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Showing 17,026 through 17,050 of 32,147 results

Le guide complet de l’éducation du chien pour les débutants

by Nancy Ross Agnes Ruiz

Voulez-vous apprendre la méthode facile pour éduquer votre chien ? Que vous vouliez lui apprendre à être propre ou connaître les techniques de dressage de base, ce livre vous aidera. Voici un aperçu de ce que vous apprendrez dans ce guide… Les raisons pour éduquer votre chiot Être l’Alpha Apprendre à obéir L’apprentissage de la propreté La cage/caisse d’entraînement La laisse de dressage Les commandes de base pour éduquer votre chien Régler les problèmes de comportement Et plus encore !!

Le jour de l’Océan (Les aventures de Santo, le cabillaud facteur #2)

by Alisa Joel K

Les aventures du coursier de la poste maritime continuent. À la recherche, cette fois-ci, d’une sole furtive, Santo le cabillaud part pour la mythique Atlantide. Saura-t-il découvrir qui est innocent et qui est coupable, tout en s’occupant de sa nouvelle assistante, et surtout parviendra-t-il à livrer à temps, en restant sain et sauf, le cadeau pour la fête du Jour de l’Océan ? Dans ce nouveau livre, vous trouverez de nombreuses illustrations colorées, des dialogues amusants, des situations de la vie et des événements instructifs.

Le petit ours gris de la Mauricie

by F Leclerc Marie Lafrance

Dans la grande forêt de la Mauricie, un petit ours gris ignore les conseils de ses parents et choisit de passer l'hiver loin de sa tanière. Libre, il chante et danse avec les oiseaux, les renards et les chevreuils. Mais le printemps est bien loin... Un conte de Félix Leclerc qui rend hommage à son pays de neige. Edgar Bori assure la narration du conte et met en musique les aventures du petit ours gris. Au rythme des dodos et des saisons, petit ourson deviendra grand !

Le secret du crocodile: Un conte éducatif infantil pour garçons et filles qui aide à revaloriser l'estime de soi

by A. P. Hernández

Il vit en Afrique avec sa famille et plein d’autres animaux. Emilio sait qu’il a beaucoup de raisons pour être heureux : il a des parents et des frères et sœurs merveilleux et, si cela n’était pas peu, il vit dans un acacia gigantesque, l’un des arbres les plus grand, plus beau et avec la meilleure sur l’Afrique. Mais Emilio n’est pas heureux. Sa petite tête est toujours préoccupée par tout. Et si, sa maison-arbre disparaissait ? Et si, un jour, au réveil, il se retrouvait tout seul ? Et si, une fois, en plein vol, il perd ses forces et tombe par terre ? Mais sa vie changera complètement quand il fera connaissance de Francisco, le crocodile le plus heureux du monde. C’est que Francisco a un secret qui lui permet de toujours être heureux. Le connais-tu ?

Le visiteur

by Francois Keyser

Dans ce livre des Junglidoux, un visiteur affamé arrive dans la jungle. Lorsque Raphe aperçoit le visiteur, il semblerait que celui-ci ait déjà mangé son ami, Martin le lapin. Il faut absolument que Raphe retrouve ses amis pour les prévenir de l’arrivée de ce redoutable visiteur. Arrivera-t-il à trouver ses amis avant que le visiteur ne les mange eux aussi ou le visiteur mangera-t-il Raphe avant qu’il ne puisse les avertir ?

Le Voyage de Belle

by Marilynn Reynolds

Belle est devenue trop vieille et trop raide pour tirer les charrues ou les chariots. Le cheval de Molly ne gagne plus sa pitance qu’en emmenant la jeune fille à ses leçons de piano une fois par semaine. Quand le père de Molly en conclut qu’il est temps de vendre Belle, Molly est ravie à l’idée qu’elle galopera bientôt sur un beau jeune poney. Mais un jour d’hiver, en revenant de ses leçons, Molly et Belle se perdent dans un immense blizzard sorti de nulle part. Et Belle, malgré son âge, affronte la terrible tempête avec une volonté de fer. Quoi qu’il arrive, Belle n’abandonnera pas tant qu’elle n’aura pas ramené sa jeune cavalière à la maison. Le voyage de Belle se passe dans les Prairies canadiennes pendant les années 1920. C’est une histoire émouvante de dévouement sans faille et d’un combat héroïque pour la survie.

Le voyage d’un éléphant, Tonnerre: Empreintes dans le sable

by Erik Daniel Shein et Melissa Davis

Un petit éléphant, une aventure grandiose... A force de chercher l'aventure, Tonnerre vit un évènement terrible. Il ne s'attendait pas du tout à se retrouver à nouveau seul, mais les empreintes laissées par sa mère le guideront pour guérir ses douleurs et retrouver son chemin. Au cours de son voyage, il se fera de nouveaux amis : Rasoir, un lion grincheux ; Dash, un genet rapide ; Archie, un lézard bavard ; deux gorilles fantastiques, Harold et Neville. Un voyage aux grottes réunira à nouveau Tonnerre à ses anciens amis. Ensemble, ils réuniront leurs forces pour aider Tonnerre à retrouver la joie de vivre.

Lead with Your Heart . . . Lessons from a Life with Horses: Lessons From A Life With Horses

by Allan J. Hamilton

2016 Foreword INDIES Gold Award Winner 2016 Gold Nautilus Book Award Winner 2017 Silver Independent Publisher Book Award Winner 2017 Silver IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award Winner Award-winning author and celebrated neurosurgeon Allan J. Hamilton combines his understanding of the human brain with nearly 30 years’ experience training horses to offer wisdom on such universal themes as leadership, motivation, ambition, and humility. The results are showcased in more than 100 thoughtful essays that treat working with horses as a metaphor for personal, professional, and spiritual growth. Whether you’re searching for greater spiritual depth or simply want to better understand your four-legged partner, this wise and important collection has something for you.

Leadership in Veterinary Medicine

by Clive Elwood

LEADERSHIP IN VETERINARY MEDICINE Leadership in Veterinary Medicine provides both theoretical and practical information for veterinary professionals who are contemplating leadership or currently facing day-to-day leadership challenges. This much-needed book introduces and explores key leadership concepts in the veterinary context whilst encouraging self-reflection through real-world scenarios. Each chapter outlines a particular leadership concept or issue and includes a topic summary, discussion questions, full references and further reading suggestions. This thought-provoking text: Explores the principal areas of leadership for both veterinary professionals and for those leading veterinary professionals Discusses various leadership styles, competencies, behaviours and perspectives Addresses topics such as leadership assessment, organisational dynamics, interpersonal communication, remote and virtual leadership, and collaboration skills Assists readers in developing strategy, leading change, creating effective teams and improving staff engagement Includes practical cases and examples highlighting challenges in veterinary leadership Leadership in Veterinary Medicine is a must-read for all veterinary professionals in leadership posts, for those aspiring to be leaders and for instructors in veterinary schools and veterinary nursing training organisations.

The Leading Lady: Dinah's Story

by Tom Sullivan Betty White

Emmy award-winning actress Betty White may be a hit on the popular sitcom The Golden Girls; Tom Sullivan, bestselling author of If You Could See What I Hear may have made his mark as a multitalented performer, songwriter, and lecturer-but the real star of this heartwarming story is an extraordinary dog named Dinah. For nine years this beautiful golden retriever was Tom's best friend, his right arm-and his eyes. A world-class guide dog trained by the Leader Dog Foundation for the Blind, Dinah gave Tom, a man who has been blind since birth, his first real taste of independence. And she gave the entire Sullivan family-wife Patty, daughter Blythe, and son Tom, Jr.-unfaltering loyalty and love. Together, Tom and Dinah traveled this entire country countless times, and she led him safely through crowded airport terminals, city traffic, strange hotels, and onstage performances. But when Dinah reached the age of eleven, she began to lose her edge. Her eyes were no longer as sharp, her step not as sure. The once-assured guide dog became defensive and hesitant. Although Tom hated the idea of working with any dog but Dinah, it seemed to be his only choice, and Nelson, a black Labrador retriever, joined the family. Dinah, however, was not ready to settle back into a life of leisure in the Sullivan household while an interloper took over her job and her master. She stopped eating, began hiding away, and simply gave up on life. Yet Dinah's story has a whole new beginning.. .and her name is Betty White. In The Leading Lady, Tom and Betty, close friends for years who have become more like family thanks to their special golden girl, take turns talking about Dinah. Here is how the super canine came into Tom's life; the hard work and frustration man and dog endured to become a team; and the adventures--some traumatic, some joyful--that cemented the bond between them. Here, too, is how Betty rescued this gallant lady in distress and how caring, courageous Dinah became a full-fledged member of Betty's family overnight, with a brand-new job to do. Most of all, here is the essence of Dinah, a dog who made a positive difference in every life she touched.

Leading the Way: The Story of Leader Dogs for the Blind

by William D. Eisenberg

From the Book jacket: In this book, William D. Eisenberg has retained the salient features of his first work, He Leadeth Me, The Leader Dog Story (published in 1982) yet expanded his discussion to show Leader Dog's growth and impact, domestically and worldwide, particularly in the last twenty years. Through the insight and experiences of Leader Dog's contemporary pioneers-staff members, graduates, Field Representatives and volunteers-Eisenberg shows how and why Leader Dogs for the Blind has become such a progressive dog guide school and will continue Leading the Way well into the 21st Century.

Leading the Way (Keystone Stables)

by Marsha Hubler

The pinto has won trophies, but the real champion is the blind girl who rides him. Katie doesn’t like horses—or so she says, until she meets Keystone Stables’ champion barrel racer, Boomerang. Can a blind girl learn to ride a horse? With Skye’s help, the answer is yes! It’s a summer of exciting discoveries for Katie. But Skye, too, is learning a lesson about patience as she shares the struggles of her new special-needs friend. Being blind isn’t easy, especially when Katie’s parents are separated. Her anger at them and at God can make Katie hard to be around. Then Katie sets a very special goal for herself and Boomerang. Achieving it will take courage—but the prize could be greater than any blue ribbon.

Leafpool's Wish (Warriors)

by Erin Hunter

In this seventy-page digital novella from the world of Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series, discover the thrilling story behind Leafpool's greatest secret.Leafpool always knew medicine cats weren't meant for love . . . until she fell for the WindClan warrior Crowfeather. Now she's determined to keep their kits a secret. But to fool all of ThunderClan, she'll need help--from her sister Squirrelflight, and perhaps even from StarClan. . . . Warriors: Leafpool's Wish also includes teaser chapters of Warriors: Dovewing's Silence and Dawn of the Clans #1: The Sun Trail.

Lean on Pete: A Novel

by Willy Vlautin

Willy Vlautin's award-winning novel follows the story of a newly orphaned fifteen-year old-boy struggling to make his way to a long lost aunt, who just might give him a home—now a major motion picture starring Chloë Sevigny (American Horror Story), Steve Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire) and Travis Fimmel (Warcraft) and directed by Andrew Haigh (45 Years, Looking).Fifteen-year-old Charley Thompson wants a home, food on the table, and a high school he can attend for more than part of a year. But as the son of a single father working in warehouses across the Pacific Northwest, Charley's been pretty much on his own. When tragic events leave him homeless weeks after their move to Portland, Oregon, Charley seeks refuge in the tack room of a run-down horse track. Charley's only comforts are his friendship with a failing racehorse named Lean on Pete and a photograph of his only known relative. In an increasingly desperate circumstance, Charley will head east, hoping to find his aunt who had once lived a thousand miles away in Wyoming—but the journey to find her will be a perilous one.In Lean on Pete, Willy Vlautin reveals the lives and choices of American youth like Charley Thompson who were failed by those meant to protect them and who were never allowed the chance to just be a kid.“The writing is spare and straightforward. . . . There is intensity in Vlautin’s narration, and also beauty and power . . . Vlautin’s major accomplishment lies in posing a damning question: How could we, as a society, have allowed this to happen?”— Seattle Times

The Leanin' Dog

by K. A. Nuzum

More than anything, Dessa Dean needed a friend. A friend to love and confide in, a friend with whom she could share her heart. <P><P>A friend who would delight in all the beauty and joy and fun of Christmas, only four days away. Hope had just about run out, but then... there came a scratchin' at the door and Dessa Dean's life was forever changed.

Leap of Faith (The Horseshoe Trilogies #7)

by Lucy Daniels

Josie is excited that Jill Atterbury's cousin, Katrina, is visiting for the summer. When Katrina takes a bad fall trying to prove that she is the best jumper, Josie realizes that loving horses isn't just about riding, but taking care of the animal. With Faith's help, Josie must get Katrina to change her attitude and get back in the saddle.

Leaping Ahead

by Fabien Génin Russell Tuttle Marco Gamba Judith Masters

Leaping Ahead: Advances in Prosimian Biology presents a summary of the state of prosimian biology as we move into the second decade of the 21st century. The book covers a wide range of topics, from assessments of diversity and evolutionary scenarios, through ecophysiology, cognition, behavioral and sensory ecology, to the conservation and survival prospects of this extraordinary and diverse group of mammals. The collection was inspired by an international conference in Ithala, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa in 2007, where prosimian biologists gathered from Canada, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, South Africa, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The meeting reverberated with the passion prosimian researchers feel for their study subjects and with their deep concern for the future of prosimians in the face of ongoing habitat destruction and the burgeoning threat of bushmeat hunting. Chapters for this volume were contributed by researchers from across the globe; they attest to the diversity, vibrancy and rapid growth of prosimian biology, and to the intellectual advances that have revolutionized this field in recent years. Since its earliest beginnings, prosimian research and its resultant literature have had a strong francophone component, and researchers in many prosimian habitat countries are more comfortable reading and writing in French rather than English. French summaries of all chapters have been included. The volume is targeted at researchers, both those entering the field and established scientists, who have an interest in the biology of primates and small mammals. It is also aimed at conservation biologists seeking a deeper understanding of the faunas and conservation developments in Africa, Madagascar and Southeast Asia, and anyone who has an interest in discovering the true diversity of our order, the Primates.

Leaping Beauty and Other Animal Fairy Tales

by Gregory Maguire

Who better to wreak havoc with eight beloved fairytales than Gregory Maguire, the brilliantly funny author of the adult novel Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, as well as of the hilarious middle-grade series, The Hamlet Chronicles? Zany animals of all species run through these fractured tales with alarming speed and dexterity. Who would have thought that Sleeping Beauty, that most regal of all fairy-tales, could be twisted into the story of a frog with a most unusual and promising dance career? Get ready to meet a gorilla queen and a psycho chimp, seven giant giraffes; and one very bad walrus.

Leaps and Bounce (Hyperion Picture Book (eBook))

by Susan Hood

Change comes to all who grow. Even tiny tadpoles. Follow them as they start out as small, rounded eggs, and then sprout wiggly tails, before leaping their way into the big wide world!

Learn to Read with Tug the Pup and Friends! Set 1: Books 1-5 (My Very First I Can Read)

by Dr. Julie Wood

Build your child's beginning reading success with this set of 5 simple and fun storybooks plus a separate parent guide!Written by educator and reading specialist Dr. Julie M. Wood, with lively illustrations by Sebastien Braun, this set of books stars Tug the Pup and an endearing group of characters who will lead beginners through the proven steps for successful reading.The Learn to Read with Tug the Pup books features sight word vocabulary, simple text, strong picture support, and character and plot development. The parent guide lists ideas for building early literacy skills through shared reading, games, and art activities. The 5 stories in this set are Guided Reading Levels A–B, which means it's the perfect entry point for new readers, with simple and predictable stories. Enter into the world of reading with My Very First I Can Read! This comprehensive emergent reading program addresses all the components of reading mastery based on the latest early literacy research.

Learn to Read with Tug the Pup and Friends! Set 1: Books 6-10 (My Very First I Can Read)

by Dr. Julie Wood

Build your child's beginning reading success with this set of 5 simple and fun storybooks plus a separate parent guide!Written by educator and reading specialist Dr. Julie M. Wood, with lively illustrations by Sebastien Braun, this set of books stars Tug the Pup and an endearing group of characters who will lead beginners through the proven steps for successful reading.The Learn to Read with Tug the Pup books features sight word vocabulary, simple text, strong picture support, and character and plot development. The parent guide lists ideas for building early literacy skills through shared reading, games, and art activities. The 5 stories in this set are Guided Reading Levels B-C, which means it's the perfect entry point for new readers, with simple and predictable stories.Enter into the world of reading with My Very First I Can Read! This comprehensive emergent reading program addresses all the components of reading mastery based on the latest early literacy research.

Learn to Read with Tug the Pup and Friends! Set 2: Books 1-5 (My Very First I Can Read)

by Dr. Julie Wood

Build your child's beginning reading success with this set of 5 simple and fun storybooks plus a separate parent guide!Written by educator and reading specialist Dr. Julie M. Wood, with lively illustrations by Sebastien Braun, this set of books stars Tug the Pup and an endearing group of characters who will lead beginners through the proven steps for successful reading.The Learn to Read with Tug the Pup books features sight word vocabulary, simple text, strong picture support, and character and plot development. The parent guide lists ideas for building early literacy skills through shared reading, games, and art activities. The 5 stories in this set are Guided Reading Levels C–D, which means the stories are still very simple but include dialogue and are slightly more advanced than the A and B level stories.Enter into the world of reading with My Very First I Can Read! This comprehensive emergent reading program addresses all the components of reading mastery based on the latest early literacy research.

Learn to Read with Tug the Pup and Friends! Set 2: Books 6-10 (My Very First I Can Read)

by Dr. Julie Wood

Build your child's beginning reading success with this set of 5 simple and fun storybooks plus a separate parent guide!Written by educator and reading specialist Dr. Julie M. Wood, with lively illustrations by Sebastien Braun, this set of books stars Tug the Pup and an endearing group of characters who will lead beginners through the proven steps for successful reading.The Learn to Read with Tug the Pup books features sight word vocabulary, simple text, strong picture support, and character and plot development. The parent guide lists ideas for building early literacy skills through shared reading, games, and art activities. The 5 stories in this set are Guided Reading Levels C–E, which means the stories are still very simple but include dialogue and are slightly more advanced than the A and B level stories.Enter into the world of reading with My Very First I Can Read! This comprehensive emergent reading program addresses all the components of reading mastery based on the latest early literacy research.

Learn to Read with Tug the Pup and Friends! Set 3: Books 1-5 (My Very First I Can Read)

by Dr. Julie Wood

Build your child's beginning reading success with this set of 5 simple and fun storybooks plus a separate parent guide!Written by educator and reading specialist Dr. Julie M. Wood, with lively illustrations by Sebastien Braun, this set of books stars Tug the Pup and an endearing group of characters who will lead beginners through the proven steps for successful reading.The Learn to Read with Tug the Pup books features sight word vocabulary, simple text, strong picture support, and character and plot development. The parent guide lists ideas for building early literacy skills through shared reading, games, and art activities. The 5 stories in this set are Guided Reading Levels E–F, which means the vocabulary, sentence structure, and plots are still simple, but richer than sets one and two.Enter into the world of reading with My Very First I Can Read! This comprehensive emergent reading program addresses all the components of reading mastery based on the latest early literacy research.

Learn to Read with Tug the Pup and Friends! Set 3: Books 6-10 (My Very First I Can Read)

by Dr. Julie Wood

Build your child's beginning reading success with this set of 5 simple and fun storybooks plus a separate parent guide!Written by educator and reading specialist Dr. Julie M. Wood, with lively illustrations by Sebastien Braun, this set of books stars Tug the Pup and an endearing group of characters who will lead beginners through the proven steps for successful reading.The Learn to Read with Tug the Pup books features sight word vocabulary, simple text, strong picture support, and character and plot development. The parent guide lists ideas for building early literacy skills through shared reading, games, and art activities. The 5 stories in this set are Guided Reading Levels F-G, which means the vocabulary, sentence structure, and plots are still simple, but richer than sets one and two.Enter into the world of reading with My Very First I Can Read! This comprehensive emergent reading program addresses all the components of reading mastery based on the latest early literacy research.

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