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Illinois State Parks

by Lee Mandrell DeeDee Niederhouse-Mandrell

Discover the breathtaking beauty and unforgettable adventures that await in Illinois state parks. Lee Mandrell and DeeDee Niederhouse-Mandrell highlight the incredible diversity and natural beauty of the landscapes, flora, and fauna of the state. Marvel at the unique rock formations and 55 foot opening at Cave-In-Rock State Park, or leave the land behind to explore the waterways at Chain O’ Lakes State Park. Step into history at Fort Massac State Park, or sit back and enjoy a striking sunset over the cypress grove at Eldon Hazlet State Park, Illinois’ largest campground. Just in time for the state bicentennial, Illinois State Parks brings together more than 130 gorgeous full-color photographs highlighting some of the most beautiful and popular state parks in Illinois.

Illinois State University (Campus History)

by April Karlene Anderson The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University

Illinois State University was founded in 1857 as Illinois�s first public higher education institution. Initially named Illinois State Normal University (ISNU) due to its mission to train teachers, the university gained early national recognition for its work in developing educational philosophies. One of those philosophies, Herbartianism, was brought to ISNU in the 1890s and was cultivated by some of the profession�s leading educators, including Charles DeGarmo, head of modern languages and reading at the university. ISNU celebrated 100 years of service in 1957 and, on January 1, 1964, dropped �normal� from its name. Now known as Illinois State University, the institution offers over 130 undergraduate and graduate degree programs ranging from the humanities to the sciences and nursing within its six colleges. With an enrollment of over 20,000 students and over 200,000 alumni, Redbird Nation continues to thrive as it moves toward its third century of academic excellence.

Illuminated Initials in Full Color: 548 Designs (Dover Pictorial Archive)

by Carol Belanger Grafton

Among the glories of extant medieval manuscripts are the splendid illuminated initials in which geometric, curvilinear, animal, religious and other motifs intertwine to form extraordinarily beautiful and decorative letters.For this striking volume, Carol Belanger Grafton has selected 548 illuminated letters-alphabetically arranged-from 19th-century reprints of medieval manuscripts. Here are magnificently ornamented initials-some the length of an entire margin, another encompassing the page itself, others delicate miniatures. All are imaginatively and beautifully enhanced with royal and saintly figures, mythical creatures, knights in battle, exquisite florals and much more.Encompassing all the letters of the alphabet, and including a selection of hand-colored chromolithographs, this practical archive of lovely copyright-free designs not only provides commercial artists and illustrators with a wealth of usable letters, it offers a splendid sampling of the ancient art of manuscript illuminations.

Illuminated Paris: Essays on Art and Lighting in the Belle Époque

by Hollis Clayson

The City of Light. For many, these four words instantly conjure late nineteenth-century Paris and the garish colors of Toulouse-Lautrec’s iconic posters. More recently, the Eiffel Tower’s nightly show of sparkling electric lights has come to exemplify our fantasies of Parisian nightlife. Though we reflect longingly on such scenes, in Illuminated Paris, Hollis Clayson shows that there’s more to these clichés than meets the eye. In this richly illustrated book, she traces the dramatic evolution of lighting in Paris and how artists responded to the shifting visual and cultural scenes that resulted from these technologies. While older gas lighting produced a haze of orange, new electric lighting was hardly an improvement: the glare of experimental arc lights—themselves dangerous—left figures looking pale and ghoulish. As Clayson shows, artists’ representations of these new colors and shapes reveal turn-of-the-century concerns about modernization as electric lighting came to represent the harsh glare of rapidly accelerating social change. At the same time, in part thanks to American artists visiting the city, these works of art also produced our enduring romantic view of Parisian glamour and its Belle Époque.

The Illuminated Theatre: Studies on the Suffering of Images

by Joe Kelleher

What sort of thing is a theatre image? How is it produced and consumed? Who is responsible for the images? Why do the images stay with us when the performance is over? How do we learn to speak of what we see and imagine? And how do we relate what we experience in the theatre to what we share with each other of the world? The Illuminated Theatre is a book about theatricality and spectatorship in the early twenty-first century. In a wide-ranging analysis that draws upon theatrical, visual and philosophical approaches, it asks how spectators and audiences negotiate the complexities and challenges of contemporary experimental performance arts. It is also a book about how European practitioners working across a range of forms, from theatre and performance to dance, opera, film and visual arts, use images to address the complexities of the times in which their work takes place. Through detailed and impassioned accounts of works by artists such as Dickie Beau, Wendy Houstoun, Alvis Hermanis and Romeo Castellucci, along with close readings of experimental theoretical and art writing from Gillian Rose to T.J. Clark and Marie-José Mondzain, the book outlines the historical, aesthetic and political dimensions of a contemporary ‘suffering of images.’

Illuminating the Vitae patrum: The Lives of Desert Saints in Fourteenth-Century Italy

by Denva Gallant

During the fourteenth century in Western Europe, there was a growing interest in imitating the practices of a group of hermits known as the Desert Fathers and Mothers. Laypeople and religious alike learned about their rituals not only through readings from the Vitae patrum (Lives of the Desert Fathers) and sermons but also through the images that brought their stories to life.In this volume, Denva Gallant examines the Morgan Library’s richly illustrated manuscript of the Vitae patrum (MS M.626), whose extraordinary artworks witness the rise of the eremitic ideal and its impact on the visual culture of late medieval Italy. Drawing upon scholarship on the history of psychology, eastern monasticism, gender, and hagiography, Gallant deepens our understanding of the centrality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers to late medieval piety. She provides important insights into the role of images in making the practices of the desert saints both compelling and accessible to fourteenth-century city dwellers, who were just beginning to cultivate the habit of private devotion on a wide scale.By focusing on the most extensively illuminated manuscript of the Vitae patrum to emerge during the trecento, this book sheds new light on the ways in which images communicated and reinforced modes of piety. It will be of interest to art historians, religious historians, and students focusing on this period in Italian history.

Illumination: Poetry to Light Up the Darkness

by Tyler Knott Gregson

An inspiring and beautiful collection of poems to give you strength, arm you for hardship, and remind you that you're always growing, from the bestselling author of Chasers of the Light.Tyler Knott Gregson is the original InstaPoet. With loyal fans across the country and all over the Internet, he breathes new life into this ancient medium and delights fans with his openness and honesty alongside his beautiful photography.This new book will be his first poetry collection in four years, and he returns now with a message of hope. In his elegant and simple style, Gregson will lift your spirits, keep you going when times get tough, and remind you of the inherent inner strength you already have within you.

Illuminations: Women Writing on Photography from the 1850's to the Present

by Liz Heron

This selection of women's writings on photography proposes a new and different history, demonstrating the ways in which women's perspectives have advanced photographic criticism over 150 years, focusing it more deeply and, with the advent of feminist approaches, increasingly challenging its orthodoxies. Included in the book are Rosalind Krauss, Ingrid Sischy, Vicki Goldberg and Carol Squiers.

Illusion in Cultural Practice: Productive Deceptions (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies)

by Katharina Rein

This volume explores illusionism as a much larger phenomenon than optical illusion, magic shows, or special effects, as a vital part of how we perceive, process, and shape the world in which we live. Considering different cultural practices characterized by illusionism, this book suggests a new approach to illusion via media theory. Each of the chapters analyses a specific kind of illusionistic practice and the concept of illusionism it entails in a given context, including philosophy, perception and cognitive theory, performance magic, occultism, optics, physiology, early cinema, cartomancy, spiritualism, architecture, shamanic rituals, and theoretical physics, to show the diversity of shapes that illusionism and illusions can take. The book provides detailed analyses of illusions within performance and ritual magic, philosophy, art history and psychology as well as a first approach to the study of illusions outside of these established fields. It aims to find ways of identifying and analysing a wider range of illusions in the humanities. This multidisciplinary and comprehensive volume will appeal to scholars and students with an interest in media and culture, theatre and performance, philosophy, sociology, politics and religion. This publication was supported by the Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with funds from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. IKKM Books Volume 47An overview of the whole series can be found

Illusive Utopia

by Suk-Young Kim

No nation stages massive parades and collective performances on the scale of North Korea. Even amid a series of intense political/economic crises and international conflicts, the financially troubled country continues to invest massive amounts of resources to sponsor unflinching displays of patriotism, glorifying its leaders and revolutionary history through state rituals that can involve hundreds of thousands of performers. Author Suk-Young Kim explores how sixty years of state-sponsored propaganda performances---including public spectacles, theater, film, and other visual media such as posters---shape everyday practice such as education, the mobilization of labor, the gendering of social interactions, the organization of national space, tourism, and transnational human rights. Equal parts fascinating and disturbing, Illusive Utopia shows how the country's visual culture and performing arts set the course for the illusionary formation of a distinctive national identity and state legitimacy, illuminating deep-rooted cultural explanations as to why socialism has survived in North Korea despite the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and China's continuing march toward economic prosperity. With over fifty striking color illustrations, Illusive Utopia captures the spectacular illusion within a country where the arts are not only a means of entertainment but also a forceful institution used to regulate, educate, and mobilize the population.

The Illustrated Baburnama

by Som Prakash Verma

This book presents the Persian Baburnama, a key primary source and the earliest record of Babur’s memoirs. The authoritative translation uses paintings from the original work and draws on contemporary texts of the period to delve into the history of the legendary Mughal ruler. It provides a fresh treatment to the source material and highlights vivid accounts of the historical events of the time. The paintings are divided thematically, offering a unique and rare perspective into the Mughal world. Accompanied by a detailed Introduction, the volume also touches upon narrative art and analyses the influence of European Renaissance art on Mughal painting. With over 150 Mughal paintings and illustrations in colour, this volume will be an important sourcebook for scholars and researchers of Medieval Indian, especially Mughal, history, and art historians, as well as connoisseurs of art and the general reader.

Illustrated Black History

by George McCalman

A gorgeous collection of 145 original portraits that celebrates Black pioneers—famous and little-known--in politics, science, literature, music, and more—with biographical reflections, all created and curated by an award-winning graphic designer.Illustrated Black History is a breathtaking collection of original portraits depicting black heroes—both famous and unsung—who made their mark on activism, science, politics, business, medicine, technology, food, arts, entertainment, and more. Each entry includes a lush drawing or painting by artist George McCalman, along with an insightful essay summarizing the person’s life story.The 145 entries range from the famous to the little-known, from literary luminary James Baldwin to documentarian Madeline Anderson, who produced “I Am Somebody” about the 1969 strike of mostly female hospital workers; from Aretha Franklin to James and Eloyce Gist, who had a traveling ministry in the early 1900s; from Colin Kaepernick to Guion S. Bluford, the first Black person to travel into space.Beautifully designed with over 300 unique four-color artworks and accessible to readers of all ages, this eye-opening, educational, dynamic, and timely compendium pays homage to Black Americans and their achievements, and showcases the depth and breadth of Black genius.

The Illustrated Book of Sayings: Curious Expressions from Around the World

by Ella Frances Sanders

From the New York Times bestselling author of Lost in Translation comes this charming illustrated collection of more than fifty expressions from around the globe that explore the nuances of language. From the hilarious and romantic to the philosophical and literal, the idioms, proverbs, and adages in The Illustrated Book of Sayings reveal the remarkable diversity, humor, and poignancy of the world's languages and cultures.From the Hardcover edition.

The Illustrated Catalog of Rifles and Shotguns: 500 Historical to Modern Long-Barreled Firearms

by David Miller

A complete compendium of rifles and shotguns through the ages. A "rifled" firearm is one in which the projectile is made to spin as it travels up the bore. The term "rifle," however, was originally applied to muskets to differentiate them from the earlier smoothbore weapons and is used today to designate the infantryman's personal weapon, fired from the shoulder or the hip, or, in some modern weapons, from a bipod. The rifle has also been used by sportsmen to kill larger game and was also used as a working tool by cowboys and trappers during the period of Western Expansion. It progressed from being a muzzle-loader to a breechloading, bolt-operated weapon, then to a semi-automatic weapon, and finally to a lightweight "assault rifle." The emphasis throughout these developments has been in increasing the rate of fire, reducing the weight and making the weapons more accurate, simpler to fire, more reliable, and easier to maintain. The shotgun is a smoothbore weapon originally developed as a hunting device for killing fast moving, flying or running prey. Loaded with shot (many small projectiles) the chances of hitting a moving target was greatly enhanced. Like the rifle, the shotgun has undergone similar progression from muzzle-loader to breechloader, bolt action, and finally semi-automatic mode. The weapon has also seen military use in trench warfare and special operations as well as riot suppression by the police. The Illustrated Catalog of Rifles and Shotguns shows the reader over 500 longarms of all types form the early flintlocks of the revolutionary period, the percussion cap rifles and repeaters of the Civil War, the famous rifles and shotguns of the Wild West, the standard infantry rifles of two World Wars, to the present day with Assault Rifles, and combat shotguns, together with state-of-the-art sporting rifles and shotguns. Each entry has a color photo along with a description and a technical specification. It is arranged in alphabetical order within five historical periods: Historic, Civil War, The Frontier, Two World Wars, and Modern, plus a separate comprehensive Shotgun section.

The Illustrated Compendium of Amazing Animal Facts

by Maja Säfström

New York Times bestseller • An artfully playful collection of unexpected and remarkable facts about animals, illustrated by Swedish artist Maja Säfström. Did you know that an octopus has three hearts? Or that ostriches can't walk backward? Or that a group of owls is called a parliament, or that they have three eyelids?Sea otters hold hands in their sleep, bees never sleep, and penguins laugh when they're tickled!This charming compendium contains over 100 pages of fascinating facts about the animal kingdom illustrated with whimsical detail.

An Illustrated Dictionary of British Steel Engravers (Routledge Revivals)

by Basil Hunnisett

First published in 1989, An Illustrated Dictionary of British Steel Engravers contains more than 600 entries and an extensive plate section, providing examples of work referenced in the text and adding a clear chronological dimension to the subject. The book makes use of an array of surviving accounts and correspondence of engravers and publishers and adopts a comprehensive and systematic approach to identifying different types and variants of steel engravings over time. Equipped with a detailed introduction to the history of steel engravings, An Illustrated Dictionary of British Steel Engravers will be of great use to those interested in illustration, graphic art, Victorian literature, and the history of printing.

Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture (Dover Architecture)

by Cyril M. Harris

In this volume, noted Columbia University Professor of Architecture Cyril M. Harris offers a unique tour through the entire history of architecture: an extraordinary compendium of clear, concise definitions for over 5,000 important terms. This thoroughly accurate and comprehensive gathering of architectural knowledge is complemented by an unprecedented collection of over 2,000 line drawings that richly illustrate significant aspects of architectural styles. Unusual cutaway views, close-ups of intricate details, and precisely rendered plans show many of the greatest architectural achievements of all time.From ancient ruins to twentieth-century Modernism, the Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture covers the full spectrum of architecture's rise and development. Subject areas include the following periods: Ancient, Islamic, Greek and Hellenistic, Mesoamerican, Roman, Romanesque, Early Christian, Gothic, Renaissance, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and Modern. This volume is an important research tool that places particular emphasis on clarity and accuracy. For the architect, artist, historian, student, teacher, or architecture enthusiast, this valuable guide offers indispensable information and lucid illustrations covering the whole of architecture.

An Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Costume (Dover Pictorial Archive Series)

by James R. Planche

Thousands of terms associated with apparel worn in the principal countries of Europe appear in this extensive and convenient reference. The alphabetically arranged items of clothing span nearly 2,000 years of fashion history — from the onset of the Christian era in the first century to the beginning of the reign of George III, c. 1760.From abacot, hacketon, helm, jipocoat, and jump to xainture, ysgyn, zatayn, and zibelline, the sweeping scope of this volume encompasses a remarkable range of all-but-forgotten lore. Profusely illustrated with over 1,300 detailed line drawings, it offers a useful guide for fashion and cultural historians, writers, designers, movie and theatrical producers, and all others with an interest in the history of fashion.

Illustrated Dictionary of Photography

by Michelle Perkins Barbara A Lynch-Johnt

Cataloging everything from historic photographic processes to the latest advances in digital technology, this reference contains nearly 5,000 entries explaining the terms and techniques of photography. An ideal sourcebook for anyone with an interest in photography, entries include words associated with shooting techniques, digital imaging terms, specialized photographic subgenres, the science of photography, and notable photographers. Each entry blends ample cross-references with detailed explanations to provide both professional photographers and amateur photo enthusiasts with an essential resource.

Illustrated Dictionary Of Symbols In Eastern And Western Art

by James Hall

"A Companion volume to James Hall’s perennial seller Dictionary of Subjects & Symbols in Art. which deals with the subject matter of Christian and Western art, the present volume includes the art of Egypt, the ancient Near East, Christian and classical Europe, India and the Far East. Flail explores the language of symbols in art showing how paintings, drawings and sculpture express man shades of meaning from simple, everyday hopes and fears to the profoundest philosophical and religious aspirations. The book explains and interprets symbols from many cultures, and over 600 illustrations clarify and complement the text. There are numbered references throughout the text to the sacred Iitcra-1 ture, myths and legends in which the symbols had their origins. Details of English translations of the works are in the bibliography. The book includes an appendix of the transcription of Chinese, notes and references, bibliography, chronological tables and index."

The Illustrated Directory of Guns: A Collector's Guide to Over 1500 Military, Sporting, and Antique Firearms

by David Miller

Written by a technical expert who has fired many of the guns featured, this book includes wide and varied assemblage of weapons from each of the world&’s major manufacturing countries.The Illustrated Directory series provide readers with a fully illustrated, comprehensive reference book packed with timelines, historical facts, and images designed to inform and excite. At 512 pages packed with information and photographs, this book is a necessary addition to any enthusiast's library. Complete with full specification table with each entry including type, origin, caliber, and size, The Illustrated Directory of Guns is the most ambitious and lavishly illustrated history of guns for the collector and enthusiast. It shows in clear, detailed photographs and text over 1500 guns with separate sections on Pistols, Revolvers, Rifles, Shotguns (military and sporting), Machine Guns, and Submachine guns. A few featured include:RemingtonSmith & WessonWinchesterGlockVickersMauserBrowningColtBerettaAnd more Organized A-Z by country and gunmaker's name, the book clearly shows the different types of gun which the world has used to hunt, wage war, break and defend its laws, hone its sharpshooting skills, and fire purely for the fun of it. The book also features an introduction on each section, which gives a brief history of the development of that particular kind of firearm.

The Illustrated Directory of North American Locomotives: The Story and Progression of Railroads from The Early Days to The Electric Powered Present

by Pepperbox Press

More than 250 classic American locomotives."Let the country but make the railroads, and the railroads will make the country." — Edward PeaseDuring the mid-1800s, American railroads became the lifeblood of new communities in the West and brought new ways of life and means of commerce to rural communities. Railroads became the shining thread that tied together the tapestry of American life into a land of plenty. The Illustrated Dictionary of North American Locomotives explores the story of railroads and their motive power. Giant beasts of iron and steel once roamed the land. Their descendants still race across the country.This book charts the progress of motive power on America's railroads from 1830 until the present. Its 432 pages illustrate a wide variety of grand and humble locomotives from the steam powered Puffing Billy types of the "Early Days" chapter, to the mighty Allegheny class steamers that were used to haul coal for the American industry in the "Steam in Charge" chapter. Technical specifications are given for each engine type and the book is fully illustrated with both black & white and color photos. The book goes on to show the progress of Diesel Power, including the output of General Electric and General Motors electromotive division (EMD) from the 1920s to the present. Ultimately, the book also explores the Electric Power that powers so many of today's railways.

An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols

by J. C. Cooper

In nearly 1500 entries, many of them strikingly and often surprisingly illustrated, J. C. Cooper has documented the history and evolution of symbols from prehistory to our own day. With over 200 illustrations and lively, informative and often ironic texts, she discusses and explains an enormous variety of symbols extending from the Arctic to Dahomey, from the Iroquois to Oceana, and coming from systems as diverse as Tao, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Tantra, the cult of Cybele and the Great Goddess, the Pre-Columbian religions of the Western Hemisphere and the Voodoo cults of Brazil and West Africa.

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Building Services

by David Kut

This book explains over 3,000 terms (over 200,000 words) and contains over 200 professionally drawn line illustrations. This practical handbook is intended for day to day use as a reference or as a source of enlightenment for anyone associated with the building and construction industry. It also provides comprehensive practical explanations of the many terms listed, giving guidance, examples of use and, in certain cases, cautionary remarks concerning aspects of the applications.

Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Railway Locomotives (Dover Transportation)

by P. Ransome-Wallis

In this volume, noted Columbia University Professor of Architecture Cyril M. Harris offers a unique tour through the entire history of architecture: an extraordinary compendium of clear, concise definitions for over 5,000 important terms. This thoroughly accurate and comprehensive gathering of architectural knowledge is complemented by an unprecedented collection of over 2,000 line drawings that richly illustrate significant aspects of architectural styles. Unusual cutaway views, close-ups of intricate details, and precisely rendered plans show many of the greatest architectural achievements of all time.From ancient ruins to twentieth-century Modernism, the Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture covers the full spectrum of architecture's rise and development. Subject areas include the following periods: Ancient, Islamic, Greek and Hellenistic, Mesoamerican, Roman, Romanesque, Early Christian, Gothic, Renaissance, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and Modern. This volume is an important research tool that places particular emphasis on clarity and accuracy. For the architect, artist, historian, student, teacher, or architecture enthusiast, this valuable guide offers indispensable information and lucid illustrations covering the whole of architecture.

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