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Media Theory in Japan

by Alexander Zahlten Marc Steinberg

Providing an overview of Japanese media theory from the 1910s to the present, this volume introduces English-language readers to Japan's rich body of theoretical and conceptual work on media for the first time. The essays address a wide range of topics, including the work of foundational Japanese thinkers; Japanese theories of mediation and the philosophy of media; the connections between early Japanese television and consumer culture; and architecture's intersection with communications theory. Tracing the theoretical frameworks and paradigms that stem from Japan's media ecology, the contributors decenter Eurocentric media theory and demonstrate the value of the Japanese context to reassessing the parameters and definition of media theory itself. Taken together, these interdisciplinary essays expand media theory to encompass philosophy, feminist critique, literary theory, marketing discourse, and art; provide a counterbalance to the persisting universalist impulse of media studies; and emphasize the need to consider media theory situationally. Contributors. Yuriko Furuhata, Aaron Gerow, Mark Hansen, Marilyn Ivy, Takeshi Kadobayashi, Keisuke Kitano, Akihiro Kitada, Thomas Looser, Anne McKnight, Ryoko Misono, Akira Mizuta Lippit, Fabian Schäfer, Marc Steinberg, Tomiko Yoda, Alexander Zahlten

Media Use in the Information Age: Emerging Patterns of Adoption and Consumer Use (Routledge Library Editions: Broadcasting #27)

by Jerry L. Salvaggio

Media Use in the Information Age (1989) analyses new technologies, their impact on mass communications, and their effects on the users of these new systems. It looks at technologies such as videotex, and their successes and failures around the world, and examines the early adoptions of technologies such as home computers.

The Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft: Comic, Film, Podcast, TV, Games (Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture)

by Tim Lanzendörfer Max José Dreysse Passos de Carvalho

Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft brings together essays on the theory and practice of adapting H.P. Lovecraft’s fiction and the Lovecraftian. It draws on recent adaptation theory as well as broader discourses around media affordances to give an overview over the presence of Lovecraft in contemporary media as well as the importance of contemporary media in shaping what we take Lovecraft’s legacy to be. Discussing a wide array of medial forms, from film and TV to comics, podcasts, and video and board games, and bringing together an international group of scholars, the volume analyzes individual instances of adaptation as well as the larger concern of what it is possible to learn about adaptation from the example of H.P. Lovecraft, and how we construct Lovecraft and the Lovecraftian today in adaptation. Medial Afterlives of H.P. Lovecraft is focused on an academic audience, but it will nonetheless hold interest for all readers interested in Lovecraft today.

Mediale Landschaftskonstruktionen: Die Darstellung des (sub)urbanen Lebens am Beispiel US-amerikanischer Serien (RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft)

by Julia Klumpe

In diesem Buch erfolgen aus sozialkonstruktivistischer Perspektive eine qualitative Repräsentationsanalyse sowie eine quantitative Rezeptionsanalyse der drei US-amerikanischen Serien Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives und How I Met Your Mother. Die Autorin untersucht zum einen, welchen Einfluss die in den Serien gezeigten Landschaften auf die Wahrnehmung US-amerikanischer Landschaften durch die Rezipient*innen haben und stellt zum anderen heraus, inwieweit durch die dargestellten Landschaften Idealbilder konstruiert werden. Im Zentrum der Rezeptionsanalyse steht die Korpusanalyse entsprechender Fan-Foren. Untersucht wird, wie filmische Texte, insbesondere filmische Landschaften, in populäre Diskurse eingebettet werden.

Mediale Topographien: Beiträge zur Medienkulturgeographie

by Marcus Stiglegger Anton Escher

Filmwissenschaftliche Analyse und die Methodik der Kulturgeographie werden in diesem neuartig perspektivierten Band zusammengeführt, um die medialen Topographien und Raumentwürfe des narrativen Films zu erkunden. Neben definitorischen Kapiteln zu Grundbegriffen der Filmgeographie finden sich Reflexionen zu den mythischen Räumen des Films, zur medialen Konstruktion ikonischer Orte (Casablanca, Tanger) sowie über die filmische Adaption von Grenz-Räumen und Konflikten (USA/Mexiko).

Mediamorphosis: Kafka and the Moving Image

by Ido Lewit Shai Biderman

The idea of a visual manifestation of the work of Franz Kafka was denied by many—first and foremost by Kafka himself, who famously urged his publisher to avoid an image of an insect on the cover of Metamorphosis. Be that as it may, it is unlikely that such a central progenitor of twentieth-century art and thought as Kafka can be fully understood without reference to the revolutionary artistic medium of his century: cinema.Mediamorphosis compiles articles by some of today's leading forces in the scholarship of Kafka as well as film studies to provide a thorough investigation of the reciprocal relations between Kafka's work and the cinematic medium. The volume approaches the theoretical integration of Kafka and cinema via such issues as the cinematic qualities in Kafka's prose and the possibility of a visual manifestation of the Kafkaesque. Alongside these debates, the book investigates the capacity of cinema to incorporate and express the unique qualities of a Kafkaesque world through an analysis of cinematic adaptations of Kafka's prose, such as Michael Haneke's The Castle (1997) and Straub-Huillet's Class Relations (1984), as well as films that carry a more subtle relation to Kafka's oeuvre, such as the cinematic works of David Cronenberg, the films of the Coen brothers, Chris Marker's "film-essay," Charlie Chaplin's tramp, and others.

Mediascapes of Ruined Geographies in the Global South

by Diego Granja do Amaral A. Chukwudumebi Obute

This book undertakes an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural interrogation of the Global South through the prisms of media and cultural studies. It closely explores the quotidian (re)territorialization, and brazen ruination of the material geographies of this vast expanse of the world by forces and proxies of (neo)colonialism and global capitalism of resource extraction. We cite the ongoing expulsion of Palestinians from their homelands by occupational forces, the emerging detritus dump across Mexico City and Lagos, the infrastructural precariousness of the favelas of Brazil, the unending resource-war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the flagrant operation of the oil industry in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria as examples of this geographic cataclysm. The centripetal forces of neo-colonialism and resource extraction at full-flight in the Global South, aided by toxic hegemonic forces, have overtly tossed some of the population to the peripheries of existence and the society at large. As such, this book, additionally, explores the resistance of the subalterns from the margins to this socio-political malaise, and further unmasks the knowledge production from these margins of the Global South. This project is divided into five (5) parts of three essays each. The first part examines the territorial contestation in the Middle East framed and expressed through films and literary lenses. The second part examines the environmental burden of modern consumerism and urbanization on metropolis across Mexico, Brazil, and Nigeria, while the third part explores the attritional violence of resource extraction in the DRC, Brazil, and Nigeria via filmic and journalistic lenses. The fourth part offers a swift response from the margins through ethnographic and journalistic interrogation of the subjectivity of the subalterns of Brazilian favelas, and street artists. The fifth part offers an engaging critique of the political climates of South Africa and Brazil that reinforce the environmental catastrophe of the regions of the world.​

Mediated Identities in the Futures of Place: Emerging Practices and Spatial Cultures (Springer Series in Adaptive Environments)

by Lakshmi Priya Rajendran NezHapi Dellé Odeleye

This book examines the emerging problems and opportunities that are posed by media innovations, spatial typologies, and cultural trends in (re)shaping identities within the fast-changing milieus of the early 21st Century.Addressing a range of social and spatial scales and using a phenomenological frame of reference, the book draws on the works of Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Don Hide to bridge the seemingly disparate, yet related theoretical perspectives across a number of disciplines. Various perspectives are put forward from media, human geography, cultural studies, technologies, urban design and architecture etc. and looked at thematically from networked culture and digital interface (and other) perspectives.The book probes the ways in which new digital media trends affect how and what we communicate, and how they drive and reshape our everyday practices. This mediatization of space, with fast evolving communication platforms and applications of digital representations, offers challenges to our notions of space, identity and culture and the book explores the diverse yet connected levels of technology and people interaction.

Mediated Space

by James Brown

As the social media revolution embeds itself in our daily lives, and as those who once consumed media become producers, established broadcast media producers are witnessing the dissolution of trust in their established authority. Mediated Space critiques contemporary intersections of Architecture and broadcast media that exploit spaces and places that are real, imagined or hybrids of the two in order to re-establish and strengthen the power of traditional capitalist mechanisms of production and consumption. Examining eight spatial constructions in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Mediated Space embarks on a global exploration of how architecture, spatial design and technology conspire in the service of global capitalism. In three thematic parts that focus on the automotive space of the city, the journalistic space of the news room and the mediated skyline of the city, Mediated Space makes an architectural critique of spaces that are rarely designed by architects but that are experienced every day by millions of people.

Mediating Cultural Diversity in a Globalized Public Space

by Isabelle Rigoni Eugénie Saitta

Through enhancing reflection on the treatment of cultural diversity in contemporary Western societies, this collection aims to move the debate beyond the opposition between ethnicity and citizenship and demonstrate ways to achieve equality in multicultural and globalised societies.

Mediating Mobility: Visual Anthropology in the Age of Migration (Nonfictions)

by Steffen Köhn

Images have become an integral part of the political regulation of migration: they help produce categories of legality versus illegality, foster stereotypes, and mobilize political convictions. Yet how are we to understand the relationship between these images and the political in the discourse surrounding migration? How can we, as anthropologists, migration scholars, or documentary filmmakers visually represent people who are excluded from political representation? And how can such visual representations gain political momentum? This volume not only considers the images that circulate with reference to migrants or draw attention to those that accompany, show, or conceal them. The book explores the phenomena of migration with the help of images. It offers an in-depth analysis of the documentary approaches of Ursula Biemann, Renzo Martens, Bouchra Khalili, Silvain George, Raphael Cuomo and Maria Iorio, Alex Rivera, and Rania Stepha, which evoke the particularities of migrant lifeworlds and examine urgent questions regarding the interrelations between politics and poetics, mobility and mediation, and the ethics of probability and possibility. The author also discusses his own cinematic practice in the making of Tell Me When... (2011), A Tale of Two Islands (2012), and Intimate Distance (2015), a trilogy of films that explore the potential to communicate the bodily, spatial, and temporal dimensions of the experience of migration.

Mediating the Uprising: Narratives of Gender and Marriage in Syrian Television Drama (Politics of Marriage and Gender: Global Issues in Local Contexts)

by Rebecca Joubin

Mediating the Uprising: Narratives of Gender and Marriage in Syrian Television Drama shows how gender and marriage metaphors inform post-uprising Syrian drama for various forms of cultural and political critique. These narratives have become complicated since the uprising due to the Syrian regime’s effort to control the revolutionary discourse. As Syria’s uprising spawned more terrorist groups, some drama creators became nostalgic for pre-war days. While for some screenwriters a return to pre-2011 life would be welcome after so much bloodshed, others advocated profound cultural and social transformation, instead. They employed marriage and gender metaphors in the stories they wrote to engage in political critique, even at the risk of creating marketing difficulties for the shows or they created escapist stories such as transnational adaptations and Old Damascus tales. Serving as heritage preservation, Mediating the Uprising underscores that television drama creators in Syria have many ways of engaging in protest, with gender and marriage at the heart of the polemic.

The Mediation of Ornament (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts #38)

by Oleg Grabar

How ornamentation enables a direct and immediate encounter between viewers and art objectsBased on universal motifs, ornamentation occurs in many artistic traditions, though it reaches its most expressive, tangible, and unique form in the art of the Islamic world. The Mediation of Ornament shares a veteran art historian’s love for the sheer sensuality of Islamic ornamentation, but also uses this art to show how ornament serves as a consistent intermediary between viewers and artistic works from all cultures and periods. Oleg Grabar analyzes early and medieval Islamic objects, ranging from frontispieces in Yemen to tilework in the Alhambra, and compares them to Western examples, treating all pieces as testimony of the work, life, thought, and emotion experienced in one society. The Mediation of Ornament is essential reading for admirers of Islamic art and anyone interested in the ways of perceiving and understanding the arts more broadly.

Mediations of Disruption in Post-Conflict Cinema

by Adriana Martins Alexandra Lopes Mónica Dias

Mediations of Disruption in Post-Conflict Cinema is a transdisciplinary volume that addresses the cinematic mediation of a wide range of conflicts. From World War II and its aftermath to the exploration of colonial and post-colonial experiences and more recent forms of terrorism, it debates the possibilities, constraints and efficacy of the discursive practices this mediation entails. Despite its variety and amplitude in scope and width, the innovative and singular aspect of the book lies in the fact that the essays give voice to a variety of regions, issues, and filmmaking processes that tend either to remain on the outskirts of the publishing world and/or to be granted only partial visibility in volumes of regional cinema.

The Mediatization of the Artist

by Rachel Esner Sandra Kisters

This book offers trans-historical and trans-national perspectives on the image of "the artist" as a public figure in the popular discourse and imagination. Since the rise of notions of artistic autonomy and the simultaneous demise of old systems of patronage from the late eighteenth century onwards, artists have increasingly found themselves confronted with the necessity of developing a public persona. In the same period, new audiences for art discovered their fascination for the life and work of the artist. The rise of new media such as the illustrated press, photography and film meant that the needs of both parties could easily be satisfied in both words and images. Thanks to these "new" media, the artist was transformed from a simple producer of works of art into a public figure. The aim of this volume is to reflect on this transformative process, and to study the specific role of the media themselves. Which visual media were deployed, to what effect, and with what kind of audiences in mind? How did the artist, critic, photographer and filmmaker interact in the creation of these representations of the artist's image?

Mediators: Aesthetics, Politics, and the City (Forerunners: Ideas First)

by Reinhold Martin

Reinhold Martin's Mediators is a series of linked meditations on the globalized city. Focusing on infrastructural, technical, and social systems, Martin explores how the aesthetics and the political economy of cities overlap and interact. He discusses a range of subjects, including the architecture of finance written into urban policy, regimes of enumeration that remix city and country, fictional ecologies that rewrite biopolitics, the ruins of socialism strewn amid the transnational commons, and memories of revolution stored in everyday urban hardware. For Martin, these mediators--the objects, processes, and imaginaries from which these phenomena emerge--serve to explain disparate fragments of a global urbanity.Forerunners: Ideas First is a thought-in-process series of breakthrough digital publications. Written between fresh ideas and finished books, Forerunners draws on scholarly work initiated in notable blogs, social media, conference plenaries, journal articles, and the synergy of academic exchange. This is gray literature publishing: where intense thinking, change, and speculation take place in scholarship.

The Mediaverse and Speculative Fiction Television: Understanding Speculative TV Fandoms

by Ashumi Shah

Some (web) television texts achieve immense commercial success. Certain commercially successful texts boast dedicated, creative, and exponentially growing fandoms. These fan communities engage in specific fan practices that are significantly influenced by the textualities of the texts and their contexts of production, distribution, and consumption. Increased fan engagement resulting in the acceleration of the text’s popularity leads to the following inquiries: · How is the series influenced by the interactions among and the relationships between the producers, consumers, distributors, and content? · What are the sites of these interactions? · What are the social, cultural, economic, and political factors that impact the series? · How do the text’s contexts of production, distribution, and consumption lead to the text’s popularity in mainstream media? In pursuit of an answer to these questions, the analytical lens of the ‘mediaverse’ is developed. An inductive study, this book explores four television series’ that fall within the scope of speculative fiction to characterise the mediaverse and highlight the interconnectedness among the networked nodes of new media. These wield a significant influence on the production and consumption of media and its presence in our everyday lives, thus outlining the mediaverse as a tool for the analysis of a media texts and practices that shape contemporary media culture.

Medical and Dental Space Planning: A Comprehensive Guide to Design, Equipment, and Clinical Procedures

by Jain Malkin

THE UPDATED DEFINITIVE REFERENCE ON MEDICAL AND DENTAL OFFICE DESIGN Medical and Dental Space Planning is an indispensable guide to the myriad of details that make a medical or dental practice efficient and productive. The unique needs of more than thirty specialties, as well as primary care, are explained in the context of new technology and the many regulatory and compliance issues influencing design. Concepts are also presented for ambulatory surgical centers, diagnostic imaging, clinical laboratories, breast care clinics, endoscopy centers, community health centers, radiation oncology, and single-specialty and multispecialty group practices and clinics. A thorough review of the latest dental technology and many creative space plans and design ideas for each dental specialty will be of interest to both dentists and design professionals. Important topics like infection control are top of mind, influencing every aspect of dental office design. An "inside look" at what goes on in each specialist's office will familiarize readers with medical and dental procedures, how they are executed, and the types of equipment used. Technology has radically impacted medical and dental practice: digital radiography, electronic health records, mobile health devices, point-of-care diagnostic testing, digital diagnostic instrumentation, CAD/CAM systems for digital dental impressions and milling of restorations in the dentist's office, portable handheld X-ray, and 3D cone beam computed tomography for dentists all have major implications for facility design. The influence of the Affordable Care Act is transforming primary care from volume-based to value-based, which has an impact on the design of facilities, resulting in team collaboration spaces, larger consultative examination/assessment rooms, and accommodation for multidisciplinary practitioners who proactively manage patient care, often in a patient-centered medical home context. The wealth of information in this book is organized to make it easy to use and practical. Program tables accompany each medical and dental specialty to help the designer compute the number and sizes of required rooms and total square footage for each practice. This handy reference can be used during interviews for a "reality check" on a client's program or during space planning. Other features, for example, help untangle the web of compliance and code issues governing office-based surgery. Illustrated with more than 600 photographs and drawings, Medical and Dental Space Planning is an essential tool for interior designers and architects as well as dentists, physicians, and practice management consultants.

Medical Computer Vision. Large Data in Medical Imaging: Third International MICCAI Workshop, MCV 2013, Nagoya, Japan, September 26, 2013, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8331)

by Bjoern Menze, Georg Langs, Albert Montillo, Michael Kelm, Henning Müller and Zhuowen Tu

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Medical Computer Vision, MCV 2013, held in Nagoya, Japan, in September 2013 in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2013. The 7 revised full papers and 12 poster papers presented were selected from 25 submissions. They have been organized in topical sections on registration and visualization, segmentation, detection and localization, and features and retrieval. In addition, the volume contains two invited papers describing segmentation task and data set of the VISCERAL benchmark challenge.

Medical Illustration in the Courtroom: Proving Injury, Causation, and Damages

by Lindsay E. Coulter

Medical Illustration in the Courtroom: Proving Injury, Causation, and Damages educates the reader on how to communicate science visually—in personal injury, medical malpractice, criminal, and forensic cases—by creating art that utilizes medical records, radiographs, and computer software. Medical illustration bridges the gap between complex technical, medical, and scientific concepts to clearly illustrate, and explain visually, a medical condition, negligence, or the causation of an injury or death to the lay person. Medical artists are frequently challenged with illustrating injuries and medical conditions that can’t be seen by the naked eye. And while using medical photography and imaging for illustrative purposes can be helpful, to an untrained eye it can often be unclear or confusing. This is where the medical illustrator enters the equation. There are often patients who have recovered from an injury or infection that appear in good health. However, should an unforeseen injury or fatality happen, medical illustrators can reveal to people what’s actually going on inside the person, an invaluable asset to attorneys in the courtroom—especially for personal injury and medical malpractice cases. While many attorneys utilize medical artists, nonvisual people don’t always recognize the value of demonstrative aids until they see them first-hand.When attorneys and their clients enlist the aid of medical artists, it quickly becomes apparent that properly conceived and executed artwork is invaluable to illustrating the facts—and medical impacts—of any number of scenarios: homicides by shooting, stabbings, vehicular accidents, in addition to medical malpractice and personal injuries resulting from surgery or possible negligence.Presenting a myriad of services and computer technologies that can be utilized, Medical Illustration in the Courtroom provides demonstrative aids used in cases to illustrate personal injury and medical malpractice, employing "tricks of the trade" to create an accurate effective image. Such images are educational to attorneys, insurance adjusters, judges, and juries to help create a visual storyline, the goal being to help combine art and science to provide a clear illustration of events to help in adjudicate legal and forensic cases.

Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention − MICCAI 2017: 20th International Conference, Quebec City, QC, Canada, September 11-13, 2017, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10435)

by Pierre Jannin Maxime Descoteaux Lena Maier-Hein Alfred Franz D. Louis Collins Simon Duchesne

The three-volume set LNCS 10433, 10434, and 10435 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2017, held in Quebec City, Canada, in September 2017. The 255 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 800 submissions in a two-phase review process. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Part I: atlas and surface-based techniques; shape and patch-based techniques; registration techniques, functional imaging, connectivity, and brain parcellation; diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) and tensor/fiber processing; and image segmentation and modelling. Part II: optical imaging; airway and vessel analysis; motion and cardiac analysis; tumor processing; planning and simulation for medical interventions; interventional imaging and navigation; and medical image computing. Part III: feature extraction and classification techniques; and machine learning in medical image computing.

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention − MICCAI 2017: 20th International Conference, Quebec City, QC, Canada, September 11-13, 2017, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10433)

by Pierre Jannin Maxime Descoteaux Lena Maier-Hein Alfred Franz D. Louis Collins Simon Duchesne

The three-volume set LNCS 10433, 10434, and 10435 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2017, held in Quebec City, Canada, in September 2017. The 255 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 800 submissions in a two-phase review process. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Part I: atlas and surface-based techniques; shape and patch-based techniques; registration techniques, functional imaging, connectivity, and brain parcellation; diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) and tensor/fiber processing; and image segmentation and modelling. Part II: optical imaging; airway and vessel analysis; motion and cardiac analysis; tumor processing; planning and simulation for medical interventions; interventional imaging and navigation; and medical image computing. Part III: feature extraction and classification techniques; and machine learning in medical image computing.

Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention − MICCAI 2017: 20th International Conference, Quebec City, QC, Canada, September 11-13, 2017, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10434)

by Pierre Jannin Maxime Descoteaux Lena Maier-Hein Alfred Franz D. Louis Collins Simon Duchesne

The three-volume set LNCS 10433, 10434, and 10435 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2017, held in Quebec City, Canada, in September 2017. The 255 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 800 submissions in a two-phase review process. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Part I: atlas and surface-based techniques; shape and patch-based techniques; registration techniques, functional imaging, connectivity, and brain parcellation; diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) and tensor/fiber processing; and image segmentation and modelling. Part II: optical imaging; airway and vessel analysis; motion and cardiac analysis; tumor processing; planning and simulation for medical interventions; interventional imaging and navigation; and medical image computing. Part III: feature extraction and classification techniques; and machine learning in medical image computing.

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2018: 21st International Conference, Granada, Spain, September 16-20, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11071)

by Gabor Fichtinger Carlos Alberola-López Christos Davatzikos Julia A. Schnabel Alejandro F. Frangi

The four-volume set LNCS 11070, 11071, 11072, and 11073 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2018, held in Granada, Spain, in September 2018. The 373 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 1068 submissions in a double-blind review process. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Image Quality and Artefacts; Image Reconstruction Methods; Machine Learning in Medical Imaging; Statistical Analysis for Medical Imaging; Image Registration Methods. Part II: Optical and Histology Applications: Optical Imaging Applications; Histology Applications; Microscopy Applications; Optical Coherence Tomography and Other Optical Imaging Applications. Cardiac, Chest and Abdominal Applications: Cardiac Imaging Applications: Colorectal, Kidney and Liver Imaging Applications; Lung Imaging Applications; Breast Imaging Applications; Other Abdominal Applications. Part III: Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Functional MRI: Diffusion Tensor Imaging; Diffusion Weighted Imaging; Functional MRI; Human Connectome. Neuroimaging and Brain Segmentation Methods: Neuroimaging; Brain Segmentation Methods.Part IV: Computer Assisted Intervention: Image Guided Interventions and Surgery; Surgical Planning, Simulation and Work Flow Analysis; Visualization and Augmented Reality. Image Segmentation Methods: General Image Segmentation Methods, Measures and Applications; Multi-Organ Segmentation; Abdominal Segmentation Methods; Cardiac Segmentation Methods; Chest, Lung and Spine Segmentation; Other Segmentation Applications.

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2018: 21st International Conference, Granada, Spain, September 16-20, 2018, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11070)

by Alejandro F. Frangi Gabor Fichtinger Julia A. Schnabel Christos Davatzikos Carlos Alberola-López

The four-volume set LNCS 11070, 11071, 11072, and 11073 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2018, held in Granada, Spain, in September 2018. The 373 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 1068 submissions in a double-blind review process. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Image Quality and Artefacts; Image Reconstruction Methods; Machine Learning in Medical Imaging; Statistical Analysis for Medical Imaging; Image Registration Methods. Part II: Optical and Histology Applications: Optical Imaging Applications; Histology Applications; Microscopy Applications; Optical Coherence Tomography and Other Optical Imaging Applications. Cardiac, Chest and Abdominal Applications: Cardiac Imaging Applications: Colorectal, Kidney and Liver Imaging Applications; Lung Imaging Applications; Breast Imaging Applications; Other Abdominal Applications. Part III: Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Functional MRI: Diffusion Tensor Imaging; Diffusion Weighted Imaging; Functional MRI; Human Connectome. Neuroimaging and Brain Segmentation Methods: Neuroimaging; Brain Segmentation Methods.Part IV: Computer Assisted Intervention: Image Guided Interventions and Surgery; Surgical Planning, Simulation and Work Flow Analysis; Visualization and Augmented Reality. Image Segmentation Methods: General Image Segmentation Methods, Measures and Applications; Multi-Organ Segmentation; Abdominal Segmentation Methods; Cardiac Segmentation Methods; Chest, Lung and Spine Segmentation; Other Segmentation Applications.

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