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Nothing's Wrong!: A Hare, a Bear, and Some Pie to Share

by Jory John

A laugh-out-loud picture book from #1 New York Times–bestselling author Jory John and illustrator Erin Kraan about a rabbit who insists that nothing's wrong, until a good friend helps him open up—a companion to the popular picture book, Something's Wrong!Anders does not seem like himself.He and his friend Jeff are headed for a picnic, but no matter how much Anders insists that he’s feeling just fine, Jeff gets the sense that his best friend isn’t being totally honest. Should he check in on Anders or give him space? Should he help him out or just be by his side? How can he be a good friend if he doesn’t know what his friend might need?Nothing's Wrong! reminds us that even when nothing seems to go right, a good friend will be there for you at the end of the day.

¡Noticia bomba! (La casita bajo tierra #Volumen 5)

by Catalina Gónzalez Vilar

«La casita bajo tierra» es una serie que hará las delicias de pequeños y grandes, tanto por sus preciosas ilustraciones como por sus magníficas historias, que fomentan la diversidad, el cuidado de la naturaleza y el amor por la familia y los amigos. Mientras los vecinos de Rocadeliciosa se preparan para la Feria de los Artesanos, corre el rumor de que Trescolmillos, el jabalí más grande y temido de Sierra Olorosa, ha vuelto. Siguiendo los pasos de su padre, periodista de El Informador, los trillizos Tom, Oli y Lena fundan su propio periódico, La Hoja de la Gran Encina, donde entrevistan a sus vecinos sobre las artesanías que presentarán en la Feria. Sin embargo, aún les falta un tema estrella. ¿Podría tratarse de Trescolmillos? Si lo encontrasen, ¡tendrían su noticia bomba! Las mejores historias son las que ocurren bajo tierra…

Notícia bomba! (La caseta sota terra #Volumen 5)

by Catalina Gónzalez Vilar

«La caseta sota terra» és una sèrie que farà les delícies de petits i grans, tant per les seves precioses il·lustracions com per les magnífiques històries, que fomenten la diversitat, l'estima per la natura i l'amor per la família i els amics. Mentre els veïns de Rocabona es preparen per la Fira d'Artesans, corre la brama que el Tres Ullals, el senglar més gros i temible de tot Serraflairosa, ha tornat. Seguint els passos del pare, periodista del Notícies de Rocabona, La Tina, en Jep i la Lena funden el seu propi diari, El Full de la Gran Alzina, en el qual entrevisten als veïns artesans sobre els productes que presentaran a la fira. Però els falta un tema estrella. Podia ser el Tres Ullals? Si el trobessin, tindrien una noticia bomba! Les millors històries són les que passen sota terra...

The Notochord: Development, Evolution and contributions to the vertebral column (Evolutionary Cell Biology)

by P. Eckhard Witten Brian K. Hall

Although it is the defining organ of the Chordata, the notochord and its cells are one of the least understood vertebrate organs. This may be because large parts of the notochord are often replaced with cartilaginous or bony vertebral bodies. The presence of cartilage in the notochord raises questions about the evolutionary relationships between notochord cells and cartilage cells. This book integrates classical analytical studies with recent palaeontological, experimental, and molecular studies in both developmental and evolutionary contexts. For example, although the early signaling function of the notochord is conserved across the vertebrates, many will be surprised to find that the role of the notochord in vertebral body development in tetrapods is not the blueprint for all vertebrates. Recent studies on zebrafish and medaka embryos have uncovered the molecular mechanisms of a somite-independent notochord-driven segmentation process that establishes vertebral centra and intervertebral spaces. As this process is not restricted to teleosts, the authors have written a general discussion about the role of the notochord in vertebral formation. Modularity and segmentation of the vertebral column are related topics. Further overarching themes are the structure, function and fate of the notochord in adult vertebrates and notochord–cartilage relationships. Key Features The first book devoted to notochord development, function and evolution Includes and integrates information on the notochord from studies going back 169 years Integrates developmental, molecular, functional, experimental and palaeontological studies Documents the fate of the notochord across the vertebrates Extensively illustrated with classical and new images Related Titles Bard, J. Evolution: The Origins and Mechanisms of Diversity (ISNB 978-0-3673-5701-6) Leys, S. and Hejnol. A. Origin and Evolution of Metazoan Cell Types (ISBN 978-1-1380-3269-9)

Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us about Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom

by Fred Provenza

Reflections on feeding body and spirit in a world of change <P><P> Animal scientists have long considered domestic livestock to be too dumb to know how to eat right, but the lifetime research of animal behaviorist Fred Provenza and his colleagues has debunked this myth. Their work shows that when given a choice of natural foods, livestock have an astoundingly refined palate, nibbling through the day on as many as fifty kinds of grasses, forbs, and shrubs to meet their nutritional needs with remarkable precision. <P><P> In Nourishment Provenza presents his thesis of the wisdom body, a wisdom that links flavor-feedback relationships at a cellular level with biochemically rich foods to meet the body’s nutritional and medicinal needs. Provenza explores the fascinating complexity of these relationships as he raises and answers thought-provoking questions about what we can learn from animals about nutritional wisdom. <P><P> What kinds of memories form the basis for how herbivores, and humans, recognize foods? Can a body develop nutritional and medicinal memories in utero and early in life? Do humans still possess the wisdom to select nourishing diets? Or, has that ability been hijacked by nutritional “authorities”? Consumers eager for a “quick fix” have empowered the multibillion-dollar-a-year supplement industry, but is taking supplements and enriching and fortifying foods helping us, or is it hurting us? <P><P> On a broader scale Provenza explores the relationships among facets of complex, poorly understood, ever-changing ecological, social, and economic systems in light of an unpredictable future. To what degree do we lose contact with life-sustaining energies when the foods we eat come from anywhere but where we live? To what degree do we lose the mythological relationship that links us physically and spiritually with Mother Earth who nurtures our lives? <P><P> Provenza’s paradigm-changing exploration of these questions has implications that could vastly improve our health through a simple change in the way we view our relationships with the plants and animals we eat. Our health could be improved by eating biochemically rich foods and by creating cultures that know how to combine foods into meals that nourish and satiate. Provenza contends the voices of “authority” disconnect most people from a personal search to discover the inner wisdom that can nourish body and spirit. That journey means embracing wonder and uncertainty and avoiding illusions of stability and control as we dine on a planet in a universe bent on consuming itself.

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever: A Comprehensive Owner's Guide

by Nona Kilgore Bauer

Proudly waving the most famous tail in the dog world, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever lures waterfowl to his hunting master on the shores of his native Canada. <P><P>Distinctive for his lustrous red coat and moderate size, the Toller is fast becoming the world's number-one "alternative retriever." Agile, intelligent and playful, this rare breed proves to be a first-rate companion dog in addition to being a superb hunter on both land and water. This Special Rare-Breed Edition is the only volume of its kind dedicated to this worthy breed, written by well-known retriever expert Nona Kilgore Bauer. With specific instructions on selecting a puppy, rearing and training the dog, this colorful book is a much-needed addition to the existing information on the Toller breed.Providing insightful chapters on the breed's history in North America, characteristics of the breed and the Canadian breed standard, the author has given owners and potential owners all of the information necessary to care for and train this energetic and bright dog. Over 135 color photographs enliven this comprehensive text, making this book an invaluable resource for all fanciers interested in this fascinating rare breed.

Novel Apoptotic Regulators in Carcinogenesis

by Paul B.S. Lai George G. Chen

Our recent understanding of the cellular and molecular defects and the regulation of the apoptotic signalling pathways has resulted in rationally designed anticancer strategies and the development of novel agents that regulates apoptosis. A comprehensive review of all apoptotic-related anticancer therapies is not the purpose of this book. However, in the volume of this book with 11 chapters, we have described a number of novel apoptotic regulators that have shown promising value and also great feasibility for cancer treatment. These novel agents either occur naturally or are chemically synthesized. While we are excited about the discovery and development of these novel apoptotic regulators as potential anticancer agents, a degree of caution should be always borne in mind when interpreting the success of preclinical pro-apoptotic candidates since potential problems inevitably lie ahead. These problems usually include target specificity, unanticipated toxicity, compound stability, formulation issues, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles. Nevertheless, we believe that this collection of 11 chapters by established leaders in the area of apoptosis will be of great interest to not only academics working in the field of cancer research and apoptosis but also pharmaceutical and pharmacological industries that . We are looking forward to the further development to push these potential agents toward clinical stage.

Novel Approaches Toward Sustainable Tilapia Aquaculture (Applied Environmental Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Future)

by Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar Hien Van Doan

The global human population will reach nine billion by 2050, and seafood is projected to be the primary food source to sustain such a large population. According to a recent World Bank report, aquaculture will be the prime source of seafood by 2030. Tilapia is one of the promising species for commercial aquaculture and one of the second most farmed fish worldwide. Given the issues raised by Antibiotic misuse in intensive aquaculture, such as the occurrence of resistant bacteria, it is necessary to develop environment-friendly strategies that could be used to improve production in a sustainable manner. Also, there is a need to establish the best aquaculture practice (BAP) approaches to avoid significant disruption to the ecosystem, the loss of biodiversity, and substantial pollution impact on the environment.The book covers the recent findings regarding sustainable tilapia farming through environment-friendly approaches. This book contains chapters that cover the current status of world tilapia farming and the concept of sustainability of tilapia culture (Chap. 1). Chap. 2 discusses the health management of tilapia with a particular focus on various diseases and treatments. Chap. 3 provides an updated view of the possible effects of feed additives on tilapia reproductive performance. Chap. 4, 5, and 6 cover the recent findings on the gut microbiota of tilapia with a particular focus on structure and modulation. Chap. 7 focuses on the use of medicinal plants for sustainable tilapia farming. Chap. 8 provides insights into the application of alternative protein sources to decrease fish meal consumption. Chap. 9 highlights the importance of culture systems for the development of sustainable tilapia aquaculture. We believe the current book will be very helpful to academics, researchers, and policy-makers in aquaculture.

Novelty, Information and Surprise

by Günther Palm

The book offers a new approach to information theory that is more general then the classical approach by Shannon. The classical definition of information is given for an alphabet of symbols or for a set of mutually exclusive propositions (a partition of the probability space Ω) with corresponding probabilities adding up to 1. The new definition is given for an arbitrary cover of Ω, i.e. for a set of possibly overlapping propositions. The generalized information concept is called novelty and it is accompanied by two new concepts derived from it, designated as information and surprise, which describe "opposite" versions of novelty, information being related more to classical information theory and surprise being related more to the classical concept of statistical significance. In the discussion of these three concepts and their interrelations several properties or classes of covers are defined, which turn out to be lattices. The book also presents applications of these new concepts, mostly in statistics and in neuroscience.

Now We Are Six

by A. A. Milne

Curl up with a A. A. Milne's classic book of poetry for children, Now We Are Six. This work includes poems for children which feature Pooh helping Christopher Robin with his schoolwork (if helping is the word). It is an evocation of childhood, through the eyes of the six-year-old Robin. Featuring E. H. Shepard's original illustrations, Now We Are Six is a heart-warming and funny introduction to children's poetry, offering the same sense of humour, imagination and whimsy that we've come to expect from his favourite books about Winnie-the-Pooh, that Bear of Very Little Brain.

Now Who's Talking? 1

by Obe Des Lynam

Discover the animal kingdom as you’ve never seen it before! In this charming and witty book, with words by Des Lynam and illustrations by Bryony Hill, creatures ranging from squirrels and butterflies to baby hedgehogs and tiger cubs finally get a chance to speak for themselves, revealing their quirks and habits in a way that’s sure to delight readers of all ages. Whether you’re a die-hard animal lover or just looking for a good laugh, Des and Bryony’s unique perspective is guaranteed to leave you with a smile on your face – and every so often, perhaps, tell you something you didn’t know about our winged and furry friends. ‘Quirky in the best possible way. Putting words into animal’s mouths is no easy thing, but that is exactly what Des has managed to do. It talks to us of being human – and also of being animal – but expressed in a way that we can relate to. And the illustrations take the words to another level: a perfect match!’ Jonathan and Angela Scott (aka The Big Cat People), award-winning photographers and conservationists

Now Who's Talking? 2

by Obe Des Lynam

Are you ready for round two of Now Who’s Talking? Des Lynam returns with more animal antics in this second collection of conversations, once again illustrated by Bryony Hill. This time, they’re heading to the farm and the zoo to eavesdrop on an even wider variety of animals, ranging from ferrets and turkeys to flamingos and crocodiles. Just as in the previous volume, Des gives voice to the animals in a way that mirrors their behaviour in the real world, while at the same time offering some intriguing insights into their interactions with us humans. As ever, Des’s words are perfectly complemented by Bryony’s imaginative yet realistic drawings. ‘Full of charm, novelty, and wit – just like the man himself.’ Susie Dent ‘I loved Des’s voice. It was always one of my favourites to imitate (“Wine ’em… dine ’em… Lynam”). Now the old master’s found a whole range of voices and applied them to the birds and animals in his garden and beyond. Whimsical, witty, imaginative – and great fun.’ Rory Bremner

Now You See Me... (Step into Reading)

by Tish Rabe Christopher Moroney

Hide-and-seek is a great game, but Nick always finds where Sally is hiding. And that's no fun! Enter the Cat in the Hat. His friend Gecko is an expert at hiding. Maybe Gecko can share some tips with the kids? So off they go to the jungle, where Gecko teaches them how to hide in plain sight--using camouflage! Kids won't be able to hide their delight in this rhymed Step 2 book based on an episode from the hit PBS Kids TV show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! (Step 2 is a Step into Reading title for children who recognize familiar words and sound out new words with aural and visual cues. Step 2 books have simple stories, basic vocabulary, and short sentences.)

Now You See Them, Now You Don't: Poems About Creatures that Hide

by David L. Harrison

Find me if you can. . . for if you don&’t, I&’ll be here tomorrow . . . you won&’t. Animals and insects use camouflage to hide from hunters or to ambush prey. Stealth is a very useful technique when it comes to survival. In this fun and informative collection of poems, we meet animals such as the polar bear and the octopus; the ghost crab and the copperhead snake; and many more that use camouflage to hunt or to hide. Giles Laroche&’s intricate cut-paper illustrations are beautiful and life-like. Readers will have to look carefully or run the risk of a hunter sneaking up on them. Back matter offers additional information about each of the nineteen animals.

Nowhere Left to Go: How Climate Change Is Driving Species To The Ends Of The Earth

by Benjamin von Brackel

Harrowing journeys of animals and plants—fleeing skyrocketing temperatures and mega-droughts—reported from the frontlines of the greatest migration of species since the Ice Age As humans accelerate global warming while laying waste to the environment, animals and plants must flee to the margins: on scattered nature reserves, between major highways, or among urban sprawl. And when even these places become too hot and inhospitable, wildlife is left with only one path to survival: an often-formidable journey toward the poles as they race to find a new home in a warming world. Tropical zones lose their inhabitants, beavers settle in Alaska, and gigantic shoals of fish disappear—just to reappear along foreign coastlines. Award-winning environmental journalist Benjamin von Brackel traces these awe-inspiring journeys and celebrates the remarkable resilience of species around the world. But the lengths these plants and animals must go to avoid extinction are as alarming as they are inspirational: Sea animals—like fish—move on average 45 miles a decade to cooler regions, while land animals—like beavers and butterflies—move 11 miles. As even the poles of the Earth heat up, we’re left with a stark and irreversible choice: Halt the climate emergency now, or face a massive die-off of species, who are increasingly left with nowhere else to go.

Nowheresville #5 (American Horse Tales)

by Catherine Hapka

Set in Pennsylvania, the fifth book in the American Horse Tale series follows the story of a young girl who moves to a small rural town and begins a friendship with the horse next door.Nat is a city girl through and through. She loves playing in open fire hydrants, laughing with her friends during block parties, and making trips to her local comic book shop to grab the latest copy of her favorite graphic novel series. So she's heartbroken when her mom says they're moving to a rural town hours away from Philadelphia. Who wants to live in the middle of Nowheresville? But getting used to her new small-town life might not be as bad as Nat thought now that she's met the boy next door and his beautiful horse, Ghost. Nowheresville is part of a series of books written by several authors highlighting the unique relationships between young girls and their horses.

Nsue and the Honeyguide

by Sharon Howard Ron Bucalo

Nsue is unhappy with his childhood name and wishes he could earn his new adult name. This African tradition requires an act of bravery, which often means hunting. Nsue can’t bring himself to hunt, though, until one day he hears the cry of the honeyguide bird! Can Nsue work together with this honey-loving bird to figure out his own way of hunting?

Nubs: The True Story of a Mutt, a Marine & a Miracle

by Kirby Larson Brian Dennis Mary Nethery

Nubs, an Iraqi dog of war, never had a home or a person of his own. He was the leader of a pack of wild dogs living off the land and barely surviving. But Nubs's life changed when he met Marine Major Brian Dennis. The two formed a fast friendship, made stronger by Dennis's willingness to share his meals, offer a warm place to sleep, and give Nubs the kind of care and attention he had never received before. Nubs became part of Dennis's human "pack" until duty required the Marines to relocate a full 70 miles away -- without him. Nubs had no way of knowing that Marines were not allowed to have pets.<P><P> So began an incredible journey that would take Nubs through a freezing desert, filled with danger to find his friend and would lead Dennis on a mission that would touch the hearts of people all over the world. <P> Nubs and Dennis will remind readers that friendship has the power to cross deserts, continents, and even species.

Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies in Animal Production Systems, Preparedness, Response and Recovery

by Gerrit Viljoen Ivancho Naletoski Anthony G. Luckins

This Open Access volume explains how major nuclear and radiological emergencies (NREs) can have implications at local, national and international level. The response to NREs requires a competent decision-making structure, clear communication and effective information exchange. National veterinary services have the responsibility to plan, design and manage animal production system in their countries. These activities cover animal health, animal movement control, production control and improvement, and control of the products of animal origin before their placement on the market. Release of radionuclides after NREs can cause substantial contamination in the animal production systems. Critical responsibility of veterinary authorities is therefore to prevent such contamination, establish early response mechanisms to mitigate the consequences and prevent placement of contaminated products of animal origin on the market for human consumption. This work summarizes the critical technical points for effective management of NREs for national veterinary services.

La nueva vida de Rayo (Huellitas por la casa 2)

by María Fernanda Pichioni

Tener un animalito en casa nos da muchas alegrías, pero también es una gran responsabilidad. Estos cuentos cortos y divertidos nos ayudarán la importancia de cuidar a nuestras mascotas. Rayo es un galgo campeón. Cuando era joven, corría carreras y ganaba medallas. Pero cuando se hizo más viejo, su dueño lo abandonó sin explicaciones. Por eso, cuando Rayo encontró una nueva familia, se sintió un poco temeroso. No sabía si iba a poder volver a confiar en los humanos. Pero su amistad con Pancho, el hijo menor de su familia, va a devolverle la esperanza. Una historia tierna y conmovedora, para enseñarles a los más chiquitos a cuidar de sus mascotas.

Nuevos Animales de Compañía

by Florence Desachy

* ¿Ha pensado alguna vez en tener un hámster, una tórtola o un conejillo de Indias? ¿Se atrevería a cuidar una serpiente? ¿Le gustaría disponer de un terrario con un lagarto? * Cada vez son más los aficionados que tienen en casa como mascota, pequeños roedores, aves, reptiles, etc. * Tener un hámster puede ser educativo para un niño, una chinchilla puede convertirse en una compañera encantadora para una persona mayor y las aves pueden fascinarnos por la belleza de sus plumajes. Este libro explica cuanto debe saberse de los nuevos animales de compañía y ayuda a elegir el animal, teniendo en cuenta la edad, así como los cuidados y atenciones necesarios. Además, se da una información precisa sobre la legislación referente a su importación y comercialización para evitar la compra de especies protegidas. Florence Desachy es veterinaria, diplomada en la escuela veterinaria de Toulouse. Ejerce en París, donde investiga las relaciones entre el hombre y los animales domésticos. Ha dirigido ciclos de conferencias para enfermeras veterinarias y colabora en numerosas publicaciones especializadas y programas televisivos. Ha participado en la elaboración de obras sobre los nuevos animales de compañía de moda: ratones, hurones, etc.

Nugget and Fang Go to School (Nugget and Fang)

by Tammi Sauer

Can a shark really fit in at Mini Minnows Elementary, or will he be a fish out of water? The popular undersea pals Nugget, a minnow, and Fang, a shark, are back in this first-day-of-school story that's full of heart and humor. When Fang the shark is invited by his friends to attend Mini Minnows Elementary, he thinks it's a great idea! But then his first day of school arrives . . . and suddenly, he's not so sure. He's not very good at reading or math. He doesn't exactly fit in with his classmates. And the teacher looks crabby! Can Fang's best friend, Nugget, and the other minnows turn things around and prove to him that school really is fang-tastic? This reassuring first-day-of-school and friendship story is full of heart and humor, showing that everyone feels like a fish out of water sometimes, and that it's important to be a good friend.

Nuisance Animals: Backyard Pests to Free-Roaming Killers

by John Trout Jr.

We commonly experience problems with wildlife because of our expansion into the animal's domain. Many mammals must now share our busy world and learn to survive alongside of man. From the urban districts to the rural areas, we must cope with animals and learn how to prevent and control wildlife damages. When Animals Become a Nuisance... A Practical Wildlife Guidebook for Everyone Learn how to... keep animals out of the garden and away from crops keep animals from destroying property keep animals away from valuable shrubs and trees avoid animals that stalk humans protect pets and livestock from predators :- identify problem animals, tracks and sign prevent and control wildlife damage Nuisance Animals takes a close look at several wildlife species and the damage they cause: Deer, beaver, rabbits, squirrels, woodchucks, muskrats, raccoons, coyotes, black bear, mountain lion, bobcats, wild pigs, skunks, fish-eating birds and prairie dogs are among the 40 species of animals discussed in this book.

Number One Puppy

by Zachary Wilson

A story about a little girl going to a dog pound to choose a pet.

Number One Sam: A Read-Along Book

by Greg Pizzoli

An acclaimed, winning tale about losing -- from champion humorist and three-time Geisel-recipient Greg PizzoliThey're off! Sam is the best race-car driver in history -- he is number one at every race! But when his best friend, Maggie, shows that she has racing talent of her own, Sam doesn't know how to handle coming in second place. Will he learn what it truly means to be a winner? With his signature light touch, Greg Pizzoli's upbeat story about being a good sport is perfect for read-aloud.* "Another winner from Pizzoli." ---Publisher's Weekly, starred review* "The simple yet exciting text drives the story forward and will make it a popular choice at storytimes." ---School Library Journal, starred reviewDon't miss these other favorites from Greg Pizzoli:The Watermelon SeedGood Night OwlThe Book HogThe Twelve Days of ChristmasTempleton Gets His WishThis Story is for You

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