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Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence: The Author Dies Hard (Adaptation in Theatre and Performance)
by Silvija JestrovicThis book takes Roland Barthes’s famous proclamation of ‘The Death of the Author’ as a starting point to investigate concepts of authorial presence and absence on various levels of text and performance. By offering a new understanding of ‘the author’ as neither a source of unquestioned authority nor an obsolete construct, but rather as a performative figure, the book illuminates wide-ranging aesthetic and political aspects of ‘authorial death’ by asking: how is the author constructed through cultural and political imaginaries and erasures, intertextual and intertheatrical references, re-performances and self-referentiality? And what are the politics and ethics of these constructions?
Performances of Capitalism, Crises and Resistance
by Marilena Zaroulia Philip HagerThis engaging study examines the issue of crisis in European performance since the collapse of global financial markets in 2008. The book's chapters examine diverse performances of crisis primarily in three cities with a loaded past and present for Europe, as idea and geopolitical reality: London, Athens and Berlin. Presenting a range of work – from the National Theatre's repertoire to alternative forms of theatre-making in 'other' spaces; from the Occupy LSX to cultural performance and 'invisible', quotidian performances – Performances of Capitalism, Crises and Resistance presents new approaches to performance as a form 'in crisis' and as reflecting the in-crisis permutation of the 'inside/outside' dichotomy, fundamental in the conception of Europe and the EU. In doing so, this book makes an argument for performance within and against neoliberal promises; as a monolithic factor implicated in the machinery of capitalism or multiple, emergent bodies of resistance.
Performances of Suffering in Latin American Migration: Heroes, Martyrs and Saints
by Ana Elena Puga Víctor M. EspinosaThis book questions the reliance on melodrama and spectacle in social performances and cultural productions by and about migrants from Mexico and Central America to the United States. Focusing on archetypal characters with nineteenth-century roots that recur in the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries – heroic saviors, saintly mothers and struggling fathers, martyred children and rebellious youth – it shows how theater practitioners, filmmakers, visual artists, advocates, activists, journalists, and others who want to help migrants often create migrant melodramas, performances that depict their heroes as virtuous victims at the mercy of evil villains. In order to gain respect for the human rights that are supposedly already theirs on paper and participate in a global market that trades in performances of suffering, migrants themselves sometimes accept the roles into which they are cast, or even cast themselves. Some express their suffering publicly, often on demand. Others find ways to twist, parody, resist, or reject migrant melodrama.
Performances that Change the Americas (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)
by Stuart A. DayThis collection of essays explores activist performances, all connected to theater or performance training, that have changed the Americas—from Canada to the Southern Cone. Through the study of specific examples from numerous countries, the authors of this volume demonstrate a crucial, shared outlook: they affirm that ordinary people change the direction of history through performance. This project offers concrete, compelling cases that emulate the modus operandi of people like historian Howard Zinn. In the same spirit, the chapters treat marginal groups whose stories underscore the potentially unstoppable and transformative power of united, embodied voices. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of theatre, performance, art and politics.
Performative Experience Design
by Jocelyn SpenceThisbook presents a novel framework for understanding and designing performativeexperiences with digital technologies. It introduces readers to performancetheory and practice in the context of HCI and gives a practical and holisticapproach for understanding complex interactions with digital technologies atthe far end of third-wave HCI. Theauthor presents a step-by-step explanation of the Performative ExperienceDesign methodology, along with a detailed case study of the design process asit was applied to co-located digital photo sharing. Finally, the text offersguidelines for design and a vision of how PED can contribute to an ethical,critical, exploratory, and humane understanding of the ways that we engagemeaningfully with digital technology. Researchers, students and practitioners working in thisimportant and evolving field will find this state-of-the-art book a valuableaddition to their reading.
Performative Figuren queerer Männlichkeit: Eine Mediengeschichte von Film und Kino in Deutschland bis 1945 (Szene & Horizont. Theaterwissenschaftliche Studien #5)
by Christiane KönigDie medienkulturgeschichtliche Arbeit ist eine deutsche Kino- und Filmgeschichte von den 1890er Jahren bis 1945 mit Fokus auf queere Männlichkeit. Mit medienwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen zeigt die Studie, wie sich das ‚neue Medium’ Film durch performative Wiederaufführungen spektakulärer Elemente aus den Unterhaltungs- und Wissenskulturen des 19. Jahrhunderts konstituiert. Darin werden Körper, Begehren und Identitäten durch Differenzbildungen ständig remodelliert. Männliche Queerness bedeutet hier folglich nicht Repräsentation männlicher Homosexualität. Vielmehr ist sie dynamisches Ergebnis komplexer medialer Prozesse, in Verknüpfung mit Affekten und (Selbst-)Erkenntnissen auf und vor der Leinwand. Aufbauend auf dem queer-feministischen Konzept der queer performativity von Eve K. Sedgwick, erstellt die Autorin ein historisch situiertes Modell, mit dem sie verschiedene Figuren technisch-anthropomorpher queerer Männlichkeit des Mediums Film im ermächtigenden Sinne nachzeichnet. Die anhand von einzelnen Langfilmen herauspräparierten Figuren sind dabei stets mitbedingt durch Veränderungen der assemblage des Kino-Apparats über die Jahrzehnte bis 1945 sowie durch zeitgenössisch aktuelle Aspekte der Geschlechtergeschichte und der Geschichte der Sexualität in Deutschland.
Performative Figures of Queer Masculinity: A Media History of Film and Cinema in Germany Until 1945
by Christiane KönigThis is a German history of cinema and film from the 1890s to 1945 with a focus on queer masculinity. Using media studies approaches, the study shows how film as a new medium is constituted through performative re-enactments of spectacular elements from the entertainment and knowledge cultures of the 19th century. In it, bodies, desires and identities are constantly remodelled through the formation of difference. Therefore, male queerness here does not mean the representation of male homosexuality. Rather, it is the dynamic result of complex medial processes, affects and (self-)knowledge on and off the screen. Building on Eve K. Sedgwick's queer-feminist concept of queer performativity, the author creates a historically situated model with which she traces various figures of technically anthropomorphic queer masculinity in the medium of film in an empowering sense. This book is a translation of an original German 1st edition Performative Figuren queerer Männlichkeit by Christiane König, published by J.B.Metzler, imprint of Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com). The author (with the friendly support of Megan Hanson) has subsequently revised the text further in an endeavour to refine the work stylistically. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support authors.
The Performative Ground of Religion and Theatre
by David V. MasonReligious practitioners and theatregoers have much in common. So much, in fact, that we can say that religion is often a theatrical phenomenon, and that theatre can be a religious experience. By examining the phenomenology of religion, we can in turn develop a better understanding of the phenomenology of theatre. That is to say, religion can show us the ways in which theatre is not fake. This study explores the overlap of religion and theatre, especially in the crucial area of experience and personal identity. Reconsidering ideas from ancient Greece, premodern India, modern Europe, and the recent century, it argues that religious adherents and theatre audiences are largely, themselves, the mechanisms of their experiences. By examining the development of the philosophy of theatre alongside theories of religious action, this book shows how we need to adjust our views of both. Featuring attention to influential notions from Plato and Aristotle, from the Natyashastra, from Schleiermacher to Sartre, Bourdieu, and Butler, and considering contemporary theories of performance and ritual, this is vital reading for any scholar in religious studies, theatre and performance studies, theology, or philosophy.
Performative Language Learning with Refugees and Migrants: Embodied Research and Practice in the Sorgente Project (Routledge Research in Language Education)
by Erika Piazzoli Fiona DalzielThis book investigates the use of performative language pedagogy in working with refugees and migrants, exploring performative language teaching as the application of drama, music, dance and storytelling to second language acquisition.Documenting a community-based project – funded by the Irish Research Council and conducted with three groups of refugees and migrants in Ireland and Italy – the book explores the methodological, pedagogical and ethical elements of performative language learning in the context of migration. Written by a team of arts-based researchers and practitioners, chapters discuss findings from the project that relate to factors such as embodied research methods, a motivation to belong and the ethical imagination, while exhibiting how performative language pedagogy can be effective in supporting children and adults in a range of challenging contexts.Offering a poetic and pictorial representation of the Sorgente Project, this book will be of interest to postgraduate students, researchers and academics in the fields of English language arts and literacy education, drama in education, the sociology of education and second language acquisition more broadly. Those working in refugee and migrant studies, and teacher education studies will also find the volume of use.
Performative Polemic: Anti-Absolutist Pamphlets and their Readers in Late Seventeenth-Century France (The Early Modern Exchange)
by Kathrina Ann LaPortaPerformative Polemic is the first literary historical study to analyze the “war of words” unleashed in the pamphlets denouncing Louis XIV’s absolute monarchy between 1667 and 1715. As conflict erupted between the French ruler and his political enemies, pamphlet writers across Europe penned scathing assaults on the his bellicose impulses and expansionist policies. This book investigates how pamphlet writers challenged the monarchy’s monopoly over the performance of sovereignty by contesting the very mechanisms through which the crown legitimized its authority at home and abroad. Author Kathrina LaPorta offers a new conceptual framework for reading pamphlets as political interventions, asserting that an analysis of the pamphlet’s form is crucial to understanding how pamphleteers seduced readers by capitalizing on existing markets in literature, legal writing, and journalism. Pamphlet writers appealed to the theater-going public that would have been attending plays by Molière and Racine, as well as to readers of historical novels and periodicals. Pamphleteers entertained readers as they attacked the performative circuitry behind the curtain of monarchy.
The Performative Power of Vocality (Routledge Voice Studies)
by Virginie MagnatThe Performative Power of Vocality offers a fresh perspective on voice as a subject of critical inquiry by employing an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach. Conventional treatment of voice in theatre and performance studies too often regards it as a subcategory of actor training, associated with the established methods that have shaped voice pedagogy within Western theatre schools, conservatories, and universities. This monograph significantly deviates from these dominant models through its investigation of the non-discursive, material, and affective efficacy of vocality, with a focus on orally transmitted vocal traditions. Drawing from her performance training, research collaborations, and commitment to cultural diversity, Magnat proposes a dialogical approach to vocality. Inclusive of established, current, and emerging research perspectives, this approach sheds light on the role of vocality as a vital source of embodied knowledge, creativity, and well-being grounded in process, practice, and place, as well as a form of social and political agency. An excellent resource for qualitative researchers, artist-scholars, and activists committed to decolonization, cultural revitalization, and social justice, this book opens up new avenues of understanding across Indigenous and Western philosophy, performance studies, musicology, ethnomusicology, sound and voice studies, anthropology, sociology, phenomenology, cognitive science, physics, ecology, and biomedicine.
Performative Representation of Working-Class Laborers: They Work Hard for the Money
by Colin Gardner Jennifer VanderpoolPerformative Representation of Working-Class Laborers: They Work Hard for the Money is a transdisciplinary anthology intersecting art theory praxis, comparative literature, film & media studies, performance art, ethnic studies, gender studies, age & aging, geography, and labor studies. The book investigates and analyzes artwork created by artists or collectives working within the dialogue of Postmodernism and current global arts production. The focus on performative aspect of labor as art and affect becomes more sensate and less about the exploited body of labourers, liberating the representation of waged bodies and further diversifying the field of Working-Class Studies.
Performativity and Event in 1960s Japan: City, Body, Memory
by Peter EckersallTaking performance as a key word, this book explores important Japanese artists and art works in the 1960s in relation to the formation of postwar Japan. In response to the social upheavals of the 1960s, Eckersall shows how art interacted with society in unique and transformational ways. He includes case studies of rarely discussed artists and performances by Zero Jigen, Ichiyanagi Toshi, Iimura Takahiko and the contemporary group Port B, as well as dynamic cultural events such as the 1964 Olympic Games, mass protests and the 1970 Osaka Expo. A unique aspect of Eckersall's study is his interdisciplinary approach, which draws on Japanese writing on the 1960s in tandem with performance theory. By interweaving arguments about the critical role of performance as an artistic medium and as a social dramaturgy, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of contemporary Japanese society and culture, cultural historians and people interested in theatre and performance studies.
Performativity and Performance (Essays from the English Institute)
by Andrew Parker Eve Kosofsky SedgwickFrom the age of Aristotle to the age of AIDS, writers, thinkers, performers and activists have wresteled with what "performance" is all about. At the same moment, "performativity"--a new concept in language theory--has become a ubiquitous term in literary studies. This volume grapples with the nature of these two key terms whose traces can be found everywhere: in the theatre, in the streets, in philosophy, in questions of race and gender, and in the sentences we speak.
Performativity of Villainy and Evil in Anglophone Literature and Media
by Nizar ZouidiPerformativity of Villainy and Evil in Anglophone Literature and Media studies the performative nature of evil characters, acts and emotions across intersecting genres, disciplines and historical eras. This collection brings together scholars and artists with different institutional standings, cultural backgrounds and (inter)disciplinary interests with the aim of energizing the ongoing discussion of the generic and thematic issues related to the representation of villainy and evil in literature and media. The volume covers medieval literature to contemporary literature and also examines important aspects of evil in literature such as social and political identity, the gothic and systemic evil practices. In addition to literature, the book considers examples of villainy in film, TV and media, revealing that performance, performative control and maneuverability are the common characteristics of villains across the different literary and filmic genres and eras studied in the volume.
Performed Imaginaries
by Richard SchechnerIn this collection of essays, performance studies scholar and artist Richard Schechner brings his unique perspective to bear upon some of the key themes of society in the 21st century. Schechner connects the avantgarde and terror, the counter-cultural movement of the 1960s/70s and the Occupy movement; self-wounding art, popular culture, and ritual; the Ramlila cycle play of India and the way imagination structures reality; the corporate world and conservative artists. Schechner asks artists to redeploy Nehru's Third World as a movement not of nations but of like-minded culture workers who must propose counter-performances to war, violence, and the globalized corporate empire. With characteristic brio, Schechner urges us to play for keeps. "Playing deeply is a way of finding and embodying new knowledge", he writes. Performed Imaginaries ranges through some of the key moves within Schechner’s oeuvre, and challenges today’s experimental artists, activists, and scholars to generate a new, third world of performance.
The Performer: Art, Life, Politics
by Richard SennettAn acclaimed sociologist&’s exploration of the connections among performances in life, art, and politics In The Performer, Richard Sennett explores the relations between performing in art (particularly music), politics, and everyday experience. It focuses on the bodily and physical dimensions of performing, rather than on words. Sennett is particularly attuned to the ways in which the rituals of ordinary life are performances. The book draws on history and sociology, and more personally on the author&’s early career as a professional cellist, as well as on his later work as a city planner and social thinker. It traces the evolution of performing spaces in the city; the emergence of actors, musicians, and dancers as independent artists; the inequality between performer and spectator; the uneasy relations between artistic creation and social and religious ritual; the uses and abuses of acting by politicians. The Janus-faced art of performing is both destructive and civilizing.
Performer Training: Developments Across Cultures (Contemporary Theatre Studies #Vol. 38)
by Ian WatsonPerformer Training is an examination of how actors are trained in different cultures. Beginning with studies of mainstream training in countries such as Poland, Australia, Germany, and the United States, subsequent studies survey: · Some of Asia's traditional training methods and recent experiments in performer training · Eugenio Barba's training methods · Jerzy Grotowski's most recent investigations · The Japanese American NOHO companies attempts at integrating Kyogen into the works of Samuel Beckett · Descriptions of the training methods developed by Tadashi Suzuki and Anne Bogart at their Saratoga International Theatre Institute · Recent efforts to re-examine the role and scope of training, like Britain's International Workshop Festival and the European League of Institutes of Arts masterclasses · The reformulation of the use of emotions in performer training known as Alba Emoting.
Performer Training and Technology: Preparing Our Selves (Perspectives on Performer Training)
by Maria KapsaliPerformer Training and Technology employs philosophical approaches to technology, including postphenomenology and Heidegger’s thinking, to examine the way technology manifests, influences and becomes used in performer training discourse and practice. The book offers in-depth discussions of present and past performer training practices through a lens that has never been applied before; considers the employment of key digital artefacts; and develops a series of analytical tools that can be useful in scholarly and practical explorations. An array of intriguing subjects are covered including the role of electric lights in Stanislavsky’s work on concentration; the use of handheld tools, such as sticks in Zarrilli’s psychophysical training and Meyerhold’s Biomechanics; the emergence of new forms of training in relation to motion capture technology; and the way the mobile phone complicates notions and practices of attention in learning and training contexts. This book is of vital relevance to performer training scholars and practitioners; theatre, performance, and dance scholars and students; and especially those interested in philosophies of technology.
Performers and Their Arts: Folk, Popular and Classical Genres in a Changing India
by Simon CharsleyIntroduction Part I: Caste, Community and performance A ritual performance of Kerala, Vayala Vasudevan PillaiThe Patuas of Bengal, Makbul IslamBards and goddesses: The Pombalas in Tirupati, Anand AkundyExplorations in the art forms of the Cindu madigas in Andhra, Y A Sudhakar Reddy and R R HarischandraCaste identity and performance in a fisher-village of Assam, Kishore BhattacharjeePart II: Performance Beyond CasteTelugu pady natakam in Andhra: Performance dynamics, P SubbacharyModernising tradition: The yaksagana in Karnataka, Guru Rao BapatKalarippayatt as aesthetics and the politics of invisibility in Kerala, P K SasidharanIndia People’s Theatre Association in colonial Andhra, V RamakrishnaGaddar and the politics and pain of singing, D Venkat RaoReviving moghal tamsa in Orissa, Sachi MohantyPart III: Classical Dance and its SuccessorsNew directions in Indian dance, Sunil KothariTranspositions in kuchipudi dance, Aruna BhikshuThe impact of commercialization in dance, K Subadra MurthyArt addressing social problems, Ananda Shankar Jayant
Performing Against Annihilation: Identity and Consciousness in J.R.R. Tolkien, Richard Wagner and George R.R. Martin
by Lukas ScheppThis book outlines how the protagonists in The Nibelung's Ring, The Lord of the Rings, and Game of Thrones attempt to construct identities and expand their consciousness manifestations. As the characters in the three works face the ends of their respective worlds, they must find answers to their mortality, and to the threat it implies: the loss of identity and consciousness. Moreover, it details how this process is depicted performatively. In a hands-on and interdisciplinary approach, this book seeks to unveil the underlying philosophical concepts of identity and consciousness in the three works as they are represented audio-visually on stage and screen. Through the use of many practical examples, this book offers both academic scholars and any interested readers a completely new perspective on three enduringly popular and interrelated works.
Performing Animality
by Jennifer Parker-Starbuck Lourdes OrozcoPerforming Animality provides theoretical and creative interventions into the presence of the animal and ideas of animality in performance. Animals have always played a part in human performance practices. Maintaining a crucial role in many communities' cultural traditions, animal-human encounters have been key in the development of performance. Similarly, performance including both living animals and/or representations of animals provides the context for encounters in which issues of power, human subjectivity and otherness are explored. Crucially, however, the inclusion of animals in performance also offers an opportunity to investigate ethical and moral assumptions about human and non-human animals. This book offers a historical and theoretical exploration of animal presence in performance by looking at the concept of animality and how it has developed in theatre and performance practices from the eighteenth century to today. Furthermore, it points to shifts in political, cultural, and ethical animal-human relations emerging within the context of animality and performance.
Performing Animals: History, Agency, Theater (Animalibus: Of Animals and Cultures #11)
by Karen Raber Monica MattfeldFrom bears on the Renaissance stage to the equine pageantry of the nineteenth-century hunt, animals have been used in human-orchestrated entertainments throughout history. The essays in this volume present an array of case studies that inspire new ways of interpreting animal performance and the role of animal agency in the performing relationship.In exploring the human-animal relationship from the early modern period to the nineteenth century, Performing Animals questions what it means for an animal to “perform,” examines how conceptions or this relationship have evolved over time, and explores whether and how human understanding of performance is changed by an animal’s presence. The contributors discuss the role of animals in venues as varied as medieval plays, natural histories, dissections, and banquets, and they raise provocative questions about animals’ agency. In so doing, they demonstrate the innovative potential of thinking beyond the boundaries of the present in order to dismantle the barriers that have traditionally divided human from animal.From fleas to warhorses to animals that “perform” even after death, this delightfully varied volume brings together examples of animals made to “act” in ways that challenge obvious notions of performance. The result is an eye-opening exploration of human-animal relationships and identity that will appeal greatly to scholars and students of animal studies, performance studies, and posthuman studies.In addition to the editors, the contributors are Todd Andrew Borlik, Pia F. Cuneo, Kim Marra, Richard Nash, Sarah E. Parker, Rob Wakeman, Kari Weil, and Jessica Wolfe.
Performing Animals: History, Agency, Theater (Animalibus)
by Karen Raber Monica MattfeldFrom bears on the Renaissance stage to the equine pageantry of the nineteenth-century hunt, animals have been used in human-orchestrated entertainments throughout history. The essays in this volume present an array of case studies that inspire new ways of interpreting animal performance and the role of animal agency in the performing relationship.In exploring the human-animal relationship from the early modern period to the nineteenth century, Performing Animals questions what it means for an animal to “perform,” examines how conceptions of this relationship have evolved over time, and explores whether and how human understanding of performance is changed by an animal’s presence. The contributors discuss the role of animals in venues as varied as medieval plays, natural histories, dissections, and banquets, and they raise provocative questions about animals’ agency. In so doing, they demonstrate the innovative potential of thinking beyond the boundaries of the present in order to dismantle the barriers that have traditionally divided human from animal.From fleas to warhorses to animals that “perform” even after death, this delightfully varied volume brings together examples of animals made to “act” in ways that challenge obvious notions of performance. The result is an eye-opening exploration of human-animal relationships and identity that will appeal greatly to scholars and students of animal studies, performance studies, and posthuman studies.In addition to the editors, the contributors are Todd Andrew Borlik, Pia F. Cuneo, Kim Marra, Richard Nash, Sarah E. Parker, Rob Wakeman, Kari Weil, and Jessica Wolfe.
Performing Antagonism
by Tony Fisher Eve KatsourakiThis book combines performance analysis with contemporary political philosophy to advance new ways of understanding both political performance and the performativity of the politics of the street. Our times are pre-eminently political times and have drawn radical responses from many theatre and performance practitioners. However, a decade of conflict in the Middle East and Afghanistan, the eruption of new social movements around the world, the growth of anti-capitalist and anti-globalisation struggles, the upsurge of protests against the blockades of neoliberalism, and the rising tide of dissent and anger against corporate power, with its exorbitant social costs, have left theatre and performance scholarship confronting something of a dilemma: how to theorize the political antagonisms of our day? Drawing on the resources of 'post-Marxist' political thinkers such as Chantal Mouffe and Jacques Rancière, the book explores how new theoretical horizons have been made available for performance analysis.