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X Marks the Spy (Chris Cool Series, #1)

by Jack Lancer

In the thrilling city of Paris, TEEN's crack espionage agent Chris Cool undertakes a baffling and dangerous mission: to ferret out a revolutionary new secret weapon which could change the balance of power in the cold war. His contact is an unknown spy identified only by a cunningly concealed X mark. When three men turn up with X marks, Chris is faced with the grim challenge of correctly identifying the right contact. Chris and his Apache fellow agent, Geronimo Johnson, follow a clue that leads to the Riviera resort town of St. Tropez and discover that they themselves have become the quarry in a bloodchilling game of hide-and-seek with the deadly agents of TOAD. For all mystery-spy fans, here is a suspense thriller packed with pulse-pounding excitement that never lets up till the final paragraph.

Fright Time

by Rochelle Larkin Joshua Hanft

THREE COMPLETE STORIES OF HAUNTING AND HORROR! THE WHITE PHANTOM Is he the most gruesome dog that ever lived, or a ghost protecting the sacred burial grounds? People in the area have only heard his howhng, and know the legends. But now his paw prints are on the ridge just above Andy's house, and a strange girl says she's seen him. Don't go above the ridge, folks tell Andy, but he must... NIGHTMARE NEIGHBORS What's that blob on the kitchen counter, Matt wants to know. But his mom can't explain it, or the scratch on her face, either. But when a weird new neighbor comes to call, there's worse on the way. When Matt realizes the newcomers are even after his baby sister, he knows he's got to do something. But what. CAMP FEAR The guys from tent seven are just goofing on the beach when a loud explosion splits the air. But that's just the beginning of their problems. Something, or someone, has put the rest of the camp into suspended animation - everyone that is, except the weird director and his even weirder assistant. (Other Fright Time books are available from Bookshare.)

The Rocket's Shadow (Rick Brant, # #1)

by John Blaine

This exciting book introduces readers to Rick Brant, the son of a famous scientist, in the first of his amazing adventures in the new and exciting age that is upon us - the age of electronics. The Stoneridge Grant of two million dollars is no mean prize, and on Spindrift Island the group of scientists headed by Rick Brant's father work desperately to complete their moon rocket experiment in time. But someone in that closely knit group is a traitor - unknown and unscrupulous - who menaces the success of the experiment at every turn. As the time grows shorter, the unknown saboteur and his elusive accomplices strike with increasing boldness. Then Rick stumbles upon a clue which starts him on an investigation of his own. Tracking down the first tangible clue to the identity of the villains, Rick plunges into danger and is rescued in the nick of time by Scotty, a young ex-marine. The boys become fast friends and Scotty joins the Spindrift Island group to help guard the moon rocket. From then on the boys share the risks; and there are plenty before Rick and Scotty finally manage to unmask the traitor and save the experiment. Adventure lovers who enjoy Rick Brant's thrilling exploits in this breathtaking story will want to continue his career in the other books in this new series of action packed electronic adventures which will be running neck and neck with science's latest discoveries.

The Early Asimov or Eleven Years of Trying

by Isaac Asimov

This is a collection of early science fiction short stories by one of the true masters of the genre. Through the pages of this anthology, readers can watch Asimov's gift for writing unfold as he goes from a young beginner at writing to a full-fledged giant.

Manta's Gift

by Timothy Zahn

I am not a fan of science fiction, but I have to admit that this is a clever, creative and well-crafted novel. My favorite review: What if James Dean were a twin-tailed manta ray swimming in Jupiter's atmosphere? Bestselling Star Wars novelist Zahn (Angelmass) gives us a tale of teen coming-of-age angst set in the herd society of the Qanska, intelligent herbivores who inhabit the equatorial band of the gas giant. Suspecting them to be non-native life, Earth's corporate masters, the Five Hundred, send in a spy to find their hidden star drive. Facing their own disaster, the Qanska agree, hoping to gain a human perspective on the impending exhaustion of their ecology. What neither side can count on is how the person injected into the Qanskan world will react. Matt Raimey, a 22-year-old paralyzed by a skiing accident, agrees to have his brain transplanted into a Qanska fetus. Given a second chance to be mobile, he also unexpectedly gets another chance to mature. Zahn concentrates more on the psychological processes at work than on the technological. Solutions to problems arise from better emotional and intellectual integrity, not simply larger databases. While the author doesn't get as deep into his characters as they do into Jupiter's depths, his portrayal of Matt/Manta is direct and involving. Qanskan life, looking much like marine reef life on Earth, is intriguingly portrayed, even if the biology of the Qanskan problem is suspect. YA readers looking for more than the usual SF action-adventure should be well pleased. (Publisher's Weekly)

Ellen Foster

by Kaye Gibbons

The story of a redoubtable 11-year-old orphan who overcomes adversity with humor, spunk and determination.

Hawaiian Sea Hunt Mystery (Biff Brewster No. #3)

by Andy Adams

Why is Biff Brewster's father so eager to leave for Hawaii? Is there more than just a mining engineers' conference afoot? The elder Brewster is strangely silent, and Bill can only guess at the cause of his father's sudden anxiety. In this third exciting mystery adventure of the Biff Brewster series, the entire Brewster family flies to festive, exotic Honolulu where a startling newspaper headline involves Bill and his lather in a hair-raising race to locate a kidnaped scientist, a sunken sloop, and a cache of precious Cesium, a rare mineral essential to rocket propulsion and the conquest of the moon. With the help of his new friend, Likake Mahenili. Bill soon learns that more than sharpened wits are necessary to defeat the mysterious forces working against them. The cunning of a ruthless rival engineer and the violence of the reef-filled waters of the islands combine to challenge the courage and stamina of the boys. Likake, an expert swimmer and diver, teaches Biff the skills he will need to protect himself against the defiant winds and tides which already have claimed the life of one colleague. A vitally important scientific project and a life are at stake as Biff Brewster and his father crash headlong into the danger and breath-taking suspense of their adventure in Hawaii.

The Riddle of The Hidden Pesos (Roger Baxter No. #3)

by Samuel Epstein Beryl Epstein Martin Colt

In the third and final Roger Baxter mystery story, Roger Baxter travels to Mexico with his brother and his friend Slim for a relaxing vacation. The relaxing part of the vacation vanishes when they discover $2 million in counterfeit American currency in their car, placed there by counterfeiters trying to smuggle it into Mexico. They then begin a struggle to turn it over to the authorities before the counterfeiters catch up with them and silence them forever!

Kara, The Lonely Falcon

by Joseph F. Girzone

"As noon approached, Kara flew up into the sky. The sun was bright, radiant, more brilliant than anyone had ever seen it. The powerful falcon flew higher and higher into the blue sky. All his friends watched in utter amazement at the power and the grace and beauty of that beautiful being who had become so much a part of their life. As they watched him climb higher into the sun, an awesome occurrence unfolded before their eyes. As the golden rays of the sun touched Kara's wings, they seemed to become almost transparent, almost like the sun itself, and his whole form seemed to be transformed and absorbed into the light of the sun's rays. They couldn't believe what was unfolding before their very eyes,- perhaps, it was just a mirage, an illusion. They were overcome with a deep sense of sadness which they could not understand." A beautifully written allegory. A unique book for a pensive book report. As noon approached, Kara flew up into the sky. The sun was bright, radiant, more brilliant than anyone had ever seen it. The powerful falcon flew higher and higher into the blue sky. All his friends watched in utter amazement at the power and the grace and beauty of that beautiful being who had become so much a part of their life. As they watched him climb higher into the sun, an awesome occurence unfolded before their eyes. As the golden rays of the sun touched Kara's wings, they seemed to become almost transparent, almost like the sun itself, and his whole form seemed to be transformed and absorbed into the light of the sun's rays. They couldn't believe what was unfolding before their very eyes,- perhaps, it was just a mirage, an illusion. They were overcome with a deep sense of sadness which they could not understand.

Through Otis's Eyes: Lessons from a Guide Dog Puppy

by Patricia Burlin Kennedy Robert Christie

From the book jacket: "This admirable little puppy helps us to see past our busy daily lives and to focus on what's enduring and important. guiding eyes for the blind enthusiastically recommends this work..." RICHARD ABBOTT, VICE PRESIDENT Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Inc. This delightful book is not completely accessible to those with print disabilities with the aid of picture descriptions.

The Electronic Mind Reader (Rick Brant, # #12)

by John Blaine

Tthe United States is under attack by men who have devised a devious weapon. Men hit by this weapon have their minds scrambled; all memory and reason has been lost. Someone is wiping out the top scientists in the country - especially those connected with a certain ICBM project - and the Spindrift Island crew must work to find out what is happening before anyone else falls victim! This riveting science-fiction tale is not to be missed.

The Whispering Box Mystery (Rick Brant, # #5)

by John Blaine

A MYSTERIOUS LITTLE BLACK BOX -- not a camera - not a gun -- but capable of dropping a man in his tracks with no more sound than a shrill whisper can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of the wrong people as Rick Brant and his pal Scotty soon discover. When secret government files are invaded by a gang of raiders using the whispering box, Rick's father and the other Spindrift Island scientists set up a secret laboratory in Washington, D. C. to develop a counterweapon. Rick and Scotty know only that they are up against a new, ultrasonic invention. But it is not long before the boys have a firsthand knowledge of the whispering box, acquired during a desperate run for their lives. Then three of the key scientists are kidnaped by the gang. Rick and Scotty brave the whispering box again to effect a thrilling rescue, only to find that the gang leader in the meantime has gained entrance to Hartson Brant's secret laboratory itself. How Rick and Scotty, with the help of "Screaming Susie," finally outwit the whispering box, is told in the breathtaking windup of a tensely exciting story that will keep the reader on tenderhooks to the very end.

Rulers of The Darkness (The World At War, Book #4)

by Harry Turtledove

The fourth in the world at war series where guns are powerful magical sticks and the old biplanes of 1940 aare dragons.


by Lew Wallace Willis Lindquist

The famous book adapted for teens

Gunpowder Empire (Crosstime Traffic, Book #1)

by Harry Turtledove

jeremy solters is a teenager growing up in the late twenty-first century. During the school year, his family lives in Southern California-but during the summer the whole family lives and works on the frontier of the Roman Empire. Not the Roman Empire that fell centuries ago, but a Roman Empire that never fell: a parallel timeline, one of an infinity of possible worlds. For in our timeline, we now have the technology to move among these worlds. Some are uninhabitable; some are ghastly, such as the one where Germany won World War II. But many are full of resources that our world can use. So we send traders and businesspeople-but to keep the secret of Crosstime Traffic to ourselves, these traders are trained, in whole,family groups, to pass as natives. It's a lot of work, especially since they're not willing to own slaves like everyone else in this version of Rome. And they spend a lot of time dealing with the local rules and regulations, where unofficial clout matters as much as official status and almost as much as money. Still, most of the time it's reasonably easy for the family to do good business, trading multigadget pocketknives and elaborate windup pocket watches for wheat. Then Jeremy's mother gets sick-really sick, the kind you can't cure with antibiotics. Both parents duck out through the gateway for a quick visit to the doctor. But while they're gone, the gateway stops working. So do the communications links to their home timeline. Jeremy and his sister are on their own, the Lietuvans are invading, the city is besieged, and there's only so much you can do when cannonballs are crashing through your roof ...

Captives in Space

by Joseph Greene

In this story, the three new space explorers come upon an old, seemingly abandoned freighter with an unstable atomic reactor aboard. Through radio contact with the ship they find that the freighter still has a few passengers aboard. Through a smart scheme of their own the Explorers manage to save the freighter and find its 3 inch tall inhabitants. After bringing the inhabitants to Eros and learning the creature's language through Boyd Allen's amazing new computer that can translate any language and imprint it into the mind, the Space Explorers find that if the creatures are not returned to their planet soon they will die. After finding of their home planet through the use of the Observatory, the two creatures are returned home. Upon arriving at their home planet, however, the Space Explorers discover a band of ruthless men that are burning their cities and capturing hundreds of the creatures. It is up to the Space Explorers to see if they can stop this ruthless band of men and return order to the once peaceful planet.

The Forgotten Star

by Joseph Greene

Here is an exciting tale of action and suspense, set in the world of tomorrow. As the story opens, two brothers, Jim and Ken Barry, are traveling by space ship from Earth to a new city on the moon. Aboard the space ship they discover a stowaway, young Dig Allen. Almost at once the three youths are plunged into an adventure that threatens to spell destruction for them all. Dig has set out to find his father, a space scientist who mysteriously disappeared months before. The Barry brothers agree to help Dig. Their search takes them to the "Graveyard of Space" and to Mars. There they meet Old Dorkas, the one person who is able to decipher the last message received from the missing man. Finally, the boys are forced to set out along in an unauthorized space ship. They soon find themselves marooned on a weird, forgotten world at the outer edges of the solar system -- where unknown to them, their greatest adventure is about to begin!

Juanita Fights the School Board (Roosevelt High School #1)

by Gloria Velásquez

The daughter of Mexican farm workers is expelled from high school, but she fights the discriminatory treatment and returns determined to finish school.

Signposts On The Road to Success

by E. W. Kenyon

This book will give young ambitious people the tools they need to succeed in all aspects of life.

The Christian Life: A Geography of God (Foundations of Christian Faith)

by Michael L. Lindvall

An easy to read book which teaches how to understand, grow and strengthen a Christian faith. From the book: "Others journeys may be, but no faith journey is solitary. We are becoming who we are by the grace not only of God, but of those who have accompanied us, pointed out the way to us, given us directions when utterly lost and lifted us up when we stumble. ... In my experience, few people have been argued into believing in God. Nevertheless, I have begun this book with a whiff of apologia"apologetics" in the old sense of the word: a reasonable argument for believing in something beyond yourself. Those of us contemplating the journey, even those who are already on the road, need to remember that it is a reasonable quest after all. At the far end of this volume, I have included many pages that have about them something of a faith manual specific, even "practical" suggestions for how you might live in faith from one day to the next. In my experience however, there are as many ways to be a Christian as there are Christians. This book is divided into three sections: "Leaving for Home," "The Way," and "Life on the Road." The first, in the tradition of apologia, offers an existential response to the obvious query, "Why go anywhere at all, spiritually speaking?" The second section names what I have come to believe to be the road. This is the way found in the God that the Christian tradition has long understood (as best mere mortals might understand Divinity) by the ancient map of God called the Trinity. In the eloquent and ancient terms of Trinitarian theology, the "stranger come to town" becomes "the knowable stranger" and not quite a stranger at all. The last and largest section describes life on the road as I and other pilgrims have known it. Here are traveling companions to be met; I will introduce you to some of those who have helped me find my way. In these pages are mile-markers and road signs, warnings of perilous curves, refreshment for the weary, and notice of lovely things to be seen along the way by watchful eyes."

The Green Turtle Mystery

by Ellery Queen

This eerie mystery thriller features a vanishing girl, a Spanish-speaking parrot, and a time-telling turtle in a case that baffles even the Secret Service.

Lights Out (Terror Academy, #1)

by Nicholas Pine

Mandy Roberts is suspicious that the death of her father was not an accident but has something to do with the new assistant principal at her school.

The Big Play

by Harold Rosenthal

describes several major plays in NFL football history. history

Fright Time - Blue

by Rochelle Larkin Joshua Hanft

3 spine-tingling tales: Terror Town, Medal of Horror, and Kid Willie's Ghost.

Fright Time - Pink

by Rochelle Larkin Joshua Hanft

3 spine-tingling tales: Madman on Main Street, Scary Harry, and It's Almost Dark.

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