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Green Graphic Design

by Brian Dougherty

The goal of Celery Design Collaborative in Berkeley, CA, is to do graphic design that "tastes good and is good for you. " Co-founder Doughterty discusses designing backwards, packaging waste reduction, using alternative fibers, and other innovative ways to meet the challenges of green design. Aptly printed on recycled paper with low-VOC ink, the guide includes a sustainability scorecard for assessing which materials and processes represent the greenest choice in a particular situation, ecological guide to paper, glossary, and resources. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Green Graphic Design

by Brian Dougherty Celery Design Collaborative

Can a graphic designer be a catalyst for positive change? Green Graphic Design reframes the way designers can think about the work they create, while remaining focused on cost constraints and corporate identity. Simple, eco-innovative changes are demonstrated in all phases of the design process, including:· Picking projects · Strategizing with clients· Choosing materials for manufacture and shipping· Understanding users· Picking ink and paper for printing· Binding · Packing final products· Building strong brands · Working with clients to foster transparency and corporate social responsibilityFully illustrated and packed with case studies of green design implementation, this reference guide more than inspires; a "sustainability scorecard" and a complete glossary of key terms and resources ensure that anyone in the design field can implement practical green solutions. Green Graphic Design is an indispensable resource for graphic designers ready to look to the future of their business and the environment.

Green Home Building: Money-Saving Strategies for an Affordable, Healthy, High-Performance Home

by Miki Cook Doug Garrett

A comprehensive guide to building green on any budget.According to conventional wisdom, building a green home is an expensive endeavor. The standard approach treats green as an add-on, tacking "premium" products, finishes, and equipment onto a traditional home design. As a result, many green home projects end up over budget or fail to achieve their environmental and performance goals.Green Home Building explodes the myth that green homes have to cost more. Using proven methods based on applied building science, the authors show how to:Lower base construction costs to provide funding for high performance upgradesAchieve a net-zero energy home, including "zero-ing" water, waste, carbon, and associated costs within fifteen yearsLive affordably into the future, despite anticipated rising costs for fuel, water, materials, taxes, and health careThis comprehensive guide to building green on any budget defines the strategies that maximize the return on green investments. Written for anyone who has ever been swayed by the argument that the price tag limits how green a home can be, Green Home Building is a must-read for builders, contractors, architects, designers, and homeowners.Miki Cook is a green building and sustainability consultant who has dedicated her career to educating contractors and the public on the strategies, methods, and benefits of green homes.Doug Garrett has trained thousands of homebuilders, architects, and sub-contractors to build energy-efficient homes using applied building science to improve comfort, durability, and healthfulness while meeting or exceeding the energy code.

The Green Imperative: Ecology and Ethics in Design and Architecture

by Victor Papanek

A fresh edition of the sustainable design pioneer Victor Papanek’s classic and ever-relevant book examining the important role of design in combating climate change. Whether it’s horror at the plastic littering the world’s beaches or despair at the melting polar ice caps, the world is gradually waking up to the impending climate disaster. In The Green Imperative, Papanek argues for design that addresses these issues head-on. This means using materials that can be recycled and reused, no more pointless packaging, thinking about how products make us feel and engage all our senses, putting nature at the heart of design, working at a smaller scale, rejecting aesthetics for their own sake, and thinking before we buy. First published at the end of the twentieth century, this book offered a plethora of honest advice, clear examples, and withering critiques, laying out the flaws of and opportunities for the design world at that time. A quarter of a century on, Papanek’s lucid prose has lost none of its verve, and the problems he highlights have only become more urgent, giving today’s reader both a fascinating historical perspective on the issues at hand and a blueprint for how they might be solved.

Green Infrastructure: Incorporating Plants and Enhancing Biodiversity in Buildings and Urban Environments (Routledge Studies in Urban Ecology)

by John W. Dover

With more than half of the world's population now living in urban areas, it is vitally important that towns and cities are healthy places to live. The principal aim of this book is to synthesize the disparate literature on the use of vegetation in the built environment and its multifunctional benefits to humans. The author reviews issues such as: contact with wildlife and its immediate and long-term effects on psychological and physical wellbeing; the role of vegetation in removing health-damaging pollutants from the air; green roofs and green walls, which provide insulation, reduce energy use and decrease the carbon footprint of buildings; and structural vegetation such as street trees, providing shading and air circulation whilst also helping to stop flash-floods through surface drainage. Examples are used throughout to illustrate the practical use of vegetation to improve the urban environment and deliver ecosystem services. Whilst the underlying theme is the value of biodiversity, the emphasis is less on existing high-value green spaces (such as nature reserves, parks and gardens), than on the sealed surfaces of urban areas (building surfaces, roads, car parks, plazas, etc.). The book shows how these, and the spaces they encapsulate, can be modified to meet current and future environmental challenges including climate change. The value of existing green space is also covered to provide a comprehensive textbook of international relevance.

Green Infrastructure: Planning Strategies and Environmental Design (The Urban Book Series)

by Benedetta Giudice Gilles Novarina Angioletta Voghera

This book analyses international Green Infrastructure (GI) planning and design strategies. The GI strategy is widely recognized for its multifunctionality (as a tool for ecological, economic and social enhancement) and multiscalarity. Starting from this assumption, the book intends to implement the concept of GI and blue networks in planning strategies and their linked urban projects. New urban and regional paradigms of the latest years, such as urban sprawl, ecosystem services, biodiversity, urban resilience, climate change and health emergencies, have made it necessary to rethink cities and territories and their related plans and projects. To satisfy these paradigms, worldwide plans and projects have started to focus both on short-term and long-term processes and strategies which integrate environmental, landscape and ecological elements. Chapters 1 and 6 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Green Infrastructure: Materials and Sustainable Management

by Ummu Raihanah Hashim Ahmad Kamil Arshad Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid Rohana Hassan Ekarizan Shaffie Anizahyati Alisibramulisi Norshariza Mohamad Bhkari Muhd Norhasri Muhd Sidek

This second volume of "Green Infrastructure" provides a comprehensive exploration of both established and evolving green infrastructure materials, along with sustainable practices across various facets that hold the potential to shape our future. Emphasizing emerging domain materials such as timber, concrete, soil, and pavement, among others, this book delves into the pivotal role these elements play in fostering sustainable urban development. It underscores the significance of these materials in preserving ecosystem services and constructive management, thus leading to the attainment of manifold advantages. Bridging a critical void in the existing literature, this volume serves as an indispensable resource, serving to guide forthcoming research endeavors concerning green materials and their applications within the realm of sustainability.

Green Infrastructure: Materials and Applications

by Rohana Hassan Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid Ahmad Kamil Arshad Anizahyati Alisibramulisi Muhd Norhasri Muhd Sidek Norshariza Mohamad Bhkari Ekarizan Shaffie

This book presents the meaning of green infrastructure and its concerns to the contribution of materials and applications. It explores the evolving contested material under “green infrastructure” covering timber, concrete, soil, and pavement. It discusses the resistance to the ambiguity of managing the construction of green infrastructure and drawing on wider debates around applications and processes on construction. These contributions are by no means definitive, but rather an attempt to provide a detached and holistic perspective on the engineering “green infrastructure” concept.

Green Infrastructure: Linking Landscapes and Communities

by Edward T. Mcmahon Lydia Bergen Mark A. Benedict Mark A. The Conservation Fund

With illustrative and detailed examples drawn from throughout the country, Green Infrastructure advances smart land conservation: large scale thinking and integrated action to plan, protect and manage our natural and restored lands. From the individual parcel to the multi-state region, Green Infrastructure helps each of us look at the landscape in relation to the many uses it could serve, for nature and people, and determine which use makes the most sense. In this wide-ranging primer, leading experts in the field provide a detailed how-to for planners, designers, landscape architects, and citizen activists

Green Infrastructure: Current Debates for Policy, Practice and Implementation

by Ian C. Mell

Our understandings of the landscapes around us are constantly changing. How we interact with, manage and value these spaces is important, as it helps us to ensure we live in attractive, functional and sustainable places. Green Infrastructure planning is the current ‘go-to’ approach in landscape planning that incorporates human-environmental interactions, understandings of ecology and how socio-cultural factors influence our use of parks, gardens and waterways. This book explores several interpretations of Green Infrastructure bringing together case studies of policy, practice, ecological change and community understandings of landscape. Focusing on how planning policy shapes our interactions with the landscape, as individuals and communities, the book discusses what works and what needs to be improved. It examines how environmental management can promote more sustainable approaches to landscape protection ensuring that water resources and ecological communities are not harmed by development. It also asks what the economic and community values of Green Infrastructure are to illustrate how different social, ecological and political factors influence how our landscapes are managed. The central message of the book focusses on the promotion of multi-functional nature within urban landscapes that helps people, the economy and the environment to meet the challenges of population, infrastructure and economic change. The chapters in this book were origianally published as a special issue in Landscape Research.

Green Infrastructure and Public Health

by Christopher Coutts

There is a growing body of knowledge revealing a sweeping array of connections between public health and green infrastructure – but not until now have the links between them been brought together in one comprehensive book. Green Infrastructure and Public Health provides an overview of current research and theories of the ecological relationships and mechanisms by which the environment influences human health and health behaviour. Covering a broad spectrum of contemporary understanding, Coutts outlines: public health models that explicitly promote the importance of the environment to health ways in which the quality of the landscape is tied to health challenges of maintaining viable landscapes amidst a rapidly changing global environment This book presents the case for fundamental human dependence on the natural environment and creates a bridge between contemporary science on the structure and form of a healthy landscape and the myriad ways that a healthy landscape supports healthy human beings. It presents ideal reading for students and practitioners of landscape architecture, urban design, planning, and health studies.

Green Infrastructure and Urban Climate Resilience: An Introduction

by Keerththana Kumareswaran Guttila Yugantha Jayasinghe

This book aims to cover most subject areas of green infrastructure such as components, multi-functionality, and integration to build environment, contribution to urban sustainability, sustainable and smart city development, urban climate change nexus, green buildings and rating systems, economic assessment, and quantification of green infrastructure. The impending climate crisis, as well as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, has highlighted the importance of green infrastructure in and around cities, prompting a call for more functional and sustainable urban planning and design. A number of recent studies have shown that green infrastructure provides a wide range of ecosystem functions and services critical to human well-being and urban sustainability, which is especially important during climatic and health crises. In this book, the authors emphasize the importance of existing green infrastructure in coping with climate change-induced stresses, such as increasing climate variability and extreme temperature and precipitation events, as well as contributing to urban dwellers' physical and mental health. Green infrastructure, in both cases, plays a significant role in providing urban areas with resilience capacity, which is critical to urban sustainability. The authors also emphasize the importance of expanding and improving green infrastructure, particularly in vulnerable areas, through integrative and participatory processes.Appropriate integration of green-gray infrastructure and development of climate resilient cities is the core theme of this publication. Further, it emphasizes sustainable development which has become an imperative requirement to the world to move fore and climate change-built environment nexus, the most critical global crisis. Though several books were published globally on the green infrastructure and urban resilience individually, books are rarely published combining both disciplines. This book identifies and addresses the gap through comprehensively discussing on both interlinked areas which is essential for the sustainable urban development. Further, it explores on urban climate resilience, urban sprawl, urbanization, resilience drivers, essentials of city resilience, policy implications, challenges, and future perspectives. This book is a useful fundamental guide in practical applications of green infrastructure in built environment in sustainability context. Further, it enlightens on the significance of transforming the conventional building construction trend to sustainable urban planning designs and building development, exploring on the strategic pathway on building urban climate resilience while signifying the importance of healthy built environment through discussing on the nexus between climate change and built environment.

Green Infrastructure for Landscape Planning: Integrating Human and Natural Systems

by Gary Austin

Green infrastructure integrates human and natural systems through a network of corridors and spaces in mixed-use and urban settings. Austin takes a broad look at green infrastructure concepts, research and case studies to provide the student and professional with processes, criteria and data to support planning, design and implementation. Key topics of the book include: The benefits of green infrastructure as a conservation and planning tool Requirements of ecosystem health Green infrastructure ecosystem services that contribute to human physical and psychological health Planning processes leading to robust green infrastructure networks Design of green infrastructure elements for multiple uses. The concept of ecosystem services is extensively developed in this book, including biological treatment of stormwater and wastewater, opportunities for recreation, urban agriculture and emersion in a naturalistic setting. It defines planning and design processes as well as the political and economic facets of envisioning, funding and implementing green infrastructure networks. The book differs from others on the market by presenting the technical issues, requirements and performance of green infrastructure elements, along with the more traditional recreation and wildlife needs associated with greenway planning, providing information derived from environmental engineering to guide planners and landscape architects.

Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Development in Africa

by John Abbott

This book shows for the first time how green infrastructure can work in an African urban context. On one level it provides a major rethinking of the role of infrastructure in urban society since the creation of networked infrastructure in the early twentieth century. On another, it explores the changing paradigms of urban development through the fundamental question of how decisions are made. With a focus on Africa's fast-growing secondary towns, where 70 per cent of the urban population live, the book explains how urban infrastructure provides the key to the relationship between economic development and social equity, through the mediation of natural resources. Adopting this view enables investment to be channelled more effectively to provide the engine for economic growth, while providing equitable services for all residents. At the same time, the mediation of resource flows integrates the metabolism of the city into the wider ecosystem. This vision leads to a new way of thinking about infrastructure, giving clear definition to the concept of green infrastructure. On the basis of research gathered throughout an extensive career, John Abbott draws in particular from his experience in Ethiopia to demonstrate the ways in which infrastructure needs to respond to the economies, societies and natural environments of twenty-first century urban Africa.

Green Infrastructure in Chinese Cities (Urban Sustainability)

by Ali Cheshmehzangi

Since 2014, and the start of the New-type Urbanization Plan (NUP), we see a turning point in the sustainability agenda of China. One of the main indicators is greening cities and the built environments, which will be covered holistically in this edited book. From the perspective of green infrastructure, in particular, the book approaches key areas of ‘forest city development’, ‘sponge city program’, ‘green roofing’, ‘nature-based solutions’, ‘urban farming’, ‘eco-city development’, etc. This is the first time that such important areas of research come together under the perspective of green Infrastructure. The results would be beneficial to policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in China and across the globe. The comprehensive set of findings from this book will benefit other countries, as we aim to highlight some of the best practices of the current age.The main aim of the book is to put together an excellent group of scholars and practitioners from the field, focusing on the topic of ‘Green Infrastructure in Chinese Cities’. In doing so, we aim to cover some of the key ‘best practices’ for sustainable urbanism. Divided into four parts, the book covers four key areas of (1) Policy Interventions, (2) Planning Innovation, (3) Design Solutions, and (4) Technical Integration. In doing so, we cover an array of best practices related to green infrastructures of various types and their impacts on cities and communities in China.We expect the book to be a valuable resource for researchers in the areas of sustainability, urbanism, urban planning, urban geography, urban design, geographical sciences, environmental sciences, landscape architecture, and urban ecology. The book covers essential factors such as policy, regulations, and programs (in Part 1), planning paradigms and their impacts on urban development (in Part 2), integrated design solutions that suggest sustainable urbanization progression (in Part 3), and technical knowledge that would be utilized for the future development of green infrastructure practices in China and beyond. Lastly, this edited book aims to provide a collaborative opportunity for experts and researchers of the field, who could contribute to the future pathways of sustainable urbanization of China. Lessons extracted from these contributions could be utilized for other contexts, which will benefit a wider group of stakeholders.

Green Interior Design

by Lori Dennis

Award-winning designer and author Lori Dennis proves interior design can be both stylish and environmentally sustainable in this easy-to-use, entertaining guide. Dennis discusses every aspect of interior design-furniture and accessories, window treatments, fabrics, surface materials, appliances, plants, and more-from a green perspective in terms of reducing waste and pollution and turning a home into a healthy, comfortable environment. Readers will learn how to: - use sustainable materials like bamboo, cork, and recycled glass to enhance interiors - search thrift shops and antique stores for vintage hidden treasures - find the best vendors for purchasing green products - use plants and locally cut flowers to improve indoor air quality and brighten up rooms - replace lawns with indigenous plants and edible gardens - keep rooms clean with effective and nontoxic products - use energy efficient lighting and maximize natural light - apply for different types of green certification. Packed with over 100 color photographs, lists of the best green vendors, and profiles of leading green designers, this book is a thorough guide for anyone who wants to create beautiful interiors while lessening the waste and pollution generated by the building industry.

Green Interior Design: The Guide to Sustainable High Style

by Lori Dennis Courtney Porter

"An essential introduction to sustainable domestic design." —Dwell magazineHow to Achieve Style and SustainabilityGreen Interior Design is the most comprehensive guide to sustainable building, designing, and decorating on the market. This beautifully illustrated guide covers every detail of your home—from the drywall to the finial on the curtain rod—and how to find the most environmentally friendly versions of products and décor. This second edition of Green Interior Design is meant as much for the budget DIYer as it is for the luxury homebuilders looking to dip their toes into sustainability. Sprinkled among the chapters, readers will find: Digestible how-tos for quick updatesFun DIY projectsQuick tips on repurposing and upcyclingHelpful resources and buying guidesInspiring home toursUnconventional advice from designers (e.g., &“Don&’t buy anything!&”) We hope readers carry this reference guide with them as they decorate apartments, furnish their first properties, and build their dream homes from the ground up. The second edition&’s interactive structure allows you, the reader, to choose your own adventure: go into the weeds and get granular with purchasing decisions for your home, or take a more generalized approach to your green design project. Whichever path you choose, know that it&’s more important than ever before to act sustainably. &“Going green&” is more than just a trend: It&’s a global economic and social necessity.

Green is the New Black: How to Save the World in Style

by Tamsin Blanchard

For girls who care about global warming, and next season's hot looks, Green is the New Black is a must-have accessory. Does our shopping addiction contribute to climate change? What's so special about organic cotton? Who are the real fashion victims behind the £3 jeans? From the truth about fast fashion to the best biodegradable shoes, from guilt-free spending sprees to the joys of swishing parties, Tamsin Blanchard is your guide to all things fairtrade and fabulous. She explains the principles of ethical fashion, from why it matters to how to do it. Offers tips for the aspiring green goddess: including how to knit your own scarf, seduction in eco-couture, the best places to shop for vintage sunglasses, and ethical bling. And includes fun facts and essential directories on every aspect of sustainable stylish living. With fashion secrets from celebrity friends, Green is the New Black is the chicest, greenest survival manual around. If you want to change the world, and your wardrobe, don't go shopping without it.

Green Light: Toward an Art of Evolution (Leonardo)

by George Gessert

How humans' aesthetic perceptions have shaped other life forms, from racehorses to ornamental plants.Humans have bred plants and animals with an eye to aesthetics for centuries: flowers are selected for colorful blossoms or luxuriant foliage; racehorses are prized for the elegance of their frames. Hybridized plants were first exhibited as fine art in 1936, when the Museum of Modern Art in New York showed Edward Steichen's hybrid delphiniums. Since then, bio art has become a genre; artists work with a variety of living things, including plants, animals, bacteria, slime molds, and fungi. Many commentators have addressed the social and political concerns raised by making art out of living material. In Green Light, however, George Gessert examines the role that aesthetic perception has played in bio art and other interventions in evolution. Gessert looks at a variety of life forms that humans have helped shape, focusing on plants—the most widely domesticated form of life and the one that has been crucial to his own work as an artist. We learn about pleasure gardens of the Aztecs, cultivated for intoxicating fragrance; the aesthetic standards promoted by national plant societies; a daffodil that looks like a rose; and praise for weeds and wildflowers.

Green Living by Design

by Jean Nayar

Filled with easy, insider tips on everything from insulation, carpentry, lighting, and complete renovations to simple projects like redecorating; Green Living by Design is the source for anyone who wants their home to be chic and eco-friendly.

Green Metropolis: The Extraordinary Landscapes of New York City as Nature, History, and Design

by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers Tony Hiss

Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, the woman who launched the restoration of Central Park in the 1980s, now introduces us to seven remarkable green spaces in and around New York City, giving us the history--both natural and human--of how they have been transformed over time.Here we find: The greenbelt and nature refuge that runs along the spine of Staten Island on land once intended for a highway, where mushrooms can be gathered and, at the right moment, seventeen-year locusts viewed. Jamaica Bay, near John F. Kennedy International Airport, whose mosaic of fragile, endangered marshes has been preserved as a bird sanctuary on the Atlantic Flyway, full of egrets, terns, and horseshoe crabs. Inwood Hill, in upper Manhattan, whose forest once sheltered Native Americans and Revolutionary soldiers before it became a site for wealthy estates and subsequently a public park. The Central Park Ramble, an artfully designed wilderness in the middle of the city, with native and imported flora, magnificent rock outcrops, and numerous species of resident and migrating birds. Roosevelt Island, formerly Welfare Island, in the East River, where urban planners built a "new town in town" in the 1970s and whose southern tip is the dramatic setting for the Louis Kahn-designed memorial to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Freshkills, the unusual twenty-two-hundred-acre park on Staten Island that is being created out of what was once the world's largest landfill. The High Line, in Manhattan's Chelsea and West Village neighborhoods, an aerial promenade built on an abandoned elevated rail spur with its native grasses and panoramic views of the Hudson River and the downtown cityscape.Full of the natural history of the parks along with interesting historical facts and interviews with caretakers, guides, local residents, guardians, and visitors, this beautifully illustrated book is a treasure trove of information about the varied and pleasurable green spaces that grace New York City.From the Hardcover edition.

The Green Mister Rogers: Environmentalism in Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (Children's Literature Association Series)

by Sara Lindey Jason King

Fred Rogers was an international celebrity. He was a pioneer in children’s television, an advocate for families, and a multimedia artist and performer. He wrote the television scripts and music, performed puppetry, sang, hosted, and directed Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood for more than thirty years. In his almost nine hundred episodes, Rogers pursued dramatic topics: divorce, death, war, sibling rivalry, disabilities, racism. Rogers’ direct, slow, gentle, and empathic approach is supported by his superior emotional strength, his intellectual and creative courage, and his joyful spiritual confidence. The Green Mister Rogers: Environmentalism in “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” centers on the show’s environmentalism, primarily expressed through his themed week “Caring for the Environment,” produced in 1990 in coordination with the twentieth anniversary of Earth Day. Unfolding against a trash catastrophe in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Rogers advances an environmentalism for children that secures children in their family homes while extending their perspective to faraway places, from the local recycling center to Florida’s coral reef. Rogers depicts animal wisdom and uses puppets to voice anxiety and hope and shows an interconnected world where each part of creation is valued, and love is circulated in networks of care. Ultimately, Rogers cultivates a practical wisdom that provides a way for children to confront the environmental crisis through action and hope and, in doing so, develop into adults who possess greater care for the environment and a capacious imagination for solving the ecological problems we face.

Green Mountain Opium Eaters: A History of Early Addiction in Vermont

by Gary G. Shattuck

The green mountains, lush valleys and riotous fall colors of idyllic nineteenth-century Vermont masked a sinister underbelly. By 1900, the state was in the throes of a widespread opium epidemic that saw more than 3.3 million doses of the drug being distributed to inhabitants each and every month. Decades of infighting within the medical profession, complicit doctors and druggists, unrestricted access to opium and bogus patent medicines all contributed to the problem. Those conflicts were compounded by a hands-off legislature focused on prohibiting the consumption of alcohol. Historian Gary G. Shattuck traces this unusual aspect of Vermont’s past.

Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing – GPC 2020 Workshops: 15th International Conference, GPC 2020, Xi'an, China, November 13–15, 2020, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1311)

by Jiangtao Wang Longbiao Chen Lei Tang Yunji Liang

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Workshops from the 15th International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing, GPC 2020, held in Xi'an, China, in November 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this event was held virtually.The 5 full papers presented in this book together with 3 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 16 submissions. They present recent research in the areas of urban computing, intelligent transportation and social computing.

Green Porno: A Book and Short Films by Isabella Rossellini

by Isabella Rossellini

From the beloved actress Isabella Rossellini comes Green Porno, a strange and enlightening visual exploration of the sex lives of insects and sea creatures, based on the wildly popular short videos of the same name. Co-director Jody Shapiro has taken 125 arresting film stills of Isabella dressed in animal costumes which are the centerpiece of Green Porno and will appear alongside narrative text describing the “love making” process of each animal. Each chapter will also include a quirky, surprising facts about each species.

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