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Guida per principianti alla calligrafia moderna e alla scrittura a mano per il relax: Un manuale sulle tecniche di scrittura creativa con quaderno degli esercizi e proposte di progetti.

by Clayton M. Rines

Questo libro è tutto ciò di cui potreste aver bisogno lungo il vostro viaggio nel meraviglioso mondo della calligrafia moderna. Con questa guida approfondita per principianti sull'arte della calligrafia moderna e della scrittura a mano, otterrete un'enorme ispirazione e conoscenza di questa forma d'arte senza tempo. Questo libro è stato progettato pensando a tutti i tipi di persone: non importa se siete una mano esperta o un principiante, c'è qualcosa che fa al caso vostro. Imparerete come scrivere elegantemente delle lettere belle e ben disegnate che si trasformeranno nel vostro stile distintivo e diventeranno poi capolavori. In questa jet age c'è un vuoto, uno squarcio nel legame che abbiamo con la scrittura sia in quanto mezzo di comunicazione, sia come veicolo di espressione artistica. La calligrafia moderna e la scrittura a mano sono un collegamento con questa parte perduta della nostra storia. La calligrafia moderna riempie il vuoto in noi e, allo stesso tempo, crea bellissime lettere che sono uno spettacolo da vedere. Con dei progetti semplici e, allo stesso tempo, fantasiosi che avrete modo di imparare, svilupperete l'abitudine essenziale di imparare a calmarvi e provare gioia allo stesso tempo. L'inizio del percorso può sembrare un po' scoraggiante a primo impatto ma, con la pratica costante e seguendo le linee guida all'interno di questo libro, svilupperete in pochissimo tempo l'abilità e la sicurezza necessarie per affrontare dei progetti che siano complessi o semplici. "Guida per principianti alla calligrafia moderna e alla scrittura a mano per il relax" è un libro indispensabile per imparare l'arte del lettering e della calligrafia passo dopo passo. Imparerete come trasformare la vostra grafia di sempre in bellissime lettere ornate. Ci sono tantissime proposte di progetti che potete usare come idee regalo o per scopi commerciali. Mentre puntate all'esperienza di scrittura perfetta, dovreste anche ricordare

Guida per principianti Sapone fai da te Come autoprodurre un sapone fragrante, delicato e tutto naturale Con tante ricette per principianti: Come Autoprodurre Un Sapone Fragrante, Delicato E Tutto Naturale Con Tante Ricette Per Principianti

by April Brown

La cosa meravigliosa del sapone fatto in casa è che si può realizzare con gli ingredienti, i colori e le fragranze di propria scelta. Fare da sé il sapone è divertente ed emozionante. Hai sempre voluto provare a fare il sapone, ma non hai mai osato? Sperimenta subito con una delle ricette di questo libro e vedrai che non è poi così difficile come si pensa. Naturalmente è necessario attenersi strettamente alle misurazioni e ai pesi indicati, poiché ciò determinerà il risultato del prodotto finale. Gli ingredienti per la saponificazione (soda e grassi/oli) attraverseranno infatti un semplice processo che li legherà chimicamente in un nuovo composto, appunto il sapone. Per saponificare i grassi occorrono assolutamente la soda o la potassa caustica (idrossido di sodio o idrossido di potassio), quindi consiglio di non tentare di utilizzare lisciva o altro. Naturalmente nel prodotto finito non ne resteranno tracce. In questo libro ho delineato gli ingredienti di base necessari alla produzione del sapone e le attrezzature, illustrando in dettaglio i vari metodi corredati di immagini. Con questo libro, imparerai: - Fino a cinque metodi di saponificazione - Ricette per vari scopi - Storia della produzione del sapone - Terminologia del sapone - Ricette per principianti - Precauzioni da prendere durante la manipolazione della soda - Produzione di sapone liquido

Guidance Information Processing Methods in Airborne Optical Imaging Seeker (Unmanned System Technologies)

by Tianxu Zhang Yuehuan Wang Sheng Zhong

This book covers all main aspects of guidance information processing technologies for airborne optical imaging seekers, including theoretical models; image pre-processing; automatic target detection, recognition and tracking; and embedded real-time processing systems. The book is divided into three major sections: firstly, a theoretical model for optical-seeker information processing is introduced; then information processing methods are presented, including target modeling, online image pre-processing, typical surface fixed-target detection and recognition, and moving-target detection and recognition; lastly, embedded real-time processing systems are introduced, including new system architectures, image processing ASIC/SoC design, embedded real-time operating systems, system implementation aspects, and system testing and evaluation technologies. The book offers a unique and valuable resource, helping readers understand both fundamental and advanced information processing technologies employed in airborne optical imaging seekers.

Guide de la GoPro Hero & Fusion : Comment utiliser votre GoPro Fusion, Hero 4/5/6/7 Stock, Blanc, & Noir

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Apprenez à utiliser votre appareil GoPro comme un pro ! Ce guide est destiné à tous ceux qui cherchent à capturer des vidéos époustouflantes sur leur appareil GoPro. Compatible avec GoPro Fushion, Hero 4,5,6, & 7. Ce livre couvre tout ce que vous devez savoir : - Prendre de superbes photos et vidéos - Photos à intervalle de temps - Rotation des photos - Partagez vos vidéos et photos - Photographie sous-marine - Composition d’un film - Utilisation des batteries - Résolution et champ de vision - Utilisation du cardan - Techniques de montage vidéo - ET BIEN PLUS ENCORE !

Guide de nettoyage domestique — Plus de 70 astuces naturelles pour nettoyer votre maison

by The Blokehead

Je tiens à vous remercier d'avoir acheté ce livre, « Guide de nettoyage domestique — Plus de 70 astuces naturelles pour nettoyer votre maison ». Vous êtes probablement à la recherche d'idées qui changeront pour de bon la façon dont vous faites le ménage chez vous. Les suggestions présentées dans ce livre sont celles qui rencontrent le plus de popularité sur les sites dédiés à ce sujet. Ce livre est divisé en six chapitres. Chacun de ces chapitres est consacré à un « ingrédient », qui se trouve peut-être déjà dans l'un de vos placards, et qui peut être utilisé pour nettoyer un tas de choses. Comme l'indique le titre de ce livre, au fil des pages vous trouverez plus de 70 idées uniques qui vous faciliteront la corvée qu'est le ménage.

Guide du débutant pour RECETTES FAIT MAISON DE DESINFECTANT POUR LES MAINS: Recettes Rapides et Faciles pour faire votre Désinfectant Naturel pour les mains fait maison

by Petcha Juliette

Le désinfectant commercial pour les mains devient cher, et avec la pénurie de désinfectant pour les mains due au COVID-19, vous devrez peut-être recourir à la fabrication du vôtre. La fabrication de votre propre désinfectant pour les mains est un processus simple qui se traduit par une formule que vous pouvez personnaliser en fonction de vos goûts personnels. Le CDC recommande de se laver les mains pendant au moins 20 secondes plusieurs fois par jour, mais la réalité de la vie peut vous gêner (en déplacement, en avion, en train ou en métro, vous avez l'argument) - et c'est à ce moment qu'un désinfectant pour les mains est nécessaire. Bien qu'il existe plusieurs versions sans alcool de désinfectants pour les mains sur le marché, le CDC en recommande une qui contient au moins 60% d'alcool pour une efficacité maximale - et tous ces produits sont soit vendus chez des détaillants locaux (au moins à Los Angeles), soit 10-20 fois leur prix normal. Certains désinfectants pour les mains commerciaux contiennent des ingrédients aussi effrayants que les germes dont ils vous protègent, alors pourquoi ne pas fabriquer votre propre désinfectant pour les mains à partir d'ingrédients que vous sélectionnez en quelques étapes faciles. Voici un aperçu de ce que vous apprendrez: Préoccupations liées à la Sécurité des Désinfectants pour les mains -Efficacité des désinfectants pour les mains -Diverses recettes maison de désinfectant pour les mains -Recette de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) pour créer un désinfectant pour les mains à base d'alcool -Comment faire du gel d'aloe vera -Technique correcte de lavage des mains -Conseils pour utiliser plus efficacement le désinfectant pour les mains Et bien plus!

A Guide for the Idealist: Launching and Navigating Your Planning Career

by Richard Willson

A Guide for the Idealist is a must for young professionals seeking to put their idealism to work. Speaking to urban and regional planners and those in related fields, the book provides tools for the reader to make good choices, practice effectively, and find meaning in planning work. Built around concepts of idealism and realism, the book takes on the gap between the expectations and the constraints of practice. How to make an impact? How to decide when to compromise and when to fight for a core value? The book advises on career "launching" issues: doubt, decision-making, assessing types of work and work settings, and career planning. Then it explains principled adaptability as professional style. Subsequent chapters address early-practice issues: being right, avoiding wrong, navigating managers, organizations and teams, working with mentors, and understanding the career journey. Underpinning these dimensions is a call for planners to reflect on what they are doing as they are doing it. The advice provided is based on the experience of a planning professor who has also practiced planning throughout his career. The book includes personal anecdotes from the author and other planners about how they launched and managed their careers, and discussion/reflection questions for the reader to consider.

A Guide for the Idealist: Launching and Navigating Your Planning Career

by Richard Willson

A Guide for the Idealist is a must for young professionals seeking to put their idealism to work. Speaking to urban and regional planners and those in related fields, the book provides tools for the reader to make good choices, practice effectively, and find meaning in planning work. Built around concepts of idealism and realism, the book takes on the gap between the expectations and the constraints of practice. How to make an impact? How to decide when to compromise and when to fight for a core value? The book advises on career "launching" issues: doubt, decision-making, assessing types of work and work settings, and career planning. Then it explains principled adaptability as professional style. Subsequent chapters address early-practice issues: being right, avoiding wrong, navigating managers, organizations and teams, working with mentors, and understanding the career journey. Underpinning these dimensions is a call for planners to reflect on what they are doing as they are doing it. The advice provided is based on the experience of a planning professor who has also practiced planning throughout his career. The book includes personal anecdotes from the author and other planners about how they launched and managed their careers, and discussion/reflection questions for the reader to consider.

Guide Photoshop pour les Débutants: Tutoriels, Éléments, Art, Arrière-plans, conception, outils et plus

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Un guide détaillé pour apprendre l’édition sur Photoshop Ce guide vous aidera à en savoir plus sur les outils Photoshop, leur utilisation, le panneau des calques d’arrière-plan et les couleurs. Sur la base de recherches détaillées, ce livre vous apprendra comment : — Faire un ensemble des meilleurs outils — Utiliser le panneau des couches de contrôle — Utiliser différents formats pour l’impression — Utiliser des pinceaux, motifs et formes — Modifier les couleurs avec des calques de réglage — Utiliser la barre d’outils du stylet — Utiliser des raccourcis clavier Si vous souhaitez apprendre les bases de l’édition Photoshop, ce livre est fait pour vous. -> Faites défiler vers le haut de la page et cliquez sur Ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément

Guide sur le Minage de Bitcoin, la Cryptomonnaie, la Blockchain, le Commerce et l’Investissement

by Warran Muffet

Cette publication est truffée d’aide et de liens pour vous aider à comprendre le Bitcoin, la cryptomonnaie, la blockchain, le commerce et l’investissement. Les cryptomonnaies ont du succès et présentent un super investissement pour l’avenir. Voici les sujets inclus dans ce livre -Présentation du Bitcoin - Où acheter des bitcoins - Comment fonctionnent les cryptomonnaies - Comment les stocker -Comment acheter et vendre des bitcoins - Comment protéger votre argent - Fiscalité et mesures gouvernementales - Fraudes à surveiller - Informations sur d’autres cryptomonnaie Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur les cryptomonnaie et commencez à acquérir quelques Bitcoins, ce livre est pour vous !

A Guide to a Somatic Movement Practice: The Anatomy of Center

by Nancy Topf

An introduction to embodied movement through the work of a dance education pioneer In this introduction to the work of somatic dance education pioneer Nancy Topf (1942–1998), readers are ushered on a journey to explore the movement of the body through a close awareness of anatomical form and function. Making available the full text of Topf’s The Anatomy of Center for the first time in print, this guide helps professionals, teachers, and students of all levels integrate embodied, somatic practices within contexts of dance, physical education and therapy, health, and mental well-being. Hetty King, a movement educator certified in the Topf Technique®, explains how the ideas in this work grew out of Topf’s involvement in developing Anatomical Release Technique—an important concept in contemporary dance—and the influence of earlier innovators Barbara Clark and Mabel Elsworth Todd, founder of the approach to movement known as “ideokinesis.” Featuring lessons written as a dialogue between teacher, student, and elements of the body, Topf’s material is accompanied by twenty-one activities that allow readers to use the book as a self-guided manual. A Guide to a Somatic Movement Practice is a widely applicable entry point into the tradition of experiential anatomy and its mindful centering of the living, breathing body.

Guide to Chicago's Twenty-First-Century Architecture

by Chicago Architecture Center John Hill

Exploring a new century of architecture in the Windy City Chicago's wealth of architectural treasures makes it one of the world's majestic cityscapes. Published in collaboration with the Chicago Architecture Center, this easy-to-use guide invites you to discover the new era of twenty-first-century architecture in the Windy City via two hundred architecturally significant buildings and spaces in the city and suburbs. Features include: Entries organized by neighborhood Maps with easy-to-locate landmarks and mass transit options Background on each entry, including the design architect, name and address, description, and other essential information Sidebars on additional sites and projects A detailed supplemental section with a glossary, selected bibliography, and indexes by architect, building name, and building type Up-to-date and illustrated with almost four hundred color photos, the Guide to Chicago's Twenty-First-Century Architecture takes travelers and locals on a journey into an ever-changing architectural mecca.

A Guide to Commercial Radio Journalism (Routledge Library Editions: Broadcasting #2)

by Linda Gage

A Guide to Commercial Radio Journalism (1999) covers every aspect of the profession, from journalistic practice to media law, and gives detailed instruction on the techniques of editing and using equipment and on the basic skills of writing, reporting and producing. There is also a whole chapter dedicated to advice on court reporting.

Guide to Computational Geometry Processing

by Henrik Aanæs François Anton J. Andreas Bærentzen Jens Gravesen

This book reviews the algorithms for processing geometric data, with a practical focus on important techniques not covered by traditional courses on computer vision and computer graphics. Features: presents an overview of the underlying mathematical theory, covering vector spaces, metric space, affine spaces, differential geometry, and finite difference methods for derivatives and differential equations; reviews geometry representations, including polygonal meshes, splines, and subdivision surfaces; examines techniques for computing curvature from polygonal meshes; describes algorithms for mesh smoothing, mesh parametrization, and mesh optimization and simplification; discusses point location databases and convex hulls of point sets; investigates the reconstruction of triangle meshes from point clouds, including methods for registration of point clouds and surface reconstruction; provides additional material at a supplementary website; includes self-study exercises throughout the text.

Guide to Digital Forensics

by Joakim Kävrestad

This work introduces the reader to the world of digital forensics in a practical and accessible manner. The text was written to fulfill a need for a book that introduces forensic methodology and sound forensic thinking, combined with hands-on examples for common tasks in a computer forensic examination. The author has several years of experience as a computer forensics examiner and is now working as a university-level lecturer. Guide to Digital Forensics: A Concise and Practical Introduction is intended for students that are looking for an introduction to computer forensics and can also be used as a collection of instructions for practitioners. The aim is to describe and explain the steps taken during a forensic examination, with the intent of making the reader aware of the constraints and considerations that apply during a forensic examination in law enforcement and in the private sector. Upon reading this book, the reader should have a proper overview of the field of digital forensics, starting them on the journey of becoming a computer forensics expert.

A Guide to Eighteenth-Century Art

by Linda Walsh

A Guide to Eighteenth-Century Art offers an introductory overview of the art, artists, and artistic movements of this exuberant period in European art, and the social, economic, philosophical, and political debates that helped shape them. Covers both artistic developments and critical approaches to the period by leading contemporary scholars Uses an innovative framework to emphasize the roles of tradition, modernity, and hierarchy in the production of artistic works of the period Reveals the practical issues connected with the production, sale, public and private display of art of the period Assesses eighteenth-century art’s contribution to what we now refer to as ‘modernity’ Includes numerous illustrations, and is accompanied by online resources examining art produced outside Europe and its relationship with the West, along with other useful resources

A Guide to Film and TV Cosplay

by Holly Swinyard

"This guide offers background information about how contemporary cosplay has developed as well as nuts and bolts practical information for those wishing to start or continue participation in the hobby." — BooklistHave you ever wanted to escape into a comic book and become your favourite superhero? Or run away into the world of Disney princesses? Well, who says you can’t? Maybe it’s time you get your cosplay on! Cosplay is a hobby that is sweeping the globe, you can see it at comic cons, book launches, movie screenings and even on popular TV shows such as The Big Bang Theory and Community. A mix of exciting craft skills, heady escapism and passion for pop culture, it’s easy to see why cosplay has become so popular with people no matter who they are, because now they can be anyone they want, and so can you. But how, why and where could you have a go at starting out in the wonderful world of cosplay? With a little bit of help from this handy, dandy guide to cosplay, you can get stuck in. Learn about the history of the hobby (it’s been around longer than you’d think!), get your head around picking you’re first costume, find out how about all the amazing skills people are using to make these costumes, and perhaps even try a few yourself. Who knows, you might be rocking our as Captain Marvel or Flynn Rider at the next big comic con! (And don’t worry, there’s a guide to comic con in here too.)

Guide to Framing Design Practice for UX (Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics)

by John Long

The scope of the book is UX. It presents a comprehensive guide for readers to better engage with the framing of UX design practice. The guide characterises UX as a movement, whose members are developing shared ideas to specify and to implement HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) as UX. The book is based on the analysis of the conduct and reporting of framing UX design practice, contributed by experienced UX practitioners. It surveys the various means by which UX practitioners conduct and report their design practices. These include trial and error; implement, test, and specify; and implement, evaluate, and iterate. These practices apply UX frameworks, UX approaches, and UX methods and are typically reported in the form of UX case studies. The book differs from top-down, formal, and framework-driven approaches. In contrast, it takes a bottom-up, informal, and practice-driven approach. In a dynamic field such as UX, there is seldom time to stop and think about the wider issues associated with design practice and its related trends. But this book creates that opportunity for UX practitioners to locate and reflect on their design practice—what they are doing and why they are doing it. The guide creates a space in which UX practitioners are informed of current trends that they can incorporate into their own workflows. Readers benefiting from this book include those working in customer experience design, experience-centred design, and human experience design. It will also be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students trying to make sense of the different ways of conducting and reporting HCI as UX. Further, it provides grounding for young researchers making their way in the fast developing world of UX.

A Guide to Gangsters, Murderers and Weirdos of New York City's Lower East Side

by Eric Ferrara Rob Hollander

New York's Lower East Side is the birthplace of everything from organized crime to anarchist movements. In the nineteenth century, an influx of struggling immigrants seeking opportunity met the harsh realities of industrialization. Poverty and squalor fueled a vicious battle for power and political clout. Local historian Eric Ferrara reveals the wicked history of America's most infamous neighborhood, where the abounding graffiti is a testament to the soul and spirit of the slum.

Guide to Geometric Algebra in Practice

by Leo Dorst Joan Lasenby

This highly practical Guide to Geometric Algebra in Practice reviews algebraic techniques for geometrical problems in computer science and engineering, and the relationships between them. The topics covered range from powerful new theoretical developments, to successful applications, and the development of new software and hardware tools. Topics and features: provides hands-on review exercises throughout the book, together with helpful chapter summaries; presents a concise introductory tutorial to conformal geometric algebra (CGA) in the appendices; examines the application of CGA for the description of rigid body motion, interpolation and tracking, and image processing; reviews the employment of GA in theorem proving and combinatorics; discusses the geometric algebra of lines, lower-dimensional algebras, and other alternatives to 5-dimensional CGA; proposes applications of coordinate-free methods of GA for differential geometry.

Guide to Getting Arts Grants

by Ellen Liberatori

Get that arts grant and be more independent! In this book, artists and arts groups will find all they need to know to support themselves through grants and special projects. This expert guide, written by an insider who has been on both the grant-making and the grant-writing side of the arts, shows readers how to assess their personal strengths and set goals to pursue their dreams. Hands-on examples and how-to exercises are provided for every situation: from creating artists' statements, to writing letters, fellowship applications, and arts-organization applications, to being ready for that all-important site visit. Online resources, tips on portfolio and personal prep, and information about the inner workings of boards and how to handle the yes, the no, and the maybe make this the complete guide to getting that arts grant. More than 66,000 foundations give grants-this book helps artists get them Unique exercises from an insider, plus upbeat, positive approach Focuses on personal preparation for applying for and getting a grant

Guide to Good Practice in the Management of Time in Major Projects: Dynamic Time Modelling


A practical treatise on the processes and standards required for the effective time management of major construction projects This book uses logical step-by-step procedures and examples from inception and risk appraisal—through design and construction to testing and commissioning—to show how an effective and dynamic time model can be used to manage the risk of delay in the completion of construction projects. Integrating with the CIOB major projects contract, the new edition places increased emphasis on the dynamic time model as the way to manage time and cost in major projects, as opposed to the use of a static target baseline program. It includes a new chapter distinguishing the principal features of the dynamic time model and its development throughout the life of a project from inception to completion. Guide to Good Practice in the Management of Time in Major Projects—Dynamic Time Modelling, 2nd Edition features new appendices covering matters such as complexity in construction and engineering projects, productivity guides (including specific references to the UK, Australia, and the USA), and a number of case studies dealing with strategic time management and high-density, resource-based scheduling. Provides guidance for the strategic management of time in construction and civil engineering projects Demonstrates how to use a dynamic time model to manage time pro-actively in building and civil engineering projects Sets out processes and standards to be achieved ensuring systematic documentation and quality control of time management Integrates with the CIOB major projects contract Guide to Good Practice in the Management of Time in Major Projects—Dynamic Time Modelling, 2nd Edition is an ideal handbook for project and program management professionals working on civil engineering and construction projects, including those from contractors, clients, and project management consultants.

A Guide to Graphic Print Production

by Kaj Johansson Peter Lundberg Robert Ryberg

The fully revised edition of the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference on print production A II graphic designers and illustrators must be familiar with the steps involved in preparing their work for publication. Now completely revised to reflect the latest technology and trends, A Guide to Graphic Print Production, Third Edition is the complete guide to the entire process of print production, from the early stages of conception and planning, to the technical stages of manufacturing and off-press processing. Structured around the graphic print production flow, essential material is included for all aspects of the process including coverage of computers, color management, layouts, digital images, image editing, prepress, paper, printing, finishing and binding, legal issues, environmental issues, and more.

Guide to Highway Law for Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Contractors

by Mr R O'Hara R.A. O'Hara

First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

A Guide to Historic Artists' Home and Studios

by Valerie Balint

From the desert vistas of Georgia O'Keeffe's New Mexico ranch to Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner's Hamptons cottage, step into the homes and studios of illustrious American artists and witness creativity in the making. Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Historic Artists' Homes and Studios program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, this is the first guidebook to the forty-four site museums in the network, located across all regions of the United States and all open to the public. The guide conveys each artist's visual legacy and sets each site in the context of its architecture and landscape, which often were designed by the artists themselves.Through portraits, artwork, and site photos, discover the powerful influence of place on American greats such as Andrew Wyeth, Grant Wood, Winslow Homer, and Donald Judd as well as lesser-known but equally creative figures who made important contributions to cultural history—photographer Alice Austen and muralist Clementine Hunter among them.

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