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Greek Tragedy into Film (Routledge Library Editions: Film and Literature)

by Kenneth MacKinnon

If Greek tragedy is sometimes regarded as a form long dead and buried, both theatre producers and film directors seem slow to accept its interment. Originally published in 1986, this book reflects the renewed interest in questions of staging the Greek plays, to give a comprehensive account and critical analysis of all the important versions of Greek tragedy made on film. From the 1927 footage of the re-enactment of Aeschylus’ Prometheus in Chains at the Delphi Festival organised by Angelos Sikelianos to Pasolini’s Notes for an African Oresteia, the study encompasses the version of Oedipus by Tyrone Guthrie, Tzavellas’s Antigone (with Irene Papas), Michael Cacoyannis’s series which included Electra, The Trojan Women, and Iphigeneia, Pasolini’s Oedipus and Medea (with Maria Callas), Miklos Jancso’s Elektreia, Dassim’s Phaedra and others. Many interesting questions are raised by the transference of a highly stylised form such as Greek tragedy to what is often claimed to be the ‘realistic’ medium of film. What becomes clear is that the heroic myths retain with ease the power to move the audiences in very different milieux through often strikingly different means. The book may be read as an adjunct to viewing of the films, but enough synopsis is given to make its arguments accessible to those familiar only with the classical texts, or with neither version.

Greek Tragic Theatre (Understanding the Ancient World)

by Rush Rehm

Emphasizing the political nature of Greek tragedy, as theatre of, by and for the polis, Rush Rehm characterizes Athens as a performance culture; one in which the theatre stood alongside other public forums as a place to confront matters of import. In treating the various social, religious and practical aspects of tragic production, he shows how these elements promoted a vision of the theatre as integral to the life of the city - a theatre focussed on the audience.

Greek Vase-painting and the Origins of Visual Humour

by Alexandre G. Mitchell

A comprehensive study of visual humour in ancient Greece, with special emphasis on works created in Athens and Boeotia. Alexandre Mitchell brings an interdisciplinary approach to this topic, combining theories and methods of art history, archaeology, and classics with the anthropology of humour, and thereby establishing new ways of looking at art and visual humour in particular. Understanding what visual humour was to the ancients and how it functioned as a tool of social cohesion is only one facet of this study. Mitchell also focuses on the social truths that his study of humour unveils: democracy and freedom of expression, politics and religion, Greek vases and trends in fashion, market-driven production, proper and improper behaviour, popular versus elite culture, carnival in situ, and the place of women, foreigners, workers, and labourers within the Greek city.

The Greeks: An Introduction to Their Culture (Peoples of the Ancient World)

by Robin Sowerby Brad Cook

This fully revised, new edition of The Greeks is a concise but wide-ranging introduction to the culture of ancient Greece, providing a comprehensive survey that covers all the key elements of ancient Greek civilisation from the age of Homer to the Hellenistic period.It opens with an overview of ancient historical sources and their authors and perspectives before delving into early history, legends and excavations, and the famed age of classical Greece. Chapters follow on politics, religion, daily life, literature, philosophy, and art and architecture, with a concluding chapter on the Greek world following the death of Alexander the Great and during the Roman era. This new edition features: greater discussion of underrepresented groups, especially women and slaves; a chapter on ancient politics that provides a comparison of an ancient aristocracy, democracy, and monarchy in Sparta, Athens, and Macedon; new and revised images, all now with detailed captions to merge the artefacts and texts more fully and bring the narrative to life for every reader; and new translations of all ancient passages revised for accuracy and clarity. Clearly written, with generous references to original source material, The Greeks places ancient Greek culture firmly in its political, social, and historical context.The fourth edition of The Greeks remains an invaluable introduction for all students of Classics and an indispensable guide for students of other disciplines who require grounding in ancient Greek civilisation and history.

Greeks in Chicago

by Ph.D., Michael Davros

Greeks arrived in America with the expectation that freedom would permit their families to thrive and be successful. With hard work, belief in the Orthodox faith, and commitment to education, Greeks ascended in Chicago, and America, to positions of responsibility and success. Today Greek Americans are among the wealthiest and most successful of immigrant groups. Greeks recognized a historical imperative that they meet the challenges and aspirations of a classical Hellenic heritage. Greeks in Chicago celebrates the rich history of the Greek community through copious pictorial documentation.

Greeks in Houston

by Irene Cassis Constantina Michalos

This history of the Greeks in Houston is really the story of individuals who worked diligently to forge new lives for themselves even as they maintained their Greek identity and their Orthodox faith. The efforts of many of the founders are immortalized in the buildings that constitute the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral complex. Their names remind us of their hard work and commitment to establishing their koinonia (communion) in Houston. There are many other names that have gone unremarked over the decades but to whom we owe just as much for their tenacity and dedication. And there are the new generations who inherited this legacy and keep it vibrant through the stewardship of their faith and culture.

Greeks in San Francisco (Images of America)

by Greek Historical Society of the San Francisco Bay

The history of San Francisco's Greek community is linked to the history of San Francisco. The first Greeks to arrive were sailors, miners, and laborers. By the 1880s, they had formed benevolent, civic, and fraternal organizations. In 1904, the first Greek Orthodox Church west of Chicago was established, and Third Street became the heart of the Greek community. The 1906 earthquake and fire destroyed much of their new community, but undaunted, the Greeks of San Francisco rebuilt their lives to become business leaders and politicians, contributing their entrepreneurial and philanthropic spirit to the city's rich heritage.

Greeks in Tarpon Springs (Images of America)

by Tina Bucuvalas

Beginning in 1905, large numbers of Greeks from the Dodecanese and Saronic Gulf islands settled in Tarpon Springs to work in the sponge business. They significantly expanded the industry and changed Tarpon Springs forever. Greektown flourished with residences, stores, churches, restaurants, and recreational facilities stretching from the sponge docks to downtown. Sponge fishing and related activities served as the economic base for the community. By 1913, as many as half of Tarpon Springs residents were reputedly Greek, and many businesses displayed both Greek and American flags. Today, Tarpon Springs' Greek community preserves a strong ethnic and maritime heritage. While some major US cities have a larger Greek population, no other has a greater percentage with Greek heritage than Tarpon Springs.

Greeks of Stark County

by Regine Johnson Samonides William H. Samonides

By the early 20th century, Stark County was one of the fastest-growing regions in the nation. The home of martyred president William McKinley had become a major industrial center, with alloy steel as the engine of growth for the booming local economy. To fill the ever-increasing demand for labor, waves of immigrants from Greece and Asia Minor settled in Canton and Massillon. Some sought economic opportunity; others were fleeing the Pontian Black Sea coast, where ethnic cleansing of Greeks accompanied the creation of the Turkish state. For the immigrant earning less than $3 a day, building a church meant making a commitment to a new life. In Canton, St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church was founded in 1913 and Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in 1917. In Massillon, St. George Greek Orthodox Church was established in 1931. Churches and mutual aid organizations provided cohesiveness to the dynamic, often fractious, Greek community, which survived world wars, economic depression, and social discrimination and continues to flourish today.

Greeks of the Merrimack Valley (Images of America)

by E. Philip Brown Elaine Kevgas

The Merrimack Valley became home to Greeks after the great immigration to the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries. After its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1832, Greece had inadequate resources for its citizens, which led to much hardship. Many of these refugees came to the Merrimack Valley in search of a better living. They settled in Haverhill, Lawrence, and Lowell, Massachusetts, or Concord, Manchester, and Nashua, New Hampshire, where they secured jobs in factories and mills. Those who were unable to gain employment in the manufacturing industries went into the service sector; others became self-sufficient, building restaurants, shoe shops, and grocery stores. Although they suffered discrimination because of their distinct language and culture, they were not deterred; instead, they remained focused, went about their activities in peace, and contributed immensely to the socioeconomic development of their newfound home.

Greeley (Images of America)

by Greeley History Museum Peggy Ford Waldo

In October 1869, Nathan Meeker, the New York Tribune's agricultural editor, visited the Colorado Territory. Impressed with the scenery, people, climate, and resources, he wrote an article, "A Western Colony," for the Tribune, inviting principled people with money to invest in a temperance and agricultural colony. Over 3,000 prospective colonists wrote to Meeker. On December 23, Meeker founded the Union Colony, a joint-stock colonization company, and chose 737 of the best applicants as members. In April 1870, the company established the town of Greeley, named for Tribune editor Horace Greeley. Founded on the principles of temperance, religion, education, agriculture, irrigation, cooperation, and family values, Greeley became the Weld County seat in 1877. Agriculture and water development ensured Greeley's reputation as the "Garden Spot of the State." Potatoes became its first commercially viable crop. From 1900 to 1950, agricultural expansion ushered in a succession of immigrants, including Germans from Russia, Japanese, Hispanics, and Mexican nationals, looking for work and new opportunities. Greeley's economy, growth, and diversity remain rooted in the land and its people.

Green: The History of a Color

by Michel Pastoureau

In this beautiful and richly illustrated book, the acclaimed author of Blue and Black presents a fascinating and revealing history of the color green in European societies from prehistoric times to today. Examining the evolving place of green in art, clothes, literature, religion, science, and everyday life, Michel Pastoureau traces how culture has profoundly changed the perception and meaning of the color over millennia—and how we misread cultural, social, and art history when we assume that colors have always signified what they do today.Filled with entertaining and enlightening anecdotes, Green shows that the color has been ambivalent: a symbol of life, luck, and hope, but also disorder, greed, poison, and the devil. Chemically unstable, green pigments were long difficult to produce and even harder to fix. Not surprisingly, the color has been associated with all that is changeable and fleeting: childhood, love, and money. Only in the Romantic period did green definitively become the color of nature.Pastoureau also explains why the color was connected with the Roman emperor Nero, how it became the color of Islam, why Goethe believed it was the color of the middle class, why some nineteenth-century scholars speculated that the ancient Greeks couldn't see green, and how the color was denigrated by Kandinsky and the Bauhaus.More broadly, Green demonstrates that the history of the color is, to a large degree, one of dramatic reversal: long absent, ignored, or rejected, green today has become a ubiquitous and soothing presence as the symbol of environmental causes and the mission to save the planet.With its striking design and compelling text, Green will delight anyone who is interested in history, culture, art, fashion, or media.

Green and Smart Buildings

by Nilesh Y. Jadhav

This book highlights the various technologies that are currently available or are now being developed for the green and smart buildings of the future. It examines why green building performance is important, and how it can be measured and rated using appropriate benchmarking systems. Lastly, the book provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in green building technologies and the trend towards zero energy or net positive energy buildings in the future.

Green Approaches in Building Design and Management Practices: Windows of Opportunity Towards Circularity (Digital Innovations in Architecture, Engineering and Construction)

by Nazly Atta

This book examines green transition and circular economy in the fields of building design and Real Estate management. By outlining windows for seizing the opportunity to integrate circular approaches in current building practices, the book provides information tools to support building stakeholders (e.g. building designer and managers, manufacturers, Real Estate owners, maintenance operators, facility managers, etc.) in: (i) understanding circular re-strategies (e.g. reuse, remanufacturing, repurposing, etc.), the related requirements and the pre-conditions for their implementation within building design and management practices; (ii) reviewing design approaches at the product and building scale, also highlighting new circularity-related contents for the Briefing Documents; (iii) developing circular organizational and contract models for the procurement of Facility Management services, also integrating new circularity-related contents in Invitations to Tenders (ITTs); and (iv) assessing the quality and the effectiveness of circular practices, also highlighting circularity performance metrics and indicators in the context of corporate sustainability reporting.

Green Bay Packers: Legends in Green and Gold (Images of Sports)

by William Povletich

Their football legacy is second to none--12 NFL Championships, 25 Pro Football Hall of Fame members, and names like Lombardi, Lambeau, and Favre, synonymous with a winning tradition. In a time when big money and television markets dictate escalating player salaries and franchise relocations, the Green Bay Packers continue to succeed as a professional sports anomaly. While surviving certain bankruptcy, enduring numerous seasons of mediocrity, and playing in the smallest market of any major sports team in America, the Green Bay Packers have risen to the top to be recognized as one of the greatest franchises in sports history. Green Bay Packers: Legends in Green and Gold chronicles the team's phenomenal successes, heartbreaking letdowns, and legendary moments, beginning with an inauspicious inception in 1919 through the Super Bowl XXXI victory over the New England Patriots in 1997.

Green Bay's West Side: The Fort Howard Neighborhood

by Gail Ives Inc. On Broadway

A prominent borough for many years, Fort Howard occupied the area immediately west of the mouth of the Fox River in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Named after the military garrison that once stood there, Fort Howard-once Green Bay's fierce rival-was incorporated into the City of Green Bay in 1895. Today, the neighborhood is a seamless extension of the city, blending burgeoning commerce with historic homes. This collection of vintage photographs highlights stories of the people and businesses that have made this area unique, from philanthropic businessmen to the bustling Broadway District.

The Green Braid: Towards an Architecture of Ecology, Economy and Equity (The ACSA Architectural Education Series)

by Kim Tanzer Rafael Longoria

This volume presents the discipline’s best thinking on sustainability in written, drawn, and built form, drawing on over fifteen years of peer-reviewed essays and national design awards published by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA). Providing a primer on sustainability, useful to teachers and students alike, the selected essays address a broad range of issues. Combined with design projects that highlight issues holistically, they promote an understanding of the principles of sustainability and further the integration of sustainable methods into architectural projects. Using essays that alternately revise and clarify twentieth century architectural thinking, The Green Braid places sustainability at the centre of excellent architectural design. No other volume addresses sustainability within the context of architectural history, theory, pedagogy and design, making this book an ideal source for architects in framing their practices, and therefore their architectural production, in a sustainable manner.

Green Building

by Michael Bauer Peter Mösle Michael Schwarz

Der bew#65533;hrte Leitfaden f#65533;r das Planen, Bauen und Betreiben von nachhaltigen Geb#65533;uden jetzt in der zweiten Auflage Energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Bauen ist heute zur Pflichtaufgabe f#65533;r Bauherren, Architekten und Planer geworden. Ganzheitliches Wissen zu effizientem W#65533;rmeschutz, innovativen Fassaden, bedarfsgerechten Raumklimasystemen, nachhaltigen Materialien und energie- und ressourcensparenden Energieerzeugungssytemen und Konstruktionen wird erwartet, obwohl am Markt immer noch eher sequentiell und nicht integral gedacht und geplant wird. Dieses Buch soll helfen, die relevanten Einfl#65533;sse zu kl#65533;ren und den Blickwinkel f#65533;r #65533;kologische Geb#65533;ude insgesamt zu erweitern. Als Handbuch und Nachschlagewerk liefert es Bauherren, Architekten, Planern, Geb#65533;udebetreibern und Portfolio-Haltern Informationen, wie bei Planung, Bau und Betrieb energieeffizient, wirtschaftlich und strategisch vorgegangen werden kann. Die Dokumentation prominenter Bauten wie die des SPIEGEL-Verlagshauses in Hamburg, des Roche-B#65533;rohochhauses in Basel oder der Deutschen Bank-T#65533;rme in Frankfurt liefert architektonisch ansprechende Beispiele und detaillierte L#65533;sungswege. Interviews mit den Architekten und Bauherren vervollst#65533;ndigen das Buch und machen es zu einem umfassenden Standardwerk #65533;ber nachhaltige Architektur.

Green Building: Principles and Practices in Residential Construction

by Abe Kruger Carl Seville

GREEN BUILDING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION provides a current, comprehensive guide to this exciting, emerging field. From core concepts to innovative applications of cutting-edge technology and the latest industry trends, this text offers an in-depth introduction to the construction of "green" homes. Unlike many texts that adopt a product-oriented approach, this book emphasizes the crucial planning, processes, and execution methods necessary for effective, environmentally sound construction. This text demonstrates that Earth-friendly products and energy-efficient materials take planning in order to make a building truly green. This visionary text helps students and professionals develop the knowledge and skills to "think green" from start to finish, empowering and inspiring them to build truly sustainable homes.

Green Building: Project Planning and Cost Estimating (RSMeans #73)

by RSMeans

A unique cost reference, updated and expanded, for architects, engineers, contractors, building owners, and managers Green building is no longer a trend. Since the publication of the widely read first edition of this book, green building has become a major advancement in design and construction. Building codes and standards have adopted much stricter energy efficiencies. Businesses, institutions, and communities have discovered huge savings, along with health and marketing advantages, in sustainable building. Private facilities, as well as public buildings for Federal, state, and local governments are increasingly required to design and build sustainably in both new construction and renovation. This Third Edition has been updated with the latest in green building tech-nologies, design concepts, standards, and costs. The chapters, case studies, and resources give you practical guidance on green building, including the latest on: Green building approaches, materials, rating systems, standards, and guidelines Energy efficiencies, implementing energy modeling tools Designing and specifying, as well as commissioning, green building projects Often-specified products and materials, as well as a sample spec Goals and techniques for health, comfort, and productivity Evaluating the cost versus value of green products over their life cycle Low-cost green strategies, and special economic incentives and funding Building deconstruction and cost considerations With a new chapter on greening of commercial real estate, this reference is a one-stop resource for the latest in green building approaches and implementation. The contributors, all prominent leaders in green building, include: Mark Kalin, FAIA, FCSI, author of the original GreenSpec Andy Walker, Ph.D., PE, senior engineer with NREL Joseph Macaluso, AACE, certified cost consultant

Green Building Costs: The Affordability of Sustainable Design

by Ming Hu

Sustainability has become a driver of innovation in the built environment, but the affordability of sustainable building remains a significant challenge. This book takes a critical view of the real cost of green building. It provides readers with a non-biased evaluation based on empirical construction cost data and sheds light on the affordability of sustainable buildings. Chapters are presented in three parts. The first part lays the foundation to demystify the perception of green buildings being expensive to construct by providing empirical evidence that green buildings, even net-zero buildings, are not necessarily more expensive to build than conventional buildings. The second part presents empirical evidence, common misperceptions of a higher green building construction cost are debunked. The author offers a new framework to explain the construction cost drivers and differences of sustainable buildings: the project characteristics and project team characteristics (human factors). The third part directs the readers’ attention to the important role that human factors play in controlling and reducing construction costs, with a focus on the project design team. A lack of skills, expertise, and experience during the design phase is likely to be the biggest contributor to higher construction costs. Empirical analysis, case studies on LEED-certified buildings, and interviews with project teams are used to present a pathway to more affordable green building at the end. This will be a crucial resource for students and professionals in architecture, engineering, construction management, and planning and energy policy.

Green Building Handbook: A Guide to Building Products and their Impact on the Environment

by Tom Woolley Sam Kimmins Rob Harrison Paul Harrison

Environmentally responsible building involves resolving many conflicting issues and requirements. Each stage in the design process from the fundamental decisions about what, where and even whether to build has implications for the environment. Evolving out of the success of Green Building Digest, a publication described by Building Design as well-researched, authoritative and exhaustive, this practical new handbook considers the environmental issues which relate to the production, use and disposal of key building products and materials. It is designed to help specifiers and purchasers gain awareness of the potential environmental impact of their decisions. Chapter by chapter Green Building Handbook looks at a different sector of the trade from flooring to roofing, comparing the environmental effects of commonly available products with less well known green alternatives. A Best Buy section then ranks these products from lowest to highest impact.

Green Building Illustrated

by Francis D. Ching Ian M. Shapiro

"Green Building Illustrated is a must-read for students and professionals in the building industry. The combination of incredibly expressive illustrations and accessible technical writing make concepts of green building on paper as intuitive as they would be if you toured a space with experts in sustainable building." --Rick Fedrizzi, President, CEO, and Founding Chair of the U.S. Green Building Council "The authors of Green Building Illustrated deliver clear and intelligent text, augmented by straightforward but compelling illustrations describing green building basics. This comprehensive book covers everything from the definition of green building, to details of high performance design, to sensible applications of renewable energy. This is a book with appeal for all architects and designers, because it addresses general principles such as holistic and integrated design, along with practical realities like affordability and energy codes. Green Building Illustrated describes a pathway for reaching Architecture 2030's carbon emission reduction targets for the built environment."--Ed Mazria, founder of Architecture 2030Francis D.K. Ching brings his signature graphic style to the topic of sustainable designIn the tradition of the classic Building Construction Illustrated, Francis D.K. Ching and Ian M. Shapiro offer a graphical presentation to the theory, practices, and complexities of sustainable design using an approach that proceeds methodically. From the outside to the inside of a building, they cover all aspects of sustainability, providing a framework and detailed strategies to design buildings that are substantively green. The book begins with an explanation of why we need to build green, the theories behind it and current rating systems before moving on to a comprehensive discussion of vital topics. These topics include site selection, passive design using building shape, water conservation, ventilation and air quality, heating and cooling, minimum-impact materials, and much more.Explains the fundamental issues of sustainable design and construction in a beautifully illustrated formatIllustrated by legendary author, architect, and draftsman Francis D.K. Ching, with text by recognized engineer and researcher Ian M. ShapiroIdeal for architects, engineers, and builders, as well as students in these fieldsSure to be the standard reference on the subject for students, professionals, and anyone interested in sustainable design and construction of buildings, Green Building Illustrated is an informative, practical, and graphically beautiful resource.

Green Building Illustrated

by Francis D. Ching Ian M. Shapiro

FULLY ILLUSTRATED, UPDATED GUIDE TO THE STRATEGIC DESIGN OF GREEN BUILDINGSIn the tradition of Building Construction Illustrated, Francis D.K. Ching and Ian M. Shapiro offer a fully illustrated guide to the theory and practice of sustainable design. This guide provides architects, designers, and builders in the green design professional community a framework and detailed strategies for designing substantively green buildings. With a focus on sustainable sites, approaching and reaching net-zero energy, low and zero-water usage, minimum-impact materials and superior indoor environmental quality, this guide explains why we need to build green, as well as green building theory and advancements in the industry. This Second Edition includes: All-new case studies featuring geographically diverse buildings with proven zero energy performance Expanded coverage of zero energy building design, as well as zero water and zero waste buildings Practical guidance for the schematic design of high-performance buildings, heating and hot water system selection, building envelope details, and integrating renewable energy Advanced strategies, such as the concept of shape efficiency, and the optimal location for stairwells in buildings Additional strategies for affordability in green design and construction Updated references to the latest codes and standards This Second Edition of Green Building Illustrated is an excellent resource for professionals, students and those interested in the design and construction of sustainable buildings.

Green Building in Developing Countries: Policy, Strategy and Technology (Green Energy and Technology)

by Zhonghua Gou

The book reveals how green buildings are currently being adapted and applied in developing countries. It includes the major developing countries such as China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan, Cambodia, Ghana, Nigeria and countries from the Middle East and gathers the insights of respected green building researchers from these areas to map out the developing world’s green building revolution. The book highlights these countries’ contribution to tackling climate change, emphasising the green building benefits and the research behind them.The contributing authors explore how the green building revolution has spread to developing countries and how national governments have initiated their own green building policies and agendas. They also explore how the market has echoed the green building policy, and how a business case for green buildings has been established. In turn, they show how an international set of green building standards, in the form of various techniques and tools, has been incorporated into local building and construction practices. In closing, they demonstrate how the developing world is emerging as a key player for addressing the energy and environmental problems currently facing the world.The book helps developers, designers and policy-makers in governments and green building stakeholders to make better decisions on the basis of global and local conditions. It is also of interest to engineers, designers, facility managers and researchers, as it provides a holistic picture of how the industry is responding to the worldwide call for greener and more sustainable buildings.

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