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Un libro pieno di entusiasmanti sorprese
by Simona Trapani Bernard LevineSarà interessante informarvi su: Come coprire 30 numeri sul tavolo da roulette usando solo 5 fiches. Come suonare qualunque canzone alla chitarra o al piano con soli 3 accordi. Il trucco con le carte migliore del mondo per leggere la mente. Come vendere i vostri spartiti per centinaia di dollari. I giocattoli che vi piacevano da bambini e il loro valore attuale. Quanti modelli di auto classici e vintage del passato vi ricordate? Quanto vale la vostra collezione di fumetti? Aziende che vi pagano per fotografare i loro prodotti. Fare lezioni d’inglese o di altre materie per avere un secondo reddito. Quali sono i numeri segreti della creazione? Come trovare i copioni gratuiti di programmi radiofonici e televisivi, film e spettacoli che vi piacciono? Conoscete i segreti dell’amore? Scoprire quale lettera dell’alfabeto è stampata capovolta nella Bibbia. E molto altro ancora! Buon divertimento!
Un livre de coloriage pour adultes, pour s'amuser et se relaxer, Volume 1
by Amber Richards Gaëlle GuilleaumeVous adoriez colorier quand vous étiez enfant ? Alors, redécouvrez les joies du coloriage en tant qu'adulte. Non seulement c'est amusant, mais en plus c'est relaxant. D'ailleurs, de plus en plus d'adultes se tournent à nouveau vers le coloriage dans le but de se ressourcer, de se détendre ou encore d'exprimer leur créativité. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez 50 superbes dessins, modèles, mandalas et images abstraites à colorier. Certains sont plus simples et rapides à terminer, tandis que d'autres, plus complexes, vous occuperont pour de nombreuses heures. Le coloriage peut-être un très bon moyen de décompresser avant de s'endormir. Dès lors, si vous souffrez d'insomnies, essayez de colorier avant d'aller vous coucher. Ce e-book contient 50 dessins que vous pourrez passer en revue sur votre e-reader avant de les télécharger pour les imprimer et les colorier. Chaque dessin occupe une page entière. Redécouvrez les joies du coloriage et achetez dès à présent votre copie d'Un livre de coloriage pour adultes : pour s'amuser et se relaxer, volume 1 et collectionnez les nouveaux volumes dès leur sortie.
Un livre plein de merveilleuses surprises excitantes
by Bernard LevineComment couvrir 30 numéros sur la table de roulette en utilisant seulement 5 jetons. Comment jouer n'importe quelle chanson à la guitare ou au piano avec seulement 3 accords. Le plus grand tour de cartes de lecture d'esprit au monde. Comment vendre vos partitions pour des centaines de dollars. Quelle est la valeur de votre collection Comic? Entreprises qui vous paieront vos photos sur leurs produits. Enseignez l'anglais ainsi que d'autres leçons en ligne et gagnez un deuxième revenu. Comment aimeriez-vous obtenir des scripts gratuits d'émissions de radio, de télévision, de films et de pièces de théâtre que vous aimez? Découvrez quelle lettre de l'alphabet est imprimée à l'envers dans la Bible. Et bien plus encore! Rejoignez le plaisir!
UN/MASKED: Memoirs of a Guerrilla Girl on Tour
by Donna KazUN/MASKED, Memoirs of a Guerrilla Girl On Tour! follows the surprising 25 year journey of a young, New York City actress swept off her feet by a rising movie star who carries her to Malibu and back for a three-plus year love affair that is both fantastical and physically dangerous. When Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman are murdered in Brentwood she hears a bell go off, awakening her angry, activist spirit. Always an outsider, she takes one step further into invisibility and becomes a Guerrilla Girl, a feminist activist who never appears in public without wearing a rubber gorilla mask and who uses the name of a dead woman artist instead of her own. As a Guerrilla Girl, Aphra Behn creates comedic art and theater that blasts the blatant sexism of the theater world while proving feminists are funny at the same time.These two narratives-that of a young victim of domestic violence at the hands of a successful film actor and that of an artist so fed up with sexism in the theater world that she puts on a gorilla mask and takes the name of a dead woman artist to provoke change-have been lived by one woman. Donna Kaz offers her compelling firsthand account-illuminated by more than thirty behind-the-scenes photographs, stickers and posters -of her transition from a silent observer to an unapologetic activist.This is the memoir of a woman-turned-survivor-turned-radical-feminist who takes off her mask and, by merging her identities, reveals all.
Un palau de Barcelona: Història del palau Savassona, seu de l’Ateneu Barcelonès
by Mateu BarbaUn palau de Barcelona és la insòlita biografia del palau Savassona, l’espai que allotja des de fa més de cent anys la institució de l’Ateneu Barcelonès. Amb una mirada experta i afectiva, Mateu Barba, arquitecte que ha format part de l’equip que ha fet la darrera remodelació d’aquest edifici emblemàtic, proposa una aproximació inèdita, partint dels canvis físics –les parets, les escales, les pintures d’El Vigatà, d’un valor incalculable i que el temps no sempre ha respectat–, però contextualitzant-los en les diverses transformacions històriques, socials i polítiques del seu entorn més proper i que s’han plasmat en la mateixa construcció del palau de la mà de Josep Francesc Ferrer i amb les remodelacions d’Elies Rogent, les de Josep Font i Gumà i Josep M. Jujol, i la remunta dels anys seixanta, fins arribar a la dels nostres dies. Cosit a través de la història bicentenària dels propietaris i els artistes que hi han deixat l’empremta i resseguint algunes intimitats i anècdotes de la casa i dels seus habitants, Un palau de Barcelona és també una història de la ciutat que va canviant en paral·lel a l’evolució de l’edifici.
Un viaggio artistico per San Pietroburgo (Creative books-antistress #2)
by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova Davide ScaliaQuesto libro è una dedica artistica ai paesaggi della città russa di San Pietroburgo. In esso troverete un'immagine stilizzata a colori, una breve descrizione di esso e un'immagine in bianco e nero. Se lo si desidera, è possibile acquisire uno screenshot da un'immagine in bianco e nero per colorarlo sul computer o stamparlo su una stampante e colorarlo su carta. Mentre colorate l’immagine, potrete prendere come modello la versione già colorata o secegliere voi stessi la soluzione di colori adatta. Rimarrete estasiati nel vedere su internet qual è l’aspetto reale di San Pietroburgo e dei suoi paesaggi, proposti in questo libro. Il libro vi permetterà di impegnarvi artisticamente, compiere virtualemente e mentalmente un viaggio a San Pietroburgo, acquisendo nuove informazioni. I libri artistici non hanno limiti di età. Gli autori vi augurano di creare dei grandi successi artistici e di passare dei momenti piacevoli! Questo libro può essere usato come una cromoterapia artistica antistress.
Unapologetic Beauty
by Joanna Frueh Frances MurrayA startlingly powerful collaboration reimagines female beautyWhat is beauty without pain? Compromise is what our culture offers women: cinching, pinching, cutting, shaving, scraping, starving, and, of course, lifting and separating, all in service of one sharply circumscribed model purported to be pleasing—but not to most, if any, women. This extraordinary book reimagines beauty at its most provocative and fetishized locus: the female breast. Artist, writer, and scholar Joanna Frueh scrutinizes ideals of beauty and sensuality, often motivated by her experiences with breast cancer. Frances Murray, her friend and collaborator for more than thirty years, documents Frueh’s journey of unapologetic beauty in a series of intimate, dazzlingly original photographs before and after her bilateral mastectomy and chemotherapy. Reflecting with insight, directness, and humor—and with contributions from a breast surgeon, an oncologist, and artists and scholars who have had breast cancer—Frueh arrives at a new, liberating view of beauty and of the sensual pleasure found in transformative self-acceptance. Central to this reckoning is her documentation and critique of the notion of hyperbeauty (the flash of flesh appeal, hyperthin, hyperfeminine, hyperbosomy, hypersexy, and hyperyoung sold at the global 24/7 beauty bazaar) and her playful, inventive presentation of tools for remaking minds and hearts disfigured by self-denying ideals.In its bracing critique, passionate argument, and compelling narrative—all illustrative of its own unapologetic beauty—this collaboration is a performance of startling power, stirring to consider and a pleasure to behold.
Unarrested Archives
by Linda M. MorraCalling upon the archives of Canadian writers E. Pauline Johnson (1861-1913), Emily Carr (1871-1945), Sheila Watson (1909-1998), Jane Rule (1931-2007), and M. NourbeSe Philip (1947- ), Linda M. Morra explores the ways in which women's archives have been uniquely conceptualized in scholarly discourses and shaped by socio-political forces. She also provides a framework for understanding the creative interventions these women staged to protect their records. Through these case studies, Morra traces the influence of institutions such as national archives and libraries, and regulatory bodies such as border service agencies on the creation, presentation, and preservation of women's archival collections.The deliberate selection of the five literary case studies allows Morra to examine changing archival practices over time, shifting definitions of nationhood and national literary history, varying treatments of race, gender, and sexual orientation, and the ways in which these forces affected the writers' reputations and their archives. Morra also productively reflects on Jacques Derrida's Archive Fever and postmodern feminist scholarship related to the relationship between writing, authority, and identity to showcase the ways in which female writers in Canada have represented themselves and their careers in the public record.
un’avventura artistica a Roma
by Olga Kryuchkova Elena KryuchkovaQuest’opera artistica è dedicata ai bei panorami dell’antica città italiana, Roma. Qui troverete immagini stilizzate colorate, una breve descrizione e l’immagine in bianco e nero. Se si desidera, si può fare uno screenshot dell’immagine in bianco e nero e colorarlo sul computer o per stamparlo e colorarlo sul foglio. Colorando, potete farvi guidare dall’immagine a colori o potete scegliere voi che colori mettere. Dopo di che sarà interessante cercare su internet le foto dei panorami reali di Roma, che sono stati citati in questo libro. Il libro vi permetterà di occuparvi di arte, di fare un viaggio immaginario a Roma e assumere nuove informazioni. L’opera artistica non ha limiti di età. Le autrici vi augurano un successo artistico e di passare bene il tempo! Questo libro si può utilizzare come un anti stress o per arteterapia. Tutte le immagini in questo libro sono state prese ispirandosi alle foto del internet.
un’avventura artistica a Venezia
by Olga Kryuchkova Elena KryuchkovaUn’avventura attraverso le immagini della città di Venezia. Ideale per chi ama dipingere e viaggiare.
Unbecoming Nationalism: From Commemoration to Redress in Canada
by Helene VostersCanada’s recent sesquicentennial celebrations were the latest in a long, steady progression of Canadian cultural memory projects. Unbecoming Nationalism investigates the power of commemorative performances in the production of nationalist narratives. Using “unbecoming” as a theoretical framework to unsettle or decolonize nationalist narratives, Helene Vosters examines an eclectic range of both state-sponsored social memory projects and counter-memorial projects to reveal and unravel the threads connecting reverential military commemoration, celebratory cultural nationalism, and white settler-colonial nationalism. Vosters brings readings of institutional, aesthetic, and activist performances of Canadian military commemoration, settler-colonial nationalism, and redress into conversation with literature that examines the relationship between memory, violence, and nationalism from the disciplinary arenas of performance studies, Canadian studies, critical race and Indigenous studies, memory studies, and queer and gender studies. In addition to using performance as a theoretical framework, Vosters uses performance to enact a philosophy of praxis and embodied theory.
Unbelonging: Inauthentic Sounds in Mexican and Latinx Aesthetics (Postmillennial Pop #28)
by Iván A. RamosHow Latinx artists engage in sonic subcultures to reject neoliberal definitions of belongingWhat is the connection between the British rock star Morrissey and the Latinx culture of transnational “unbelonging”? What is the relevance of “dyke chords” in Chicana feminist punk and lesbian dissolution? In what ways can dissonant sounds challenge systems of dominance?Unbelonging answers these questions and more through an exploration into Mexican and US-based Latinx artists’, writers’, and creators’ use of the discordant sounds of punk, metal, and rock to give voice to the aesthetic of “unbelonging,” a rejection of consumerist and nationalist mentalities. Iván A. Ramos argues that racial identity and belonging have historically required legible forms of performance. Sound has been the primary medium that amplifies and is used to assign cultural citizenship and, for Latinx individuals, legibility is essential to music perceived as traditional and authentic to their national origins. In the context of twentieth-century neoliberal policies, which cemented the concept of “citizen” within logics of consumerism and capitalism, Ramos turns to focus on Latinx artists, writers, and audiences, who produce experimental and often “inauthentic” performances and installations in sonic subcultures to reject new definitions of economic citizenship.Organized around studies of a number of artists, all whom are explored through the methodological frameworks of sound studies, performance studies, and queer theory, Unbelonging unearths how their very different genres of music share a unifying theme of dissonance. With the backdrop of neoliberalism’s attempt to define citizenship in relation to economic and cultural legibility, Unbelonging offers an urgent analysis of how these oft-overlooked queer and feminist performers and fans used sonic illegibility to challenge gender norms, official definitions of citizenship, and narratives of assimilation. Ultimately, these forms of inauthenticity move beyond negation and become ways to imagine alternative realities.
Unbound: The Life and Art of Judith Scott
by Joyce Scott Brie Spangler Melissa SweetA moving and powerful introduction to the life and art of renowned artist, Judith Scott, as told by her twin sister, Joyce Scott and illustrated by Caldecott Honor artist, Melissa Sweet.Judith Scott was born with Down syndrome. She was deaf, and never learned to speak. She was also a talented artist. Judith was institutionalized until her sister Joyce reunited with her and enrolled her in an art class. Judith went on to become an artist of renown with her work displayed in museums and galleries around the world.Poignantly told by Joyce Scott in collaboration with Brie Spangler and Melissa Sweet and beautifully illustrated by Caldecott Honor artist, Melissa Sweet, Unbound is inspiring and warm, showing us that we can soar beyond our perceived limitations and accomplish something extraordinary.
Unbridled: Studying Religion in Performance (Class 200: New Studies in Religion)
by William RobertA study of religion through the lens of Peter Shaffer’s play Equus. In Unbridled, William Robert uses Equus, Peter Shaffer’s enigmatic play about a boy passionately devoted to horses, to think differently about religion. For several years, Robert has used Equus to introduce students to the study of religion, provoking them to conceive of religion in unfamiliar, even uncomfortable ways. In Unbridled, he is inviting readers to do the same. A play like Equus tangles together text, performance, practice, embodiment, and reception. Studying a play involves us in playing different roles, as ourselves and others, and those roles, as well as the imaginative work they require, are critical to the study of religion. By approaching Equus with the reader, turning the play around and upside-down, Unbridled transforms standard approaches to the study of religion, engaging with themes including ritual, sacrifice, worship, power, desire, violence, and sexuality, as well as thinkers including Judith Butler, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jonathan Z. Smith. As Unbridled shows, the way themes and theories play out in Equus challenges us to reimagine the study of religion through open questions, contrasting perspectives, and alternative modes of interpretation and appreciation.
Unbuilding (Sandpiper Bks.)
by David MacaulayThis fictional account of the dismantling and removal of the Empire State Building describes the structure of a skyscraper and explains how such an edifice would be demolished.
Unbuilt Calgary: A History of the City That Might Have Been
by Stephanie WhiteThe essence of a vibrant, growing, and changing Calgary is captured over the life of its development. Calgary is a typical boom-and-bust town that was first based on ranching and farming, then oil and gas, and now energy. And energy is what its citizens have, whether for skiing, work, or construction. It is a city that leaps ahead eagerly to new futures and rarely looks back., but Calgary can also be an unsentimental city, discarding its ideas, plans, and buildings with ease. Unbuilt Calgary is a survey of 30 projects that were proposed but not realized, schemes that were situated at critical times in Calgary’s development, and proposals that indicated the city’s ambitions through its first 100 years. Unbuilt Calgary looks back to ideas and notions that might have been, and building endeavours that would have changed the shape of the city for better or worse. The 30 critical projects are accompanied by drawings and models to illustrate something of Calgary’s irrepressible exuberance.
Unbuilt Hamilton
by Mark OsbaldestonUnbuilt Hamilton presents the Ambitious City at its most ambitious, exploring the origins and fates of unrealized building, planning, and transportation proposals from the early nineteenth century to the early twenty-first. Marvel at the sweeping vista down Hamilton’s own version of the Champs-Élysées as you enjoy a concert in the escarpment amphitheatre. Drive up the Gage Avenue tunnel, or ride down the Ottawa Street incline railway. Take in the sites at the King’s Forest Zoo, see the stars in the planetarium, or catch a game at Commonwealth Stadium before returning to your island home in Bay Shore Village. Featuring more than 150 illustrations, plans, and photographs, Unbuilt Hamilton gives life to the Hamilton that might have been.
Unbuilt Toronto: A History of the City That Might Have Been
by Mark OsbaldestonShort-listed for the 2009 Toronto Book Awards and Heritage Toronto Book Awards and the 2012 Speaker’s Award Unbuilt Toronto explores never-realized building projects in and around Toronto, from the citys founding to the twenty-first century. Delving into unfulfilled and largely forgotten visions for grand public buildings, landmark skyscrapers, highways, subways, and arts and recreation venues, it outlines such ambitious schemes as St. Alban’s Cathedral, the Queen subway line and early city plans that would have resulted in a Paris-by-the-Lake. Readers may lament the loss of some projects (such as the Eatons College Street tower), be thankful for the disappearance of others (a highway through the Annex), and marvel at the downtown that could have been (with underground roads and walkways in the sky). Featuring 147 photographs and illustrations, many never before published, Unbuilt Toronto casts a different light on a city you thought you knew.
Unbuilt Toronto 2: More of the City That Might Have Been
by Mark OsbaldestonDiscover the scrapyard statue planned for University Avenue, the flapper-era "CN Tower" that led to a decade of litigation, and an electric light-rail transit network proposed in 1915. Winner of the 2012 Heritage Toronto Award of Merit Quill & Quire cited Unbuilt Toronto as a book filled with "well-researched, often gripping tales of grand plans," while Canadian Architect said that it is "an impressively researched exploration of never-realized architectural and master-planning projects intended for the city." Now Unbuilt Toronto 2 provides an all-new, fascinating return to the "Toronto that might have been." Discover the scrapyard statue planned for University Avenue, the flapper-era "CN Tower" that led to a decade of litigation, and an electric light-rail transit network proposed in 1915. What would Toronto look like today if it had hosted the Olympics in 1996 or 1976? And what was the downtown expressway that Frederick Gardiner really wanted? With over 150 photographs, maps, and illustrations, Unbuilt Toronto 2 tracks the origins and fates of some of the city’s most interesting planning, transit, and architectural "what-ifs."
Unbuilt Utopian Cities 1460 to 1900: Reconstructing Their Architecture And Political Philosophy
by Tessa MorrisonBringing together ten utopian works that mark important points in the history and an evolution in social and political philosophies, this book not only reflects on the texts and their political philosophy and implications, but also, their architecture and how that architecture informs the political philosophy or social agenda that the author intended. Each of the ten authors expressed their theory through concepts of community and utopian architecture, but each featured an architectural solution at the centre of their social and political philosophy, as none of the cities were ever built, they have remained as utopian literature. Some of the works examined are very well-known, such as Tommaso Campanella’s Civitas Solis, while others such as Joseph Michael Gandy’s Designs for Cottages, are relatively obscure. However, even with the best known works, this volume offers new insights by focusing on the architecture of the cities and how that architecture represents the author’s political philosophy. It reconstructs the cities through a 3-D computer program, ArchiCAD, using Artlantis to render. Plans, sections, elevations and perspectives are presented for each of the cities. The ten cities are: Filarete - Sforzina; Albrecht Dürer - Fortified Utopia; Tommaso Campanella - The City of the Sun; Johann Valentin Andreae - Christianopolis; Joseph Michael Gandy - An Agricultural Village; Robert Owen - Villages of Unity and Cooperation; James Silk Buckingham - Victoria; Robert Pemberton - Queen Victoria Town; King Camp Gillette - Metropolis; and Bradford Peck - The World a Department Store. Each chapter considers the work in conjunction with contemporary thought, the political philosophy and the reconstruction of the city. Although these ten cities represent over 500 years of utopian and political thought, they are an interlinked thread that had been drawn from literature of the past and informed by contemporary thought and society. The book is structured in two parts:
Unbuilt Victoria
by Dorothy MindenhallUnbuilt Victoria celebrates the city that is, and laments the city that could have been. For most people, resident and visitor alike, Victoria, British Columbia, is a time capsule of Victorian and Edwardian buildings. From a modest fur-trading post of the Hudson’s Bay Company it grew to be the province’s major trading centre. Then the selection of Vancouver as the terminus of the transcontinental railway in the 1880s, followed by a smallpox epidemic that closed the port in the 1890s, resulted in decline.Victoria succeeded in reinventing itself as a tourist destination, based on the concept of nostalgia for all things English, stunning scenery, and investment opportunities. In the modernizing boom after the Second World War attempts were made to move the city’s built environment into the mainstream, but the prospect of Victoria’s becoming like any other North American city did not win public approval.Unbuilt Victoria examines some of the architectural plans that were proposed but rejected. That some of them were ever dreamed of will probably amaze, that others never made it might well be a matter of regret.
Unbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design
by Shura PollatsekUnbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design documents the creative journey of costume creation from concept to performance. Each chapter provides an overview of the process, including designing and shopping; draping, cutting, dyeing, and painting; and beading, sewing, and creating embellishments and accessories. This book features interviews with practitioners from Broadway and regional theatres to opera and ballet companies, offering valuable insights into the costume design profession. Exceptional behind-the-scenes photography illustrates top costume designers and craftspeople at work, along with gorgeous costumes in progress.
Unbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design
by Shura PollatsekUnbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design documents the creative journey of costume creation from concept to performance. Each chapter provides an overview of the process, including designing and shopping; draping, cutting, dyeing, and painting; and beading, sewing, and creating embellishments and accessories. This book features interviews with practitioners from Broadway and regional theatres to opera and ballet companies, offering valuable insights into the costume design profession. Exceptional behind-the-scenes photography illustrates top costume designers and craftspeople at work, along with gorgeous costumes in progress.
Uncanny Creatures: Doll Thinking in Modern German Culture (Social History, Popular Culture, And Politics In Germany)
by Christophe KonéGermany held a monopoly on the manufacture and export of bisque toy dolls in Europe before WWI. Yet, dolls’ omnipresence in the material, visual, and literary culture of the modern German-speaking world has so far not been properly addressed. In demonstrating this cultural affinity for dolls, Christophe Koné draws upon a range of stories and seminal essays on dolls, as well as toys, sculptures, paintings, and photographs. He examines how E.T.A. Hoffmann’s romantic tale The Sandman (1815) has been a major source of inspiration for German-speaking doll makers because of how it centers imagination and inventiveness. Using Hoffmann’s tale as an early example of an amalgam between doll thinking and making in German culture, Koné shows how it initiated a genealogy of doll thinkers (Freud & Jentsch), writers (Rilke), painters (Kokoschka), photographers (Bellmer), and makers (Pritzel). Uncanny Creatures then explores how this unusual interest in human-like figures continues a long tradition of thought devoted to conceptualizing “things,” from Immanuel Kant’s theory of the thing-in-itself to Martin Heidegger’s lecture on the thing, and Eduard Mörike or Rainer Maria Rilke’s thing-poems. Because dolls occupy a liminal space—not quite things and more than mere objects—they appear as uncanny creatures which have held a fascination for writers, thinkers, and artists alike. Uncanny Creatures moves past the Freudian discourse of fetishism to propose a new reading of doll artifacts in German culture centered on their ability to evoke a feeling of uncertainty and unsettlement in the viewer.
Uncanny Histories in Film and Media (Media Matters)
by Peter Bloom Alenda Chang Maria Corrigan Naomi DeCelles Hannah Goodwin Priya Jaikumar Masha Salazkina Ellen C. Scott Jasmine Nadua Trice Cristina VenegasUncanny Histories in Film and Media brings together a stellar lineup of established and emergent scholars who explore the uncanny twists and turns that are often occluded in larger accounts of film and media. Prompted by fresh archival research and new conceptual approaches, the works included here probe the uncanny as a mode of historical analysis that reveals surprising connections and unsettling continuities. The uncanny stands for what often eludes us, for what remains unfamiliar or mysterious or strange. Whether writing about film movements, individual works, or the legacies of major or forgotten critics and theorists, the contributors remind us that at the heart of the uncanny, and indeed the writing of history, is a troubling of definitions, a challenge to our inherited narratives, and a disturbance of what was once familiar in the uncanny histories of our field.