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Showing 26,476 through 26,500 of 56,680 results

Il Malvagio Problema Del Patrimonio Culturale E Del Conflitto: Coinvolgimento militare nella protezione e nella devastazione della Proprietà Culturale

by Joris D. Kila e Christopher V. Herndon

L'eredità culturale del mondo è attualmente minacciata non solo dal tempo, dalla natura, e dallo sviluppo umano e anche dal l'aumentare dei conflitti armati. Vediamo le distruzioni causate dal saccheggio e dal traffico illecito ma anche l'iconoclastia e le manipolazioni dell'eredità culturale per motivi politici, religiosi, economici, e di propaganda. I ricavi derivati dalla vendita illecita sono spesso usati per finanziare i conflitti come illustrato nell'esempio del modello finanziario di Da'esh in questo libro. La Protezione del Patrimonio Culturale (CPP), anche se legalmente obbligatoria secondo la legge nazionale e internazionale, è mal implementata e le sanzioni sono raramente applicate. C'è però, una richiesta costante e internazionale per l'educazione e i risultati della ricerca multidisciplinare sull'argomento, specialmente nel contesto del conflitto e del crimine. Le ricerche devono includere le prospettive militari, e i meccanismi comuni collegati all’abuso e alla protezione. I risultati devono contenere concettualizzazioni accademiche, nonchè soluzioni basate sulla pratica per diminuire e mitigare i danni. Per soddisfare le richieste mentre si espandono, a seguito del loro lavoro precedente ne il Coinvolgimento Militare nella Protezione del Patrimonio Culturale: Una Panoramica (Forza Congiunta Trimestrale, JFQ 74 Joint Force Quarterly, Terzo Trimestre 2014 Luglio 2014) gli autori hanno scritto questa pubblicazione. Contiene una selezione di esempi in materia e incorpora recenti sviluppi e tendenze. Tutti gli ingredienti servono per alimentare la ricerca e il dialogo sull’uso e l’abuso dell’eredità culturale specialmente nell’evento di un conflitto, con particolare riguardo sulla cooperazione e la coordinazione tra i soggetti interessati e le parti militari. Una selezione di identificati problemi fondamentali della CPP sono disucsse come parte di un’analisi di comparazione con esempi in materia come il caso Dugongo,

Il Manuale Completo ai Dispositivi Roku: TV, Express, Ultra, Stick, Canali, Applicazioni, Account

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Una guida passo passo su come ottenere il massimo dai tuoi dispositivi Roku *Utilizzabile con tutti i dispositivi Roku* Le massime capacità dei dispositivi Roku non sono tutti i suoi canali e le sue funzioni. Impara ad utilizzare i tuoi dispositivi al massimo, come fanno i professionisti. Ecco cosa avrai: -App -Menù -Canali -Show, tv e musica -Impostare il dispositivo -Opzioni -Aggiornamenti -Risoluzione dei problemi -Impostazioni del display + MOLTO ALTRO! --> Vai in cima alla pagina e clicca su aggiungi al carrello per acquistarlo immediatamente Disclaimer: This author and or rights owner(s) make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this book, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents within. This product is for reference use only.

Il Manuale Lollapalooza Definitivo

by Brianna Colby

Che tu sia nuovo o un veterano, questo manuale ha i consigli che ti serviranno per sopravvivere e vivere bene uno dei più meravigliosi festival di tutti i tempi! Il Loolapalooza continua ad essere una delle esperienze di festival più fantastiche che le persone abbiano mai fatto. Comunque ci sono molti consigli e trucchi che devi imparare per trarre il meglio da questa esperienza. Questo manuale ti insegnerà le cose da fare e non fare in questo festival, oltre a risparmiare denaro e divertirti allo stesso tempo! - Tipologie di biglietto & come risparmiare soldi - Risparmiare sui biglietti - Linee aeree e sconti - Alberghi e sconti - Come massimizzare la tua esperienza - Cosa portare e cosa lasciare a casa --> Vai in cima alla pagina e clicca su aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente Disclaimer: This author and or rights owner(s) make no claims, promises, or guarantees in regards to the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this book, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents within. This product is for reference use only. Please consult a professional before taking action on any of the contents found within.

Il salone degli artisti esiliati in California

by Núria Añó

Il salone degli artisti esiliati in California è una biografia di Salka Viertel, un’attrice ebrea che emigrò a Hollywood e fu popolarmente conosciuta come la sceneggiatrice dell’attrice svedese Greta Garbo. Inoltre, era proprietaria di un salone a Santa Monica (California), frequentato da molti intellettuali europei in esilio. Salka Viertel fu una donna molto moderna e singolare che si merita un riconoscimento. Nel libro affiorano temi come la presunta bisessualità di Salka Viertel e la quantità di amici rinomati che aveva, per citarne qualcuno Albert Einstein, Charles Chaplin, Sergei Eisenstein, F. W. Murnau, Max Reinhardt, Arnold Schönberg, Thomas Mann, Bertolt Brecht, Greta Garbo, Montgomery Clift... Come Gertrude Stein e altre donne celebri, possedeva un salone letterario per il quale passarono molti scrittori, tra cui Truman Capote, Christopher Isherwood, Gore Vidal e molti altri. Altri temi che troviamo sono la Berlino degli anni’20; il passaggio dal cinema muto a quello parlato visto dalla mecca di Hollywood; l’ascesa di Hitler e le conseguenze che ebbe per il popolo ebraico; l’esilio di intellettuali che non potevano tornare ai loro paesi a causa della Seconda guerra mondiale; la Guerra fredda e la caccia alle streghe contro il comunismo. Lo sfondo della vita di Salka Viertel e della sua cerchia di amici comprende i grandi eventi del XX secolo. Grazie a questo progetto, l’autrice ha ottenuto le borse di soggiorno SWP (Cina, 2016) e BCWT (Svezia, 2017). "Lo considero un racconto molto interessante e ancora molto attuale ai giorni nostri, dato che ai miei occhi non abbiamo fatto molti progressi nella questione di accettazione dei “sentimenti interpersonali” in generale. Un grande libro, estremamente interessante, sull’Hollywood degli anni’30 e’40 e l’influenza di artisti da paesi europei come Germania, Aust

The Ilex Introduction to Photography: Capturing the moment every time, whatever camera you have

by Haje Jan Kamps the Ilex Team

By understanding the basics of how your camera works, and the few simple rules that make photos work, you’ll soon find your own pictures filling with life, colour, energy, and character. <P><P> Over the course of a decade, the Ilex Photo team has won a deserved reputation as a world-beating publisher of practical titles for photographers. Written in collaboration with top-ranking photographer-blogger, Haje Jan Kamps, The Ilex Introduction to Photography is the definitive first book for owners of all cameras. <P> The book introduces the basics of how today’s digital cameras work, and the principles of good photography (light, colour and composition) before looking at common shooting situations (pets, family, food, B&W, architecture...) and offering practical and inventive solutions to them. <P> Contains straightforward advice on what to look out for when choosing your camera, how to master photography fundamentals and discover the tricks and techniques to ensure every photo is memorable and includes a dedicated chapter covering popular subjects that’s packed with tips to help you shoot in any situation you can think of.

I'll Be Back Right After This: My Memoir

by Pat O'Brien

A New York Times Best seller!Pat O'Brien was a skinny South Dakota kid with long hair, a rock and roll band, divorced parents and an alcoholic father. In all the familiar ways, he was on the road to nowhere until a professor, who envisioned his future as the household name he would soon become, dramatically changed his life.From that day forward Pat's life took turns that were both spectacular and destructive: from the Huntley-Brinkley Report and afternoons at Bobby Kennedy's living room with Muhammad Ali to conversations with six Presidents. He did acid with Timothy Leary, drank with Mickey Mantle, and over the course of a remarkable career up close and personal with the Beatles, The Stones, The Kennedy's, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and virtually every star in Hollywood. In I'LL BE BACK RIGHT AFTER THIS, Pat reveals the highs and lows of the life of a radio and TV broadcaster, spent sharing the mic with the world's rich and famous while battling an infamous public scandal and demons that nearly killed him. With laughter, tears and miracles he reveals how he learned to accept his mistakes, find redemption and become the father he never had, proving there really are second and even third acts in life.

I'll Be Home for Christmas Movies: The Deck the Hallmark Podcast's Guide to Your Holiday TV Obsession

by Brandon Gray Daniel Thompson Daniel Pandolph Alonso Duralde

I'll Be Home for Christmas Movies is the unofficial fan guide to Hallmark holiday movies, from the creators of the wildly popular Deck the Hallmark podcast. Hosts and best friends Brandon Gray, Daniel "Panda" Pandolph, and Dan Thompson share reviews that make you feel like you're watching these holiday favorites with your best buds, discussing warm Christmas feelings and absolutely bonkers plot twists with equal enthusiasm. And thanks to original interviews with the movies' stars and creators, fans will find out insider information on the making of the movies and learn answers to pressing questions: Why do the lead characters keep coming down with amnesia? Why do so many female stock brokers and lawyers find themselves forced to plan parties? And do all of the stories take place within something called the "Kennyverse"?To complete the perfect Christmas package, the book is also chock-full of ideas for hosting your own holiday movie-watching party, complete with delicious recipes. Featuring dozens of full-color photos throughout, I'll Be Home for Christmas Movies is as cozy and sparkly as the movies themselves.

"I'll Be There for You"

by Warren Littlefield

An eBook short.A behind-the-scenes look at Friends, one of the most popular TV shows of all time--a wide-ranging interview with the cast and creators, excerpted from Top of the Rock, by former NBC President of Entertainment Warren LittlefieldIt was a little show originally called Six of One, whose pilot only tested decently with audiences--but all of that would soon change. "I'll Be There for You" presents a colorful, funny, and enlightening oral history drawn from the actors and creators of Friends. Outlining the whole history of the show, from first episode to last, including testimonials straight from the studio floor, this selection reveals the personal side of the "Shakespearean soap opera," including how the actors dealt with fame, helped to create their roles, negotiated and grew together as one family, and (of course) how Joey became Joey.

I'll Be There for You: The One about Friends

by Kelsey Miller

Today, Friends is remembered as an icon of ’90s comedy and the Must See TV years. But when the series debuted in 1994, no one anticipated the sensation it would become. From the first wave of Friends mania to the backlash and renaissance that followed, the show maintained an uncanny connection to its audience, who saw it both as a reflection of their own lives and an aspirational escape from reality. In the years since, Friends has evolved from prime-time megahit to nostalgic novelty, and finally, to certified classic. Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe have entered the pantheon of great television characters, and yet their stories remain relevant still. <p><p> I’ll Be There for You is a deep dive into Friends history and lore, exploring all aspects of the show, from its unlikely origins to the societal conditions that amplified its success. Journalist and pop culture expert Kelsey Miller relives the show’s most powerful moments, sheds light on its sometimes dated and problematic elements, and examines the worldwide trends that Friends catalyzed, from contemporary coffee culture to the wildly popular ’90s haircut The Rachel. Taking readers behind the scenes, Miller traces the cast’s rise to fame and untangles the complex relationship between the actors and their characters. Weaving in revelatory interviews and personal stories, she investigates the role of celebrity media, world-changing events and the dawning of the digital age—all of which influenced both the series and its viewers. <p> I’ll Be There for You is the definitive retrospective of Friends, not only for fans of the series, but for anyone who’s ever wondered what it is about this show—and television comedy—that resonates so powerfully.

I'll Be With You Always

by Joni Eareckson Tada

A disillusioned artist, who feels his tallent will never match that of his father, is restored by the older man's love and faith.

I'll Be Your Mirror: The Selected Andy Warhol Interviews

by Kenneth Goldsmith

The Question-and-Answer interview was one of Andy WarholOCOs favorite communication vehicles, so much so that he named his own magazine after the form. Yet, never before has anyone published a collection of interviews that Warhol himself gave. IOCOll Be Your Mirror contains more then thirty conversations revealing this unique and important artist. Each piece presents a different facet of the Sphinx-like WarholOCOs ever-evolving personality. Writer Kenneth Goldsmith provides context and provenance for each selection. Beginning in 1962 with a notorious interview in which Warhol literally begs the interviewer to put words into his mouth, the book covers WarholOCOs most important artistic period during the OCO60s. As Warhol shifts to filmmaking in the OCO70s, this collection explores his emergence as socialite, scene-maker, and trendsetter; his influential Interview magazine; and the Studio 54 scene. In the 80s, his support of young artists like Jean-Michel Basquait, his perspective on art history and the growing relationship to technology in his work are shown. Finally, his return to religious imagery and spirituality are available in an interview conducted just months before his death. Including photographs and previous unpublished interviews, this collage of Warhol showcases the artistOCOs ability to manipulate, captivate, and enrich American culture. "

I'll Drink to That: New York's Legendary Personal Shopper and Her Life in Style - With a Twist

by Betty Halbreich

Betty Halbreich is a true original. Now in her eighties, she has spent nearly forty years at the luxury store Bergdorf Goodman, working with socialites, stars and ordinary women. She has led many to appreciate their real selves through clothes, frank advice and her unique brand of wisdom; she is trusted by the most discriminating persons - including Hollywood's top stylists - to tell them what looks best. But her own transformation from cosseted girl to fearless truth-teller is the greatest makeover of all.Born into a successful Chicago family, aged twenty Betty married dashing Sonny Halbreich and came to Manhattan, where the couple threw themselves into a whirlwind of long hours, cocktails and Park Avenue parties, living the high life in 1950s New York. However, the marriage began to fray and after two decades came undone completely. Bereft, Betty attempted suicide. As she embarked on the frightening process of reclaiming herself, she was offered a lifeline: a job at Bergdorf Goodman. For Betty, with her innate sense of style and craftsmanship, it was a perfect fit.Hardworking, elegant, and gifted with sparkling wit and razor-sharp powers of observation, in her amazing life story as in her style guidance Betty Halbreich is never afraid to tell it straight.

I'll Drink to That

by Betty Halbreich Rebecca Paley

Eighty-six-year-old Betty Halbreich is a true original. A tough broad who could have stepped straight out of Stephen Sondheim's repertoire, she has spent nearly forty years as the legendary personal shopper at Bergdorf Goodman, where she works with socialites, stars, and ordinary women off the street. She has helped many find their true selves through clothes, frank advice, and her own brand of wisdom. She is trusted by the most discriminating persons--including Hollywood's top stylists--to tell them what looks best. But Halbreich's personal transformation from a cosseted young girl to a fearless truth teller is the greatest makeover of her career. A Chicago native, Halbreich moved to Manhattan at twenty after marrying the dashing Sonny Halbreich, a true character right out of Damon Runyon who liked the nightlife of New York in the fifties. On the surface, they were a great match, but looks can be deceiving; an unfaithful Sonny was emotionally distant while Halbreich became increasingly anguished. After two decades, the fraying marriage finally came undone. Bereft without Sonny and her identity as his wife, she hit rock bottom. After she began the frightening process of reclaiming herself and started therapy, Halbreich was offered a lifeline in the form of a job at the legendary luxury store Bergdorf Goodman. Soon, she was asked to run the store's first personal shopping service. It was a perfect fit. Meticulous, impeccable, hardworking, elegant, and--most of all--delightfully funny, Halbreich has never been afraid to tell it to her clients straight. She won't sell something just to sell it. If an outfit or shoe or purse is too expensive, she'll dissuade you from buying it. As Halbreich says, "There are two things nobody wants to face: their closet and their mirror." She helps women do both, every day.

I'll Drink to That!: Broadway's Legendary Stars, Classic Shows, and the Cocktails They Inspired

by Laurence Maslon

Broadway has always raised a glass to celebrate itself—what&’s an opening night without popping the cork of a bottle of Champagne? I&’ll Drink to That! Broadway&’s Legendary Stars, Classic Shows, and the Cocktails They Inspired is a celebration of theatrical tradition, a souvenir of magic moments on stage, and a practical guide to concocting one-of-a-kind craft cocktail recipes inspired by the classics of the American stage. I&’ll Drink to That! expertly mixes clever cocktails that pay homage to unforgettable Broadway shows--such as the Rainbow High from Evita and the Sidecar Named Desire--with authentic recipes for drinks that played supporting roles in beloved shows--like the legendary Vodka Stinger from Company--and shakes it up with a history of the cocktail on Broadway, detailed by one of the leading musical theater historians, Laurence Maslon. Featured throughout are fantastic images—from intoxicating images of classic shows to portraits of effervescent stage celebrities to vintage liquor ads featuring Broadway stars. Of course, the drinks themselves get their own spotlight, photographed by the legendary Broadway photographer Joan Marcus at the iconic Sardi&’s restaurant, home to hundreds of opening nights over the past century. With drinks ranging from the South Pacific-inspired Bali Ha&’i Ma&’i Ta&’i to Mame&’s Cornhusker mint julep to the Hamilton My Shot, and illustrated with a wide range of rare drawings, posters, and advertisements,, I'll Drink to That! is the perfect gift for anyone who loves the theater, enjoys an elegant bend of the elbow, and wants to be part of a long and bubbly theatrical history. 30 DRINK RECIPES: Dozens of delicious drink recipes from pre-theater cocktails to cozy after-theater toddies to celebratory toasts guaranteed to earn a standing ovation! COCKTAILS WITH A TWIST: Clever takes on Broadways shows and show tunes, including the Toast of Mayfair (Cabaret), the Bloody Sweeney (Sweeney Todd), and the Dead Thing (Beetlejuice). STARS OF THE SHOW: Classic recipes for drinks that feature center stage in famous plays and musicals, such as the Vodka Stinger from Company and the Sazerac from State of the Union. BROADWAY&’S BUBBLY HISTORY: Dive deep into dozens of stories and anecdotes about how cocktails and drinking played a role in creating some of Broadway&’s greatest hits. PHOTOS BY A LEGEND IN A LEGENDARY PLACE: Drinks photographed by the legendary Broadway photographer Joan Marcus in Broadway&’s most famous theater restaurant, Sardi&’s.

I'll Drink to That

by Rebecca Paley Betty Halbreich

The stunning true story of Bergdorf Goodman's legendary personal shopperEighty-six-year-old Betty Halbreich is a true original who could have stepped straight out of Stephen Sondheim's repertoire. She has spent nearly forty years as the legendary personal shopper at Bergdorf Goodman, where she works with socialites, stars, and ordinary women off the street. She has helped many find their true selves through fashion, frank advice, and her own brand of wisdom. She is trusted by the most discriminating persons--including Hollywood's top stylists--to tell them what looks best. But Halbreich's personal transformation from cosseted young girl to fearless truth teller is the greatest makeover of her career.cades, the fraying marriage finally came undone. Bereft without Sonny and her identity as his wife, she hit rock bottom.After she began the frightening process of reclaiming herself and started therapy, Halbreich was offered a lifeline in the form of a job at the legendary luxury store Bergdorf Goodman. Soon, she was asked to run the store's first personal shopping service. It was a perfect fit.Meticulous, impeccable, hardworking, elegant, and--most of all--delightfully funny, Halbreich has never been afraid to tell it to her clients straight. She won't sell something just to sell it. If an outfit or shoe or purse is too expensive, she'll dissuade you from buying it. As Halbreich says, "There are two things nobody wants to face: their closet and their mirror." She helps women do both, every day.

I'll Drink to That

by Rebecca Paley Betty Halbreich

The stunning true story of Bergdorf Goodman's legendary personal shopperEighty-six-year-old Betty Halbreich is a true original who could have stepped straight out of Stephen Sondheim's repertoire. She has spent nearly forty years as the legendary personal shopper at Bergdorf Goodman, where she works with socialites, stars, and ordinary women off the street. She has helped many find their true selves through fashion, frank advice, and her own brand of wisdom. She is trusted by the most discriminating persons--including Hollywood's top stylists--to tell them what looks best. But Halbreich's personal transformation from cosseted young girl to fearless truth teller is the greatest makeover of her career.cades, the fraying marriage finally came undone. Bereft without Sonny and her identity as his wife, she hit rock bottom.After she began the frightening process of reclaiming herself and started therapy, Halbreich was offered a lifeline in the form of a job at the legendary luxury store Bergdorf Goodman. Soon, she was asked to run the store's first personal shopping service. It was a perfect fit.Meticulous, impeccable, hardworking, elegant, and--most of all--delightfully funny, Halbreich has never been afraid to tell it to her clients straight. She won't sell something just to sell it. If an outfit or shoe or purse is too expensive, she'll dissuade you from buying it. As Halbreich says, "There are two things nobody wants to face: their closet and their mirror." She helps women do both, every day.

I'll give you the Sun

by Jandy Nelson

New York Times bestseller Shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize Winner of the 2015 Michael L. Printz Award Winner of a 2015 Stonewall Honor "This is the big one - the BLAZING story of once inseparable twins whose lives are torn apart by tragedy." Entertainment Weekly From the critically acclaimed author of The Sky Is Every where, a radiant novel that will leave you laughing and crying - all at once. For fans of John Green, Gayle Forman and Lauren Oliver. Jude and her twin Noah were incredibly close - until a tragedy drove them apart, and now they are barely speaking. Then Jude meets a cocky, broken, beautiful boy as well as a captivating new mentor, both of whom may just need her as much as she needs them. What the twins don't realize is that each of them has only half the story and if they can just find their way back to one another, they have a chance to remake their world.

I'll Have What She's Having: How Nora Ephron's Three Iconic Films Saved the Romantic Comedy

by Erin Carlson

A backstage look at the making of Nora Ephron's revered trilogy--When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail, and Sleepless in Seattle--which brought romantic comedies back to the fore, and an intimate portrait of the beloved writer/director who inspired a generation of Hollywood women, from Mindy Kaling to Lena Dunham.In I'll Have What She's Having entertainment journalist Erin Carlson tells the story of the real Nora Ephron and how she reinvented the romcom through her trio of instant classics. With a cast of famous faces including Rob Reiner, Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, and Billy Crystal, Carlson takes readers on a rollicking, revelatory trip to Ephron's New York City, where reality took a backseat to romance and Ephron--who always knew what she wanted and how she wanted it--ruled the set with an attention to detail that made her actors feel safe but sometimes exasperated crew members. Along the way, Carlson examines how Ephron explored in the cinema answers to the questions that plagued her own romantic life and how she regained faith in love after one broken engagement and two failed marriages. Carlson also explores countless other questions Ephron's fans have wondered about: What sparked Reiner to snap out of his bachelor blues during the making of When Harry Met Sally? Why was Ryan, a gifted comedian trapped in the body of a fairytale princess, not the first choice for the role? After she and Hanks each separatel balked at playing Mail's Kathleen Kelly and Sleepless' Sam Baldwin, what changed their minds? And perhaps most importantly: What was Dave Chappelle doing ... in a turtleneck? An intimate portrait of a one of America's most iconic filmmakers and a look behind the scenes of her crowning achievements, I'll Have What She's Having is a vivid account of the days and nights when Ephron, along with assorted cynical collaborators, learned to show her heart on the screen.

I'll Sleep When I'm Dead: The Dirty Life and Times of Warren Zevon

by Crystal Zevon

When Warren Zevon died in 2003, he left behind a rich catalog of dark, witty rock 'n' roll classics, including "Lawyers, Guns and Money," "Excitable Boy," and the immortal "Werewolves of London." He also left behind a fanatical cult following and veritable rock opera of drugs, women, celebrity, genius, and epic bad behavior. As Warren once said, "I got to be Jim Morrison a lot longer than he did."Narrated by his former wife and longtime co-conspirator, Crystal Zevon, this intimate and unusual oral history draws on interviews with Bruce Springsteen, Stephen King, Bonnie Raitt, and numerous others who fell under Warren's mischievous spell. Told in the words and images of the friends, lovers, and legends who knew him best, I'll Sleep When I'm Dead captures Warren Zevon in all his turbulent glory.

Illegal Literature: Toward a Disruptive Creativity

by David S. Roh

What is the cultural value of illegal works that violate the copyrights of popular fiction? Why do they persist despite clear and stringent intellectual property laws? Drawing on the disciplines of new media, law, and literary studies, Illegal Literature suggests that extralegal works such as fan fiction are critical to a system that spurs the evolution of culture.Reconsidering voices relegated to the cultural periphery, David S. Roh shows how infrastructure--in the form of legal policy and network distribution--slows or accelerates the rate of change. He analyzes the relationship between intellectual property rights and American literature in two recent copyright disputes. And, in comparing American fan fiction and Japanese dojinshi, he illustrates how infrastructure and legal climates detract from or encourage fledgling creativity.Illegal Literature fills a crucial gap between the scholarly and the popular by closely examining several modes of marginalized cultural production. Roh makes the case for protecting an environment conducive to literary heresy, the articulation of an accretive rather than solitary authorial genius, and the idea that letting go rather than holding on is important to a generative creative process. In a media ecology inundated by unauthorized materials, Illegal Literature argues that the proliferation of unsanctioned texts may actually benefit literary and cultural development.

Illegal Tender: Gold, Greed, and the Mystery of the Lost 1933 Double Eagle

by David Tripp

It's the most valuable ounce of gold in the world, the celebrated, the fabled, the infamous 1933 double eagle, illegal to own and coveted all the more, sought with passion by men of wealth and with steely persistence by the United States government for more than a half century—it shouldn't even exist but it does, and its astonishing, true adventures read like "a composite of The Lord of the Rings and The Maltese Falcon" (The New York Times). In 1905, at the height of the exuberant Gilded Age, President Theodore Roosevelt commissioned America's greatest sculptor, Augustus Saint-Gaudens—as he battled in vain for his life—to create what became America's most beautiful coin. In 1933 the hopes of America dimmed in the darkness of the Great Depression, and gold—the nation's lifeblood—hemorrhaged from the financial system. As the economy teetered on the brink of total collapse, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in his first act as president, assumed wartime powers while the nation was at peace and in a "swift, staccato action" unprecedented in United States history recalled all gold and banned its private ownership. But the United States Mint continued, quite legally, to strike nearly a half million 1933 double eagles that were never issued and were deemed illegal to own. In 1937, along with countless millions of other gold coins, they were melted down into faceless gold bars and sent to Fort Knox. The government thought they had destroyed them all—but they were wrong. A few escaped, purloined in a crime—an inside job—that wasn't discovered until 1944. Then, the fugitive 1933 double eagles became the focus of a relentless Secret Service investigation spearheaded by the man who had put away Al Capone. All the coins that could be found were seized and destroyed. But one was beyond their reach, in a king's collection in Egypt, where it survived a world war, a revolution, and a coup, only to be lost again. In 1996, more than forty years later, in a dramatic sting operation set up by a Secret Service informant at the Waldorf-Astoria, an English and an American coin dealer were arrested with a 1933 double eagle which, after years of litigation, was sold in July 2002 to an anonymous buyer for more than $7.5 million in a record-shattering auction. But was it the only one? The lost one? Illegal Tender, revealing information available for the first time, tells a riveting tale of American history, liberally spiced with greed, intrigue, deception, and controversy as it follows the once secret odyssey of this fabulous golden object through the decades. With its cast of kings, presidents, government agents, shadowy dealers, and crooks, Illegal Tender will keep readers guessing about this incomparable disk of gold—the coin that shouldn't be and almost wasn't—until the very end.

Illegible Will: Coercive Spectacles of Labor in South Africa and the Diaspora

by Hershini Bhana Young

In Illegible Will Hershini Bhana Young engages with the archive of South African and black diasporic performance to examine the absence of black women's will from that archive. Young argues for that will's illegibility, given the paucity of materials outlining the agency of black historical subjects. Drawing on court documents, novels, photographs, historical records, websites, and descriptions of music and dance, Young shows how black will can be conjured through critical imaginings done in concert with historical research. She critically imagines the will of familiar subjects such as Sarah Baartman and that of obscure figures such as the eighteenth-century slave Tryntjie of Madagascar, who was executed in 1713 for attempting to poison her mistress. She also investigates the presence of will in contemporary expressive culture, such as the Miss Landmine Angola beauty pageant, placing it in the long genealogy of the freak show. In these capacious case studies Young situates South African performance within African diasporic circuits of meaning throughout Africa, North America, and South Asia, demonstrating how performative engagement with archival absence can locate that which was never recorded.

An Illini Place: Building the University of Illinois Campus

by Incoronata Inserra John Franch Lex Tate

Why does the University of Illinois campus at Urbana-Champaign look as it does today? Drawing on a wealth of research and featuring more than one hundred color photographs, An Illini Place provides an engrossing and beautiful answer to that question. Lex Tate and John Franch trace the story of the university's evolution through its buildings. Oral histories, official reports, dedication programs, and developmental plans both practical and quixotic inform the story. The authors also provide special chapters on campus icons and on the buildings, arenas and other spaces made possible by donors and friends of the university. Adding to the experience is a web companion that includes profiles of the planners, architects, and presidents instrumental in the campus's growth, plus an illustrated inventory of current and former campus plans and buildings.

Illinois Across the Land

by Lee Mandrell DeeDee Niederhouse-Mandrell

Whether you find beauty in a remote forest or a sparkling nighttime cityscape, Illinois offers jaw-dropping scenery and opportunities for adventure with stunning landscapes, natural wonders, small town charms, and big city thrills. Join photographers Lee Mandrell and DeeDee Niederhouse-Mandrell on a visual journey across the Prairie state, as they travel from the beaches of Lake Michigan over rolling forested hills and picturesque farmland, through covered bridges, past historic barns and windmills, and up to the edge of the awe-inspiring rocky cliffs of the Garden of the Gods.Featuring more than 140 gorgeous photos, Illinois Across the Land inspires travelers to explore the state and discover historic landmarks at the Lincoln Log Cabin State Historical Site, rushing waterfalls in Starved Rock State Park, native wildlife in Crab Orchard Wildlife Refuge, breathtaking sunsets at Carlyle Lake, and so much more!

Illinois Central Railroad: Wrecks, Derailments, and Floods (Images of Rail)

by Clifford J. Downey

With roots dating back to 1851, the Illinois Central Railroad (IC) transported millions of passengers and countless tons of freight. Most trips were completed without incident. However, there were occasional mishaps, including derailments and collisions with other trains or highway vehicles. Most accidents were minor, while others made the national news, such as the October 30, 1972, collision of two commuter trains in Chicago that killed 45 passengers. The IC frequently had to deal with flooding, for the railroad ran in close proximity to several major rivers. In January and February 1937, much of the southern half of the railroad was shut down because of flooding on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. This book depicts many of the accidents that have taken place along the Illinois Central through the years. The photographs are drawn from numerous sources, including the railroad's own photographers, amateur photographers, and photography studios.

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