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Vetter Health Services (Images of Modern America)

by Danita Naimoli Diane Neal

Jack and Eldora Vetter began Vetter Health Services (VHS) in 1975 with the belief that elderly people deserve dignity in life. Forty years later, what began as the couple's personal mission has grown to include more than 30 award-winning senior-care facilities home to 2,200 residents and patients who are cared for by 3,500 team members. Based in Elkhorn, Nebraska, VHS is recognized as a national leader in providing safe, comfortable, and happy senior living centers. Each facility is built around the individual needs of residents and the community; every aspect of care and operation is shaped by the VHS mission, vision, and values. Support and expertise are always available from administrators and team members who share Jack and Eldora Vetter's heart for service and passion for excellence. Together, they are changing the view of long-term care for senior citizens.

VFX Fundamentals

by Wallace Jackson

This book is a comprehensive, introductory title covering concepts central to Visual Special Effects using the free Black Magic Design Fusion 8. 0 software package. The book also provides foundational background information regarding concepts central to digital image compositing, digital video editing, digital illustration, digital painting, 3D, and digital audio in the first six chapters on new media theory, concepts and terminology. This book builds on the foundational concepts of digital image compositing, digital audio, digital video, digital illustration and digital painting. VFX Fundamentals will introduce more advanced VFX concepts and pipelines as the chapters progress, covering topics such as Flow Node Compositing, Timeline Animation, Animated PolyLine Masking, Bluescreen and Greenscreen Matte Pulling (generation), using Primatte and Fusion 8 Ultra Keyer, motion tracking, 3D rendering and compositing, auxiliary channels, and particle systems and particle physics dynamics, among other topics. What you'll learn The New Media Components (raster, vector, audio, video, rendering) needed for VFX The Concepts behind the Digital Visual Special Effects (VFX) Content Production Workflow How to Install and Utilize Black Magic Design Fusion 8 and it's Visual Programming Language Concepts behind Resolution, Aspect Ratio, Bit-Rate, Color Depth, Layers, Alpha, and Masking 2D VFX Concepts such as Animated Masking, Matte Pulling (Primatte V) and Motion Tracking 3D VFX Concepts such as 3D Geometry, Materials, Lighting, Animation and Auxiliary Channels Advanced VFX Concepts such as Particle Systems Animation using Real-World Physics (Forces) Who this book is for SFX artists, VFX artists, video editors, website developers, filmmakers, 2D and 3D animators, digital signage producers, e-learning content creators, game developers, multimedia producers.

Via Il Disordine! - Rendi La Tua Vita Più Semplice In Un Solo Fine Settimana

by Eugenia Franzoni Sarah Goldberg

"Via il disordine" è stato revisionato e migliorato; grazie all'ottimo feedback che ho ricevuto, ora puoi scaricare una versione aggiornata e rivista, che ti dia un aiuto anche migliore per semplificarti la vita!La tua casa o il tuo appartamento ti fanno impazzire? Vuoi disfarti dell'immondizia e semplificare la tua vita ORA? Ti senti in imbarazzo se i tuoi amici (o tua madre!) vedono il caos che hai in casa? Allora questo libro è per te! Unisciti alle migliaia di persone che hanno scaricato questo bestseller #1 che aiuta a renderti la vita più semplice in un solo fine settimana!Guarda, io una volta avevo una casa che era un vero caos. Era un disastro, con tutta la roba dei bambini, di mio marito dappertutto, insieme a cose di qualsiasi tipo. Mi faceva diventar matta! Onestamente, ero anche un po' in imbarazzo quando i vicini venivano da me, perché mi pareva di avere immondizia sparsa per tutta casa.Non è più così! Ho deciso di dedicare UN FINE SETTIMANA della mia vita a far sparire il disordine per sempre, e ha funzionato! Ora voglio aiutare anche te a fare la stessa cosa, e ci si sente BENISSIMO ad aver eliminato la confusione e pulito una volta per tutte. Ho preso tutta la roba inutile che avevo in casa e l'ho venduta su eBay, e ora ho anche dei soldi in più!Questo libro ti porterà per mano in un intero fine settimana, da venerdì sera a domeica sera, e ti guiderà passo passo a mettere a posto la tua casa. Può sembrare un compito difficile, ma dagli una possibilità, non hai niente da perdere e molto da guadagnare in vivibilità!Inoltre, in fondo al libro ho anche dei consigli di posti in cui comprare le soluzioni per il ripostiglio, come scaffali e mensole solidissime, scatole etc, che ti aiuteranno a metterti sulla buona strada di una vita senza disordine!Ti serve un'altra ragione per comprare questo libro? Eccone una ottima: per me la Biblioteca dei Bambini è molto importante, quindi dono il 5% di tutti i

Viaggio artistico per le vie di Parigi. (Libri creativi-antistress #4)

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova.

Questo album da colorare è dedicato ai panorami di Parigi, la meravigliosa città francese. Qui dentro troverai un'immagine stilizzata a colori con una breve descrizione e un'immagine in bianco e nero. Se lo desideri, puoi fare uno screenshot dell'immagine in bianco e nero per colorarla a computer o per stamparla e colorarla su carta. Quando colori, puoi concentrarti su un campione di colori oppure puoi scegliere le soluzioni di colore proposte. Una volta completato il libro, sarai affascinato nell'ammirare su Internet le foto delle vere vedute di Parigi rappresentate in questo libro. Il libro ti permetterà di fare un lavoro creativo, di prender parte a un emozionante viaggio col pensiero a Parigi e di raccogliere nuove informazioni. L’album da disegno non ha limiti di età. Gli autori ti augurano buon divertimento! Questo libro può essere usato come album da colorare antistress o arteterapia.

Viaggio artistico per Londra (Libri creativi-antistress #5)

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Questo album da colorare è dedicato ai panorami di Londra, la meravigliosa città inglese. Qui dentro troverai un'immagine stilizzata a colori con una breve descrizione e un'immagine in bianco e nero. Se lo desideri, puoi fare uno screenshot dell'immagine in bianco e nero per colorarla a computer o per stamparla e colorarla su carta. Quando colori, puoi concentrarti su un campione di colori oppure puoi scegliere le soluzioni di colore proposte. Una volta completato l'album, sarai affascinato nell'ammirare su Internet le foto delle vere vedute di Londra rappresentate in questo libro. Il libro ti permetterà di fare un lavoro creativo, di prender parte a un emozionante viaggio col pensiero a Londra e di raccogliere nuove informazioni. L’album da disegnonon ha limiti di età. Gli autori ti augurano buon divertimento! Questo libro può essere usato come album da colorare antistress o arteterapia. Tutte le immagini contenute in questo libro sono basate su foto tratte da Questo album da colorare è dedicato ai panorami di Londra, la meravigliosa città inglese. Qui dentro troverai un'immagine stilizzata a colori con una breve descrizione e un'immagine in bianco e nero. Se lo desideri, puoi fare uno screenshot dell'immagine in bianco e nero per colorarla a computer o per stamparla e colorarla su carta. Quando colori, puoi concentrarti su un campione di colori oppure puoi scegliere le soluzioni di colore proposte. Una volta completato l'album, sarai affascinato nell'ammirare su Internet le foto delle vere vedute di Londra rappresentate in questo libro. Il libro ti permetterà di fare un lavoro creativo, di prender parte a un emozionante viaggio col pensiero a Londra e di raccogliere nuove informazioni. L’album da disegnonon ha limiti di età. Gli autori ti augurano buon divertimento! Que

Viaje creativo por Londres

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Este libro es una dedicación artística a los paisajes de la maravillosa ciudad británica de Londres. En él encontrarás una imagen en color estilizada, una breve descripción de la misma y una imagen en blanco y negro. Si lo deseas, puedes hacer una captura de pantalla de una imagen en blanco y negro para colorearla en tu ordenador o imprimirla y colorearla en papel. A medida que coloreas, puedes tomar la versión ya coloreada como modelo, o puedes elegir la solución de color adecuada. Te encantará ver fotos en Internet sobre el aspecto real de Londres, que figuran en este libro. El libro te permitirá realizar trabajos creativos, realizar mentalmente un emocionante viaje por Londres y recopilar nueva información. Los libros de arte no tienen límite de edad. ¡Los autores desean crear grandes logros artísticos y pasar momentos agradables! Este libro puede utilizarse como una cromoterapia artística antiestrés. Todas las imágenes de este libro están basadas en fotos de

Viaje creativo por París

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Sinopsis Este libro es una dedicación artística a los paisajes de la maravillosa ciudad francesa de París. En él encontrarás una imagen en color estilizada, una breve descripción de la misma y una imagen en blanco y negro. Si lo deseas, puedes hacer una captura de pantalla de una imagen en blanco y negro para colorearla en tu ordenador o imprimirla y colorearla en papel. A medida que coloreas, puedes tomar la versión ya coloreada como modelo, o puedes elegir la solución de color adecuada. Te encantará ver fotos en Internet sobre el aspecto real de París, que figuran en este libro. El libro te permitirá realizar trabajos creativos, realizar mentalmente un emocionante viaje por París y recopilar nueva información. Los libros de arte no tienen límite de edad. ¡Los autores desean crear grandes logros artísticos y pasar momentos agradables! Este libro puede utilizarse como una cromoterapia artística antiestrés.

Viaje creativo por Roma

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Sinopsis Este libro es una dedicación artística a los paisajes de la antigua ciudad italiana de Roma. En él encontrarás una imagen en color estilizada, una breve descripción de la misma y una imagen en blanco y negro. Si lo deseas, puedes hacer una captura de pantalla de una imagen en blanco y negro para colorearla en tu ordenador o imprimirla y colorearla en papel. A medida que coloreas, puedes tomar la versión ya coloreada como modelo, o puedes elegir la solución de color adecuada. Te encantará ver fotos en Internet sobre el aspecto real de Roma, que figuran en este libro. El libro te permitirá realizar trabajos creativos, realizar mentalmente un emocionante viaje por Roma y recopilar nueva información. Los libros de arte no tienen límite de edad. ¡Los autores desean crear grandes logros artísticos y pasar momentos agradables! Este libro puede utilizarse como una cromoterapia artística antiestrés.

Un viaje creativo por San Petersburgo (Libros creativos-antiestrés #2)

by Olga Kriuchkova Elena Kriuchkova

Este creativo libro está dedicado a las vistas de la ciudad rusa de San Petersburgo. Aquí encontrarás una ilustración estilizada en color, una breve descripción y una ilustración en blanco y negro. Si lo deseas, puedes tomar una captura de pantalla de la ilustración en blanco y negro, para colorearla en el ordenador o imprimirla y colorearla en papel. Para hacerlo, puedes guiarte por la muestra en color o puedes escoger tú mismo los colores. Cuando hayas terminado de colorear, puede que te emocione mirar por Internet fotografías de las vistas reales de San Petersburgo que figuran en este libro. El libro te permitirá desarrollar tu creatividad, viajar por San Petersburgo con el poder de la mente y aprender nueva información. El libro creativo no tiene restricciones de edad. ¡Sus autoras os desean un éxito creativo y un pasatiempo agradable! El libro que te damos se puede usar como antiestrés o arteterapia.

Viaje creativo por Venecia

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Este libro es una dedicación artística a los paisajes de la maravillosa ciudad italiana de Venecia. En él encontrarás una imagen en color estilizada, una breve descripción de la misma y una imagen en blanco y negro. Si lo deseas, puedes hacer una captura de pantalla de una imagen en blanco y negro para colorearla en tu ordenador o imprimirla y colorearla en papel. A medida que coloreas, puedes tomar la versión ya coloreada como modelo, o puedes elegir la solución de color adecuada. Te encantará ver fotos en Internet sobre el aspecto real de Venecia, que figuran en este libro. El libro te permitirá realizar trabajos creativos, realizar mentalmente un emocionante viaje por Venecia y recopilar nueva información. Los libros de arte no tienen límite de edad. ¡Los autores desean crear grandes logros artísticos y pasar momentos agradables! Este libro puede utilizarse como una cromoterapia artística antiestrés. Todas las imágenes de este libro están basadas en fotos de internet.

Vibrant Children's Portraits: Painting Beautiful Hair and Skin Tones with Oils

by Victoria Lisi

A Complete Guide to Capturing the Charm and Glow of Children Making your subjects look age appropriate is vital to successful children's portraiture. Many artists fall short with features that are too severe, skin that lacks that glow of youth or proportions that are too much like those of adults. In this book, you'll learn how to use tried-and-true oil painting techniques to achieve fresh skin tones, shiny hair, crystal clear eyes...all the qualities that will make your portraits look truly authentic. Complete instructions and color palettes for painting luminous skin tones and hair 11 complete step-by-step demonstrations covering a broad range of complexions, ages, poses and sweet expressions Quick tips and expert tricks for making your subjects look natural&#150not stiff or posed Victoria Lisi's instruction is friendly and easy to follow, delivered with the belief that the process of portrait painting should be as enjoyable as the finished product&#150beautiful, touching portraits of kids having fun, playing in the sun and being themselves.

The Vibrant Metropolis: 88 Lithographs

by Carol Belanger Grafton George W. Bellows

This handsome volume is an original selection of Bellow's best lithographs depicting a wide array of subjects, from portraits and nudes to street life and prize fighting. Brilliantly executed, richly evocative works include Nude in a Bed, Evening, In the Subway, Dempsey Through the Ropes, and Base Hospital.

Vibratory Modernism

by Anthony Enns Shelley Trower

Vibratory Modernism is a collection of original essays that show how vibrations provide a means of bridging science and art two fields that became increasingly separate in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. "

Vibrazioni Rock

by Daniel Ichbiah

Natale 1976: il nuovo album degli Eagles arriva sugli scaffali. Una settimana dopo, un milione di copie vengono vendute. Eppure nessuno sa che Hotel California, puro momento di grazia musicale, è nata in un‘atmosfera in cui c’era una tensione infernale. In quel periodo, c’era burrasca tra i membri del gruppo e spesso arrivano addirittura alle mani dopo un concerto. È proprio vero, le canzoni di punta del rock hanno tutte la loro storia e sono affascinanti. Like a Rolling Stone, Stairway to Heaven, Mélodie Nelson, Sultans of Swing, Losing my religion, oppure Un autre monde e Smells Like Teen Spirit e molti altri successi mitici non sono altro che il risultato perfetto della passione e del romanticismo che solo il rock poteva creare. Dietro le quinte delle grandi etichette, guadagnando la fiducia sia degli autori che dei musicisti, Daniel Ichbiah ha fatto le sue ricerche e ha ricostruito il puzzle del successo dagli Stones ai Nirvana passando per Bashung. Che dire? Raccontare la genesi dei successi del rock non è stato facile. Ma più di un lettore lo ha ammesso: è impossibile lasciare andare queste pagine una volta che ci si è avventurati nei meandri di molte canzoni diventate mitiche. Ricco di rivelazioni, impregnato di testimonianze esclusive, questo documento d'eccezione ci trascina nel cuore delle canzoni che hanno segnato la nostra epoca. Raccontandoci l'elaborazione e le saghe di successi leggendari, Vibrazioni Rock ci fa rivivere il brivido di decenni di storia del rock.

Vicarious Kinks

by Ummni Khan

Who decides where "normal" stops and "perverse" begins? In Vicarious Kinks, Ummni Khan looks at the mass of claims that film, feminism, the human sciences, and law make about sadomasochism and its practitioners, and the way those claims become the basis for the legal regulation of sadomasochist pornography and practice. Khan's audacious proposal is that for film, feminism, law, and science, the constant focus on taboo sexuality is a form of "vicarious kink" itself.Rather than attempt to establish the "truth" about sadomasochism, Vicarious Kinks asks who decides that sadomasochism is perverse, examining how various fields present their claims to truth when it comes to sadomasochism. The first monograph by a new scholar working at the juncture of law and sexuality, Vicarious Kinks challenges the myth of law as an objective adjudicator of sexual truth.

Vicious Circuits: Korea’s IMF Cinema and the End of the American Century (Post*45)

by Joseph Jonghyun Jeon

In December of 1997, the International Monetary Fund announced the largest bailout package in its history, aimed at stabilizing the South Korean economy in response to a credit and currency crisis of the same year. Vicious Circuits examines what it terms "Korea's IMF Cinema," the decade of cinema following that crisis, in order to think through the transformations of global political economy at the end of the American century. It argues that one of the most dominant traits of the cinema that emerged after the worst economic crisis in the history of South Korea was its preoccupation with economic phenomena. As the quintessentially corporate art form—made as much in the boardroom as in the studio—film in this context became an ideal site for thinking through the global political economy in the transitional moment of American decline and Chinese ascension. With an explicit focus of state economic policy, IMF cinema did not just depict the economy; it also was this economy's material embodiment. That is, it both represented economic developments and was itself an important sector in which the same pressures and changes affecting the economy at large were at work. Joseph Jonghyun Jeon's window on Korea provides a peripheral but crucial perspective on the operations of late US hegemony and the contradictions that ultimately corrode it.

Vickers VC10: An Icon Of The Air (FlightCraft #20)

by Lance Cole

“A comprehensive history of the VC10 . . . enhanced by the fabulous artwork and photographs . . . will take you back to the golden age of jet travel.” —Flight Line Book ReviewDesigned and manufactured by the men who would make Concorde, the Rolls-Royce powered Vickers VC10, and its larger variant, the Super VC10, represented the ultimate in 1960s subsonic airliners. The VC10 was Britain’s answer to the Boeing 707 and the Douglas DC-8, but it could take off in a very short distance, climb more steeply, and land at slower speed than its rivals. These were vital safety benefits in the early years of the jet age. At one stage, the Super VC10 was the biggest airliner made in Europe and the fastest in the world.On entry into service, both the VC10 and the longer Super VC10 carved out a niche with passengers who enjoyed the speed, silence and elegance of the airliner. Pilots, meanwhile, loved its ease of flying and extra power. Yet the VC10 project was embroiled in machinations across many years and more than one government. Questions were asked in parliament and the whole story was enmeshed in a political and corporate affair that signified the end of British big airliner production. Yet the men who made the VC10 also went on to design and build Concorde. Many VC10 pilots became Concorde pilots.In service until the 1980s with British Airways, and until 2013 with the RAF, the VC10 became a British icon and a national hero, one only eclipsed by Concorde. It retains a place in the hearts and minds of enthusiasts the world over.“A good one-stop reference to the VC10.” —Scale Aviation Modeller International

Vicksburg: Town and Country

by Gordon Cotton

Though best known for the forty-seven-day siege many think sealed the fate of the Confederacy, Vicksburg, Mississippi boasts several claims to fame. Located near the site of the first European settlement in the state, Vicksburg is also the first place in America where Coca-Cola was bottled and home to such historic figures as Jefferson Davis and Madam C.J. Walker. Within these pages, Vicksburg and its environs are explored and celebrated through the eyes of late-nineteenth- and twentieth-century photographers. From downtown street scenes to pastoral rural landscapes, Vicksburg: Town and Country is a compilation of photographs from 1870 to the present day. Coupled with informative captions,each image is a slice of history and a unique treasure for anyone seeking to understand the past. Born of the river, Vicksburg is a modern, bustling port and the scene of the best-marked battlefieldin the world, the Vicksburg National Military Park. From soldiers to scientists, merchants to educators, a colorful cast of characters has shaped the history of Vicksburg. City dwellers and rural residents alike are a part of this fascinating visual journey.


by Gordon A. Cotton

Vicksburg, situated on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River, has played an important role in the state's history, from its heroic participation in the War Between the States to its continued contributions to Mississippi's churches, architecture, cotton farming, and industrial markets. Today a modern city, Vicksburg still embraces its Southern charm with its shady, tree-lined brick streets, well-kept historic buildings, and beautiful plantation homes. In this volume of over 200 images, you will experience Vicksburg as never before, viewing this fascinating river town throughout its years of growth and progress. Within these pages, the reader can trace the evolution of the scattered farms that evolved into plantations and the small trading posts that became successful mercantile establishments. Vicksburg brings to life many of the old ways: scenes of Catfish Row, where steamboats docked and laughter emanated from the waterfront shanties; images of famous actors who gave routine performances in the elegant Walnut Street Opera House; snapshots capturing the excitement of outdoor baptisms, parades, and political rallies; magnificent scenes of the Old Court House, the proud symbol of Vicksburg for over a century; and pictures and portraits of the soldiers, merchants, government officials, and everyday citizens who have called Vicksburg home.


by Babette Mann Huber

Victor tells the unique story of a historic community in the Finger Lakes region, just south of Rochester. It chronicles Victor's past as a Seneca Indian capital to the coming of Massachusetts settlers in the 18th century through to life as it was in the 20th century. With over 200 photographs, this book shows how people in rural upstate New York lived, played, studied, worked, and worshiped. The images are from the town and village archives, the Victor Historical Society, the Ontario County Historical Society, and private collections. Many are previously unpublished photographs, and several are by Fred Locke, an amateur photographer who is considered to be "the father of porcelain insulators."

Victor Arnautoff and the Politics of Art

by Robert W. Cherny

Victor Arnautoff reigned as San Francisco's leading mural painter during the New Deal era. Yet that was only part of an astonishing life journey from Tsarist officer to leftist painter. Robert W. Cherny's masterful biography of Arnautoff braids the artist's work with his increasingly leftist politics and the tenor of his times. Delving into sources on Russian émigrés and San Francisco's arts communities, Cherny traces Arnautoff's life from refugee art student and assistant to Diego Rivera to prominence in the New Deal's art projects and a faculty position at Stanford University. As Arnautoff's politics moved left, he often incorporated working people and people of color into his treatment of the American past and present. In the 1950s, however, his participation in leftist organizations and a highly critical cartoon of Richard Nixon landed him before the House Un-American Activities Committee and led to calls for his dismissal from Stanford. Arnautoff eventually departed America, a refugee of another kind, now fleeing personal loss and the disintegration of the left-labor culture that had nurtured him, before resuming his artistic career in the Soviet Union that he had fought in his youth to destroy.

Victor Fleming: An American Movie Master (Screen Classics)

by Michael Sragow

This definitive biography chronicles the life and work of the legendary director of Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz.Victor Fleming was the most sought-after director in Hollywood’s golden age, renowned for his work across an astounding range of genres—from gritty westerns to screwball comedies, romances, boddy pictures, and family entertainment. Yet this chameleon-like versatility has resulted in his relative obscurity today—despite his having directed two of the most iconic movies of all time.Fleming is best remembered for Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz, but he directed more than forty films, including classics like Red Dust, Test Pilot, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Captains Courageous. Fleming created enduring screen personas for Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, and Gary Cooper, as well as for Ingrid Bergman, Clara Bow, and Norma Shearer—who were among his many lovers.In this definitive biography, Michael Sragow restores the director to the pantheon of great American filmmakers, correcting a major oversight in Hollywood history. It is the dramatic story of a man at the center of the most exciting period in American filmmaking.

Victor Herbert: A Theatrical Life

by Neil Gould

Victor Herbert is one of the giants of American culture. As a musician, conductor, and, above all, composer, he touched every corner of American musical life at the turn of the century, writing scores of songs, marches, concerti, and other works. But his most enduring legacy is on a different kind of stage, as one of the grandfathers of the modern musical theater. Now, Victor Herbert has the biography he deserves. Neil Gould draws on his own experience as a director, producer, and scholar to craft the first comprehensive portrait in fifty years of the Irish immigrant whose extraordinary talents defined the sounds of a generation and made contemporary American music possible. Mining a wealth of sources—many for the first time—Gould provides a fascinating portrait of Herbert and his world. Born in Dublin in 1859, Herbert arrived in the United States in 1886. From his first job in the orchestra pit of the Metropolitan Opera, Herbert went on to perform in countless festivals and concerts, and conduct the Pittsburgh Orchestra. In 1894, he composed his first operetta, Prince Ananias, and by the time of his death in 1924, he’d composed forty-two more—many of them, such as Naughty Marietta, spectacular Broadway hits. Along the way, he also wrote two operas, stage music for the Ziegfeld Follies, and the first full score for a motion picture, The Fall of a Nation. Gould brilliantly blends the musical and the theatrical, classical and popular, the public and the private, in this book. He not only gives a revealing portrait of Herbert the artist, entrepreneur, and visionary, but also recreates the vibrant world of the Herbert’s Broadway. Gould takes us inside the music itself—with detailed guides to each major work and recreations of great performances. He also makes strong connections between Herbert’s breakthrough compositions, such as the operetta Mlle. Modiste, and the later contributions of Rudolf Friml, Sigmund Romberg, Jerome Kern and other giants of the musical theater. As exuberant as Herbert himself, this book is also a chronicle of American popular culture during one of its most creative periods. For anyone enraptured by the sound of the American musical, this book is delightfully required reading.

Victor Papanek: Designer for the Real World

by Alison J. Clarke

The history and controversial roots of the social design movement, explored through the life and work of its leading pioneer, Victor Papanek.In Victor Papanek: Designer for the Real World, Alison Clarke explores the social design movement through the life of its leading pioneer, the Austrian American designer, theorist, and activist Victor Papanek. Papanek's 1971 best seller, Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change has been translated into twenty-two languages and never fallen out of print. Its politics of social design, anti-corporatism, and environmental sustainability have found renewed pertinence in the twenty-first century and dominate the agendas of design schools today. Drawing extensively on previously unexplored archival sources, Clarke uncovers and contextualizes the movement's controversial origins and contradictions.

Victoria: The Heart and Mind of a Young Queen

by Helen Rappaport

Foreword by Daisy Goodwin The official companion to ITV’s hotly anticipated new drama, Victoria delves into the private writings of the young Queen Victoria, painting a vivid picture of the personal life of one of England’s greatest monarchs. From the producers of Poldark and Endeavour, ITV’s Victoria follows the early years of the young queen’s reign, based closely on Victoria’s own letters and journals. Now explore this extensive collection in greater depth, and discover who Victoria really was behind her upright public persona.At only eighteen years old, Victoria ascended the throne as a rebellious teenager and gradually grew to become one of the most memorable, unshakeable and powerful women in history. The extensive writings she left behind document this personal journey and show how she triumphed over scandal and corruption. Written by author and Victoria historical consultant, Helen Rappaport, and including a foreword by Daisy Goodwin—acclaimed novelist and scriptwriter of the series—Victoria details the history behind the show. Revealing Victoria’s own thoughts about the love interests, family dramas and court scandals during her early reign, it also delves into the running of the royal household, the upstairs-downstairs relationships, and what it was like to live in Victorian England.Full of beautiful photography from the series and genuine imagery from the era, Victoria takes you behind the palace doors and discover the girl behind the queen.

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