspire us to become better human beings. This book will lift your spirits and touch your soul." - Bob Phillips, CEO Guide Dogs for the Blind 'Harrison's delightful book reminds us that dogs serve as guides to the sighted as well as the blind. Open this book and your heart be opened, too." - Nancy Peterson The Humane Society of the United States

Chester Alan Arthur (The American Presidents Series)

by Zachary Karabell Arthur M. Schlesinger

A short and precise biography; one of a series edited by Schlesinger.


by David Badger

From the Book Jacket: Frogs have long played a role in tales of legend and lore-symbolizing fertility, omens, ... and more. Frogs is an introduction to the world's most fascinating frogs and toads, including detailed frog characteristics, their life cycles, musical repertoires, and conservation issues. David Badger's interesting text and John Netherton's brilliant, up-close photographs bring these fascinating creatures to life as you've never before seen them. Discover the world's animals in the World Life Library from Voyageur Press. This highly acclaimed series brings you the latest research from leading naturalists, along with stunning color photographs of your favorite animals.

The Tunnel

by Virginia King

Dean has a secret fear, but it is a secret that no one can share-not his father, nor his mother, nor his best friend, Benny. How will Dean react when he comes face-to-face with his fear, with no way to escape? Will his friends find out? How will Dean emerge from The Tunnel?

Angelwalk: On Holy Ground

by Roger Elwood

BASED UPON FACT The mysterious realm of spiritual warfare plays a vivid part when a madman enters a church, opens fire on hundreds of young people, killing seven and wounding others. Award-winning author Roger Elwood lifts the veil between the natural world and the supernatural. In this latest sequel to the original Angelwalk novel, he creates a new genre, blending reality with the literary techniques of his internationally best-selling series. True-life human drama has never been more compelling. Expect to be startled.. .shed tears.. .rejoice. Learn the truth, and that truth will set you free. An Angelwalk Novel Like No Other

The Meanest Teacher (Darcy and Friends, #3)

by Joni Eareckson Tada Steve Jensen

from the book jacket twelve year old Darcy, trying to project a 'normal' image in junior high despite her wheelchair, runs for ofice with the promise of exposing cruel and unfair teachers in the school until prayer and her friends reveal to her that every situation has two sides.

Marie Curie and Radium

by Steven Parker

The life of Marie Curie, her two Nobel prizes for her work on radiation and the discovery of the element Radium. The effects of radiation on her health and the many applications in the medical field as well as warfare. Also includes a historical timeline which corelates the events of Curie's life with those of the world. An excellent book for a book report.

She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom Of Cassie Bernall

by Misty Bernall

<P>Cassie Bernall, a 17-year-old junior at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, was a typical teen having a typical day, when two rampaging classmates put a gun to her head and asked her if she believed in God. She said yes. <P>With that simple word, the story of Cassie's courage in the face of death was catapulted into the consciousness of an entire nation. Around the world, people were quick to call her a martyr. But with all the talk about Cassie's final moment, a far more remarkable story has been left untold. Until now. <P>In She Said Yes, Cassie's mother breaks her silence to recount the dramatic transformation of a daughter who had once started down a troubled path similar to that of her killers.

Black Like Me

by John Howard Griffin

From the book Jacket: John Howard Griffin undertook in the fall of 1959 a personal assignment to find out the hard way, possibly the only way a white man can, what it is like to be a Negro in the South. He decided to darken his skin and travel through several southern states. Black Like Me is the record, offered in all its crudity and rawness, of this dangerous and often terrifying mission. Mr. Griffin found a doctor in New Orleans who was willing, with some misgivings, to give him the necessary medication (a drug used in the cure of vitíligo) . By accelerated treatments and the use of a sun lamp, he was able to make the change in five days. From November 7 to December 14 he hitchhiked, walked, and rode the buses through Mississippi, Alabama, back to New Orleans, and finally to Atlanta, living always on the dark side of towns, in rooming houses and cheap hotels. He learned what it was like to search for miles across a city for a glass of water or a bathroom, to buy a ticket, to try to cash a traveler's check. I walk the streets at night as a bald Negro - through a land hostile to my color, hostile to my skin." Mississippi and Alabama were a terrison; Atlanta was a ray of hope. '"Atlanta changed my mind. Atlanta has in proving that 'the Problem' can be solved and in showing us the way to do it." It was a far cry from the enlightened leaders, both white and Negro, in the Atlanta city administration to the Mobile plant foreman who said, when asked by the author for a job, "No use trying down here. . . . We're gradually getting you people weeded out from the better jobs at this plant. We're taking it slow, but we're doing it. Pretty soon we'll have it so the only jobs you can get here are the ones no white man would have." This report is a shocking confirmation of the enormous wall of hostility between the two races, a wall that is growing higher as some groups of Negroes are learning to hate back as viciously as they have been hated by some whites. Mr. Griffin is careful to emphasize the decency and kindness of most Southern whites, and blames institutions rather than individuals for the continuing abrogation of human rights. His book is a document of despair and darkness, but he found light in Georgia and in the hope that keeps Negro leaders from blowing the dangerous situation sky high.

100 Women Who Shaped World History

by Gail Meyer Rolka

A comprehensive collection of one page synopses of 100 women of major importance in our history. Presents information in chronological order, contains timeline, and a trivia quiz. The book begins in 1503 BC and ends by telling the stories of women who are still making history.

Blizzards (Dangerous Weather)

by Michael Allaby

Remain where you are . . . Dig a cave in the snow and shelter in it until conditions improve"-- this is Michael Allaby's advice to anyone caught outdoors in severe blizzard conditions known as "whiteouts." Wandering in search of shelter in such a storm would subject the pursuer to a featureless, disorienting whiteness, rendering senses useless and familiar landmarks unidentifiable. Blizzards describes what distinguishes a blizzard from an ordinary snowstorm, explains how blizzards develop and how they can deliver building-crushing volumes of snow, and chronicles dramatic blizzards of the past and the peculiar counter-intuitive measures required to survive these great white storms. The Dangerous Weather series imparts fundamental weather science to readers through author Michael Allaby's vivid descriptions of extreme weather systems. The series focuses on the five most dangerous kinds of weather activity; diagrams related meteorological, climatological, and environmental basics in clear, compelling language; chronicles the history of each form of dangerous weather; and offers safety precautions for extreme weather conditions. Fully illustrated and indexed, the Dangerous Weather series is an invaluable tool for student research. Other volumes include: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods droughts. Michael Allaby is the author of more than 40 books, mainly on science, natural environmental topics. A few of his previous works include Basics of Environment, The Weather: How It Works, The Environment, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ecology.

Chronology of Weather (Dangerous Weather)

by Michael Allaby

From the Book Jacket: A Chronology of Weather presents an overview of the dangerous weather described in preceding volumes in the series. It includes a time line of catastrophic weather events from c. 3,200 B.C. to 1997, as well as a chronology of meteorological discovery-comprising the lives and inventions of great weather scientists-from c. 340 B.c. to 1995. A Chronology of Weather also contains weather experiments that students can perform at home using ordinary household supplies, a glossary of meteorological terms, charts for wind measurement and cloud classification, and further readings suggested by the author. The Dangerous Weather series imparts fundamental weather science to readers through author Michael Allaby's vivid descriptions of extreme weather systems. The series focuses on the five most dangerous kinds of weather activity; diagrams related meteorological, climatological, and environmental basics in clear, compelling language; chronicles the history of each form of dangerous weather; and offers safety precautions for extreme weather conditions. Fully illustrated and indexed, the Dangerous Weather series is an invaluable tool for student research. Other volumes include: hurricanes tornadoes droughts blizzards floods Other books in this series are also available from Bookshare.

Garfield Scary Surprise

by Mark Acey

From the book: "Hey, Garfield, listen to this," said Jon as he was reading the newspaper. "It says here a woman was cleaning out her attic and discovered a chest full of treasure worth a million dollars !" Garfield's ears immediately perked up. "Wow! That sure would buy a lot of donuts!" said Garfield. "Who knows? There might even be treasure in our attic," joked Jon. "No one's been up there in ages-except maybe some spiders." Garfield cringed at the mere thought of those creepy creatures. "I'll tell you what," said Jon. "If you and Odie will clean out the attic while I'm visiting Aunt Lola, you can keep whatever treasure you find. And if you don't find anything, well, at least we'll have a nice clean room."

Cooking In The Young Republic 1780-1850

by Patricia B. Mitchell

Rice waffles? Warm, moist, dripping with butter and honey. Both waffle recipes are easy to make and good to eat. This book has recipes for all three meals and some snacks. Do you know how much a gill of flour is today? This file should make an excellent embossed braille copy.

The Car, The Sled, and The Butch Wax

by Marc Maurer

In this book, successful people (who happen to be blind) tell stories which illustrate coping strategies while amusing the reader. Young adults will find courage in these true sharings. Can a person who is blind really do almost anything by using alternate techniques? What are those techniques? These eight people share a few of them. When a student teacher is faced with schoolchildren who have a sledding day planned, will a white cane be enough? Can a man without sight possibly rebuild a car's engine? When a young girl tests butch wax on her long tresses, does her hair ever return to its normal state? Whose fault is it when a person who is blind opens a taxicab door onto the side of a shiny, new SUV? These experiences delight, challenge and inform. This file should make an excellent embossed braille copy.

Slut! Growing Up Female with a Bad Reputation

by Leora Tanenbaum

Girls may be called "sluts" for any number of reasons, including being outsiders, early developers, victims of rape, targets of others' revenge. Often the labels have nothing to do with sex -- the girls simply do not fit in. An important account of the lives of these young women, Slut! weaves together powerful oral histories of girls and women who finally overcame their sexual labels with a cogent analysis of the underlying problem of sexual stereotyping. Author Leora Tanenbaum herself was labeled a slut in high school. The confessional article she wrote for Seventeen about the experience caused a sensation and led her to write this book.

The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter: A Treasury of Myths, Legends, and Fascinating Facts

by David Colbert

Have Witches always flown on broomsticks? Where does magic come from? How did J. K. Rowling pick those weird names? Rowling fills Harry Potter's world with real history and famous legends from around the world. This book tells all about them. Discover the astonishing origins behind your favorite characters, scenes, beasts, and everything else too. From Alchemists to Unicorns; Basilisks to Veela, it's all here in this handy guide. Includes notations on Stone through Goblet as well as the HP textbooks.

The Planet Earth and The Universe (Planet Guides)

by Duncan Brewer

This short yet informative book discusses the Big Bang Theory, and how the planets were formed, as well as the debates of ancient astronomers whether the earth was the center of the Universe or if the sun was. Informative facts about the Earth as a planet, and interesting facts about its moon. Worth reading if interested in fundamental astronomy or the planets. Great for all ages. Scientific terms are defined in the text and in a glossary. Picture captions give meat to the story.

Blackfeet Tales from Apikuni's World

by James Willard Schultz David C. Andrews

A collection of short stories as they appeared in magazines in the early 1900's. These stories chronicle life experiences among the Black Feet Indians. The scholarly notes by the editor, David Andrews discuss the author and his legacy.

Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls

by Mary Pipher

Why are more American adolescent girls prey to depression, eating disorders, addictions, and suicide attempts than ever before? According to Dr. Mary Pipher, a clinical psychologist who has treated girls from more than twenty years, we live in a look-obsessed, media saturated, "girl-poisoning" culture. Despite the advance of feminism, escalating levels of sexism an violence, cause girls to stifle their creative spirit and natural impulses which, ultimately, destroy their self-esteem. Yet girls often blame themselves or their families for this "problem with no name" instead of looking at the world around them.

The Outer Planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (Planet Guides)

by Duncan Brewer

This valuable beginners guide to the outer planets will offer lots of fascinating facts about the three farthest planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. It talks about their satelites, moons, rings, and formation, age, mass, and other important facts. The book also offers a glimpse into the past and how the different planets were discovered by ancient and more recent astronomers. Also offers a glossary of terms and a bibliography of further reading.

Dragon and Thief (Dragonback #1)

by Timothy Zahn

Jack gains an alien companion who helps him evade the mega corp who is after him; then they take on the dangerous mission. First in the Dragonback series.

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