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Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
by Gina McIntryeAcademy Award®-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro reinvents Carlo Collodi's classic tale of the wooden marionette who is magically brought to life in order to mend the heart of a grieving woodcarver named Geppetto. This whimsical, stop-motion film directed by Guillermo del Toro and Mark Gustafson follows the mischievous and disobedient adventures of Pinocchio in his pursuit of a place in the world. Illustrated with stunning visuals, this deluxe volume follows the remarkable creative journey that brought Pinocchio to the screen, from del Toro&’s early ideas for the adaptation, through to character design, puppet building, and the meticulous animation process. Featuring interviews with del Toro and a wide range of the film&’s key creatives, this is the definitive story behind the birth of a brand-new Pinocchio. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS: Includes exclusive interviews with Oscar-winning director Guillermo del Toro and his cast and crew. ORIGINAL CONCEPT ART: Features a wealth of electrifying character and location art, storyboards, and other visuals used to conceptualize the film. GO BEHIND-THE-SCENES: Filled with behind-the-scenes images and information about the entire filmmaking process, including the creation of the remarkable puppets and sets that were hand-crafted for the film. PERFECT GIFT: The perfect gift for fans of Guillermo del Toro, animation, and film.
Guinness World Records: Awesome Entertainers!
by Christa RobertsA brand-new Guinness World Records book for kids!Awesome Entertainers! is the ultimate book of jaw-dropping performances, from the circus to the stage and beyond. Meet the world's youngest professional drummer, the comedian who performed the longest stand-up show, the magician who escaped from the most handcuffs in 24 hours, and many more amazing acts whose superstar exploits and captivating talents have earned them a Guinness World Records title.Guinness World Records chapter books present the stories behind the greatest records through full-color photos and 100 records per book. The easy-to-read text is organized into engaging chapters that will captivate the most avid and reluctant young readers alike!
La Guirnalda
by Martha KeltzSondra, o «Sunny», de dieciocho años, se graduó recientemente de la escuela preparatoria y, cuando fallece su madre soltera, asume la tutela legal de su media hermana Amanda, «Mandy», que tiene ocho años. Las dos chicas se mudan de la ciudad de Nueva York a un pequeño pueblo de montaña en el oeste de Maryland, donde les han entregado dos propiedades que pertenecían al padre de Mandy, a quien nunca conocieron. Las cosas se complican para Sunny cuando su hermana pequeña anhela continuar con su formación de ballet. La niña es una bailarina excepcionalmente talentosa y una pequeña superestrella natural, carismática e irresistible, mientras que Sunny es una chica tranquila, estudiosa y trabajadora que aún no está segura de la dirección que tomará su vida. Con la ayuda capaz de los muchos nuevos amigos que las hermanas han conocido en el pequeño pueblo, además de sus buenos amigos en la ciudad de Nueva York, Sunny deja de lado sus propios intereses y metas para manejar la carrera de Mandy. Sin embargo, se consuela y se da cuenta de su posible destino, a través de excursiones tranquilas y solitarias a una pequeña casa en el bosque llamada «La Cabaña», una de las propiedades que se les dio a las dos chicas. Aquí descubre las maravillas naturales del bosque circundante y la incomprensible cantidad de estrellas en el profundo cielo nocturno. El doble misterio de «La Guirnalda» se revela cerca del final de la novela. Una parte del misterio tiene mucho sentido para Sunny, mientras que está completamente asombrada por un segundo significado más personal. «Lo que disfruté de «La Guirnalda» fue la falta de tensión y confusión habituales que se espera en la mayoría de las novelas. Seguí esperando alguna controversia real o el bien contra el mal, pero lo que recibí fue un sentimiento de paz donde los personajes actuaron desde su naturaleza superior. Fue reconfortante. Fue, es, bastante encantadora». - Mark Haberstroh
Guitar: The World's Most Seductive Instrument
by David SchillerCelebrate the significance, the magic, and the mojo of the world’s most seductive instrument. An obsessive, full-color book presented in an irresistible slipcase, Guitar features 200 instruments in stunning detail. Here are icons, like Prince’s Yellow Cloud, Willie Nelson’s “Trigger,” Muddy Water’s Thunderbird, and “Rocky,” lovingly hand-painted by its owner, George Harrison. Historic instruments—Fender’s Broadcaster, Les Paul’s “Log,” the Gibson Nick Lucas Special, the very first artist model. Hand-carved archtops, pinnacles of the luthier’s art, from John D’Angelico to Ken Parker. Stunning acoustics from a new wave of women builders, like Rosie Heydenrych of England, who’s known to use 5,000-year-old wood retrieved from a peat bog. And quirky one-of-a-kind guitars, like Linda Manzer’s Pikasso II—four necks, 42 strings, and a thousand pounds of pressure. Marrying pure visual pleasure with layers of information, Guitar is a glorious gift for every guitar-lover
Guitar Chords for Beginners: A Beginners Guitar Chord Book with Open Chords and More
by Gareth Evans“It's a very comprehensive book containing chords from the beginning stages and beyond. Everything is very well explained with no stone left unturned. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who's starting out with the guitar.” Nigel Elliott, Guitarist & Tutor (N.Ireland)Guitar Chords for Beginners contains 65 different chords arranged in easy fingerings.- TechniqueFretting hand technique for playing guitar chords is looked at in detail with diagrams. Where necessary, some chords are taught incrementally because taking on only the harder aspects of a chord’s fingering first means our hand is freer to adjust. Other chords are shown with different fingerings for you to choose which you prefer. Playing guitar chords may seem like a contortion for the hands of the beginner so there is some basic guidance on stretching to keep the hands flexible.- Audio and MoreEach guitar chord has a downloadable audio example enabling you to hear if you have played it right, or to hear what you need to work towards. There is an introduction to moveable power chords and barre chords, in which barre chords are shown as easier cut-down versions of full barre chord shapes. At the back of Guitar Chords for Beginners there is a list of suggested songs that contain chords from within the book.Grab a copy today!"Looks fab. I particularly like the different ways of playing the A chord. The physical warm-up exercises for flexibility are also good. It is good that movable major and minor barre chords are shown as partial versions to make them initially easier, and beginners might find extra interest where near the back of the book easy open versions of other more exotic chords are shown, such as Dm(maj7), the "James Bond" chord." Campbell Murray, RGT & MU Registered Tutor (Scotland)
Guitar for Kids: First Steps in Learning to Play Guitar with Audio & Video
by Gareth Evans“Gareth has written a really well thought out first book for teaching young children how to play. This one is definitely the one I'll be using.” Bob Lucas - Bob Lucas Guitar Studios (Missouri US)Guitar For Kids is a fun all-colour guide on the first steps of learning to play Guitar with over 70 photographic examples, purpose-made diagrams and cartoons. Starting with advice on buying your first guitar, how to hold the guitar and how to tune it, the music then begins with easy-to-play melodies using only open strings (open strings means only the plucking hand is used), before moving to simple pieces in which the fretting hand is also used. The book goes into detail for some basic techniques because you're better off getting it right from the start rather than develop bad habits.Tablature Based - Guitar for Kids uses mostly guitar tablature making this popular instrument more easily accessible for beginners (as do most adult guitar method books). The rhythmical aspect of Sight-reading is covered within the Chords section which eases-in the later Sight-reading section because the only new thing to learn will be reading different notes from the musical staff.Audio Tracks - Guitar for Kids comes with 47 downloadable audio tracks with musical pieces in styles such as Rock, Blues, Pop, Flamenco, Jazz and Reggae. Each piece has a full band demo track and accompanying backing track with guitar part removed for you to play over.What Else? - EZ chords are covered (easy chords with less notes) and are accompanied with diagrams of the full versions for later on, or if you feel like a challenge. There’s an introduction to Power chords with Rock pieces to play named after healthy greens “Broccolli Rockilly” and “Rocket Salad”. There's a Blues and Rock duet with backing band tracks to play with a friend, and at the end there is a Quiz, no cheating!Grab a copy today!Please Note: The eBook includes musical pieces so is not suitable for smaller screens.“I looked through Guitar for Kids thoroughly when I received it and I think its great. I will be recommending that my students buy one.” Chris Nastri, Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Phoenix Arizona US"It looks like Gareth spent a lot of time writing Guitar for Kids. I think the illustrations are very helpful in keeping people's minds interested and engaged." Tim Woosley - Music Director, Lincoln School of Music (Nebraska)
Guitar Notes
by Mary AmatoOn odd days, Tripp uses a school practice room to let loose on a borrowed guitar. Eyes closed, strumming that beat-up instrument, Tripp escapes to a world where only the music matters. On even days, Lyla Marks uses the same practice room. To Tripp, she's trying to become even more perfect—she's already a straight-A student and an award-winning cellist. But when Lyla begins leaving notes for him in between the strings of the guitar, his life intersects with hers in a way he never expected. What starts as a series of snippy notes quickly blossoms into the sharing of interests and secrets and dreams, and the forging of a very unlikely friendship. Challenging each other to write songs, they begin to connect, even though circumstances threaten to tear them apart. From beloved author Mary Amato comes a YA novel of wit and wisdom, both heartfelt and heartbreaking, about the power of music and the unexpected chords that draw us together.
Guitar Practice Guide: A Practice Guide for Guitarists and other Musicians
by Gareth EvansA 5900 word Practise Guide for Guitarists. Important areas are covered (listed below) giving a grounding on how to approach practise generally and make improvements on the guitar. Various issues you may come across are discussed with guidance on how to deal with them. Where appropriate, statements are backed-up by references to scientific research papers. Subject covered include the following: How much Practise How Often Concentration Patience Physical Limits Small Intermittent Breaks Mental Limits Coordination Sense of Timing and Rhythm How to Stay in Time Practise Speed Download your Free Practise Guide for Guitarists Now!
Guitarra para niños: Primeros pasos para aprender a tocar la guitarra con audio y vídeo
by Gareth EvansGuitarra para niños es una guía divertida de los primeros pasos para aprender a tocar la guitarra con más de 70 ejemplos fotográficos, diagramas específicos y dibujos animados. Comenzando con consejos sobre la compra de tu primera guitarra, cómo sostener la guitarra y cómo afinarla, la música comienza con melodías fáciles de tocar usando sólo cuerdas abiertas (cuerdas abiertas significa que sólo se usa la mano que pulsa las cuerdas), antes de pasar a piezas sencillas en las que también se usa la mano que pulsa. El libro explica detalladamente algunas técnicas básicas porque es mejor hacerlo bien desde el principio en lugar de desarrollar malos hábitos. Basado en tablaturas - Guitarra para niños usa mayormente tablaturas de guitarra haciendo este instrumento popular más accesible para los principiantes (como lo hacen la mayoría de los métodos de guitarra para adultos). El aspecto rítmico de la lectura musical está cubierto en la sección de acordes, lo que facilita el proceso cuando llega la sección de la lectura musical completa, porque entonces lo único nuevo para aprender será leer las notas del pentagrama musical. Pistas de audio - Guitarra para niños viene con 47 pistas de audio descargables con piezas musicales en estilos como rock, blues, pop, flamenco, jazz y reggae. Cada pieza tiene una pista de demostración de la banda y una pista de acompañamiento con la parte de la guitarra eliminada para que la toques. ¿Qué más? - Los acordes fáciles están cubiertos y se acompañan con diagramas de las versiones completas para más tarde, o si te gustan los desafíos. Hay una introducción a los acordes de potencia con piezas de rock para tocar. Hay un dúo de blues y rock con temas de banda de acompañamiento para tocar con un amigo, y al final hay un cuestionario, ¡sin trampas! Nota: El libro electrónico incluye piezas musicales por lo tanto no es adecuado para pantallas pequeñas.
Gulf Conference on Sustainable Built Environment
by Ali Bumajdad Walid Bouhamra Osamah A. Alsayegh Hasan A. Kamal Salem Falah AlhajrafThis volume brings together outstanding contributions to the Gulf Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, held at the Marina Hotel Kuwait, near Kuwait City. The Proceedings collects 29 papers on a range of engineering and materials challenges, and best practices, addressing development of new sustainable building materials, performance improvement of structures and tall buildings, developing monitoring and analysis techniques and frameworks for existing infrastructure under environmental effects, development of long-term sustainability plans for building stock, and development of energy efficient buildings in the gulf region. The Conference was organized by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, and Kuwait University.
Gulf County (Images of America)
by Beverly Mount-DoudsCarved out of Calhoun County on June 6, 1925, Gulf County is one of Florida's youngest counties. The county seat, Port St. Joe, was founded in 1913, and construction of the St. Joe Paper Company's plant in 1937 revitalized the area. The popular fishing site Wewahitchka was the county seat until voters elected to relocate it to Port St. Joe in 1964. Until recently, Port St. Joe was a typical company town, anchored by the paper mill headquarters. The town is near St. Joseph, where Florida's first constitution was drafted in 1838, and which was later destroyed by yellow fever and hurricane surge. Today Gulf County is a thriving, growing area of industrial and recreational resources with nostalgic reminders of a glorious past and a promising future. Port St. Joe and Wewahitchka remain away from the hustle and bustle of large cities.
The Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm 1990–1991 (Modern Warfare)
by Anthony Tucker-JonesThis photographic history of Operation Desert Storm vividly captures the drama and humanity of each stage of the conflict. In the early 1990s, the American military led a coalition of United Nations forces to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. With more than 180 color photographs, The Gulf War provides a remarkable visual account of the conflict, documenting the vast array of military equipment deployed by both sides in the air, at sea and on land. Author and military expert Anthony Tucker-Jones, who was an analyst for British Defense Intelligence at the time of the conflict, describes the armed forces that were ranged against each other, including troops, armored vehicles, artillery pieces and aircraft. He also offers a concise overview of key events, including the preliminary air campaign, the elimination of the Iraqi navy, the coalition's ground offensive, tank battles, the liberation of Kuwait City, and more.
Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park (Images of America)
by Russel Chiodo Krista StoufferJohn "Brandy" Siebenaler and his wife, Marjorie, founded the Gulfarium, the first marine attraction of its kind on the Florida Panhandle. Since the gates first swung open in 1955, guests flocked to the Gulfarium. Displays of live specimens collected from the nearby Gulf of Mexico waters by Brandy, his associates, and Destin's fishing families gave visitors a chance to view life below the sea as they had never seen it before. The park's spectacular dolphin shows gained national recognition, and the high-flying porpoises were trained by none other than Marjorie, who quickly became an acclaimed expert for her innate ability to connect with the animals. Beyond the on-cue performances of sky-high leaps, hoop jumps, and clever antics in the pool, the Gulfarium is part of a greater mission. It plays a critical role in the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of stranded marine mammals, sea turtles, and other native wildlife--a need it has continued to serve for more than half a century.
by Lynne S. BrownIn today's Florida of strip malls and mega attractions, there is little perception of the state as part of the American frontier, but the hardy folks who settled Gulfport were truly pioneers. Moving away from lives disturbed or destroyed by the Civil War and its aftermath, these early families made homes on an isolated bluff surrounded by tidal flats and bayous, filled with virgin pine and palmetto scrub. From these modest beginnings, a small but thriving fishing village emerged.As the years passed and the Florida boom took hold, Gulfport began to know a new kind of prosperity: tourism. Fancy hotels, shops, and restaurants were built and entertained a steady flow of visitors. A popular winter destination for wealthy Northerners following the Depression era, Gulfport became an interesting study in contrasts. Vacationing gentlemen fished on piers alongside the rugged local seamen; well-dressed tourists played bridge on manicured lawns across the street from rowdy taverns. The middle of the century saw rapid residential expansion as returning servicemen needed homes for their young families and retirees flocked to the area for its mild climate and economical living.
Gum Printing: A Step-by-Step Manual, Highlighting Artists and Their Creative Practice (Contemporary Practices in Alternative Process Photography)
by Christina Z AndersonGum Printing: A Step-by-Step Manual Highlighting Artists and Their Creative Practice is a two-part book on gum bichromate written by the medium’s leading expert, Christina Z. Anderson. Section One provides a step-by-step description of the gum printing process. From setting up the "dimroom" (no darkroom required!) to evaluating finished prints, it walks the reader through everything that is needed to establish a firm gum practice with the simplest of setups at home. Section Two showcases contemporary artists’ works, illustrating the myriad ways gum is conceptualized and practiced today. The works in these pages range from monochrome to colorful and from subtle to bold, representing a variety of genres, including still lifes, portraits, nudes, landscapes, urbanscapes and more. Featuring over 80 artists and 400 full-color images, Gum Printing is the most complete overview of this dynamic and expressive medium that has yet appeared in print. Key topics covered include: The history of gum Simple digital negatives for gum, platinum, and cyanotype Preparing supplies Making monochrome, duotone, tricolor, and quadcolor gum prints Printing gum over cyanotype Printing gum over platinum Troubleshooting gum Advice on developing a creative practice
Gumoil Photographic Printing, Revised Edition
by Karl KoenigThere is renewed interest among art photographers in a number of historic printing techniques because of the remarkable effects they produce. The reader will discover how to create beautifully tinted mono- and polychromatic gum and oil images using the author's version of this 19th century technique. Step-by-step illustrated instructions with directions for further experimentation provide a perfect source for learning this new, yet old, printing technique. Gumoil printing involves contact-printing a positive transparency onto gum-coated paper. Oil paint is then applied and rubbed into nongummed areas of the print. With bleach etching, mono- and polychromatic variations are possible. A chapter on digital printing combines the new and the historic, making this technique even more accessible for the art photographer.
Gun: 100 Greatest Firearms (Field & Stream)
by David E. Petzal Phil BourjailyA collection of gorgeous photos celebrating five-hundred years of firearms, featuring the history, artistry, and evolving technology of the gun.Guns. For centuries, these beautiful, controversial, essential, and sometimes fearful machines have been an integral part of our lives. From the hand cannons and matchlock muskets of the 1500s to the latest military technology, this book celebrates the artistry, technology, cultural significance, and power of one-hundred iconic guns. Firearms enthusiasts, history buffs, and shooters of every stripe will find something to marvel at in this gorgeous full-color book.
The Gun and Its Development (Greenhill Military Paperback Ser.)
by W. W. GreenerFirst published in Great Britain in 1881 and subsequently revised nine times between then and 1910, The Gun and Its Development traces the fascinating history of weaponry: the obscure, ancient origins of the slingshot and the bow, the invention of the crossbow, possibly around 1000 AD; the introduction of gunpowder into Europe in the fourteenth century; the development of sporting and military guns over the centuries thereafter; and the rise of modern, mass-produced firearms in the early twentieth century.Chapters cover early to modern handguns; gunpowder ignition methods from fuses and flintlocks to percussion fulminates; shotguns; hammerless guns; ejector guns; the history of the firearms industry; manufacturing methods and their development in Britain, America, and elsewhere; how to use and handle different types of guns; ballistics; the development of rifling and smokeless powder; and much more. Copiously illustrated with photographs and marvelous engravings, The Gun and Its Development is the classic, authoritative reference work on the subject, certain to be of great interest to marksmen, hunters, gun collectors, and anyone interested in military or industrial history.
Gun Digest 2012
by Dan ShidelerSince 1944, Gun Digest has been regarded as the shooter's No. 1 resource. The 2012 edition continues the tradition of bringing you more of everything that firearms fanatics crave! Features in-depth articles about the world's most fascinating guns, testfire reports on the latest models, insights about fine collectibles, and roundups of what's new from leading manufacturers... you simply won't find a more comprehensive collection of firearms information. Whether you're interested in the latest tactical firearms or want to learn more about firearms history - or anything else related to guns and shooting - you'll find it in Gun Digest 2012. It's All Here: Rifles, Handguns & Shotguns Tactical Firearms Engraved & Custom Guns Ammunition Air Guns Gunsmithing Supplies Muzzloaders Shooting Products for Women About the Editor The late Dan Shideler (1960-2011) was a senior editor for Gun Digest Books and best-known as editor of the 2010-2012 editions of Gun Digest. During his seven years with F+W Media, Shideler also edited the Standard Catalog of Firearms, Modern Gun Values, The Official Gun Digest Book of Guns & Prices, and numerous other titles.
Gun Digest 2013
by Jerry LeeThe World's Greatest Gun Book is Here Again! IT'SGUN DIGEST 2013! Since 1944, Gun Digest has been regarded as the shooter's No. 1 resource worldwide. Our 2013 edition, our 67th Edition, is nothing less, as we continue the tradition of bringing you more of everything that firearms fanatics crave! In-depth articles about the world's most fascinating guns, testfire reports on the latest models, insights about fine collectibles and one-of-a-kind custom creations, and round-ups of what's new in firearms, ammo, reloading and optics from today's leading manufacturers - you simply won't find a more comprehensive collection of firearms information. It's all here! Rifles, Handguns & Shotguns Tactical Firearms Engraved & Custom Guns Ammunition Handloading Resources And more! Whether you're interested in the latest tactical firearms or want to learn more about firearms or want to learn more about firearms history - or anything else related to guns and shooting - you'll find it inGun Digest 2013, 67th Edition.
Gun Digest 2013
by Jerry LeeThe World's Greatest Gun Book is Here Again! IT'S GUN DIGEST 2013! Since 1944, Gun Digest has been regarded as the shooter's No. 1 resource worldwide. Our 2013 edition, our 67th Edition, is nothing less, as we continue the tradition of bringing you more of everything that firearms fanatics crave! In-depth articles about the world's most fascinating guns, testfire reports on the latest models, insights about fine collectibles and one-of-a-kind custom creations, and round-ups of what's new in firearms, ammo, reloading and optics from today's leading manufacturers - you simply won't find a more comprehensive collection of firearms information. It's all here! Rifles, Handguns & Shotguns Tactical Firearms Engraved & Custom Guns Ammunition Handloading Resources And more! Whether you're interested in the latest tactical firearms or want to learn more about firearms or want to learn more about firearms history - or anything else related to guns and shooting - you'll find it in Gun Digest 2013, 67th Edition.
Gun Digest 2014
by Jerry LeeThe world's greatest gun book is here again--it's Gun Digest 2014! Since 1944, Gun Digest has been regarded as the shooter's No. 1 resource worldwide. Our 2014 68th Edition is nothing less, as we continue the tradition of bringing you more of everything that firearms fanatics crave! In-depth articles about the world's most fascinating guns, testfire reports on the latest models, insights about fine collectibles and one-of-a-kind custom creations, and round-ups of what's new in firearms, ammo, reloading and optics from today's leading manufacturers--you simply won't find a more comprehensive collection of firearms information. It's all here! Rifles, handguns & shotguns Tactical firearms Engraved & custom guns Ammunition Handloading resources Whether you're interested in the latest tactical weapons or want to learn more about sporting arms, firearms history or anything else related to guns and shooting--you'll find it in Gun Digest 2014.
Gun Digest 2014
by Jerry LeeThe world's greatest gun book is here again--it's Gun Digest 2014! Since 1944, Gun Digest has been regarded as the shooter's No. 1 resource worldwide. Our 2014 68th Edition is nothing less, as we continue the tradition of bringing you more of everything that firearms fanatics crave! In-depth articles about the world's most fascinating guns, testfire reports on the latest models, insights about fine collectibles and one-of-a-kind custom creations, and round-ups of what's new in firearms, ammo, reloading and optics from today's leading manufacturers--you simply won't find a more comprehensive collection of firearms information. It's all here! Rifles, handguns & shotguns Tactical firearms Engraved & custom guns Ammunition Handloading resources Whether you're interested in the latest tactical weapons or want to learn more about sporting arms, firearms history or anything else related to guns and shooting--you'll find it in Gun Digest 2014.
Gun Digest American Arms ATI GSG-5 Assembly/Disassembly Instructions
by Kevin MuramatsuThis short eBook teaches you how to take apart and reassemble your American Arms ATI GSG-5 with confidence. Thanks to clear Assembly/Disassembly instructions and crisp photography - aided by gun expert J.B. Wood's sage advice - you'll save an expensive trip to the gunsmith by getting to know your gun inside and out!
Gun Digest Beretta 92S Assembly/Disassembly Instructions
by J. B. WoodThis short eBook teaches you how to take apart and reassemble your Beretta 92S with confidence. Thanks to clear Assembly/Disassembly instructions and crisp photography - aided by gun expert J.B. Wood's sage advice - you'll save an expensive trip to the gunsmith by getting to know your gun inside and out!