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by Nikki TateSpencer is sure someone is doping the racehorses at the stable where he works, but no one will listen to him until he gets some proof. (Orca Sports)
Venom Doc: The Edgiest, Darkest, Strangest Natural History Memoir Ever
by Bryan Grieg FrySteve Irwin meets David Attenborough in this jaw-dropping account of studying the world’s most venomous creatures. Venomologist Bryan Grieg Fry has one of the most dangerous jobs on Earth: he works with its deadliest creatures. He’s been bitten by twenty-six venomous snakes, been stung by three stingrays, and survived a near-fatal scorpion sting while deep in the Amazon jungle. He’s received more than four hundred stitches and broken twenty-three bones, including breaking his back in three places, and had to learn how to walk again. But when you research only the venom you yourself have collected, the adventures—and danger—never stop. Bryan’s discoveries have radically reshaped views on venom evolution and contributed to the creation of venom-based life-saving medications. In pursuit of venom, he has traveled the world collecting samples from Indonesia to Mexico, Germany, and Brazil. He’s encountered venomous creatures of all kinds, including the Malaysian king cobra, the Komodo dragon, and the brush-footed trapdoor spider. Bryan recounts his lifelong passion for studying the world’s most venomous creatures in this outlandish, captivating memoir, where he and danger are never far apart.
by Christie WilcoxIn Venomous, molecular biologist Christie Wilcox investigates venoms and the animals that use them, revealing how they work, what they do to the human body, and how they can revolutionize biochemistry and medicine today. <p><p> Wilcox takes us from the coast of Indonesia to the rainforests of Peru in search of the secrets of these mysterious animals. We encounter jellyfish that release microscopic venom-packed darts known to kill humans in just two minutes, a two-inch caterpillar with toxic bristles that trigger hemorrhaging throughout the body, and a stunning blue-ringed octopus with saliva capable of inducing total paralysis. How could an animal as simple as a jellyfish evolve such an intricate, deadly poison? And how can a snake possess enzymes that tear through tissue yet leave its own body unscathed? <p><p> Wilcox meets the fearless scientists who often risk their lives studying these lethal beasts to find out and puts her own life on the line to examine these species up close. Drawing on her own research on venom chemistry and evolution, she also shows how venom is helping us untangle the complex mechanisms of some of our most devastating diseases. <p><p> Venomous reveals that the animals we fear the most actually hold the keys to a deeper understanding of evolution, adaptation, and immunity. Thrilling and surprising at every turn, Venomous will change the way you think about our natural world.
Venomous: How Earth's Deadliest Creatures Mastered Biochemistry
by Christie WilcoxA thrilling tale of encounters with nature’s masters of biochemistryFrom the coasts of Indonesia to the rainforests of Peru, venomous animals are everywhere—and often lurking out of sight. Humans have feared them for centuries, long considering them the assassins and pariahs of the natural world.Now, in Venomous, the biologist Christie Wilcox investigates and illuminates the animals of our nightmares, arguing that they hold the keys to a deeper understanding of evolution, adaptation, and immunity. She reveals just how venoms function and what they do to the human body. With Wilcox as our guide, we encounter a jellyfish with tentacles covered in stinging cells that can kill humans in minutes; a two-inch caterpillar with toxic bristles that trigger hemorrhaging; and a stunning blue-ringed octopus capable of inducing total paralysis. How do these animals go about their deadly work? How did they develop such intricate, potent toxins? Wilcox takes us around the world and down to the cellular level to find out. Throughout her journey, Wilcox meets the intrepid scientists who risk their lives studying these lethal beasts, as well as “self-immunizers” who deliberately expose themselves to snakebites. Along the way, she puts her own life on the line, narrowly avoiding being envenomated herself. Drawing on her own research, Wilcox explains how venom scientists are untangling the mechanisms of some of our most devastating diseases, and reports on pharmacologists who are already exploiting venoms to produce lifesaving drugs. We discover that venomous creatures are in fact keystone species that play crucial roles in their ecosystems and ours—and for this alone, they ought to be protected and appreciated.Thrilling and surprising at every turn, Venomous will change everything you thought you knew about the planet’s most dangerous animals.
Venomous Snakes of Texas
by Andrew H. PriceTexas has about one hundred twenty native species and subspecies of snakes, fifteen of which are venomous. Since 1950, Texans have turned to the Poisonous Snakes of Texas pamphlet series published by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for help in identifying these snakes and for expert advice on preventing and treating snakebite. Venomous Snakes of Texas, a thoroughly revised and updated edition of Poisonous Snakes, carries on this tradition as a one-stop, all-you-need-to-know guide to Texas's rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths, and coral snakes. In this authoritative field guide, you'll find:- Full-color photographs and a county-by-county distribution map for each species. - Each species' common and scientific name, description, look-alikes, and a summary sketch of its habitat, behavior, reproduction, venom characteristics, predator-prey relationships, and fossil record. - Up-to-date advice on recognizing venomous snakes and preventing and treating snakebite, both at home and in the field. - A glossary of terms and an extensive bibliography. A special feature of this guide is an expanded treatment of the ecological and evolutionary context in which venomous snakes live, which supports Price's goal "to lessen the hatred and fear and to increase the understanding, the respect, and even the appreciation with which venomous snakes should be regarded. "
Venomous Snakes of the World: A Manual for Use by U.S. Amphibious Forces
by Department of the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Scott ShupeOriginally published in 1962, and fully updated and colorized by Scott Shupe, Poisonous Snakes of the World is the perfect practical guide to not only snake bite survival, but to understand and identifying every venomous snake on the planet. Even if no life hangs in the balance, this manual is a great reference guide for the outdoors enthusiast, the reptile lover, or anyone with a thirst for pragmatic, how-to knowledge.With this comprehensive edition, you will be armed with one of the most thorough volumes available for dealing with these incredible reptiles, including definitive advice on:Precautions to avoid snake bites.Identifying the symptoms and signs of snake venom poisoning.First-Aid and medical treatments.Recognizing poisonous snakes.Indigenous species to various regions around the world.Sources of Antivenin.Snakes can be among some of the most deadly creatures on the planet. They are also extremely fascinating, and by taking the proper precautions, can be enjoyed and appreciated. From the Monocle Cobra to the Gaboon Viper, learn to fear and respect these incredible reptiles.
Venus among the Fishes
by Elizabeth Hall Scott O'DellWhen killer whales invade Glacier Strait, Coral's herd is in deadly danger. Reluctantly, Coral's father and mother send her in search of safer waters. The journey is not easy, and Coral confronts hungry sharks, menacing killer whales, and hazardous fishing nets. Inevitably, she encounters the greatest danger of all -- humans.
La verdad sobre perros y gatos
by Elisabeth G. IborraUna guía completa sobre las cuestiones que debemos tener en cuenta a la hora de adoptar una mascota y los cuidados que debemos brindarle, tanto veterinarios como en lo que respecta a su educación. Mimarlos en exceso, tratarlos como humanos, inexperiencia porque acabamos de adoptarlos... Son muchas las razones que nos llevan a educar mal a nuestro animal de compañía. Por ello, La verdad sobre perros y gatos reúne toda la información esencial que debería tener el dueño de una mascota para saber cómo cuidarla y domesticarla: nutrición idónea, alimentos prohibidos, higiene, hidratación, lugar de descanso apropiado, consejos para una convivencia placentera, educación, lenguaje corporal, adiestramientos especiales, veterinaria, legislación... y mucho más. Tanto si prefieres los perros como si te gustan más los gatos, este es el libro que tu mascota te regalaría.
La verdadera historia del Ratón Pérez
by Padre Coloma¿Sabías que esta historia de todos los tiempos fue inventada en nuestro país? El futuro rey Alfonso XIII, cuando era pequeño, vio que empezaba a movérsele un diente y eso le dio pavor. Así que su madre, la reina regente María Cristina encargó a Luis Coloma, entonces académico de la lengua, un cuento para calmarle. Y así se inventó esta fábula sobre un ratoncito que no solo hace desaparecer los dientes sino que muestra al pequeño futuro rey valores tan importantes como la valentía, el cuidado de los demás y la generosidad. En esta edición, que conserva las ilustraciones y el texto del original, descubriremos la verdadera historia de este personaje que ha enamorado a generación tras generación. Una historia clásica que explica la leyenda de este ratoncito que se cuela en todos nuestros hogares y nos alegra el corazón.
by Janell CannonYoung Verdi doesn’t want to grow up big and green. He likes his bright yellow skin and sporty stripes. Besides, all the green snakes he meets are lazy, boring, and rude. When Verdi finds a pale green stripe stretching along his whole body, he tries every trick he can think of to get rid of it--and ends up in a heap of trouble. Despite his efforts, Verdi turns green, but to his delight, he discovers that being green doesn’t mean he has to stop being himself. “Cannon is on aroll, her gift for creating memorable characters and scenes on glorious display in this tale of a feisty python hatchling. ”--Publishers Weekly
Vergleichende Tierphysiologie (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Gerhard Heldmaier Gerhard Neuweiler Wolfgang RösslerWanderung durchs TierreichDie vegetative Physiologie beschäftigt sich mit den Grundbausteinen des Lebens: Atmung, Kreislauf, Ernährung, Energiehaushalt, Stoffwechsel, Osmoregulation. Wie funktionieren sie unter alltäglichen, wie unter extremen Bedingungen? Vergleichende Beispiele aus verschiedenen Tiergruppen geben einen Einblick in die Evolution von Lebensvorgängen, ihre Leistungsgrenzen und Anpassung an unterschiedliche Lebensräume. Die Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie widmet sich den Themen Sehen, Hören, Riechen, Schmecken, Fühlen. Zu jedem Gebiet bietet das Buch markante Beispiele für die spezielle Anpassung der Sinnes- und Neuroleistung an bestimmte Biotope und Verhaltensweisen. Von den Quallen bis zu den Primaten wird die evolutive Entwicklung der Nerven- und Sinnessysteme sowie deren Funktionen verfolgt.Die Neuauflage wurde gestrafft und vereinigt die beiden Teilbände jetzt in einem Band. Kommen Sie mit auf eine spannende Reise.
Verhaltensbiologie (Springer-lehrbuch Ser.)
by Peter M. KappelerFressen und Nicht-gefressen-Werden, Paarungspartner finden und Junge erfolgreich aufziehen – diese grundlegenden Prinzipien der Verhaltensbiologie werden in dem Lehrbuch übersichtlich und anhand aktueller Beispiele dargestellt. Neben dem Thema Verhaltensbiologie als integrative Disziplin liegt der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt bei Fragen der Evolution des Verhaltens, der Anpassung, der Verhaltensökologie, Soziobiologie und Evolutionsbiologie. Die Neuauflage wurde um einige eindrucksvolle Fotos ergänzt, das Kapitel zum Sozialverhalten erweitert.
Verhaltenssteuerung, Recht und Privatautonomie
by Clemens LatzelDieses Buch überträgt psychologische und verhaltensökonomische Erkenntnisse über die menschliche Entscheidungsfindung und ihre Steuerbarkeit (vor allem durch Anreize, Überzeugung und äußere Umstände, also Nudging) in die Rechtswissenschaft und zeigt, wie das Recht mit diesem Wissen optimiert werden kann. Während der Homo oeconomicus als Standardmodell der Wirtschaftswissenschaften bereits durch einen empirisch fundierten Modellpluralismus abgelöst wurde, harrt das zivilrechtliche Selbstbestimmungsdogma noch einer empirischen Erdung. Außerdem erklärt dieses Buch – insoweit auch für die Sozialwissenschaften interessant – die Funktionsweisen des Rechts und seiner spezifischen Steuerungsinstrumente und zeigt deren Rahmenbedingungen auf. Aus traditioneller zivilrechtlicher Sicht ist hierbei zu rechtfertigen, warum Recht überhaupt das Verhalten von Menschen steuern darf und ausgerechnet die Privatautonomie als Hort des Liberalismus ihre Indienstnahme für politische Zwecke (Materialisierung) ertragen muss.
Vermin, Victims and Disease: British Debates over Bovine Tuberculosis and Badgers
by Angela CassidyThis open access book provides the first critical history of the controversy over whether to cull wild badgers to control the spread of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in British cattle. This question has plagued several professional generations of politicians, policymakers, experts and campaigners since the early 1970s. Questions of what is known, who knows, who cares, who to trust and what to do about this complex problem have been the source of scientific, policy, and increasingly vociferous public debate ever since. This book integrates contemporary history, science and technology studies, human-animal relations, and policy research to conduct a cross-cutting analysis. It explores the worldviews of those involved with animal health, disease ecology and badger protection between the 1970s and 1990s, before reintegrating them to investigate the recent public polarisation of the controversy. Finally it asks how we might move beyond the current impasse.
Vermont Wild: More Adventures of Fish and Game Wardens (Volume #2)
by Megan PriceMore hilarious, true game warden adventures. Laugh along as the officers set up a sting, confront cunning poachers, try to train a wily deputy dog, conduct searches and wrestle uncooperative critters. Loved by all ages.
Vernon's Questions
by Dan CrawfordTwo brothers take a seat in the living room to watch cartoons on TV, but find something more interesting out the window.
by Roger DuvoisinVeronica, a hippopotamus who wants to stand out from the herd and be famous, travels to the big city where she indeed does stand out. Causing traffic jams, blocking sidewalks, and devouring a pushcart vendor's vegetables in one big gulp, Veronia is arrested and jailed. How she discovers that there is no place like home is told with warm humor and sublimely mirthful illustrations that are great fun to share with a young child.
Veronica: Read & Listen Edition
by Roger DuvoisinRead and listen along as Veronica, a hippopotamus who wants to stand out from the herd and be famous, travels to the big city where she indeed does stand out. Causing traffic jams, blocking sidewalks, and devouring a pushcart vendor&’s vegetables in one big gulp, Veronica is arrested and jailed. How she discovers that there is no place like home is told with warm humor and sublimely mirthful illustrations that are great fun to share with a young child.This ebook includes Read & Listen audio narration.
Verse and Vengeance: A Magical Bookshop Mystery (A Magical Bookshop Mystery #4)
by Amanda FlowerUSA Today bestselling author and Agatha Award winner Amanda Flower turns the charm up to ten in her fourth Magical Bookshop mystery.With the help of Walt Whitman's works, magical bookshop owner Violet Waverly puts her pedal to the metal to sleuth a bicycle-race murder that tests her mettle. A bicycle race is not Charming Books proprietor Violet Waverly's idea of a pleasant pastime. But police chief David Rainwater wheelie wants them to enter the Tour de Cascade as a couple, so she reluctantly consents. The Tour de Cascade is the brainchild of Violet's Grandma Daisy. The race is a fundraiser to build the Cascade Springs Underground Railroad Museum. But not everyone in this Niagara Region village supports the race. As if the bike race weren't tiring enough, pesky private investigator Joel Redding is snooping around Charming Books. It takes all of Violet's and Grandma Daisy's ingenuity to keep Redding from discovering the shop's magical essence--which communicates with Violet through books. When Redding perishes in an accident during the race, David discovers that the brake line of the private eye's bike was cut. Worse, Violet tops his list of suspects. As Emerson the tuxedo cat and resident crow Faulkner look on, Charming Books steers Violet to the works of Walt Whitman to solve the crime. But no other names ring a bell as culprits, and as David's investigation picks up speed, Violet will have to get in gear to clear her name.
Vertebrate Biology: Systematics, Taxonomy, Natural History, and Conservation
by Donald W. LinzeyThe most trusted and best-selling textbook on the diverse forms and fascinating lives of vertebrate animals.Covering crucial topics from morphology and behavior to ecology and zoogeography, Donald Linzey's popular textbook, Vertebrate Biology, has long been recognized as the most comprehensive and readable resource on vertebrates for students and educators. Thoroughly updated with the latest research, this new edition discusses taxa and topics such as• systematics and evolution• zoogeography, ecology, morphology, and reproduction• early chordates• fish, amphibians, reptiles (inclusive of birds), and mammals• population dynamics • movement and migration• behavior• study methods• extinction processes• conservation and managementFor the first time, 32 pages of color images bring these fascinating organisms to life. In addition, 5 entirely new chapters have been added to the book, which cover• restoration of endangered species• regulatory legislation affecting vertebrates• wildlife conservation in a modern world• climate change• contemporary wildlife managementComplete with review questions, updated references, appendixes, and a glossary of well over 300 terms, Vertebrate Biology is the ideal text for courses in zoology, vertebrate biology, vertebrate natural history, and general biology. Donald W. Linzey carefully builds theme upon theme, concept upon concept, as he walks students through a plethora of topics. Arranged logically to follow the most widely adopted course structure, this text will leave students with a full understanding of the unique structure, function, and living patterns of all vertebrates.
Vertebrate Development
by Francisco Pelegri Michael Danilchik Ann SutherlandThis book provides a comprehensive overview of topics describing the earliest steps of fertilization, from egg activation and fertilization to the activation of the zygotic genome, in various studied vertebrate model systems. The contribution of maternal and paternal factors and their role in the early embryo as parental DNA becomes modified and embryonic genes become activated is fundamental to the initiation of embryogenesis in all animal systems. It can be argued that this is a unique developmental period, when information from the parents is compressed to direct the development of the body plan of the entire organism, a process of astounding simplicity, elegance and beauty. In addition to their fundamental scientific interest, many frontiers of biomedicine, such as reproductive biology, stem cells and reprogramming, and the understanding of intergenerational diseases, depend on advances in our knowledge of these early processes. Vertebrate Development: Maternal to Zygotic Control brings together chapters from experts in various disciplines describing the latest advances related to this important developmental transition. Each chapter is a synthesis of knowledge relevant to all vertebrates, with details on specific systems as well as comparisons between the various studied vertebrate models. The editorial expertise encompasses the fields of major vertebrate model systems (mammalian, amphibian and teleost) ensuring a balanced approach to various topics. This unique book--with its combination of in-depth and up-to-date basic research, inter-species comprehensiveness and emphasis on the very early stages of animal development--is essential for research scientists studying vertebrate development, as well as being a valuable resource for college educators teaching advanced courses in developmental biology.
Vertebrate Embryogenesis: Embryological, Cellular, and Genetic Methods (Methods in Molecular Biology #1920)
by Francisco J. PelegriThis detailed volume explores animal embryogenesis in a way that aims to foster cross-model work and ideas by presenting methods that can be applied across laboratories and species boundaries. Improved protocols with updated advances in key traditional model systems are included, such as in amphibians, chicken, mouse, and zebrafish, as well as chapters on leopard gecko and the flexible-shelled slider turtle. Within these traditional model systems, new developments are presented, such as protocols for the analysis of cellular membranes and intracellular signals, light-controlled manipulation of function, and the analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic data in the context of the embryo. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and fully updated, Vertebrate Embryogenesis: Embryological, Cellular, and Genetic Methods, Second Edition serves as an invaluable aid to scientists, educators, and the advanced general audience and will act as an inspiration to further our understanding and appreciation of animal development. Chapter 10, "Optogenetic Control of Subcellular Protein Location and Signalling in Vertebrate Embryos," is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Vertebrate Evolution: From Origins to Dinosaurs and Beyond
by Donald R. ProtheroThe first vertebrate animals appear in the fossil record over 520 million years ago. These lineages diversified and eventually crept ashore leading to further evolutionary divergence and the appearance of the familiar charismatic vertebrates of today. From the tiniest fishes, diminutive salamanders, and miniaturized lizards to gargantuan dinosaurs, enormous brontotheres, and immense whales, vertebrates have captured the imagination of the lay public as well as the most erudite academics. They are the among the best studied organisms. This book employs beautifully rendered illustrations of these diverse lineages along with informative text to document a rich evolutionary history. The prolific and best-selling author reveals much of the latest findings regarding the phylogenetic history of vertebrates without overwhelming the reader with pedantry and excessive jargon. Simultaneously, comprehensive and authoritative while being approachable and lucid, this book should appeal to both the scholar, the student, and the fossil enthusiast. Key Features Provides an up-to-date account of evolution of vertebrates Includes numerous beautiful color reconstructions of prehistoric vertebrates Describes extinct vertebrates and their evolutionary history Discusses and illustrates the first vertebrates, as well as familiar lineages of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals Reviews mass extinctions and other important events in the diversification of vertebrates Related Titles Bard, J. Evolution: The Origins and Mechanisms of Diversity (ISBN 9780367357016) Böhmer, C., et al. Atlas of Terrestrial Mammal Limbs (ISBN 9781138705906) Diogo, R., et al. Muscles of Chordates: Development, Homologies, and Evolution (ISBN 9781138571167) Schweitzer, M. H., et al. Dinosaurs: How We Know What We Know (ISBN 9780367563813)
Vertebrate Life, Eleventh Edition
by F. Harvey Pough William E. Bemis Betty McGuire Christine M JanisWidely praised for its comprehensive coverage and exceptionally clear writing style, this best-selling text explores how animals' anatomy, physiology, ecology, and behavior interact to produce organisms that function effectively in their environments and how lineages of organisms change through evolutionary time.
Vertebrate Myogenesis
by Beate Brand-SaberiThis book addresses the differentiation control of skeletal muscle in different locations of the vertebrate body Particular attention is paid to novel regulatory molecules and signals as well as the heterogeneity of origin that have revealed a developmental overlap between skeletal and cardiac muscle. Different functional muscle groups are the product of the evolution of the vertebrate classes, making a phylogenetic comparison worthwhile for understanding the role of muscle stem cells and precursors in myogenesis. New insights into the hierarchy of transcription factors, particularly in the context of these different muscle groups have been gained from detailed investigations of the spatio-temporal and regulatory relationships derived from mouse and zebrafish genetics and avian microsurgery. Importantly, epigenetic mechanisms that have surfaced recently, in particular the role of MyomiRs, are also surveyed. With an eye to the human patient, encouraging results have been generated that identify parallels between embryonic myogenesis and regenerating myofibers due to common regulatory molecules. On the other hand, both processes differ considerably in quality and complexity of the processes employed. Interestingly, the heterogeneity in embryonic sources from which skeletal muscle groups in the vertebrate including the human body take origin is paralleled by differences in their susceptibility to particular muscle dystrophies as well as by the characteristics of the satellite cells involved in regeneration. The progress that has been made in the field of muscle stem cell biology, with special focus on the satellite cells, is outlined in this book by experts in the field. The authors review recent insights of the heterogeneous nature of these satellite cells regarding their gene signatures and regeneration potential. Furthermore, an improved understanding of muscle stem cells seems only possible when we study the impact of the cell environment on efficient stem cell replacement therapies for muscular dystrophies, putting embryological findings from different vertebrate classes and stem cell approaches into context.