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Showing 40,951 through 40,975 of 56,794 results

The Politics & Poetics of Black Film: Nothing But a Man (Studies in the Cinema of the Black Diaspora)

by David C. Wall Michael T. Martin

Written and directed by two white men and performed by an all-black cast, Nothing But a Man (Michael Roemer, 1964) tells the story of a drifter turned family man who struggles with the pressures of small-town life and the limitations placed on him and his community in the Deep South, an area long fraught with racism. Though unmistakably about race and civil rights, the film makes no direct reference to the civil rights movement. Despite this intentional absence, contemporary audiences were acutely aware of the social context for the film's indictment of white prejudice in America. To help frame and situate the film in the context of black film studies, the book gathers primary and secondary resources, including the original screenplay, essays on the film, statements by the filmmakers, and interviews with Robert M. Young, the film's producer and cinematographer, and Khalil Gibran Muhammad, the Director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

Politics Unseen: Group f.64 Photography and the Problem of Purity

by Ellen Macfarlane

In Politics Unseen, Ellen Macfarlane radically reframes the "pure photographs" of California art photography society Group f.64, known for depicting Western landscapes, fruits and vegetables, flowers, and faces. By foregrounding f.64 members’ and their prints’ alliances across commercial, political, and artistic domains, the book shatters entrenched understandings of the group as disinterested in contemporary events and unseats conceptions of its prints as icons of modernist purity. Instead, Politics Unseen argues the politics of f.64’s photographs become visible when interwar ideas about "purity" in the areas of eugenics, racial essence, nutrition, colonialism, and horticulture are interrogated. Ultimately, Politics Unseen alters perceptions not only of f.64, but also of what constituted a political image in 1930s America.

Politics without Stories

by David Ricci

Liberal candidates, scholars, and activists mainly promote pragmatism rather than large and powerful narratives - which may be called 'alpha stories' for their commanding presence over time. Alternatively, conservative counterparts to such liberals tend to promote their policy preferences in alpha stories praising effective markets, excellent traditions, and limited government. In this face-off, liberals represent a post-Enlightenment world where many modern people, following Max Weber, are 'disenchanted', while many conservatives, echoing Edmund Burke, cherish stories borrowed from the past. Politics without Stories describes this storytelling gap as an electoral disadvantage for liberals because their campaigning lacks, and will continue to lack, the inspiration and shared commitments that great, long-term stories can provide. Therefore, Ricci argues that, for tactical purposes, liberals should concede their post-Enlightenment skepticism and rally around short-term stories designed to frame, in political campaigns, immediate situations which they regard as intolerable. These may help liberals win elections and influence the course of modern life.

Politik in der Kunst – Kunst in der Politik: Zum Potential ästhetischer Zugänge zur Politik (Politische Bildung)

by Thomas Goll Werner Friedrichs

Der Band versammelt Beiträge der Arbeitsgruppe Hermeneutische Politikdidaktik zum Thema Politik und Kunst. Politik hat sich schon immer ästhetischer Mittel bedient, um sich zu inszenieren. Umgekehrt ist Kunst ein Reflex auf die politische Verfasstheit der Gesellschaft. Kunst eröffnet damit einen Zugang zur Politik mit hohem Potential für die politische Bildung.

Politik und Film: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Ulrich Hamenstädt

Dieses Essential bietet einen Überblick zu unterschiedlichen Interpretationen der Verbindung zwischen Politik und Film. Filme und Fernsehserien werden dabei als wichtige Darstellungsformen von Politik begriffen. In zahlreichen Formaten wird dies in den letzten Jahren deutlich. Interessant wird es jedoch, wenn Filme und Serien nicht den Anspruch erheben politisch zu sein, dies jedoch implizit sind. Denn Filme spielen zum einen immer mit Vorannahmen des Publikums, produzieren andererseits aber auch spezifische politische Annahmen und Weltanschauungen bei ihrem Publikum. So sind beispielsweise Ängste oder gesellschaftlich verbreitete Feindbilder für die Wirkung von Filmen bedeutungsvoll. James Bond bekommt heute keine Liebesgrüße mehr aus Moskau, dafür rücken Cyberangriffe und die zunehmende Macht Chinas in den Mittelpunkt der Filmreihe.

Politiken des Populären: Medien – Kultur – Wissenschaft (Neue Perspektiven der Medienästhetik)

by Ivo Ritzer Harald Steinwender

Der Band befragt populäre Kultur auf ihre politischen Implikationen in medialen Erscheinungsformen. Dabei problematisiert er die tradierte Dichotomie von „Kunst“ und „Pop“, um den Fokus auf offene Forschungsfragen globaler Wechselwirkungen zu legen und über die akademischen Disziplinen hinaus zu erweitern. Die einzelnen Beiträge des Bandes nähern sich dem Untersuchungsgegenstand anhand mehrerer Konfliktlinien, die ein Themenspektrum von Fragen der Ideologie, Postkolonialität und Queerness populärer Medienkulturen eröffnen. Der InhaltMediale Regimes und Populärkultur ● Genre, Gesellschaft und Politik ● Gender und RaceDie HerausgeberProf. Dr. Ivo Ritzer lehrt Medienwissenschaft an der Universität Bayreuth. Dr. Harald Steinwender ist Redakteur im Programmbereich Spiel – Film – Serie des Bayerischen Rundfunks und Programmplaner für das BR Fernsehen.

Politisierung des Theaters und Theatralisierung der Politik im Nationalsozialismus: Müthels „Hamlet“-Inszenierung und Riefenstahls „Triumph des Willens“ (Szene & Horizont. Theaterwissenschaftliche Studien #13)

by Silke Christiane Kleine

Vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Fragen nach der Politisierung der Bühne während des „Dritten Reiches“ und der Nutzbarmachung theatraler Operativität für die politische nationalsozialistische Massenversammlung anhand der Analysen einer massenwirksamen Hamlet-Inszenierung (Lothar Müthel, Berlin 1936) und von Leni Riefenstahls filmischer Dokumentation des „Reichsparteitags der Einheit und Stärke“ 1934 („Triumph des Willens“). Während sich das Medium der Theaterbühne als nicht sonderlich fruchtbar für propagandistische Zwecke erwiesen hatte, ereignete sich das „eigentliche“ Theater des „Dritten Reiches“ auf den Plätzen und in den Arenen des politischen Massenauftritts. Es geschah also ein Transfer theatraler Mittel und Operativität hin zu öffentlichen Massenveranstaltungen des Regimes. Theatrale, dramaturgische Elemente der Theaterbühne erwiesen sich in Kombination mit massenpsychologischen Grundmechanismen als besonders tragfähig, sodass man sagen kann, dass es sich bei NS-tendenziösen Theaterinszenierungen um Präfigurationen des politischen Massenauftritts handelte. Dies wird anhand öffentlicher Veranstaltungen im Nationalsozialismus erörtert; diese werden im Hinblick auf theatrale Kategorien wie der Ausgestaltung/Architektur des Raumes, Auditivität (Stimme und Rede, die Rolle der Lautsprechertechnologie), Licht/Beleuchtung und Requisiten analysiert. Neben diesen Aspekten der Theaterregie kamen (hier: pseudo-) religiöse Aspekte der Kirchenregie zum Tragen. Leni Riefenstahls filmische Dokumentation „Triumph des Willens“ zeigt eindrücklich die Kulmination der bis dato in vielen Auftritten erprobten massenpsychologischen Dramaturgie im Großereignis von Nürnberg. Zudem entgrenzt Riefenstahl das Ereignis durch die Reproduzierbarkeit des Mediums „Film“. Einerseits stellt der Film den Initiationsprozess für die jungen Nationalsozialisten auf dem „Reichsparteitag“ in Nürnberg dar, andererseits war die „Lektüre“ des Films gleichsam ein Initiationsprozess für den Zuschauer; das filmische Zeugnis Leni Riefenstahls konnte so die Präsenzteilnahme am „Reichsparteitag der Einheit und Stärke“ ersetzen.

Pollutant Effects in Freshwater: Applied Limnology

by J. Jacoby E. Welch

Pollutant Effects in Freshwater provides a practical and concise introduction to the ecological consequences of water pollution in aquatic ecosystems. In tackling the problem of water quality deterioration, this book combines the limnological and water pollution literature to describe how pollutants in wastewater affect populations of organisms in freshwater environments.Substantially revised, updated and expanded, with additional specialist contributors, this retitled new edition of Ecological Effects of Wastewater will continue to focus on the effects and management of eutrophication, water quality standards to protect aquatic life, and widen the debate over micro organisms and their public health significance in the aquatic environment.With ever tighter controls on pollution levels of freshwater bodies being implemented and enforced world wide, this book is essential reading for students of public health and environmental engineering, and a reference tool for professionals in consultancies, contractors and for those in regulatory and enforcement bodies.

Pollution Control and Resource Reuse for Alkaline Hydrometallurgy of Amphoteric Metal Hazardous Wastes

by Zhang Chenglong Zhao Youcai

This book provides a comprehensive description of alkaline hydrometallurgy of amphoteric metal hazardous wastes. Topics focus on leaching of zinc and lead hazardous wastes, purification of leach solution of zinc and lead, electrowinning of zinc and lead from purified alkaline solutions, chemical reactions taking place in the production flowsheets, thermodynamic and spent electrolyte regeneration, alkaline hydrometallurgy of low-grade smithsonite ores, recovery of molybdenum and tungsten using ion flotation and solvent extraction processes and their application in chemical synthesis of Nb and Ta inorganic compounds, and industrial scale production of 1500-2000 t/a zinc powder using alkaline leaching-electrowinning processes. Processes described are cost-effective, generate lesser secondary pollutants, and have been applied widely in China. Readers that will find the book appealing include solid waste engineers, environmental managers, technicians, recycling coordinators, government officials, undergraduates and graduate students, and researchers.

Polly Platt: Hollywood Production Design and Creative Authorship

by Aaron Hunter

This book examines the career and creative labour of production designer Polly Platt. It focuses mainly on her contributions to 1970s Hollywood, but also considers her later work. Considering films such as The Last Picture Show, Paper Moon, The Bad News Bears, and The Witches of Eastwick, it argues that Platt’s construction of their visual palette and mise-en-scène was so creative and so comprehensive that it can be considered authorial. Chapters discuss Platt’s life and its influence on her work, her attention to detail, her role in location decisions and costume design, and her use of colour. An epilogue discusses her later career as a producer and her mentorship to young filmmakers like Cameron Crowe and Wes Anderson. This is the first full-length examination of the career of one of the women practitioners whose work was so important to 1970s cinema, and provides an alternative methodology to the auteur-driven framing that so regularly defines the era.

Polly the Pig

by Melanie Hurlston

Watch out, Polly the Pig's about, and she's a powerhouse of energy, so you're in serious danger of being bowled over by her. Don't let her rather stout physique fool you - she's a real whiz kid, bustling around the place and eager to get involved in anything that's going down. In fact, she's a bit of a speed junkie. You've been warned - keep those skateboards securely under wraps!

Poly-Modeling with 3ds Max: Thinking Outside of the Box

by Todd Daniele

Polymodeling is a modeling technique used in 3d modeling. Unlike box modeling, or other forms of modeling where you start out with a basic form or primitive object that determines the mass of an object, artists can use the polygon (the basic building block of all of the primitives available in 3ds Max). This approach allows for more control over the flow, placement and detail of the meshes that are built. Placement of vertices/points, edges and all other sub-elements that build our models is determined by the user, rather than pre-determined by a computer generated primitive.This book is a collection of tips, tricks and techniques on how to create professional models for advertising on T.V and the web. The author has tons of industry experience using Max toward this end, and he shares the secrets of his trade. As Production Modeler for some of today's hottest studios (including GuerillaFx, Coke Zero, MTV, Old Navy, Nike, Target, HP) Todd Daniele brings real-world experience to the book. Daniele teaches the technical aspects of polymodeling, while showing how to ultimately create content in a dynamic, efficient manner.Associated web site offers instructional files that show the models in progressive stages of development; plus a supporting internet forum: readers can log-on to this forum to ask questions or comment on anything covered in the book.

The Polycentric Metropolis: Learning from Mega-City Regions in Europe

by Peter Hall Kathy Pain

A new 21st century urban phenomenon is emerging: the networked polycentric mega-city region. Developed around one or more cities of global status, it is characterized by a cluster of cities and towns, physically separate but intensively networked in a complex spatial division of labour. This book describes and analyses eight such regions in North West Europe. For the first time, this work shows how businesses interrelate and communicate in geographical space - within each region, between them, and with the wider world. It goes on to demonstrate the profound consequences for spatial planning and regional development in Europe - and, by implication, other similar urban regions of the world. The Polycentric Metropolis introduces the concept of a mega-city region, analyses its characteristics, examines the issues surrounding regional identities, and discusses policy ramifications and outcomes for infrastructure, transport systems and regulation. Packed with high quality maps, case study data and written in a clear style by highly experienced authors, this will be an insightful and significant analysis suitable for professionals in urban planning and policy, environmental consultancies, business and investment communities, technical libraries, and students in urban studies, geography, economics and town/spatial planning.

Polychrome Art in the Early Modern World: 1200–1800 (ISSN)

by Lisandra Estevez Ilenia Colón Mendoza

This book focuses on the techniques and materials of polychromy used in early modern Europe and the Americas from 1200 to 1800.Taking a trans-cultural approach, the book studies the production of polychrome sculptures, panels, and altarpieces, as well as colored terracotta. The book includes chapters on treatises and contracts that reveal specific use of pigments, distribution of workshops, collaborations between specialized artists, and artistic programs centered on the use of color as an agent.The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, art conservation, early modern history, sculpture, colonialism, material culture, and European studies.

Polygon Mesh Processing

by null Mario Botsch null Leif Kobbelt null Mark Pauly null Pierre Alliez null Bruno Levy

Geometry processing, or mesh processing, is a fast-growing area of research that uses concepts from applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering to design efficient algorithms for the acquisition, reconstruction, analysis, manipulation, simulation, and transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of geometry processing algorithms alrea

Polygon Quilts Pattern

by Jennifer Sampou

Geometry has never been so much fun! This free-spirited twist on the applique hexie quilt is playful, creative, and forgiving! The improv approach is super easy, and the quilt comes together quickly using half-square triangles made from 5" precut charm squares or scraps from your fabric stash. This pattern combines the freedom of improve with the basic structure of a simple layout, materials list, and instructions for 2 quilts. • Play around with this quick and fun pattern to create a stunning quilt • Get inspired with multiple polygon layout options for quilts • From the best-selling designer behind the Octagon Shimmer Quilt Pattern

Polymer The Chameleon Clay

by Victoria Hughes

Explore the versatility and beauty of polymer clay! In this new book, author Victoria Hughes shows readers an amazing array of finishes for this magical medium. Hughes presents, in detail, how polymer clay can imitate various materials including ivory, jade, coral, shell, onyx, and turquoise through assorted finishing, shaping, baking, and molding techniques. Eighteen unique and stunning projects, including an ivory pendant and an accordion-style jade book, are featured and illustrated by 250 beautiful, step-by-step photographs and detailed line drawings. A gallery of finished pieces by the author and more than 10 other skilled artists offers inspiration for readers to go beyond what is presented to make their own unique creations. Hughes, a well-known polymer clay artist, invented these techniques and teaches them nationwide. New, inventive, and amazing techniques to make polymer clay imitate more than 10 different materials Gorgeous photos of completed pieces to inspire creativity Complete information and step-by-step instructions for creating each look

Polymer Clay

by Jacqueline Gikow

Polymer clay can be used for numerous projects, and this comprehensive guide shows you how to unleash polymer clay's functional side. Features more than 20 inspiring projects, including a book cover, puppet and lamp, as well as a wide array of techniques and creative approaches. Also showcases pieces by some of the world's best-known polymer clay artists.

Polymer Clay Art Jewelry: How to Make Polymer Clay Jewelry Projects Using New Techniques

by Ilysa Ginsburg Kira Slye

Make gorgeous polymer clay jewelry with instruction and inspiration from polymer clay designers Ilysa Ginsburg and Kira Slye. The unique and artistic techniques in Polymer Clay Art Jewelry provide new, versatile ways for creating fantastic necklaces, earrings, bracelets and more! 16 beautiful, eye-catching jewelry projects. 4 creative themes that appeal to a range of styles. Polymer clay techniques that use unusual tools and tricks. Fun and inspiring for both beginner and intermediate levels.

Polymer Clay Color Inspirations: Techniques and Jewelry Projects for Creating Successful Palettes

by Maggie Maggio Lindly Haunani

Lindly Haunani and Maggie Maggio are renowned for their courses and workshops on color as well as for their outstanding polymer clay work. In this book, they offer instruction and inspiration that focuses on polymer clay as a learning tool that readers can use to explore their own color instincts and preferences and develop their own palettes.Each chapter investigates a specific color principle, with the discussion supported by a related exercise, a "studio tool" assignment or demonstration, a polymer clay jewelry project, and a profile of a prominent polymer clay artist. Sample topics include:*The Complexity of Color*Three Properties of Color*Choosing Your Palette*Mixing Colors That Flow*Matching Colors with Precision*Games Colors Play*Orchestrating Color Combinations*Color Composition: Placement and Proportion*Playful Patterns*Tantalizing TexturesFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

The Polymer Clay Cookbook: Tiny Food Jewelry to Whip Up and Wear

by Susan Partain Jessica Partain

The Polymer Clay Cookbook celebrates favorite foods with 20 tiny, deliciously realistic food charms to make from polymer clay and fashion into unique jewelry. Styled as a cookbook for the beginning miniaturist "chef," the introductory chapters discuss the "basic ingredients" and techniques used for polymer clay and jewelry-making. The remainder of the book offers 20 "recipes" grouped by category: fruits, breakfast, lunch and dinner, sweets and snacks, and holiday foods. Each recipe has a list of "ingredients," step-by-step directions with photographs, and suggested variations. Each piece is presented as a particular finished jewelry item, such as a necklace, but readers are encouraged to adapt the piece into any type of jewelry they choose. Each chapter also includes one of the authors' own cherished recipes for real food, including Sunday Morning Cinnamon Rolls, Grandma's Pasta Sauce, Decadent Raspberry Chocolate Cupcakes, and Mom's Holiday Sugar Cookies. Throughout, the authors--who are sisters--share their enthusiasm for family, sisterhood, and the tradition and feelings surrounding our favorite foods.

Polymer Clay for Beginners: Inspiration, Techniques, and Simple Step-by-Step Projects for Making Art with Polymer Clay

by Emily Chen

Start making beautiful crafts from polymer clay! Art Makers: Polymer Clay for Beginners is your step-by-step guide to making trinkets, animals, plants, and more using this fun, easy, and kiln-free craft.Polymer Clay for Beginners introduces artists, art hobbyists, and polymer clay enthusiasts to the versatile, accessible polymer clay medium. Because polymer clay does not require the use of a kiln and needs only baking in the oven, it is an easy, approachable art form for even the most inexperienced artist to learn, as well as kids, families, teachers, and anyone else looking for a fun, boredom-busting hobby or craft. Professional artist and owner of Cat Bear Express, Emily Chen, demonstrates how to make adorable animal figurines, flowers, cookies, cakes, beads, and more through easy step-by-step projects. Each project features colorful, styled photographs demonstrating how finished pieces can be used, displayed, and gifted. A comprehensive tools and materials section and detailed information on techniques, baking, and glazing guide artists in their quest to become polymer clay pros. A modern approach to sculpture art, polymer clay is the perfect choice for beginners and crafting enthusiasts. The Art Makers series is designed for beginning artists and arts-and-crafts enthusiasts who are interested in experiencing fun hands-on mediums, including embroidery and papier-mache.

Polymer Clay Global Perspectives: Emerging Ideas and Techniques from 125 International Artists

by Cynthia Tinapple

Explore the World--in Polymer Clay!Polymer artists are connected like never before. As the acclaimed curator of the popular blog, Cynthia Tinapple brings together 115 diverse artists from around the world to showcase the work of this new international community. Polymer Clay Global Perspectives invites you to explore the trends and cutting-edge styles that are influencing the future of this medium. In this masterful collection, you'll find: · Tips to create meaningful art that reflects your personality and vision· Behind-the-scenes profiles of 13 innovative artists in their studios· Step-by-step projects by contributors who share their signature methods, such as mokume gane,extruded canes, and adapted glass-blowing techniques· Galleries showcasing the best of the best polymer work in jewelry, miniatures, sculpture, and much moreWith artists including Kim Korringa, Shay Aaron, and Fabiola Perez offering their expertise, you'll find endless inspiration to take your art to the next level. Begin your own journey through the new landscape of contemporary polymer. A world of possibilities awaits.

Polymer Clay Jewelry

by Debbie Jackson

Create stunning jewelry with imaginative ideas!In Polymer Clay Jewelry, Debbie Jackson shows you how to create 20 gorgeous projects with an array of polymer clay and jewelry-making techniques. Using embellishments, textures, liquid polymer clay and canes, you'll create one-of-a-kind pieces including:Hinged Dragonfly PendantOriental Fan HatpinEmbedded Bead EarringsEggshell Mosaic BroochSnakeskin BangleEach project includes step-by-step instructions, complete supply lists, and full color photos to help you achieve professional results. Jackson also includes an inspirational gallery of polymer clay jewelry pieces using techniques featured in the book.Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, this fresh approach to polymer clay techniques will provide the skills and creative spark you need to create truly extraordinary accessories.

Polymer Clay Master Class: Exploring Process, Technique, and Collaboration with 11 Master Artists

by Judy Belcher Tamara Honaman

Learn the Signature Techniques of Top Polymer Clay ArtistsPolymer Clay Master Class offers you a close-up look at the creative processes of eleven acclaimed polymer clay artists as they share their expertise with one another and you. Judy Belcher and Tamara Honaman bring together these talented artists for the first time, offering their individual techniques and then documenting how they inspire and challenge one another in the creation of collaborative pieces. In five lessons with sixteen guided projects, you will gain an understanding of the polymer clay skills you've always wanted to master, such as:* Creating with sculpture, canework, and imitative techniques* Altering the surface with carving, transfers, imprint, and silk screening* Incorporating mixed media, such as metal, wood, and fiber* Designing using cold connections, hollow and lightweight forms, kinetic construction, and jewelry-finishing techniques* Pushing the boundaries of the Skinner Blend technique* Collaborating with fellow artists to open up new creative possibilitiesWith contributors including Leslie Blackford, Cynthia Tinapple, Lindly Haunani, Sarah Shriver, and many others, you have a front-row seat to the world of innovative polymer clay art. Challenge your assumptions about methods, style, and collaboration, and get ready to start on your own creative journey. Also available as an ebook

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