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Showing 15,951 through 15,975 of 32,813 results

Insects and Sustainability of Ecosystem Services (Social Environmental Sustainability)

by Timothy D. Schowalter

With few exceptions, insects are perceived in industrialized countries as undesirable pests. In reality, relatively few insects interfere with us or our resources. Most have benign or positive effects on ecosystem services, and many represent useful resources in non-industrialized countries. Challenging traditional perceptions of the value of insec

Insects and Their Beneficial Microbes

by Angela E. Douglas

A comprehensive overview of symbiotic relationships between insects and microbesInsects and Their Beneficial Microbes is an authoritative and accessible synthesis of insect associations with beneficial microorganisms. Angela Douglas distills the vast literature in entomology and microbiology, as well as the burgeoning microbiome literature, to explore the full scope of insect-microbial interactions and their applications to real-world problems in agriculture and medicine.Douglas investigates how insects acquire and support their microbial partners, and examines how microorganisms contribute to insect nutrition, the defense against natural enemies, and the detoxification of natural allelochemicals and chemical insecticides. She analyzes how beneficial microbes can be harnessed to solve real-world problems in insect pest management, including strategies to suppress the transmission of viruses and microbial disease agents by mosquitoes and other insects. She also addresses the use of insects as biomedical models for effective microbial therapies treating a range of chronic human diseases, and considers how knowledge of insect-microbial interactions can promote the health of beneficial insects, especially in the context of environmental pollutants and climate change.Insects and Their Beneficial Microbes provides a much-needed conceptual framework for the growing discipline of insect-microbial interactions, and offers a wealth of insights into insect symbioses from molecular, physiological, ecological, and evolutionary perspectives.

Insects and Wildlife

by Dr John Capinera

Insects and Wildlife: Arthropods and their Relationships with Wild Vertebrate Animals provides a comprehensive overview of the interrelationships of insects and wildlife. It serves as an introduction to insects and other arthropods for wildlife management and other vertebrate biology students, and emphasizes the importance of insects to wild vertebrate animals. The book emphasizes how insects exert important influences on wildlife habitat suitability and wildlife population sustainability, including their direct and indirect effects on wildlife health. Among the important topics covered are: the importance of insects as food items for vertebrate animals; the role of arthropods as determinants of ecosystem health and productivity; the ability of arthropods to transmit disease-causing agents; an overview of representative disease-causing agents transmitted by arthropods; arthropods as pests and parasites of vertebrates; the hazards to wildlife associated with using using pesticides to protect against insect damage; insect management using techniques other than pesticides; the importance of insect conservation and how insects influence wildlife conservation.

Insects as Animal Feed: Novel Ingredients for Use in Pet, Aquaculture and Livestock Diets

by Amanda Beard Hanna Bjone Angela Booth John Brameld Syrine Chaalala Faki Chabi Olivia Champion Chistophe Chrysostome William Clark Victor Clottey Kalifa Coulibaly Emilie Devic Michael Dickinson David Drew Virginia Emery Norbert Erokotan Thomas Farrugia Mark Finke Mohamed Gastli Adin Y. Bloukounon-Goubalan Kerensa Hawkey Antoine Hubert Marc Kenis Gabriel Koko Liz Koutsos Lars-Henrik Lau Heckmann Sean Mason Helen Massey O'Neill James McCulloch Daniel Murta Judith Nelson Emmanuel Nkegbe Noel Obognon Dennis Oonincx Tim Parr Rajmond Percze Sètchémè Pomalégni Liz Quigley Santos Rojo Birgit Rumpold Aliou Saïdou Andrew Salter Istvan Sandor Fernand Sankara Katharina Unger Maureen Wakefield Luke Wheat Keiran Whitaker

The global drive towards sustainability and improved animal health means there is a greater need for development of novel functional ingredients for the feed industry. As the requirements for protein for livestock feed and human consumption grows, the use of insect products as animal feed has gained increasing attention. Covering global production systems of insect protein, oil and chitin, as well as co-products from this industry, this book: - Considers in-depth nutritional and safety aspects of insects for feed. - Reviews suitability of insects as feed for different animal species and life stages. - Examines current knowledge of the value of insect-rearing residues as biofertilizers for crop health. - Identifies the challenges related to regulation, legislation, consumer perception and acceptance, and commercialization of insects. - Provides interviews with established and early-stage innovative companies producing insect protein for feed. Including a focus on practices such as waste valorization, this book takes a holistic look at how insects could contribute to the sustainability of livestock production on a global scale. Providing an up-to-date reference for research scientists, nutritionists, and veterinarians, as well as prospective insect farmers, it will also be of interest to those with a broader curiosity towards climate change, sustainability, and the circular economy.

Insects as Service Providers

by Omkar

This book overviews the role of insects in providing various human, environmental, recreational, aesthetic, and cultural services. It presents a comprehensive account of insect service providers to show different aspects of insects and cultivate the appreciation of insects.Insects are beneficial to humans as ecofriendly tools, as parasitoids and predators in the biological control of insect pests and vectors, reducing the use of agrochemicals in modern agriculture and protecting the environment. Insects facilitate crop pollination and increase the agricultural yield. They are farmers’ friends, and serve as food for the human population worldwide, provide pharmaceuticals, take part in ecosystem services, and work as scavengers. Insects are used in disease therapy and wound healing. They are also helpful in criminal investigations and are the best models for research and technology innovations. Insects also yield various silks, lac, honey, propolis, wax, etc., promoting insect tourism, recreations, and culture. This contributed volume focuses on these different beneficial aspects of insects in human life. This book will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students of entomology, agricultural zoology, researchers, and anyone interested in insects, including policy planners.

Insects, Fire and Conservation

by Tim R. New

A global synthesis of the impacts of wildfires and controlled burning on insects, bringing together much hitherto scattered information to provide a guide to improved conservation management practice. The great variety of responses by insect species and assemblages demonstrates the often subtle balance between fire being a severe threat and a vital management component. Examples from many parts of the world and from diverse biotopes and production systems display the increasingly detailed appreciation of fire impacts on insects in terrestrial and freshwater environments and the ways in which prescribed burning may be tailored to reduce harmful ecological impacts and incorporated into protocols for threatened species and wider insect conservation benefits.

Insects for Kids: A Junior Scientist's Guide to Bees, Butterflies, and Other Flying Insects (Junior Scientists)

by Sharman Johnston EdD

Explore the wonderful world of flying insects!—for kids ages 5 to 7 Like a little caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly, get ready to embark on an incredible journey of the mind and imagination. Perfect for kids ages 5 to 7, Insects for Kids is packed with amazing photographs and fascinating facts about these little (and not so little!) winged critters. From bugs in your own backyard to ones that live in far-off jungles, take flight with these creepy crawly airborne insects. During this exciting, science-filled adventure, you'll discover why certain insects buzz, which prehistoric bug was the size of a large bird, and other fun facts. Learn about beetles, dragonflies, moths, and more—and find out how they fly, jump, chirp, sting, and communicate. Discover how to identify and observe insects in your local area, conduct scientific experiments, and learn to plant a pollination garden as you become a true insect expert. Insects for Kids includes: So many insects!—Explore in-depth information on a wide variety of insects that take flight. Simple layout—The book's organization is clear and easy-to-follow. Wow factor!—The bright and vivid photographs show the insects in unbelievable detail. Soar through the insect world with Insects for Kids.

Insekten - Erfolgsmodelle der Evolution: Faszinierend und bedroht

by Werner Gnatzy Jürgen Tautz

Im Laufe der Evolution haben die Insekten eine schier unglaubliche Formenvielfalt und funktionelle Raffinesse entwickelt. Das Design ihres Außenskeletts ist so phantasievoll und ungewöhnlich, oft auch bizarr, dass man nur staunen kann. Dass Insekten für jedes noch so spezielle Problem Konstruktionslösungen finden können, macht sie überaus erfolgreich. Sie wurden so zu entscheidenden Bindegliedern in den komplexen Netzwerken der Natur. Beindruckende Makroaufnahmen und informative rasterelektronenoptische Bilder geben einen Einblick in Formenreichtum, Schönheit und Funktion der Sechsbeiner. Spannende Texte begleiten die Bilder und erklären u.a. wie der Gelbrandkäfer Wirbeltierhormone als K.O.-Tropfen einsetzt, wenn er von Fischen angegriffen wird, der Kiefernprachtkäfer weit entfernte Waldbrände lokalisiert, der Bombardierkäfer mit seinem Schussapparat gepulste Explosionen abgibt oder die Bläulingsraupe Ameisen bezirzt. In den Ökosystemen unseres Planeten spielen die Insekten eine entscheidende Rolle. Die menschengemachte Umweltzerstörung greift empfindlich in diese Kreisläufe ein. Das gefährdet das Überleben der Insekten, mit dramatischen Auswirkungen auch für uns Menschen.

Insekten und Käfer (So geht's... Serie #65)

by Owen Jones

Insekten und Käfer Hallo und vielen Dank, dass Sie dieses E-Book mit dem Titel 'Insekten und Käfer' gekauft haben. Ich hoffe, dass Sie die Informationen hilfreich, brauchbar und nutzbringend finden werden. Die Informationen in diesem E-Book zu verschiedenen Aspekten im Hinblick auf den Umgang mit Insekten, insbesondere in Haus und Garten, sind in 16 Kapiteln mit jeweils ca. 500-600 Wörtern unterteilt. Ich hoffe, dass das E-Book das Interesse sowohl derjenigen wecken wird, die der Umgang mit Insekten beunruhigt, als auch derjenigen, die sich mit einigen traditionellen Mitteln um sie kümmern möchten. Als weitere Zugabe erlaube ich Ihnen, den Inhalt auf Ihrer eigenen Website oder in Ihren eigenen Blogs und Newslettern zu verwenden, obwohl es besser ist, ihn zuerst mit Ihren eigenen Worten umzuschreiben. Sie dürfen das Buch auch aufteilen und die Artikel weiterverkaufen. Das einzige Recht, das Sie nicht haben, ist, das Buch in der Ihnen gelieferten Version weiterzuverkaufen oder zu verschenken. Ein eventuelles Feedback von Ihnen richten Sie bitte an das Unternehmen, bei dem Sie das Buch gekauft haben. Dort können Sie auch weitere Bücher dieser Art finden. Nochmals herzlichen Dank für den Kauf dieses E-Books und freundliche Grüße! Owen Jones

Insektenwunderwelt - Einstieg in die Entomologie

by Michael Schmitt

Sie interessieren sich für Insekten, aber die Lehrbücher der Entomologie sind Ihnen zu dick, zu teuer und zu kompliziert? Dieses Buch lässt Sie vieles über die faszinierende Vielfalt der Insekten erfahren.Es gibt Insekten wie Sand am Meer, große und kleine, schöne und hässliche, erfreuliche und lästige, nützliche und schädliche. Einige, wie die Küchenschaben, lösen Ekel aus, andere, wie die Siebenpunkt-Marienkäfer gelten als Glückssymbole, wieder andere, wie die Wespen, ängstigen uns, während die meisten Schmetterlinge wegen ihrer Farben- und Formenpracht bewundert werden. Was aber Insekten befähigt, zu laufen, zu springen, zu fliegen, wozu sie Menschenblut benötigen, wie aus einem Ei ein vollständiger Sechsbeiner wird, welchen Stellenwert Insekten im Haushalt der Natur einnehmen, erschließt sich nicht unmittelbar durch Beobachten lebender Tiere. Neben dem äußeren Erscheinungsbild werden der Körperbau und Funktionen der Organe ebenso wie Verhalten, ökologische Rolle, natürliches System und Stammesgeschichte der Insekten allgemeinverständlich und doch wissenschaftlich exakt dargestellt.

Insetos (Como... #65)

by Owen Jones

Insetos Olá e obrigado por comprar este e-book chamado 'Insetos'. Espero que as informações sejam úteis, úteis e lucrativas. As informações neste e-book sobre vários aspectos do contato com insetos, especialmente ao redor da casa e no jardim, são organizadas em 16 capítulos com cerca de 500-600 palavras cada. Espero que interesse aqueles que estão preocupados com o contato com insetos e aqueles que gostariam de usar alguns meios tradicionais para cuidar deles. Como um bônus adicional, estou concedendo a você permissão para usar o conteúdo em seu próprio site ou em seus próprios blogs e boletins informativos, embora seja melhor se você reescrevê-los com suas próprias palavras primeiro. Você também pode dividir o livro e revender os artigos. Na verdade, o único direito que você não tem é revender ou doar o livro como ele foi entregue a você. Se você tiver algum comentário, deixe-o com a empresa de quem comprou este livro. Você também poderá encontrar mais livros semelhantes. Obrigado novamente por adquirir este e-book, Cumprimentos, Owen Jones

Inside Animal Hearts and Minds: Bears That Count, Goats That Surf, and Other True Stories of Animal Intelligence and Emotion

by Jonathan Balcombe Belinda Recio

As Charles Darwin suggested more than a century ago, the differences between animals and humans are "of degree and not of kind.” Not long ago, ethologists denied that animals had emotions or true intelligence. Now, we know that rats laugh when tickled, magpies mourn as they cover the departed with greenery, female whales travel thousands of miles for annual reunions with their gal pals, seals navigate by the stars, bears hum when happy, and crows slide down snowy rooftops for fun.In engaging text, photographs, and infographics, Inside Animal Hearts and Minds showcases fascinating and heart-warming examples of animal emotion and cognition that will foster wonder and empathy. Learn about an orangutan who does “macramé,” monkeys that understand the concept of money, and rats that choose friendship over food. Even language, math, and logic are no longer exclusive to humans. Prairie dogs have their own complex vocabularies to describe human intruders, parrots name their chicks, sea lions appear capable of deductive thinking akin to a ten-year-old child’s, and bears, lemurs, parrots, and other animals demonstrate numerical cognition.In a world where a growing body of scientific research is closing the gap between the human and non-human, Inside Animal Hearts and Minds invites us to change the way we view animals, the world, and our place in it.

Inside Cat

by Brendan Wenzel

The newest story from the New York Times bestselling author/illustrator Brendan Wenzel is a funny and wise celebration of observation, curiosity, and indoor life.From the endlessly inventive Caldecott Honor author/illustrator of They All Saw a Cat comes a picture book that is playful, perceptive, and full of delights. Inside Cat is just that: an inside cat. But while the cat's life is bound by the walls of an unusual house, it's far from dull. As the cat wanders, wonders, stares, and snacks, roaming from room to room and place to place, both cat and reader discover worlds and sensations beyond what's right in front of them. And just when Inside Cat is sure it knows everything, another surprise awaits! Fresh, funny, and wise, Inside Cat is a feast for the eyes and the imagination.A BOOK THAT ENCOURAGES IMAGINATIVE THINKING: All of Brendan Wenzel's books play with observation, perception, and the imagination. Readers will see how the cat's imagination grows as it explores its building and will be inspired to make their own imaginative journeys.A BOOK THAT ENCOURAGES OBSERVATION: There are many details in this book, from the decorations in the different rooms to the animals that appear. Readers will enjoy seeing how these details affect the cat, and will flip pages back and forth to see how the cat has incorporated these details into its thinking.A BOOK THAT MAKES THE MOST OF THE INDOORS: The cat's world is inside a building, and it enjoys every aspect of being inside. The book sends a positive message about playing inside that parents will appreciate.GREAT TO READ ALOUD: The rhythmic narrative and refrains are catchy and fun to read out loud and invite audience participation.BELOVED AUTHOR/ILLUSTRATOR: Brendan is a bestselling Caldecott Honor–winning artist and a sought-after speaker at schools and libraries. His books They All Saw a Cat, Hello Hello, and A Stone Sat Still have received multiple starred reviews, state awards, and are family and classroom favorites.Perfect for:• Parents and grandparents• Cat lovers• Fans of Brendan Wenzel• Educators• Librarians

Inside Mouse Outside Mouse

by Lindsay Barrett George

Once there was an inside mouse and an outside mouse. One day they both went on a trip. They traveled up, down, across, around, through, between, behind, over, and under, until they finally met in the middle. Hello! Are they old friends? Or new friends? Did they just meet today? Or do they visit every day? And what do you think might happen next to the inside mouse and the outside mouse?

Inside Mouse Outside Mouse

by Lindsay Barrett George

Once there was an inside mouse and an outside mouse. One day they both went on a trip. They traveled up, down, across, around, through, between, behind, over, and under, until they finally met in the middle.

Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know

by Alexandra Horowitz

As an unabashed dog lover, Alexandra Horowitz is naturally curious about what her dog thinks and what she knows. As a cognitive scientist she is intent on understanding the minds of animals who cannot say what they know or feel. This is a fresh look at the world of dogs -- from the dog's point of view. The book introduces the reader to the science of the dog -- their perceptual and cognitive Abilities -- and uses that introduction to draw a picture of what it might be like to bea dog. It answers questions no other dog book can -- such as: What is a dog's sense of time? Does she miss me? Want friends? Know when she's been bad? Horowitz's journey, and the insights she uncovered from studying her own dog, Pumpernickel, allowed her to understand her dog better, and appreciate her more through that understanding. The reader will be able to do the same with their own dog. This is not another dog training book. Instead, Inside of a Dogwill allow dog owners to look at their pets' behaviour in a different, and revealing light, enabling them to understand their dogs and enjoy their relationship even more.

Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know (Playaway Adult Nonfiction Ser.)

by Alexandra Horowitz

The bestselling book that asks what dogs know and how they think. The answers will surprise and delight you as Alexandra Horowitz, a cognitive scientist, explains how dogs perceive their daily worlds, each other, and that other quirky animal, the human.Horowitz introduces the reader to dogs' perceptual and cognitive abilities and then draws a picture of what it might be like to be a dog. What's it like to be able to smell not just every bit of open food in the house but also to smell sadness in humans, or even the passage of time? How does a tiny dog manage to play successfully with a Great Dane? What is it like to hear the bodily vibrations of insects or the hum of a fluorescent light? Why must a person on a bicycle be chased? What's it like to use your mouth as a hand? In short, what is it like for a dog to experience life from two feet off the ground, amidst the smells of the sidewalk, gazing at our ankles or knees? Inside of a Dog explains these things and much more. The answers can be surprising--once we set aside our natural inclination to anthropomorphize dogs. Inside of a Dog also contains up-to-the-minute research--on dogs' detection of disease, the secrets of their tails, and their skill at reading our attention--that Horowitz puts into useful context. Although not a formal training guide, Inside of a Dog has practical application for dog lovers interested in understanding why their dogs do what they do. With a light touch and the weight of science behind her, Alexandra Horowitz examines the animal we think we know best but may actually understand the least. This book is as close as you can get to knowing about dogs without being a dog yourself.

Inside of a Dog -- Young Readers Edition: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know

by Alexandra Horowitz Sean Vidal Edgerton

From an animal behaviorist and dog enthusiast comes an adorable and informative guide to understanding how our canine friends see the world based on the #1 New York Times bestselling phenomenon, Inside of a Dog--now adapted for a younger audience!Have you ever wondered what your dogs are thinking? What they're feeling? Now you finally can! The answers will surprise and delight you as scientist and dog-owner Alexandra Horowitz explains how our four-legged friends perceive their daily worlds, each other, and that other quirky animal, the human.

Inside the Animal Mind: A Groundbreaking Exploration of Animal Intelligence

by George Page

The companion volume to a series of episodes in the public television series which Page created and hosts. Drawing on scientific and anecdotal evidence in the field and laboratory, he summarizes recent findings regarding animal intelligence, cognitive ability, problem solving, and emotion in animals besides humans. He concludes with implications for considering their suffering. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Insider's Guide To Horseracing

by Theodore A. Landers

With its fast pace, beautiful animals, high stakes, and colorful pageantry, horseracing easily captures the attention of even first-time viewers. "Insider's Guide to Horseracing" is a quick and informative tour of the sport from the moment a foal is tapped for training and what kind of equipment a jockey or horse can legally wear to how wagering works and the different types of races. Written by an experienced horse industry professional and fully illustrated, this guide explains the inside story of horseracing, what to notice about a horse and jockey, how to make sense of racing columns, and ways to make a trip to the track more memorable. Here a reader will not find complex or magic formulas for picking winners or dry statistics; instead the Insider's Guide to Horseracing gives readers exact information from an expert that will make every race, live or televised, even more enjoyable and will allow those who wager to make better informed decisions-which may be the greatest tip of all.

Insight into Influenza Viruses of Animals and Humans

by Sanjay Kapoor Kuldeep Dhama

This book provides salient information on all aspects of influenza/flu viruses affecting animals and humans. It specifically reviews the properties and replication of influenza viruses; their evolution and emergence; epidemiology; role of migratory birds in disease transmission; clinical signs in humans, animals and poultry; pathogenesis and pathogenicity; public health importance and potential threats; diagnosis; prevention and control measures; and pandemic preparedness. Influenza/flu viruses evolve continuously and jump species causing epidemics as well as pandemics in both human and animals. During the past 150 years, various strains of influenza virus like the Spanish flu, Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, bird flu and swine flu were responsible for high mortality in humans as well as birds. High mutation rates, antigenic shifts, drifts, reassortment phenomena, and the development of antiviral drug resistance all contribute to ineffective chemotherapy and vaccines against influenza viruses. Due to their devastating nature, high zoonotic implications and high mortality in humans and poultry, they have a severe impact on the socioeconomic status of countries. Disease awareness, rapid and accurate diagnosis, surveillance, strict biosecurity, timely adoption of appropriate preventive and control measures and pandemic preparedness are crucial to help reduce virus transmission, thus reducing clinical cases, deaths and pandemic threats.

Insights From Insects: What Bad Bugs Can Teach Us

by Gilbert Waldbauer

This fascinating, beautifully illustrated book profiles twenty "troublesome bugs," showing how the study of these creatures has led scientists to many basic discoveries that have enhanced our understanding of life.The reader learns how an American entomologist was awarded France’s gold medal of honor for rescuing the French wine industry from destruction by the aphid-like "grape phylloxera"; how the World Health Organization almost completely eradicated malaria through the use of DDT before the insect adapted to the insecticide and became resistant; how some insects disguise themselves to avoid detection; how others survive the subzero temperatures of winter; why some flies have a uterus and a mammary gland; and many more strange and tantalizing true tales about these wonderful, troublesome "pests"—pests that have taught us vital lessons about survival, nature, and the environment.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Insights into Human Neurodegeneration: Lessons Learnt from Drosophila

by Mousumi Mutsuddi Ashim Mukherjee

This book is aimed at generating an updated reservoir of scientific endeavors undertaken to unravel the complicated yet intriguing topic of neurodegeneration. Scientists from Europe, USA and India who are experts in the field of neurodegenerative diseases have contributed to this book. This book will help readers gain insight into the recent knowledge obtained from Drosophila model, in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders and also unravel novel scopes for therapeutic interventions. Different methodologies available to create humanized fly models that faithfully reflects the pathogenicities associated with particular disorders have been described here. It also includes information on the exciting area of neural stem cells. A brief discussion on neurofibrillary tangles, precedes the elaborate description of lessons learnt from Drosophila about Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s, Spinomuscular Atrophy, Huntington’s diseases, RNA expansion disorders and Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. We have concluded the book with the use of Drosophila for identifying pharmacological therapies for neurodegenerative disorders. The wide range of topics covered here will not only be relevant for beginners who are new to the concept of the extensive utility of Drosophila as a model to study human disorders; but will also be an important contribution to the scientific community, with an insight into the paradigm shift in our understanding of neurodegenerative disorders. Completed with informative tables and communicative illustrations this book will keep the readers glued and intrigued. We have comprehensively anthologized the lessons learnt on neurodegeneration from Drosophila and have thus provided an insight into the multidimensional aspects of pathogenicities of majority of the neurodegenerative disorders.

Inspector Hopper's Mystery Year (I Can Read! #Level 2)

by Doug Cushman

Introducing Inspector Hopper, a grasshopper with a feel--and feelers--for mysteries, this I Can Read Book follows two bug sleuths as they unravel the mysteries of the insect world. An I Can Read Level 2 book.

Inspector Insector

by Jane Anderson Jeffrey Fuerst Jackie Urbanovic

Perform this script about Inspector Inspector and his tiny ant friend.

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