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A Goy Who Speaks Yiddish: Christians and the Jewish Language in Early Modern Germany

by Aya Elyada

This book explores the unique phenomenon of Christian engagement with Yiddish language and literature from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century. By exploring the motivations for Christian interest in Yiddish, and the differing ways in which Yiddish was discussed and treated in Christian texts,A Goy Who Speaks Yiddishaddresses a wide array of issues, most notably Christian Hebraism, Protestant theology, early modern Yiddish culture, and the social and cultural history of language in early modern Europe. Elyada's analysis of a wide range of philological and theological works, as well as textbooks, dictionaries, ethnographical writings, and translations, demonstrates that Christian Yiddishism had implications beyond its purely linguistic and philological dimensions. Indeed, Christian texts on Yiddish reveal not only the ways in which Christians perceived and defined Jews and Judaism, but also, in a contrasting vein, how they viewed their own language, religion, and culture.


by Robert Hughes

Robert Hughes, who has stunned us with comprehensive works on subjects as sweeping and complex as the history of Australia (The Fatal Shore), the modern art movement (The Shock of the New), the nature of American art (American Visions), and the nature of America itself as seen through its art (The Culture of Complaint), now turns his renowned critical eye to one of art history's most compelling, enigmatic, and important figures, Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes. With characteristic critical fervor and sure-eyed insight, Hughes brings us the story of an artist whose life and work bridged the transition from the eighteenth-century reign of the old masters to the early days of the nineteenth-century moderns. With his salient passion for the artist and the art, Hughes brings Goya vividly to life through dazzling analysis of a vast breadth of his work. Building upon the historical evidence that exists, Hughes tracks Goya's development, as man and artist, without missing a beat, from the early works commissioned by the Church, through his long, productive, and tempestuous career at court, to the darkly sinister and cryptic work he did at the end of his life. In a work that is at once interpretive biography and cultural epic, Hughes grounds Goya firmly in the context of his time, taking us on a wild romp through Spanish history; from the brutality and easy violence of street life to the fiery terrors of the Holy Inquisition to the grave realities of war, Hughes shows us in vibrant detail the cultural forces that shaped Goya's work. Underlying the exhaustive, critical analysis and the rich historical background is Hughes's own intimately personal relationship to his subject. This is a book informed not only by lifelong love and study, but by his own recent experiences of mortality and death. As such this is a uniquely moving and human book; with the same relentless and fearless intelligence he has brought to every subject he has ever tackled, Hughes here transcends biography to bring us a rich and fiercely brave book about art and life, love and rage, impotence and death. This is one genius writing at full capacity about another--and the result is truly spectacular.From the Hardcover edition.

Goya: A Portrait of the Artist

by Janis Tomlinson

The first major English-language biography of Francisco Goya y Lucientes, who ushered in the modern eraThe life of Francisco Goya (1746–1828) coincided with an age of transformation in Spanish history that brought upheavals in the country's politics and at the court which Goya served, changes in society, the devastation of the Iberian Peninsula in the war against Napoleon, and an ensuing period of political instability. In this revelatory biography, Janis Tomlinson draws on a wide range of documents—including letters, court papers, and a sketchbook used by Goya in the early years of his career—to provide a nuanced portrait of a complex and multifaceted painter and printmaker, whose art is synonymous with compelling images of the people, events, and social revolution that defined his life and era.Tomlinson challenges the popular image of the artist as an isolated figure obsessed with darkness and death, showing how Goya's likeability and ambition contributed to his success at court, and offering new perspectives on his youth, rich family life, extensive travels, and lifelong friendships. She explores the full breadth of his imagery—from scenes inspired by life in Madrid to visions of worlds without reason, from royal portraits to the atrocities of war. She sheds light on the artist's personal trials, including the deaths of six children and the onset of deafness in middle age, but also reconsiders the conventional interpretation of Goya's late years as a period of disillusion, viewing them instead as years of liberated artistic invention, most famously in the murals on the walls of his country house, popularly known as the "black" paintings.A monumental achievement, Goya: A Portrait of the Artist is the definitive biography of an artist whose faith in his art and his genius inspired paintings, drawings, prints, and frescoes that continue to captivate, challenge, and surprise us two centuries later.

Goya and the Mystery of Reading

by Luis Martín-Estudillo

Spanish artist Francisco de Goya (1746–1828) lived through an era of profound societal change. One of the transformations that he engaged passionately was the unprecedented growth both in the number of readers and in the quantity and diversity of texts available. He documented and questioned this reading revolution in some of his most captivating paintings, prints, and drawings.Goya and the Mystery of Reading explores the critical impact this transition had on the work of an artist who aimed not to copy the world around him, but to see it anew—to read it. Goya's creations offer a sustained reflection on the implications of reading, which he depicted as an ambiguous, often mysterious activity: one which could lead to knowledge or ecstasy, to self-fulfillment or self-destruction, to piety or perdition. At the same time, he used reading to elicit new possibilities of interpretation. This book reveals for the first time the historical, intellectual, and artistic underpinnings of reading as one of the pillars of his art.

GPGPU Programming for Games and Science

by David H. Eberly

An In-Depth, Practical Guide to GPGPU Programming Using Direct3D 11GPGPU Programming for Games and Science demonstrates how to achieve the following requirements to tackle practical problems in computer science and software engineering:RobustnessAccuracySpeedQuality source code that is easily maintained, reusable, and readableThe book primarily add

GPU Computing and Applications

by Yiyu Cai Simon See

This book presents a collection of state of the art research on GPU Computing and Application. The major part of this book is selected from the work presented at the 2013 Symposium on GPU Computing and Applications held in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Oct 9, 2013). Three major domains of GPU application are covered in the book including (1) Engineering design and simulation; (2) Biomedical Sciences; and (3) Interactive & Digital Media. The book also addresses the fundamental issues in GPU computing with a focus on big data processing. Researchers and developers in GPU Computing and Applications will benefit from this book. Training professionals and educators can also benefit from this book to learn the possible application of GPU technology in various areas.

GPU Parallel Program Development Using CUDA (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)

by Tolga Soyata

GPU Parallel Program Development using CUDA teaches GPU programming by showing the differences among different families of GPUs. This approach prepares the reader for the next generation and future generations of GPUs. The book emphasizes concepts that will remain relevant for a long time, rather than concepts that are platform-specific. At the same time, the book also provides platform-dependent explanations that are as valuable as generalized GPU concepts. The book consists of three separate parts; it starts by explaining parallelism using CPU multi-threading in Part I. A few simple programs are used to demonstrate the concept of dividing a large task into multiple parallel sub-tasks and mapping them to CPU threads. Multiple ways of parallelizing the same task are analyzed and their pros/cons are studied in terms of both core and memory operation. Part II of the book introduces GPU massive parallelism. The same programs are parallelized on multiple Nvidia GPU platforms and the same performance analysis is repeated. Because the core and memory structures of CPUs and GPUs are different, the results differ in interesting ways. The end goal is to make programmers aware of all the good ideas, as well as the bad ideas, so readers can apply the good ideas and avoid the bad ideas in their own programs. Part III of the book provides pointer for readers who want to expand their horizons. It provides a brief introduction to popular CUDA libraries (such as cuBLAS, cuFFT, NPP, and Thrust),the OpenCL programming language, an overview of GPU programming using other programming languages and API libraries (such as Python, OpenCV, OpenGL, and Apple’s Swift and Metal,) and the deep learning library cuDNN.

GPU Pro: Advanced Rendering Techniques

by Wolfgang Engel

This book covers essential tools and techniques for programming the graphics processing unit. Brought to you by Wolfgang Engel and the same team of editors who made the ShaderX series a success, this volume covers advanced rendering techniques, engine design, GPGPU techniques, related mathematical techniques, and game postmortems. A special emphasi

GPU Pro 2

by null Wolfgang Engel

This book focuses on advanced rendering techniques that run on the DirectX and/or OpenGL run-time with any shader language available. It includes articles on the latest and greatest techniques in real-time rendering, including MLAA, adaptive volumetric shadow maps, light propagation volumes, wrinkle animations, and much more. The book emphasizes te

GPU PRO 3: Advanced Rendering Techniques

by Wolfgang Engel

GPU Pro3, the third volume in the GPU Pro book series, offers practical tips and techniques for creating real-time graphics that are useful to beginners and seasoned game and graphics programmers alike.Section editors Wolfgang Engel, Christopher Oat, Carsten Dachsbacher, Wessam Bahnassi, and Sebastien St-Laurent have once again brought together a h

GPU Pro 360 Guide to 3D Engine Design

by Wolfgang Engel

Wolfgang Engel’s GPU Pro 360 Guide to 3D Engine Design gathers all the cutting-edge information from his previous seven GPU Pro volumes into a convenient single source anthology that covers the design of a 3D engine. This volume is complete with articles by leading programmers that focus on various aspects of 3D engine design such as quality and optimization as well as high-level architecture. GPU Pro 360 Guide to 3D Engine Design is comprised of ready-to-use ideas and efficient procedures that can help solve many computer graphics programming challenges that may arise. <P><P>Key Features: <li>Presents tips & tricks on real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data on common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, mobile devices <li>Covers specific challenges involved in creating games on various platforms <li>Explores the latest developments in rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering <li>Takes practical approach that helps graphics programmers solve their daily challenges

GPU PRO 360 Guide to GPGPU

by Wolfgang Engel

Wolfgang Engel’s GPU Pro 360 Guide to GPGPU gathers all the cutting-edge information from his previous seven GPU Pro volumes into a convenient single source anthology that covers general purpose GPU. This volume is complete with 19 articles by leading programmers that focus on the techniques that go beyond the normal pixel and triangle scope of GPUs and take advantage of the parallelism of modern graphics processors to accomplish such tasks. GPU Pro 360 Guide to GPGPU is comprised of ready-to-use ideas and efficient procedures that can help solve many computer graphics programming challenges that may arise. <P><P>Key Features: <li>Presents tips & tricks on real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data on common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, mobile devices <li>Covers specific challenges involved in creating games on various platforms <li>Explores the latest developments in rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering <li>Takes practical approach that helps graphics programmers solve their daily challenges

GPU Pro 360 Guide to Image Space

by Wolfgang Engel

Wolfgang Engel’s GPU Pro 360 Guide to Image Space gathers all the cutting-edge information from his previous seven GPU Pro volumes into a convenient single source anthology that covers various algorithms that operate primarily in image space. This volume is complete with 15 articles by leading programmers speaks to the power and convenience of working in screen space. GPU Pro 360 Guide to Image Space is comprised of ready-to-use ideas and efficient procedures that can help solve many computer graphics programming challenges that may arise. <P><P> Key Features: <li>Presents tips & tricks on real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data on common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, mobile devices <li>Covers specific challenges involved in creating games on various platforms <li>Explores the latest developments in rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering <li>Takes practical approach that helps graphics programmers solve their daily challenges

GPU Pro 360 Guide to Lighting

by Wolfgang Engel

Wolfgang Engel’s GPU Pro 360 Guide to Lighting gathers all the cutting-edge information from his previous seven GPU Pro volumes into a convenient single source anthology on lighting. This volume is complete with 24 articles by leading programmers that describes rendering techniques of global illumination effects suited for direct rendering applications in real time. GPU Pro 360 Guide to Lighting is comprised of ready-to-use ideas and efficient procedures that can help solve many computer graphics programming challenges that may arise. <P><P>Key Features: <li>Presents tips and tricks on real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data on common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, and mobile devices <li>Covers specific challenges involved in creating games on various platforms <li>Explores the latest developments in the rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering <li>Takes a practical approach that helps graphics programmers solve their daily challenges

GPU Pro 360 Guide to Rendering

by Wolfgang Engel

Wolfgang Engel’s GPU Pro 360 Guide to Rendering gathers all the cutting-edge information from his previous seven GPU Pro volumes into a convenient single source anthology that covers real-time rendering. This volume is complete with 32 articles by leading programmers that focus on the ability of graphics processing units to process and generate rendering in exciting ways. GPU Pro 360 Guide to Rendering is comprised of ready-to-use ideas and efficient procedures that can help solve many rendering programming challenges that may arise. Key Features: Presents tips and tricks on real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data on common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, and mobile devices Covers specific challenges involved in creating games on various platforms Explores the latest developments in the rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering Takes a practical approach that helps graphics programmers solve their daily challenges

GPU Pro 4: Advanced Rendering Techniques

by Wolfgang Engel

GPU Pro4: Advanced Rendering Techniques presents ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can help solve many of your day-to-day graphics programming challenges. Focusing on interactive media and games, the book covers up-to-date methods for producing real-time graphics.Section editors Wolfgang Engel, Christopher Oat, Carsten Dachsbacher, Michal Vali

GPU Pro 5: Advanced Rendering Techniques

by Wolfgang Engel

In GPU Pro5: Advanced Rendering Techniques, section editors Wolfgang Engel, Christopher Oat, Carsten Dachsbacher, Michal Valient, Wessam Bahnassi, and Marius Bjorge have once again assembled a high-quality collection of cutting-edge techniques for advanced graphics processing unit (GPU) programming. Divided into six sections, the book covers render

GPU Pro 6: Advanced Rendering Techniques

by Wolfgang Engel

The latest edition of this bestselling game development reference offers proven tips and techniques for the real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data that are useful for beginners and seasoned game and graphics programmers alike.Exploring recent developments in the rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering, GPU Pro6: Advance

GPU Pro 7: Advanced Rendering Techniques

by Wolfgang Engel

The latest edition of this bestselling game development reference offers proven tips and techniques for the real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data that are useful for beginners and seasoned game and graphics programmers alike.Exploring recent developments in the rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering, GPU Pro 7: Advanc

GQ Drives: A Stylish Guide to the Greatest Cars Ever Made

by Paul Henderson

Foreword by Formula 1 world champion Jenson Button.From the magazine synonymous with style comes the ultimate guide to the greatest cars the world has ever seen.With imagery from the finest motoring photographers, plus British GQ's knowledgeable in-depth reports, the cars in this book represent the pinnacle of driving style and performance. From design classics to the very latest machines, GQ Drives is an indispensable handbook of automotive excellence.Over 50 incredible drives, including: Ferrari FXX Mercedes-AMG Project One Lamborghini Huracán Aston Martin One-77 Jaguar E-Type Chevrolet Corvette ZO6 Pininfarina Battista Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé And many more...

GQ Drives: A Stylish Guide to the Greatest Cars Ever Made

by Paul Henderson

Foreword by Formula 1 world champion Jenson Button.From the magazine synonymous with style comes the ultimate guide to the greatest cars the world has ever seen.With imagery from the finest motoring photographers, plus British GQ's knowledgeable in-depth reports, the cars in this book represent the pinnacle of driving style and performance. From design classics to the very latest machines, GQ Drives is an indispensable handbook of automotive excellence.Over 50 incredible drives, including: Ferrari FXX Mercedes-AMG Project One Lamborghini Huracán Aston Martin One-77 Jaguar E-Type Chevrolet Corvette ZO6 Pininfarina Battista Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé And many more...

Grab-and-Go Eats (Easy Eats)

by Katrina Jorgensen

Kids and families are always on the run between school, sports, and extracurricular events. Time is short, spend those spare seconds wisely by creating tasty, healthy meals on the go!


by Grace Coddington

Grace Coddington, at age 70, has been the Creative Director of Vogue magazine for the past 20 years. Her candour, her irascibility, her commitment to her work, and her always fresh and original take on fashion has made her, after Anna Wintour, the most powerful person in fashion. Acquired after an intense auction among every major publisher, this woman who became an unwilling celebrity captured the hearts of everyone when she was revealed in the movie as the creative force behind the throne at Vogue. Having grown up on a backwater island in Wales, she came to London just in time to be discovered as a dazzling model by the famous Norman Parkinson, then went on to shape the pages at Vogue for 19 years where she worked as Creative Director with many luminaries including the young Wintour. Lured by Calvin Klein to run his New York operation she then jumped back to American Vogue when Wintour returned to America in 2003. She has been there ever since.

Grace: A Memoir

by Grace Coddington

Beautiful. Willful. Charming. Blunt. Grace Coddington's extraordinary talent and fierce dedication to her work as creative director of Vogue have made her an international icon. Known through much of her career only to those behind the scenes, she might have remained fashion's best-kept secret were it not for The September Issue, the acclaimed 2009 documentary that turned publicity-averse Grace into a sudden, reluctant celebrity. Grace's palpable engagement with her work brought a rare insight into the passion that produces many of the magazine's most memorable shoots. With the witty, forthright voice that has endeared her to her colleagues and peers for more than forty years, Grace now creatively directs the reader through the storied narrative of her life so far. Evoking the time when models had to tote their own bags and props to shoots, Grace describes her early career as a model, working with such world-class photographers as David Bailey and Norman Parkinson, before she stepped behind the camera to become a fashion editor at British Vogue in the late 1960s. Here she began creating the fantasy "travelogues" that would become her trademark. In 1988 she joined American Vogue, where her breathtakingly romantic and imaginative fashion features, a sampling of which appear in this book, have become instant classics. Delightfully underscored by Grace's pen-and-ink illustrations, Grace will introduce readers to the colorful designers, hairstylists, makeup artists, photographers, models, and celebrities with whom Grace has created her signature images. Grace reveals her private world with equal candor--the car accident that almost derailed her modeling career, her two marriages, the untimely death of her sister, Rosemary, her friendship with Harper's Bazaar editor-in-chief Liz Tilberis, and her thirty-year romance with Didier Malige. Finally, Grace describes her abiding relationship with Anna Wintour, and the evolving mastery by which she has come to define the height of fashion. "If Wintour is the Pope . . . Coddington is Michelangelo, trying to paint a fresh version of the Sistine Chapel twelve times a year."--TimeFrom the Hardcover edition.

Grace Abounding: Anthology of African-American Literature, Music, and Art

by Robert D. Shepherd Michael L. Ford

The definitive textbook on the African-American cultural tradition. With Grace Abounding students will gain insight into every facet of the African-American literary and arts tradition, tracing its development from African roots, through Emancipation, Reconstruction, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Black Arts Movement of the 1970s, all the way to the emergent voices of the twenty-first century. This book and its study apparatus are designed for a wide range of grade and reading levels; teachers and curriculum coordinators from grades 4¿10 will find everything they need to instruct students in this essential yet often overlooked literary domain. Teacher's guides and additional resources available at www. coreknowledge. org/grace-abounding.

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