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Showing 33,551 through 33,575 of 33,949 results

The Wren: A Biography (The Bird Biography Series #2)

by Stephen Moss

From the bestselling author of The Robin: A Biography, Stephan Moss:The wren is a paradox of a bird. They are Britain's most common bird, with 8.5 million breeding pairs and have by far the loudest song in proportion to their size. They also thrive up and down Britain and Ireland: from the smallest city garden to remote offshore islands, blustery moors to chilly mountains. Yet many people are not sure if they have ever seen a wren. Perhaps because the wren is so tiny, weighing just as much as two A4 sheets of paper, and so busy, always on the move, more mouse than bird.However if we cast our eyes back to recent history wrens were a mainstay of literary, cultural and popular history. The wren was on postage stamps and the farthing, it featured in nursery rhymes and greetings cards, poems and rural 'wren hunts', still a recent memory in Ireland particularly.With beautiful illustrations throughout, this captivating year-in-the-life biography reveals the hidden secrets of this fascinating bird that lives right on our doorstep.

Wriggling, Squirming, and Starving: A Farm of Flies (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading Grade 5)

by Jeff Scarletti

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Wrinkle-faced Bats (Bats)

by Pamela J. Gerholdt

This bat is quite fascinating. Do you know where it lives? What it looks like? What it eats? A great book for a book report.

The Writer

by Davide Cali

A dog has an important job to do, especially if his human is a writer. Without a dog by his side, the writer would forget to eat. He&’d never get out of his pajamas, and he&’d probably stare at the computer all day long. But even the best French bulldog can&’t do everything. Maybe this perfect pair needs someone new in their lives… Illustrated in warm, earthy tones, this witty story reflects the ways dogs change our lives for the better. Our canine friends can make—and find—the best companions.

Writers and Their Pets: True Stories of Famous Authors and Their Animal Friends

by Kathleen Krull

Discover how animals influenced 20 of the world’s most beloved authors, from Charles Dickens to J.K. Rowling. Did you know that a dog saved Pablo Neruda’s life? Or that Mark Twain had a cat named Bambino? Or that Edgar Allen Poe wrote with a cat on his shoulders? Writers and Their Pets tells these stories and many more with playful full-color illustrations that will delight not only children, but also literary experts, history lovers, and animal enthusiasts. Each short chapter focuses on one author’s life, using simple and entertaining text to weave tales of the pets that affected the lives and works of these writers, with illustrative artwork sprinkled throughout each page. This title features a diverse list of both male and female international authors, spanning from the 19th to the 21st century, including Beatrix Potter, E.B. White, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Kurt Vonnegut, Maurice Sendak, Ernest Hemingway, and and more.

The Writer's Cats

by Muriel Barbery Maria Guitart

From the bestselling author of The Elegance of the Hedgehog comes this delightful tale that pays tribute to Japanese philosophy and our feline friends.What a mysterious, confounding thing is a writer! Yet, spend a little time with the writer’s cats and one might just understand her better.Muriel Barbery, via her cats and co-conspirators, takes readers into her atelier, offering them a behind-the-scenes peek into her process and problems, joys and disappointments. The tale is told from the perspective of one of the writer’s four cats, Kirin, who, together with her cohort, may or may not be a reliable narrator. There’s Ocha, the leader of the gang, a tough guy with a soft heart; the bandy-legged and affectionate Mizu, Ocha’s sister; the phlegmatic and refined Petrus, lover of flowers; and finally, pretty Kirin, narrator of this bewitching story.A superb, funny, and touching text for writers, readers, fans of Muriel Barbery’s bestselling novels, and cat lovers.“Barbery’s poetic prose and Maria Guitart’s enchanting illustrations are an irresistible combination that readers will love to cozy up to and lose themselves in for a moment.” —Booklist“Creative types of all stripes—especially cat lovers—will be enchanted by Barbery’s fun and delightfully philosophical storytelling.” —Shelf Awareness“A book of few words delightfully illustrated by Maria Guitart . . . readers will be entranced by the detailed portrayal of Barbery’s ménage, her domestic habits and customs, her obsession with order, her writing routine, and so much more.” —La Stampa (Italy)

Writing Animals: Language, Suffering, and Animality in Twenty-First-Century Fiction (Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature)

by Timothy C. Baker

This book surveys a broad range of contemporary texts to show how representations of human-animal relations challenge the anthropocentric nature of fiction. By looking at the relation between language and suffering in twenty-first-century fiction and drawing on a wide range of theoretical approaches, Baker suggests new opportunities for exploring the centrality of nonhuman animals in recent fiction: writing animal lives leads to new narrative structures and forms of expression. These novels destabilise assumptions about the nature of pain and vulnerability, the burden of literary inheritance, the challenge of writing the Anthropocene, and the relation between text and image. Including both well-known authors and emerging talents, from J.M. Coetzee and Karen Joy Fowler to Sarah Hall, Alexis Wright, and Max Porter, and texts from experimental fiction to work for children, Writing Animals offers an original perspective on both contemporary fiction and the field of literary animal studies.

Writing Black Beauty: Anna Sewell, the Creation of a Novel, and the Story of Animal Rights

by Celia Brayfield

The story of a remarkable woman who wrote a novel that not only became a classic, but also changed the way human society views and treats animals. Born in 1829 to a young Quaker couple, Anna Sewell grew up in poverty in London. She was fourteen when she fell and injured her ankle, which left her permanently disabled. Rejecting the life of a Victorian invalid, she developed an extraordinary empathy with horses, learning to ride side-saddle and to drive a small carriage. Rebellious and independent-minded, Anna suffered periods of severe depression as a young woman. She left the Quaker movement, but remained close friends with the women writers and abolitionists who had been empowered by its liberal principles. It was not until she became terminally ill, aged 51, that she found the courage to write her own book. Tragically, she died just five months after the book was published in 1877. Black Beauty is now recognised as the first anthropomorphic novel, and it had an extraordinary emotional impact on readers of all ages. After modest success in Britain, it was taken up by a charismatic American, George Thorndike Angell, a campaigner against animal cruelty who made it one of the bestselling novels of all time. Using newly discovered archive material, Celia Brayfield shows Anna Sewell developing the extraordinary resilience to overcome her disability, rouse the conscience of Victorian Britain and make her mark upon the world.

Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps

by Margaret Cargill Patrick O'Connor

This book shows scientists how to apply their analysis and synthesis skills to overcoming the challenge of how to write, as well as what to write, to maximise their chances of publishing in international scientific journals. The book uses analysis of the scientific article genre to provide clear processes for writing each section of a manuscript, starting with clear ‘story’ construction and packaging of results. Each learning step uses practical exercises to develop writing and data presentation skills based on reader analysis of well-written example papers. Strategies are presented for responding to referee comments, and for developing discipline-specific English language skills for manuscript writing and polishing. The book is designed for scientists who use English as a first or an additional language, and for individual scientists or mentors or a class setting. In response to reader requests, the new edition includes review articles and the full range of research article formats, as well as applying the book’s principles to writing funding applications. Web support for this book is available at

Writing Scientific Research Articles

by Patrick O'Connor Margaret Cargill

This book shows scientists how to apply their analysis and synthesis skills to overcoming the challenge of how to write, as well as what to write, to maximise their chances of publishing in international scientific journals.The book uses analysis of the scientific article genre to provide clear processes for writing each section of a manuscript, starting with clear 'story' construction and packaging of results. Each learning step uses practical exercises to develop writing and data presentation skills based on reader analysis of well-written example papers. Strategies are presented for responding to referee comments, and for developing discipline-specific English language skills for manuscript writing and polishing.The book is designed for scientists who use English as a first or an additional language, and for individual scientists or mentors or a class setting. In response to reader requests, the new edition includes review articles and the full range of research article formats, as well as applying the book's principles to writing funding applications.Web support for this book is available at

Written in Stone

by Brian Switek

Written In Stone is the first book to tell the story of the fossils that mapped out evolutionary history. 150 years after Darwin's Origin was published, scientists are beginning to understand how whales walked into the sea, how horses stood up on their tip-toes, how feathered dinosaurs took to the air, and how our ancestors came down from the trees.

Written in Stone

by Brian Switek

Written In Stone is the first book to tell the story of the fossils that mapped out evolutionary history. 150 years after Darwin's Origin was published, scientists are beginning to understand how whales walked into the sea, how horses stood up on their tip-toes, how feathered dinosaurs took to the air, and how our ancestors came down from the trees.

The Wrong Dog (The Rachel Alexander and Dash Mysteries)

by Carol Lea Benjamin

With &“vivid prose, breakneck plotting,&” this mystery about a PI and canine partner tracking a murderous dog cloning operation is &“a crackling good story&” (Publishers Weekly). Sophie Gordon has forged a strong bond with her service dog, Blanche, who helps Sophie live a full life, despite her epilepsy. So when a veterinarian&’s office offers to clone Blanche so that Sophie will never be without a canine companion who can sense a seizure coming and act as a medical alert, Sophie doesn&’t hesitate. But when the puppy she receives has none of the remarkable qualities of her beloved support dog, Sophie returns to the vet for answers, only to find the office has disappeared without a trace. Enter private investigator Rachel Alexander and her trusty canine partner, Dashiell. But just as Rachel and Dash begin investigating the fraudulent cloning operation, Sophie is found dead, apparently of a seizure. With his keen nose for trouble, Dash knows better, sending Rachel on the dangerous trail of a killer. . . . &“One of the series&’ best. Benjamin's human and canine characters are vivid; the story&’s pace is as quick and sure as a sled drawn by Samoyeds; and the mystery itself is edgy and difficult to solve.&” —Booklist Praise for the Rachel Alexander and Dash Mysteries &“One of the best private eye series around.&” —Harlan Coben, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of Fool Me Once &“Rachel Alexander is someone who holds your interest and makes you keep turning the pages.&” —Nevada Barr, New York Times–bestselling author of Flashback &“Benjamin&’s work [is] first rate.&” —The Plain Dealer

The Wrong Dog: An Unlikely Tale of Unconditional Love

by David Elliot Cohen

A Heartwarming Dog Story of Unconditional Love“Part Marley and Me, part Bucket List, part travel memoir, Cohen’s book tells the story of Simba, a larger-than-life Labrador retriever whose physical size is matched only by his love of people.” ?Sara Hodon, Compulsive Reader2018 International Book Awards Winner#1 New Release in Southern US Travel GuidesFrom New York Times bestselling author David Elliot Cohen comes this unforgettable dog story of a cross-country road trip. The Wrong Dog is a heartwarming and hilarious memoir of a mischievous dog and the unconditional love he forges with the family who mistakenly adopts him.There are no bad dogs. Meet Simba II, a playful white Labrador puppy brought home by accident. As he grows into an enormous ninety-pound dog with a huge personality, Simba cements the bond between two families and enriches their lives in countless ways.A cross-country road trip to remember. When the family moves from San Francisco to New York, the author is charged with the ultimate animal rescue−bringing Simba to the family’s new home. He and his best friend, Erick, load Simba into the back of a station wagon and set out on a 3,300-mile once-in-a-lifetime road trip across America.An epic journey for dog lovers. With stops at Buck Owens’ Crystal Palace; the Las Vegas Strip; Meteor Crater; the Painted Desert; Cadillac Ranch; Winslow, Arizona; Gallup, New Mexico; Graceland, and other all-American landmarks, this engaging and poignant volume chronicles an epic journey, the unconditional love between one dog and his family, and the vast and benevolent role dogs play in American family life. But most of all, The Wrong Dog shows us how the end of life can sometimes be the richest part of all.If you’re a dog lover who’s enjoyed books such as Arthur: The Dog who Crossed the Jungle to Find a Home, A Dog Called Hope, or No Ordinary Dog, then you’ll love and laugh along with The Wrong Dog.

The Wrong Side of the Bed

by Lisa Bakos

When you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, there&’s just no getting around it: The porcupine under the covers will insist on snuggling (oww); penguins will make bubbles in your bath (eww); and a crocodile will probably need to borrow your toothbrush (no, thanks). It&’s just going to be that sort of day. Unless, that is, you decide to do something about it.A whimsical assortment of havoc-wreaking critters is here to inspire Lucy—and readers—to turn their all-wrong days into all-right ones.

WTF, Evolution?!: A Theory of Unintelligible Design

by Mara Grunbaum

We all have our off days. Why should Evolution be any different? Maybe Evolution got carried away with an idea that was just a little too crazy—like having the Regal Horned Lizard defend itself by shooting three-foot streams of blood from its eyes. Or maybe Evolution ran out of steam (Memo to Evolution: The Irrawaddy Dolphin looks like a prototype that should have been left on the drawing board). Or maybe Evolution was feeling cheeky—a fish with hands? Joke’s on you, Red Handfish! Or maybe Evolution simply goofed up: How else to explain the overgrown teeth of the babirusas that curl backward over their face? Oops. Mara Grunbaum is a very smart, very funny science writer who celebrates the best—or, really, the worst—of Evolution’s blunders. Here are more than 100 outlandish mammals, reptiles, insects, fish, birds, and other creatures whose very existence leaves us shaking our heads and muttering WTF?! Ms. Grunbaum’s especially brilliant stroke is to personify Evolution as a well-meaning but somewhat oblivious experimenter whose conversations with a skeptical narrator are hilarious. For almost 4 billion years, Evolution has produced a nonstop parade of inflatable noses, bizarre genitalia, and seriously awkward necks. What a comedian!

Wuftoom: A Novel

by Mary G. Thompson

Everyone thinks Evan is sick . . . Everyone thinks science will find a cure. But Evan knows he is not sick; he is transforming. Evan's metamorphosis has him confined to his bed, constantly terrified, and completely alone. Alone except for his visits from the Wuftoom, a wormlike creature that tells him he is becoming one of them. Clinging to his humanity and desperate to help his overworked single mother, Evan makes a bargain with the Vitflies, the sworn enemies of the Wuftoom. But when the bargain becomes blackmail and the Vitflies prepare for war, whom can Evan trust? Is saving his humanity worth destroying an entire species, and the only family he has left?

Wyatt Burp Rides Again

by Greg Trine Frank W. Dormer

Superhero Jo Schmo has a problem: There aren't any crimes to fight in San Francisco! So she and her doggy sidekick Raymond build a time machine and head back to the Gold Rush Days to track down the notorious burping outlaw Wyatt Burp. Meanwhile, trouble is brewing back in the present time. Two mean girls have it in for Jo, and they're lying in wait for her with a wrecking ball. If Wyatt and his Hole in the Head gang don't get her, Gertrude and Betty will. Look out, Jo!

Wylie: The Brave Street Dog Who Never Gave Up

by Pen Farthing

'When people gave up on Wylie, Wylie refused to give up on people.'For a street dog born in the city of Kandahar, Afghanistan, to be crowned top dog at Scruffts, a competition for crossbreeds held during Crufts, the largest dog show on earth, is nothing short of a miracle. But for Wylie, the gentle, cropped eared ball of fur, miracles seemed to happen quite regularly. Beaten and abused while being used as a bait dog, Wylie suffered terrible injuries that needed urgent treatment. Rescued close to death, with hacked off ears and a severed tail, he was attended to by soldiers who feared he would not last the night. Astonishingly he did, only to return days later with new injuries. However a lifeline came when he was handed over to animal welfare Charity Nowzad and flown to Britain in the hope of finding a new life. But would anyone take a chance on a seemingly nervous and undomesticated stray? Luckily for Wylie his biggest adventure yet was about to begin...This is the incredible and heart-warming story, full of tragedy and triumph, of a dog who never gave up hope.

Wylie: The Brave Street Dog Who Never Gave Up

by Pen Farthing

'When people gave up on Wylie, Wylie refused to give up on people.'For a street dog born in the city of Kandahar, Afghanistan, to be crowned top dog at Scruffts, a competition for crossbreeds held during Crufts, the largest dog show on earth, is nothing short of a miracle. But for Wylie, the gentle, cropped eared ball of fur, miracles seemed to happen quite regularly. Beaten and abused while being used as a bait dog, Wylie suffered terrible injuries that needed urgent treatment. Rescued close to death, with hacked off ears and a severed tail, he was attended to by soldiers who feared he would not last the night. Astonishingly he did, only to return days later with new injuries. However a lifeline came when he was handed over to animal welfare Charity Nowzad and flown to Britain in the hope of finding a new life. But would anyone take a chance on a seemingly nervous and undomesticated stray? Luckily for Wylie his biggest adventure yet was about to begin...This is the incredible and heart-warming story, full of tragedy and triumph, of a dog who never gave up hope.

Wynne's War: A Novel

by Aaron Gwyn

A cultish commander&’s secret mission on horseback through Afghanistan &“echoes adrenalized silver-screen war stories like Three Kings and The Hurt Locker&” (The New York Times). When Cpl. Elijah Russell rescues an Arabian horse during a firefight in northern Iraq, the young army ranger&’s heroism and superb equestrian skill catch the attention of Capt. Carson Wynne. The commander is preparing a secret mission in eastern Afghanistan that requires a soldier of such skill and courage. Now, Russell is in charge of training an elite special forces unit of Green Berets to ride horses through treacherous mountain terrain. But as they press further into enemy territory, the nature of the operation only becomes more mysterious. Russell grows suspicious of Captain Wynne&’s secrecy and the cult-like loyalty he commands. Soon he will be forced to confront an impossible choice—stand up for his beliefs or follow his commander into hell. &“A hard-eyed depiction of modern warfare . . . Gwyn&’s novel is rich in equestrian and military detail . . . it&’d take wild horses to pull you away.&” —Entertainment Weekly &“A gripping tale of men at war in the desolate snow-capped mountains of eastern Afghanistan . . . [Wynne&’s War] captures the essence of close combat—the terror, excitement, chaos, tension, and cruelty, as well as the harsh decisions men make under stress.&” —Publishers Weekly, starred review &“The book pulsates with a verisimilitude that places readers in the war-torn mountains of Afghanistan. . . . Many folks have wondered when American authors would begin producing memorable fiction about the Iraq-Afghanistan wars; with this well-researched, heart-pounding novel, Gwyn stakes his claim.&” —Library Journal

The Wyverns' Treasure (Nathaniel Fludd, Beastologist, Book #3)

by R. L. LaFevers Kelly Murphy

After tangling with the deadly basilisk, Nathaniel Fludd is glad to return to England with his Aunt Phil. But someone has ransacked their home, and their best suspect is the sinister man who's been trying to steal the Book of Beasts.Before Nate and Aunt Phil can find the culprit, they are called to Welsh countryside. The wyverns (giant dragons) are in an uproar. Could the same man who ransacked the Fludd house be behind the rift with the wyverns? And just what does he want with The Book of Beasts? But before Nate can solve that mystery, he must calm the dragons before it's too late. It's just another day at work for the world's youngest beastologist!

Xavier Ox's Xylophone Experiment (Animal Antics A to Z)

by Barbara deRubertis

Xavier Ox loves music. But sometimes his drumming is rather EXPLOSIVE! So Alpha Betty and Xavier's classmates start an exciting experiment to build an extra-strong xylophone—just for Xavier Ox.

Xenopus Protocols

by Stefan Hoppler Peter D Vize

During the 20th century Xenopus has flourished as an accessible experimental model system for studying vertebrate biology. The second edition of Xenopus Protocols:Post-Genomic Approaches expands upon the previous edition with novel approaches inspired by Xenopus tropicalis and the sequencing of its genome. Xenopus tropicalis genomics and tractable genetics combined with the unique experimental advantages of Xenopus laevis and their distinctive phylogenetic position make them unique model systems for vertebrate embryonic development in the 21st century. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Xenopus Protocols: Post-Genomic Approaches, Second Edition provides a toolkit that will enable every laboratory to maximize the power of this extraordinary experimental system in the post-genomic age.

Xerophile, Revised Edition: Cactus Photographs from Expeditions of the Obsessed

by Edited by Cactus Store

An updated edition of the cult classic, featuring stunning archival photographs of hundreds of the rarest and most spectacular plants on Earth, taken by a motley crew of cactus obsessives &“A catalogue of wonders that most of us will never get to see in person.&”—The New YorkerFrom the people behind Cactus Store comes Xerophile, a photographic collection of these improbable desert wonders in the wild. Drawing on the archives of twenty-five cactus obsessives—from PhD botanist to banker, art teacher to cancer researcher—this revised edition spans eighty years and features new and expanded descriptive notes for all 350+ photos.Xerophile brings together eighty years&’ worth of these explorers&’ remarkable images from some of the world&’s most remote habitats: a peculiar two-leaved plant that lives for millennia in the deserts of Namibia; succulents whose poisonous sap is used by hunters to fell large game in Angola; and cactus that live on snow-covered mountains in Bolivia, sink below ground level to survive droughts in Mexico, are pollinated by bats in Brazil, and grow in pure lava fields of the Galápagos Islands.

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