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Popular Cinema of the Third Reich
by Sabine HakeToo often dismissed as escapist entertainment or vilified as mass manipulation, popular cinema in the Third Reich was in fact sustained by well-established generic conventions, cultural traditions, aesthetic sensibilities, social practices, and a highly developed star system—not unlike its Hollywood counterpart in the 1930s. This pathfinding study contributes to the ongoing reassessment of Third Reich cinema by examining it as a social, cultural, economic, and political practice that often conflicted with, contradicted, and compromised the intentions of the Propaganda Ministry. Nevertheless, by providing the illusion of a public sphere presumably free of politics, popular cinema helped to sustain the Nazi regime, especially during the war years.
Popular Culture: The Metropolitan Experience (Studies in Culture and Communication)
by Iain ChambersFirst published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Popular Culture in Indonesia: Fluid Identities in Post-Authoritarian Politics (Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia)
by Ariel HeryantoThis book examines popular culture in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, and the third largest democracy. It provides a full account of the key trends since the collapse of the authoritarian Suharto regime (1998), a time of great change in Indonesian society more generally. It explains how one of the most significant results of the deepening industrialization in Southeast Asia since the 1980s has been the expansion of consumption and new forms of media, and that Indonesia is a prime example of this development. It goes on to show that although the Asian economic crisis in 1997 had immediate and negative impacts on incumbent governments, as well as the socioeconomic life for most people in the region, at the same time popular cultures have been dramatically reinvigorated as never before. It includes analysis of important themes, including political activism and citizenship, gender, class, age and ethnicity. Throughout, it shows how the multilayered and contradictory processes of identity formation in Indonesia are inextricably linked to popular culture. This is one of the first books on Indonesia's media and popular culture in English. It is a significant addition to the literature on Asian popular culture, and will be of interest to anyone who is interested in new developments in media and popular culture in Indonesia and Asia.
Popular Hindi Cinema: Aesthetic Formations of the Seen and Unseen (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)
by Ronie ParciackThe popular Hindi film industry is the largest in India and the most conspicuous film industry in the non-Western world. This book analyses the pivotal visual and narrative conventions employed in popular Hindi films through the combined prism of film studies and classical Indian philosophy and ritualism. The book shows the films outside Western paradigms, as visual manifestations and outcomes of the evolution of classical Hindu notions and esthetic forms. These include notions associated with the Advaita-Vedānta philosophical school and early Buddhist thought, concepts and dynamism stemming from Hindu ritualism, rasa esthetic theories, as well as Brahmanic notions such as dharma (religion, law, order), and mokṣa (liberation). These are all highly abstract notions which the author defines as "the unseen": a cluster of diversified concepts denoting what subsists beyond the phenomenal, what prevails beyond the empirical world of saṁsāra and stands out of this world (alaukika), while simultaneously being embodied and transformed within visual filmic imagery, codes and semiotics that are teased out and analyzed. A culturally sensitive reading of popular Hindi films, the interpretations put forward are also applicable to the Western context. They enable a fuller understanding of religious phenomena outside the primary religious field, within the vernacular arenas of popular culture and mass communication. The book is of interest to scholars in the fields of Indology, modern Indian studies, film, media and cultural studies.
The Popular History of Graffiti: From the Ancient World to the Present
by Fiona McDonaldWhat is graffiti? And why have we, as a culture, had the urge to do it since 30,000 BCE? Artist Fiona McDonald explores the ways in which graffiti works to forever compel and simultaneously repel us as a society. When did graffiti turn into graffiti art, and why do we now pay thousands of dollars for a Banksy print when just twenty years ago, seminal graffiti artists from the Bronx were thrown into jail for having the same idea? Graffiti has not always been imbued with a sense of aesthetic, but when and why did we suddenly “decide” that it is worthy of consideration and criticism, just within the past few years?Throughout history, graffiti has served as an innately individualistic expression (such as Viking graffiti on the walls of eighth-century churches), but it has also evolved into a visual and narrative expression of a collective group. Graffiti brings to mind not only hip-hop culture and urban landscapes, but petroglyphs, tree trunks strewn with carved hearts symbolizing love, and million-dollar works of art. Learn about more graffiti artists and rebels such as: the band Black Flag, Lee Quinones and Fab 5 Freddy, Dandi, Zephyr, Blek le Rat, Nunca, Keith Haring, and more! Illustrated with stunning full-color photos of graffiti throughout time, The Popular History of Graffiti promises to be an important and dynamic addition to graffiti literature.
Popular Music Fandom: Identities, Roles and Practices (Routledge Studies in Popular Music)
by Mark DuffettThis book explores popular music fandom from a cultural studies perspective that incorporates popular music studies, audience research, and media fandom. The essays draw together recent work on fandom in popular music studies and begin a dialogue with the wider field of media fan research, raising questions about how popular music fandom can be understood as a cultural phenomenon and how much it has changed in light of recent developments. Exploring the topic in this way broaches questions on how to define, theorize, and empirically research popular music fan culture, and how music fandom relates to other roles, practices, and forms of social identity. Fandom itself has been brought center stage by the rise of the internet and an industrial structure aiming to incorporate, systematize, and legitimate dimensions of it as an emotionally-engaged form of consumerism. Once perceived as the pariah practice of an overly attached audience, media fandom has become a standardized industrial subject-position called upon to sell box sets, concert tickets, new television series, and special editions. Meanwhile, recent scholarship has escaped the legacy of interpretations that framed fans as passive, pathological, or defiantly empowered, taking its object seriously as a complex formation of identities, roles, and practices. While popular music studies has examined some forms of identity and audience practice, such as the way that people use music in daily life and listener participation in subcultures, scenes and, tribes, this volume is the first to examine music fans as a specific object of study.
Popular Music in Spanish Cinema (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series)
by Lidia López GómezPopular Music in Spanish Cinema analyses the aesthetics and stylistic development of soundtracks from national productions, considering how political instability and cultural diversity in Spain determined the ways of making art and managing culture. As a pioneering study in this field, the chronologically structured approach of this book provides readers with a complete overview of Spanish music and connects it to the complex historical events that conditioned Spanish culture throughout the 20th century to the present day, from the Second Republic, the Spanish Civil war, and the dictatorship through to democracy. The book enables an understanding of the relationships between the recording and film production industries, the construction of collective imagination, the formulation of new stereotypes, semiotic meanings within film music and the musical exchanges between national and international cinema. This volume is an essential read for students and academics in the field of musicology, ethnomusicology and history as well as those interested in the study of diverse musical styles such as copla, zarzuela, flamenco, jazz, foxtrot, pop and rock and how they have been used in Spanish films throughout history.
Popular Music in the Nostalgia Video Game: The Way It Never Sounded (Palgrave Studies in Audio-Visual Culture)
by Andra IvănescuThis book looks at the uses of popular music in the newly-redefined category of the nostalgia game, exploring the relationship between video games, popular music, nostalgia, and socio-cultural contexts. History, gender, race, and media all make significant appearances in this interdisciplinary work, as it explores what some of the most critically acclaimed games of the past two decades (including both AAA titles like Fallout and BioShock, and more cult releases like Gone Home and Evoland) tell us about our relationship to our past and our future. Appropriated music is the common thread throughout these chapters, engaging these broader discourses in heterogeneous ways. This volume offers new perspectives on how the intersection between popular music, nostalgia, and video games, can be examined, revealing much about our relationship to the past and our hopes for the future.
Popular Musical Theatre in London and Berlin
by Len Platt Tobias Becker David Linton Len Platt Tobias BeckerIn the decades before the Second World War, popular musical theatre was one of the most influential forms of entertainment. This is the first book to reconstruct early popular musical theatre as a transnational and highly cosmopolitan industry that included everything from revues and operettas to dance halls and cabaret. Bringing together contributors from Britain and Germany, this collection moves beyond national theatre histories to study Anglo-German relations at a period of intense hostility and rivalry. Chapters frame the entertainment zones of London and Berlin against the wider trading routes of cultural transfer, where empire and transatlantic song and dance produced, perhaps for the first time, a genuinely international culture. Exploring adaptations and translations of works under the influence of political propaganda, this collection will be of interest both to musical theatre enthusiasts and to those interested in the wider history of modernism.
Popular Theater and Society in Tsarist Russia
by E. Anthony SwiftA detailed and fascinating account of the emergence of popular theater in Russia out of a synthesis of fairground shows, elite theater tradition, folk performance, and the new possibilities of mass culture. Swift shows how the public seized upon theater as an art form, as entertainment, and as an instrument of popular education.
Popular Theatre: A Sourcebook (Worlds of Performance)
by Joel SchechterBertolt Brecht turned to cabaret; Ariane Mnouchkine went to the circus; Joan Littlewood wanted to open a palace of fun. These were a few of the directors who turned to popular theatre forms in the last century, and this sourcebook accounts for their attraction.Popular theatre forms introduced in this sourcebook include cabaret, circus, puppetry, vaudeville, Indian jatra, political satire, and physical comedy. These entertainments are highly visual, itinerant, and readily understood by audiences. Popular Theatre: A Sourcebook follows them around the world, from the bunraku puppetry of Japan to the masked topeng theatre of Bali to South African political satire, the San Francisco Mime Troupe's comic melodramas, and a 'Fun Palace' proposed for London.The book features essays from the archives of The Drama Review and other research. Contributions by Roland Barthes, Hovey Burgess, Marvin Carlson, John Emigh, Dario Fo, Ron Jenkins, Joan Littlewood, Brooks McNamara, Richard Schechner, and others, offer some of the most important, informative, and lively writing available on popular theatre. Introducing both Western and non-Western popular theatre practices, the sourcebook provides access to theatrical forms which have delighted audiences and attracted stage artists around the world.
Popular Theatre and Political Utopia in France, 1870—1940
by Jessica WardhaughThis book is the first study of popular theatre in France from left to right, exploring how theatre shapes political acts, ideals, and communities in the modern world. As the French found innovative ways of imagining culture and politics in the age of the masses, popular theatre became central to the republican project of using art to create citizens, using secular spaces for the experience of civic communion. But while state projects often faltered in finding playwrights, locations, and audiences, popular theatre flourished on the political and geographical peripheries. Drawing on extensive archival research, this book illuminates lost worlds of political conviviality, from anarchist communes and clandestine agit-prop drama to royalist street politics and right-wing mass spectacle. It reveals new connections between French initiatives and their European counterparts, and demonstrates the enduring strength of radical communities in shaping political ideals and engagement.
Popular Theatres of Nineteenth Century France
by John McCormickThis is the only book to provide an account of how popular theatre developed from the fairground booths of the eighteenth century to become a vehicle of mass entertainment in the following century. Whereas other studies offer a traditional approach to the theatres of high culture, John McCormick takes the role of impartial historian, uncovering the popular theatres of the boulevards, suburbs and fairgrounds. He focuses on the social and economic context in which vaudevilles, pantomimes and melodramas were performed, and explores the audiences who enjoyed them.
Popular Woodworking Pocket Shop Reference (Popular Woodworking Ser.)
by Tom BegnalYour personal research assistantAnyone who works wood knows that the craft veers into math, biology and chemistry. You often have to compute some odd joint angle, calculate the amount of wood movement in a panel, choose appropriate metal hardware, or select the proper adhesive or finish for the job at hand, to name just a few examples.Fortunately, you no longer have to spend hours laboring over magazines and books for this kind of information. A quick look at the table of contents in this little compendium shows that it's crammed with exactly the kind of answers a woodworker needs to have on hand. It includes common geometry equations, math conversion tables, standard furniture dimensions, shelf load limit charts, a glossary of joints, properties of various woods, adhesives, finishes, and lots more. The best thing is that all the information is at your fingertips and easy to find, making this one of the hardest working little shop helpers you could hope to have.
Popular Woodworking Practical Shop Math
by Tom BegnalMultiply your woodworking talentsThere's no getting around it: woodworking involves math. If you don't know how to do basic calculations, you'll be at somewhat of a disadvantage as a woodworker. On the other hand, if you know how to work with fractions, decimals, angles, and geometric shapes, you'll expand your capabilities in the shop many times over.Don't worry if you've struggled with shop math in the past. You hold the solutions in your hands. In these pages, you'll discover simple approaches for everything from adding fractions and decimals to laying out ellipses, octagons, and other shapes that will expand your design repertoire. You'll learn:how to easily calculate the proper amount of wood and finishes you'll need for projectshow to convert a furniture photo into a dimensional drawinghow to adjust the speed of a machine by combining the correct sizes of pulleys, and lots moreAdd it all up, and it makes for a great buy in a shop book.
Popularisation and Populism in the Visual Arts: Attraction Images (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies)
by Anna SchoberThis book investigates the pictorial figurations, aesthetic styles and visual tactics through which visual art and popular culture attempt to appeal to "all of us". One key figure these practices bring into play—the "everybody" (which stands for "all of us" and is sometimes a "new man" or a "new woman")—is discussed in an interdisciplinary way involving scholars from several European countries. A key aspect is how popularisation and communication practices—which can assume populist forms—operate in contemporary democracies and where their genealogies lie. A second focus is on the ambivalences of attraction, i.e. on the ways in which visual creations can evoke desire as well as hatred.
Population Problems: Topical Issues (Environmental Topics Ser. #Vol. 8)
by J. RoseThe effects of the rapidly expanding human population on the environment and the planet's future is a matter of increasing concern and lively debate. This timely collection of essays discusses some of the most important aspects of the population growth phenomenon and offers potential solutions. Chapters analyse population dynamics, carrying capacity of the environment, water and food supply, effects on tribal societies, and the AIDS pandemic.
Por El Amor Al Caramelo
by Kyle Richards Moisés Moreno CostillaEn éste libro encontrarás recetas de todo tipo. Desde lo convencional hasta lo más extravagante. Y lo más importante, todo en base a caramelo. Además, encontrarás consejos que te ayudarán a preparar a la perfección algunas de las recetas de caramelo más exquisitas.
Por Amor Ao Caramelo
by Mariana De Oliveira Yonamine Kyle RichardsVocê já sonhou que tudo era feito de caramelo... e que você se deliciava comendo tudo o que podia ver? O livro "Por amor ao caramelo" é perfeito para você, mas não é um sonho, é real! Nele você encontrará tudo sobre o doce: sua história, os melhores tipos, como prepará-lo e tudo mais o que pode precisar. Mais de 50 receitas de sobremesas com caramelo de dar água na boca. Saboreie o mundo doce e irresistível do caramelo!
Porcelain Analysis and Its Role in the Forensic Attribution of Ceramic Specimens (Cultural Heritage Science)
by Howell G. EdwardsThe material for this book arose from the author’s research into porcelains over many years, as a collector in appreciation of their artistic beauty , as an analytical chemist in the scientific interrogation of their body paste, enamel pigments and glaze compositions, and as a ceramic historian in the assessment of their manufactory foundations and their correlation with available documentation relating to their recipes and formulations. A discussion of the role of analysis in the framework of a holistic assessment of artworks and specifically the composition of porcelain, namely hard paste, soft paste, phosphatic, bone china and magnesian, is followed by its growth from its beginnings in China to its importation into Europe in the 16th Century. A survey of European porcelain manufactories in the 17th and 18th Centuries is followed by a description of the raw materials, minerals and recipes for porcelain manufacture and details of the chemistry of the high temperature firing processes involved therein. The historical backgrounds to several important European factories are considered, highlighting the imperfections in the written record that have been perpetuated through the ages. The analytical chemical information derived from the interrogation of specimens, from fragments, shards or perfect finished items, is reviewed and operational protocols established for the identification of a factory output from the data presented. Several case studies are examined in detail across several porcelain manufactories to indicate the role adopted by modern analytical science, with information provided at the quantitative elemental oxide and qualitative molecular spectroscopic levels, where applicable. The attribution of a specimen to a particular factory is either supported thereby or in some cases a potential reassessment of an earlier attribution is indicated. Overall, the information provided by analytical chemical data is seen to be extremely useful for porcelain identification and for its potential attribution in the context of a holistic forensic evaluation of hitherto unknown porcelain exemplars of questionable factory origins.
The Porcelain Thief
by Huan HsuA journalist travels throughout mainland China and Taiwan in search of his family's hidden treasure and comes to understand his ancestry as he never has before. In 1938, when the Japanese arrived in Huan Hsu's great-great-grandfather Liu's Yangtze River hometown of Xingang, Liu was forced to bury his valuables, including a vast collection of prized antique porcelain, and undertake a decades-long trek that would splinter the family over thousands of miles. Many years and upheavals later, Hsu, raised in Salt Lake City and armed only with curiosity, moves to China to work in his uncle's semiconductor chip business. Once there, a conversation with his grandmother, his last living link to dynastic China, ignites a desire to learn more about not only his lost ancestral heirlooms but also porcelain itself. Mastering the language enough to venture into the countryside, Hsu sets out to separate the layers of fact and fiction that have obscured both China and his heritage and finally complete his family's long march back home.Melding memoir, travelogue, and social and political history, The Porcelain Thief offers an intimate and unforgettable way to understand the complicated events that have defined China over the past two hundred years and provides a revealing, lively perspective on contemporary Chinese society from the point of view of a Chinese American coming to terms with his hyphenated identity.From the Hardcover edition.se history in the 19th and 20th century.From the Hardcover edition.
Porcelain to Silica Bricks: The Extreme Ceramics of William Weston Young (1776-1847)
by Howell G.M. EdwardsThe title of this book describes the two extremes of ceramic invention from aesthetically beautiful and decorative works of art that graced the tables of the aristocracy to the functional silica brick that lined the smelting furnaces of industrialised nations in the 19th century designed to produce iron, copper and glass. Both of these ceramics are linked to one man, William Weston Young (1776-1847) and with his contemporaries both of these ceramic extremes became world leaders in their own right. The book traces the history of Young and his ambitions, his interactions with numerous associates and the influence these ceramics attained in 19th century society. The book provides a sequel to the two preceding texts on Nantgarw and Swansea porcelains (also published by Springer), which cover one extreme and extends the discourse onto the other extreme, which until now has been relatively ignored despite its scientific and engineering importance. The trilogy has now therefore been completed. This book examines the historical documentation along with scientific analytical data from the last 100 years up to the present in a novel holistic forensic approach.It will be of interest to porcelain collectors, ceramics analysts, museum ceramic curators, ceramic historians, analytical scientists, cultural heritage preservation, industrial archaeologists and industrial museums.
The Porch: Meditations on the Edge of Nature
by Charlie HaileyCome with us for a moment out onto the porch. Just like that, we’ve entered another world without leaving home. In this liminal space, an endless array of absorbing philosophical questions arises: What does it mean to be in a place? How does one place teach us about the world and ourselves? What do we—and the things we’ve built—mean in this world? In a time when reflections on the nature of society and individual endurance are so paramount, Charlie Hailey’s latest book is both a mental tonic and a welcome provocation. Solidly grounded in ideas, ecology, and architecture, The Porch takes us on a journey along the edges of nature where the outside comes in, hosts meet guests, and imagination runs wild. Hailey writes from a modest porch on the Homosassa River in Florida. He sleeps there, studies the tides, listens for osprey and manatee, welcomes shipwrecked visitors, watches shadows on its screens, reckons with climate change, and reflects on his own acclimation to his environment. The profound connections he unearths anchor an armchair exploration of past porches and those of the future, moving from ancient Greece to contemporary Sweden, from the White House roof to the Anthropocene home. In his ruminations, he links up with other porch dwellers including environmentalist Rachel Carson, poet Wendell Berry, writers Eudora Welty and Zora Neale Hurston, philosopher John Dewey, architect Louis Kahn, and photographer Paul Strand. As close as architecture can bring us to nature, the porch is where we can learn to contemplate anew our evolving place in a changing world—a space we need now more than ever. Timeless and timely, Hailey’s book is a dreamy yet deeply passionate meditation on the joy and gravity of sitting on the porch.
Pornography: A Groundwork Guide (Groundwork Guides)
by Debbie NathanInformative and thought-provoking, this book from one of the most interesting and original thinkers currently looking at human sexuality provides a fresh view of pornography. Clearly and concisely written for young adults.Pornography addresses a very important issue in a rational, analytical manner. Society tells us that we aren't supposed to look at pornography — much less talk publicly about it — but the Internet has created unprecedented access to porn over the last few years.This book deals with pornography as a social issue, translating the best academic research into reader-friendly language."[The Groundwork Guides] are excellent books, mandatory for school libraries and the increasing body of young people prepared to take ownership of the situations and problems previous generations have left them." — Globe and Mail
Porque Andamos Tão Exaustos?
by Vânia CastanheiraQuantas vezes, depois de um dia de trabalho, foi para casa trabalhar? Quantas vezes acordou cansado? Este livro vai ajudá-lo a viver melhor e a evitar o Burnout,síndrome resultante de stress crónico no trabalho, numa linguagem acessível, com casos reais e exercícios práticos. O burnout foi finalmente reconhecido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como uma síndrome resultante de stress crónico no trabalho, que não foi bem gerido. Fadiga, tristeza acentuada, irritabilidade, aborrecimento, perda de motivação, sobrecarga de trabalho, rigidez e inflexibilidade. Todos são comportamentos que podem significar um esgotamento profissional. Neste livro da Medical Coach Vânia Castanheira, vai encontrar uma explicação detalhada do que é o Burnout, vai aprender a identificar os sintomas e de como evitá-lo. E como sair dele, caso já lá esteja, com muitas dicas práticas e fáceis de seguir.