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Showing 23,451 through 23,475 of 56,661 results

Gun Digest Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

by Kevin Muramatsu

This short eBook teaches you how to take apart and reassemble your Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 with confidence. Thanks to clear Assembly/Disassembly instructions and crisp photography - aided by gun expert J.B. Wood's sage advice - you'll save an expensive trip to the gunsmith by getting to know your gun inside and out!

Gun Digest Smith & Wesson M&P Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

by J. B. Wood

This short eBook teaches you how to take apart and reassemble your Smith & Wesson M&P with confidence. Thanks to clear Assembly/Disassembly instructions and crisp photography - aided by gun expert J.B. Wood's sage advice - you'll save an expensive trip to the gunsmith by getting to know your gun inside and out!

Gun Digest Springfield XD Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

by J. B. Wood

This short eBook teaches you how to take apart and reassemble your Springfield XD with confidence. Thanks to clear Assembly/Disassembly instructions and crisp photography - aided by gun expert J.B. Wood's sage advice - you'll save an expensive trip to the gunsmith by getting to know your gun inside and out!

Gun Digest U.S. Springfield 1922 M2 Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

by Kevin Muramatsu

This short eBook teaches you how to take apart and reassemble your U.S. Springfield 1922 M2 with confidence. Thanks to clear Assembly/Disassembly instructions and crisp photography - aided by gun expert J.B. Wood's sage advice - you'll save an expensive trip to the gunsmith by getting to know your gun inside and out!

Gun Digest Walther PPK-S Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

by J. B. Wood

This short eBook teaches you how to take apart and reassemble your Walther PPK-S with confidence. Thanks to clear Assembly/Disassembly instructions and crisp photography - aided by gun expert J.B. Wood's sage advice - you'll save an expensive trip to the gunsmith by getting to know your gun inside and out!

Gun Digest Winchester 69 Assembly/Disassembly Instructions

by Kevin Muramatsu

This short eBook teaches you how to take apart and reassemble your Winchester 69 with confidence. Thanks to clear Assembly/Disassembly instructions and crisp photography - aided by gun expert J.B. Wood's sage advice - you'll save an expensive trip to the gunsmith by getting to know your gun inside and out!

Gun Digest’s Backup Guns for Concealed Carry eShort

by Massad Ayoob

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob argues for backup guns. He provides the rationale, real-life examples, and tips on how and where to carry a small concealed carry gun.

Gun Digest's Choosing Concealed Carry Revolvers eShort Collection

by Grant Cunningham

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham compares revolvers with semi-autos, details the pros and cons of each and helps you choose the best revolver for CCW.

Gun Digest's Concealed Carry: Handgun Ammo & Calibers eShort

by Grant Cunningham

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham explains the best calibers and handgun ammo choices for the concealed carry revolver.

Gun Digest's Concealed Carry: Revolver Maintenance eShort

by Grant Cunningham

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham covers after range session cleaning procedures, how to remove lead from the bore and how to proper firearm storage.

Gun Digest’s Concealed Carry Ankle Holsters eShort

by Massad Ayoob

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob shows how to draw and fire using an ankle holster, plus gun choice considerations and the rationale of ankle carry.

Gun Digest’s Concealed Carry Gun Ammo eShort

by Massad Ayoob

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob details what to look for when choosing an effective self-defense load for your gun.

Gun Digest’s Concealed Carry Guns & Handgun Ammo eShort Collection

by Massad Ayoob

In this collection, excerpted from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob discusses guns and loads to optimize concealed carry. From handguns to ammunition, learn how to gear up for self-defense.

Gun Digest’s Concealed Carry Hip Holsters eShort

by Massad Ayoob

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob covers hip holsters for concealed carry. Learn strong-side advantages and disadvantages and considerations for inside-the-waistband versus outside-the-waistband holsters.

Gun Digest’s Concealed Carry Shoulder Holsters eShort

by Massad Ayoob

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob addresses the use of shoulder holsters for concealed carry. Learn when to use a shoulder holster, the best system for your gun and tactics for their use.

Gun Digest's Concealed Carry - Snub Nose Revolver

by Grant Cunningham

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham teaches you how to control recoil in small snubnose revolvers for better accuracy. Also covered are grips and sights for snubnose pistols.

Gun Digest’s Double Action Trigger Concealed Carry eShort

by Grant Cunningham

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham shows the proper grasp, finger position and trigger control for fast, accurate double action revolver shooting.

Gun Digest’s IDPA Gear & Concealed Carry Clothing eShort Collection

by Massad Ayoob

In this collection, excerpted from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob covers wardrobe choices for CCW, the value of IDPA match training and words of advice to help you survive.

Gun Digest’s IDPA Gear, Tactical Drills & Handgun Training eShort

by Massad Ayoob

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob says that International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) matches hone your CCW skills. They require you to move, draw and shoot in a simulated stress environment.

Gun Digest’s Large Concealed Handguns eShort

by Massad Ayoob

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob proves you can carry a large handgun concealed effectively. He covers holsters for large pistols, clothing factors and techniques.

Gun Digest’s Lifestyle of Carrying a Concealed Weapon eShort

by Massad Ayoob

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry, Massad Ayoob shows you how carrying a concealed weapon for self-defense entails a change in lifestyle.

Gun Digest's One-Hand Revolver Reloading Concealed Carry eShort

by Grant Cunningham

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham shows how to reload your revolver with one hand. This emergency technique is critical to master if you carry a concealed revolver for self-defense.

Gun Digest's The Perfect Revolver Fit Concealed Carry eShort

by Grant Cunningham

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham shows why revolver fit is so important and how to find the perfect fitting pistol for CCW.

Gun Digest’s Revolver & Pistol Sights for Concealed Carry eShort

by Grant Cunningham

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham reveals his picks for the best revolver sights and sighting techniques for fast, accurate pistol shooting.

Gun Digest's Revolvers for CCW Concealed Carry Collection eShort

by Grant Cunningham

In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham gives tips for carrying a revolver for self-defense and special considerations for snubnose revolvers.

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Showing 23,451 through 23,475 of 56,661 results