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Planning in the USA: Policies, Issues, and Processes
by Roger Caves J. CullingworthExtensively revised and updated, Planning in the USA, fifth edition, continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to the policies, theory, and practice of planning. Outlining land use, urban planning, and environmental protection policies, this fully illustrated book explains the nature of the planning process and the way in which policy issues are identified, defined, and approached. The new edition incorporates new planning legislation and regulations at the state and federal layers of government and examples of local ordinances in a variety of planning areas. New material includes discussions of • education and equity in planning; • the City Beautiful Movement; • Daniel Burnham’s plan for Chicago; • segregation; • Knick v. Township of Scott; • reforming single-family zoning and regulatory challenges in zoning and land use; • Daniel Parolek’s ‘Missing Middle Housing’; • climate change, mitigation, adaptation, and resiliency; • the drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan; • sharing programs for cars, bicycles, and scooters; • hybrid electric and autonomous vehicles; • Vision Zero; • COVID-19 relief for housing; • Innovation Districts, Promise Zones, and Opportunity Zones; • the sharing, gig, and creative economies; • scenic views and vistas, monuments, statues, and remembering the past; and • healthy cities, Health Impact Assessment, and active living. This detailed account of urbanization in the United States reveals the problematic nature and limitations of the planning process, the fallibility of experts, and the difficulties facing policy-makers in their search for solutions. Planning in the USA, fifth edition, is an essential book for students of urban planning, urban politics, environmental geography, and environment politics. It will be a valuable resource for planners and all who are concerned with the nature of contemporary urban and environmental problems.
Planning Inclusive Yachts: A Novel Approach to Yacht Design (Design For Inclusion #1)
by Paolo FerrariThis book proposes a novel approach to the design of accessible and inclusive sailing yachts, inspired by the principles of “Design for All.” The goal is to allow anyone, including users with disabilities and individuals belonging to the weaker segments, to sail without barriers. Starting from an analysis of existing pleasure boats, the author identifies a series of factors limiting the accessibility or usability of external and internal spaces. In turn, he discusses the most suitable solutions to each. By proposing an extensive set of design solutions applicable to the confined spaces on yachts, and which comply with the relevant anthropometric and dimensional rules, the book offers a timely snapshot of the potential benefits and applicability of an inclusive approach to yacht design, setting a new reference standard for inclusive and accessible nautical design.
Planning Indonesia's New Capital City: Behind Nusantara (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)
by Delik HudalahThis book critically analyzes the hidden political dimensions associated with the planning of Indonesia's new capital. Planning Indonesia’s New Capital City reveals the underlying agendas behind the Indonesian government’s decisive and rapid action, under the leadership of President Jokowi, to relocate the national capital amid precarious global political and economic conditions. The central argument posits that the capital relocation is politically justified, reflecting the president's ambitions for megaprojects and, to a significant extent, the interests of his governing coalitions. The desire to establish a political legacy has emerged as a primary hidden agenda that compels state leaders and their allies to pursue the ambitious initiative of moving the capital from Jakarta to Nusantara on Kalimantan Island. As a lasting monument and symbol of modernization and prosperity, the Capital City of Nusantara (IKN) aims to reflects the enduring influence of the builder-in-chief of the world’s third-largest democracy. The long-term viability of this capital city megaproject as a political legacy is contingent upon the effectiveness of formal, informal, and cultural institutional mechanisms both prior to and following the pivotal events of the 2024 presidential election and the subsequent transition of leadership. Addressing a significant gap in the literature and a timely contribution, this book will be of interest to researchers in the fields of human geography, Asian urban studies, Southeast Asian Studies and megaproject management.
Planning Knowledge and Research
by Thomas W. SanchezThe field of urban planning is far-reaching in breadth and depth. This is due to the complex nature of cities, regions, and development processes. The knowledge domain of planning includes social, economic, technological, environmental, and political systems that continue to evolve and expand rapidly. Understanding these systems is an inter-disciplinary endeavor at the scale of several academic fields. The wide range of topics considered by planning educators and practitioners are often based on varying definitions of "planning" and modes of planning practice. This unique book discusses various elements and contributions to urban planning research to show that seemingly disparate topics do in fact intersect and together, contribute to ways of understanding urban planning. The objective is not to discuss how to "do" research, but rather, to explore the context of urban planning scholarship with implications for the planning academy and planning practice. This edited volume includes chapters contributed by a diverse range of planning scholars who consider the corpus of planning scholarship both historically and critically in their area of expertise. It is essential reading for students of planning research and planning theory from around the world.
Planning Latin America's Capital Cities 1850-1950 (Planning, History And The Environment Ser.)
by Arturo AlmandozIn this first comprehensive work in English to describe the building of Latin America's capital cities in the postcolonial period, Arturo Almandoz and his contributors demonstrate how Europe and France in particular shaped their culture, architecture and planning until the United States began to play a part in the 1930s. The book provides a new per
Planning Law and Practice in Northern Ireland
by Stephen McKay and Michael MurrayEach of the jurisdictions within the United Kingdom is constantly refining the operational characteristics of its planning system and while there are some common practices, there are also substantive divergences. In each territory the planning template is shaped within a dynamic political and legal context and thus students and practitioners require an accessible, in-depth and up-to-date literature dealing with this matter. The multi-disciplinary contributors to this expanded Second Edition of Planning Law and Practice in Northern Ireland explore the progression of planning within the region and discuss prominent facets of contemporary development management, development plans, environmental law, property law and professional practice. Consideration is given to the consequences of Brexit for planning in Northern Ireland, devolved government institutional structures for planning, and the post-2015 emergent performance of local authorities in this arena. The book makes an important contribution to the wider literature in this field and, with its extensive citing of statutes and cases, provides an essential resource for students, planning practitioners and researchers.
Planning Learning Spaces
by Murray Hudson“A welcome and timely addition to the subject of school design at a time of great change.†—Professor Alan Jones, President of the Royal Institute of British Architects “Comprehensive but also very practical approach.†—Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills in Paris, France“Any community building a new school should read this book.†—Michael B. Horn, Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation in Boston, USA “Builds a bridge from the simple to the extraordinary... awash in opportunity and inspiration.†—Professor Stephen Heppell, Chair in Learning Innovation at the Universidad Camilo Jose Cela in Madrid, Spain Can school design help us to realize a new vision for education that equips young people for life in a fast-changing world? This is the big question at the heart of Planning Learning Spaces, a new guide for anyone involved in the planning and design of learning environments. Murray Hudson and Terry White have brought together educators and innovative school architects to pool their collective expertise and inspire the design of more intelligent learning spaces. The authors prompt readers to question common assumptions about how schools should look and how children should be educated: •Why have so many schools changed relatively little in more than a century? •What form should a school library take in the Internet age? •Do classrooms really have to be square?The book also tackles vital elements of learning space design such as the right lighting, heating and acoustics, and explores the key role of furniture, fixtures, and fittings.With contributions from leading professionals around the world, including Herman Hertzberger and Sir Ken Robinson, Planning Learning Spaces is an invaluable resource for architects, interior designers, and educators hoping that their project will make a genuine difference. Highly recommended reading for anyone involved with the process of building or updating an educational space.
Planning Learning Spaces: A Practical Guide for Architects, Designers, School Leaders
by Murray Hudson Murray Hudson, White Terry White“A welcome and timely addition to the subject of school design at a time of great change.”—Professor Alan Jones, President of the Royal Institute of British Architects “Comprehensive but also very practical approach.”—Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills in Paris, France“Any community building a new school should read this book.”—Michael B. Horn, Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation in Boston, USA “Builds a bridge from the simple to the extraordinary... awash in opportunity and inspiration.”—Professor Stephen Heppell, Chair in Learning Innovation at the Universidad Camilo Jose Cela in Madrid, Spain Can school design help us to realize a new vision for education that equips young people for life in a fast-changing world? This is the big question at the heart of Planning Learning Spaces, a new guide for anyone involved in the planning and design of learning environments. Murray Hudson and Terry White have brought together educators and innovative school architects to pool their collective expertise and inspire the design of more intelligent learning spaces. The authors prompt readers to question common assumptions about how schools should look and how children should be educated: • Why have so many schools changed relatively little in more than a century? • What form should a school library take in the Internet age? • Do classrooms really have to be square?The book also tackles vital elements of learning space design such as the right lighting, heating and acoustics, and explores the key role of furniture, fixtures, and fittings.With contributions from leading professionals around the world, including Herman Hertzberger and Sir Ken Robinson, Planning Learning Spaces is an invaluable resource for architects, interior designers, and educators hoping that their project will make a genuine difference. Highly recommended reading for anyone involved with the process of building or updating an educational space.
Planning London: The Case Of London (Progress In Planning Ser.)
by James SimmieAn introduction to the problems and practices of planning in London. The authors address the question of what contributions the land-use planning system has made and could make to resolving decrepit public transport, congestion, noise, dirt, crime, poverty, begging, homelessness. They analyse these conflicts in terms of history, jobs, housing, transport and the quality of the environment - and considers future options.
Planning Los Angeles: Artists And Communities Working Together (Routledge Research In Planning And Urban Design Ser.)
by David C. SloaneLos Angeles isn’t planned; it just happens. Right? Not so fast! Despite the city’s reputation for spontaneous evolution, a deliberate planning process shapes the way Los Angeles looks and lives. Editor David C. Sloane, a planning professor at the University of Southern California, has enlisted 30 essayists for a lively, richly illustrated view of this vibrant metropolis. Planning Los Angeles launches a new series from APA Planners Press. Each year Planners Press will bring out a new study on a major American city. Natives, newcomers, and out-of-towners will get insiders’ views of today’s hot-button issues and a sneak peek at the city to come.
Planning Made Easy
by William Toner Efraim Gil Enid Lucchesi Carol Barrett Robert JoiceDeveloping a program to train planning commissioners and zoning board members takes a lot of time and effort. This manual makes the process easier. It covers the basics of community planning, zoning, subdivision regulation, and ethics. With chapters organized in discrete modules, it's ideal for both self-study and classroom use. Narratives explain general planning principles. Exercises encourage users to think about the planning issues in their communities. And worksheets reinforce important concepts. A complementary training guide, Training Made Easy, is also available. Planning Made Easy is published as looseleaf pages in a three-ring notebook.
Planning Major Infrastructure: A Critical Analysis
by Tim MarshallThis book analyses the planning and policy world of major infrastructure as it is moving now in Europe and the UK. Have some countries managed to generate genuine consensus on how the large changes are progressed? What can we learn from the different ways countries manage these challenges, to inform better spatial planning and more intelligent political steering? Case studies of the key features of policy and planning approaches in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK are at the core of Planning Major Infrastructure. This includes the different regimes introduced in England and Wales, and Scotland, brought in by reforms since 2006. High speed rail, renewable energy deployment, water management, waste treatment – all raise critical planning issues. The case studies connect to the big issues of principle which haunt this field of public policy: how can democratic legitimacy be secured? How can ecological and economic transitions be managed? What is the appropriate role of the national government in each of these areas, as against other levels? What part has the EU played, and should it be involved in the future? These are some of the central themes raised in this innovating exploration of this currently high profile field.
Planning, Markets and Rural Housing
by Nick GallentThis book analyses the key forces affecting the affordability of rural homes in Britain and the changing shape of housing markets. It takes as its starting point, demographic trends impacting upon rural communities and upon market dynamics. From this point, it explores consequent patterns of housing affordability, examining changing opportunities in the rental and sale markets, at different spatial scales. The book also focuses on how markets are analysed, and how data are selectively used to demonstrate low levels of affordability, or a lack of need for additional housing in small village locations.Building on the demographic theme, the book considers the housing implications of an aging population, before the focus finally shifts to community initiative in the face of housing undersupply and planning's future role in delivering and procuring a more constant and predictable supply of affordable homes. In a speculative conclusion, the book ends by examining the current political trajectory in England, and the prospects for housing in the countryside in the context of localism and neighbourhood planning at a village level.This book was published as a special issue of Planning Practice and Research.
Planning Metropolitan Australia (Planning, History and Environment Series)
by Stephen Hamnett Robert FreestoneAustralia has long been a highly (sub)urbanized nation, but the major distinctive feature of its contemporary settlement pattern is that the great majority of Australians live in a small number of large metropolitan areas focused on the state capital cities. The development and application of effective urban policy at a regional scale is a significant global challenge given the complexities of urban space and governance. Building on the editors’ previous collection The Australian Metropolis: A Planning History (2000), this new book examines the recent history of metropolitan planning in Australia since the beginning of the twenty-first century. After a historical prelude, the book is structured around a series of six case studies of metropolitan Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, the fast-growing metropolitan region of South-East Queensland centred on Brisbane, and the national capital of Canberra. These essays are contributed by some of Australia’s leading urbanists. Set against a dynamic background of economic change, restructured land uses, a more diverse population, and growing spatial and social inequality, the book identifies a broad planning consensus around the notion of making Australian cities more contained, compact and resilient. But it also observes a continuing gulf between the simplified aims of metropolitan strategies and our growing understanding of the complex functioning of the varied communities in which most people live. This book reflects on the raft of planning challenges presented at the metropolitan scale, looks at what the future of Australian cities might be, and speculates about the prospects of more effective metropolitan planning arrangements.
Planning Middle Eastern Cities: An Urban Kaleidoscope (Planning, History and Environment Series)
by Yasser ElsheshtawyMiddle Eastern cities cannot be lumped together as a single group. Rather they make up the urban kaleidoscope of the title, as the diversity of the six cities included here shows. They range from cities rich in tradition (Cairo, Tunis, and Baghdad), to neglected cities (Algiers and Sana'a), to newly emerging 'oil-rich' Gulf cities (Dubai). The authors are all young Arab scholars and architects local to the cities they describe, providing an authentic voice with an understanding no outsider could achieve. These contributors move away from an exclusively 'Islamic' reading of Arab cities - which they regard as outdated and counterproductive. Instead, they explore issues of identity and globalization in the context of the struggles and solutions offered by each city from the late nineteenth century to the present day. Their focus is on how the built environment has changed over time and under different influences.
The Planning of a New Town (Studies in International Planning History)
by London County CouncilThe publication of The Planning of a New Town in 1961 aroused remarkable interest. Its pages described a private new town, sponsored by the London County Council (LCC), to be built at Hook in Hampshire; a scheme that innovatively combined Garden City/New Town traditions with sensitivity to modern design. At its heart lay a multilevel and megastructural town centre intended to serve as a genuine focus for the gathering community, featuring shops and amenities placed on a pedestrian deck with cars and servicing beneath. The report itself proved extremely popular even though the New Town had fallen foul of political opposition at local and national levels and had been abandoned before any construction took place. It offers an insight into the flux of ideas that surrounded New Town development in the early 1960s. Analysing the world as it might have been not only identifies choices that were once available for shaping the built environment, it also often reveals once-cherished hopes and aspirations about how people might live in cities.
Planning Olympic Legacies: Transport Dreams and Urban Realities
by Eva Kassens-NoorWhen a city wins the right to hold the Olympics, one of the oft cited advantages to the region is the catalytic effect upon the urban and transport projects of the host cities. However, with unparalleled access to documents and records, Eva Kassens-Noor questions and challenges this fundamental assertion of host cities who claim to have used the Olympic Games as a way to move forward their urban agendas In fact, transport dreams to stage the "perfect games" of the International Olympic Committee and the governments of the host cities have lead to urban realities that significantly differ from the development path the city had set out to accomplish before winning the Olympic bid. Ultimately it is precisely the IOC’s influence – and the city’s foresight and sophistication (or lack thereof) in coping with it – that determines whether years after the Games there are legacies benefitting the former hosts. The text is supported by revealing interviews from lead host city planners and key documents, which highlight striking discrepancies between media broadcasts and the internal communications between the IOC and host city governments. It focuses on the inside story of the urban and transport change process undergone by four cities (Barcelona, Atlanta, Sydney, and Athens) that staged the Olympics and forecasts London and Rio de Janeiro’s urban trajectories. The final chapter advises cities on how to leverage the Olympic opportunity to advance their long-run urban strategic plans and interests while fulfilling the International Olympic Committee’s fundamental requirements. This is a uniquely positioned look at why Olympic cities have – or do not have – the transport and urban legacies they had wished for. The book will be of interest to planners, government agencies and those involved in organizing future Games.
Planning on the Edge
by Johan Andersson Nick Gallent Marco BianconiMore than a tenth of the land mass of the UK comprises 'urban fringe': the countryside around towns that has been called 'planning's last frontier'. One of the key challenges facing spatial planners is the land-use management of this area, regarded by many as fit only for locating sewage works, essential service functions and other un-neighbourly uses. However, to others it is a dynamic area where a range of urban and rural uses collide. Planning on the Edge fills an important gap in the literature, examining in detail the challenges that planning faces in this no-man’s land. It presents both problems and solutions, and builds a vision for the urban fringe that is concerned with maximising its potential and with bridging the physical and cultural rift between town and country. Its findings are presented in three sections: the urban fringe and the principles underpinning its management sectoral challenges faced at the urban fringe (including commerce, energy, recreation, farming, and housing) managing the urban fringe more effectively in the future. Students, professionals and researchers alike will benefit from the book's structured approach, while the global and transferable nature of the principles and ideas underpinning the study will appeal to an international audience.
Planning, Politics and City-Making: A Case Study of King's Cross
by Lesley Williams Peter BishopWhilst there is extensive literature analysing the design and function of new buildings and places, the actual process through which development proposals are actually fashioned – through complex negotiation and deal making, involving many different stakeholders with different agendas – is largely undocumented. Conventional planning theory tends to assume a logical, rational and linear decision-making process, which bears little relationship to reality. This book aims to shed some light on that reality. The King’s Cross scheme is one of the largest and most complex developments taking place in Britain today. The planning negotiations, which took six years, were probably some of the most exhaustive debates around a development ever. A report of over 600 pages of technical information was eventually presented to the committee, and after two evenings and ten hours of presentations and debate, the committee approved the scheme by just two votes.
The Planning Polity: Planning, Government and the Policy Process (RTPI Library Series #Vol. 4)
by Mark Tewdwr-JonesPlanning is not a technical and value free activity. Planning is an overt political system that creates both winners and losers. The Planning Polity is a book that considers the politics of development and decision-making, and political conflicts between agencies and institutions within British town and country planning. The focus of assessment is how British planning has been formulated since the early 1990s, and provides an in-depth and revealing assessment of both the Major and Blair governments' terms of office. The book will prove to be an invaluable guide to the British planning system today and the political demands on it. Students and activists within urban and regional studies, planning, political science and government, environmental studies, urban and rural geography, development, surveying and planning, will all find the book to be an essential companion to their work.
Planning Power: Town Planning and Social Control in Colonial Africa
by Ambe NjohWith a multidisciplinary perspective, Planning Power examines British and French colonial town and country planning efforts in Africa. Drawing out similarities in the colonial administrative and economic strategies of the two powers, rather than emphasizing the differences, the book offers an unusually nuanced view of African planning systems in a time of upheaval and political change. In showing how the colonial authorities sought to gain political and social control in Africa, it can be seen how their will to exert political power influenced every area of planning practice during this era. This unique comparative analysis of British and French colonial town planning – covering the entire sub-Saharan African region – takes theories from a wide range of disciplines, including political science, history, urban and regional planning, economics and geography to paint a comprehensive picture of the subject. Written by a prolific researcher and writer in the political-economy of urban and regional planning in Africa, Planning Power is valuable reading for students and academics in a range of disciplines.
Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK
by Jessica Ferm John TomaneyPlanning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK provides the only comprehensive overview of contemporary planning practice in the UK. Drawing on contributions from leading researchers in the field, it examines the tools, contexts and outcomes of planning practice. Part I examines planning processes and tools, and the extent to which theory and practice diverge, covering plan-making, Development Management, planning gain, public engagement and place-making. Part II examines the changing contexts within which planning practice takes place, including privatisation and deregulation, devolution and multi-level governance, increased ethnic and social diversity, growing environmental concerns and the changing nature of commercial real estate. Part III focuses on how planning practice produces outcomes for the built environment in relation to housing, infrastructure, economic progress, public transport and regeneration. The book considers what it means to be a reflective practitioner in the modern planning system, the constraints and opportunities that planners face in their daily work, and the ethical and political challenges they must confront.
Planning Public Library Buildings: Concepts and Issues for the Librarian
by Michael DewePlanning a new or refurbished public library means considering not only facilities for collections, services, staff and users, but examining also the local context, reviewing the library image, and developing relationships with other community facilities and agencies. This book examines the entire gamut of challenges confronting the planning and development of contemporary public libraries; their mission, their roles, and key issues such as lifelong learning, social inclusion, community and cultural needs, regeneration and funding. The helpful presentation and readable style guides the librarian through the preliminary information-gathering and decision-making process that ensures a successful library building for all concerned. Using practical case studies, plans and photographs, the author tackles the critical issues of siting, size, plans and design concepts, and provides a helpful guide to weighing up the alternatives of refurbished, converted and new buildings. Separate chapters focus on the planning, briefing and construction process; security, safety and sustainability; key characteristics of successful buildings; identity, decor and signage; and interior layout and facilities. The text draws together a vast resource of real library examples from all over the world which provide best practice models and lessons to learn. For funding authorities, librarians and architects of public libraries this is a highly informative book that will help to ensure wise decision-making and prevent costly mistakes.
Planning, Risk and Property Development: Urban regeneration in England, France and the Netherlands (Housing, Planning and Design Series)
by Roelof Verhage Nikos Karadimitriou Claudio De MagalhãesUrban regeneration schemes involving a wide range of actors and dependent on private investment are increasingly deployed in Europe’s cities with the aim of delivering private, merit and public goods. This book explores the relationships, objectives and strategies of the actors engaging in these schemes in cities of three advanced European economies. It researches the outcomes of actor interactions as these transform under the influence of changing market circumstances and associated risks. The book focuses on the way this change is reflected in the provision of mixed-use developments within a context of increasingly polarised housing markets and urban growth patterns. It argues that although these schemes can and do deliver much-needed dwellings, their exposure to market risks may in many cases cause them to fall short of the desired socio-economically sustainable outcomes.
Planning Singapore: The Experimental City (Planning, History and Environment Series)
by Stephen Hamnett Belinda YuenTwo hundred years ago, Sir Stamford Raffles established the modern settlement of Singapore with the intent of seeing it become ‘a great commercial emporium and fulcrum’. But by the time independence was achieved in 1965, the city faced daunting problems of housing shortage, slums and high unemployment. Since then, Singapore has become one of the richest countries on earth, providing, in Sir Peter Hall’s words, ‘perhaps the most extraordinary case of economic development in the history of the world’. The story of Singapore’s remarkable achievements in the first half century after its independence is now widely known. In Planning Singapore: The Experimental City, Stephen Hamnett and Belinda Yuen have brought together a set of chapters on Singapore’s planning achievements, aspirations and challenges, which are united in their focus on what might happen next in the planning of the island-state. Chapters range over Singapore’s planning system, innovation and future economy, housing, biodiversity, water and waste, climate change, transport, and the potential transferability of Singapore’s planning knowledge. A key question is whether the planning approaches, which have served Singapore so well until now, will suffice to meet the emerging challenges of a changing global economy, demographic shifts, new technologies and the existential threat of climate change. Singapore as a global city is becoming more unequal and more diverse. This has the potential to weaken the social compact which has largely existed since independence and to undermine the social resilience undoubtedly needed to cope with the shocks and disruptions of the twenty-first century. The book concludes, however, that Singapore is better-placed than most to respond to the challenges which it will certainly face thanks to its outstanding systems of planning and implementation, a proven capacity to experiment and a highly developed ability to adapt quickly, purposefully and pragmatically to changing circumstances.