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Animal Welfare in Veterinary Practice
by James YeatesA practical guide to help veterinarians improve the welfare of their patients in their everyday work. A concise and accessible introduction to welfare that is both interesting and valuable in practice.The book describes ways to evaluate patients, develop in-practice quality of life assessments, resolve difficult clinical dilemmas, and turn good decisions into real welfare outcomes. It reviews available scientific information, legal issues and ethical dilemmas, and relates these to everyday case studies throughout. It provides ways for all veterinary professionals to develop their animal welfare understanding, without assuming prior knowledge, while advancing the wisdom and abilities of experienced practitioners.Key features:Presents practical and realistic methods for working with owners to improve patients' welfare within the constraints of everyday practice.Provides useful advice for work within many legal jurisdictions.Includes summaries of research, vital references, and further reading sources.Key points are recapped at the end of each chapter.Suitable for all those working in the veterinary and related professions, including veterinarians, veterinary nurses, animal welfare scientists, animal behaviourists, paraprofessionals and lay staff.Published as a part of the prestigious Wiley-Blackwell - UFAW Animal Welfare series. UFAW, founded 1926, is an internationally recognised, independent, scientific and educational animal welfare charity. For full details of all titles available in the UFAW series, please visit www.wiley.com/go/ufaw.
Animal Welfare in World Religion: Teaching and Practice
by Joyce D'SilvaThis unique and readable book examines the relationship between religion and animal welfare, taking a detailed dive into the teachings and practices of the major world religions. While there are many books expounding the beliefs of the major religions and many about the rights and welfare of animals, there are few linking the two. With each chapter focusing on one of the five major religions – Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism – the book explores the beliefs and practices which drive our relationship with and treatment of animals. The book draws on the scriptures of the major faiths and includes the voices of leading historical religious figures and contemporary faith leaders. In doing so, it compares the teachings of old with contemporary practices and showcases the impact of the major religions on both the protection and exploitation of animals, from running animal sanctuaries, to participating in or condoning cruel sports and factory farming. Importantly, the book also includes a chapter looking beyond the major world religions, where it examines a wider range of beliefs and practices, including Indigenous peoples from the USA and Australia, Jainism, Sikhism and Rastafarianism, to provide fascinating insights into another range of beliefs and views on the human-animal relationship. Overall, this book challenges and encourages religious leaders and followers to re-examine their teachings and to prioritise the well-being of animals. This book is essential reading for those interested in the role of religion in animal welfare, human-animal studies, and animal welfare and ethics more broadly.
Animal Wisdom
by Andrew Harvey Linda Tucker Linda BenderHow is it that pets are able to travel thousands of miles through unknown territory to reunite with their beloved humans? How can dogs detect cancer with up to a 98 percent accuracy rate, and foresee epileptic or diabetic seizures in their owners? How do animals seem to know an earthquake is coming long before the world's best seismologists? In Animal Wisdom, veterinarian and animal advocate Linda Bender offers a wealth of amazing stories and research-based evidence indicating animals have deeply perceptive--even extrasensory--abilities. She shows us that animals are extremely perceptive, intuitive, and psychic and provides step-by-step practices for honing your natural ability to communicate with them, so that you too can learn to understand their urgent messages about peace, happiness, and the future of the planet. Animal Wisdom is for animal lovers and anyone who seeks a deeper, more spiritual connection to these beautiful creatures.From the table of contents:Foreword by Linda TuckerPART I: The Fabric of CreationChapter 1: The Ecology of ParadiseChapter 2: How Can We Know What Animals Are Thinking and Feeling?PART II: What Animals Want Us to KnowChapter 3: You Are LovedChapter 4: You Are Already Living in ParadiseChapter 5: You Don't Have to Figure Everything OutChapter 6: Dying Isn't BadPART III: The Connection of All CreaturesChapter 7: How to Connect Telepathically with Animals: A Practical GuideChapter 8: The Animals Speak for ThemselvesChapter 9: Heeding the Cries of the Nonhuman WorldAfterword by Andrew HarveyFrom the Trade Paperback edition.
Animal Wise
by Virginia MorellNoted science writer Virginia Morell explores the frontiers of research on animal cognition and emotion, offering a surprising and moving exploration into the hearts and minds of wild and domesticated animals. Did you know that ants teach, earthworms make decisions, rats love to be tickled, and chimps grieve? Did you know that some dogs have thousand-word vocabularies and that birds practice songs in their sleep? That crows improvise tools, blue jays plan ahead, and moths remember living as caterpillars? Animal Wise takes us on a dazzling odyssey into the inner world of animals, from ants to elephants to wolves, and from sharp-shooting archerfish to pods of dolphins that rumble like rival street gangs. With 30 years of experience covering the sciences, Morell uses her formidable gifts as a story-teller to transport us to field sites and laboratories around the world, introducing us to pioneering animal-cognition researchers and their surprisingly intelligent and sensitive subjects. She explores how this rapidly evolving, controversial field has only recently overturned old notions about why animals behave as they do. She probes the moral and ethical dilemmas of recognizing that even "lesser animals" have cognitive abilities such as memory, feelings, personality, and self-awareness--traits that many in the twentieth century felt were unique to human beings. By standing behaviorism on its head, Morell brings the world of nature brilliantly alive in a nuanced, deeply felt appreciation of the human-animal bond, and she shares her admiration for the men and women who have simultaneously chipped away at what we think makes us distinctive while offering a glimpse of where our own abilities come from.
Animal World (Questions and Answers)
by Arcturus PublishingAnimal World is packed full of amazing images and fascinating facts about the magnificent creatures that inhabit the earth. Explore the great diversity of the animal kingdom, from lions to lizards and elephants to eagles - Readers can look forward to learning about them all!
Animal Worlds: African Animals
by Joann Early MackenSimple text introduces animals that live in the African grasslands, such as the zebra, hyena, vulture, leopard, and gnu.
Animales: El reino animal como nunca lo habías visto (DK Knowledge Encyclopedias)
by DKEl reino animal como nunca antes lo habías vistoRepleto de ilustraciones en 3D, Animales acerca al lector a un mundo en constante evolución para descubrir cómo vive y cómo se relaciona con su entorno cada habitante del planeta.Animales está lleno de divertidas curiosidades y datos relevantes de especies de todo el reino animal: desde las alas de un espectacular albatros a la majestuosidad del tiburón blanco, el libro es un repaso por todas las especies que conforman cada ecosistema por remoto que sea.Descubre todo tipo de animales, desde la diminuta pulga de agua hasta la gran ballena azul. Observa la vida animal en sus detalles más recónditos: las brillantes escamas del ala de la mariposa, el cortante filo del diente del tigre, el espolón venenoso del ornitorrinco... Aprende cómo se comunican las hormigas, cómo los pingüinos protegen a sus polluelos o por qué cambian de color los camaleones. ¡Prepárate para sumergirte de lleno en el reino animal!
Animales bebé (¡Arriba la Lectura! Level E #89)
by Heather HammondsNIMAC-sourced textbook <p><p> ¡Mira estos animales bebé! También puedes ver la mamá de cada uno y saber qué hacen juntos.
Animales con armadura (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level O #57)
by Jill McDougallNIMAC-sourced textbook. Muchos animales tienen una armadura que los protege. Gracias a ella, es más difícil que se conviertan en presa de sus depredadores. Descubre los tipos de armadura: espinas, escamas, caparazón y exoesqueleto.
Animales con armadura para sobrevivir (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level L #6)
by Stanford MakishiNIMAC-sourced textbook. Los animales silvestres tienen varias maneras de protegerse. ¿Qué tienen en común los puercoespines, las tortugas y los cocodrilos? Lee este libro para enterarte.
Los animales de la selva tropical (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level L #9)
by Debbie CroftNIMAC-sourced textbook. En la selva tropical viven muchos animales. Entre los árboles de este ambiente húmedo y verde hay murciélagos, aves, monos, serpientes y muchos animales más.
Animales habladores: Conversaciones privadas entre seres vivos
by Eva MeijerLos animales hablan. Claro que hablan. El problema es que no los escuchamos. «Un libro fascinante y accesible sobre cómose comunican los animales».The Guardian Los delfines y los loros se llaman entre sí por su nombre; los perros de las praderas describen a los intrusos con todo lujo de detalles - incluidos su tamaño, forma, velocidad y el color de su cabello o de sus camisetas-; a los murciélagos les encanta chismear; en los cantos de algunos pájaros y en los patrones de la piel de los calamares encontramos estructuras gramaticales... Con un poco de suerte, algún día se toparán con un animal que quiera hablar con ustedes, o incluso que se tome el tiempo y el esfuerzo de conocerlos. Si eso ocurre, comprobarán lo mucho que este tipo de relaciones nos enseñan sobre el lenguaje y sobre nosotros mismos. Cada vez son más los hallazgos científicos que demuestran que los animales tienen lenguajes ricos y complejos con reglas estructurales que les permiten diseñar estrategias, dar consejos, mostrarse amor e incluso cotillear. Animales habladores es una fascinante exploración filosófica (en compañía de autores como Aristóteles, Descartes, Wittgenstein y Heidegger) de las formas en que los animales se comunican entre sí y con nosotros, que revela su vida social secreta y sorprendente, cuestiona la jerarquía entre los humanos y el resto de criaturas y propone una nueva forma de entender el lenguaje. La crítica ha dicho:«Un puñado de historias fascinantes y mucho que aprender de ellas... Meijer demuestra que muchos animales son más sofisticados y más inteligentes de lo que creemos».The Spectator «Eva Meijer se ha propuesto redefinir la relación entre humanos y animales. Una visión audaz y progresista de un futuro más justo en el que la humanidad mejora al compartir la Tierra simplemente aprendiendo a escuchar».The Herald Tribune «Fascinante».Daily Mail «Rebosante de anécdotas fabulosamente entretenidas».Strong Words
Animales pequeños que se ocultan (¡Arriba la Lectura! Level E #90)
by Elsie NelleyNIMAC-sourced textbook <p><p> A veces, los animales pequeños están en peligro. Aprende cómo se ocultan, o esconden, para estar protegidos.
Animales que viven bajo la tierra (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level I #61)
by Debbie CroftNIMAC-sourced textbook. Hay muchos animales que viven bajo la tierra, como conejos, ardillas, ranas y lombrices. Aprende cómo viven estos animales.
Animales que viven en el bosque: Osos negros (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Big Book Unit 2 #9)
by JoAnn MackenNIMAC-sourced textbook
Los animales se adaptan al medio: Textos Para La Lectura Atenta (Texts Close Reading )
by Benchmark Education Co. Llc StaffNIMAC-sourced textbook
Los animales y sus crías (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level G #47)
by Ellen CatalaNIMAC-sourced textbook. Lee cómo son las crías, o bebés, de algunos animales.
Animali esotici e da compagnia: Un po’ di serenità in una vita stressata… (Come... #31)
by Owen JonesSpero che tu possa trovare queste informazioni utili ed efficaci. Le informazioni contenute in questo ebook riguardano vari aspetti degli animali esotici da compagnia e non, divisi in 20 capitoli da 500-600 parole ciascuno. Spero che questo possa essere interessante per gli amanti degli animali. Ti autorizzo inoltre ad utilizzare il contenuto di quest’opera per il tuo sito internet, blog o newsletter, anche se ti consiglio di rielaborare il tutto con parole tue. Potresti anche suddividere il libro e rivenderne gli articoli, considerando che l’unico diritto di cui non disponi è quello di presentare o rivendere il libro così come ti è stato consegnato.
Animalia: An Anti-Imperial Bestiary for Our Times
by Antoinette Burton and Renisa MawaniFrom yaks and vultures to whales and platypuses, animals have played central roles in the history of British imperial control. The contributors to Animalia analyze twenty-six animals—domestic, feral, predatory, and mythical—whose relationship to imperial authorities and settler colonists reveals how the presumed racial supremacy of Europeans underwrote the history of Western imperialism. Victorian imperial authorities, adventurers, and colonists used animals as companions, military transportation, agricultural laborers, food sources, and status symbols. They also overhunted and destroyed ecosystems, laying the groundwork for what has come to be known as climate change. At the same time, animals such as lions, tigers, and mosquitoes interfered in the empire's racial, gendered, and political aspirations by challenging the imperial project’s sense of inevitability. Unconventional and innovative in form and approach, Animalia invites new ways to consider the consequences of imperial power by demonstrating how the politics of empire—in its racial, gendered, and sexualized forms—played out in multispecies relations across jurisdictions under British imperial control. <P><P>Contributors. Neel Ahuja, Tony Ballantyne, Antoinette Burton, Utathya Chattopadhyaya, Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, Peter Hansen, Isabel Hofmeyr, Anna Jacobs, Daniel Heath Justice, Dane Kennedy, Jagjeet Lally, Krista Maglen, Amy E. Martin, Renisa Mawani, Heidi J. Nast, Michael A. Osborne, Harriet Ritvo, George Robb, Jonathan Saha, Sandra Swart, Angela Thompsell
Animalia Americana: Animal Representations and Biopolitical Subjectivity (Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science, and Law)
by Colleen BoggsColleen Glenney Boggs puts animal representation at the center of the making of the liberal American subject. Concentrating on the formative and disruptive presence of animals in the writings of Frederick Douglass, Edgar Allan Poe, and Emily Dickinson, Boggs argues that animals are critical to the ways in which Americans enact their humanity and regulate subjects in the biopolitical state. <P><P>Biopower, or a politics that extends its reach to life, thrives on the strategic ambivalence between who is considered human and what is judged as animal. It generates a space of indeterminacy in which animal representations intervene to define and challenge the parameters of subjectivity. The renegotiation of the species line produces a tension that is never fully regulated. Therefore, as both figures of radical alterity and the embodiment of biopolitics, animals are simultaneously exceptional and exemplary to the biopolitical state. An original contribution to animal studies, American studies, critical race theory, and posthumanist inquiry, Boggs thrillingly reinterprets a long and highly contentious human-animal history.
Animalia: A to Z
by Christal Lorice BaileyThere are so many animals in the world. We have to think about how we as humans are impacting their world. Every animal deserves to survive and thrive, and with human help, they can do so. This book is just a sampling of all the amazing creatures found in the diverse habitats on our beautiful planet Earth.
Animalicious: A Quirky ABC Book
by Anna Dewdney Reed DuncanA seriously silly ABC book packed with imaginary animals from the creator of the Llama Llama books, Anna Dewdney, and Reed Duncan.From A is for Anonymouse and I is for Incredibull, to K is for Kangarude and R is for Rocktopus, this ABC book will have readers laughing out loud as they learn the alphabet with animals they may never have seen--or even heard of--before.
Animalkind: Remarkable Discoveries About Animals and Revolutionary New Ways to Show Them Compassion
by Gene Stone Ingrid NewkirkThe founder and president of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk, and bestselling author Gene Stone explore the wonders of animal life and offer tools for living more kindly toward them.In the last few decades, a wealth of new information has emerged about who animals are—intelligent, aware, and empathetic. Studies show that animals are astounding beings with intelligence, emotions, intricate communications networks, and myriad abilities. In Animalkind, Ingrid Newkirk and Gene Stone present these findings in a concise and awe-inspiring way, detailing a range of surprising discoveries: that geese fall in love and stay with a partner for life, that fish &“sing&” underwater, and that elephants use their trunks to send subsonic signals, alerting other herds to danger miles away. Newkirk and Stone pair their tour of the astounding lives of animals with a guide to the exciting new tools that allow humans to avoid using or abusing animals as we once did. They show readers what they can do in their everyday lives to ensure that the animal world is protected from needless harm. Whether it&’s medicine, product testing, entertainment, clothing, or food, there are now better options to all the uses animals once served in human life. We can substitute warmer, lighter faux fleece for wool, choose vegan versions of everything from shrimp to sausage and milk to marshmallows, reap the benefits of medical research that no longer requires monkeys to be caged in laboratories, and scrap captive orca exhibits and elephant rides for virtual reality and animatronics. Animalkind is a fascinating study of why our fellow living beings deserve our respect, and moreover, the steps every reader can take to put this new understanding into action.