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The Clue In The Patchwork Quilt (Judy Bolton Mysteries #14)

by Margaret Sutton Pelagie Doane

Judy Bolton is thrust into an intriguing mystery when a stranger rushes up to her and gives her a purse that is not hers. Unable to catch up with the stranger to return it, Judy searches the purse and finds a note written by someone named Blackie. The note has a picture of a gun and requests that the bearer meet Blackie after a certain lecture. After Peter contacts the FBI, an agent meets with Judy and Peter and confirms that Blackie is a wanted criminal. Judy and Peter feel that the criminal has mistaken Judy for someone else, but the agent contends that with Judy's red hair it isn't likely that someone else looks just like her. But amazingly, Judy does have a double. Judy faces danger and intrigue as she helps the FBI capture Blackie and receives a pleasant surprise when she comes face to face with a cousin she never knew she had, a young woman by the name of Roxy.

Midnight Moon (Connie McGuire #2)

by Dorothy Lyons

Connie McGuire, born and brought up on a farm, had a wonderful way with horses. She had her proved her ability with Silver Birch, an ownerless white mare who had run free for a year. Now she had a different problem with Midnight Moon whose so-called meanness had been caused by cruel treatment. If Connie can school her in the paces and behavior of a good riding horse, and prove her success by showing her before judges in an accredited horse show, she'll win her bet and keep her own mare, Silver Birch, safe. This is a story complete in itself, but readers of Silver Birch will be glad to meet the beautiful white mare again.

The Mysterious Fireplace (Dana Girls Mystery #10)

by Carolyn Keene

Jean and Louise are excited to be spending Christmas vacation at Highfort, a property that Captain Dana's friend Tom Fairweather is in the processing of purchasing. The Danas' trip turns out much more exciting than anticipated, because several other people show up at Highfort claiming ownership to the property including arrogant Mrs. Plimpton and the Danas' school friend Sonya Olavu and her brother Tranley. Mr. Fairweather disappears before his arrival at Highfort, further complicating the situation. The Danas feel loyal to Mr. Fairweather, but he cannot defend his claim to the property. The situation becomes more grim with the disappearance of Sonya's jeweled star and a mysterious nighttime visitor who wrecks the Christmas tree. The Danas must solve the mystery but are at a loss to know how to begin.

Star-Spangled Summer

by Janet Lambert

Poor little rich teen Carrol hasn't been having a nickel's worth of fun. But then she's invited to spend a summer with Penny Parrish on an Army post--and things really start to happen! Her first horse show. Her first formal dance. A moonlight picnic. And there is also David who avoids girls. "I'm just another scalp," says David. But David changes his mind when he gets to know Carrol, and summer suddenly becomes a joy-filled season, bringing friendship--and love.

The Fair Adventure

by Elizabeth Gray

It was Page's graduation day. Everything seemed to be disappointing on this most important day of her life. Her mother had to go off to meet her married sister. Her other sister was graduating from Nurses training in the afternoon, and to top it all, father missed his bus and she thought he wasn't going to be there either. Page was not only reading an essay but she had to give the Valedictorian's speech. And none of the family seemed to think it was important. Page even left her essay at home in the excitement. After graduation came College Board exams. If she passed she could go away to college on a scholarship. Otherwise she must go to college at home where her father was a professor. She worked hard but didn't quite make it. Her family was so absorbed in their own affairs she could scarcely get them to listen to her troubles. She accepted bravely the prospects of staying at home but at the last minute nice things happened to change plans. It is a nice story of a real girl.

The Forbidden Tower (Kay Tracey Mystery #13)

by Frances K. Judd

Kay's club, the Pathfinders, travels to Florida for a vacation, and Ethel Eaton's rival club, the Bittersweet Society, follows the Pathfinders, causing trouble along the way. Once in Florida, Kay searches for Emily Dodd, who is missing, and investigates strange events at a nearby estate. The owner, Jasper Jackson, is unfriendly and hateful towards Mrs. Dodd, and Kay wonders if he might have something to do with Emily's disappearance. After the girls see a ghostly figure on Jackson's property, they know something sinister is behind it. Kay divides her time between her investigation, spending time with her friends, and warding off Ethel Eaton's attacks.

Gustav, a Son of Franz

by S. P. Meek

When the big Doberman pinscher Gustav was brought to the Panama Canal Zone, the reputation of his great father, Franz, had already preceded him. No dog could entirely live up to that, but under the careful guidance of Lieutenant Fielding, Gustav began to show his brilliant qualities. The general was doubtful, but when the dog tracked and captured a native in the jungle, the commanding officer was won over. The war in Europe brings the canal into imminent danger of sabotage, and it is there that the young dog must really prove himself.

Hill Doctor

by Hubert Skidmore

This is the second book in a trilogy by Hubert Skidmore about a young mountain man named York Allen. In the first book, "River Risin'", York loses his parents to pneumonia when he's young--the helplessness he feels makes him determined to become a doctor when he grows up. In this book, York has finished his medical education and returned home to the hills of West Virginia to face the suspicion and mistrust of folks poorly educated and deeply rooted in the old ways of "doctoring." As a backstory, the timber companies are coming in to clearcut the forests, creating even more strife among the mountain people.

Midnight (Famous Horse Stories)

by Rutherford Montgomery

Lady Ebony is a beautiful mare owned by a rancher, with hopes of a racing career. Sam, a mountain man, has become fond of her and wants to buy her. But while Sam seeks funds from his secret stash, a vein of gold, Lady Ebony meets a band of wild horses and goes with them. Soon she has a colt with the band's leader, a wild chestnut stallion. The colt is Midnight. Lady Ebony teaches Midnight the ways of the wild, until one night she is killed. Without her, can Midnight grow to be a strong, confident stallion, or will he succumb to one of the many perils of the wild? This book is filled with beautiful descriptions of nature by noted wildlife author Rutherford Montgomery

The Name on the Bracelet (Judy Bolton Mysteries #13)

by Margaret Sutton

Irene Lang, now Mrs. Dale Meredith, has given birth to Judy Irene Meredith in New York City. At Dale's request, Judy Bolton travels to the city to act as a nursemaid and to help the Merediths find a good nursemaid. Irene shares a room at the hospital with Jane Merrit, who also has a new baby girl. In the confusion of checking out of the hospital, the babies somehow become switched without anybody noticing. It is when Judy feeds little Judy that she notices the wrong name on the baby's armband. Horrified, Judy tells Dale who insists that Irene not be told. Judy and Dale begin a frantic search for Jane Merrit and her baby with no success. Dale plans to never tell Irene the truth, even if they cannot find the real baby Judy. Judy knows that living a lie will tear the Merediths apart, and knows that they must somehow find Jane Merrit and her baby regardless of the difficulty involved.

The Sacred Feather (Kay Tracey Mystery #14)

by Frances K. Judd

Meet clever Kay Tracey, who, though only sixteen, solves mysteries in a surprising manner. In this episode, Sparks shower down upon Kay Tracey as she watches firemen battle a blaze in Brantwood's library. This distraction, however, does not prevent the teen-age detective from spotting two sinister-looking figures intent on stealing valuable art objects from the burning building. Kay hops into their truck as they drive off. From that moment on she becomes entangled in the weird mystery of the Sacred Feather. Unlike many others in Brantwood, Kay cannot believe the signs which point to elusive Abou Menzel as the firebug menacing her home town. Together with the Worth twins, peppy Betty and dreamy Wilma, Kay sets about using her skills as a detective in an effort to solve this baffling case.

The Secret at the Gatehouse (Dana Girls #9)

by Carolyn Keene

Louise and Jean become enmeshed in another mystery when they chance to meet Mrs. Zerbe, who used to work for Mr. Warrington, one of the owners of Captain Dana's ship. Mrs. Zerbe is devastated that she lost her job at Mr. Warrington's estate. During her conversation with the Danas, Mrs. Zerbe mentions a secret which she has kept for Mr. Warrington. The girls are intrigued but refrain from prying into Mrs. Zerbe's affairs. Later, they are to recall the conversation when Mr. Warrington tries to discover whether Mrs. Zerbe revealed any personal information to them.

Sue Barton, Superintendent of Nurses (Sue Barton #5)

by Helen Dore Boylston

Redheaded Sue Barton became a rural nurse in a little New Hampshire town just to be near, and to help, her fiancé, Dr. Bill Barry. Their efforts in solving the mystery of the typhoid carrier and their work in the hurricane finally brought the town's wealthiest citizen to present the community with a small hospital. Now Sue and Bill get married, and together try to run the little hospital in the New England hills. Sue is Superintendent of Nurses, and her old friend Kit is helping her. After all their exciting nursing adventures, one might think they would find their new work rather tame. It was anything but tame for Sue, however, with that irrepressible street urchin, Marianna, as a student nurse; with Jean Ditmarr, sophisticated New Yorker, thinking she could put something over on the young Superintendent; with Dr. Bill so busy being a good doctor that Sue feared for a while he might not prove such a good husband; above all, with the mysterious disappearance of the hospital sheets! This is Sue Barton at her best with an authentic background of rural hospital life and all the excitement and fun we have come to associate with that lively redhead.

Buckskin: The Story of a Western Horse

by Thomas C. Hinkle

This action-packed adventure tale features a spirited and courageous horse living in the plains and prairies of the old West. Buckskin faces the challenges of the wolves, grizzly bears, and mountain lions who share the wild range, as well as life-threatening storms, floods, and winter weather. Even more challenging are the pioneers, cowboys, and rustlers who want to tame him, either for hard use or for profit. Buckskin fights to stay wild and free, until he meets one young cowboy who understands how to treat this sensitive and fiercely independent horse. Jim and his horse become powerful allies, faithful to one another even in the face of death. Originally published in 1939, this book was reissued in 2019.

The Clue in the Cobweb (The Dana Girls Mystery Stories #8)

by Carolyn Keene

Jean and Louise Dana continue as students at Starhurst School. Jean come up with a new invention. Will she be able to make it work correctly? Their uncle, Captain Ned, lost a passenger. Can Jean and Louise help their uncle unravel this new mystery? Follow Jean and Louise, and their new friend, Frances Roy as they untangle a mystery of illegal immigrants and jewelry thieves from Penfield to New Mexico and back again.

The Midnight Visitor (Judy Bolton Mysteries #12)

by Margaret Sutton Pelagie Doane

When Judy and Peter become stranded in an abandoned house during a storm, the last thing they expect is to meet a ghost. The ghost turns out to be a girl named Sally who insists that she is being plagued by ghosts. While Judy and Peter hardly believe the girl, they do like her and want to help her. Judy takes her home, only to have her disappear during a party. Later, Judy and Peter learn that Sally's full name is Sally Vincent, of the crooked Vincent family. Sally is fortunately not like the rest of the family. She is to receive an inheritance in a will but the rest of the family is contesting it. Peter agrees to be Sally's attorney even though fighting against the Vincent family could prove to be dangerous. As the case unfolds in court, Judy makes a shocking discovery that will mean everything to Sally and will thwart the plans of the rest of the Vincent family.

Silver Birch (Connie McGuire #1)

by Dorothy Lyons

This story of a girl and a horse is by an author experienced in riding and training horses. It takes place in a small Michigan town and the surrounding farm country. There are other girls who have horses too, and they all take part in good times and adventures, including starting a Girl Scout troop during a time when local troops are still a novelty across the country. But the story belongs to Connie and Silver Birch, the wild white mare who has roamed the countryside unmastered until Connie takes her in hand. There is a real quality of suspense in the struggle of wills between girl and horse before Connie's patient efforts are rewarded. "A sound knowledge of horsemanship displayed against a thoroughly American background."-New York Times.

Sue Barton, Rural Nurse (Sue Barton #4)

by Helen Dore Boylston

At twenty-three, high-spirited and courageous young Sue Barton goes to practice in the White Mountains - working with Dr. Bill Barry. Bill had proposed persistently and at last, gladly, Sue decides to marry him and help him with his country practice. But fate, in the form of personal tragedy, a typhoid epidemic, and the hostility of the town to Bill as a doctor, step in to complicate their lives. It is a wonder that a hurricane could lead not to further tragedy but to a potentially exciting future for Sue, Bill, and all of Springdale.

Gray Wolf

by Rutherford Montgomery

Last of the great gray wolves--fleet, savage Speed, iron-jawed killer of the high country. Too cunning for poison and traps, too swift for men and dogs, he eludes every hunter. Can one of his own breed be trained to challenge him? What will happen when the two mighty lobos--father and son--meet in deadly battle?

The Message in the Sand Dunes (Kay Tracey #9, Original Version)

by Frances K. Judd

Sixteen-year-old Kay Tracey is a charming and surprising heroine whose life is one exciting thrill after another. By clever deduction and a persistent follow-up of clues, Kay unravels the tangled snarls of mysteries that will grip the reader from the opening page. In these stories you will find puzzling problems, strange situations, exotic objects, mysteries that plague professional sleuths, only to be solved by this lively and lovable girl. Kay finds a mystery wherever she is, even on vacation at the seashore. When a rash of burglaries plague the cottages, Kay is disappointed with local efforts to find the culprit. Whether befriending odd neighbors or a vagabond, Kay keeps her eyes open, trying to put the pieces together. Then, topping things off, there is a cantankerous artist and a lost couple... can Kay end an age old feud and solve the mystery?

The Murmuring Portrait (Kay Tracey Mystery #10)

by Frances K. Judd

"Snakes!" The place is alive with them. They're dropping from that tree!" While Betty and Wilma Worth run for safety, Kay goes to investigate the weird attack, which she finds has not happened by accident, but has been planned by a thief after their pocketbooks. Kay, though alert to danger, finds herself each day more deeply involved in a strange mystery. It leads her finally to the Moleson Mansion, where the "murmuring portrait" of a gypsy hangs. Suddenly the picture vanishes, then reappears. Why? And where is the sinister-looking person who poses for it? Is the missing Moleson heir the same person? How to untangle a seemingly hopeless riddle takes all the uncanny insight of Kay's sleuthing ability, as she endeavors to prove the identity of a odd character, and to protect a fabulous treasure sought by a crafty gang of thieves.

The Mystery of the Locked Room (Dana Girls Mystery #7)

by Carolyn Keene

Louise and Jean Dana, the teenage sisters, need to figure out what happened to Louise's notes for the professor. In the meantime, they meet a new student and Mrs. Crandall decides to bring the girls to a new property for a possible camp. Will they figure out the strange happenings at the old house?

Penny Marsh, Public Health Nurse

by Dorothy Deming

A well written and interesting story of a graduate nurse who decides on a public health nursing career. The reader follows Penelope Marsh from private duty nursing, through a period of work with the Visiting Nurse Association, to the special course of study in the graduate school of a university. While the book is a novel relating the experiences and adventures of one nurse, it makes an eloquent plea for the public health branch of nursing service. The book will be especially enjoyed by the nurse in training as well as the young women in college and senior high school who are planning a nursing career. The physician will find this a splendid volume to recommend to his families whose daughters have expressed a desire for information about nursing. . . .

Sue Barton, Visiting Nurse (Sue Barton #3)

by Helen Dore Boylston

Having finished her course in a metropolitan hospital, Sue moves on to New York where she and her friend Kit are fortunate enough to secure positions with the Visiting Nurse Service of the Henry Street Settlement - a service made famous by Lillian Wald. The city is new to them and the test of their skill is absorbing. Their assignments take them to the most colorful slums in the world. They work with newborn babies and obstinate old people, with immigrants who can hardly speak English, and with people in Harlem. Their uniforms are their passports wherever they go, but more than once they have to rely on the friendly assistance of Sergeant O'Day. The girls find quarters for themselves in a tiny frame house in Greenwich Village, and at the outset their days are so crowded that they have almost no time for themselves. Gradually the suspicion dawns upon them that either their house is haunted or someone else is living in it when they are away. As if this were not enough to worry about, along comes Dr. Bill Barry, who was an intern when Sue was in training, and now urges her to step out of the ranks and marry him. Sue ultimately has to make a choice between the work she loves and the man who loves her.

Tiger Roan

by Glenn Balch

This book relates the adventures of a young roan stallion in the wild, as a bucking horse in the rodeo, and as a saddle horse working with the only man he ever trusts. He meets people who are cruel and care about him only for making money, and one man who is kind and trustworthy, but who must leave him for a time. Will they find each other again?

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