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Μινιμαλιστής: Σχεδίασε & Έλεγξε το Μινιμαλιστικό Προϋπολογισμό & Ζήσε με Μεγαλύτερη Αθφονία

by Ελένη Πέπονα

Σε αυτό το εγχειρίδιο ο συγγραφέας εισάγει τον αναγνώστη στην ιστορία και τις αρχές του μινιμαλισμού ως τρόπου ζωής. Συζητά τις βασικές αρχές του μινιμαλισμού και δίνει πρακτικές συμβουλές και παραδείγματα για την εφαρμογή του. Παράλληλα, διαπραγματεύεται την ανάγκη που διακατέχει τις μοντέρνες κοινωνίες για την απόκτηση πολλαπλών υλικών αγαθών, πώς ο μινιμαλισμός μπορεί να προσφέρει μια έξοδο από τον εγκλωβισμό στην υπερκατανάλωση, και τέλος παρουσιάζει μία μέθοδο σχεδίασης μηνιαίου προϋπολογισμού που μπορεί να βοηθήσει τον αναγνώστη να επιτύχει τους μακροπρόθεσμους και βραχυπρόθεσμους στόχους του με τη βοήθεια του μινιμαλισμού.


by Bernard Levine Zachary Watts



by Bernard Levine Zachary Watts

あなたの貴重品を売ってお金を稼ぐ方法について話しています。 あなたのアイテムは価値があり、あなたのゲームがゲーム、コイン、写真、またはオートグラフを鑑賞するのではなく、たくさんのお金に価値があるかもしれません。したがって、アイテムを販売するお金を稼ぐ方法を探しているなら、 あなたが売りたいと思っている商品でチャンスを取ることで失うことがないものよりも50ドルか1000ドルかそれ以上の価値がある場合は価値があるかもしれません。


by Bernard Levine Zachary Watts

この本の本は、あなたがギターを弾いているかどうか、歌う方法を学ぶか、スポーツを初めて試みるかなど、初めて学ぶことができる奇妙なことについて語っています。さまざまな方法があります あなたが初めて何か新しいことを学ぶことができます。 だから常に最初に何か新しいものをあきらめないように気をつけてください。 "あなたが成功するまで毎日練習を続けてください"


by Amber Richards Saori Kagami

電子版の塗り絵帳をお買い求めいただきまして、ありがとうございます。塗り絵の一時をお楽しみください。この電子書籍の最後にリンクとパスワードが付いており、本書のPDF版をダウンロードして印刷できるようになっています。この情報はご購入者様だけの特典なので、他の方と共有しないで下さい。ご理解頂けましたら幸いです。 準備が整ったら、この電子書籍のページをスクロールし、50種類のデザインからお好きなものをお選びください。50枚のペーパーバックより、電子版でスクロールして全体を見た方が楽だと思います。デザインはシンプルや複雑な物まで、様々です。は皆様のお好みのスタイルにぴったりのデザインをお選び頂けるよう、種類を豊富にしました。また、皆様が私のようなタイプだったら、ムードによって塗りたいデザインが変わる場合もあるでしょう。 大人向けの塗り絵は今非常に人気が出ています。子供の頃の塗り絵の楽しさを、成長した今、また思い出してみましょう。 塗り絵をするとリラックスできると結論付けている研究があります。また、一番効果的なのは寝る前だそうです。様々な思いが頭に浮かんできてなかなか眠りにつけない不眠症の方は、その状態を軽減できます。塗り絵をすることで電子機器から解放され、ストレスが減るからです。 他にもご提案があります。クレヨンは塗りやすいですが、それ以外の媒体で塗り絵をしてみましょう。色鉛筆、マーカー、油絵、ペンキでもぜひ試してみてださい。陰影を付けて、立体的にしてみてもよいでしょう。プリンターで印刷する時は、目が粗い紙ではなく�

كتاب الموسيقى الشرقي

by محمد كامل الخلعي

الموسيقى هو علم يبحث فيه عن أحوال النغم من جهة تأليفه اللذيذ والنافر ـ وعن أحوال الأزمة المتخللة بين النغمات من جهة الطول والقصر. فعلم أنه يتم بجزئين: الأول علم التأليف وهو اللحن ـ والثاني علم الإيقاع وهو المسمى أيضًا بالأصول. (فالنغمات) جمع نغمة بالتحريك وهي (لغة) الصوت الساذج الخالي من الحروف ـ و(اصطلاحًا) الصوت المترنم به. (واللحن) بالسكون (لغة) صوت من الأصوات المصوغة و(اصطلاحًا) ما ركب من نغمات بعضها يعلو أو يسفل عن بعض على نسب معلومة ـ (والنغم للحن كالأحرف للكلام)ـ ثم يرتب ترتيبًا موزونًا ـ أي أنه يصاغ على أحد الأوزان التي سنذكرها بعد. ويقرن بشيء من الشعر أو غيره من سائر الفنون السبعة التي هي ـ القريض ـ والدويت ـ والموالي ـ والموشح ـ والزجل ـ والقومة ـ وكان وكان. وهذا التعريف جامع مانع؛  

Руководство По Спортивной Фотосъемке

by Вероника Иванова Cristiano Pugno

Руководство для тех, кто впервые решил заняться спортивной фотосъёмкой. Содержит практические советы по некоторым наиболее распространённым видам спорта.

Туризм и путешествия в древнем Египте: Travel Like An Egyptian

by Mohammed Yehia Z. Ahmed

Эта книга исследует путешествия в древнем Египте. В ней анализируются средства передвижения, дороги, еда, питье и проживания для поездок. Она также сравнивает путешествия в древнеегипетские времена и сегодня и обсуждает, были ли древние Египтяне туристами или нет.

Πώς να βγάλετε χρήματα εμφανιζόμενος σε τηλεοπτικές διαφημίσεις και σειρές (Levine's Guide To Knives And Their Values Ser.)

by Bernard Levine Δήμητρα Στασινού

Είχατε ποτέ την επιθυμία να εργαστείτε σε τηλεοπτικές διαφημίσεις; ... όπως οι διαφημίσεις κινητών των εταιρειών Nokia ή Samsung καθώς και σε διαφημίσεις των McDonald's ή Coca Cola; Θα θέλατε να συμμετέχετε σε τηλεποτική σαπουνόπερα ή σειρά; Δε χρειάζεται εμπειρία. Τώρα είναι η ευκαιρία σας να κάνετε το όνειρό σας πραγματικότητα. Έχει πολλή πλάκα και τα χρήματα που θα βγάλετε θα αξίζουν τον κόπο!

А House on Presnya

by Elena Chernikova Nina Šoltić

Five autobiographical stories and a novel-allusion about love and posthumous life; written by a woman, in Russia, about the domestic male material.

¿ Quién puede ser artista? (¡Arriba la Lectura! Level S #25)

by Pamela Rushby Rosalie Street

NIMAC-sourced textbook

1,000 Amazing World Facts (DK 1,000 Amazing Facts)

by DK

Dive into a world of mind-blowing facts that may defy belief, but they are all absolutely true!Can you believe the Eiffel Tower would fit inside a Sahara sand dune? Wow your friends and amaze your family with hundreds of new facts in this fun-filled, picture-packed bumper book for children aged 9+. 1,000 Amazing World Facts contains striking images, visual comparisons, and informative diagrams in one unforgettable journey around the world. From the tiniest microchip to our unimaginably enormous Universe, no subject is left unexplored. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they explore:- 1,000 mind-blowing facts that will be sure to wow family and friends. - CGI graphics, fun visual comparisons, and diagrams make stats and facts easy to understand.- Science boxes that are illustrated with engaging diagrams to explain information.Did you know that Earth could fit inside Jupiter more than 1,000 times? Or the blue whale's heart is as big as a car? Children will love all these facts and more, presented either with impressive CGI illustrations or eye-popping photography – plus additional boxes feature diagrams that make information easy to understand. More in the SeriesIf you like 1,000 Amazing World Facts then why not complete the collection? Journey to the Jurassic era with 1,000 Amazing Dinosaur Facts, learn about all things weird and wonderful with 1,000 Amazing Weird Facts, or discover the secret science of everything icky and sticky with 1,000 Amazing Gross Facts.

1,000 Clever Sewing Shortcuts & Tips: Top-Rated Favorites from Sewing Fans and Master Teachers

by Deepika Prakash

Get invaluable advice from sewers like you with this handy reference.This practical reference guide features the best hands-on sewing tips culled from the popular sewing website, a community of more than 200,000 members. You’ll also find special how-to features by’s master teachers and pattern designers, including Kenneth D. King, Susan Khalje, Sarah Veblen, Shannon Gifford, and Anna Mazur. Best of all, these words of wisdom—more than 1,000 tips in all—will provide you with new solutions to the trickiest problems and show you how to save time, money, and materials.Praise for 1,000 Clever Sewing Shortcuts & Tips“A must-have book for every sewer’s library. Whether you’re a burgeoning beginner or a seasoned seamstress, this book will teach you more than a few new tricks. Honestly, I couldn’t put it down! It’s packed full of creative tips and great ideas, shared as always, sewer to sewer!” —Margo Martin, Executive Director, American Sewing Guild, Inc.“The only thing better than a good tip is more good tips, no? It’s all very well to get an expert’s tips, but what’s really needed when tip gathering is a hive-mind’s best discoveries, and there’s no busier, buzzier sewing hive than Deepika’s PatternReview, so you KNOW they’re in here, those tips you haven’t head, haven’t yet tried, haven’t yet imagined. Welcome to the Hive!” —David Coffin, former editor of Threads magazine and author of Making Trousers for Men and Women

1,000 Feelings for Which There Are No Names

by Mario Giordano

A charming, thought-provoking, hand-lettered book for fans of The Book of Awesome and Wreck This Journal from the author of Auntie Poldi and the Sicilian LionsThey amaze us and hurt us, bring us to tears and make us laugh, delight us and keep us up at night: feelings that we know only too well, but which have eluded the English lexicon for so long. In 1,000 Feelings for Which There Are No Names, author Mario Giordano catalogs those familiar emotions.Perfect for cocktail parties, quiet reflection, daily inspiration, or travel entertainment, this delightful compendium is broken up into helpful sections that will fit your every mood, such as &“Afternoon Feelings,&” &“Nerd Feelings,&” &“Heaven-help-me Feelings,&” or the somewhat more nebulous &“Tangerine Feelings.&” Or try opening a page at random to help kiss writer&’s block goodbye. Don&’t forget to add your own feelings in the back of the book (before they get away!) and share with others.

1,100 Designs and Motifs from Historic Sources (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by John Leighton

Hundreds of beautifully rendered, royalty-free images painstakingly adapted from a host of design traditions: primitive tribal, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Chinese, Japanese, Persian, Byzantine, French Renaissance and more. Also, decorative motifs derived from metalwork, heraldic ornament, floral vignettes, letters, other elements. Invaluable sourcebook for artists, craftworkers and decorative art enthusiasts.

1-2-3 Calligraphy!: Letters and Projects for Beginners and Beyond (Calligraphy Basics #2)

by Eleanor Winters

Kids everywhere will be grabbing their calligraphy pens, because this follow-up to the wildly successful Calligraphy for Kids offers them even more artful fun. With just a little practice, and 1-2-3 Calligraphy to guide them, children can make eye-catching signs, design their own personal stationery, address colorful envelopes in elegant script, and create pictures and other decorations to hang on the wall. Inside this guide, budding calligraphers will find new alphabets—and new ways to render the alphabets they already know—as well as fresh techniques and projects. There&’s coverage of the basic rules of layout; a review of some of the fundamental skills; advice on changing the weight of italic letters and forming italic capitals; and an introduction to both Swing and Modern Gothic handwriting.

1, 2, 3 Quilt: Shape Up Your Skills with 24 Stylish Projects

by Ellen Luckett Baker

The author of 1, 2, 3 Sew brings her creative skill-building approach to beginning and intermediate quilters—with two dozen projects included.In this book, expert seamstress and craft blogger Ellen Luckett Baker shares her fun building-block approach to quilting. Organized by quilting shapes—squares, triangles, hexagons, circles, flowers, stars, and diamonds—this easy-to-follow guide provides a simple way to master the elements of quilt design.Twenty-four projects progress in difficulty, allowing you to develop your technical skills as you work through the book. From the minimal Argyle Apron to the stylish Hexagon Handbag and more intricate Star Quilt, these modern, bright designs will appeal to beginning and intermediate quilters alike.

1, 2, 3 Sew: Build Your Skills with 33 Simple Projects

by Ellen Luckett Baker

Sewing can be as easy as 1-2-3 with this helpful building-block approach—includes thirty-three projects! In this creative teaching book, craft blogger Ellen Luckett Baker offers a wholly unique approach to sewing: She presents projects in groups of three, each building on the techniques used in the project before. Baker shows, for example, how to sew a glasses case, then build on those skills to create a zippered pouch, and from there, make a more advanced cosmetics bag. There are thirty-three delightful projects in all, ranging from clothing to decor and accessories. This very special ebook includes easy-to-follow instructions, how-to illustrations, and instructions for how to print the patterns, making it an essential resource for beginning and intermediate sewers alike.

1 2 3 Student Yearbook Guide

by Gary Lundgren Martha Akers Dr Gloria Eastman

Learn how creating a school yearbook teaches valuable life skills in business and creative arts.

1.500 Palavras por Hora: Como Escrever Mais Rápido, Fácil e Melhor

by Mayara Leal N. P. Martin

Aprenda a ESCREVER RAPIDAMENTE e profissionalmente, e tire de letra 1.500 palavras por hora. Você tem dificuldade com todo o processo de escrita? Se tiver, é provavelmente porque você não tem um sistema de escrita adequado. Mas não qualquer sistema. Estou falando de um sistema que não só lhe permita escrever mais rápido, mas também produza TRABALHOS DE MELHOR QUALIDADE. Seja ficção ou não ficção, esse sistema vai ajudá-lo a escrever com facilidade. Você vai produzir 1.500 palavras ou mais a cada hora que gastar escrevendo. Mas como isso é possível? O segredo para alcançar tais contagens de palavras impressionantes é separar o seu tempo de pensar do seu tempo de escrever. Este livro vai lhe mostrar exatamente como fazer isso para que você não tenha mais bloqueios E COMECE A GANHAR MAIS DINHEIRO com a sua escrita. Com o sistema de escrita dinâmica, as palavras simplesmente fluem sem esforço O TEMPO TODO. Por mais difícil que seja de acreditar, é verdade. Já provei isso. Assim como muitos outros escritores de sucesso que usam um sistema similar. Neste livro, eu apresento o sistema de escrita dinâmica por completo e mostro como pode ser fácil se transformar de um escritor amador que não produz nada em um profissional que termina um livro a cada dois meses. Dentro deste guia você vai aprender: *Como NUNCA MAIS SOFRER O BLOQUEIO DE ESCRITOR *Como gerar uma quantidade ilimitada de novas ideias *O poder da intenção e como ela pode garantir o seu sucesso *Por que pensar pode ser uma maldição e como separar a hora de pensar da hora de escrever *A tática simples que pode simplesmente resolver todos os seus problemas de fluxo de escrita *Como tornar a escrita um hábito e minimizar distrações *Como PUBLICAR LIVROS DE QUALIDADE CONSISTENTEMENTE E RAPIDAMENTE *

1,500 Stretches: The Complete Guide to Flexibility and Movement

by Hollis Liebman

<p>1,500 Stretches--the follow-up book to the New York Times bestseller 2,100 Asanas-- compiles all stretching poses in one place, organized by body part, with stunning photographs, easy-to-follow steps, and the health benefits of each pose. Does your lower back ache from sitting all day? Can you barely walk after your cycling class? Do you stretch your back and feel only more tension? Stretching is vital for chronic pain, building muscle tone, and full movement. <p>1,500 Stretches has the complete collection of stretches organized by body part--back, calf, hamstrings, chest and many more. They are demonstrated in beautiful full-color photographs. The steps are easy to follow and explain what muscle groups are targeted and its benefits for pain relief and physical appearance. There are additional chapters on yoga and partner stretches and the importance of stretching correctly. <p>1,500 Stretches celebrates the beauty of the body through photography, while providing practical advice to feel and look better.</p>

1.500 Wörter pro Stunde – Das Schnellschreibsystem für Ihren Erfolg als Autor

by N. P. Martin Miriam Hutter

Lernen Sie SCHNELL und professionell zu SCHREIBEN und bringen Sie im Handumdrehen 1500 WÖRTER auf’s Papier. Ist der ganze Schreibprozess mühsam und anstrengend für Sie? Wenn ja, verfügen Sie wahrscheinlich nicht über ein geeignetes Schreibsystem, dass Sie an Ihr Ziel bringt. Nicht irgendein System. Sondern eines, dass Sie nicht nur schneller schreiben lässt, sondern das gleichzeitig zu QUALITATIV WERTVOLLER ARBEIT führt. Ob Sie Belletristik oder Sachbücher schreiben: Dieses System wird Ihnen das Schreiben um Vieles einfacher machen. Sie werden 1500 und mehr Wörter auf’s Papier bekommen, für jede Stunde die Sie zukünftig mit Schreiben verbringen. Aber wie erreichen Sie das? Das Geheimnis um diese beachtliche Wörteranzahl liegt darin, dass Sie das Denken vom Schreiben trennen. Dieses Buch wird Ihnen genau das zeigen, so dass Sie beim Schreiben nie wieder um Worte verlegen sind und endlich beginnen mit Ihrer Arbeit GELD ZU VERDIENEN. Mit dem Schnellschreibsystem werden die Wörter IMMERZU mühelos ihren Weg auf’s Papier finden. So schwer es Ihnen fallen mag, dies zu glauben: Ich kann es Ihnen beweisen. Wie auch andere erfolgreiche Schriftsteller, die ein ähnliches System nutzen. In diesem Buch stelle ich Ihnen das gesamte Schnellschreibsystem vor und zeige Ihnen, wie einfach es ist, vom Amateurschreiber zum Profi zu werden, der alle paar Monate ein Buch veröffentlicht. Mit dieser Anleitung werden Sie lernen: Wie Sie SCHREIBBLOCKADEN FÜR IMMER VERMEIDEN Wie Sie zahllose neue Ideen generieren Die Macht der Intention und wie diese Ihren Erfolg garantiert Warum Denken ein Fluch sein kann und wie Sie das Denken von der Schreibzeit abkoppeln Eine einfache Technik, die alle Ihre Probleme mit dem Schreibfluss lösen kann Wie Sie Schreiben zur Gewohnheit machen und Ablenkungen minimieren Wie Sie regelmäßig HOCHWERTIGE BÜCHER VERÖFFENTLICHEN Un

10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES

by Matthew Del Negro

Learn how to persevere and pivot to achieve your goals from a celebrated Hollywood actor 10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES  chronicles actor Matthew Del Negro’s tough journey from humble beginnings, through a sea of rejections, on the way to his eventual rise to become a recognizable face on some of history's most acclaimed television shows. Along the way, he learned hard lessons about perseverance, persistence, and resilience. Teaching readers how to make it through the tough times and deal with massive uncertainty by retaining the flexibility to change course and pivot to follow your passion, Del Negro explains how to achieve success in even the most competitive industries. The book, which delves into his personal story from Division I athlete to his professional dream of becoming an actor without any show business connections, shares the wisdom and knowledge Del Negro has gained from both his failures and successes in one of America’s most competitive industries: professional acting.  Amidst his own stories from life and acting, Del Negro weaves anecdotes and quotes from interviews he has had with a wide range of inspirational people from all walks of life on his popular podcast, 10,000 NOs. The list of high-achievers includes professional athletes, bestselling authors, Forbes list entrepreneurs, cancer survivors, Hollywood elite, and more. His celebrated and top-ranked podcast in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, continues to inspire others to keep going even when their progress seems infinitesimally slow.

10 Buildings That Changed America

by Dan Protess Geoffrey Baer

10 Buildings that Changed America tells the stories of ten influential works of architecture, the people who imagined them, and the way these landmarks ushered in innovative cultural shifts throughout our society. The book takes readers on a journey across the country and inside these groundbreaking works of art and engineering. The buildings featured are remarkable not only for aesthetic and structural reasons, but also because their creators instilled in them a sense of purpose and personality that became reflected in an overarching sense the American identity.Edited by the staff of WTTW, the Chicago PBS affiliate that is the most-watched public television station in the country, 10 Buildings will be released alongside the national broadcast of an hour-long special by the same name. This television event will be promoted over digital media, on-ground events, and educational initiatives in schools, and the book will be a significant component to all of these elements.10 Buildings retells the shocking, funny, and even sad stories of how these buildings came to be. It offers a peek inside the imaginations of ten daring architects who set out to change the way we live, work, and play. From American architectural stalwarts like Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, to modern revolutionaries like Frank Gehry and Robert Venturi, this book examines the most prominent buildings designed by the most noteworthy architects of our time.Also profiled are Americans less noted for their architectural acumen, but no less significant for their contributions to the field. Thomas Jefferson, a self-taught architect, is profiled for designing the iconic Virginia State Capitol. Taking its inspiration from ancient Rome, America's first major public building forged a philosophical link between America and the world's earliest democracies. Similarly, Henry Ford employed Albert Kahn to design a state-of-the-art, innovative factory for Ford's groundbreaking assembly line. Reinforced concrete supported massive, open rooms without any interior dividing walls, which yields the uninterrupted space that was essential for Ford's sprawling continuous production setups. What's more, Kahn considered the needs of workers by including astonishingly modern large windows and louvers for fresh air.The design of each of these ten buildings was completely monumental and prodigious in its time because of the architect's stylistic or functional innovations. Each was also highly influential, inspiring a generation or more of architects, who in turn made a lasting impact on the American landscape. We see the legacy of architects like Mies van der Rohe or H.H. Richardson all around us: in the homes where we live, the offices where we work, our public buildings, and our houses of worship. All have been shaped in one way or another by a handful of imaginative, audacious, and sometimes even arrogant individuals throughout history whose bold ideas have been copied far and wide. 10 Buildings is the ideal collection to detail the flashes of inspiration from these architects who dared to strike out on their own and design radical new types of buildings that permanently altered our environmental and cultural landscape.

The 10 Cent Chocolate Tub

by Mike Mcgann

10 Cent Chocolate Tub will take you back to the 1950's and 1960s when life was uncomplicated. There were three channels to watch on a black and white television set showing Sid Caesar, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Howdy Doody, Milton Berle, fifteen minutes of Nat King Cole, The Lone Ranger and The Toast of The Town. Radio stations were AM only and played Elvis Presley, Doo-Wop music, Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, Patti Page, Chubby Checker and The Four Seasons, long before The Beatles came to America. The small things in life were exciting to a city boy who grew up to be a broadcaster, a Vietnam veteran, a minor performer and a dad! Everyone has family stories, crazy relatives, funny incidents, memories of how good things were back then and dreams of how they should be. The 10 Cent Chocolate Tub gets it's name from a huge chocolate ice cream cone sold by Bard's Dairy in the 1950s in Pittsburgh at a time when a young boy, who wore rummage sale clothes and ate surplus cheese, was only allowed a nickel vanilla ice cream now and then. This is about the quest for life's finer things like ice cream anytime you want it, playing the radio loudly, crying at a sad movie, falling in love, heartbreaks, kissing your children goodnight and loving every minute of it.

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