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Zaubertricks für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Oliver Erens

»Simsalabim — Trick, hau hin!« Mit Abrakadabra und Hokus Pokus wird’s jetzt magisch Die Geheimnisse der Zauberkünstler können einen schon in den Wahnsinn treiben. Dabei sind viele Kunststücke verblüffend einfach. Dr. Oliver Erens stellt Ihnen einfache und anspruchsvollere Tricks vor und zeigt, wie Sie mit dem richtigen Kniff und dem passenden Auftreten faszinierende Effekte erzielen können. Außer mit klassischen Zauber-Requisiten wie Karten, Münzen und Tüchern zaubern Sie ganz modern mit dem Handy und beim nächsten Videocall sogar interaktiv! Ob Sie mit dem Zaubern beginnen oder schon mit einigen Tricks glänzen können: In diesem reich bebilderten Buch werden Sie fündig. Sie erfahren Welche Utensilien Sie fürs Zaubern brauchen und wie sie eingesetzt werden Wie Sie Ihr Publikum mit verblüffenden Zauber-effekten begeistern Was Sie zu einem guten Zauberer macht Was hinter manchen magischen Tricks steckt


by Zayn

The first and only official book from ZAYN. Global superstar ZAYN shares a photographic journey of his life since leaving One Direction. ZAYN opens up with this collection of thoughts, inspiration, and never-before-seen personal photographs. After five years of massive success with One Direction, ZAYN launched his career as a solo artist with Mind of Mine, becoming one of the most successful artists in the world. Now, for the first time ever, ZAYN is going to tell and show all in this intimate and raw scrapbook of his life. Never-before-released photos give readers insight to ZAYN, no-holds-barred. Gorgeously designed with hundreds of full-color photographs and ZAYN's notes, drawings, song lyrics, and personal stories, the book captures ZAYN's most private moments and his candid feelings on fame, success, music, and life. The next chapter of ZAYN's evolution into global superstar, told by the artist who is living it. *** Reviews for Mind of Mine: "A singer eager to reclaim the parts of himself that five years in the pop klieg lights forced into the shadows."--The New York Times "Sonically, you won't find many pop albums in 2016 more immaculately conceived than this."--SPIN "Sublime."--USA Today "Malik can sing . . . he's done this before, but not like this."--Rolling Stone "A moody, deeply textured R&B album..."--Los Angeles Times "Zayn has clearly achieved his aim of making an album of sexy, credible pop-R&B."--NMEFrom the Hardcover edition.

ZBrush Character Creation

by Scott Spencer

ZBrush's popularity is exploding giving more CG artists the power to create stunning digital art with a distinctively fine art feel. ZBrush Character Creation: Advanced Digital Sculpting is the must-have guide to creating highly detailed, lush, organic models using the revolutionary ZBrush software. Digital sculptor Scott Spencer guides you through the full array of ZBrush tools, including brushes, textures and detailing. With a focus on both the artistry and the technical know-how, you'll learn how to apply traditional sculpting and painting techniques to 3D art while uncovering the "why" behind the "how" for each step. You'll gain inspiration and insight from the beautiful full-color illustrations and professional tips from experienced ZBrush artists included in the book. And, above all, you'll have a solid understanding of how applying time-honored artistic methods to your workflow can turn ordinary digital art into breathtaking digital masterpieces.

The ZEDbook: Solutions for a Shrinking World

by Bill Dunster

Though few now doubt the severity of the environmental problems faced by humanity there is still resistance from businesses, developers, architects, planners and government when it comes to making the step changes necessary to make our lifestyles sustainable. Based on the experience gained from their involvement in the pioneering Beddington Zero Emission Development (or BedZED) in London, and subsequent innovative schemes, The ZEDbook authors present a bold, coherent and refreshing vision of a low carbon future. In three comprehensive sections, The ZEDbook leads the reader from basic ZEDliving principles through building physics and architectural design details to a carefully selected array of informative case studies. The ZEDbook is a must-have purchase for anyone wanting to make communities and the built environment more sustainable.


by Bill Dunster

The argument for low-cost, zero-energy, zero-waste architecture has never been timelier, while the mainstream has largely abandoned or neglected this agenda: in the UK the recent mandatory zero-carbon performance targets for new homes have been postponed or forgotten at a time when thousands of new homes will be built, and there is already a shortage of electric generating capacity. This book offers a forceful challenge to the current addiction to overconsumption of natural capital and energy, and provides workable, sustainable solutions for zero-carbon, zero-waste design.

Zeichnen für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Brenda Hoddinott

Immer wieder ist es faszinierend, wie schnell manche Menschen die schönsten Zeichnungen auf Papier zaubern können. Ein paar Striche, Linien und auf wundersame Art und Weise entstehen Gegenstände, Landschaften und Gesichter. Sehr beeindruckend. »Zeichnen für Dummies« beginnt mit den Grundlagen und arbeitet sich dann zu immer komplexeren Darstellungen vor. Den Lesern wird systematisch erklärt, wie sie den Stift führen müssen, damit sie ihre Motive mit einem Schuss Persönlichkeit aufs Papier bringen können.

Zeichnen für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Brenda Hoddinott

Auf die Stifte, fertig, los! Immer wieder ist es faszinierend, wie schnell manche Menschen die schönsten Zeichnungen aufs Papier zaubern. Ein paar Striche und Linien und auf wundersame Weise entstehen Gegenstände, Landschaften und Gesichter. Sehr beeindruckend. »Zeichnen für Dummies« beginnt mit den Grundlagen und arbeitet sich dann vor zu immer komplexeren Techniken und Darstellungen. So lernen Sie, wie Sie den Stift führen müssen, damit Sie Ihre Motive mit einem Schuss Persönlichkeit aufs Papier bringen können. Sie erfahren Wie Sie ein Motiv richtig erfassen Wie Sie Perspektiven darstellen Wie Sie ein Bild gut ­organisieren Wie Sie Emotionen zeichnen

Zeitgenössische deutsch-chinesische Kulturen im Dialog

by Haina Jin Anna Stecher Rebecca Ehrenwirth

Dieses Buch bietet eine einzigartige Perspektive auf zeitgenössische deutsch-chinesische kulturelle Begegnungen. Statt den Austausch zwischen den beiden Ländern im Hinblick auf koloniale Verbindungen, religiöse Einflüsse und philosophische Auswirkungen hervorzuheben, konzentriert sich das Buch auf die Vielfalt der modernen kulturellen Dialoge, die beide Länder, insbesondere in Literatur, Theater und Film, beeinflusst haben. Das Buch diskutiert Themen wie Übersetzung, Adaption und Rezeption, um eine einzigartige kulturelle Beziehung zu enthüllen. Die Herausgeber und Autoren untersuchen die bestehenden Programme und Strategien für den kulturellen Austausch und analysieren, wie diese den interkulturellen Dialog formen oder geformt haben und welche Art von interkulturellem Austausch gefördert wird. Dieses Buch richtet sich an Studierende und Forschende der Film- und Medienwissenschaften, Sinophone Studies, Transnational Studies, Kulturwissenschaften sowie Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie.

Zeitgeschichte im Fernsehen

by Jan N. Lorenzen

Der Band setzt sich mit den unterschiedlichen Erwartungshaltungen an Autoren und Regisseure historischer Dokumentation auseinander und entwickelt daraus einen Leitfaden für die Praxis. Welche dramaturgischen Grundmuster bieten sich für historische Dokumentationen an? Was ist ein angemessener Umgang mit Zeitzeugen im Spannungsfeld von subjektiver Wahrnehmung und historischer Wahrheit? Welche wissenschaftlichen Kriterien sind eher hinderlich, welche historischen Forschungsansätze können dagegen hilfreich sein? Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele erläutert der Autor, wie es gelingt, den unterschiedlichen Erwartungshaltungen zu entsprechen und dennoch den eigenen Gestaltungswillen nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Zelda: A Biography

by Nancy Milford

“Profound, overwhelmingly moving . . . a richly complex love story.” — New York TimesAcclaimed biographer Nancy Milford brings to life the tormented, elusive personality of Zelda Sayre and clarifies as never before Zelda’s relationship with her husband F. Scott Fitzgerald—tracing the inner disintegration of a gifted, despairing woman, torn by the clash between her husband’s career and her own talent.Zelda Sayre’s stormy life spanned from notoriety as a spirited Southern beauty to success as a gifted novelist and international celebrity at the side of her husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Zelda and Fitzgerald were one of the most visible couples of the Jazz Age, inhabiting and creating around them a world of excitement, romance, art, and promise. Yet their tumultuous relationship precipitated a descent into depression and mental instability for Zelda, leaving her to spend the final twenty years of her life in hospital care, until a fire at a sanitarium claimed her life.Incorporating years of exhaustive research and interviews, Milford illuminates Zelda’s nuanced and elusive personality, giving character to both her artistic vibrancy and to her catastrophic collapse.


by Zelienople Historical Society Tom Nesbitt

In 1800, Butler County had just been created and was nothing but forest, streams, and Indian trails. Dettmar Basse purchased 10,000 acres in this wilderness, where he hoped to create a barony similar to the ones he had known in Germany. In 1802, he started to build his Bassenheim (Basse's home). It took seven years and $7,000 to build this castle, and he also laid out streets for a town that he named for his daughter Zelie (nople means village). Zelie and her new husband, Philippe Passavant, of French ancestry, traveled here in 1807 and became the first merchants on Main Street. Their son William A. Passavant founded numerous orphanages and hospitals throughout the country. Christian Buhl, the hatter and furrier, came to Zelienople from Germany in 1802. His grandson Henry Buhl Jr. founded Boggs and Buhl Department Store on the north side of Pittsburgh. In 1927, he bequeathed an $11-million endowment to the Buhl Foundation, making it one of the best-funded foundations in the country.


by Zellwood Historical Society, Museum, and Library, Inc.

Zellwood was named for Thomas Ellwood Zell, who arrived in the area in 1876. Zell sent scrapbooks displaying newspaper clippings to entice Northern friends--former Civil War officers--to settle near Lakes Maggiore and Minore. Word spread that Zellwood was a desirable place to winter and do business. Construction of millionaire steel magnate James Laughlin Jr.'s mansion began in 1885. Zellwood attracted people who built estates and new homes. Boardinghouses popped up. The Holly Arms Hotel and Zellwood Inn housed farmers, teachers, and entrepreneurs. In 1911, a train brought more settlers planning to earn their livelihood from Zellwood's rich earth. Agriculture dominated from the 1940s through the late 1990s. Zellwood was known for sweet corn. By 1999, all but one farm had been purchased for Lake Apopka restoration. Only Long and Scott Farms carries on the tradition of growing Zellwood sweet corn by farming the sandy soil bordering the muck lands of Lake Apopka.

ZEMCH: Toward the Delivery of Zero Energy Mass Custom Homes

by Masa Noguchi

In this book, leading international experts explore the emerging concept of the zero energy mass custom home (ZEMCH) - designed to meet the need for social, economic, and environmental sustainability - and provide all of the knowledge required for the delivery of zero energy mass customized housing and community developments in developed and developing countries. The coverage is wide ranging, progressing from explanation of the meaning of sustainable development to discussion of challenges and trends in mass housing, the advantages and disadvantages of prefabricated methods of construction, and the concepts of mass customization, mass personalization, and inclusive design. A chapter on energy use will aid the reader in designing and retrofitting housing to reduce energy demand and/or improve energy end‐use efficiency. Passive design strategies and active technologies (especially solar) are thoroughly reviewed. Application of the ZEMCH construction criteria to new buildings and refurbishment of old houses is explained and the methods and value of building performance simulation, analyzed. The concluding chapter presents examples of ZEMCH projects from around the world, with discussion of marketing strategy, design, quality assurance, and delivery challenges. The book will be invaluable as a training/teaching tool for both students and industry partners.

Zen and Japanese Culture

by Daisetz T. Suzuki Richard M. Jaffe

Zen and Japanese Culture is one of the twentieth century's leading works on Zen, and a valuable source for those wishing to understand its concepts in the context of Japanese life and art. In simple, often poetic, language, Daisetz Suzuki describes his conception of Zen and its historical evolution. He connects Zen to the philosophy of the samurai, and subtly portrays the relationship between Zen and swordsmanship, haiku, tea ceremonies, and the Japanese love of nature. Suzuki's contemplative work is enhanced by anecdotes, poetry, and illustrations showing silk screens, calligraphy, and examples of architecture. Since its original publication in 1938, this important work has played a major role in shaping conceptions of Zen's influence on Japanese traditional arts. Richard Jaffe's introduction acquaints a new generation of readers with Suzuki's life and career in both Japan and America. Jaffe discusses how Zen and Japanese Culture was received upon its first publication and analyzes the book in light of contemporary criticism, especially by scholars of Japanese Buddhism.

Zen and the Art of Quilting

by Sandra Detrixhe

Bring balance to your life in the marriage of beauty and function!From selecting fabrics to threading the needle to piecing together your project, the steps you take to create a beautiful quilt will allow you to calm your mind and bring harmony to your life. Master quilter Sandra Detrixhe shares what she's learned through years of creating art out of scraps of cloth: Quilting is a type of meditation. It's both absorbing and mind-freeing. Sandra and several of her colleagues relate stories about the quiet, mindful experience of quilting--choosing fabrics with a purpose in mind, adding pieces with special meaning, and finding a community of quilters.Each chapter includes a suggested activity that will show you how to find peace in the process. You'll soon be able to turn every minute you spend patterning, basting, and binding into enjoyable, mindful moments. With Zen and the Art of Quilting, you'll learn your wonderful, handmade quilt isn't the craft's only reward. The meditative practice of making your lovely new piece is something to be treasured as well.

Zen and the Art of Quilting: Finding Peace Through Piecework

by Sandra Detrixhe

Bring balance to your life in the marriage of beauty and function!From selecting fabrics to threading the needle to piecing together your project, the steps you take to create a beautiful quilt will allow you to calm your mind and bring harmony to your life. Master quilter Sandra Detrixhe shares what she's learned through years of creating art out of scraps of cloth: Quilting is a type of meditation. It's both absorbing and mind-freeing. Sandra and several of her colleagues relate stories about the quiet, mindful experience of quilting--choosing fabrics with a purpose in mind, adding pieces with special meaning, and finding a community of quilters.Each chapter includes a suggested activity that will show you how to find peace in the process. You'll soon be able to turn every minute you spend patterning, basting, and binding into enjoyable, mindful moments. With Zen and the Art of Quilting, you'll learn your wonderful, handmade quilt isn't the craft's only reward. The meditative practice of making your lovely new piece is something to be treasured as well.

Zen and the Art of Stand-Up Comedy (Theatre Arts Ser.)

by Jay Sankey

In this engaging and disarmingly frank book, comic Jay Sankey spills the beans, explaining not only how to write and perform stand-up comedy, but how to improve and perfect your work. Much more than a how-to manual Zen and the Art of Stand-Up Comedy is the most detailed and comprehensive book on the subject to date.

Zen and the Art of the Monologue

by Jay Sankey

Jay Sankey--stand-up comic, magician, and cartoonist--is back with another book for performers. Building on the success of his Zen and the Art of Stand-up Comedy, Jay is moving further into the uncharted wilds of solo performance.

Zen and the Magic of Photography

by Wayne Rowe

Zen and the Magic of Photography is geared toward helping photographers develop their visual awareness, sensitivity, and intuition. It is designed to improve the quality of your photography by helping you to discover, create, and capture the points of intersection and merging between photography and Zen; between camera and "real moments"; between seeing and being. This is the point at which all such distinctions no longer exist, the point at which photography and Zen are one. This is the point at which we discover and create our best photographic images.. Topics include: - The nature of Zen - The nature of photography: the two essential elements in every photograph - The relationship between Zen and photography - The art of photographic analysis: making the invisible visible - How to experience the creative process - How to make your best photographs: experiencing Zen through photography and photography through Zen - The interconnections and interrelationships between the still photograph, the photo essay, and the motion picture - Photographic examples of the points of intersection and merging between photography and Zen

Zen Art for Meditation

by Stewart W. Holmes Chimyo Horioka

This book is about emptiness and silence&#8212the mind-expanding emptiness of Zen painting, and the reverberating silence of haiku poetry. Through imaginative participation in the visions of painters and poets, its readers are led to the realization that, in the author's words, "emptiness, silence, is not nothingness, but fullness. Your fullness. " This cultural tradition has informed many distinguished lives and works of art. The work of painters like Niten, Liang K'ai, and Toba, and of painters like Basho, Buson, and Issa reflects the wholeness, spontaneity, and humanity of the Zen vision. Those who desire a glimpse into the world of intuitive contact with nature offered by Zen meditation will find these paintings, commentaries, and haiku poems especially rewarding. They enable the reader to experience the unique power of Zen art&#8212it's capacity to fuse esthetic appreciation, personal intuition, and knowledge of life into one creative event.

Zen Brushpoems

by Ray Grigg

Zen Brushpoems connects the creative insights of Haiku-like poetry with the dynamic interplay of the written word and painted image. This subtle and profound medium of poetic expression has been inspired by the revolutionary work of Paul Reps

Zen Brushpoems

by Ray Grigg

Zen Brushpoems connects the creative insights of Haiku-like poetry with the dynamic interplay of the written word and painted image. This subtle and profound medium of poetic expression has been inspired by the revolutionary work of Paul Reps

Zen Brushpoems

by Ray Grigg

Zen Brushpoems connects the creative insights of Haiku-like poetry with the dynamic interplay of the written word and painted image. This subtle and profound medium of poetic expression has been inspired by the revolutionary work of Paul Reps

Zen Camera: Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography

by David Ulrich

Zen Camera is an unprecedented photography practice that guides you to the creativity at your fingertips, calling for nothing more than your vision and any camera, even the one embedded in your phone. David Ulrich draws on the principles of Zen practice as well as forty years of teaching photography to offer six profound lessons for developing your self-expression. Doing for photography what The Artist’s Way and Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain did for their respective crafts, Zen Camera encourages you to build a visual journaling practice called your Daily Record in which photography can become a path of self-discovery. Beautifully illustrated with 83 photographs, its insights into the nature of seeing, art, and personal growth allow you to create photographs that are beautiful, meaningful, and uniquely your own.You’ll ultimately learn to change the way you interact with technology—transforming it into a way to uncover your innate power of attention and mindfulness, to see creatively, and to live authentically.

Zen Dogs

by Alex Cearns

Award-winning animal photographer Alex Cearns celebrates the peace, calm, and joy dogs bring to our lives with this unique full-color collection capturing eighty dogs in their most relaxed and contented moments.When Alex Cearns caught Suzi the Sharpei on film with eyes closed and an endearing smile on her furry face, the renowned Australian professional pet and wildlife photographer called the picture of serenity "Zen Dog." Captivated by the image’s tranquil beauty, Cearns then turned her lens on other canines experiencing their own carefree and meditative "Zen" moments—a series of photos that would go viral across the web and take the top prize in a major international competition.Expanding on Cearns’s original web series, Zen Dogs includes eighty stunning color photographs of a variety of breeds—golden retrievers, beagles, French bulldogs, dachshunds, poodles, huskies, pit bulls, and German shepherds. Here are some familiar faces from the online series, joined by dozens of dogs never seen before—all whose engaging personalities shine through. Sprinkled throughout the photos are words of wisdom from the Buddha, Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh, and other meditative masters, inspiring messages that, with the photos, warm the heart and soothe the spirit.A gorgeous compendium for every dog lover, animal enthusiast, and everyone looking to add some peace and joy to their day, Zen Dogs reminds us of the power dogs have to enrich our lives—to make us happier, healthier, calmer, and more loving.

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