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Grundlagen der Computergrafik: Eine Einführung mit OpenGL und Java

by Karsten Lehn Merijam Gotzes Frank Klawonn

Computergrafik umfasst die Erzeugung und Darstellung von einfachen Grafikelementen und Bildern bis hin zur Virtual Reality. Die Anwendung dieser Techniken profitiert von einem soliden Verständnis der entsprechenden Grundlagen. Das erfolgreiche Buch von Prof. Klawonn, das jetzt bereits in der dritten Auflage vorliegt, vermittelt genau das - verständlich und nachvollziehbar. Prof. Klawonn erläutert die wesentlichen Konzepte an konkreten Beispielen und bedient sich dabei der einfachen Sprachmittel der Javaprogrammierung. Die Umsetzung erfolgt praktisch mit Java 2D und Java 3D. Auch zur dritten Auflage gibt es wieder einen umfangreichen Online-Service mit Beispielprogrammen, Aufgaben und Lösungen, Folien und farbigen Illustrationen.

Grundlagen der Tragwerksplanung: Von der Entwurfsidee über das Tragsystem zum Tragwerk (erfolgreich studieren)

by Georg Jahnke

Dieses Lehrbuch der Tragwerksplanung vermittelt Studierenden der Architektur, der Innenarchitektur und des Produktdesigns das essentielle Wissen zu Statik, Tragsystemen und Tragkonstruktionen, das beim Entwurf und der Planung erforderlich ist um ein in sich stimmiges und funktionierendes Gebäude oder Produkt zu konzipieren.Theoretische Grundlagen werden mit zahlreichen praktischen Übungen und Aufgaben kombiniert und immer wieder Bezüge zur Praxis hergestellt. Wissenstests am Ende eines Kapitels vertiefen das Wisssen und regen zur Reflexion an.Das Lehrbuch erscheint in der Springer Vieweg Reihe "erfolgreich studieren".

Grundlagen der virtuellen Realität: Von der Entdeckung der Perspektive bis zur VR-Brille

by Armin Grasnick

Die uns bekannte Realität kann heute mit technischen Verfahren aufgezeichnet und wirklichkeitsgetreu wiedergegeben werden. Raum und Zeit werden in der künstlichen Realität als Kopie wieder virtuell erschaffen. Die Wiedergabe der virtuellen Realität beschränkt sich aber nicht auf die reine Kopie des Vorhandenen. Ein Besucher des virtuellen Raumes muss sich nicht mit dem verpixelten Abbild des Altbekannten begnügen, sondern kann in der Scheinwelt irrealen Erscheinungen begegnen, die real nie existiert haben oder sogar physikalisch unmöglich sind. Das ermöglicht eine Erweiterung der aufgezeichneten Realität und erlaubt die Wahrnehmung überraschend neuer Perspektiven.Eine Perspektive bezeichnet dabei die Wahrnehmung eines Sachverhaltes von einem bestimmten Standpunkt aus und entspricht der Betrachtungsweise. Eine Perspektive ist aber ebenfalls die Beobachtung einer Szene aus einer Betrachtungsposition. Aus verschiedenen Perspektiven entsteht bei der Wiedergabe durch Betrachtung die Illusion der Realität. Diese Vision beruht weder auf Einbildung noch Halluzination, sondern ist die Grundfunktion der virtuellen Realität. In diesem Buch werden die Konzepte, Systeme und Technologien zur Erzeugung der virtuellen Realität von den antiken Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart beschrieben und ein Ausblick in eine mögliche Zukunft gegeben.

Grundy County (Postcard History)

by David A. Belden

In 1673, Louis Jolliet and Fr. Jacques Marquette were the first Europeans to explore the Mississippi River and the Illinois River valleys. With their canoes loaded with furs, pelts, and other goods on their return trip to Montreal, their explorations through much of the interior of Illinois included encounters with Native American tribes and took them through what is now Grundy County. Over 150 years later, the first permanent residents, including William Marquis, began settling and farming in the area. While the chief occupation of the residents is agriculture, the county also has the Illinois River and the Illinois and Michigan Canal that pass through its northern sections, as well as the Rock Island and the Chicago and Alton Railways. With communities rich in history and small-town charm, Grundy County continues to draw visitors and residents to its towns, parks, museums, rivers, and lakes. Grundy County attempts to reveal this unique county and its sense of community and pride.

Grunt: The Art and Unpublished Comics of James Stokoe

by James Stokoe

The largest and most comprehensive book of James Stokoe's art ever published! Featuring art and never-before-published work and comics!This artbook showcases the work of inimitable comics creator James Stokoe, who has drawn some of the most visually meticulous and surreal illustrations in modern comics, featuring some of his bestselling illustrations from works such as Orc Stain, Aliens: Dead Orbit, Wonton Soup, well-known cover work, and some of his never-before-published comics.

Guadagnare scrivendo poesie

by Simona Trapani Bernard Levine

Scrivi poesie? Ora, puoi essere pagato per farlo e veder pubblicati i tuoi versi in biglietti di auguri, calendari, poster e decorazioni da parete. Se vuoi che il tuo sogno di scrivere si avveri e che ti paghino per le tue poesie, questo libro è fatto apposta per te. Guadagnare scrivendo poesie è molto divertente e redditizio! Guadagna facendo ciò che ami.

The Guantánamo Artwork and Testimony of Moath Al-Alwi: Deaf Walls Speak (Palgrave Studies in Literature, Culture and Human Rights)

by Alexandra S. Moore Elizabeth Swanson

Deaf Walls Speak presents an insider’s view of artmaking in Guantánamo, the world’s most notorious prison, as self-expression and protest, and to stage a fundamental human rights claim that has been denied by law and politics: the right to be recognized as human. The book juxtaposes detainee artist Moath al-Alwi’s testimony and artwork with essays that situate his work within legal, political, aesthetic, and material contexts to demonstrate that artwork at Guantánamo constitutes important forms of material witnessing to human rights abuses perpetrated and denied by the U.S. government.

The Guardian of Mercy: How an Extraordinary Painting by Caravaggio Changed an Ordinary Life Today

by Terence Ward

Now celebrated as one of the great painters of the Renaissance, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio fled Rome in 1606 to escape retribution for killing a man in a brawl. Three years later he was in Naples, where he painted The Seven Acts of Mercy. A year later he died at the age of thirty-eight under mysterious circumstances. Exploring Caravaggio's singular masterwork, in The Guardian of Shadows and Light Terence Ward offers an incredible narrative journey into the heart of his artistry and his metamorphosis from fugitive to visionary. Ward's guide in this journey is a contemporary artist whose own life was transformed by the painting, a simple man named Angelo who shows him where it still hangs in a small church in Naples and whose story helps him see its many layers. As Ward unfolds the structure of the painting, he explains each of the seven mercies and its influence on Caravaggio’s troubled existence. Caravaggio encountered the whole range of Naples’s vertical social layers, from the lowest ranks of poverty to lofty gilded aristocratic circles, and Ward reveals the old city behind today's metropolis. Fusing elements of history, biography, memoir, travelogue, and journalism, his narrative maps the movement from estrangement to grace, as we witness Caravaggio’s bruised life gradually redeemed by art.

Guardians of Liberty: Freedom of the Press and the Nature of News

by Linda Barrett Osborne

This illustrated introduction to the crucial role of First Amendment rights and press freedom “enlightens and entertains readers of any age” (Michael Dirda, Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post critic). Guardians of Liberty explores the essential and basic American ideal of freedom of the press. Allowing the American press to publish—even if what they’re reporting is contentious— without previous censure or interference by the federal government was so important to the Founding Fathers that they placed a guarantee in the First Amendment to the Constitution. Citing numerous examples from America’s past, from the American Revolution to the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement to Obama’s and Trump’s presidencies, Linda Barrett Osborne shows how freedom of the press has played an essential role in the growth of this nation, allowing democracy to flourish. She further discusses how the freedoms of press and speech often work side by side, reveals the diversity of American news, and explores why freedom of the press is still imperative to uphold today. “Nine chapters cover everything from the partisan press in Colonial and Revolutionary America to the incendiary rise of ‘fake news.’ . . . solid research and an engaging structure.” —School Library Journal“An excellent foray into the hows and whys of U.S. press freedom, beginning just prior to nationhood . . . Timely, essential reading.”?Kirkus Reviews (starred review)Includes endnotes, bibliography, and index

Guarding Door County: Lighthouses and Lifesaving Stations

by Stacy Thomas Virginia Thomas

Jutting out of Wisconsin into the blue waters of Lake Michigan, the scenic peninsula of Door County is endowed with the longest coastline of any county in the nation. Since the mid-1800s, the region has boasted a strong maritime industry, dependent on the constant vigilance and efforts of U.S. Coast Guard units. The county has been home to as many as 12 historic light stations, as well as three life-saving stations. Beginning with Pottawatomie Light in 1837 and Sturgeon Bay Canal Life-Saving Station in 1886, keepers and surfmen survived both boredom and peril to ensure safe navigation and commerce, while rescuing those in distress. Through archival photographs, stories ofshipwrecks, rescues, service, and pride spring to life. Rare rescue images of the Otter, a schooner which wrecked in 1895, are especially noteworthy.

Gudetama Cross-Stitch: 30 Easy-to-Follow Patterns from Your Favorite Lazy Egg

by Sosae Caetano Dennis Caetano

Gudetama Cross-Stitch combines cross-stitching fun with 30 easy-to-follow patterns inspired by everyone's favorite lazy egg with the can't-be-bothered attitude. Gudetama&’s name literally translates to &“lazy egg,&” and it&’s how we all feel sometimes when it comes to, well, pretty much anything. But if you&’re the kind of person who doesn&’t have time for complicated crafts or dealing with other people, then this collection of 30 Gudetama-inspired designs are just for you. First, you&’ll learn cross-stitching basics including tools and techniques and how to read a cross-stitch chart. Then you&’ll apply your new skills to a range of hilarious and lovable patterns organized into chapters like Lazy, Medium-Lazy, and Pay Attention—depending on how sluggish or motivated you&’re feeling. Finally, you&’ll be able to apply your masterpieces to projects like gift tags, greeting cards, and ornaments. Whether you&’re an experienced cross-stitcher or new to the craft, you&’ll find a variety of poses and patterns in this book that are accessible and easy to learn. With a little patience and practice, anyone can bring these Gudetama-inspired masterpieces to life. And if not, just take a nap.

Guerilla Furniture Design: How to Build Lean, Modern Furniture with Salvaged Materials

by Will Holman

Build stylish and functional furniture from salvaged materials. This innovative guide presents dozens of strategies for upcycling scrap cardboard, metal, plastic, or wood into dependable shelving units, sturdy tables, and fun lamps. With directions for 35 easy and inexpensive projects that include a Cardboard Cantilever Chair, a License Plate Bowl, a Conduit Coatrack, and much more, you’ll be inspired to start filling your home with unique high-style furniture that makes sense for both your wallet and the environment.

Guernica: La historia de un icono del siglo XX

by Gijs Van Hensbergen

Nueva edición actualizada de la apasionante historia del mítico cuadro Guernica de Pablo Picasso, convertido en un icono del siglo XX gracias a su fuerza simbólica y a su contenido antibelicista. La historia es conocida. El 26 de abril de 1937, docenas de aviones alemanes de la Legión Cóndor bombardearon durante tres horas la ciudad de Gernika destruyéndola y causando centenares de muertos. Este trágico suceso inspiró a Pablo Picasso, uno de los artistas más comprometidos de su tiempo, en acometer la tarea de pintar un cuadro que llegaría a ser síntesis del horror y de la violencia de la cultura occidental moderna y referencia del mundo progresista durante décadas. Guernica se convirtió con el paso del tiempo en uno de los cuadros más famosos de la historia de la pintura, un lienzo profundamente español y universal que durante las largas décadas franquistas se exhibió en Nueva York y que tras la llegada de la democracia, y por expreso deseo del pintor, se puede contemplar en Madrid desde octubre de 1981. Este libro -que incluye un extenso prólogo que actualiza y profundiza sobre el análisis del cuadro ahora que se conmemora el treinta aniversario de su llegada a España- es un apasionante recorrido por la gestación de una obra de arte. Escrito en un estilo accesible, Gijs van Hensbergen recrea el clima y las dificultades del proceso creativo, a la vez que describe con precisión las diferentes etapas y su definitiva composición hasta conseguir una auténtica «biografía de un icono del siglo XX». Paul Preston ha dicho...«Esta historia de un cuadro -cómo se pintó, su significado y su destino final- es un logro extraordinario y aporta una visión sorprendentemente original. El autor recrea con pasión y elegancia la historia de Picasso y su denuncia de la guerra a través de la vida del artista, del exilio republicano, de la España de Franco, del París en guerra y de la Nueva York burguesa para iluminar la travesía de esta obra desde el mismo bombardeo de Gernika hasta su llegada a Madrid en 1981.»

Guerreros urbanos

by Arturo Pérez-Reverte Jeosm

Un espectacular libro de fotografías sobre las intervenciones clandestinas de los escritores de grafitis. Con textos de Arturo Pérez Reverte. Un gran relato de resistencia, convertida en arte y acción callejera, contado a dos voces. Una, fotográfica, pertenece a Jeosm, también escritor de grafitis; la otra, narrativa, al novelista y académico Arturo Pérez-Reverte. Ambos retratan las figuras y el trabajo de aquellos que, mientras la ciudad duerme, dejan en ella con osadía su huella. Esta es la historia de unos guerrilleros urbanos.

Guerrilla Film Marketing: The Ultimate Guide to the Branding, Marketing and Promotion of Independent Films & Filmmakers

by Robert G. Barnwell

Create an irresistible brand image and build an audience of loyal and engaged fans… Guerrilla Film Marketing takes readers through each step of the film branding, marketing and promotional process. Tailored specifically to low-budget independent films and filmmakers, Guerrilla Film Marketing offers practical and immediately implementable advice for marketing considerations across every stage of the film production process. Written by leading film industry professional Robert G. Barnwell, Guerrilla Film Marketing teaches readers how to: Master the fundamentals of guerrilla branding, marketing and promotion; Create an integrated marketing plan and calendar based on realistic budgets and expectations; Develop internet and social media marketing campaigns, including engaging studio and film websites and powerful, marketing-centric IMDb listings; Assemble behind-the-scenes pictures, videos and documentaries; Produce marketing materials such as key art, posters, film teasers, trailers and electronic press kits (aka "EPKs"); and Maximize the marketing impact of events such as test screenings, premiers, film festivals and industry award ceremonies. Guerrilla Film Marketing is filled with dozens of step-by-step instructions, checklists, tools, a glossary, templates and other resources. A downloadable eResource also includes a sample marketing plan and audit, a test screening questionnaire, and more.

Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly

by Guerrilla Girls

Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly is the first book to catalog the entire career of the Guerrilla Girls from 1985 to present.The Guerrilla girls are a collective of political feminist artists who expose discrimination and corruption in art, film, politics, and pop culture all around the world.This book explores all their provocative street campaigns, unforgettable media appearances, and large-scale exhibitions.• Captions by the Guerrilla Girls themselves contextualize the visuals.• Explores their well-researched, intersectional takedown of the patriarchyIn 1985, a group of masked feminist avengers—known as the Guerrilla Girls—papered downtown Manhattan with posters calling out the Museum of Modern Art for its lack of representation of female artists.They quickly became a global phenomenon, and the fearless activists have produced hundreds of posters, stickers, and billboards ever since.• More than a monograph, this book is a call to arms.• This career-spanning volume is published to coincide with their 35th anniversary.• Perfect for artists, art lovers, feminists, fans of the Guerrilla Girls, students, and activists• You'll love this book if you love books like Wall and Piece by Banksy, Why We March: Signs of Protest and Hope by Artisan, and Graffiti Women: Street Art from Five Continents by Nicholas Ganz

The Guerrilla Girls' Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art

by Guerrilla Girls

Taking you back through the ages, The Guerrilla Girls demonstrate how males have dominated the art scene and discouraged or obscured women's involvement. Their sceptical and hilarious interpretaions are augmented by other feminists.

Guerrilla Kindness & Other Acts of Creative Resistance: Making A Better World Through Craftivism

by Sayraphim Lothian

# 1 Best Seller in Crafts & Hobbies, Stenciling - Resistance CraftsCraftivism can be your voice of resistance: Craftivism is a non-threatening form of activism that gives people a voice when they feel voiceless and power where they feel powerless. It is an international movement for our time and noted Craftivism expert Sayraphim Lothian has put together the first-ever tutorial book on craftivism.In Guerilla Kindness: artist, scholar, activist, and YouTube art teacher Sayraphim Lothian gives you an introduction to the art of craftivism, and provides a brief history of creative resistance. This master craftivist shows you how to make and use various crafts for political and protest purposes including:EmbroideryCross stitchKnittingStencilingDecoupageStampingand much moreJoin us in the Craftivism movement: Craftivism is a growing worldwide movement in which hand crafted works are being used to highlight political issues, creatively engage in activism, and encourage change in the world. Craftivists employ their works to open a space for people to be introduced to issues and to broaden the discussion surrounding them. While it might seem that this most colorful movement began recently, creative resistance has been with us for centuries around the globe, and craftivism and makers stating their mind through the medium of art is here to stay.

Guestbook: Ghost Stories

by Leanne Shapton

"Shapton combines found and original visuals with unsettling, evocative stories to capture the sensation of what it feels like to try to remember a dream upon waking." - Harper's BazaarOne of our most imaginative writers and artists explores the visitations that haunt us in the midst of life, and reinvents the very way we narrate experience.A tennis prodigy collapses after his wins, crediting them to an invisible, not entirely benevolent presence. A series of ghosts appear at their former bedsides, some distraught, some fascinated, to witness their unfamiliar occupants. A woman returns from a visit to Alcatraz with an uncomfortable feeling. The spirit of a prisoner has attached himself to you, a friend tells her. He sensed the sympathy you had for those men. In more than two dozen stories and vignettes, accompanied by an evocative curiosity cabinet of artifacts and images, Guestbook beckons us through the glimmering, unsettling evidence that marks our paths in life.

Guggenheim Forum Reader 1

by The Guggenheim Museum

Art has a way of raising questions. Since 2009 the Guggenheim Forum has pondered how themes from art affect life outside the museum's walls: What is the role of spirituality in contemporary life? What is reality in the virtual era? And what's in a name? By bringing together writers, scientists, artists, and other experts from diverse fields, the Guggenheim Forum examines complex topics from all points of view, stimulating a lively dialogue among panelists. This volume gathers nine conversations from the Forum's first four years. Participants include NPR's Krista Tippet, designer Ellen Lupton, artist Martha Rosler, author Douglas Hofstadter, and novelist Francisco Goldman.

The Guggenheim Reader Series: Modern Asian Art

by Francesco Bonami Hans-Ulrich Obrist Edward Fry Alexandra Munroe

The Guggenheim Reader Series: Modern Asian Art is the second installment in an ongoing series collecting out-of-print and hard-to-find essays from past Guggenheim publications and lectures to illuminate focused topics in art history. Much like last fall's Russia reader, Modern Asian Art examines five decades of the museum's interest in the region, culminating in this spring's simultaneous presentation of four separate exhibitions on Asian art in the Guggenheim's New York location. Contributors include Edward Fry, Francesco Bonami, Alexandra Munroe, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, and Gordon Washburn.

The Guggenheim Reader Series: Russia

by The Guggenheim Museum

The Guggenheim Reader Series: Russia is the inaugural title in a new e-book series that brings together scholarly essays on prominent themes. The Guggenheim has a rich history of exploring Russian art and the avant-garde in particular; this anthology collects the most insightful and influential essays from exhibition catalogues such as The Great Utopia: The Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde, 1915-1932 (1992) and Russia! Nine Hundred Years of Masterpieces and Master Collections (2005), as well as focused monographic studies of Russian masters like Vasily Kandinsky and Kazimir Malevich.

The Guggenheims: A Family History

by Irwin Unger Debi Unger

A portrait of a great American dynasty and its legacy in business, technology, the arts, and philanthropyMeyer Guggenheim, a Swiss immigrant, founded a great American business dynasty. At their peak in the early twentieth century, the Guggenheims were reckoned among America's wealthiest, and the richest Jewish family in the world after the Rothschilds. They belonged to Our Crowd, that tight social circle of New York Jewish plutocrats, but unlike the others -- primarily merchants and financiers -- they made their money by extracting and refining copper, silver, lead, tin, and gold.The secret of their success, the patriarch believed, was their unity, and in the early years Meyer's seven sons, under the leadership of Daniel, worked as one to expand their growing mining and smelting empire. Family solidarity eventually decayed (along with their Jewish faith), but even more damaging was the paucity of male heirs as Meyer and the original set of brothers passed from the scene.In the third generation, Harry Guggenheim, Daniel's son, took over leadership and made the family a force in aviation, publishing, and horse-racing. He desperately sought a successor but tragically failed and was forced to watch as the great Guggenheim business enterprise crumbled.Meanwhile, "Guggenheim" came to mean art more than industry. In the mid-twentieth century, led by Meyer's son Solomon and Solomon's niece Peggy, the Guggenheims became the agents of modernism in the visual arts. Peggy, in America during the war years, midwifed the school of abstract expressionism, which brought art leadership to New York City. Solomon's museum has been innovative in spreading the riches of Western art around the world. After the generation of Harry and Peggy, the family has continued to produce many accomplished members, such as publisher Roger Straus II and archaeologist Iris Love.In The Guggenheims, through meticulous research and absorbing prose, Irwin Unger, the winner of a Pulitzer Prize in history, and his wife, Debi Unger, convey a unique and remarkable story -- epic in its scope -- of one family's amazing rise to prominence.

Guía básica para principiantes de joyería entrelazada en alambre y con cuentas: Una guía paso a paso para piezas entrelazadas con alambre y tejidas con proyectos ilustrados

by Clayton M. Rines

La creación de piezas de joyería atemporales está ahora a su alcance. El arte de entrelazar con alambre es un proceso sencillo y sin complicaciones que hará que sus piezas de joyería suban un peldaño más hacia una obra maestra. Las cosas más sencillas de la vida suelen ser las más atractivas y hermosas; lo mismo ocurre con las piezas de joyería entrelazadas en alambre. Todo lo que usted necesita es algunas herramientas fáciles de conseguir, cuentas, alambres, y en pocos minutos, usted tendrá una pieza de arte invaluable en sus manos. La sencilla obra que ha creado puede transformarse en algo elegante y sorprendente con la introducción de un nuevo alambre, unos cuantos giros y dobleces, una o dos cuentas de colores brillantes, y ¡voilá! Has conseguido una pieza fascinante. El libro "Guía básica para principiantes de joyería entrelazada en alambre y con cuentas" revela todos los misterios de los materiales de joyería, desde las piedras preciosas hasta los materiales de alambre, los métodos de elaboración, los tipos de metales, los métodos de acabado de las cuentas, los cierres, etc. El libro incluye proyectos increíbles de pulseras, pendientes, colgantes, collares, etc. Otras cosas sorprendentes que aprenderá son Formar complejos diseños con alambre Trabajar con cuentas en alambres y espirales Introducir cuentas en un alambre doblado Configurar bucles entrelazados a ganchos en pendientes y cadenas ¡Y mucho más! Este libro es perfecto tanto para los novatos como para los principiantes, ya que todos los proyectos están bien detallados, paso a paso, y vienen acompañados de ilustraciones para hacerlos más comprensibles. Los abundantes consejos que aparecen en el libro también le ayudarán a crear piezas de joyería de alta calidad que causarán respeto y admiración en cualquier habitación en la que se encuentre el usuario. Los más experimentados descubrirán sin duda toneladas de con

La Guia Completa del Dispositivo Roku: TV, Express, Ultra, Dispositivos, Canales, Apps,Cuenta

by Bob Babson

Guia para Usuarios Roku. Esta guia le mostrará algunos consejos para usar su dispositivo Roku ademas de todos los beneficios con los que cuenta al haberlo adquirido.

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