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Showing 39,501 through 39,525 of 56,592 results

Perspectives on Learning Assessment in the Arts in Higher Education: Supporting Transparent Assessment across Artistic Disciplines (Routledge Research in Arts Education)

by Diane Leduc Sébastien Béland

Drawing on theoretical and empirical insights from art teachers in Canada and Europe, this edited volume explores the question of how learning in the arts can be effectively and fairly assessed in the context of higher education. The chapters consider a rich variety of assessment practices across music, visual and plastic arts, performing arts, design, fashion, dance and music and illustrate how knowledge, competencies, skills and progress can be viably and fairly assessed. Contextual challenges to assessment are also considered in depth, and particular attention is paid to the challenges of reconciling teaching in the arts, aimed at an intuitive transformation of the student, and assessing learning that takes on its meaning in subjectivity and sensitivity. This text will benefit researchers, academics and educators in higher education with an interest in assessment in the artistic disciplines and in the topic of creativity more broadly. Those specifically interested in educational assessment policy and the visual arts will also benefit from this book.

Perspectives on Learning Assessment in the Arts in Higher Education: Supporting Transparent Assessment across Artistic Disciplines (Routledge Research in Arts Education)

by Diane Leduc Sébastien Béland

Drawing on theoretical and empirical insights from art teachers in Canada and Europe, this edited volume explores the question of how learning in the arts can be effectively and fairly assessed in the context of higher education.The chapters consider a rich variety of assessment practices across music, visual and plastic arts, performing arts, design, fashion, dance and music and illustrate how knowledge, competencies, skills and progress can be viably and fairly assessed. Contextual challenges to assessment are also considered in depth, and particular attention is paid to the challenges of reconciling teaching in the arts, aimed at an intuitive transformation of the student, and assessing learning that takes on its meaning in subjectivity and sensitivity.This text will benefit researchers, academics and educators in higher education with an interest in assessment in the artistic disciplines and in the topic of creativity more broadly. Those specifically interested in educational assessment policy and the visual arts will also benefit from this book.

Perspectives on Males and Singing

by Graham F. Welch Scott D. Harrison Adam Adler

"Since singing is so good a thing,I wish all men would learne to sing" (William Byrd, 1588) Over the centuries, there has been reluctance among boys and men to become involved in some forms of singing. Perspectives on Males and Singing tackles this conundrum head-on as the first academic volume to bring together leading thinkers and practitioners who share their insights on the involvement of males in singing. The authors share research that analyzes the axiomatic male disinclination to sing, and give strategies designed to engage males more successfully in performing vocal music emphasizing the many positive effects it can have on their lives. Inspired by a meeting at the Australian symposium 'Boys and Voices', which focused on the engagement of boys in singing, the volume includes contributions from leading authorities in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States and Europe.

Perspectives on Music, Sound and Musicology II: Sounding Images: Sights, Sounds and Sensualities

by Luísa Correia Castilho Rui Sampaio Dias Luzia Rocha António de Sousa Dias

This book gathers a set of peer-reviewed works at the intersection between music, sound, and image research and practice. They are based on presentations contributed to the EIMAD–Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design conference, held at the Polytechnic University of Castelo Branco, Portugal, in 2020 and 2022, under the theme: "Sounding Images”. Authored by researchers in musicology, musical iconography, cinema and audiovisuals, digital arts, composition, sound art, and data sonification, the 21 chapters of this book offer a valuable resource and source of inspiration for professionals, researchers and general audiences in these interconnected fields.

Perspectives on Persian Painting: Illustrations to Amir Khusrau's Khamsah

by Dr Barbara Brend

This is a detailed study of the illustrations to Amir Khusrau's Khamsah, in which twenty discourses are followed by a brief parable, and four romances. Amir Khusrau (1253-1325) lived the greater part of adventurous life in Delhi; he composed in Persian, and also in Hindi. From the point of view of manuscript illustration, his most important work is his Khamsah (Quintet'). Khusrau's position as a link between cultures of Persia and India means that the early illustrated copies of the Khamsah have a particular interest. The first extant exemplar is from the Persian area in the late 14th century, but a case can be made that work was probably illustrated earlier in India.

Perspectives on Place: Theory and Practice in Landscape Photography (Required Reading Range Ser.)

by J.A.P. Alexander

Perspectives on Place provides an inspiring insight into the territory of landscape photography. Using a range of historic and contemporary examples, Alexander explores the rich and diverse history of landscape photography and the many ways in which contemporary photographers engage with the landscape and their surroundings.Bridging theory and practice, this book demonstrates how mastering a variety of different photographic techniques can help you communicate ideas, explore themes, and develop more abstract concepts. With practical guidance on everything from effective composition, to managing challenging lighting conditions and working with different lenses and formats, you’ll be able to build your own varied and creative portfolio.Each chapter concludes with discussion questions and an assignment, encouraging you to explore key concepts and apply different photographic techniques to your own practice. Richly illustrated with images from some of the world’s most influential photographers, Perspectives on Place will help you to explore the visual qualities of your images and represent your surroundings more meaningfully.

Perspectives on Research Assessment in Architecture, Music and the Arts: Discussing Doctorateness (Routledge Research in Architecture)

by Fredrik Nilsson Nel Janssens Halina Dunin-Woyseth

Research in the creative fields of architecture, design, music and the arts has experienced dynamic development for over two decades. The research in these practice- and arts-based fields has become increasingly mature but has also led to various discussions on what constitutes doctoral proficiency in these fields. The term ‘doctorateness’ is often used when referring to the assessment of the production of doctoral research and the research competence of research students, but in architecture and the arts, the concept of doctorateness has not yet attained a clearly articulated definition. The assessment of quality has been practiced by way of supervising, mentoring and the evaluation of dissertations but much less discussed. This book offers perspectives on how to qualify and assess research in architecture, music and the arts. It creates a broader arena for discussion on doctorateness by establishing a framework for its application to creative fields. The book is grouped into three sections and includes contributions from international experts in the various fields working in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands and the UK. The first section offers general frameworks for further conceptualising doctorateness in the fields in question. It is followed by a section that describes and discusses various experiences, concerns and visions on the production and assessment of doctoral research reporting from doctoral programmes in different stages of development. The third section includes future-oriented perspectives on knowledge-building processes, and asks how the ongoing, profound changes in academia could influence the concept of quality in both doctoral process and product. The book presents different perspectives on research assessment practices and developments of relevant criteria in the practice-based and creative fields of architecture and the arts. The contributions propose ways of framing this issue conceptually, show the need for awareness of the specific context and tradition programmes develop and give proposals for various potential trajectories for the future.

Perspectives on Social Sustainability and Interior Architecture

by Dianne Smith Marina Lommerse Priya Metcalfe

This book argues that interior architects have a responsibility to practice their profession in collaborative ways that address the needs of communities and of to be the agents of social justice and cultural heritage. The book is divided into three sections, based on three pivotal themes -- community engagement, social justice and cultural heritage. Each section has chapters that put forward the principles of these themes, leading into a variety of fascinating case studies that illustrate how socially sustainable design is implemented in diverse communities across the world. The second section includes four concise case studies of community housing issues, including remote-area indigenous housing and housing for the homeless. The third section offers two extensively researched essays on design and cultural heritage -- a case study of the development of a redundant industrial site and a historical study of gendered domestic interiors. The book appeals to a wider audience than the design community alone and challenges mainstream interior design/interior architecture practitioners nationally and internationally to take a leading role in the field of socially responsible design. The issues raised by the authors are relevant for individuals, communities, government and non-government organisations, professionals and students. "In the twenty-first century we seem to have entered into a new world of knowledge discovery, where many of the most exciting insights come not from the authority of a traditional discipline, but from the dialogue that happens at the hubs and intersections of thought -- the arenas where different disciplines and approaches, different schools and habits of thinking, come together to collaborate and contend. This collection is a good example of this, and I hope the book will be widely read and its lessons learned and applied. " Tim Costello, Officer of the Order of Australia, Chief Executive, World Vision Australia.

Perspectives on the Archaeology of Pipes, Tobacco and other Smoke Plants in the Ancient Americas (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology)

by Shannon Tushingham Elizabeth Anne Bollwerk

This volume presents the most recent archaeological, historical, and ethnographic research that challenges simplistic perceptions of Native smoking and explores a wide variety of questions regarding smoking plants and pipe forms from throughout North America and parts of South America. By broadening research questions, utilizing new analytical methods, and applying interdisciplinary interpretative frameworks, this volume offers new insights into a diverse array of perspectives on smoke plants and pipes.

Perspectives On Western Art: Source Documents And Readings From The Renaissance To The 1970s

by Linnea Wren

This anthology of readings related to Western art history explains specific works of art illustrated in Janson's History of Art and De la Croix and Tansey's Gardner's Art Through the Ages in terms of the ideas, beliefs, and concerns of the people and cultures who created the art. It brings a new understanding of art because it shows the social and cultural basis of major works of art through history. The ten sections are Ancient Near East; Egyptian; Aegean; Greek; Etruscan; Roman; early Christian, Byzantine, and Islamic; early Medieval; Romanesque; and Gothic. The readings have been drawn from many areas of intellectual and social history, including religion, philosophy, literature, science, economics, and law. Each selection is preceded by an introductory note, which discusses the readings in terms of its subject and theme, its source and usage, and its relevance to the study of the work of art.

Perspectives On Western Art, Vol.1: Source Documents And Readings From The Ancient Near East Through The Middle Ages

by Linnea Wren

This anthology of readings related to Western art history explains specific works of art illustrated in Janson's History of Art and De la Croix and Tansey's Gardner's Art Through the Ages in terms of the ideas, beliefs, and concerns of the people and cultures who created the art. It brings a new understanding of art because it shows the social and cultural basis of major works of art through history. The ten sections are Ancient Near East; Egyptian; Aegean; Greek; Etruscan; Roman; early Christian, Byzantine, and Islamic; early Medieval; Romanesque; and Gothic. The readings have been drawn from many areas of intellectual and social history, including religion, philosophy, literature, science, economics, and law. Each selection is preceded by an introductory note, which discusses the readings in terms of its subject and theme, its source and usage, and its relevance to the study of the work of art.

Perspektiven filmischer Überwindung der bipolaren Geschlechternorm durch Rekurs auf mythisches Potenzial

by Lioba Schlösser

Dieses Buch umfasst eine filmanalytische Betrachtung filmischer Interpretationen des Androgyniemotivs. Rückbezogen auf dessen mythische Ursprünge in Ovids Metamorphosen und Platons Kugelmenschenmythos wird nachvollzogen, inwieweit diese Darstellungen auf mythische Ursprungsgeschichten verweisen. Dazu wird auf Mythenforschung, körper- und blicktheoretische Thesen, Gender- und Queer Theorie sowie filmästhetische Ansätze zurückgegriffen. Es erfolgt eine Analyse ausgewählter Filmsequenzen aus internationalen Spiel- und Animationsfilmen, um theoretische Aspekte und Thesen nachvollziehbar darzulegen. Es wird vermutet, dass filminhärente Rekurse auf einzelne Mytheme helfen, die Thematik um Mehrgeschlechtlichkeit, nicht normative Sexualitäten und alternative sexuelle Identitäten medial verhandelbar zu machen. So können geschlechtliche Oppositionen dekonstruiert, Macht- und Hierarchiebeziehungen zwischen ihnen offengelegt und kritisch hinterfragt werden. Ziel der Studie ist demzufolge, das Motiv der Androgynie und seine filmischen Darstellungsweisen durch einen dichten theoretischen Rahmen möglichst präzise zu fassen, um herauszustellen, welche Rolle der Mythos als Ursprung des Motivs innerhalb der filmischen Darstellungen spielt.

Persuasion durch räumliche Präsenz: Eine Systematisierung und empirische Prüfung der persuasiven Mechanismen

by Priska Breves

Die persuasive Wirksamkeit immersiver Botschaften wurde schon mehrfach empirisch nachgewiesen. Die räumliche Präsenz wurde dabei als Mediator der Effekte identifiziert – wie genau dieser Persuasionsmechanismus allerdings abläuft, ist bisher ungeklärt. Daher wird die bisherige Forschung rund um die Wahrnehmung der räumlichen Präsenz in diesem Buch aufgearbeitet und systematisiert. Unterschiedliche Ansätze und Theorien werden dabei miteinander in Verbindung gesetzt und die Vermutungen anhand von drei empirischen Laborexperimente geprüft. Die Ergebnisse werden im Anschluss durch ein konzeptuelles Persuasionsmodell miteinander verbunden und ausführlich diskutiert.

Persuasion in Specialised Discourses (Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse)

by Olga Dontcheva-Navratilova Martin Adam Renata Povolná Radek Vogel

This book examines the concept of persuasion in written texts for specialist audiences in the English and Czech languages. By exploring a corpus of academic research articles, corporate reports, religious sermons and user manuals the authors aim to reveal similarities and differences in rhetorical strategies across cultures and genres. They draw on Biber and Conrad’s (2009) model for contextualising interaction in specialised discourses, Bell’s (1997) framework for the analysis of participants roles, Swales’ (1990) genre analysis approach for considering genre constraints and Hyland’s (2005) metadiscourse model for investigating writer-reader interaction. The result is a book which will appeal to researchers and students in Discourse Studies, especially those with an interest in genre and rhetorical strategies.

The Persuasive Actor: Rhetorical Power on the Contemporary Stage

by Milan Dragicevich

"A must-have for all actors who encounter speeches that are longer than three sentences. On the surface, that would be classic works from Sophocles through Shakespeare—with the 17th and 18th centuries thrown in. Dig deeper and the book’s value to actors of modern and contemporary drama is inescapable. Ibsen, Shaw, Williams, Miller, Shepard, Wilson, Kushner, and Suzan-Lori Parks all wrote plays that are filled with powerful rhetorical devices that demand lively, thorough, and specific consideration. This book is a guide that unfolds the mysteries of classical rhetoric in a clear, concise, and effective manner, a book for speakers who want to move their audiences. It is aimed at actors, but also belongs on the shelf of lawyers, advertising copywriters, and, of course, public officials. I will use it in my classes and workshops and enthusiastically recommended it to all actors and actor trainers." —Leslie Reidel, Department of Theatre, University of Delaware

Perth Amboy

by Katherine A. Massopust Paul W. Wang

Perth Amboy, New Jersey, has undergone significant changes since it was settled by Europeans in 1651. It is a constantly evolving community, as seen in its famous waterfront, architecture, and industries that have developed throughout the years.

Peruvian Cinema of the Twenty-First Century: Dynamic and Unstable Grounds

by Cynthia Vich Sarah Barrow

This is the first English-language book to provide a critical panorama of the last twenty years of Peruvian cinema. Through analysis of the nation’s diverse modes of filmmaking, it offers an insight into how global debates around cinema are played out on and off screen in a distinctive national context.The insertion of post-conflict Peru within neoliberalism resulted in widespread commodification of all areas of life, significantly impacting cinema culture. Consequently, the principal structural concept of this collection is the interplay between film production and market forces, an interaction which makes dynamism and instability the defining features of 21st-century Peruvian cinema.

Pervasive Animation (AFI Film Readers)

by Suzanne Buchan

This new addition to the AFI Film Readers series brings together original scholarship on animation in contemporary moving image culture, from classic experimental and independent shorts to digital animation and installation. The collection - that is also a philosophy of animation - foregrounds new critical perspectives on animation, connects them to historical and contemporary philosophical and theoretical contexts and production practice, and expands the existing canon. Throughout, contributors offer an interdisciplinary roadmap of new directions in film and animation studies, discussing animation in relationship to aesthetics, ideology, philosophy, historiography, visualization, genealogies, spectatorship, representation, technologies, and material culture.

Pervasive Games: Theory and Design

by Markus Montola Jaakko Stenros Annika Waern

Emerging quickly from the fast-paced growth of mobile communications and wireless technologies, pervasive games provide a worldwide network of potential play spaces. Now games can be designed to be played in public spaces like conferences, museums, communities, cities, buildings or other non-traditional game venues...and game designers need to unde

Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks: 16th International Symposium, I-SPAN 2019, Naples, Italy, September 16-20, 2019, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1080)

by Christian Esposito Jiman Hong Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks, I-SPAN 2019, held in Naples, Italy, in September 2019. The 32 full papers and 8 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The papers focus on all aspects of: big data analytics & machine learning; cyber security; cloud fog & edge computing; communication solutions; high performance computing and applications; consumer cyber security; and vehicular technology.

Perversion, Pedagogy and the Comic: A Survey of the Concept of Theatre in the Christian Middle Ages

by Soumick De

Perversion, Pedagogy and the Comic studies how the idea-of-theater shaped western consciousness during the Christian Middle Ages. It analyses developments within western philosophy, Christian theology and theater history to show how this idea realized itself primarily as a metaphor circulating through various discursive domains. Beginning with Plato’s injunction against tragedy the relation between philosophy and theater has been a complicated affair which this book traces at the threshold when the western world became Christian. By late antiquity as theatre was slowly banned, Christian theology put the idea-of-theatre to use in order to show what they understood to be the perverted nature of worldly existence and the mystery of the Kingdom of God. Interrogating the theological teachings of some of the early Church Fathers like St Augustine, Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria the book offers a new look at how the idea of theater not only inspired Christian liturgical practices but Christian pedagogy in general which in turn shaped the nature of Christian religious drama. Finally the author tries to demonstrate how this hegemonic use of the theatre-idea was countered by a certain comic sensibility which opened the idea of theatre in the Christian Middle Ages to a new and subversive materialist possibility. Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Pet Photography 101: Tips for taking better photos of your dog or cat

by Andrew Darlow

Are you one of the 100 million people in the USA that own either a dog or a cat? If you flip through your digital camera - what do you see pictures of the most? Your kids...and your pets! If you have ever wondered how to take pictures of an all black animal or how to get your pup to sit still during a family holiday picture, this book is for you. With love only a pet owner can have and humor that only animals can bring to us, this author shows how to take pictures that celebrate the furry creatures in our lives. Packed with techniques including lighting and postproduction and even info on getting those pictures up online, you'll be taking pictures of your pets that you'll be proud of.

Pet Portrait Embroidery: Lovingly Stitch Your Dog or Cat—A Modern Guide to Thread Painting

by Michelle Staub

Learn the art of thread painting from Instagram sensation Michelle Staub Cats and dogs seem to always have a paw planted firmly in our hearts. Capture the life in their eyes and the texture of their fur with a unique embroidered pet portrait! Insta-famous artist Michelle Staub puts a modern spin on thread painting with her easy-to-learn approach. Get started with 4 basic embroidery stitches, and follow the detailed tutorials to hone your skills. Capture awe-inspiring details of your pet with lessons in full-color thread painting or go clean with a simple line drawing—the choice is yours. Learn to personalize your art piece with names, dates, and decorative accents. With 20 sample patterns to customize, you can easily recreate any breed! Paint stunningly realistic pet portraits with just a needle and thread Try your hand at two styles—minimal outlines and incredible full-color renderings Make it modern with floral garlands, personalized banners, and crisp lettering Start today with 4 easy stitches and 20 customizable projects

Petal & Twig: Seasonal Bouquets with Blossoms, Branches, and Grasses from Your Garden

by Valerie Easton

Forcing flowers to stand up and do tricks is the old way of flower bouquets. That called for flying in blossoms from around the world. The new way is so much more DIY and all about what's happening in the garden right now--no matter the season. Petal & Twig is full of photographs and descriptions of wonderfully fresh combinations from garden-expert Valerie Easton's own garden. With an inviting and personal tone, Easton shows how to assemble floral combinations for color, for fragrance, to express the essence of the season, for the dinner table, for the kitchen, for the bookshelf. Inspiration, experimentation, and simple pleasure are the keys to the new bouquets.

Petals and Poison: A Flower House Mystery

by Jess Dylan

Petals and Poison is the second in a colorful cozy mystery series from Jess Dylan, set in a flower shop with a knack for attracting trouble as well as customers.“Like her protagonist Sierra, Jess Dylan has manifested a charming cozy with humor, folksy dialogue, Southern charm, and a page-turning mystery.” –Peg Cochran, USA Today Bestselling AuthorSierra Ravenswood has embraced her role as owner of Flower House floral shop and companion to her former boss's pet, Gus the Corgi. Sierra’s team are enjoying their new jobs too. At least until everyone realizes their lack of experience might be contributing to their lack of customers . . .Sierra decides they need a change in luck, so she creates a special window display featuring lucky bamboo and auspicious flowers. It seems the new arrangement has worked when the shop is flooded with customers the next day, including a van full of college students on a horticulture club field trip. Unfortunately, Sierra doesn't notice that the students’ distracted professor has gone missing until Gus's urgent barking leads her to the storeroom – and the body of the unfortunate professor.With folks now referring to Flower House as “Poison House” and suspects galore, Sierra fears her new business is doomed before it has a chance to get off the ground. Determined to reverse course and see justice served, she sets out to solve the crime and change her luck once more.The Flower House is no place for shrinking violets.

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